June 3, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, 930 brt ^.uctixnt. MEADOWCROFT, CHISLEHURST, facing the common, and occupying probably the finest• position in the district.—This attractive, picturesque and well-appointed Freehold Family Residence is seated in grounds of exceptional beauty, at the junction of Kemnal-road (a private road■) and Ashfield-lane, approached by a carriage drive, and contains entrance and large inner halls, drawing room 26ft. 6in. by 15ft. 6in., dining room 20ft. by 15ft., library, 18ft. 6in. by 15ft., morning room 18ft. 6in. o-t 15ft., handsome staircase, spacious landing, ten bed and dressing rooms, bath room, and ample domestic offices. The grounds, which are screened from the roadl by belts of fine forest timber and shrubs, are thoroughly matured, ana have been laid out with the perfection of taste, abounding in great profusion with the choicest specimen shruhs. The pleasure garden contains tennis and other lawns, rosery, water garden, charming walks and nooks; there are excellent fruit and kitchen gardens, with vinery, peach house, greenhouse, and range of forcing houses, well-stocked orchard and pretty pasture paddock, the whole extending to an area• of about six acres, and forming one of the most desirable and valuable residential properties in this favourite locality. lyTESSRS. MABBETT and EDGE will Offer D-L the above by Auction, with possession, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, unless an acceptable offer is previously made. Particulars, with plan, views, and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs. Warren, Mur ton and Miller, solicitors, 45, Bloomsbury-square, W.C ; and of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 127, Mount-street•, Grosvenor-square, London, W. For investment or occupation. SOUTH KENSINGTON.—11, 38 and 43, Redcliffe-square.—Three attractive, well-built, and desirable Family Residences, in a perfect state of structural, decorative and sanitary repair. ־MESSRS. MABBETT and EDGE will Sell the above, in Three Lots, at• the Mart, E.C., cn •June 27, 1899, at One p.m., with possession, the details being as follows: — Lease. 631 yrs. 5Uyrs. Lo . No. Description. Bed Rooma. Bath Room״. R cep-t.ion R >oms. Jr’nd Rent.. 1 11, ׳Redcliff-square 9 1 4 £50 3 38, ditto .. 12 2 5 £80 3 43, ditto .. 8 1 4 £45 Particulars, when ready, of the Auctioneers, 127, Mount-street, W. At a nominal reserve. WEELEY, between Cplchester and Clacton-on-Sea, five minutes from station, church and telegraph office, and about 1£ hours from London.—The attractive Family Residence, known as Hillside, pleasantly seated on the crest of a hill, approached by a carriage drive, and containing four reception rooms, 11 bed and dressing rooms, and the usual offices; stabling for five horses, carriage house, gardener’s cottage, and buildings. The grounds form a most attractive feature, are sheltered by magnificent forest trees, and comprise pleasure, fruit, and kitchen gardens, orchard and paddock, the whole extending to about eight acres. MESSRS. MABBETT and EDGE will Sell -1-tA the above by Auction (with possession), at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Tuesday, June 27, 1899, at One! o’clock, unless an acceptable offer is previously made. Particulars of Messrs. Elwes and Turner, solicitors, Colchester; and of the Auctioneers, 127, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, London, W. Sale of about• 1,000 acres of Freehold Land in the parish of Witheridge, North Devon, with manorial and valuable fishing and sporting rights. __ Hon. the Earl of Portsmouth to Sell by Auction, at the Angel Hotel, Witheridge, on Wednesday, •June 21 next, at Two for 2.30 precisely, several valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, Accommodation Land, House and Cottage Properties, Manorial Rights, and Chief Rents, in suitable Lots. Further particulars will appear, and may be obtained from the Auctioneers, Chulmleigh; J. M. Tanner, Esq., The Estate Office, Wembworthy; or Messrs. Thorold, Brodie and Bonham-Carter, solicitors 4, Regent-street, London, S.W. Sun Insurance Offices, Chulmleigh, May 6. MESSRS. GREEN and SON, D-l- AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS. 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, Reg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION ol FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES. Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions. take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY n the MONTH, and on such other occasions a3 may >e arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. Stale# bn Ancltmt To Investors, Capitalists, and others.—Sound Freehold and Leasehold Investments. MESSRS. JOSEPH HIBBARD and SONS DX have been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank, E.C., on Friday, June 16, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the following PROPERTIES: — STAMFORD-HILL. — Three Leasehold Dwelling Houses, Nos. 80 , 76 and 72, Daleview-road, N. Ad let to good tenants, and producing £86 per annum. Lease 80 years from September 29, 1878, at• low ground rents. PLAISTOW STATION.—Four well-built Dwelling Houses, known as 22, 24, 26 and 28, Riles-road, E. Let to respectable weekly tenants, and producing to• gether £83 4s. per annum. Solicitor, C. E. T. Lamb, Esq., 17, Ironmonger-lane, E.C. DALSTON.—By order of the Executor.—An important double-frontedi corner Residence, known as No. 101, Queen’s-road, N.E., containing 10 rooms, kitchen, etc., and let upon lease at £65 per annum. Term about 40 years unexpired. Ground rent £10. CITY OF LONDON.—Substantially-built Warehouse and Premises, being No. 2, Hart-street, Wood-stree:, E.C., and comprising four floors and basement, frontage 13ft. 9in., depth 36ft. Total floor space about 2,260ft. Let, and producing £255 per annum Lease about 57 years unexpired. Ground rent £75. CITY OF LONDON.—By order of the Administrator.—A Profit Rental of £45 per annum, well secured upon premises, known as No. 184, Upper Thames-*treet, E.C. Lease 21 years from June, 1893. HARRINGAY. N.—The Long Leasehold Residence, being No. 66, Burgoyne-road, N.. situated close to flarringay Station, G.N.R , and containing nine rooms, bath (h. and c.), etc. Let at £42 per annum. Lease 99 years from March, 1888. Ground rent £7.— Solicitors, Messrs. W^ard, Perks and McKay, 85, Gracechurch-street, E.C. SYDENHAM.—By order of Mor gagees.—Two attractive Villa Residences, Nos. 33 and 35, Champion-park, close to Lower Sydenham Station, and containing each eight rooms, etc. Let at £30 and £32 respectively; worth £34 each. Long lease. Low ground rents.—Solicitors, Messrs. James and Mellor, 12, Coleman-street, E.C. BECKENHAM.—Valuable Estate of Freehold Build-mg Land, comprising about 2£ acres, and 19 other Building Plots, having frontages to Arthur-road and Miltan-street, Beckenham, and situate close to Clock House Station (S.E.R.), and fully ripe for building purposes.—Solicitors, Messrs. Mills and Catling, 28u, Basmghall-street, E.C. CATFORD-BRIi'G -Valuable Parcel of Freehold Building Land, having a• frontage of 75ft. to Faver-sham-road, with a depth of 135ft., a few minutes' walk from Catford Bridge Station. Quite ripe for buildmg purposes.—Solicitors, Messrs. Lindsay-Green- gtabes Im Auction. Freehold Residence, stabling, and grounds of three acres; also Building Land, ripe for immediate development. Walthamstow, essex. A charm ng old-fashioned FREEHOLD de׳ ached FAMILY RESIDENCE, most delightfully situate in Chestnut-walk, Lea-bridge-roadi, on the verge of Epping Forest, only eight minutes’ walk from Wood-street Station (G.E.R.). It stands well back from the road, is approached by a carriage sweep, and contains 18 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, five reception rooms, billiard room, square entrance hall, and ample domestic accommodation; stabling for five horses, etc., tastefully laid out lawns and pleasure grounds, in all nearly three acres, with a frontage of about 200ft. Also, in separate Lots, Two valuable Plots of Freehold; Building Land, situate immediately opposite the residence, and each possessing three frontages, admirably adapted for the erection of a• block of shops and dwelling houses. To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., On Thursday, July 13, at Two, in Three Lots (unless sold previously by private contract). With possession. Particulars of Messrs. Ramsden and Co., solicitors, 150, Leadenhall-street, E.C.; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE* •estate agents, veyors and! auctioneers, 7, Hobart-place, Baton-square, London, S.W., and as above. By order of the owner, who is going abroad. 