June 3, 1899. ,THE ESTATES GAZETTE, 956 FRIDAY 2nd. INMAN and CO., 126, Maida-vale, W. Brondesbury—15, Cavendish-road, ut 67 years, GR £15 11s., ER £100 ................. 1,225 JAMES MAY, Seven Kings, Ilford. Ilford—63 and 67, St. Alban’s-road, ut 997 years, GR £10 2s., R £56 ............. 600 24, Cambridge-road, ut 997 years, GR £7 14s., R £36 ................................ 390 49 and 53, Elgin-road, ut 997 years, GR £14 9s., R £70 ...................... 740 22, Aldiborough-gardens, ut 997 years, GR £11 5s., R £45 ................ 490 CHARLES HALL, 55, High-street, Clapham. Claphara Common—9, Victoria-road, F, ER £100 1,170 Herne Bay, Kent—Lancaster-gardens, a Plot of Building Land, F ....................... 6 M HUBBARD, 7, Leighton-road,Ken tish Town, N.W. Camdten Town—1 and 3, Torriano-gardens, ut 45 years, GR £9, R £76 ............... 645 38״. Rochester-road, ut 45 years, GR £5, R £36 400 Kentish Town—36 and 38, Castle-road, ut 36 years, GR £10, R £72 ................. 670 35, Willes-road, ut 22 years, GR £3, R £40 275 KNIGHT, FRANK and RUTLEY, 9. Conduit-street, W. Holborn-circus—13, Bartlett’s-buildings, F, R £190 ................................ 2,900 Hampstead—25, Steele’s-road, ut 65 years, GR £10, ER £75 ........................... 600 Potters Bar, Middlesex—Little Heath, Oak Lodge, F, R £55 ............................ 1.075 PRICKETT and ELLIS, 57 and 58, Chancery-lane, W.C., and 4, High-street, Highgate, N. Bayswater—66, Gloucester-terrace, ut 40| years, GR £10, R £120 ...................... 1,400 W. SUTHERLAND, 109, Crawford-street, W Marylebone—27, Manchester-street, ut 14 years, GR £40 ................................ 600 15 and 16, Great Quebec-street, ut 14 years, __GR £80 ................................ 36Q LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS. MAY. THURSDAY 11th. SIM and RANDALL (at their Auction Mart, 280, Romford-road, Forest Gate). Stratford—28, HamMth-road, E.R, £55, F .. .. 835 Forest Gate-58 to 70 (even); Haslemere-road, It. £200 4s-, F ................ £2,111 13s. 4d. THURSDAY 18th. J. S. RICHARDSON, 50, Finsbury square, E.C. (at the Royal Bell Hotel, Bromley). Bromley—30 and 32, Havelock-road, It._^46 16s., F 390 THURSDAY 25th. WILLIAM HOLLIS, Church End, Finchley (at the Railway Hotel, Church End, Finchley). Finchley—Fire plots of freehold building land situate in Station-road ..............412 TUESDAY30 ־th7 R. CHEKG and CO., 749, Romford road, Manor Park, E., Ilford, Romford and Woodford Bridge, Essex (at the Swan Hotel, Stratfordbroadway). We^t Ham—6 and 7, Caipenter’s-road, High-street׳, u.t. 63¿ years, G.R £6 10s.. R. £57 4s. .. 230 Manor Park-2, Fifth-avenue, R. £35 2s., F .. .. 290 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C. and Tottenham, N. (at the George Hotel, Enfield Town) Enfield—Six plots of freehold building land, front age 102ft, to Birkbeck-road .. .. . 260 Seven plots of freehold builling land, frontage 111ft. to Hawthorne-urove ............ 250 Three plots of freehold building land, frontage 46ft. to Hawthorne-grave ..... 100 FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS, ETC. JUNE־־ MONDAY, 5.—By Tillett and Yeoman, 32, Finsbury-pavement, E.C., at 50, Hornsey-rise, N., at 12׳ o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Taylor, Lovegrove and Co., 89, Gloucester-road, South Kensington, at 72, Onslovi -gardens, South Kensington, at 12 o clock—Furniture, etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Wellington-street. Strand, W.C., at 1 o’clock -Manuscripts, etc., and five following days. By H. N. Newton and Co., 67 and 69, Chancery-lane, W.C., at Oakhurst. Ravenscourt-park, at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and following day. TUESDAY, 6.