June 3, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 958 for the villa lots was 2s. a square yard, and for the cottage land 2s. 6d., the total result of the sale being about £1,000. On the same date, at the Railway Hotel, Hunstanton, Messrs. Miles and Son sold a house, known as Swanton Villa, Austiin-street, Hunstanton, let at £35, ground rent £3 10s., for £525. The solicitors were Messrs. Beloe and Beloe, Mr. W. R. Sadler, and Mr. J. A. Parsons, all of King’s Lynn. At the Royal Hotel, Norwich, on the 29th ultimo, Messrs. Browett and Taylor sold a freehold residence, known as Hillcroft, Eaton-rise, Newmarket-road, Norwich, with stabling, garden of about an acre, etc., for £960. The solicitors were Messrs. W. H. Tillett and Co., Norwich. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. On the 23rd ultimo Mr. Geo. Siddons, of Thrapston, sold the following properties and life policies at the White Hart Hotel, Thrapston:—A freehold estate comprising house, with six acres of pasture land, for £360 : a piece of freehold pasture land, containing 8a. 2r. 2p., on the Thrapston House Estate, for £460 ; a policy on the life of a gentleman aged 52, effected with the Law Union and Crown Insurance Company, in a sum of £250, annual premium £7 9s. Id., bonus additions £36, surrender value £65 3s. lid., for £100 ; and a policy on the life of a gentleman aged 50, effected with the same company, for £250, annual premium £7 0s. 8d., bonus additions, £36, surrender value £60 9s., for £81. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At the Chesterfield Arms Hotel, Bingham, on Tuesday, Messrs. Walker, Walton and Hanson offered to auction the Old Hall Farm, Cropwell Bishop and Cropwell Butler, comprising a farmhouse with farm buildings, and about 85¿ acres of pasture and arable lands. The property realised £3,410. Messrs. Eking and Wyles, of Nottingham, were the solicitors concerned. At No. 27, Bridlesmifh-gate, Nottingham, on the 30th ultimo, Messrs. Morris and Place sold a block of freehold property, consisting of sale shop and business premises, No. 8, Chapel-bar, Nottingham, sale shop and business premises, No. 10, Chapel-bar, a piece of building land adjoining, two lock-up sale shops in the rear, Nos. 91 and 93, Upper Parliament-street, and coachhouse and stable, total area 648 square yards, for £12,950. The solicitors were Messrs. Wells and Hind, Nottingham. OXFORDSHIRE. At the Bell Inn, Hook Norton, on the 26th ultimo, Mr. F. A. Wheeler (of Chipping Norton) sold by auction two dwelling houses, two cottages and large garden for £530. RUTLAND. At the Falcon Hotel, Uppingham, on the 16th ultimo, Mr. Frank Berry sold the following property :—A freehold close of pasture land in Belton, containing 3a. lr. 14p., for £265 ; a freehold piece of nursery or garden ground, containing la. lr., in Bisbrook Parish, for £105 ; and a stone and slated farmhouse, with yard, garden and outbuildings and cottage adjoining, situate in the centre of Lyddington, with 16 acres of pasture land in four enclosures, for £870. Mr. J. H. Douglas, of Market Harfboro’, was the vendor’s solicitor. SOMERSETSHIRE. Messrs. Bennett, Millard and Lloyd submitted to auction, at the George Hotel, Wed-more, on Tuesday, a dwelling house, with gardens, buildings, orchard and meadow land, the whole containing 3a. 12p., and let at £30 a year, for £600. Several closes of pasture and arable land, together containing about 30 acres, for a total of £1,667. Mr. W. F. Ford and Mr. J. H. Willmo'tt, Wedmore, and Mr. C. Webster, Axbridge, were the vendors’ solicitors. STAFFORDSHIRE. At the Crown Hotel, Stone, on Tuesday, Mr. T. H. Griffiths sold the Falcon public-house, High-sitreet, fully-licensed, and held by the tenants under a ■ten years’ lease expiring in November, 1900, at a rental of £200 per annum, for £5,250. Messrs. Middleton, Norris and Linley, of Stone and Eccleshall, were the solicitors acting for the vendors. On the same occasion about 22 acres of freehold meadow and pasture land at Walton