June 3, 1899. W. G• SHADRAKE, AUCTIONEER AND SURVEYOR, HOUSE, LANE AND !STATE AGENT, 84, HIGH ROAD, LEYTON, Third house from G.E.R. Station. Property Sold by auction or by private contract. Rents collected and House Property managed. Tbe letting of Houses and Shops undertaken. Mortgages negotiated. Easy terms of payment arranged for purchasers for occupation. Fire, Life and Accident Insurances effected.___________________ A. J. SHEFFIELD, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, PUBLISHES A REGISTER OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD INVESTMENTS. Rents Collected and Estates Managed and Developed. Periodical Sales at the Mart and elsewhere, Compensation Claims adjusted. Reversions purchased and advances made on same. Offices : 218, EAST INDIA ROAD, POPLAR, and 35, EASTOHEAP. r_ , . .. ( Poplar—272 Eastern. Telephone Nos. j city-5755 Avenue. MANOR PARK, ILFORD, EAST HAM AND SURROUNDING DISTRICTS. J. WALTER WYLES, F.S.I., ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, COMPENSATION VALUER, LAND AND ESTATI AGENT. Bents collected and the entire management of estates undertaken. Building estates laid out and developed. Builders financed. Property let or sold by private treaty. OFFICES :—Manor Park and Ilford Estate Office. 70S, BOMFOBD-EOAD, MANOB PARK, and 17, FINSBUBY PAYEMENT, E.O. And at OAMBBIDGE PABK, WANSTEAD & POPLAB. ~ , , ,, ( Manor Paik - 6 Barking. Telephone Nos. [ 0״y . . .173 London Wall. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS. WINURUM & CLEAVE, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND ESTATE AGENTS, Valuations for Probate and other purposes. Bents collected and the management of House property undertaken. Offices—170, EAST INDIA DOCK ROAD, POPLAB, LONDON, E. THE PROVINCES. ABINGDON. HARRIS AND JACKSON, (EDWABDJ HARKIS. Partners j FEANK Jackson. Auctioneers. Valuers, Land, House and Estate Agents and Surveyors. Sales by Auction and Private Treaty of Property Farming Stock, Timber, Furniture, &c.. undertaken on moderate terms with prompt settlement, Valuations for Estate Duty, Mortgages, Transfer, Bating, carefully conducted. Shares bought and sold. Beferences to all the solicitors in Abingdon. Auction Offices: High-street and the Square, Abingdon, 18, George-street, Oxford, and Eynsham, Oxon. ABINGDON-ON-THAMES. rrxxT^i 0 A TWTXT f JOHN B. KING, F.S.I. KING & ADKIN ( Charles d. adkin, F.S.L Land House and Estate agents, valuers SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS. Established Upwards of Half a Century. Duly appointed Valuer to the Berks County Council under the Finance Act, 1895. Valuations and Surveys of all descriptions of Property for Mortgage, Transfer and Probate. Sales of Real Estate. Timber, Agricultural Stock, Household Furniture, etc., carefully conducted. Offices: 10, HIGH-STREET, ABINGDON. (Branch Office at Wantage, Berks ). ALDERSHOT. AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE, LAND & ESTATE____ AGENTS, ^ 8t vvi1׳1־ ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS Telegrams, “ Kingham, Aldershot.” Telephone. .No. 53. WELLINGTON BUILDINGS. 6, ALTON, HANTS. CHARLES YOUNG, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AGENT AND VALUER. AGENT FOB TEE LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO. ARUNDEL & LITTLEHAMPTON SPARKS AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Lettera and Telegrams: Arundel. Established 1839. ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH. ORCHARD & JOYCE, G. D. Orchard. H. W. Joyce, P.a.s.I. Members of Midland Counties’ Tenant-Right Valuers Association. LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. OFFICES : ASHBY-DE-LA-ZOUCH AND COALVILLE. ASHTON UNDER-LYNE. Established by him 1848, having taken out his 51st Licence. 172, STAMFORD STREET. Telephone No. 77. Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate and Insurance . Agent. JOS? S.E. BROMLEY AND DISTRICT. MESSES. W. CUETIS AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, OPPOSITE BROMLEY STATION, S.E.R. Register of Properties free. PHILIP & GEORGE GEEN, ESTATE MANAGERS, LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, 55, WATERLOO ROAD, S.E. (OPPOSITE WATERLOO STATION. s9J AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, VALUER, AND ESTATE AGENT. Offices:— Adjoining Dulwich Station L.C. & D.R. West Norwood & Tulse Hill Stations. L.B. A S.C.R• CAMBERWELL & DISTRICT. FRANK LEA, HOUSE ESTATE & BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT. 60׳, CHURCH STREET, and 9, Camberwell Grove, Camberwell. All kinds of Properties Let or Sold. Rents Collected. Insurances Effected. £15 000 available for investment upon Life Policies, ReveHnons, Annuities, Leasehold and Freehold Deeds, &e. Advances at a few hours notice pending completion. Telegrams, “Hygiene, London.” Tele. No. 72 Peekham. NEW CROSS AND DEPTFORD. Established 1877. NEWELL AND HAMLYN, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS A ESTATE AGENTS. Branch Office: 190, WO OL WICH-BO AD, OHABLTON, S.E. Chief Office : 487 NEW OBOSS RD., BROADWAY, DEPTFORD, S.E. Telegrams: "Newell, Deptford." PERKINS AND CÆSAR, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE ACENTS, 105, TOO LEY STREET, SOUTHWARK, S.E. Valuations for Probate, Estates Managed, Rents Collected and Recovered. GREENWICH. RICHARDSON AND BOOTH, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS; UNDERTAKERS. Sales by Auction or Private Treaty of Properties, Furniture, Stock-in-Trade, Ac. Valuations for Probate and other purposes. Rents collected. Estates managed. Railway and other Compensation Claims assessed and valued. AGENTS TO THE PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE. HARRY L. RIDGE, AUCTIONEER & PUBLIC HOUSE BROKER. 11, DUKE STREET, LONDON BRIDGE, TTAS a large number of buyers of Public Houses at-JlL tending daily at his well-known and established offices anxious to purchase properties varying from £100 to £2,000 cash; and strongly recommends all parties having Public Houses of this description to immediately favour him with all particulars thereof, and by so doing they will ensure an immediate purchaser. No charge for legistering. WALTER SIMMONDS, AUCTIONEER״ VALUER, ESTATE AND BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENT, 58, CAMBERWELL ROAD. Sales by Auction of properties, furniture, stocks-in-trade, and effects conducted in town or country. Valuations made to ascertain probate or legacy duty for transfer and other purposes. Inventories taken and checked. Dilapidations Scheduled and Estimated. Surveys and reports on property. Bents collected and the entire management of house property undertaken. EDWARD SIMPSON, AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT, TRAMWAY TERMINUS, NEW CROSS GATE, S.E. A commodious Auction Room for the disposal of Stocks Furniture, &c. Furniture bought for Cash. WOOLWICH. FURLONG AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS, Established 1812. Offices : POWIS STREET (Auction Rooms adjoining). Telegrams : “ Furlong, Woolwich.” . Telephone, No. 56. Woolwich. WEST NORWOOD. W. N. WILLOUGHBY, AUCTIONEER, VALUES, SURVEYOR, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT, AUCTION AND ESTATE OFFICES— 399, NORWOOD ROAD, WEST NORWOOD. Agent to the Phcenix Fire and Pelican Life Insurance Companies. Mortgages negotiated. Estab. 1845. E. B. R. BO STOCK, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, LAND, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, UPTON PARK, E. (Opposite Station.) Rents Collected. Prompt Settlements a feature. Publisher & Proprietor of the London and East Suburban Property Register. All those seeking Investments should not fail to apply for a copy, which can be had free at his offices as above. THOMAS HENRY CURRIE, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, 262, HAMMERSMITH ROAD, W. Mortgages effected on freehold, leasehold or copy-hold property, or on reversionary interests. Valuations for probate or other purposes. FORTESCUE & BRANSON, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE, ESTATE AND LAND AGENTS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED. Shepherd’s Bush (Met.) Railway Station, GOLDHAWK ROAD, W., And at 56, Rylett Road, W. Established 1880. MESSRS. GILLOW and CO., Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, have numerous applicants for RESIDENCES in town and country, and will be glad to receive particulars of houses and estates which are entered on their register free of charge at 406, Oxford-street, W. Telephone No. 7030. GOLDSMITH AND CO., ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AND SANITARY ENGINEERS. EXPERT AGRICULTURAL & LAND VALUERS. Auction Sales arranged in town and country. 