THE ESTATES GAZETTE־ June 10, 1899. HORSHAM, 8U8SEX. MESSRS. KING & CHASEMORE, Land and Timber Surveyors. SUSSEX, In a most delightful residential district, in the parish of Steep, between Haslemere and Midhurst. A truly desirable small FREEHOLD ESTATE, equally well adapted for residential, sporting and agricultural purposes, advantageously situated on high ground, in close proximity to the picturesque and well-known Bexley-hill and Common, commanding extensive and charming views over the surrounding finely timbered country, known as Gunter's Farm, comprising about 86 acres of undulating park-like meadows and woodlands, ornamented with finely grown oak trees, and abundantly watered by a good trout stream, together with a comfortable farmhouse and agricultural buildings. Also, in a separate Lot, a detached Enclosure of Woodland, known as West Copse, comprising an area of nearly eight acres, which will be Sold by Auction, by "lyTESSRS. KING and! CHASEMORE, at the -LtX Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, June 26, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Eose and Johnson, 13, Delahay-street, Westminster, London, S.W.; of Matthew Taylor, Esq., Northchapel, Petworth; and of Messrs. King and Chasemore, laud and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. SUSSEX, In the parishes of Shipley and West Grinstead, within a few miles of the South Downs.—Valuable Freehold, Residential and Sporting Estate, pleasantly situate between the village of Ashington and the Hamlet of Dial Post, on the main Horsham and Worthing road, and about four mil׳ s from West Grinstead Eailway SfatioD, known as Hooklnnds and Pondtail Farms, extending to an area of about 560 acres of productive pasture land, arable laud, and thriving woodland, together with the substantially-built Residence, Hook-lands House, containing dining room (14ft. 9in. by 14ft. 9in.), drawing room (14ft. 9in. by 13ft. 3in.), kitchen, scullery, dairy, wash-house, seven bed rooms and w.c. Pondtail House contains drawing room, dining room, kitcheD, scullery, cellar, five bed rooms, five sets of agr cultural buildings, and five cottages. The estate is approached by a good hard road, well supplied with good water, and affording excellent shooting.—Which ־IWTEBSRS. KING and CHASEMORE have JAX received instructior s to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, July 3,1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs, !taper, Freeland and Tyacke, solicitors, Chichester ; Messrs. Arnold, Cooper and Tompkins, solicitors, Chichester; and of Messrs. King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Hcrsham, Sussex. 8 U 88 EX. Eastbourne and Hailsham. A. BURTENSHAW & SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, TIMBER AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. A. BURTENSHAW, F.S.I. A. K. BURTENSHAW, P.A.S.I. KENT and SUSSEX.—In the parishes of Goudhurst, Cranbrook, Rolvenden, Wittersham, and Peasmarsh Sale of a very desirable Residence, with Pleasure Farm, Cottages, and Accommodation Land. IWTESSRS. A. BURTENSHAW and SON will H-L Sell by Auction, at the Rose and Crown Hotel, Tonbridge, on Tuesday, June 13, 1899, at Three p.m., the undermentioned valuable PROPERTIES: — In the parish of Goudhurst. 2£ miles from Horsmonden Station and three miles from Marden (S.E.R.). Lot 1.—Curtisden-green Farm, comprising a well built 12-roomed house, in a very pleasant position and commanding magnificent views, with farm buildings and numerous enclosures of orchard, wood, and grass land; the whole containing about 72 acres, and forming a most desirable holding with extensive road! frontage. Lot 2.—A pair of weather-boarded! and slated■ Cottages, near Lot 1, and close to Curtisden-green Post-office. Lot 3.—A pair of substantial brick-built and slate healed Cottages, adjoining Lot 2. In the parish of Cranbrook. Lot 4.—A pair of brick and timber-built thatched Cottages, with large gardens and long road frontage, situated at Colliers-green, on the east side of the road leading from Staplehurst to Goudhurst. Lots 1 to 4 are let to the Rev. J. J. Kendon, whose tenancy expires at Michaelmas next. In the parish of Rolvenden. Lot 5.