16, LONGTON-GROVE, UPPER SYDENHAM. MESSRS. F. C. SQUIRE and CO., F.A.I., _Lt_L ־will Sell by Auction, on the Premises, as above, on Friday, June 9, 1899, at Twelve o’clock, the whole of the desirable well-made, Modern and Antique HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising Axminster and Brussels carpets, polished ash bed room suite, Chippendale chest of drawers, upright grand pianoforte in ebonised case, two Chippendale bookcases, ditto chairs, a 6ft. Sheraton bureau bookcase, ditto 4ft. sideboard, ditto car'd table, ditto commode, inlaid sofa table, Empire and other overmantels, Empire settees and chairs, oak dining room suite, over 1,000 ozs. silver, plated items, oil paintings, water color drawings, proof and other engravings, books, ornaments, handsome old Worcester tea service, and other china, glass and miscellaneous effects. May be viewed day prior and morning of sale, and catalogues obtained of the Auctioneers, 8, High-street, )Sydenham. Established 1854. gtale# b|i Estates, Country and Suburban Residences, Town Houses, Flats, Shops, Business Premises, Invest- MESSRS. TROLLOPE’S Printed Register of Properties for Sale by Private Contract and to be Let may be had on application at their Offices, 7. Hobart-place, Eaton-square, ) West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square, ( T,oildon 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, and j 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. ) Special Lists or Marked Registers will be forwarded on receipt of particulars of requirements. AUCTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1899. Messrs. Trollope’s Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Houses, Ground Rents, etc., will take place at the Mart, near the Bank of England, as follows: — Thursday, June 8th. j Thursday, October 19th. Thursday, July 13th. j Thursday ,November 23rd Thursc ay, August 3rd. | Thursday, December 14th Sales will be held on other dates as required. In all cases Messrs. Trollope will be glad to have as long notice as possible respecting any property they may be instructed to Offer by Auction. By order of the owner, who is relinquishing business. 42, KIRKDALE, SYDENHAM. MESSRS. F. C. SQUIRE and CO., F.A.I., . m wdl Sefi by Auction, on the Premises, as ¿ibove, , -<=, —״. iuCOBia. u״iU * Awo 0 clo9k011 ׳ Tuesday, June 20, 1899, the whole I &©!d and Mason, 11, Ironmonger-lane E C ofwell-made SHOP FITTINGS and Particulars with conditions of sale, obtained at 1IATURES by Messrs. Sage and Co., of Gray’s-inn- the Mart; of the respective Solicitors; and at the road W.C. including ebonized mahogany and! gilt Auctioneers’ Offices, 9, Walbrook. E C and at, 15 counters, ebonised and oak nests of drawers, shop Newington-green, N. chairs, handsome show case, window enclosures, wall show cases, silvered glass mirrors, book shelves, gas fittings, linoleum and window stands, outside sun blinds, and) numerous other effects. May be viewed day prior and morning of sale, and catalogues obtained of the Auctioneers, 8, Hivh-street, Sydenham, S.E. Established 1854. To Brewers, Wme and Spirit Merchants, Hotel TT. ! Proprietors, Capitalists, and others. Highly Important Announcement of Sale by „ Auction of FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTIES at BODMIN, CORNWALL. A LFRED W. DANDO has received instrue-m tl0£s to S?u by Auction׳ at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth on Thursday, July 6, 1899, at Four o’clock n tne aiternoon precisely, subject to Conditions if Sale, as follows: — Lot 1.—The far-famed, Freehold, Fully-licensed -‘VAl^Ol'tvr lrtl C1ITVI «־. r. ml. — "TV ATT 1 T "T "T /־\ r*. T. r ■.— __ By order of the London County Council. A NDRE W YOUNG will Offer for letting by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, ^E.C , on Friday, June 16. 