997 THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 10, 1899. Thomas Jones, F.S.I. (Messrs. Tapp and Jones, Westminster) ; the valuations ranging between £4,199 and £3,999, with 10 per cent. For the Corporation, Mr. J. Morgan Davies, F.S.I., Llanwrda, South Wales ; Mr. Job Bowen, land agent, Carnarvon ; and Mr. Bowen Jones, surveyor to the Carnarvon Harbour Trust, made the value £514 to £345. The Umpire has awarded £2,079. THE VALUE OF BRICKFIELDS NEAR CHATHAM. Mr. Daniel Watney, P.P.S.I. (Messrs. Daniel Watney and Sons, 33, Poultry, E.C.), who was engaged for several days as Umpire in the case of “ Batchelor v. Brampton, Chatham, Gillingham and Rochester Water Company,” heard at the Surveyors’ Institution, has now issued his award. The claimant, Mr. Richard David Batchelor, an engineer, brickmaker and contractor, claimed £78,950 compensation as the freeholder of certain brickfields, covering an area of 20 acres, which had been compulsorily acquired for water works purposes. (Estates Gazette, February 25, March 25, April 1, 15 and 29). Mr. Graham Harris, C.E. (Messrs. Bramwell and Harris, 5, Great George-street, S.W.), was arbitrator for the claimant; whilst Sir J. Whittaker Ellis, Bart., F.S.I. (Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co., 29, Fleet-street, E.C.), acted in a similar capacity on behalf of the water com-pany. The following expert valuers gave evidence : — For the claimant, Messrs. J. W. Nash (Messrs. Nash and Sons, Rochester), F. G. Homan, F.S.I., 147, Eastgate, Rochester, C. D. Levy, Rochester, W. Leonard Grant, Sittingbourne, Kent, J. Hubert Oakley, F.S.I. (Messrs. Daniel Smith, Son and Oakley, 10, Waterloo-place, S.W.), and George Langridge, F.S.I. (Messrs. Langridge and Freeman, Tunbridge Wells) ; for the water company, Sir J. Whittaker Ellis, Bart., F.S.I. (Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co., 29, Fleet-street, E.C.), Messrs. Alex. R. Stenning, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I., 121, Cannon-street, E.C., and Leslie R. Vigers (Messrs. Vigers and Co., 4, Frederiek’s-place, Old Jewry, E.C.) The Umpire has awarded the claimant £22,481. __________________ FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS, ETC. JUNE. MONDAY, 12,—By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Weilington-street, Strand, W:C., at 1 o’clock-Rooks, etc., and two following days. By Tooth and Tooth, 187 and 189, Oxfcrd-street. W., at 278, Elgin-avenne, Maida vale, at 1 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Walton and Lee, 10, Mount-street, W., at Chase-side House, Enfield, at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and four following days. By G.F. Hawkings, at his rooms, 30, Lisson-grove, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. TUESDAY, 13.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, KiDg-street, St. James's-square, at 1 o’clock—Engravings, etc. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at 1 o'clock—Furniture, etc. By Messrs. Drivers. 407, Holloway-road. N.. at 11, Tufnell-park-road, Holloway, N., at 1 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Hampton and Sons, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W., at Feinwood, Wimbledon-park, at 1 o’clock—Furniture. etc., and following day. WEDNESDAY, 14.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Silver plate, etc. By Tillett and Yeoman, 32, Finsbury-pavement, E.C., at 13, High Holborn, W.C., at 1 O’clock-Office furniture, etc. THURSDAY, 15,—By Messrs. Drivers, 407, Holloway,N., at 4, Alexander-villae, Finsbury-park, at 1 o’clock —Furniture, etc. FRIDAY, 16,—By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Weilington-street, Strand, W.C.— Documents, etc. By Hampton and Son, 1, Cockspur-street, S.W., at 97, Cromwell-road, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-Street, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Wreford and Harding, at their rooms, 44a, Wilton-road, Victoria Station, at 6.30 o’clock— Furniture, etc. Ilford and Glapham Park Estates.