June 3, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 970 CARMARTHEN.—!FRANCIS. JOHN, F.A.I., Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Valuer, &c., Nott Square. CARMARTHEH'&itLLANElAY.—THOMAS (J. HOWELL) & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, &c. Est. 1860 FISHGUARD.—WILLIAMS. W. L., Auctioneer, House, Land and Estate Agent. HAVERFORDWEST.—THOMAS, JAMES, Land and Estate Agent and Valuer, 6, Victoria Place RULE-OWEN & SON, E.S.I., E.A.I., Land Agents, Valuers and Auctioneers. LLANDOVERY & SWANSEA.—JAMES, WILLIAM & IV ALTER, F.A.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, &e. LLANELLY.—DAVIES (I.) & SON, A.M.I.O.E., Civil and Mining Engineers, Surveyors, Valuers, &c. GRIFFITHS, W., F.S.I., Surveyor, Valuer and Estate Agent. MERTHYR-TYDFIL.—FORRESTER, JOHN, Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, Stock & Share Broker. HOWELLS, THOMAS, Auctioneer, Valuer & Accountant, House * Estate Agent, 30, Victoria Street. NEATH.__REES (W. HARRY) & SON (Established 1867), Auctioneers, Land Agents, Surveyors & Valuers. PENARTH.—EDMUNDS. D.H., Auctioneer. House and Estate Agent, Windsor Chambs., Stanwell Road. SWANSEA.—BEYNON & MEAGER, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers. ROBERTS, DAVID, Accountant, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 19, Heathfield Street. ROBERTS’(EDWARD) & SON, F.A.I., Auctioneers and Estate Agents, 40, Oxford Street. TENBY.—GRABHAM & JENKINS, Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents and Valuers. IRELAND. ARMAGH.___MARTIN (D. P.) & CO., House, Estate, and Insurance Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers. BELFAST׳.—McKELVEY & McCOMBE, House and Estate Agents, Property Auctioneers & Valuators, McCONNELL (R. J.) & CO., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, 37, Royal Avenue. WARD JOHN Property Broker, Auctioneer and Valuer, 39, Chichester Street. COLERAINE.—GLENN (j. F.) & CO., F.A.I., Property Auctioneers, House and Land Agents. CORK.__KEARNEY, E. K., Auctioneer and Valuer, Munster Auction Mart, 37, Marlborough Street. MARSH & SONS, Auctioneers and Cattle Salesmen, House and Land Agents, 70, South Mall. SCANLAN & SONS, Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate and Insurance Agents. DUBLIN.—ASKIN, (F.S.I.) & SON, Estate and Insurance Agents, 60, Upper Sackviile Street. ADAM, JAMES, Auctioneer, Appraiser, House and Land Agent, 17, Merrion Row. BATTERSBY & CO.. House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, 6, Westmoreland Street. BENNETT & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Fire Insurance Assessors, 6, Upper Ormond Quay. DOLLING, CALEDON, F.S.I., Land Agent, 3, Lower Merrion Street . ״. , JENNINGS & CO., House & Estate Agents, Ac., 10, Stephen s Green (2 doors oft United Service Club,. JONES ARTHUR) & SON, Auctioneers, House Agents and Furnishers, 135, Stephen’s Green. NORTH (JAMES H., F.A.I.) & CO., Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents, 110, Grafton St. Est. 1829. LIMERICK.—FITT, WM. B., F.A.I., Auctioneer and Valuer, 46, George Street. WELPLY, JAMES, District Receiver, Chancery Court, Land and House Agent, &e., 65, George Street. WATERFORD.—WALSH (T.) & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, House, Land & General Agents. Est. 1849. SCOTLAND. GLASGOW.—WALKER, FRASER & STEELE, Factors and Land Agents, Chief Offices, 74, Bath Street. INYERNESS.