9, LOWER POROHESTER STREET, Hyde Park Square CO- AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURYEYORS. Established 1869. - lT & *V Valuer» by appointment to the Court of Bankruptcy. Licensed Bailiffs and Receivers. Telegram»: “Mimicking, London." (102 and 104, HARROW ROAD, W. Offices:11Q BASINGHALL STREET, E.C. MARTIN, CLARKE & CO., ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS & AUCTIONEERS. 9, MADDOX STREET, REGENT STREET. MESSRS. ROBINS, GORE & MERCER, _ , ( W. J. GORE, P.A.S.I. Partners : j A. MERCER, A.A.I. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, Rating and Compensation Valuers, 205, WARDOUR STREET, W. (One Door from Oxford Street.) Rents Collected, and the entire management undertaken of all classes and description of Properties. Terms upon application. Telegraphic Address—“ Stanchness, London Telephone No., 5431, Gerrard. Messrs, ROBINS, SNELL & CO., Sole Partner:—LEONARD T. SNELL, F.A.I. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS & VALUERS, RENT COLLECTORS, COMPENSATION VALUERS. Telephone Telegraphio Address. Number. Address. 22, Conduit Street, 5429 Bond Street, W. Gerrard. and at Marlborough Man- sions, 95, Victoria 329 “ Scutage Street, S.W. Westminster. London. ‘ Housing, London.’ Messrs. E. & A. SWAIN, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS A ESTATE AGENTS, No. 26, HIGH STREET, notting hill gate, w. Established at The Lodge in 1849. J. w. SIBLEY, auctioneer and estate agent, The Cedars Estate Office, WEST KENSINGTON. For particulars of Houses, Flats and Studios now available at West Kensington, apply as above MR. FRANK SWAIN, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, Temporary Offices: 170, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE. W. Valuation for estate duty, mortgage and other pur-poses, receiverships, &c. Established over 25 years. BRIXTON & DISTRICT. Messrs. HINKS, BAKER AND CO., (Established 1868), !STATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS, AND BUSINESS TRANSFER AGENTS, 1, STATION ROAD, BRIXTON (Facing Railway Station). Have all the available Houses to he Let or Sold in the Locality. Distraints undertaken. W. E. LATCHFORD & CO., SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, TRADES VALUERS LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, Brewery Agents and Valuers, 1, HIGH STREET, CLAPHAM. City Office •—53, NEW BROAD ST., E.C. Telephone 212, Battersea. LUMLEYS, land agents and auctioneers, Established 1853. ST. JAMES’S HOUSE, 22, ST. JAMES’S STREET, S.W. ROBT. W. MANN & SON, F-S-I., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS & VALUERS, 12, LOWER GROSVENOR PLACE, (Near Victoria Station). Telephone: Westminster, 40. Messrs. ROGERS, CHAPMAN & THOMAS, auctioneers, surveyors and Estate agents, 78, GLOUCESTER RD., SOUTH KENSINGTON AND BELGRAVE RD., SOUTH BELGRAVIA, Also at Earl’s Court. Pomona Auction and Estate Offices, 109, NEW KLNG’S-BOAD, FULHAM, S.W. (Opposite Eelbrook Common). Auctioneer, Surveyor! and Valuer, Pmblio Accountant, Auditor and Insurance Broker. *U** MESSRS. SOUTHON AND ROBINSON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND aid ESTATE AGENTS and SURVEYORS, 14, COCKSPUR STREET, S.W. Compensation cases conducted. Valuations made for Eating ; also for Estate Duty, Mortgage and other purposes. Town and Country Estates managed. Rents collected and Mortgages negotiated. The valuation of Landed Estates a speciality, and full details of rental value furnished when required. Salea South Western Auction Rooms 588, Wandsworth Rd., S.W. Distraint! and Ejectments effected expeditiously and satisfactorily A ---- in any dis- by Auction trict. every Tuesday and $ ■>-׳׳Friday evening at 7 o'clock. spacious rooms in the district. THOMSON AND SONS. PIMLICO, FULHAM, CHELSEA. Auctioneers, Valuers and Bailiffo^-- ^ ! WREFORD AND ________ ^ V ־־" HARDING^, DISTRESSES. _ SALES EVERY FRIDAY Sale Rooms, 44a, Wilton Road, Pimlico. w. W. G. ALCE AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS, BEDFORD PARK, W., AND HANWELL, W. c0- 8c CHIEF OFFICE: Kensington High Street, W. Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers. AUCTION ROOMS - ss® 159, Hammersmith Road, W. Í0־** BISCOE & BISCOE, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS & VALUERS, 4, North Andley-street, Grosvenor-square, W, AND 16, ELDON STREET, FINSBURY, E.C.