— Messrs. Douglas Young and Co. held two land sales this week. On Tuesday, June 6, at the Angel Hotel, High-road, Ilford, Mr. Bailey occupied the rostrum, and offered 139 freehold building plots on the Uphall Estate. Fifteen plots in Ilford-lane sold for £1,589 ; a corner plot at Wingate-road for £105 ; seven, plots in Wingate-road, £450 ; corner shop plot in Ilford-lane, £95 ; and three adjoining plots, £240 ; 40 plots in Natal-road, £2,274 ; the total realised ׳being £4,457. Ninety plots on the Lincoln House Estate, Clapham-park, were submitted by Mr. Douglas Young on Thursday, June 8, in a marquee on the estate, as one of the assets of the Liberator Building Society. Sixty plots in Rodenhurst-road were sold for £11,160 ; corner site in Poynders-road, for £500 ; 27 plots in Clarence-road, offered as a whole, for £6,800 ; and a freehold ground rent of £5 a year, secured on Clifton Lodge, Clarence-road, with reversion to the rack rent in 35¿ years, for £505 ; the total in this case was £18,965. The residence known as the Woodlands was withdrawn at £3,000. Great pressure upon our space compels us to hold over several reports of Provincial Property Sales and other matter. the timber. An adjoining freehold building site, with an area of 2a. 3r. 29p., fetched £250, with £6 extra for timber. A small freehold pleasure farm at Tile House-green, with an area of 20 acres, realised £1,900, with £30 extra for timber. At Bentley-heath, a half-timbered freehold cottage, with 3a. 3r. 7p. of land, situate at the comer of Widney-road and Tile House-green-road, was sold for £670, with £3 extra for timber. A small freehold estate at Tile House-green, at the corner of the road to Solihull, with two cottages on it, and an area of 15a. lr. 6p., went for £980, with £30 extra for timber. A freehold field of 3a. 2r. 14p. in extent, and a road frontage of 120 yards, which adjoins the last let, realised £300, with £1 extra for timber; and another freehold field adjoining, with an area of 2a. 25p., with 190 yards of road frontage, went for £200. The last lot was a small freehold estate at Tile House-green, with an area of 11a. lr. 22p., and a half-timbered cottage upon it, and it was sold for £1,000, with £11 extra- for timber. Messrs. Grimley and Sons sold by auction, at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham, on June 2, the freehold property Nos. 1 and 3, Phillips-street, Aston New Town, with shopping and premises in the rear, and Nos. 3a, 5, 7 and1 9, Phillips-street (total yearly rents £134 16s., area 1,104 square yards), for £1,820 ; four cottages, Nos. 21 to 24, Frances-road, Acock’s-greem, with garden and timber-built stable adjoining (lease 96 years, ground rent £16 9s. 2d.), for £520 ; two dwelling houses and gardens, Spring-road, Acock’s-green (lease 70 years, ground rent £3 19s. 4d.), for £245 ; fspr dwelling houses, Nos. 30, 32, 34 and 36, Banks-road, Small-heath (lease 97 years, ground rent £12), for £670 ; and. four similar houses, Nos. 38, 40, 42 and 44, Banks-road, for £700. At the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, on thei 2nd instant, Messrs. Grove and Baker sold the following local properties: — Seven freehold, houses, Nos. 298 to 304, Bridge-street west, gross rental £118 19s., for £1,615 ; the freehold beerhouse, known as the Star Inn, Bridge-street west, together with No. 305, Bridge-street■ west, and Nos. 71 and 72, ’Well-street, gross■ rental £70, for £3,005 ; two freehold ׳houses, Nos. 77 and 78, Well-street, Hockley, gross rental £46 16s., for £650 ; four freehold houses, Nos. 79, 80, 81 and 82, Well-street, gross rental £83 4s., for £1,250; two freehold houses, Nos. 83 and 83¿, Well-street, and five cottages, gross rental, £74 16s., for £1,060; freehold property in Newiown-row, and Nos. 216 and) 218, together with houses, shopping, etc., in the rear, gross rental £105 16s., for £l,li0; the freehold property, Nos. 79, 81 and 83, New Summer-street, with 17 houses in the rear, gross rental £169 13s., wi־h drawn at £1,595; the freehold property adjoining, No. 75, New Summer-street, and nine houses in, the