—A pair of brick, wextber-boarded, and slated Cottages, krown as the Duck and Drake, Rolvenden, about half a mile from the village, on the east side of the Sandhurst-road, let at weekly rents amounting to £10 8s per annum. In the parish of Wittersham. Lot 6.—A pair of substantial brick-built Cottages, with gardens and a piece of excellent upland pasture, known as the Cottage Field, 9a. 2r. 33p. in extent, and adjoining the road from Peasmarsh to Wittersham Church. Lot 7—Ham-green Marsh, a piece of rich land fonr.erly arable, but now partly in grass and partly planted with hops, adjoining the river Rather, near Lot 6, and about 9a. 2r. 6p. in extent. In the parishes of Wittersham and Peasmarsh. Lot 8.—The Wall Marsh, an exceedingly valuable piece of marsh land, 4a. Or. 19p. in extent, separated from Lot 7 by the river Rother. Lot 9.—The Little Wa’l Marsh, a piece of rich graz-mg land (area 2a. lr. 32p.), near Lot 8, and also adjoining the Rother opposite the lime kilns. Lots 6. 7, 8 and 9 are let to Mr. A. Hinds, of Black-lands Farm, Wittersham, on a yearly Michaelmas tenancy. Lot 5 may be viewed on application to Mr. Jno. wicken, builder, Rclvenden, and the remaining lots by permission of the respective tenants; and plans, particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained, in due course, from Thomas Buss, Esq., solicitor Tunbridge Wells; and of the Auctioneers, at Hailsham and Eastbourne. NORTH WALES. BANGOR. Messrs. W. DEW and SON, Auctioneers, Yaluers, Estate Agents, Land Surveyors, &c., WELLFIELD, BANGOR, and Trinity Square, Llandudno. HOLLYHEAD, ANGLESEY. SALE of Licensed Premises, knows as the Albert Vau’ts, having a full six days’ licence. Licence, goodwill, and fixtures included m the sale. Tenure leasehold for a term of 90 years, commencing from May 12, 1847 subject to an annual ground rent of £3. Pale on June 10,1899, at the t loa LI ctol 7 J aIttL ^ 4 err ! i ’ LIANFAIKFECHAN. — Bryn-y-Neuadd Estate.—Sale of Building Sites and Freehold Giound Bents. MESSRS. WM. DEW and SON will offer foi Sale by Public Auction, at the Castle Hotel, Llan-fairfechan. on Monday, June 12, 1899, at Two o’clock prompt, BUILDING 8ITES, Lots 13, 30 and 31, which remained unsold ft Ihe last Auction ; also Lots 48 to 69 comprising FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS (some divided), amounting in the aggregate to £22 13?. 5d. Particulars can be obtained of, and plans seen at Mr S. R. Dew, solicitor, Farrar-road ; or of the Auctioneers Wtllfield, Bangor, and Trinity-square, Llandudro. LLANFAIRFECHAN. MESSRS. W. DEW and SON will offer for Sale by Public Auction, at the Castle Hotel, Llan-fairfechan, on Monday, June 12, at 2.30 o'clock, FREEHOLD HOUSES. Lot 1.—Four Houses, known as Nant-y-Felin. Lot 2.—Two Houses in Nant-y-Felin, situate opposite Lot 1. Fuither informat ion may be had of Messrs. D. Owen and Griffith, sclicitois, Bangor; or of the Auctioneers, Bangor and Llandudno. CITY OF BANGOR —Friars Building Land Estate. MESSRS. YV. DEW and SON beg to announce that the second Sale by Public Auction of this Land will take place on Wednesday, June 21, 1OoQ ״ ’ ’ CITY OF BANGOR, High-street. SALE of a Building Site, adjoining the Museum, with a frontage of about 43ft., and an area of 416 square yards or thereat outs. Sale to take place on Wednesday, June 21, 1899, immediately after the Sale of the Friars Estate. WEST KENT DARTFORD DISTRICT Messrs DANN and LUCAS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents Dart ford and Bexley, Kent, and 123, Cannon Street, E.C, By Order of the Trustees—DARTFORD, KENT. MESSRS. DANN and LUCAS have received instructions to Sell by Auction, on Wednesday, July 5, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, at the Auction Mart, Tokenho use-^ard, E.C. in two Lots, a valuable FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as No. 25, West-hill, Dartford, built of brick and stucco front, and tiled roofs, together with a range of brick-built, the whole being let on a yearly tenancy at the low rental of £45 a Block of THREE FREEHOLD HOUSES, being Nos. 31, 33 ard 35 West-hill, Dartford, built of brick with slated roof?, each containing six rooms, and let to yearly tenants at moderate rentalp, producing £58 per annum, tenants paying rates and taxes. The pi operty may be viewed until the sale, by per-missionofthe tenants. Particulars and conditions of *ale mA,y be obtained of the Solicitors, Messrs. Tippetts and Son, 11, Maiden-lane, Queen-street. Cheapside, E.C.: at the Auction Mart; and of the Auctioneer and Land Agents, Dartford, Kent, and 123, Cannon-street, E.C. By Order of Executois.