937 THE ESTATES GAZETTE JtrNii 3, 1899. Jbrr IPSWICH. A Business Premises, 22, Tavern-street, the principal street of the town. Three Residences* situate respectively in Lower Brook-street, Tuddenham-road, and Willoughby-road. Thirty-two Dwelling Houses, situate in various parts of the town. A Building Estate of 10 acres on the Bramford and adjoining roads. Four Residential Sites of one acre each. A Building Plot of half an acre. G. , Ipswich, on Thursday next, June 8, 1899, at Seven o'clock p.m. precisely, the above FREEHOLD TOWN PROPERTIES, in 23 Lots. Particulars of the Auctioneers, 1, Old Butter Market, Ipswich. SUFFOLK. The ROUND WOOD ESTATE of 144 acres, in the environs of the important and increasing town of Ipswich, lh. 35m. from¡ London, comprising a moderate-sized Residence, charmingly situate in well-timbered! pleasure grounds and park of in all of about 32 acres, with lodge entrance, stabling, pleasure and׳ kitchen gardens, glasshouses, and farmery. Also several Enclosures of surrounding Land, with area of 112 acres, desirable as an adjunct to the residence, and possessing present and prospective building features. n ARROD, TURNER and SON will Sell by vX Auction, at the Great White Horse Hotel, Ipswich, on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at Four o’clock, the above attractive ESTATE, in 10 Lots. Particulars of the Solicitors, Messrs. Josselyn and Sons; and of the Auctioneers•, all of Ipswich. SUFFOLK. The HENLEY HALL ESTATE of 357 acres, about four miles from the important town of Ipswich, ll hours from London, and׳ half hour from the sea at, Felixstowe, comprising a Country Residence, pleasantly situate near to the village church, with well-timbered grounds of about 4£ acres and stabling. Three Homesteads, with convenient sized Farms of excellent mixed soil land; Seven Cottages, and a wood of seven acres. The whole offering good sporting facilities. n ARROD, TURNER and SON will Sell by VX Auction, at the Great White Horse Hotet, Ipswich, on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at Four o’clock, the above FREEHOLD ESTATE, in Seven Lots, offering attractive features for occupation and investment. Particulars of the Solicitors, Messrs. Whitcombs and Haines, Gloucester; and of the Auctioneers, Ipswich. IPSWICH. Second June Sale of Town Properties. n ARROD, TURNER and SON will Sell by VX Auction, at the Great. White Horse Hotel, Ipswich, on Thursday, June 29, 1899, FREEHOLD BUSINESS PREMISES, HOUSES and BUILDING LAND. Particulars shortly of the Auctioneers, Ipswich. By order of the Mortgagees. M־ . place, Regent-street, W., will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, June 16, at Two, the following desirable PROPERTIES:- 133, SHAFTESBUEY-A VENUE, W.C.—Excellent corner Premises, Shop and Dwelling House. Held for a term of 42 years Hess three days) from December 25, 1390. Ground rent £62 per annual. Let and producing £200 17s. per annum, landlord paying outgoings. ACTON, W.—Freehold Corner Residence, Zeals, Berrymead-gardens. Pleasantly situated. Two sitting rooms, five bed rooms, fitted bath room (h. and c.), two w.c.’s, capital offices, gardens. Let at £35 per annum BRENTWOOD, ESSEX—Attractive Freehold double-fronted detached Residence, The Lions, Avenue-road, Brentwood. Five minutes from station. Three reception, sijL-bed, dressing, and bath rooms, offices. Large gardens about 50ft. by 182ft. Now let at• £52 10s. per annum. Solicitors, Messrs. Coe, Robinson and Dennes, 14, Hart-street, W.C. REVERSIONS, LIFE INTERESTS, POLICIES, ETC. IX/TESSRS. LAING WATERS and CO. hold 1YJ- PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS, Life Interests, Life Policies, Annuities, Mortgage Debts, Stocks, and Shares; also of Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold Properties, Ground Rents, etc. Terms quoted on application. Solicitors, trustees and others having properties such as described above are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 244, High Holborn, W.C. NOTE.—Particulars of lots intended for inclusion in these periodical sales must be received at least 12 days prior to advertised date of sale. Periodical Sales of Reversions, Policies, etc. IX/TESSRS. LAING WATERS and CO.’s next XL Sale of REVERSIONS, LIFE INTERESTS, LIFE POLICIES, STOCKS, SHARES, etc., will be held at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 20, 1899. Full particulars may be obtained on and after June 10 at the Offices of the Auctioneers, 244, High Holborn, W.C. NOTE.