959 June 3, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, years’ lease of ten houses in Smyrna-road, Hampstead, which together produce a rental of £878 per annum, and are subjected to a ground rent of £65, was disposed of under the hammer of Mr. Leopold Farmer for £8,700 ; a leasehold residence in Oam-bridge-gardens, Kilburn, estimated rental £65, 60 years unexpired, ground rent £12 10s., being sold at the same auction for £700. Mr. Frederick Warman was responsible for the disposal of a detached double-fronted family residence, No. 86, Queen’s-road, Finsbury-park, leasehold for 76 years unexpired, at a ground rent of £10 10s., for £1,075 ; No. 10, Highbury New-park, let at £80, 50 years’ lease, ground rent £15, for £1,050; No. 67, Highbury New-park, estimated rental £100, 10 years’ lease, ground rent £15, for £825 ; No. 126, Albany• street, Regent’s-park, recently let at £70 a year, 24 years’ lease, ground rent £9 10s., for £500 ; No. 23, Mount Pleasan»-villas, Crouch-hill, rental £52 10s., lease 76 years, ground rent £10 10s., for £650 ; and other properties of minor importance. Mr. Frank Durrant (Messrs. Durrant and Lam• perd) submitted some freehold and leasehold properties and ground rents at Bromley and Lee, Kent, Forest-hill, Rotherhithe, Finchley and Peckham, with much success, a total of £3,680 being amassed. Two freehold shops in Palace-road, Bromley, producing £45 a year, fetched £870. One of the most notable transactions was the sale of a freehold residential and building estate of 10 acres, close to Forty-hill Station, Enfield-high way, Middlesex, which realised £4,000 under the hammer of Mr. Mark Gilbert. An eight-roomed semi-detached villa in Rockbourne-road, Forest-hill, held upon lease for an unexpired term of 61 years, at a ground rent of £6 10s., was sold for £280 at an auction conducted by Mr. H. J. Bromley. Tuesday. There was a lengthy list *e®t־ of auctions to-day, no less Properties, tban 17 sales being announced, but the supply was nothing exceptional. The afternoon’s results of £72,653, was substantially contributed to by Mr. Percy St. Quintin (Messrs. St. Quintin and Son), who sold the Crown lease of Nos. 210 and 210a, Regent-street, and 48, King-street, W., having about 20 years to run, subject to payments amounting to £119 a year, and let for the whole term to Louise and Company, Limited, at a rental of £1,670, for £20,000. Another important property disposed of, comprised the freehold of No. 2, Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, let at £1,000, which was sold by Mr. Joshua Lockwood (Messrs. Alex. H. Turner and Co.), for £16,070. The 68 years’ lease, at a ground rent of £355, of the house and premises, No. 52, Bread-street, City, was sold by Mr. J. R. Cooper (Messrs. Yentom, Bull and Cooper) for £7,000, the same firm securing £5,000 for a freehold building site of 6,100ft. facing Camberwell-green. There was no offer for the Wellesley-mansions, West Kensington, offered by Mr. E. H. Bousfield (Messrs. Edwin Fox and Bousfield), and it was still more surprising to find a number of freehold ground rents, secured upon five houses in Trinity-road, Evelyn-road, George-terrace, Faraday-road and Effra-road, Wimbledon, offered by the same firm, being passed without the least competition. A return of 4 per cent, was suggested but there was no response, and Mr. Bousfield, thinking it useless to submit the 17 lots in his particular, brought the sale to an abrupt conclusion. Passing over the offer by Mr. C. W. Davies, of Islington, Messrs. Philip and George Geen, and Messrs. Abercrombie and Edmunds, of houses in the suburbs of London, only some of which were sold, I must refer to the sale by Mr. Walter Simmonds, of nine freehold weekly houses in Westmacott-Btreet, St. George-street, Camberwell, together producing £200 4s. per annum, the landlord paying all rates and taxes. These investments together with a plot of land in the rear, with a frontage of about 27ft. to Caspian-street, realised £2,260 ; whilst six freehold cottages in Waterloo-street, Camberwell, let at weekly rents and producing a gross income of £111 16s., landlord pay ing rates and taxes, fetched £1,260. Thus JVIems from the |VIapt Monday. Freeholds If tlie Monday of Whit week at has been constituted a holiday Shepherd’s by statute, a more venerable Bush, edict 0f the customary law of the realm enacts that Derby week—or, at any rate, the classic Wednesday and Friday thereof—should also be observed as a white stone ; that business should be more or less