was sold for £2,050, the solicitor in this instance being Mr. Charles R. A. Birch, of Stone. Messrs. Fergyson and Son offered for sale last week, at Leek, the freehold residential estate of Blackwood Hill, situate in the parishes of Horton and Endon, comprising 295 acres, whicn was withdrawn at £12,000. Messrs. Belcher and Son, of Wednesbury and Darlaston, offered for sale by auction, at the Sandwell Hotel, West Bromwich, on Monday evening, a freehold malbhouse, with stable and garden at the rear, also a plot of building land adjoining, situate in Bratt-street, West Bromwich, which were withdrawn at £730. The solicitors concerned were Messrs. Stone and Co., of Leicester. SURREY. At the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, on the 25th ultimo, Messrs. White and Sons sold three freehold cottages, School-lane, Broekham, gross rental £31 4s., for £520 ; ten freehold cottages in School-lane, Broekham, rental £10 8s. each, (for £300 to £350 per pair ; a freehold residence with frontages to Bellevue, Zigzag and Newport roads, for £100 to £200 per plot; a piece of freehold building land forming part of Upper Cross Close, containing about five acres, was withdrawn at £750 ; another piece of freehold building land adjoining, containing about two acres, was withdrawn at £425 ; a similar piece of freehold building land adjoining, containing about two acres, was withdrawn at £500 ; and a freehold residence known as Yarborough Villa, Grove-road, for £500. The solicitors were Messrs. Dawes and Sons, 9, Angel-court, E.u. LANCASHIRE. At the Law Association Rooms, Cook-street, Liverpool, on the 25th ultimo, Mr. W. E. Beavan sold a piece of land with stabling in Mulberry-street,_ held under a: long lease at a peppercorn rent, and let at £52 10s. per annum, for £620. LEICESTERSHIRE. At the Eox Inn, Hallaton, on the 16th ultimo, Mr. Frank Berry sold 27 acres of pasture land, situate on the road from Hallaton to East Norton, at £75 per acre ; a field containing 5a. lr. 37p. of meadow land, at £91 per acre ; and a freehold close of pasture land, of 3a. 3r., situate in Plawston, at £100 per acre. Mr. J. H. Douglas, of Market Harboro’, was the vendor’s solicitor. On the 31st ultimo, at the Midland Auction Mart, Market-street, Leicester, Messrs. H. and F. Tarratt and Sons sold a dwelling house, IS o. 53, Earl Howe-street, Leicester, for £350 ; a dwelling house, No. 3, Victoria-terrace, let at £19, for £390 ; a residence, known as Harrington Villa, Central-avenue, Leicester, let at £26 10s., and a house adjoining, known as Chats-worth Villa, let at £28, for £1,010 ; a freehold house, No. 16, Poplar-ryenue, let at 6s. weekly, with house adjoining, stabling, etc., let at £30, for £800 ; and six houses, Nos. 10 to 20, South Church-gate, gross rental £82 11s., for £1,020. The solicitors were Messrs. Hincks and Keites, Mr. E. J. Gill, Mr. W. J. Curtis, and Messrs. Stone, Billson, Willcox and Dutton, of Leicester, and Messrs. Stanton and Atkinson, Newoastle-on-Tyne. LINCOLNSHIRE. At the Guildhall, Grantham, on Monday, Messrs. Escritt and Barrell sold two dwelling 1houses and a shop in Swinegate, Grantham, together with ou’t-buildiings, yard, gardens, greenhouse and stabling, the whole covering an area of 764 square yards, and producing £79 per annum, for £1,425. At the White Hart Inn, Harley, on the same day, a dwelling house in the centre of the village, with cottage and stabling adjoining, and a range of buildings, the whole covering more than an acre of ground, was disposed of by the same firm for £380. Three closes of pasture land, together containing about 17 acres, and producing £34 2s. per annum, realised £1,020. Mr. Fred W. Robinson, Grantham, was the solicitor concerned. NORFOLK. At the Globe Hotel, King’s Lynn, on Tuesday, the following properties were disposed of by Messrs. Stephen Gregory and Co. The Princess Victoria beerhouse, Walpole St. Andrew, gross aggregate rental £20 10s., £875 ; a plot of copyhold garden ground containing half an acre, and abutting