—By Puttick and Simpson, at their rooms, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., at 1.10 o’clock—Engravings, etc. By A. F. Poeock, 49, Moorgate street׳, E.C., at 95, Church-street, Lower Edmonton, N., at 1 o’clock— Furmtuie, etc. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street. W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery. 54, Pall Mall S.W., at 1 o’clock—Drawings, cabinets, bronzes, etc. By George Gouldsmitb, Son and Co.. 2, Pont-stree Belgrave-square, S.W., 25, Queen’s-gate-gardens. South Kensingtjn, at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc., and following day. By Hampton and Son, 1, Cockspur-street. S.W at 9, Onslow-square, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture etc. ’ By Brodie, Timbs and Co., 22, Basinghall-street, E.C. and at Hampstead and Highgate, at the ׳Eyre Arms. Finchley-road, at 1 o’clock—Furniture et״ WEDNESDAY, 7.—By Tooth and Tooth, 187 and 189 Oxford-Street, W., at 31, Courtfield-gardens, S W.’ at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Phillips, Son and Neale, at their rooms, 73, New Bond-street, W., at 1 o’clock—Decorative furniture, etc. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery, 54, Pall-mall, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Pictures, drawings, etc. By Elgood and Fuller, 98, Wimpole-street, W., at 2 Primrose-hill-road—Furniture, etc. THURSDAY, 8,—By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery 54 Pall-mall, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Old English plate’ etc. By Leopold Farmer, 46, Gresham-street, E.C.,and’ Kilburn, at 33, Heathfield-park, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By George Ravenshear, 49, Broadway, Ealing, W , at Stanmore, Castlebar-road, Ealing, W., at 11.30 o’clock—Furniture, etc. FRIDAY, 9.—By Puttick and Simpson, at their rooms 47, Leicester-square, W.C., at 1.10 o’clock—Violins’, etc. By G. A. Wilkinson and Son, 7, Poultrv, E.C., at 10 Cambridge-park-gardens, Twickenham, ’ at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Hampton and Sons. 1, Cockspur-street, S.W at 27, Gledhow-gardens, S.W., atl o’clock—Furniture etc. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189 Oxford-street, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. ’ By Wreford and Harding, at their rooms, 44a Wilton-road, Victoria Station, at 6.30 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-street St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Pictures, etc. * C, C. TAYLOR and SON, 10 and 12, Mile End-road. Bromley-by-Bow—2 to 30 (even), Tibbatt’s-road, ut 63 years, GR £42 18s............... 2,575 Hoxton—1 to 5. and 13 to 17,Hutley-place, ut 19 years, GR £25 ..................... 675 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C., and Tottenham, N. Rayleigh, Essex—The Rayleigh Gas Works׳, F (as a going concern) ................. 1,270 Caterham and’ District Gas—250 £10 Five per Gent. Preference Shares (to be paid up in full) ............................... 2,493 Commercial Gas—£500 of Old' Stock ....... 1,585 South West Suburban Water—96 £10 Five per Cent. Preference Shares.............. 1,320 Horsham Gas—20 £10 “ A ” Original Shares... 400 Peterborough Gas—Seven £10 New Ordinary Shares ................................ 