allowed to slide, in order that due and befitting attention should be paid to the contest for the “ Blue Ribbon ” of the turf, and the “ Ladies’ ” race, which follows it. Even this afternoon such whispers as “ I drew Flying Fox in a sweep,” and “ Are you going down to see Sloan win on Holocauste ? ” were rife ; and there was evidence that this year’s Derby was particularly interesting to many of the habitués of the Mart. But, although a quiet week was anticipated at Tokenhouse-yard, there was something like a “ rush ” on the opening day. There were ten auctioneers engaged, and the majority provided a substantial supply of investments of the smaller class. I soon discovered, however, that the prevailing ¡tone was somewhat apathetic, several properties having to be withdrawn. In the course of the afternoon a total ol £87,896 was realised. There was a contribution of £9,160 by Mr. T. 8. Wootton (Messrs. Wootton and Green), who had on offer a batch of freeholds and leaseholds at Notting-hill, Shepherd’s-bush, Wimbledon and Gunnersbury, which were placed in the market by order of executors. In regard to half a dozen freehold houses and Ehops in Latimer-road, Notting-hill, five of which are let at £40 a year, and one at £58 10s., the result in the first instance was somewhat disappointing, but Mr. Wootton had not descended the rostrum before he was able to dispose of the six lots for £2,700 ; another freehold house and shop, occupying a corner position in the same thoroughfare, and let at £50, realised £600. A freehold public-house, called the Victoria, also in Latimer road, let upon lease to Messrs. Garrett, Whittaker and Go. for 27 years, at £70 a year, was bought in at £5,000, when the bidding had reaohed £4,400. There was a capital competition for freehold houses of the usual class in the Shepherd’s-bush district. Two dwelling houses in Tadmor-street, together producing £60 a year, fetched £900, whilst three freehold houses in Devonport-road, Shep-herd’s-busb, each let at £40 a year, were quickly sold in separate lots for £1,555. Other houses in the same locality, and some freehold building plots at Wimbledon and Gunnersbury, also changed hands. I may mention that one of the most important lots in Mr. Wootton’s catalogue comprised the corner licensed premises, known as the British Volunteer, in Latimer-road, Notting-hill, which was submitted, together with two leasehold shops and dwelling houses in the rear, the whole producing a rental of £155 16s. per annum, and subjected to a ground rent of £85 16s. ; the property was sold for £925. The better class of proper-A parties in the market included House the town h°use> No. ^ar־ ley-street, W., which, with sta- bling at the rear, is held on a Portland lease for an unexpired term of 26 years, at a ground rent of £110. It was mentioned that the reception rooms, hall and staircase in this house are still embellished with the decorations and characteristics of the period iu which many of these fine residences were erected by the brothers Adam. The ceilings, cornices and friezes of the front and back drawing rooms on the first floor have painted panels attributed to Angelica Kauffman. For the stabling, a rental of £40 a year is paid by Sir A. B. Garrod. The auctioneer, Mr. James Boyton (Messrs. Elliott, Son and Boyton), however, withdrew the property at £8,225. Among the properties sold by Mr. Boyton were two semi-detached residences in Goldhurst-terrace, Fairhazel-gardens, Hampstead, which are let at a total rental of £120 a year, and are held for terms having over 79 years unexpired, at ground rents of £12 per annum each ; they realised £1,075. The 81 Easton and Son sold a freehold farm known as Coates House Farm, Ottringham, containing about 159 acres, for £3,335 ; nine freehold houses in St. Paul’s-street, Hull, gross rental £78 12s., for £840 ; nine similar houses in St. Paul’s-street, gross rental £82 12s., for £840 ; five freehold houses, Nos. 49 to 57, Scarborough-street, for £810 ; about 2,792 square yards of building land, with a frontage of 220ft. to Scar-borough-street, at 5s. 8d. per yard ; a dwelling house, No. 39, Beverley-road, Hull, let at £45, for £800 ; three freehold houses, Nos. 14, lb and 18, Alexandra-road, Hull, with warehouse, etc., gross rental £94, for £1,200 ; a freehold residence known as Eagle'hurst, Beverley-road, for £1,240 ; and a freehold house, carriage house and stabling, Robinson-row, let at £24. for £260. The solicitors were Messrs. G. Brown and Elmhirst, York, Messrs Stamp, Jackson, and