935 THE ESTATES GAZETTE June 3, 1899. ^titles by gUtctunn MONTGOMERYSHIRE, On the Border of Shropshire. TO BE SOLD, pursuant to an order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Manchester District Registry, made in re estates settled by James Clarkson Ka*r, by will dated February 15, 1870, and a codicil thereto dated August 29, 1571, consisting of (1) the Freehold Estate, known as Aston Hall, situate in the parish of Lydham, in the county of Montgomery; (2) certain Freehold Hereditaments, situât# in Hyssington and Church Stoke in the said county, and in re the Settled Estates Act, 1877, 1898, K. No. 54, with the approba-. tion of Mr. Justice Byrne, by Hotel, Bishop’s Castle, in the county of Salop, on Thursday, June 29, 1899, at 2.50 o’clock in the .־*ftei״ noon precisely, together with certain other Freehold, Hereditaments contiguous thereto. The properties thereto are Freehold of Inheritance, and are known as (A) The Aston Hall Estate, consisting of (1) Aston Hall Farm; (2) Middle Aston Farm; (3) Whynn Farm; all situate at Aston, in the county of Montgomery. (B) The Byssington Estate, consisting of (4) The residence known as the Llan, together with stables, outbuildings, and about 116 acres of land; (5) Bag-bury Farm; (6) Hyssington Farm; (7) Lower House Farm; (8) all that Freehold! Plot of Land, together with the Smithy and Cottage erected thereon, now m the occupation of Mr. George Jones; (9) all that Freehold Plot of Land, together with the Cottage erected thereon, now in the occupation of Mr George Beamand; (10) all that Freehold Plot of Land, together with the Two Cottages erected thereon, now in the several occupations of Mrs. Kinsey and Mr. William Miles;. (11) the Pinfold Farm; (12) Brookhouse Farm; (13) Yew Tree Farm; (14) Fish-pool Farm; (15) all that Freehold Field or Close of Land, now in the occupation of Mr. John Huffer; and (16) all that Freehqld Field or Close of Land, now in the occupation of Mr. Robert Gittins, aR situate m the parishes of Hyssington or Church* stoke, in the said county of Montgomery, containing about 1,092a. Or. 3p. of arable meadows and pasture_land, together with all buildings and• erections thereon. The property will be offered in On® Lot, or failing sale in such One Lot, then the Lota numbered 1 to 3 will be offered in One Lot, and tb• Lots numbered 4 to 16 in another Lot, and failing sale m such Two Lots, then in the 16 Lots set out m the particulars of sale. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had gratis of Messrs. Butche? and Barlow, of 4, Bank-street, Bury, Market-place, Kamsbottom, and! 2, bt. James s-square, Manchester, all in the county ot Lancaster, solicitors for the petitioners; or of the Auctioneer, at Chirbury and Bishop’s Castle, Salop. . MONTGOMERYSHIRE. Bale of an important and valuable Freehold Estate known as Broadway Hall, situated midway be-tween Bishop s Castle and Churchstoke. and inter-sected by the main roads to Welshpool and Churchstoke to Minsterley. lyTESSRS. MORRIS, MARSHALL and 7'־^ ■POOLE have received instructions to Sell by t!1010!11' at 1110 Castle Hotel, Bishop’s Castle, on Thursday. June ¿9, 1899, at 2.30 o’clock in the after-toTtIle £en.eral Conditions of Sale of Shropshire Law Society and t# other snecial foUowVngVots?! then and'ther0 produced, in the ■ Eot, 1’wAU the several Closes or Parcels of Land cwiwiv tbe P£rlsl1 of Churchstoke, otherwise Churchstoke m the county of Montgomery com- ffinSSaS sup(:rior farmhouse, farm buildings, oSc fortfbif ^P4Stnre “?5 arable land, and three com-fortable co tages with gardens, and comprising in thLor^Vl71twei or thereabout*. cireVtfm that detached Field of Pasture Land. t?10 Pai^h of Churchstoke aforesaid, and abouht6 Llanarcl1■ containing 2a. 2r. 26p., or there- E°th ?ot9 are let to׳ Mr. William Hodges on a yearly tenancy at the low rent of £215 13s The £14e3sridt׳Chaagti,P־iya?e for the year 1898׳ is if V,311(1 *he land tax £11 2s. 3d. The pro-perty will be sold sub.iect to certain chief rents or yearly sums 0f 19s. lod. and 6s. 4d. chargeable 111A03 certain portions of the premises, and also A ”®hts of way shown on the plan, of tb4 ״,w-tbe Promises can be seen at the Offices Bu“e Auctioneers, or the Vendor’s Solicitors, at Particulars apply to the Auctioneer«, ft H vhlrta7■“1 Bishop's Castle; to !