—HORTON KIRBY, KENT.— Valuable Freehold Properties. MESSRS. DANN and LUCAS have received instructions to Sell by Auction, on Wednesday, July o, 1899, at One o’clock, at the Auction Mart. Token-hou8e־yard, London, E.C., in Lots, a VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, situate on the river Darenth, in the parish of Horton Kirby, about half a mile from Farning-ham-road Station, L. C. D. Railway, known as the Horton Kirby Flour Mills, worked by water power supplemented by steam, comprising large mill of five floors, engine house, manrger’s house, containing 13 room?, and laige garden, stabling for 14 bo״ses, van lodges, four cottages, and an excellent enclosure of pasture land, containing about three acre?. The valuable plant and machinery, also the goodwill of the business, will be included in the purchase. The property is in hand. Also a VALUABLE FREEHOl D PLEASURE FARM, known asThe Beeches, situate at Dean Bottom, in the parish of Horton Kirby, about l¿ miles from Farningham-roao and Fawkham Stations, comprising about 26 acres of fruit, arable and pasture land, together with two excellent cottage residences and set of farm buildings. The property is in band, and possession will be given on completion of the purchase. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs. Ridley, Chancellor and Scott, s olici-tors, Dartford, and 1920־, Walbrook, London, ana of the Auctioneers and !!and Agents, 123, Cannon-street, E.C., and Dartford, Kent. By order of Executors, Trustees, and others. SURREY.—Small Freehold Farms, Accommodation Meadow Land, and Freehold Houses, for occupa-tion and investment. ... on Friday, June 23, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely: GODSTONE.—47 acres of very valuable Freehold old pasture or accommodation meadow land, close to the village and green, and having several charming sites for gentlemen’s houses. Many years in the occupation of the late Mr. W. Stenning and! his family, and now to be sold, in two lots, with vacant possession.—Solicitors, Messrs. Head and! Son, 94, Cannon-street, E.C. HORNE—In a high and healthy situation, close to Out wood, and about three miles from Horley.— Wilmot’s Farm, containing about 60 acres of land, including 22 acres of pasture and three acres of wood. There is an old-fashioned farmhouse, with bam and other building. For upwards of 60 years in the occupation of the late Mr. Geo. Scott. It is in excellent heart and condition, and Sow to be sold, in one lot, by order of his trustees, with possession at Michaelmas next.—Solicitors, Messrs. W. A. Head and Sons, East Grinstead. BLETCHINGLEY.—Within two miles of Godstone Station.—About 23 acres of pasture land wth frontage of 1,530ft. to a hard road, suitable for the erection of small country houses, or for a poultry farm, or for working as a brickyard. In one loft, with vacant possession.—Solicitors, Messrs. Edridge and Newnham, 4, High-street, Croydon. WHYTELEAFE.—Close to the new station now building on the South-Eastern Railway, and only about three minutes’ walk from Upper Warlingham Station, on the Croydon and Oxted line—Two detached houses, known as Bourne House and Bourne Croft, the former let on three years’ agreement, at £42 per annum, and the latter, containing 10 rooms, conservatory and large garden. To be sold, with vacant possession. Also adjoining is stabling for 14 horses, several other buildings, and about an acre of land, suitable for veterinary surgeon, builder, corn dealer, etc., now in hand. In one or three lots.—Solicitors, Messrs. Rowland and Hutchinson, 102, High-street, Croydon. Particulars, and conditions of sale, with plan, ot the respective Solicitors; at the place of sale; and of the Auctioneers. 4, High-street. Croydon.______ By order of the Executors of Mr. John Southey, EAST GRINSTEAD, SUSSEX.