—Particulars of Lots for inclusion in these Periodical Sales must reach the Auctioneers not later than 12 clear days prior to advertised date of sale. . at Two o’clock precisely, the following: — STRATFORD.—A valuable lease.—Commanding comer Premises, known as the Beacon Coffee Palace, and adjoining property, No. 262, High-street, together ivth the manufacturing premises, leased to Messrs. Streimer and Co., Ward-road, Stratford. Let and underleased at rentals amounting to £280 per annum. Held for an unexpired term of 63 years, at the rental of £200 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Forbes and Son, 11, Londrn-street, E.C. Also four long Leasehold Cottages, known as and being Nos. 19, 20, 21 and 22, Maryland-street, Maryland-point. Let at weekly l entais producing about £80 per annum. Unexpired term 66 years. Ground rent, £15 per annum for the whole.—Solicitors, Messrs. Soiames and Thompson, 12, Coleman-street, London, E.C. BOW.—Four long Leasehold Cottages, known as and being Nos. 9, 11, 13 and 15, Ireton-street. Let at weekly rentals, producing about £80 per annum landlord paying rates and taxes. Term unexpired 74 years. Ground rent £12 per annum for the whole. Each of the above may be viewed by application to the occupiers. Printed particulars and conditions of sale from the respective Solicitors; or posted direct from the Auctioneers’ Chief Local Offices, 94, Bow-road, E. gtrtlvsr bn Awxticnt♦ To Goldbeater’s Skin and other Manufacturers. DALSTON.—With possession, close to the Junction, N.E. . the Bank of England, on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the BUSINESS PREMISES, known as 14a, St. Mark’s-viilas (in rear of St. Mark’s-villas), Sandringham-road, Dalston. Rental value £75. Lease 66 years at £25 ground rent.—Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. King and Jenkins, 16, Abchurch-la.ne, E.C. To Small Capitalists. WALTHAMSTOW.—Within a few minutes’ walk of James-street Station, G.E.R., and Blackhorse-road Station, M.R. WEEKLY ESTATE of five bav-windowed villas *and corner shop and dwelling, Nos. 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, Blackhorse-road, High-street, Walthamstow. Rental £160 per annum. Lease over 80 years, at only £27 10s. ground rent.-Vendor’s Solicitor, Geo. J. Dowse, Esq., 535, Kingsland-road, N.E. TOTTENHAM.—Within a few minutes’ walk of West-green Station, G.E.R., and South Tottenham Station, M.R. E C., near the Bank of England, “on Wednesday’ June 7, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in separate Lots\ the 12 well-built and attractively finished VILLA RESIDENCES, each containing seven rooms, bath (h. and c.), gardens, etc., situate Nos. 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86 , 88, 81, 83, 85 and 87, Gloucester-road, Philip-lane, Tottenham, producing together £332 per annum, tenants paying rates and taxes. Leases 99 years, at £6 ground rent each.—Vendor’s Solicitor, H. W. Stiff, Esq., 13, Gray’s-inn-square, W.C. By order of the Administratrix of the late Edward Miles.—HOXTON. Thursday, June 29, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the TERRACE HOUSE, No. 32, Buckland-street, Hoxton. Let at £36 per annum. Lease 35 years unexpired, at £5 ground rent. PECKHAM. _ Thursday, June 29, 1899, at One o’clock, the HOUSE and SHOP, No. 61, Peckliam-park-road. Let to a chemist at £31 per annum. Lease 15 years unexpired at £6 ground rent—Vendor’s Solicitor, G. J. Dowse, Esq., 535, Kingsland-road, N.E. NEWINGTON-GREEN.—Freehold.—Within about 10 minutes’ walk of Dalston Junction. . Thursday, June 29, 1899, at One o’clock, in separate Lots, the FOUR well-built FREEHOLD VILLAS, Nos. 12, 14, 16 and 18, Cowper-road, St. Matthias-road, South Hornsey. Now much underlet, two at £28 per annum each, one at £30, and one at £26 per annum; but each worth £32 per annum.—Vendor’s Solicitor, Geo. J. Dowse, Esq., 535, Kingsland-road. May be viewed, and particulars with conditions of sale had of the respective Solicitors; or from Mr. William Stevens, F.A.I., auctioneer*, surveyor and valuer, opposite Dalston Junction, N.E. BRIXTON and HOXTON. BRIXTON (within a few minutes of Stockwell Station on the Electric Railway, and Clapham Station on the L.C. and D.R., whence there are good services of trains to the City).