105 WEDNESDAY 31st. NO SALES AT THE MART. BELCHER, ADKIN and BELCHER (at Wantage). Wantage, Berks—Station-road, Five Building Plots ................................. 258 An Enclosure of Land, 7a. 2r. 30p., F . 275 Tiuelocks, and 4a. 2r. 33p., F ......... 360 Barnardls, and 52 acres, F ........... 1,975 Clement’s and Fuller’s Homesteads, 5a. Ir. 20p., F ............................... 415 Eight Freehold Cottages ................ 345 Various Enclosures of Land, 233a. Or. 17p., F 2,235 HEPPER and SONS (at Harrogate). Harrogate, Yorks—Regent-parade, The Hilton House Estate, 2a׳. Or. 12p., F ...... 5,000 H. DUKE and SON (at Bridport). Marshwood, Dorset—Hackeridge and Batts Farms, 190a. 2r. 6p., F ............. 3,300 REEYE and FINN (at Hastings). Brede, etc., Sussex—Purster and Hole Farm, 153a, Ir. 32p., F ................... 2,000 JUNE. THURSDAY 1st. HAMILTON and MIALL, Maclise Mansions (opposite Addison-road Station), W., and at Shepherd’s Bush. Canning Town—145 to 155 (odd), North Wool- wich-road, I? .......................... 1,150 Rotherhithe—568 to 580 (even)׳, Rotherhithe- street, F ............................. 1,309 H• S. HAWLEY and CO., 14, Southampton-row, W.C. Bethnal-green—4, 6 and 8, Selby-street, F .... 840 JAS. HOOD and SONS, 318, Gommercial-road, E., 342, Komford-road, E., and 37, Walbrook, E.C. Stepney—2 and 10, Belgrave-street, ut 9 years, GR nil .................................. 250 St. George’s Fast—86 and 88, Hardinge-street-, ut 5i years, GR £7 ...................... 53 Shadwell—20 and 22, New Gravel-lane, F ....... 345 84, Wapping-wall, F ..................... 355 Ccfnmereial-road East—2527 ״ and 29, Morris- street, F ............................. 900 HOLCOMBE, BETTS and WEST, 5a, Orchard- street, Portman-square, W. St. John’s Wood—36 and 38, Loudoun-road, ut 38 years, GR £20, R £120............... 1,110 Stratford—16o, Leyton High-road, ut 80 years, GR £5 ................................... 200 Saepherd’s Bush—18, Frithville-gardens, ut 841 years, GR £8, R £40 .................... 415 H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C. Reversion to One-fourth Share of 49, Rqdl Lion-street, Holborn, F, R £115, estimated) value £2,100, life aged 49 ............. 160 Contingent Reversion to Half of a■ Trust Legacy of £4,000, lives aged 55 and 27, with Policy for £1,500 .................. 610 Reversionary Interest of a Gentleman aged 62 to One-third Share of a Trust Fund of £5,000, subject to surviving a life aged 69; this share will become one-half if the said• life of 62 survives another life aged 74, with Policies for £1,000 ............. 1,100 Reversion to a Legacy of £1,700, life aged 69 ... 1,020 Scottish Widows—Policy for £2,000 and profits, life aged 63 ............................ 790 Economic—Policy for £1,100 and profits, life aged 63 ................................. 870 Eagle-Policy for £1,000 and Profits, life aged 64 450 G. FUTYOYE FRANCIS,50, Buckingham-palace-road, S.W. Chelsea—3, Cheyne-row, F, R £21 .............. 380 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Mile-end—468a, Mile-end-road, F and C, ER £45 710 Sapmson’s-place, a Building Site, area 2,215ft., F ............................. 450 Bow—9, Avenue-road, ut 33 years, GR £3 10s. ... ¿00 125 and 127, St. Stephen’s-road, F ...... 620 Clapton—25 to 31 (odd)), Carlton-road, F ...... 830 Homerton—1 to 4, Hockley-street, F ............ 