■tfifrj Ka3A solicitor, Silver-street, Bury• or to the Vendor s Solicitors, Messrs. Butcher and! bottom' Bl!ry; *arket-ptace. Ramf oottom, and 2, St. James’s-square, Manchester all m the county of Lancaster. s e ' au ® Freehold Properties at WATFORD 1,J? °tS0,2™״r• with frontage to Vicar road about 370ft. The excellent ]Residence < OfficesеяпАаПС?1 hal1’ tbree roception rooms, g offices and cellar, seven, bed rooms, two dre* rooms, bath room; large well-shrubbed1 lawr dock' S ' S1״״ gar(l011■ ־tablingdand UW־dted *hf £165 РеГ annunl• The whole prop! AIV״ th. "MR• THOMAS MARSON is instructed to -LY-L Sell by Auction, at the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row Birmingham, on Thursday, June 15,1»99, at Four o'clock the above Freehold Estate, in 11 Lots. Detailed particulars and plans may be had from Messrs. Lewis and Holman, Solicitors,* Lewes, Sussex • Mesers. Palmer and Bull, 24, Bedford-row, London; or from Thomas Marson, auctioneer and land agent Higham, Nuneaton. LEICESTERSHIRE. MR. THOMAS MARSON is instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Grosvenor Sale Rooms, Leicester, on Wednesday, July 5: — LEICESTER FOREST. The Cotoo. House Estate, 5¿ miles from Leicester, comprising 65a. Ir. 6p., with house and buildings.— Solicitors, Messrs. Stevenson, and Messrs. Harvey and Clarke, Leicester. PECKLETON and NEWBALD VERDON. The Broom Hills Farm, and Accommodation Land extending to 105 acres.—Solicitor, Mr. Chamberlain, Chesterfield. OSBASTON and NAILSTONE. The Gate Inn; also Messuages and Land.—Solicitors, Messrs. Loseby and Son, Leicester. LEICESTERSHIRE.—CROFT. Y/TR. THOMAS MARSON is instructed to ־!־V־ Sell by Auction, at the Grosvenor Sale Rooms, Leicester, on Wednesday, July 11: — Freehold Estate of 150 acres. The AdVowson of the Rectory of Croft The Manor of Croft. Solicitors, Messrs. R. B. Berridge and Sons, Leices- teT_ CROFT. Freehold Granite Quarry. Freehold Messuages and Lands. Solicitors, Messrs. Bouskell, Leicester. Plans and particulars from Thomas Marson, F.S.I., auctioneer and land agent, Higham, Nuneaton and Leicester. T EICESTERSHIRE, on the Warwickshire -I-J Border.—For Sale, Estate of 210 acres, with very good residence, cottages, entrance lodges, and well-timbered grounds, within three hours of London, and 4o minutes of Birmingham. TSLE of ELY.—For Sale.—Estate of 230 acres, x with house and buildings, 1J miles from Station on G.E.Ry., and half a mile from village. Early possession. The land, etc., is all in excellent order. For details of above apply to the Vendor’s Agent Thomas Marson, F.S.I., Higham, Nuneaton, and Leicester.____________________ To Trustees, Brewers, and others. FIRST-CLASS FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS OF £625 A YEAR, amply secured upon TWO IMPORTANT FULLY-LICENSED HOTELS, with valuable short reversions. lyTESSRS. WARLTERS, LOYEJOY and -LtA TELFER have been favoured with instructions from the Freeholder to Submit to Public Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C,, on Monday, June 19, 1899, at Two_q’clock precisely, in Two Lota amply secured FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS OF £625 A YEAR arising from those first-class, old-established, fully-licensed prooerties, known as the GOLDEN LION HOTEL AND THE ROYAL AND FORTESCUE HOTEL, occupying the n ost important business positions in the MARKET TOWN OF BARNSTAPLE, NORTH DEVON. Both properties are LET UPON REPAIRING LEASES to excellent tenants, and, having for many years enjoyed large and lucrative trades. OFFER A SOUND SECURITY. May be viewed by cards from the Auctioneers, and by permission of the tenants, and printed particulars and conditions of sale had of Messrs. Ben-craft and Bosson, solicitors, Barnstaple; on the Premises; at the place of sale; and at the Auction Offices. 9. Southampton-street, Bloomsbury-square, London, W.C. Laics bn Auction, The Periodical Sales of Estates, Reversions, Shares and House Property generally (held for 64 years) for the year 1899, by lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE art i-LL appointed to take place at the Auction Mart, E.C., on the following Thursdays: — June 8,15, 22, 29 J September 14, 28 July 6,13, 20, 27 I October 12,26 August 3 j November 2,23 December 7,14 Special attention given to Rent Collecting and the entire management of House Property, Valuations for Compensations, Mortgages, and for Probate Purposes, Surveys for Dilapidations and Plans. Agents (appointed 1836) to the London Assurance Corporation. MESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, Seven, Leadenhall-street, Cornhill, E.C., and 144, Mile End-r«ad, E. Telegrams: “Established, London.” Telephone No. 335 Avenue. PLAISTOW, near Station.—Freehold Factory, Nos. 105, 107, and 109, Grange-road, Upper-road, High-street; let on leaso at £30 per annum; used as a pickle factory. lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June 8, at Two o’clock. Auction Offices, Seven, Leadenhall-street, E.C. WHITECHAPEL.—Re P. Gough, deceased.—Dwelling Houses, Nos. 16, 18 and 20, Finch-street; let at £156 per annum; landlord pays taxes. Stabling and House, No. 22, Finch-street; let on lease at £160 per annum; unexpired term 49 years; ground rent £46 per annum on the whole. Also Houses, Nos. 35, 35a and 37, Old Montague-street, Osbom-street; let at £239 16s. per annum, tenant paying taxes; unexpired term 41 years, at £4 each per annum. iyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by MX Auction, on Thursday, June 8, at the Mart. Messrs. Nisbet, Daw and Nisbet, solicitors, 35, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. MALDON, ESSEX.