—The capital Leasehold Investment, known as No. 1, Torrens-street, Ferndale-road, Brixton, containing eight rooms, and let to a good tenant, and producing £39 per annum, landlord paying outgoings. Held upon lease for a term of 99 years from March 25, 1876, at a ground! rent of £6 per annum. HOXTON (situate in a densely populated neighbourhood, and just off the New North-road, and within a few minutes of Haggerston and Shoreditch Stations on the N.L .Railway).—The valuable Leasehold Residence, situate and being No. 76, Herbert-street, Hoxton, containing nine rooms, and washhouse; let to a punctually paying tenant, and producing £45 per annum, tenant paying outgoings. Held for a term of 99 years from Midsummer. 1843, at a ground rent of £5 5s. per annum. . on Friday, June 16, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. May be viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale to be obtained at the Mart; of H. E. Moojen, Esq., solicitor, 140, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; and of W. G. Shadrake, auctioneer and estate agent, 184, High-street, Leyton. HERTFORDSHIRE—Four miles from Stevenage and Baldock Stations on the Great Northern. Howell’s Farm. IX/TESSRS. RUMBALL and EDWARDS will XL Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tckenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, July 10, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known ¿vs Howell’s Farm, in the parish of Weston, occupying a splendid situation and־ adjoining good roads, comprising 279a. lr. 38p. of very productive arable and pasture land, together with the capital dwelling house and well-arranged homestead, in the occupation of Mr. Titmuss; also two well-built Freehold Cottages. Free of all tithes. Particulars of M. T. Hodding, Esq., solicitor; and of Messrs. Rumball and Edwards, auctioneers, St, Albans. HERTFORDSHIRE.—Important Residential Property known as Stag’s End, Great Gaddesden. IX/TESSRS. RUMBALL and EDWARDS XL (having been instructed by the Trustees of the !ate Sir Charles F. Farran) will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, July 10, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private treaty), the charming RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, known as Stag’s End, situate in the parish of Great Gaddesden, about four miles from Kernel Hempstead on the Midland Railway, comprising a moderate-sized mansion approached by a carriage drive, occupying a delightful situation, with a southern aspect, and surrounded by a park adorned with stately timber; contains 14 bed rooms, bath room, entrance and inner halls, four reception rooms, billiard room, excellent domestic offices; capital stabling for eight horses, charming pleasure grounds, two kitchen gardens, four cottages, farm aomestead, and 94 acres of excellent land, in a ring fence, and forming one of the most pleasant residential properties in the home counties. May be viewed by cards only to be obtained of the Auctioneers, and conditions had of Messrs. Nicholl, Manisty and Co., solicitors, No. 1, Howard• street, W.C.; and of Messrs. Rumball and Edwards auctioneers, St. Albans. guvie# hjr Awction. LANARKSHIRE.—The Carstairs Estate, embracing aoout 5,213 statute acres, midway between Edinburgh and Glasgow, forming an especially attrac- I live residential and sporting property, combined with the advantages of a sound landed investment. nittNNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHIN- Yy NOCK will Offer for Sale by Auction, at Dowell’s Rooms, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, Juiy 19, at Two o’clock to the minute, the above valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, first in its entirety, then, if not sold, in Three Lots, as follows: — Lot 1.—The highly important and distinguished Residential Estate, known as Carstairs, consisting of about 3,302 acres, situated in the parish of Carstairs, with the important station of Carstairs Junction on the Caiedlcnian Railway on the property. affording direct and easy communication with all parts of Scotland and the south, 3£ miles from the county town of Lanark, 27 miles from Edinburgh, and 26 from Glasgow. It lies very compact, and is bounded entirely cn the south by the River Clyde and on the north bv the river Mouse, and comprises a noble castellated mansion, most substantially built of stone, occupying an unrivalleff position on an elevated site overlooking the lovely valley of the Clyde, with grand views of the Tinto Hills in the distance, seated in a