1899, at• Two o’clock precisely the following PLOTS of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, on Lease for 80 years, with peppercorn:— ___ ___________ (A)•—pFEEK-ROAD, DEPTFORD. — Twenty-seven I Property, known as ׳The ROYAL"hoTEL^BOMIN l lots, fronting this new and widened thoroughfare, occupying the most prominent position in the prin connecting Evelyn-street and Creek-road. Several 1־Pal thoroughfare, and containing about 34 bed ot tne plots have large and! imposing frontages, and 1'ooms, suites of public and private rooms, billiard ail are suitable for immediate development either ind assembly rooms, and ample servants’ offices for +h« —״f -------1 together with the extensive Stabling and Carriage douses for about 60 horses and carriages, with the f’OUSE PROPERTIES, as well as of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings. Compensations Partnerships, Estate Duties. Dilapidations, Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receiver-ship and other powers. ]X/TESSRS. GREEN and SON invite the -*׳־A attention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain securities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. 'within’s-lane, London. E.C־. THE CONDUIT STREET AUCTION GALLERIES MAY BE HIRED FOR HOLDING SALES. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE PROFESSION. Small or large consignments of Furniture, Pictures, Plate and Jewels, &c., can be included at short notice. APPLY TO KNIGHT, FRANK & RUTLEY, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, 9 & 10, Conduit Street, & 23a, Maddox Street, W. Telephone 1942 Gerrard. Telegrams “ Galleries,. London.” requisite harness rooms, lofts and graijary. Also the admirably fitted Wine and Spirit Stores immediately adjoining the hotel, from which a lFmuC^ass and retail business is being done The Auctioneer has the utmost confidence in •ailing the attention of the trade to the sale of the tbove most important licensed properties (the hote’ only haying ’,hanged hands twice during the last oJ years), than which there are few (if apy) more valuable in the West of England. The hotel has , . , --------------, —— or many years en.ioyed a high-class, profitable and ot suitable areas and frontages for the erection of I extensive family and commercial trade, which, under for the erection of shops or manufacturing premises. (Bb-WOOD-LANE, HAMMERSMITH.—One Plot. 30 yards from the Uxbridge-road and Shepherd’s Bush Common, with return frontage to Macfarlane-road, suitable for the erection of dwelling houses or business premises. (O).—BLACKSTOOK-ROAD, ISLINGTON. — Twelve Plots m this main road leading from Highbury to Finsbury-park, of convenient frontages and depths, yery suitable for the erection of shops, dwelling houses or flats. (D) —BEN JONSON-ROAD, STEPNEY.—Six Plots capable management, could be very considerably ncreased. An extensive Posting Business is carried on, and the wine and spirit trade, which is well established, affords ample scope for great development. The north coast of Cornwall is becoming ncreasingly popular as a health Tesort, and Bodmin ousmess premises. (E).—TRAFALGAR-ROAD, EAST GREENWICH.— Jeven Plots near the approach road to Blackwall Tunnel, with return frontages to Colomb-street and Petton-road, eminently suitable for the erection of shops. Plans, particulars and conditions of letting may I os the county town, possesses attractions beyond be had at the Mart, E.C.: and at the Offices of the I ill other places. Lot 2.—The old-established double-fronted Free îold Fully-licensed Property, known as The ^ORNISH ARMS, Crockwell-s'reet, Bodmin, let at he clear annual rental of £42. Lot 3.—All that Leasehold. Fullv-licensed Property. known as The BOROUGH ARMS, at Dunmeer !ear Bodmin, together with the Plot of Land adjoin• ng, held for a term of seven years from September '9. 1898, and sublet upon an annual tenancy. The properties may be viewed by appointment, and the fullest particulars, plans, and conditions if sale obtained of Messrs. Jobson. L°wis and Enscr solicitors. Temrde-courts.. Birmingham. and Dudley: of J. Herbert Pameson, Esq , sclicitor, Bodmin: or • lie Auctioneer.. Dudley. London County Council (Estates and Valuation Department), 9, Spring-gardens, S.W C. J. STEWART. Clerk of the Council. By direction of the Executors of the late Mrs. Pownall. 