Birks, Mr. F. W. Adamson, Messrs. Walker and Colbeck, and Messrs. T. and A. Priest-man, of Hull. At their Estate Salerooms, High-street, Huddersfield, on the 30th ultimo, Messrs. Eddison, Taylor and Booth sold t'he following local properties:—Two leasehold dwelling houses, 12 and 14, Brook-street, Moldgreen, known as Calton Houses, together with gardens front and back, lease 999 years, ground rent £2 15s. 6d., for £505 ; 20 leasehold dwelling houses and basement dwellings, Nos. 13 to 27, Victoria-Street, and 1 to 12, Wilfred-pLace, Lockwood, lease 999 years, ground rent £17 13s. 10d., for £1,030 ; two leasehold dwelling houses, Nos. 103 and 105, Somerset-road, Moldgreen, together with vacant building land sufficient for the erection of an additional dwelling house, lease 999 years, ground rent £5 3s. 2d., for £400 ; two leasehold dwelling houses, numbers 107 and 109, Somerset-road, ground rent £3 8s. 6d., for £400 ; two dwelling houses, Nos. 115 and 117, Somerset-road, lease 999 years, ground rent £3 6s. 6d., for £395 ; two leasehold dwelling houses, Nos. 119 and 121, Somers£t-road, lease 999 years, ground rent £3 13s., for £515 ; the shop, No. 25, Westgate, together with the two-story workshop at the back, and a threestoried warehouse in Brook’s-yard, Market-street, lease 999 years, ground rent £8 Is., for £1,500 ; a leasehold shop and a dwelling house, Nos. 44 and 46, Salford, Lockwood, and three dwelling houses, numbered 15, 17 and 19, Grant-yard, lease 99 years, ground rent £2 Is. Id., for £370. Messrs. Wm. R. Nicholas and Co., -of Reading, Berks, and Pall-mall, S.W., announce that they will sell by auction on Tuesday next the Priory Building Estate, situate at Caversham, a rising and residential resort, which is so advantageously situate and so easy of access from the important market town of Reading. Intending purchasers seem to have been well studied, very easy terms of payment being announced. The Darby Digger.—It is satisfactory to learn that the Darby digger, an invention vshioh has been before the public some 20 years, is now considered to have attained almost to perfection. One of the latest diggers was recently on view in a field belonging to Mr. Wm. Impey, near Broomfield Church, Chelmsford. Many people have been to see and admire it. The way in which the machine digs is truly wonderful, says the “ Essex County Chronicle. It goes at the will of the operator as deep or deeper than the ordinary plough, and it twists and Churns the soil in a remarkable manner, leaving it open like a sponge, and thus ensuring perfect aeration. The advantages of this treatment of the land are at once obvious. In the past, with the old form of digger, wherever crops have been sown side by side in ploughed land and dug land the dug land has given by far the heavier yield. This has, in many instances, been quite perceptible to the naked eye. It is anticipated that with the new form of digger the difference will be still greater. The improvements in the new digger as compared with the one that was exhibited at Peering in August are several. The old machine was made more by piecemeal than! the new one is ; with merely a worm and wheel the whole machine may be lifted at the three points of the triangle simultaneously, and got through a 9ft. gateway. Another improvement lately patented is the making of the steel cutters in a rotary instead of a pointed shape. Again, a very novel thing has been added in the form of a new patent selfacting steering wheel—probably the first experiment of the kind ever tried, and that with singular success. The driving is now done by bevelled gearing on a shaft, direct through the rocking arm. Finally, the whole “ digger ” is easily detached from the engine by the removal of three or four bolts. The price of the whole implement is £350. “ The Invincible ” will be exhibited at the Royal Agricultural Show at Maidstone, and it is sure to create a sensation, for in it the fanners will doubtless see a large contribution to the solution of the labour difficulty which now confronts them. The digger can be fixed to any ordinary traction engine, and an engine of eight horse power is best adapted for it. known as Hill House, Westcott, with stabling,' two cottages, gardens and pleasure grounds, containing in all about two acres, gross rental £100, land tax 6s. 8d., tithe rent charge £1 10s. Id., for £2,250 ; an enclosure of grass land, containing 3r. 36p., for £260 ; and a block of five cottages adjoining, gross rental £43 11s., for £620. The