—Freehold modem Business Premises, with Goodwill of Grocer’s and Draper’s Business, two pairs of Villas, vacant Land; also Copyhold Country Cottage at Felbridge. TXOOKER and WEBB will Sell by Auction, J—L at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Friday, June 23, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in nine lots: Albion House, Nos. 37 to 43, London-road, the commodious modern business premises, with large private house attached, and stabling, etc., in the rear, well situate in the best business part of this growing market town, built in 1879, at a large cost, by the late owner, and now to be sold with possession׳, together with the valuable goodwill of the grocer’s and draper’s business, established by the late proprietor 41 years ago. Nos. 10. 12. 26 and 28, Cantelupe-road, being two pairs of freehold private houses, near the centre of the town, and let at total rental of £118 per annum. Four Freehold Building Plots in Cantelupe-road. each having a frontage of about 50ft., and to be sold free of restrictions. The Oaks. Felbridge.—A small detached Copyhold Cottage, with garden and three meadows, in all about three acres. Let at £16 10s. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. W. A. Head and Sons, solicitors, East Grinstead. and 94. Cannon-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 4, High-street, Croydon. BAYSWATER, GAMPDEN HILL, N0TTING HILL AND DISTRICT. Messrs. E. & A. SWAIN, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents (Established 1849). 26, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE, W., ISSUE A MONTHLY LIST OF PROPERTIES TO BE LET AND SOLD. NOTTING-HII.L, W.—Pleasantly situated on the slope of the hill. at One o’clock, the desirable' LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE. No. 95, Elgin-crescent, a pleasant house, with three !eception rooms, seven bedroom?, and a bathroom. Lease about 52 years. Ground ient £15. Estimated rental value £75. Particulars and conditions of sale of W. Cooper. Esq., ׳־* ^ 5״taneery-lane, W.C., and of the Auctioneers, 26, High-stieet, Notting-hill-gate, W. MESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN, 26, High Street, Nottmg Hill Gate,W. DEVON, SOMERSET & WE8T OF ENGLAND W. J. WINSLEY & CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, TENANT-RIGHT, HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. City and County Auction and Estate Agency Offices: 6, SOUTH STREET, EXETER, and HIGH STREET, HONITON. Telegraphic Addresses: “ Estates, Exeter,” “ Winsley, Honiton¡' Nat. Telephone No. 203 (Exeter). Devonshire, north.—About mius fiom Eggesfoid and Southmoulton-road Stations, five minutes’of church, post and telegiaph office?, and occupying a high and healthy but sheltered position, commanding extensive hill, dale and woodland scenery, and charming views of Daitmoor—a commodious stone and thoroughly well-built Freehold Detached Residence with south-east aspect, surrounded by its own well laid-out grounds, and approached by a carriage drive. It contains on two floor?, nine spacious bed rooms, two dressing rooms, two box rooms, and on the ground floor drawing room, 19ft. 8in. by 18ft. lOin.; dining room, 18ft. lOin. by 16ft. 6in.; breakfast room, 18ft. 8in. by 10ft׳. llin. all about 10ft. high; laige room, 39ft•. 5in. by 17ft. 6in., which could be easily converted into a billiaid room, and well arranged domestic offices. Provision has been made in tne construction of the house for a secondary staircase if required. Good water supply and excellent drainage. The grounds comprise tennis court, large wall6d garden, well stocked with choice fruit trees ; and about 11 acies, of good pasture land. There are the usual outbuildings, a gardener's six-roomed cottage. Several packs of hounds hunt the district, and excellent shooting and fishing can be obtained in the immediate neighbourhood. Price for the Freehold, £5,500. Photo may be seen and further particulars obtained of W. J. Winslev and Co. IXEVON (near A.xminster).—Fine old Man-A-A sion, built red¡ brick with stone dressings, standing in park of about 40 acres, within five miles of coast, two miles two railway stations on the main line (L. and S.W.), about 3£ hours’ journey from London, parish church within ten minutes’ walk, and containing dining room, 39ft. by 26ft., drawing room, 32ft. by 26ft., morning room, library, billiard room, 12 best bed and dressing rooms, and! seven other bed rooms, etc.., etc.; excellent stabling. To Let, unfurnished, for a term or otherwise. Rent £250 per annum, including 800 acres of shooting, and three miles of trout and salmon fishing. __________________________________Folio A 263 TVEVON SHIRE.