—Substantially-built Eighteenth Century Residence, used as the Post Office, and let on lease at the moderate rent of £100 per annum. MESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by MX Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June 8, Two, the FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as the Post Office, Maldon, Essex; let on lease to the post mistress at £100 per annum. Solicitors•, Messrs. Beaumont, Son and Rigden, 33, Chancery-lane, W.C. SOUTH HACKNEY and STEPNEY.—Re Talbot, deed. Freehold Investments. Tl/TESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by 1־-'I Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June 8, at Two o’clock, FHEEHOLD HOUSE and SHOP, No. 34, Holcroft-road, Well-street, N.E,, let at £52 per annum; and the FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, No. 4, Heath-street׳, Commercial-road, E., let at £30 per annum; landlord pays taxes. Solicitor, F. J. East, Esq,, 10, Basinghall-street, E.C. CANNING TOWN.—Six Long Leaseholds. lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sellliy -i-'-L Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June 8, at Two, in One Lot, the SIX DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 27 to 37, Tucker-street׳, Bidder-street, near Canning Town Station; let at £110 10s. per annum. Landlord pays taxes. Term 70 years at £5 each. Solicitors, Messrs. Stock and Slater, 19, Walbrook, E.C. MELE-END-ROAD.—Re Mrs. J. King, deed.—Leasehold Residence. lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by -bU- Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June 16, at Two, the Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 45, Bancroft-road, near People's Palace. Vacant possession will be given on completion. Rental value £40 per annum. Term 50 years. Ground rent only £4. Solicitor, Cecil J. Rawlinson, Esq., 47, New Broad-street, E.C. HACKNEY, OLD FORD and1 BOW.—Re J. Dolby deceased. — Freehold and Leasehold Dwelling Houses, a Freehold Residence, and a Factory, producing £1,104 14s. per annum. ־lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by i-tL Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday. June 15, at Two, in Lots, FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £24 cn Nos. 36, 37, 38 and 39. Duncan-square, near London-fields Station, and a Freehold Factory, in Duncan-road, let on repairing lease at £55 per annum; 11 Freehold Houses, Nos. 2 to 22, Sheep-lane, Mare-street, N.E.; let at £278 4s. ner annum; Six Freehold Houses, Nos. 1 to 11, Mead’s-place, Darnley-road, N.E., let at £109 4s. per annum; Freehold semi-detached Residence, No. 56, Lauriston-road, Hackney, let on lease at £65 per annum; Five Leasehold Houses, Nos. 28 to 32, Ruston-street, close to Old Ford Station, let at £119 12־s. per annum, term 70 years, at £2 each; Six Houses (one with shop). Nos. 1 to 11, Locton-street, Parnell-roud, let at £119 12s. per annum; 18 Dwelling Heuses, Nos. 18 to 52, Locton-street, let at £334 2s. per annum, ground rent £2 each, term] 70 years. Solicitors, Messrs. Tamplin, Tayler and Joseph, 165, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Auction Offices, Seven, Leadenhall-street, E.C. MILE-END-ROAD.—Re Mrs. Vevers, deed.—Villa Residences. An excellent investment, lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by -L'-L Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June 15, at Two, in Four Lots, FOUR well-built HOUSES, Nos. 57, 58, 59 and 61, St. Peter’s-road, near Charring-ton’s Brewery. Let at £39 each; tenants pay taxes Unexpired term 40 years; ground rent. £3 per annum Solicitors, Messrs. Mee and Co., Retford, Notts Auction Offices, Seven, Leadenhall-street, E.C. !VEST HAM-PARK. E. (close to).—Four well-built Terrace Houses. lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by d-'X Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday, June *22, at Twotin One Lot, the Long LEASEHOLD HOUSES, Nos. 29, 31, 33 and 35, Warwick-road, Romford-road Let at £122 4s. per annum. Term 82 years, at £5 10s each. Solicitor, G. J. F. Muskett, Esq., 113, Powis-street, Woolwich. BURDETT-ROAD LIMEHOUSE.—Safe and improvin'. Freehold Investment. Always let lyTESSRS. C. C. and T. MOORE will Sell by -L'J- Auction, at the Mart, on Thursday. June 22 at Two, the FREEHOLD D"WELLING HOUSES Nos’ 19, 20 and 21, Pelling-street, Farrance-street, BurdetU road, E. Let at 9s. 6d., 10s., and 10s. per week• per annum, £76 14s. Landlord pays taxes. Solicitors. Messrs. Lea and Lea, 13, Old Jewrv-Cftambers, E-C.