solicitors were Messrs. Hart, Scales and Hodges, Dorking, and Messrs. Francis and Orookenden, 3, New-square, London, W.C. SUSSEX. On Monday, at their Estate Sale Rooms, North-street, Brighton, Messrs. Wilkinson, Son and Welch sold a freehold ground rent of £120 per annum, secured upon the block of residential flats known as Hove Lodge-mansions, Hove, Brighton, with reversion to the rack rents amounting to £560 per annum, for £3,325. The solicitors were Messrs. Herbert Reeves and Co., London. On the 24th ultimo Mr. J. C. Towner submitted to auction, at the Old Ship Assembly Rooms, Eastbourne, the leasehold free fully-licensed public-house, the Hampton Wine and Spirit Stores, No. 57, Upper North-street, the dwelling house, No. 15a, Hampton-place, and the corner shop and dwelling house, No. 15, Hampton-place, Brighton. The properties, which were submitted in one lot, are held on lease by the vendor for an unexpired term of 18 years from June 24 next, at an annual rental of £75, and produce rentals amounting to £157 per annum. The whole of the properties have a frontage of about 65ft. in Upper North-street, and about lift, in Hampton-place. The price realised was £1,630. WORCESTERSHIRE. Messrs. Frank Everill and Co. sold by auction, at the Mart, Pierpoint-street, Worcester, on May 31, a number of freehold properties. The double-fronted shop, No. 6, St. Swithin-street, sold for £1,215 ; five cottages, No. 7 court, the Moors, let at £50 14s. a year, £430 ; villa, 27, Britannia-square, rental £35 per annum, £525 ; three houses, Nos. 8, 9 and 10, Severn-terrace, rental £54 10s., £355 ; six houses, Nos. 55 to 60, Kingston-terraee, Ast-wood-road, rentals £13 each, for £1,020 ; shop No. 61, £260 ; semi-detached villas, Nos. 1 and 7, Albany-terrace, Britannia-square £340 and £352 10s. respectively ; four cottages and shop, Nos. 1 and 2, Dent-street, and 25, 26 and 2v, Little Park-street, total rental £13 13s. per annum, £435 ; detached house, Tanhouse, Hen-wick-road, let at £20 a year, £225 ; and the villa, No. 8, Albany-terrace, rent £27, for £350. The solicitor concerned was Mr. W. W. A. Tree, of Worcester. YORKSHIRE. At Sheffield, on Monday, Messrs. W. H. and J. A. Eadon sold a site situated at the corner of Kenwood-road and Cherry-tree-road, containing 3,835 yards, freehold, and also a dwelling house and the out-buildings thereto, for £2,000. A pair of villa residences in Abbeydale-road, each rented at £25 per annum, and held on lease at a ground rent of £19 19s., realised £860 ; a pair of bay-windowed Houses in Callywhite-lane, Dronfield, rented at £18 4s., £190 ; two houses in Springwood-road, Heeley, rented at £27 6s., £430 ; two adjoining and similar houses, rented ait £27 19s., £450 ; two bay-windowed houses in Alderson-place, Alderson-road, rented at £30, £475 ; a block of leasehold property comprising a grocer’s shop with beer off license, N׳o. 150, Brunswick-road, and 14 houses, rented at £191 2s. 4d., was withdrawn at £2,250. Mr. Samuel Allen, Mr. J. J. Wheat, Messrs. Bromley and Sons, and Messrs. Rodgers, Thomas and Sand-ford, were the solicitors concerned. On Tuesday, at No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings sold a dwelling house, Station-road, Oughtibnidge, let at £21, and three houses in the rear, gross rental £47 4s. 8d., ground rent £7 12s., for £850 ; long leasehold works, known as Daisy Works, Daisy-walk, St. Philip’s-road, Sheffield, with the fixed machinery, ground rent £3 18s. 6d., for £700 ; freehold residence known as Beech House, Greenhill, with grounds, grass paddock, etc., for £860; two freehold houses, Nos. 41 and 43, Spring-place, Dunlop-street, let at £23 8s., for £700 : shop and three dwelling houses, Nos. 256, 258 and 260, Carbrook-street, and No. 151, Weedon-street, gross rental £50 14s., for £660 ; a ground rent of £12 10s., secured upon 374 yards of land and six houses, 800 years’ lease, for £325 ; another of £5, secured upon 187 yards of land and four houses, 800 years’ lease, for £130 ; another of £7 10s., secured upon 300 yards of land and five houses, leases 800 years, for £195 ; another of £8 15s., secured upon 440 yards of land and five houses, lease 800 years, for £222 10s. ; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 95 and 97, Nottingham-street׳, Sheffield, gross rental £30 15s. 4d., ground rent £4 Is., for £555 ; two freehold residences, Nos. 68 and 99, Ashland-road, Nether-Edge, let at £39 18s., for £810. On the 31st ultimo, at their Mart, Imperial-chamibers, Bow'lalley-lane, Hull, Messrs. N.