790 Bromley—14a and 16a, Three Mills-lane, and la, 1 and 3, Imperial-street, ut 651 years, GR £10................................... 550 5 to 27 (odd), Imperial-street, ut 651 years, GR £30 ................................ 1,440 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, N. Dalston—21 to 29 (odd), 32 to 46 (even), Graham-״. , road, ut 53 years, GR £71 10s., R £491 ... 5,995 Highbury—34, Highbury-hill, ut 53 -׳ears, GR £17 10s., R £55 ..............'......... 435 Camden Town—2, Arlington-terrace, ut 48 years, GR £7, B R£46 .................... 415 Finchley—1, Torrington-place, F, R £55 ........ 555 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C,, and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Highgate—Hornsey-lane, Castlemere, and Ivan- hoe, F, R £260 ......................... 3 750 69, Whiteha 11-park, F, R £60 ...... 1150 Crouch-end—52, Weston-park, ut 821 years GR £10, R £50 .......................... 520 19, 21, 23 and 27, Ella-road, ut 821 years! GR £31 Is., R £185 ..................... 2 045 Tooting—21, 22 and 23, Mandrake-road, F ...... l!o05 Stamford-hill—14, Amhurst-park, ut 66 years, GR £18, ER £150 ..................« 650 Forest-gate—17, Sebert-road, F, R £30 505׳ Old Kent-road—80, 82 and 84, Trafalgar-road, ut 33 years, GR £6 ..................... 970 Dulwich—28 to 62 (even), Landells-road, ut 781 years, GR £81..........................." 3,250 T. G. WHARTON, 8 and 9, Ironmonger-lane, E.C. and 77, Albany-road, Old Kent-road, S.E. Kilburn—102, 104, and 110, Canterbury-road), ut 993 years, GR £24, R £99 ............... 955 Poplar—211 and 213, Manchester-road, ut 52 years, GR nil .................... , 495 Stebbondale-street, IGR’s of £69 iai!! ut 51 years, GR nil ........... ^ 253 Stebbondale-street, etc., IGR’s of 4״£101׳s.', ’ ut 51 years, GR nil ..................... !,880 MARK GILBERT, Enfield Highway, N. Enfield Highway—Turkey-street, The Grove House Estate, 10׳ acres, F................... 4,000 Canning Town—18, 20 and 22, Blanche-street, ut 76 years, GR £9 ............................ 300 LEOPOLD FARMER, 46, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C., and 12, High-road, Kilburn, N.W. Hampstead—1 to 6, and 8 to 11, Smyrna-road, ut 81 )-ears, GR £65, R £378 ............... 3,700 Kilburn—12, Cambridge-gardens, ut 60 years, GR £12 10s., ER £65 ........................ 700 Regent’s-park—55, Park-road, ut 10 years, GR nil, R £60 ................................. 265 FREDERICK WARMAN, Spencer House, Highbury, N. Highbury—10, Highbury New-park, ut 50 years, GR £15, R £80 .............................. 1,050 67, Highbury New-park, ut 10 years, GR £15, ER £100 .................................... 825 Finsbury-park—86, Queen’s-road, ut 76 years, GR £10 10s.................................. 1 075 Crouch-hill—23, Mount Pleasant-villas, ut 76 years, GR £10 10s., R £52 10s............... 650 Regent’s-park—126, Albany-street, ut 24 years, GR £9 10s., ER £70 ......................... 600 77, Little Albany-road, ut 24 years, GR £2 10s., R £26 ............................. 130 Barnsbury—102, Richmond-road, ut 7 years, GR £1 3s. 4d., ER £45.......................... 140 REYNOLDS and EASON, 43, Bishopsgate-street Without, E.C. St. Pancras—43, Cardington^ireet, an Improved Rental of £149, ut 19 years ................ 2 350 Bloomsbmy—118, Gower-street, an Improved Rental of £70, ut 15 years ................. 760 Stoke Newington—28, 30 and 32, Londesborough- road', ut 64 years, GR £12, R £78 .......... 890 St. George's East—202 and 210, St. George- street, F ................................... 