rear, gross rental £120 6s. 4d., withdrawn at £1,050 ; a long leasehold villa residence, !mown as Park View, Edgbast’on let at £50, withdrawn at £665 ; long leasehold property, Nos. 136, 138, 140, 142 and 144, Devonshire-street, gross rental £72 16s., sold for £600; seven long leasehold houses, known as Victoria-buildings!, Kenbstreet north, Winsmvgreen, gross rental £81 18s., for £570 ; and six long leasehold houses adjoining, known as Malvem-place, ground rent £8, gross rental £74 2s., for £580. The solicitors were Messrs. Harding and Goode, Messrs. Tyler and Deigh-ton, Messrs. G. F. James and Barton, and Messrs. Buller and Cross. YORKSHIRE. On the 31st ultimo, at the Prospect Hotel, Harrogate, Messrs. Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, sold the Bilton House Estate, High Harrogate, comprising a mansion, gardener’s cottage, outbuildings and pleasure and kitchen gardens, for £5,000. The solicitors were Messrs. Gardiner and Jeffery, Bradford. Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold by auction on Tuesday, at their Mart, Sheffield, 919 square yards of freehold land in Brunswick-road, abutting upon the Great Central Railway, let on lease expiring 1903 at £100 per annum, which realised £1,800 ; and two freehold ground rents of £23 10s. per annum, secured on long leasehold property in Cecil-square, Highfield, at 26| years’ purchase. On the 7th instant, at the Midland Hotel, Killa-marsh, the same firm sold a freehold farm of building land, situate at High Moor, containing 9a. lr. 25p., with frontage to the Turnpike-road of 880ft., and to Hut-lane of 340ft., for £635. Mr. Albert Howe and Mr. William Irons, solicitors, of Sheffield, were concerned for the vendors. COMPENSATION AWARDS. FERRY RIGHTS NEAR CARNARVON. Mr. Robert Vigers, P.P.S.I., 4, Frederiek’s-place, Old Jewry, has issued his award in the case of “ Hughes v. Carnarvon Corporation,” in the matter of the Aber Ferry rights. The case was reported in our issue of May 27, the experts for the claimant being Mr. W. B. C. Jones, F.S.I., of Criccieth ; Mr. T. T. Wain-wright, F.S.I., Liverpool ; Mr. R. J. Davids, engineer and surveyor ; Mr. Wm. E. Jones, F.S.I., of Llanfair, P.G., Anglesey ; and Mr. of arable land, Gosberton, containing about six acres, for £300 ; a piece of arable land, Gosberton, containing about two acres, for £110 ; a piece of arable land, Barton’s-drove, Surfleet, containing about eight acres, for £370 ; a piece of arable land, Barton’s-drove, Surfleet, containing about seven acres, for £350 ; and a piece of freehold arable land, Gosberton, containing about ten acres, for £500. The solicitors were Messrs. Maples and Son, Spalding, and Messrs. Collyer-Bristow, Russell, Hill, Curtis and Dods, 4, Bedford-row, W.C. NORFOLK. On the 30th ultimo, at the Globe Hotel, King’s Lynn, Messrs. Spelman sold the freehold fully licensed premises known as the Stonemasons’ Arms, ¡South Everard-street, King’s Lynn, let at £24, for £1,510. The solicitor was Mr. James Clabburn, Norwich. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Mr. Whitehom sold by auction, ¡at his Mart, Thurland-street, Nottingham, on the 31st ult., five freehold sale shops and dwelling houses, Nos. 66, 68, 70, 72 and 74, St. Ann’s Well-read, Nottingham, not rental £104, for £2,175. Messrs. Burton and Briggs, Victoria-street, Nottingham, were ■the solicitors representing the׳ vendors. SUFFOLK. At the Royal Thoroughfare Sale Rooms, Lowestoft, on Thursday, Messrs. A. G. and A. Notley sold the following local properties: — The freehold estate known as the Manor Farm, and Kessingland, near Lowestoft, comprising 296 acres, with good residence, for £4,100 ; the freehold estate known as Wade Hall Farm, North Cove and Burnby, near Lowestoft, comprising 214 acres, withdrawn at £3,030 ; the freehold marine residence, No. 3, the Esplanade, for £1,800; Claremont House, Kirkley, for £2,250 ; No. 42, Marine-parade, for £920 ; No. 43, Marine-parade, for £900 ; Morton House, 47, London-road, for £900 ; the dwelling house, No. 93, Stanley-street, for £390 ; No. 95 in.the