beautifully wooded park and ornamental policies of about 720 acres, embellished with lake and fine avenues, one of which is two miles in length. It is approached through lodge entrances by two Jong carriage drives, which extend through the park and wooded grounds, terminating in a broad) carriage sweep on the north front of the mansion, winch js entered from under a porte qochere, and contains spacious entrance hall, with inner hall and corridor 102ft. long communicating with a no bio suite of seven reception rooms, mostly having a southern aspect ana■ opening on to a broad terrace enclosed by a stone parapet wall, from which the park-iands gently slope down to the banks of the river. There are 21 principal bed and dressing rooms, and m addition batji room, eight servants’ bed rooms, and ample and complete domestic offices. The electric light is fitted to the principal rooms. The pleasure gardens and policies are very charmingly laid out with terrace walks, Italian garden, arboretum and extensive shrubberies adorned with a profusion of rhododendrons of mature growth; large walled-in kitchen garden, with vineries, peach and green houses, azalea and stove houses, gardener’s house, and private swimming bath. In the centre of the park is Carstairs Mains or Home Farm steading, comprising a capital dwelling house, occupied by the bailiff, and a commodious and superior model set of buildings substantially built of stone. Near to is the head keeper’s cottage and kennels, xne estate is interspersed with some thriving woods and plantations, affording good cover for the rearing and preservation of game. Excellent partridge and hare shooting is obtained over the cultivated lands, whilst on the more •exposed portions grouse and wild fowl are found. The agricultural portion of the estate is divided into nine capital farms with well-appointed and substantially built steadings in the occupation of a thriving and industrious tenantry, mostly on lease, together with some small holdings and cottages in and! around the picturesque village of Carstairs and Ravenstruther, the whole producing a rent roll of £2,995 per annum, exclusive of the mansion and policies which are at present let with the sporting rights, but arrangements have been made for early possession if desired. Lot 2.—The northern portion of the Carstairs Estate, forming an attractive residential and sporting property, comprising about 1,690 acres, and including a charming Bijou Residence known as Cranley, situated one mile from Cleghorn Station, two miles from Carstairs Junction, and three miles from the county town of Lanark, occupying a lovely site overlooking the beautifully wooded glen form-mg the valley of the Mouse, with extensive views of the noble range of the Coulter Fell Hills in the distance. It is approached by a long carriage drive through a charming wood1, and is entered from under a verandah, containing entrance hall, morning, dining, drawing, and smoking rooms of fine proportions, eight bed rooms, bath room, and the usual domestic offices, coach-house, and stabling for three horses and out-offices, prettily disposed flower garden, tennis lawn, and ground's studded with fine sycamore and other forest trees, conservatory and capital kitchen garden. At present let to a good tenant at the low rent of £120 per annum. Together with seven capital farms, with commodious steadings, all let to old-established tenants at moderate rents, the whole producing a rental of £1,206 per annum, exclusive of about 133 acres of woodland which are in hand, affording excellent cover for game, and good mixed shooting, including some grouse, obtainable on the moss lands. Lot 3.—Two compact detached Freehold Farms, known as Whitecleuch and Abbey, comprising about 222 acres, situated in the pai^sh of Carstairs, two miles from Wilson town Station on the Caledonian Railway, lying a short distance off the main Edinburgh road, and comprising two stone-built steadings; the whole, with the exception of about 14 acres of wood, in hand, at present let to Mr. John McCullum, on lease for 19 years from November, 1883, at the rent of £103 3s. per annum. Particulars may be obtained׳, of Messrs. Hunters i and Haynes, solicitors, 9, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, ■ London, W.C.; Messrs. M?