June 10, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 996 RESIDENTIAL LONDON. NORBURY: A New Field for Building Development. An important step towards the development of Norbury has just been taken in the construction of a new road between Norbury and Thomton-heath, ־wthich road, when finished, will form a most valuable connecting link between Sireatham and London, on the one hand, and Norwood and Croydon, on the other, saving something like ,half a mile over the old main road between its extreme points. So important is this road considered by the local residents, that it has been decided by the Croydon County Council to take over and maintain the same HOUSES IN MELF02T-R0AD, THORNTON HEATH. as a public highway as soon as it is ready. Connections are also being made from this road to the London and Brighton main road, so as to open up the district׳ to the westward. One of these connecting roads is Ederline-avenue, from which the accompanying view of the Norbury Cricket Ground is taken. The London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Company, whose main line passes through these estates, have long since recognised the importance of this locality as a London suburb, and have purchased land with the intention of doubling the present lines and reconstructing the existing railway stations at Norbury and Thomton-heath at an early date. Building from the Thomton-heath end of the new■ main road has been proceeding for the past year or so, and some 60 or 70 houses, mostly semi-detached villas of moderate rentals have been, erected. Many of these, besides! being situate so near the railway station, overlook the nicely kept recreation ground laid out a few years ago by the Council. Every endeavour has been made in these houses to provide modem conveniences and also to impart some degree of variety and originality in architectural treatment inside and out. A significant fact about Norbury is that there is not a single house at present to be let or sold there. Two detached houses are in, course of erection by private individuals for their own occupation, and a pair of good class semi-detached houses have been commenced by the Norbury Park Company, which will be completed about September. Other building is about, tj be started, as, for instance, in Norbury-avenue, where, we understand, some 20 plots of 30ft. frontage and upwards have been let for detached and semi-detached houses. Messrs. Chesterton and Sons wall be pleased to give full particulars and all necessary information in regard to the estates in their hands on application at either of their offices, 51, Oheapside, City, or Kensington. THORNTON-HEATH RECREATION GROUND. HOUGH only seven and a half miles from Whitehall and in convenient touch by rail with the Metropolis, either bj Victoria, London Bridge, or Ludgate-hill, the salubrious district of Norbury has hitherto lain dormant, so far as development is concerned, mainly through the lack of a proper system of main, drainage. Now that the Corporation of Croydon (within the boundaries of which borough the greater part of Norbury lies) have recognised the importance of this question and have laid down a complete system of sewers, the locality is rendered at once one of the best in the South of London׳ for the successful conduct of suburban building operations. Its situation ensures for Norbury a pure and bracing air with almost entire freedom from noxious fog and mist, and the place has long enjoyed the reputation of being one of the NORBURY MANOR FARM. healthiest divisions of Croydon, which has for many years held the distinction of showing the lowest death-rate of any town in England. At the present day facilities for recreation form a very important factor in the circumstances of a residential neighbourhood, and these have not been lost sight of, for adjacent to Norbury Station are the links of the North Surrey Golf Club, the enterprising committee of which has, we understand, secured a long lease and laid out a considerable sum of money ini perfecting the■ course. The headquarters of Prince’s Golf Club are cn Mitcham-common, aJbout a mile away, and there is also the Norbury Golf Club on London-road. There VIEW FROM EDERLINE-AVENUE, NORBURY. is a very pretty cricket and tennis ground adjacent to Norbury Park, which, wTe are informed, is secure from building operations for !the next few years׳ at all events. We are informed by Messrs. Chesterton and Sons, of 51, Oheapside, E.C., the surveyors entrusted with the laying out of from 250 to 300 acres of the land at present available, that the soil is for ithe most part a light loam, with gravel in some parts, and a subsoil of clay, a combination that is, we need hardly say, in every way ■advantageous for a residential estate. Norbury is all in the hands of a few owners who, for the purpose of development, have agreed upon a line of action so as to ensure the most favourable conditions as to the sites cf roads, description of houses to be built, preservation of timber, open spaces, and so forth. On each of the estates the presence of ornamental timber is a great feature, and it is satisfactory to know that the owners intend to retain, as far as possible, these beautiful natural advantages.