on Market-lane, £32 ; an enclosure of freehold pasture land, 5a. 2r. 20p., £380 ; ditto, 6a. 3r. 12p., £410 ; a plot of freehold arable land, 9a. 2r. 20p., £330 ; ditto in the New Marsh, Walpole St. Andrew, 4a. 3r. 23p., £215 ; ditto in Thorn-more-field, Walpole St. Andrew, four acres, £145 ; and a cottage with garden, in the same neighbourhood, £70. The solicitors were Messrs. Beloe and Beloe, and Mr. W. D. Ward, King’s Lynn. At the Globe Hotel, King’s Lynn, on the 25th ultimo, Messrs. Mies and Son offered for sale the following local properties:—South Everard-street, : hi o. 44, rent £12, withdrawn at £220 ; No. 43, rent £14, withdrawn at £265 ; No. 42, estimated rental £15, withdrawn ai £210 ; No. 41, rental £12, withdrawn at £210 ; No. 27, All Saints’-street, rent £11, sold for £195 ; shop and house, No. 36, Bridge-street, rent £11, for £170 ; No. 37 adjoining, rent £9, for £130 ; two shops and houses, Nos. 8 and 9, Blaekfriars-street, at an aggregate rental of £34, withdrawn at £290 ; No. 8, Coronation-square, rent £7 16s., sold for £105 ; No. 46, Wisbeeh-road, rental £10, withdrawn at £125 ; No. 12, Exton-road, rent £10, sold for £200 ; No. 21, South Everard-street, rent £14, for £285 ; No. 15, Whitefriars-road, rent £19 10s., withdrawn at £375 ; £375 4 per cent. Consolidated Preference Lynn Dock Stock, was withdrawn at £65 per £100 ; £500 5 per cent. Preference Stock 1884, withdrawn at £35 per £100 ; £125 4 per cent. Consolidated Preference Stock, withdrawn at £59 per £100 ; £500 ditto, withdrawn ait like price ; £250 5 per cent. Preference Stock, withdrawn without a bid ; £50 Extension Capital Stock, withdrawn at £5 ; 68 nlots of building land, situated on the east side of Marsh-lane, and belonging to the Gaywood Hospital Estate, term 999 years, ground rent Id. per square yard, 32 being villa sites and 26 cottage sites, were sold, with the exception of 21, nine of these being withdrawn, the average price same firm sold by auction a compact dairy and stock-raising farm of 190 acres, at Marshwood, West Dorset, for £3,300. The vendor’s solicitors were Messrs. Stephens and Son, of London, and Messrs. Ketson and Trotman, Beaminster, Dorset. ESSEX. At the Lion Hotel, Cambridge, on Saturday, Messrs. Catling and Son sold the Chesterford Brewery, Great Chesterford, fitted with a three-quarter plant, with two maltings, barley and malt chambers, large yard, and a beerhouse, for £2,500 ; the King William IV., beerhouse, Hinxton, with yard, stables, garden and pad-dock, containing in all 3r. 27p., freehold, for £1,920 ; the Dolphin, beerhouse, Stapleford, with a piece of land adjoining, for £510 ; the Tailors’ Arms, public-house, Camberton, freehold, for £1,500 ; the Five Alls, beerhouse, Balsham, copyhold, for £750 ; the Five Bells, beerhouse, Castle-street, Saffron Walden, freehold, was withdrawn at £1,750. Messrs. Collin and Adams, Saffron Walden, were the solicitors concerned. Messrs. Craske and Sons (in conjunction with Mr. E. S. Beard) submitted by auction on May 26, 13 plots of freehold building land, being the frontage of the estate to Wimpole-lane, Colchester. The various lots were sold at prices re-presenting from 80s. to 94s. per foot. Messrs. Wittey and Denton were the solicitors con-cerned. On the 23rd ultimo, at the Town Hall, Clacton-on-Sea, Mr. James W. Martin offered for sale over 140 plots of freehold land, in addition to eight freehold marine residences, which were offered by order of the Coast Development Company, Limited. The properties sold realised over £6,000. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. On the 26t'h ultimo, at the New Inn Hotel, Gloucester, Messrs. Sandoe and Son sold the following local properties :—No. 105, Howard-street, a semi-detached dwelling house and garden, with a piece of building land adjoining, lei at £15 10s., for £200 ; and two dwelling houses, Nos. 80 and 82, Sweetbriar-street, Kmgsholme, rentals 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. a week respectively, for £202. Mr. A. J. Franklin was the solicitor for the property. HAMPSHIRE. At the Dolphin Hotel, Southampton, on the 19th ultimo, Mr. Syd. H. Sawibridge sold the following local properties :—A dwelling house and premises, No. 14, Cambridge-street, weekly rental 7s. 6d., ground rent £5 10s., eight years’ lease, for £27 10s. ; a eorner residence, known as Latimer House, No. 28, Bridge-road, let af £35, 19 years’ lease, ground rent £7 4s., for £100 ; freehold business premises, No. 97, St. Mary’s-street, for £1,000. On the 30th ultimo, at the same place, Mr. Sawbridge sold a long leasehold, double-fronted residence, known as Rhossilly Villa, Spring-road, Sholing, ground rent £3, for £460 ; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 1 and 2, Eirgrove-road, let at £14 each, with a plot of orchard ground, ground rent £2, for £415 ; a long leasehold villa, known as Triton Lodge, Spring-road, Sholing, let at £29, ground rent £3, for £460 ; a long leasehold villa, known as Hawthornden, let at £16, ground rent £1, for £295 ; a long leasehold house, called Osborne Cottage, Sholing, ground rent £1, two semi-detached cottages adjoining, gross rental £19, and a similar pair of cottages adjoining, gross rental £17, for £460 ; two freehold cottages known as the Cedars, Bitterne, let at £19. for £330 ; four freehold cottages, Nos. 1^ 2, 3 and 4, Alma-road, Bitterne, gross rental £35, for £430 ; and two dwelling houses, Nos. 57 and 59, Upper Dover-street, Bevois Town, let at £12, for £255 each. The vendors’ solicitors were Messrs. Stanton, Bassett and Stanton, Messrs. Hallett and Martin, and Mr. H. C. Guy, all of Southampton. ISLE OF WIGHT. At the Royal Marine Hotel, Ventnor, on the 23rd ultimo, Messrs. Francis Pittis and Sor sold the following local properties : —A freehold residence, known as South Cliff, Belgrave-road, with garden, stabling, etc., let at £75, fox £1,200 ; a freehold building site adjoining, with dwelling house, known as Cove Ccfttage, let ai £45, for £1,000 ; a freehold residence, known as Redan Villa, Belgrave-road, with building land adjoining, for £575 ; a piece of building land with a frontage of 64ft. to Belgrave-road. apportioned rent £2 10s., for £400 ; another piece of building land with a frontage of 85ft. to Zigzag-road, apportioned rent £10, for £325 ; a stable, coaeh-bouse and nursery garden, in the Grove, for £575 ; a building site adjoining, with a frontage of 68ft. to Bellevue-road, for £200 ; a piece of land known as the Shrubbery, with a frontage to Alpine-road of 400ft., and to Bellevue-road of about 408ft., for £145 ; a residence known as Belgrave View. Zigzag-road, let at £50. was withdrawn at £750 : a residence known as Ventnor Villa, let at £60, was withdrawn at £725 ; a residence known as Alexandra Villa, let at £50, was withdrawn at £625 ; a piece of freehold building land with a frontage of 53ft. to Zigzag-road, for £17Q ; a similar piece of building land adjoining, for £130 ; another piece of building land adjoining, for £150 ; 16 plots of freehold building land, J PRO YIN CIAL PROPERTY SALES. The Editor will leel obliged if Auctioneers and Agents will forward a copy of the particulars of sales in which they are interested MARKED with the prices realised, in order that an accurate record of dealings in Land and House Property may appear in this department. These must reach ns by THURSDAY to ensure insertion in the current issue. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. On the 30th ultimo, at the Spread Eagle Hotel, Thame, Mr. Edward Bond sold a residence facing the Green, Haddenham, with farmyard in the rear, also kitchen garden and close of pasture land, for £610 ; a freehold house in Church-end, Haddenham, let at £13 per annum, for £305 ; a five-roomed cottage, with garden, let at £5 per annum, for £100 ,־ an enclosure of arable land, 24a. lr. 13p., for £1,060 ; and three freehold cottages at Askett, producing £10 3s. 8d. per annum, for £75. Mr. Edward Parker, of Thame, was the vendor’s solicitor. At the White Hart