2 ROSARY-GARDENS, S.W. 5 A desirable Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, pleasantly situate, with access to gardens, a few minutes from Gloucester-road Station. It contains five bed rooms, bath room, four good reception rooms, and excellent domestic offices. Electric light. Modern conveniences. Lease 75 years. Low ground rent. With possession. To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., On Thursday, June 8, at Two o’clock precisely (unless an acceptable offer be previously made privately). Particulars of Messrs. Kooper and Whately, solicitors, 17, Lincoin’s-inn-fields, W.O. ; of Messrs: Rogers, Chapman and Thomas, estate agents, 78, Gloucester■ road1, S.W. ; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; and as above. BRANKSEA ISLAND and CASTLE, DOR- SETSHIRE. An unusually attractive FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL DOMAIN, of considerable historical interest (the castle having been erected as a fortress in the reign of Henry VIII.), situate at the mouth of Poole Harbour between the Isle of Wight and the Isle of Purbeck, facing the English Channel, four miles from Bournemouth West Railway Station, whence London can be reached in about 2£ hours. The surface of the island, which is most picturesquely broken up in hill and dale, is very beautifully clothed with fine timber trees, rhododendrons, heather, and gorse, and( two large freshwater lakes form an important, feature; in all there are about 760 acres, affording shooting of a high class, with capital sea and fresh water fishing, and for yachting or boating the place can hardly be excelled, first-rate hunting is easily accessible, the soil is very dry. and the climate is bracing and healthy. The fine old embattled castle, to which many judicious additions have been made from time to time, is in perfect order, having lately been restored throughout and provided with heating apparatus, electric light, speaking tubes, hot and cold water services, hydrants, new sanitary arrangements, and all modern improvements for convenience and comfort. It is approached from a state landing-place and pier, and stands boldly out to sea on rising ground(, commanding lovely marine and land views of wide range. The park and pleasure grounds are of great natural beauty, and include charming terrace and other walks, etc. The excellent accommodation of the castle comprises 32 bed and dressing rooms, two bath rooms, four noble reception rooms, billiard room, grand reception hall, principal and garden entrances and full complement •of domestic offices, laundry, etc. Capital stabling (including a newly-erected set on the mainland), dairy, ample farm buildings, wharf storehouses, etc. There is also a neat residence known as the Villa, recently renovated!. containing capital accommodation‘ for a medium-sized family; also numerous cottages and lodges. To be Sold by Auction, At the Mart, near theBank of England, London, E.C., On Thursday. July 13. 1899, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be previously made). Particulars, views, plans, and orders to view of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square; 7 HobarUplace, Eaton-square; West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; and 5. Victoria-street, Westminster: also of Messrs. Giddy and: Giddy, estate agents, 4, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. THE HAWRIDGE COURT ESTATE, within easy distance of Chesham and Great Missenden on the Metropolitan and Great Central Railways, and Berkhamsted on the L. and N.W. Railway.—In the parishes of Aston Clinton, Wendover. Lee. Great Missenden, Chartridge, Ashley-green, Hawridge, and Cholesbury. The Freehold Estate, comprising 1,588 acres of capital pasture, arable, and woodland,, together with well-arranged homesteads and 16 cottages, occupied by most substantial tenants; also the Manors of Hawridge and Cholesbury. and 155 acres of beech woodland, will be Sold by Auction, by lyTESSRS. W. BROWN and CO., at the Town -1•*־1־Hall, Chesham, on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at Three for 3.30. in 29 Lots, by direction of the Trustees acting under the will of the late Rev. John Jeffreys. The farms comprise Hawridge Court and Vale By order of the Trustees of Mrs. Sarah Brown, deed. To Trustees, Corporate Bodies, Brewers, and Investors. MESSRS. BROWETT and TAYLOR (late Segrave. Browett and Taylor) will Sell bv Auction, at the Mart, on Wednesday next, June 7, it One, the following valuable FREEHOLDS: — PICCADILLY.—Exceedingly valuable Freehold ground Rent of £100 per annum, most amply -:ecured upon No. 10, Stafford-street, forming a por-ion of Shelley’s Hotel, Albemarle-street, with valu-vble reversion in 68 years to the full rack rental value. PICCADILLY.