same street, for £250 ; No. 97, for £240 ; No. 99, for £240 ; No. 101, for £240 ; No. 103 withdrawn at £235 ; baker’s shop and dwelling house, 105, Stanley-street, withdrawn at £460 ; three cottages in Walton-road adjoining, withdrawn at £150 each ; four freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Cambridge-terrace, St. Leonard’s-road, Kirkley, for £215 each ; a plot of land at the rear of the above, for £25 ; 11 plots of freehold building land in Rotterdam-road and Norwich-road, for £433 ; nine dwelling houses on the Sycamore Estate, Carlton Colville, withdrawn at £140 each ; six plots of building land on the same estate, withdrawn at £27 10s. each ; two dwelling houses in Wellington-road, Pakefield, withdrawn at £180 each ; a plot of building land on the Rock Estate, Oulton, for £22 ; and another plot on the same estate, for £20. SURREY. Mr. Harrie Stacey, of Redhill and Reigate, sold on the 17th ultimo and subsequently freehold and leasehold properties in Reigate, Red-hill and neighbourhood. A pair of houses and land realised £1,050 ; the Reigate Police Station, £300 ; Linden Villa, £620 ; No. 6, Holmesdale-road, £585 ; cottage and building land, £525 ; the residence Cabalva, £1,200 ; Fern Cottage, £400 ; North Redlands, £500 ; and block of four cottages, £720 ; making a total sum of £5,900 ; also shares in various gas, water and other companies to the amount of £3,300. • SUSSEX. At his Mart, in- Terminus-road, Eastbourne, on the 29th ultimo, Mr. J. C. Towner sold the freehold detached house, known as The Ferns, No. 7, Spe׳ncer-road, for £1,400 ; a similar property, No. 5, Spencer-road1, sold foi £1,300 ; seven original £10 gas shares in the Eastbourne Gas Company, sold at £32 2s. 6d., and 10 “ B ” shares ait £26 5s. ; a £20 six per cent, debenture bond in the Pier Company realised £24 7s. 6d., and three original shares in the same company were sold ait 10 guineas each. ■WARWICKSHIRE. On June 2 a portion of the Widney Estates, which lie between Solihull and Knowle, was offered for sale by auction by Messrs. Ludlow and Briscoe, at the Grand Hotel, Birmingham. It was divided׳ into lots, of which the first was the building known as The Old Schoolhouse, Bentley-road, originally a technical farm school, established by Lady Byron, 'but since converted into two cottages. The total area amounts to about 8,379 yards, and £410 was !the price accepted. A plot of freehold building land adjoining, with a frontage of 45 yards, and an area of 4,796 square yards, realised ¡¿80 , and two others adjoining, having 4,777 square yards, and 5,265 square yards, were sold together for £225. The next two piote of freehold land which adjoin the lots just mentioned, having 5,812 and 6,260 square yards, went together for £248 15s. Five lots of freehold building land in Widney-road were next offered, the respective areas and the prices obtained were 4,585 square yards, £80 ; 5,005 square yards, £126 ; 5,430 square yards, £136 ; 6,713 square yards, £168 ; and 3,755 square yards, £100. Ait the corner of Gopt-heath-road and Tile House! green-road a cottage, garden, and field, which is freehold, with an area of 2a. 3r. 37p., went for £445, and an additional £3 was added for PRO YIN CIAL PROPERTY SALES. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. The Hawridge Court freehold estate of 1,588 acres, in the Chiltern Hundreds, was sold in 29 lots by auction, at the Town Hall, Chesham, on Wednesday, by Messrs. W. Brown and Co., every lot being sold for a total of £39,103. The details will appear next week. DERBYSHIRE. At the George Hotel, Alfreton, on the 2nd instant, Messrs. W. Watson and Son sold a freehold beerhouse known as the Miners’ Arms, Park-street, Alfreton, for £2,440 ; and the freehold hotel and posting house, known as the George Hotel, Chesterfield-road, Alfreton, with stabling, etc., for £6,000. The solicitors were Messrs. Thorpe and Perry, Nottingham. DEVONSHIRE. At the Half Moon■ Hotel, Exeter, on the 31st ultimo, Mr. Thomas Martin sold ׳the following freehold properties in that !city:—No. 10¿, Russell-street, for £122 10s. ; No. 1, Summer-land-creseent, for £170 ; and a site of a dwelling house, formerly No. 6, Summerlarid-crescent, for £60. Messrs. Ford, Harris and Ford were the solicitors concerned. At the London Hotel, Exmoutli, on Tuesday, Mr. E. W. Tupman brought under the hammer the freehold fully-licensed property known as the South-Western Hotel, Exeter. The biddings, which started at £2,500, were very brisk, and the property was finally sold to Mr. F. Durant, of Exmouth, at £3,500. The vendor’s solicitor was Mr. E. J. Vine, of Exmouth. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. On the 1st instant, at the Victoria Hotel, Newnham, Messrs. Moore and Sons sold the freehold estate known as Hickman’s Court, Awre, comprising a dwelling house, kitchen garden, farm buildings, and about 16 acres of orchard and pasture land, let at £50, for £1,098. The solicitors were Messrs. James Wintle and Son, Newnham. KENT. On the 5th instant, Mr. John Botit, of the firm of John Bott and Sons, Heme-hill, S.E., held a land sale at Heme Bay with the following result.: Three villla plots in SaEsbury- drive, £37 each ; one plot on the West Cliff-parade, £150 ; two others, £70 each ; five plots on the Spai Esplanade, £160 each ; plots in the AJlexandra-drive, £40 per plot; South■ Cliff-drive, £50 ; Grand'-drive, £46 ; Lonsaale-drive, £40 ; and Chamberlain-drive, £70. Total of sale about £3,000. At the Bull Hotel, Rochester, on the 23rd ultimo, Mr. Franklin Homan sold a freehold residence known as the Vines׳, No. 23, Maid-stone-road, Rochester, with stabling, garden, lawn tennis ground, etc., for £3,900 ; and a plot of freehold land with a frontage of 165ft. to East-row, Rochester, for £1,500. The solicitors were Messrs. Hayward and Smith, Rochester. LANCASHIRE. The first sale at the new Property Exchange, 7, South John-street, Liverpool, took place on May 31, when Messrs. R. A. Bellwcod and Co. submitted semi-detached villasi in Newsham-drive and Belmomt-drive. The semi-detached villa, No. Ill, Newsham-drive, contents about 366 square yards, ground rent £3 13s. 8d., was withdrawn at £500 ; No. 109, Newsham-drive, cr.iiteiits and ground rent same as ■the previous lot, was also withdrawn at £500 ; the semidetached villa, No. 1, Belmont-drive, contents about 352 square yards, ground rent £3 10s. lOd., was retired at £420; for the semidetached villa, No. 3, Belmont-drive, ground and contents .same as previous lot, £400 was refused. The tenure of all the lots was Corporation leasehold for 75 years from April, 1379. Solicitors, Messrs. J. W. Simpson and Munro. hold pasture on Roggiett Moor, containing about 12 acres, for £640; and another field1 of freehold pasture on Roggiett Moor, containing about nine acres, for £450. The solicitors were Messrs. Morgan, Francis, Stanton and Parnall, Newport. LINCOLNSHIRE. At the Peacock Inn, Ropsley, on the 5th instant, Messrs. Escritt and Barrel! sold a freehold house and shop, with yard, ■stable, etc., Repsley, together with ten freehold cottages, also at! Ropsley, for £750. The solicitors were Messrs. Henry Thompson and Sons, Grantham. At the Bristol Arms Hotel, Sleaford, on the 5th instant, Messrs. ITincks and Turner s-old the following plots of freehold building land at Westbanks, Sleaford: — A plot, containing 221 square yards, for £100 • another, containing 125 square yards, for £19 ; a similar plot of 3§7 square yards, for £41; another, 373 square yards, for £34; another, 740 square yards, for £70; a plot, containing 185 !square yards, for £24; one containing 186 square yards, for £22 ; a similar plot, containing 185 square yards, for £22; three plots, ecnltaining 184 square yards, for £21 to £23 each ; and one, containing 316 square yards, for £45. The solicitors were Messrs. Jessop and Godson, Sleaford. On the 6th instant, at the Red Lion Hotel, Spalding, Messrs. S. and G. Kingston sold a freehold farm, Gosberton, with about 24 acres of pasture and arable land, for £1,480 ; another freehold farm at Gosberton, with about 27 acres of pasture and arable land, for £1,680 ; a piece