—ARNOTT, JAMES, Scotch Live Stock Commission Agent, Ellandonan. To H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, Empress of Germany & c. Gold Medal Paris, 1889. BRAND & GO., Ltd. LIST OF SPECIAL STATION.BH/Y SOLD AT THE ־Estates Gazette” Office, 6, St. Bride Street, London, E.C. attctioptbedbe P.O.O’s. payable to FRANK P. WILSON. FURNITURE NUMBERS, without the word “lot,” in Books of 60 numbers on a sheet, !24 sets to a book, . each, gummed and perforated, from 1 *o 1,000, or Id, per sheet of 50 numbers. HAMMERS, silver mounted ivory hammer, spring top, 9-.6d., plain, 8s. 6d.; ditto, smaller gize, spring top, 8s. 6d. plain, 7s. 6d.; ivory (large), 10s. 6d., 12s. 6d. and 15s. each ; wood hammers, 2s each ebony ditto. 2s 6d. each. HOUSE AGENTS' “TO LEI” BILLS, partly printed with space for name and address left blank. Grown (20in. by 15in.). Price lOd. per dozen. “ Offices on Floor to Let. Apply” “These Premises to Let. Apply” “ Offices to Let Apply” “This Warehouse to Let. Apply” “Shop*to Let. Apply” “To be Let or Sold. Apply ” “ This House to Let. Apply ״ “This Basement to Let. Apply” “To be Sold. A pply ” “ To be Let. Apply.” INVENTORY BOOKS (7jin. by 4jin.), 98 pages, ruled, interleaved blotting, bound red basil, with clasps,Is. 6d} each (by post 3d. extra), 16s. per dozen; best quality 170 pages, 2s. each (by post 3d. extra), 22s. per dozen ; foolscap octavo (6in. by 4in). interleaved blotting and paged, Is. each, 10s. per dozen; 100 pages, same size, bound stiff paper covers, 3d. each, 3s. per dozen, 33s. per gross INVENTORY BOOKS (for 1air copies), with printed label :—8 leaves, 2s. 6d. pt dozen; 16 leaves, 4s. per dozen 24leaves, 5s. 6d. per dozen INVENTORY BOOKS, half-bound roan, post quarto (9in. by 7in.), 80 pages, 2s. 3d.; 130 pages, 2s. 6d.; or 180 pages, 3s. each. _ INVENTORY COVERS, blue or bufT, with printed label Is. per dozen (by post 3d. extra); cloth, with name and address in gold, 7s. 6d. per dozen ; marble Is. 3d. per dozen (by post 3d. extra). INVENTORY PAPER, good cream laid 9d. per quire, (by post 2d. extra), 10s. 6d. per ream; better quality cream, lOd. per quire, 12s. 6d. per ream LEATHER TABLET.—Size 9m. by 6m., to fold in half, with name and address in gold on black leather, for rostrum from 5s., according to lettering. LINEN TICKETS, about 2m. long and Jin. wide with metal eyelet hole, for lotting goods when the other lot tickets cannot be stuck on the article, 9d. a 100, 5s. 6d. NUMBERS, 4in. high, for lotting hay ricks, &c^ Id. per sheet of ten figures. ... _ . . . Prices for Numbers in scroll, with figures m red, and name and address of auctioneer in black, can be obtained on application. ORDERS TO VIEW, in books of 100, with counterpart perforated, Is. 6d. each, postage 2d. extra. POSTING SLIPS, printed m red and blue, “Sale this Day,” “ On View, &c., &c., 6d. per doz., 2s. 6d. per 10C. RENT BOOKS of various kinds, la. to 3s. 6d. SALE LEDGERS OCTAVO. 1 day’s sale, 3 letters .. 6d. each, 3s. 6d. per doz 0 2 8d. 58 ״. Od. ״ 3 ” l ״ .. lOd. ,, 7s. 6d. ״ QUARTO 1 day’s sale, 4 letters .. 6d. each,4s. 6d. per doz, 1 3 8 .. ״d. 6s. 6d o 9 9d. 7s. 6d ״ 1 .. Is. Od. 10s.6d. ״ TIMBER BOCK ־^Revised) with Timber Taoles, 2s. oaeh TERMS CASH, with a discount of 5 per cent, off orders of £3. P.O.O.’s payable to Fraak P. Wilson, at the Ludgate-circua Post Office, should accompany order. AUCTIONEERS’ SAND GLASS, in case, for bidding» to run down in one minute, forty-five seconds—4s. 6d. each. Postage 3d. extra. Not respcn AUCTIONEERS^anVsURV%YORS’ TABLES, in gens CATALOGUE COVERS. 