—In a most picturesque and aJ healthy part of the county, with every sporting advantage—a capital trout stream flows through the property—and׳ within 1£ miles of a railway station, five miles from G.W.R., and eight miles of L. and S.W.R. main line stations.—A choice Freehold Estate of about 565 acres, comprising a modern residence, home farmhouse and model outbuildings, four excellent farms, dairy factory, cottages, rich watered meadows, park-like pasture, orcharding, plantations, and’ a very small portion of arable land. The farms are well let, and always readily command good tenants. The estate is for sale consequent on the owner having acquired a property in another county, and will be sold at a price affording an investment of a highly desirable character, with possession of the residence and home farm at Michaelmas, 1899, if desired—For plans, photographs, all further particulars, and cards to view, apply W. J. Winsley and Co., as above. ESTABLISHED 1852. LONDON & SOUTHEND ON SEA. A. PREVOST AND SON, Anctioneers, Surveyors, Yaluers, Land and Estate Agents, 176, MILE END ROAD, LONDON, E , AND 102,HIGH STREET, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. (Opposite Middleton Hotel). SALES BY AUCTION AND PRIVATE TREATY. Surveys and Reports, Valuations for Probate and other Purposes ; Mortgages negotiated at reduced rates ; Compensation Cases prepared and conducted; Estates managed and Rents collected. Insurances of every description effected. Télégraphié AddresB: “ Notedness,” London. Telephones: London, No. 31 Eastern; Southend-on-Sea. No. 31. Monday next.—HERNE BAY.—The healthiest watering place in England ; increased train service; the choicest position with unsurpassed views ; fronting the Esplanade, the Broadway, Sea-street ; at low reserves. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auction, A1• on Monday next, June 12, at Two o’clock, in the SSV-vEBH10 Hal1׳ Sea-street, Herne Bay, 98 superb FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL and SHOP SITES, offering a grand and exceptional oppoitunity, either to the investor or those seeking to buy for occupation • roads exceedingly well made, kerbed and sewered ; no tithe or land tax; conveyance free; easy payments; mustbe realised.—Special train on morning of sale from Hol-born-viaduot, 10.50; tiokets 4s., including luncheon to be obtained, with plans and particulars, from the Land Company, 67, Cheapside ; and of the Auctioneers Wednesday next.—EARL’S HALL-RISE, SOUTHEND-on-SEA.—Fine situation ; within easy distance of the town and stations ; a rare opportunity ; absolute sale• almost unreservedly. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auction, • on Wednesday next, June 14, at 1.30 o’clock, in a marquee on the estate,158 eligible FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS, thoroughly ripe for the erection of villas cottages and shops, with good frontages to the main London-road, Rochford and Richmond drives ; immediately opposite Southend Water Works, and close to Priory; no charge for roads ; easy payments.—Special train from Fenchurch-street morning of sale, 10 45 • tickets 2s. 6d., including luncheon, obtainedof the Land Company, 67, Cheapside; and of the Auctioneers. TILBURY-PARK, adjoining the TUbnry Dock Station.— A great future—rapidly rising in value. A great Sale of superior-built Leasehold Houses and Shops at extraordinary low prices; absolute sale ; exceptional opportunity to investors ; also 102 thoroughly ripe Building Plots. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auction, • on Wednesday, June 28, at 1.S0 o’clock, in a marquee on the estate, 48 well-built HOUSES and SHOPS in Sydney and Toronto roads, all let at low rents, but easily incieased, all held at loner terms and low ground rents; also eligible Villa and Shop Sites; roads made and kerbed free ; no tithes or land-tax ; free conveyance ; easy payment?.—Special train from Fenchurch-street, at 10.45 ;tickets Is. 6d., including luncheon to be obtained from the Land Company, 67, Cheapside’• and of the Auctioneers, 176, Mile-end-ioad, E., and 102׳ High-street, Southend.