800 Stepney—20 and 22, Elsa-street, F.................. 475 Poplar—1 to 4, G a 1 e d o n i a-1, err a c e, F .. 940 56, Cotton-street, F, U £42 ................. 450 I and 2, Woolmore-street, F................. 555 Bromley-b3׳-Bow—64 to 72 (even), Brabazon- street, F ................................. !.!60 WOOTTON and GREEN, 36, Gracechurch-street, E.C, Notting-hill—47 to 57 (odd), Latimer-road, F, R £258 10s................................. 2,700 59, Latimer-road, F, R £50 .................. 600 272, Latimer-road, F, R£55 8s................. 600 266 and 268, Latimer-road, ut 64 years, GR £9 18s; 4d., R £71 .......................... 510 Latimer-road, The British Volunteer B-h, also 1 and1 3, Park-street, ut 66 years, GR £70 ......................................... 925 Shepherd's Bush—21 and 23, Tadmor-street, F, R £60 ..................................... 9Qo 96, 98 nndi 100, Devonport-road, F ......... 1,555 118 and! 120, St.Stephen’s-avenue, F, R. £72 1,050 Wimbledon—De Burgh-road, Two Building Plots, F .................................... !40 Gunnersbury—Thorney Hedge-road,'"a" Plot״of Land, F .................................... 155 . TUESDAY 30th. S. ROBERTSON (at Camberwell). Walworth—194. Hillingdon-street, F .............. 315 Dulwich—38, Wood-vale, ut 76 years, GR £6, BE £34 ׳...................... .............315 ■ STEPHENSON and ALEXANDER (at Cardiff). Cardiff, Glamorgan—172, Newport-road, ut 73 years, GR £5 10s............................. 625 139 and 1391, Bute-street, ut 50 years, GR £6 7s. 6d., R £130................... 1100 Penarth, Glamorgan—Upper Cliff, ut 54 years, GR £10, R £100 ................ 1 525 EDWARD BOND (at Thame). Haddenham, Bucks—A Copyhold Residence and two acres ................................... 6!o Garfield House, also a Cottage, F and405 ... 6 ׳ Home Field, 24a, Ir. 13p.. F and C........... 1060 Askett, Bucks—Three Freehold Cottages .............. 75 ALFRED RICHARDS (at Enfield). Enfield—Birkbeck-roadi a Block of Building Land, F ..................................... 260 Hawthorne-grove, Two Blocks of Building Land. F .............................. 350 R. DALTON and SON (at Carlisle). Carlisle—56, 68 and 60, Castle-street, area 410 yards, F .................................. 3,300 PHILIP and GEORGE GEEN, 5S, Waterloo road, S.E. Notting-hill—44, 66 and 68, Portland-road, ut 50 years, GR £26, R £140 ...................... 1165 Wood-green—16, Truro-road, ut 78 years, GR £17 7s....................................... 540 Lambeth—3, Lambeth-palace-road, ut 14¿ years, GR, etc., £23 19s............................ 270 Wood-green—Blenlieim-road, etc., FG¿¿ of £44, reversion in 81 years ........................730 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Hornsey—Middle-lane, FGB’s of £25 10s., rever- sion in 80 years ............................ 595 Holloway—Tufnell-park-road, IGR’s of £26, ut 65 years, GR £5 ............................ 450 Blackfriars—13, Aquinas-street, area 5,500ft. ut 91 years, GR £33 12s., R £129 .............. 600 J. HORATIO HIBBARD, 17, Union-court, Old Broad-street, and Winchmore-hill, N. Hackney—2 and 5, St. Mark’s-terrace, ut 67 vears, GR £12 10s.........................>t....... 775 F. JOLLY and CO., 66, Leadenhall-street, E.C., and Lower Clapton, N.E. Stoke Newington—47, Milton-road, ut 53 years, GR £4 ...................................... J7Q WALTER SIMMOND8,58,Camberwell-road, S.E. Camberwell—92a, 94 to 108 (even), Westmaoott- street, F .................................. 