^l?enzie and Kermack, I solicitors, 9, Hill-street, Edinburgh; of Mr. Hugh Mayberry, land valuator, 173, St. Vincent-street, Glasgow; of Mr. John Hunt, the steward, Carstairs Mains, N.B.; and of Messrs. Chinnock and Co., land agents and surveyors, 11, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, London, S.W. hjr gUtctiPtt. By order of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Swansea.— OYSTEEMOUTH, near SWANSEA.—־Valuable Freehold Accommodation and Building Land, situate in this picturesque and increasingly populous and favourite village, about 20 minutes’ ride by rail from the important town and port of Swansea, and midway between the Mumbi.es and Langiand Bay, lying nigli and mostly commanding fine sea views, the whole comprising about 43£ acres, at present let to Mr. R. Woollacott on a yearly tenancy. nnINNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHIN- VJ NOOK will Sell by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Swansea, on Wednesday, June 28, at Two for 2.30 o’clock precisely, the above valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, comprising a compact area of about 17a. 2r. 7p. of Pasture, Arable, and Wood Land, extending from Rock-terrace on the north to Thistle-boon-lane on the south, valuable for accommodation purposes, with some portions ripe for bunding operations, houses in Rock-terrace having already been built up to this property. A valuable Enclosure of Arable or Market Garden Land, comprising about 2a. 3r. 20p., situate at Lewin-lhll, on the north side of Thistleboon-iane, and within easy reach of the Mumbles. A prominent range of Cliff and Arable Land, comprising about 23a. Ur. 5p., ¿!butting on the foreshore midway between Langiand Bay and the Mumbles, known as Rani’s Tor, having an extensive sea frontage, lying high, with approach from Thistleboon-iane. The new road from the Mumbles is being extended in this direction and the adjoining lands gradually developed for building purposes. Particulars of Messrs. Hunters and Haynes, solicitors, 9, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C.; of E. Upton Strick, Esq., 14, Wind-street, Swansea; and¡ of Messrs. Chinnock and Co., land agents and surveyors, 11, Watenoo-place, Pall Mall, London, S.W. To Close a Joint Estate. To Land Companies, Builders and Speculators. WALTHAMSTOW. Adjoining the Far-Famed Epping Forest; only Seven miles from the Bank of England, with exceptional railway facilities, there being a half hourly sendee of trains to the City throughout the day and night, and quarter-hour service during morning and evening with express trains. There are also six workmen’s trains at 2d. the return journey between five! and' six o’clock in the morning, and train services to Gospel Oak and Stratford. The Important and Valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE being Cooke’s Folly (otherwise known as Belle Vue) situate in the Forest-road and Hale End-road, also the numerous enclosures of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND situate in the Wadham-road, Billett-road and Chingford-road, the whole comprising an area of about 155 acres, and possessing frontages of a mile and a half !o Parish Roads and about 3,000ft. to Epping Forest. Which will be Sold by Auction by Mr. WM. HOUGHTON, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C.. on Monday, July 3, 1899, at Two o’clock, in nine lots. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. W. Houghton and Son, Solicitors, 56. New Broad-street, E.C•.; and at Bridge-chambers, Hoe-street, Waithamstow; of Messrs. H. and J. E. Underhill and Thorneycroft, Solicitors, Wolverhampton; of Edward Hilder. Esq., Solicitor, 36, Jermyn-street, St. James’s, S.W.; and of the Auctioneer, 58, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. By order of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Swansea.— GLAMORGANSHIRE.—Llettyrafel Estate, an important Freehold Agricultural, Sporting, and Mineral Property, situated in the picturesque Vale of Neath, in the parish of Cadoxton, conveniently placed about three miles from the town and: station of Neath on the Great Western Railway, miles from Aberdulais Station on the Vale oi Neath Railway, and one mile from Crynant Station on the Neath and Brecon Railway, comprising a compact area of about 709 acres, abutting upon the Merthyr Tydvil turnpike road on the south side, and extending to the Neath and Brecon Railway and River Dulais on the north, divided into two sheep farms known as Llettyrafel and Abernant, and interspersed with some extensive woodlands. On Llettyrafel is a