Hotel, Buckingham, on the 27th ultimo, Messrs. George Bennett and Sons disposed of the following properties:■— Twelve cottages and gardens at Chaekmore, for £237 10s. ; three dwelling houses and gardens, Maids Moreton, for £180 ; a field of five old pasture land at Padbury, with a frontage of 162 yards to the Claydon-road, area 8a. 2r. 8p., for £440 ; two enclosures of superior meadow and arable land, with a frontage of 290 yards to the Claydon-road, area 15a. 3r. 16p., for £700 ; 45 £25 shares in the Bucks and Oxon Union Bank, Limited (£5 paid up), readily sold at £22 10s. and £22 12s. 6d. per share. Messrs. Hearn and Hearn, Buckingham, were the solicitors concerned for the property. CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Messrs. Wright and Soruby sold by auction, at the Lion Hotel, on May 26, the following freehold properties :—No. 32, Union-road, a brick built and slated dwelling house with small yard, let at £12 per annum, for £180 : No. 34, Union-road, a similar property, let at £12 per annum, for £180 ; No. 36, Union-road, a brick and slated double-fronted residence, let at £19 19s. per annum, for £325 ; Westwick House, for £350 ; Annesley House, Union-road, standing in a large garden, with vinery, stabling and chaise houses, let at £30, for £570 ; Camford House, No. 95, Mill-road, for £400 ; No. 1, Fitzwilliam-terrace, Brooklands-avenue, rental £32 10s. per annum, for £455 ; the adjoining residence, No. 2, Fitzwilliam-terrace, let at £30 per annum, for £410 ; the adjoining residence, No. 3, Fitzwilliam-terrace, with garden, let at £40 per annum, for £570 ; and the adjoining residence, No. 4, Fitzwilliam-terrace, rental £35, for £475. The total amount realised for the property was £3,915, and for the fixtures £33 8s. 6d. Messrs. H. J. Whitehead and Son and Messrs. Ginn and Matthew were the solicitors concerned for the vendors. CUMBERLAND. On Tuesday Messrs. R. Dalton and Son offered for sale, at the City Hall Estate Room, Carlisle, the following hotel and business property: — Nos. 8 and 10, English-street, being Shops with dwelling houses, withdrawn at £5,000 ; the old and historic Crown and Mitre Hotel and Coffeehouse, two lock-up shops, and several cottages in St. Cuthbert’s-lane, withdrawn at £12,250 ; a block of freehold property, Nos. 56, 58 and 60, Castle-street, Carlisle, together with Wil-son’s-court in rear of same, sold for £3,300 ; and Nos. 32 and 34, St. Cuthbert’s-lane, with tenements in Clarke’s-court and Dobson’s-court, withdrawn at £1,000. Messrs. Dobinson and Watson were the solicitors for the sale. At the Station Hotel, Penrith, on the 24th ultimo, Messrs. Thorriborrow and Co. sold a dwelling house, distinguished as Union Villa, Union-street, Castletown, Penrith, with an area of 1,109 square yards, and a frontage of 96ft., together with two plots of building land, having a total frontage of 193ft., for £810. The solicitors were Messrs. Scott and Allen, of Penrith. On the 23rd ultimo, at the George Hotel, Penrith, a freehold estate situate at Stoney-beck, and consisting of a farmhouse, out-buildings and several closes of land, together containing 79a. 12p., was sold by the same auctioneers for £2,325 ; and a freehold property comprising dwelling house, barn, stable and yard, Bailey’s-yard, Middlegate, for £150. The solicitors were Messrs. Arnison and Co., Penrith. DEVONSHIRE. Messrs. Elliott, Ellis and Co. sold by auction on Monday, No. 21, Adelaide-street, East Stonehouse, held on three lives now aged 64, 62 and 52 years respectively, with perpetual renewal, conventionary rent 14s. 6d., heriot £1 9s., renewal fine £14 10s., and business premises estimated to produce £70 per annum, for £975. DORSETSHIRE. Messrs. Duke and Son, of Dorchester, sold, by auction, on May 29, a choice little dairy and grazing farm of 75 acres, at Leigh, in the Black-more-vale, Dorset, for £2,800. The solicitors concerned were Messrs. Andrews, Son and Hux-t^ble, of Dorchester and Weymouth. On the 31st ultimo, at the Bull Hotel, Bridport, the