2 260 35 to 45 (odd), Waterloo-street, F ........... 1.260 ALEX. H. TURNER and CO., 199, Piccadilly, W , Weybridge, Guildford and Reading. Piccadilly—2, Albemarle-street, F, R £1,000... 16,070 YENTOM, BULL and COOPER, 36. Old Jewry, E.C. City of London—52, Breadi-street, ut 68 years, GR ¿¿355 .ER £1,115 ........................ 7 000 Camberwell—3, 4, 5 and 6, Camberwell-green, F 5*000 ST. QUINTIN and SON, 50, Threadneedle-street, Regent-street—Nos. 210 and 210a, also 48, King-street, ut 20 years, GR, etc., £119, R 20,000 ................................ 670׳£1 ELLIS MORRIS and CO., 5, King-street, Cheap-side, E.C. Iloiloway—1 to 4, Cottenham-terrace, ut 67 years, GR £24 ............................. g30 Acton—77. Park-road, F ............................235 39 and 41, Stanley-road', F ... ............. 460 Turnham-green—17 and 19, Bollo-lane. F 680.״ HARMAN BROS., 75, Aidermanbury, E.C., and Rectory-road Station, N. Stoke Newington—37, Lordship-park, ut 741 years, GR £10 10s., R £65 ......... “ l 045 46^F?ullta5rne-road, ut 77h years, GR £9 iik. R £48............................... 555 Limehouse—Grenade-street, etc., a Corner Build' ing Site, with Buildings thereon, a.rea- 4,088ft., C, R £60.......................... 575 Clapton—1, Charnock-road, ut 82 years, GR £9* II £38 ........*......................! 350 Notting-hill1—81, Portland-road, ut 50 years, GR £7, R £36 Kensal-green—Harrow-road, Grape Vine Cottage, F, WR £26 Stamford-hill—96 to 108 (even), Templeton-road, m 77 years, GR £21, R £136 10s. At TWO o’clock. BAKER and SONS, 11, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C. Forest-gate—24 to 32, 36 to 48, and 52 to 68 (even), Trumpington-road, ut 85 years, GR £131 lCs., WR £711 Felixstowe, Suffolk—Brook-road, freehold building land, 5| acres MONTAGU and ROBINSON, 36, Coleman-street, E.C. Covent-garden— 3, 4 and 6, New-street, F, R £507 Soho—181, Wardour-street, F, R £152 Pimlico—5, Warwick-squave; 239, Vauxhall-bridge-road!; 42, Elizabeth-street, L Clerkenwell—192, St. John’s-street-road, F, R £85 Theydon Garr.on, Essex—A Perpetual Rent׳-charge of £35 16s. Finchley—41 and 43, Station-road', L ROBERT REID, 51, Great Marlborough-street, W. Hyde-park—75, Gloucester-terrace, ut 38 years, GR £20, R £135; 30, Gloucester-terrace, ut 38 years, GR £18 4s., R £155; 10, Gloucester-terrace, ut 37 years, GR £18, R £160; (flats) 19, Sussex-sq., ut 37 years, GR £52, R £475 ; 29, Norfolk-crescent, ut 36 years׳, GR £25, R £240; 16, Cambridge-terrace, ut 29 years, GR £16 16s., R £155; 17 and 17J Southwick-street, ut 31 years, GR £20, R £125; 25 and 27, Upper Brook-mews, ut 38 years, GR £14, R £57 10s.; 17. Brook-mews North, ut 38 years, GR nil, R £36; 2 and 3, Bathurst-street, ut 37 years, GR £4, R £310; 11 and 12, Cam-bridge-place ut 33 years, GR £12, .R £130 St. John’s-wood1—10, Abercorn-mews, ut 40 years, GR £2, R £25 City of London—Upper Thames-strcet, The City Mills Buildings, ut 29 years, GR £252 10s., R £3,555 DOLMAN aud PEARCE, 62, HaYerstock-hill, N.W. Hampstead—97, Adelaide-road, ut years, GR £3; 8, Fellows'-road, ut years׳, GR £10 Haverstock-hill—Nos. 118, 120, 128 and 134, L W. R. NICHOLAS and CO., 60, Pall Mall, S.W., and Reading. Eastbourne, Sussex—The Links, and three acres Elstree, Herts—Glenhaven, and five acres Prestwood, Bucks—Knives Farm, and 100 acres DAYID J. CHATTtfLL, 29a. Lincoln’s inn-fields, W.C., and Chislehurst, Kent. Charlton, Kent—Hardens Manor