modern and substantial stone-built residence, erected by the late owner for the purposes of a shooting box, on an elevated position, commanding extensive views, and1 containing three reception rooms, eight bed rooms, and usual offices, with a commodious set of farm buildings at a convenient remove therefrom. In the woods, near the principal entrance on the Merthyr Tydvil road, is another smaller shooting box or lodge, substantially built in an ornamental style, containing seven rooms, with small garden, coach-house and stable, at present occupied by the keeper. Abernant Farm comprises a small homestead and about 57 acres of pasture land, and is let to Mr. Moses Nicholas at the rent of £39 per annum; the remainder is in hand, including about 262 acres of woodlands, which afford excellent cover for the rearing of same• The valuable mines and minerals can be included in the sale, and considering that the property has an extensive frontage to the Neath and Brecon Railway, there is every facility for working and carrying the coal, which underlies the property. rjHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHIN- NOCK will Sell by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Swansea, on Wednesday, June 28, at Two for 2 30 oblock precisely, the above important FREEHOLD ROPERTY. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Hunters and Haynes, solicitors, No. 9, New-square, Lincoln’s-mn London, W.C1.; of E. Upton Strick, Esq., 14, Wind-street, Swansea; and of Messrs. Chinnock and Co., land agents and surveyors. 11. Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, London, S.W. By order of the Rt. Hon. the Lord Swansea.— LLANGYFELACH, near SWANSEA.—A valuable ireehold Estate, situate in the parish of Llan-gyfelach, about 2^ miles from the town of Morris-ton, and four miles! from Swansea, comprising about 607 acres divided into numerous farms and small holdings, with useful homesteads interspersed with extensive enclosures of woodland, affording good cover for game, also numerous cottages, all let at moderate rents, together with the valuable mines and minerals existing under the property. CHINNOCK, GALSWORTHY and CHIN-NOCK will Sell by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Swansea, on Wednesday, June 28, at Two for 2.30 o’clock precisely, the above-mentioned FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising:—• Four enclosures of pasture or accommodation land at Penybank, comprising about 4a. 2r. 26p., let to Mr. John Phillips. A ground rent of £3 10s., secured on dwelling house and garden at Pantlasse occupied by Mr. Wm. Davies. The modern-built Chapel, known as Hermon, situate at Pantlasse, with cottage and garden adjoining, and two enclosures of pasture land of four acres, let to Mr. Thomas and others. Three enclosures of pasture and arable land, comprising about 11a. 2r. 12p., abutting on the main road, let to Mr. Thomas Thomas. A range of 10 substantial stone and slate built cottages, known as Vivian-row, situate close to the main road, aP occupied and let at 9s. 4d. per month each. Odynfoel Farm, and about 35a. 3r. 38p., occupied by Mr. Thomas Thomas. Part of Odynfoel Farm, comprising about 44 acres, with dwelling house, knmvn as the old schoolhouse, and pasture, arable and woodlands, extending to the River Llan, let to Mr. John Phillips and Mr. Thomas Thomas. The Keeper’s House, at Gorswren, and 26a. 2r. 37p. Maes Eglwys Farm, with 119a. 2r. 10p., including woodlands and five cottages at Penywaunfach. Llettyrnorfil Farm, with 80a. 2r. 38p., including woods. Brynwhilach Farm, with 274a. 3r. 34p., including woods and two cottages. A ground rent of £4, secured on cottage, garden and land at Pont Llan, occupied by Mr. T. Roberts. The valuable Mines and Minerals under the whole of the Llangyfelach Estate. A shaft has already been sunk, and the coal w׳orked by the late owner. The site of the tramway from the Estate to Llan-gyfelach-road will be included in the sale. Particulars, with plans, may be obtained of Messrs. Hunters and Haynes, solicitors, 9, New-square, Lincoln’s-inn, Lonaon. W.C.; of E. Upton Strick, Esq., 14, Wind-street•, Swansea; and of Messrs. Chinnock and Co., land agents and surveyors, 11, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, London, S.W. SURVEYING BOOKS, ruled and bound, leather backs, Is. each (by post Is. Id.).— Stationery Department, “ Estates Gazette ” Office, 6, St. Bride-street, London, E.C.