—Highly valuable Freehold Property, ilmost equal* to a freehold ground rent, being No. 25, Dover-street, forming a portion of the well-known ild-establislied Brown’s Hotel, Dover-street and Albemarle-street. The premises are let on full re-oairing lease at the very low rent of £440 per annum, in consideration of a premium having been paid, but on the expiration of the lease in % years a .argely increased rent or a substantial premium can with confidence be anticipated. Particulars, plans and conditions of Messrs. Browett and Taylor (late Segrave, Browett and Taylor), 9, Warwick-court, Holborn, W.C., and New Beckenham. Kent. Telephone 622 Holborn. HAROLD WOOD, on high ground, near station, with half mile of frontage to main.London road, fully ripe for building operations, resale in plots, etc., on expiration of lease in 1903. Water laid on. "lyTESSRS. G. H. MASTERMAN and CO. will _____________________________________ __ _ I־tX Sell bv Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, \ Farms, Hawridge; Dundridge Farm, St•. Leonards*^ *v*־־’־ .££T,^r®dnesd!ay’ Julle 21, 1899, at One o’clock, I Lee Clump and Chartridge Farms, Lee, Great Mis-the FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as Horseblock ’ ’ ~ ' ־־ ־ ־־ Farm, about 62 acres, with house, cottage, and a *enden; and Great and Little Pednor Farms, Chesham; also several Small Holdings. Woodland, ^nd1 the Manors of Hawridge and Cholesbury. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained of the principal Hotels in the neighbourhood; at the Estate Exchange, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C. ; of Messrs. Jull; Godfrey and Danvers, solicitors, 23, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W. ; and of Messrs. Brown and Foulkes, land agents, surve37ors and auctioneers, Tring, and at Aylesbury. complete range of modern farm buildings; let on ,ease at inadequate rent of £70 per annum expiring 1903. when it can be at once dealt with as building land and pleasure farm. Particulars and plan of Messrs. Maples: Teesdale and Co., solicitors. 6. Frederick’s-place. Old Jewry, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers, 35, Cole'Eian-street, London, E.C. By direction of the Trustees of the late R. Chamberlain, Esq. OQ CADOGAN-SQUARE, and Stables. *J01 A very special Long LEASEHOLD TOWN MANSION well-positioned, in this fashionable square with access to the large ornamental garden; neld direct from Earl Cadogan for an unexpired term of 74 years, at the low ground rent of £30 per annum. The accommodation comprises 12 bed and dressing rooms, box room, and fitted' bath room on the upper floors; charming double drawing room and billiard room on first floor; on the ground floor is an excellent dining room, central hall, and a large morning room, lobby, with dinner lift, etc.; there are two staircases, and the basement offices are complete for a large establishment; the stabling at rear contains four stalls, large coach-house, livins* rooms etc. To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, E.C. On Thursdlay, July 13, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be made previously) PiirtJUi11ars °.f. Messrs. With am, Roskell, Munster and Weld, solicitors, 1, Grajr’s-inn•square; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers. West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square; 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square; and 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. Sound Leasehold Investment. By direction of the Executors of the late C T Murdoch. M.P., to close the estate. TQ ECCLESTON-SQUARE, S.W. *■' , A net Profit Rental of £230 per annum, secured on the above Residence, and Stabling, 9, Berwick-street. The house contains accommodation for a gentleman of position, and the Stabling, which is in an enclosed yard, comprises five sta1]*, loose box, double coacli-house, and living rooms, etc. Both properties are held for an unexpired term of 16i years, at £65 per annum, and are let for the whole term to responsible tenants, at £220 per annum and £75 per annum respectively. To be Soldi by Auction, at the Mart•, E.C. On Thursdlay, July 13, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be made previously). Particulars of Messrs. Hores, Pattisson and Bathurst, solicitors, No. 52, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. W.C.; and, with orders to view of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; and as above.