Way, etc., FGR’s of £399 14s־. Id.; and an enclosure of building land, about six acres׳ R. PRICE and SON, 2, Clapham-park road and 340, Balham High-road, S.W. Willesden—9, Fortune-gate-road, ut 90 years, L Clapham—139, 141 and 143, Bedfoird-road, ut 26 years, GR £25 Wandsworth—442, Merton-road, ut 80 years, GR £6, R £26 New MU den—1 and 3, Pressbury-road, ut 95 years, GR £71, 11 £95 G. W. DIXON and CO., Railway Approach, Sutton (at the Cock Hotel, Sutton, at 7.30 o’clock). Sutton—The remaining portion of the F. building estate, known !as the Beauchamp Estate ; 1 and 2, Suffolk-villas, R. £48, F. : and Nor folk-cottages, Beau-champ-road, u.t. 99 years. G.R. £18. R. £93 12s. RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at thi Mart, London, except where otherwise stated^________________ MAY. THURSDAY 25th. GEORGE TURNER (at Ipswich). Ipswich—Felaw-street, The Old Workhouse, area 3a, lr. 38p., F ....................... 8,200 WHITE and SONS (at Dorking). Westcott, Surrey—Hill House, and 2a. Or. 30p., F 2,250 An Enclosure of Land’, 0a. 3r. 36p., F . 260 Five Freehold Cottages ................. 620 SATURDAY 27th. BRUTON, KNOWLES and CO. (at Gloucester). Upleadon, Glos—Bay toil’s Farm, 72a. 2r. 29p., F 1,600 A Freehold Holding, 3a. 2r. 27p......... 350 WINCH and SONS (at Hawkhurst). Sandhurst, Kent—Enclosure of Marsh Land, 23a. 2r. 19p., F .......................... 640 Lomas Farm, 108a. 3r. 22p., F .......... 2,500 A Freehold! Messuage and an Orchard, 0a. 3r. 2p................................. 185 Hope House Farm, 106a. Or. 15p., F ..... 1,600 The Mill Brooks and Heel Fields,16a. 3r. 24p., F ................................... 300 Hoadland and׳ Reynolds Farm, 167a. lr. lip., ..................................... 2 375 MONDAY 29th. WILKINSON, SON and WELCH (at Brighton). Hove, Sussex—Hove Lodge Mansions, FGR of £120, reversion in 97 years ............. 3,326 L nd BRISCOE (at Birmingham). Northfield, Worcester — West Heath-road, Broom Hill, and1 0a. 2r. 28p., ut 96 years, GR £10 ................................ 1,000 Knowle, Warwick—Darley Mill Farm, 18a. 3r. 7p., F .................................. 1,800 DURRANT andLAMPERD, 20, Ironmonger-lane, Cheapside, E.C. Bromley. Ketifi—36 and! 37, Palace-road, F, R £45 870 East Finchley—King-street, a Freehold Building Site ...................................... 280 Rotherhithe—674 and 678, Rotherhithe-street, F, R £44 ..................................... 575 Lee—10, Bromley-road’, ut 65 years, GR £7 10s., R£35 ..................................... 300 Forest-hill—4, Rockbourne-road, ut 62 years, GR £6 6s., R £26 ............................. 225 Bromley, Kent—Park-road, FGR’s of £19 10s., reversion in 61 years...................... 535 Wid׳more-road, FGR's of £23, reversion in 61 years ..................................... 040 Beckham—Kirkwood-road, FGR’s of £8 8s., reversion ill 74 years.................. 205 H. J. BROMLEY, la, Wood-street, E.C., 8, Knights-hill-road, West Norwood, 363, Nor-wood-road and 3, London-road, Forest-hill, S.E. Forest-hill—2S, Reck bourn e-road, ut 61 vears, GR £6 10s................................ 280 ELLIOTT, SON and BO* TON, 6, Yere street ana 35. Cambridge-street, Hyde-park-square, W. Hampstead—80 and 82, Goldharst-torraoe, ut 79 years, GR £24, R £120 ................... 1,075 Kentish Town—Maiden-road, the Newberry , Arms.P-h, IGRof£84, ut 411 years, GR £12 1,410 Stoke Newington—Nevill-road, IGR of £40, ut 65 years, GR £10 .......................... 620