9d. per doz.. quarto Is. pel do* CATALOGUE INTERLEAVING PAPER, ruled 31 or 42 CATTXEdliTO?BERs!—?fain Blaek Cattie I^t NumbiKa, J6 ot a sheet/LL per she“t7o?ls76d~per quire Posta|» 2d. per quire extra; Gummed and Perforated 2d. pel sheet, 2s. 6d. per quire; they extend from1 to 500. from 501 to 1,000, 2d. per sheet; ll on mdlboard Is. 6d per 100 numbers, up to 500 ; 2s. 6d. per 100, beyond 500 up to 1,000. . . CATTLE NUMBERS—Red, ten numbers on a shea!, OATTLEp6 NUMBERS.—Oblong Cattle Lot Numbers, printed in Black, 25 numbers on a sheet, 2d. per sheet, or 3s. per quire. Postage 3d. per quire extra. These extend from 1 to 100. _ _ , . , , CATTLE NUMBERS.—Oval Cattle Lot Numbers printed in Blue, 26 numbers on a sheet, 2d. per sheet, or Ss per quire. Postage 3d. per quire extra. TMese extend from 1 to 300. Mounted on millboard, ■with eyelet, 6s per 100 numbers. ___ ״ T , ״ OATTLE NUMBERS.—Small (with the word Lot prefixed) about I of an inch high, 50 numbers on a sheet, Id. per sheet, or Is. 6d. per quire. Postage 2d. per quire extra. Gummed and Perforated 2d per sheet, ss 6d. per quire. Mounted on millboard, lOd. per 100. These extend from 1 to 999. CATTLE TALLIES, printed on good card paper and eyeletted, extending from 1 to 250, 6d. per packet of 31: 10 packets, 4s.; 20 packets, 7s. 6d.j; 40 packets 14s. COMPOSITE¡ SALE AND LEDGER BOOKS, for use in clerking outdoor sales, stiff covers, size 10 in. by in. price 8a. each, 7s. per dozen. Specimen Cattle Numbers can be had on application. DELIVERY ORDERS, loose, large poet octavo (8in. by 6in) with perforated counterpart, and name and address printed at top- Short, 5s. 6d. per 1,000 ; long, 7s per 1000 Ditto, without name and address—Short 9d׳ per 100 (lid. by post), 4s. 9d. per 1,000 ; long, Is. per 100 (Is. 2d. by post). 6s. per 1,000. Ditto, in books, quarter bound, marble covers, with label and index— 50 leaves, lOd. each, 8s. 6d. per dozen; 75 leaves, Is. each 11s, per dozen; 100 leaves. Is, 3d. each, 13s. 6d, per dozen. Ditto, foolscap quarto (8in. by 6jin.), in marble covers with label and index, and printed name and address, 50 leaves, 12s. 6d. per dozen, 10C leaves, 18s. per dozen. FIELD VALUATION BOOKS, Is. 6d. each. Also made FOOLSCAP, superfine for agreements, ruled 3 sides margin and feint, Is. 6d. per quire, 25s. per ream ; ditto fine cream laid, ruled feint, 10s. and 12s. per ream ■ ditto, special value, 6d. per quire, 8s. per ream FURNITURE LOT NUMBERS, in books or sheets, Lots in a page, 48 pages in a book, price Is. each, hooks 1 to 300 ; 801 to 600 half books, price 7d. each postage Id. Numbers above 600 to 2,600 kept ir sheets, price Id. a sheet or Is. 6d. a quire of 60 lots or a sheet. If gummed and perforated Is. 8d. a hook. Each book contains 24 sets of numbers. The 1st bool is from 1 to 100; 2nd book 101 to 200, and so on up t< 1000—each book Is. 8d. Reduction on a quantity. Half books (gummed and perforated) containing 24 sets of 50 lots in each hook, lOd. each. Rugby. COVENTRY.—ASHLEY, J., Auctioneer and Valuer, 13, Bishop Street; and at Bedworth. BURTON & GRIMES, Auctioneers, Valuers, &c., 54, Hertford Street. ‘' CLEMENTS SON & HUGHES, Land Agents, Auctioneers,