Mat 1899 ,27־. THE ESTATES GAZETTE. 924 *ales f>2 auction. SUFFOLK.—BRAMFIELD. A very attractive Residential and Sporting Domain, known as Bramfield Hall Estate, within three miles of the market town and railway station of Hales-worth, and within three miles of Darsham Station, on the G.E.R., about eight miles distant from the popular seaside resort of Southwold, and seven miles from Dunwich. The Estate comprises a comfortable and imposing residence, standing in a small undulating park and ornamental grounds, with lodge entrance, stabling for at least four horses, loose boxes, coach-house, cow house, and shedding, together with Seven capital Farms, with dwelling houses and requisite agricultural buildings, excellent and well-timbered woods, conveniently adapted for game preserving; village blacksmith’s shop and premises; private house, to which the post office is attached; Seven good Cottages, carpenters’ shops, and• accommodation lands, the whole containing 780a. 3r. 3p. of capital land, all let to good tenants, and producing a rental of upwards of £600 a year, being well situated in a good sporting district, and in the neighbourhood of other estates belonging to resident county families. The Henham and Hamilton Hounds hunt the country, and there are excellent golf links at Southwold. ־UERBERT S. R. STANFORD is instructed A L to Sell by Auction the above FREEHOLD and PART COPYHOLD ESTATE, at the Corn Exchange, in the Angel Hotel Yard, at Halesworth, on Friday, June 23, 1899, very punctually at Three o’clock in the afternoon, in One Lot. Particulars and conditions of sale will shortly be in circulation, and can then be obtained on application to Messrs. Burchell and Co., solicitors, 5, The Sanctuary, Westminster, S.W.; Geoffrey Marks, Esq., Actuary and Manager of the National Mutual Life Assurance Society, 39, King-street, Cheapside, E.C.; and also, with orders to view the estate, of Herbert S. R. Stanford, auctioneer, Hales-worth and Southwold, Suffolk. In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division.— Mr. Justice Kekewich.—Re William Stocken, de- BROMLEY (KENT).—Two Freehold Shops, being Nos. 36 and 37. Palace-road, let at £45 per annum. EAST FINCHLEY.—Freehold1 Building Site, in King-street, with building thereon, formerly used as the East Finchley Laundry. ROTHERHITHE.—The Freehold Houses, Nos. 674 and 678, Rotherhithe-street, let at £44 per annum. LEE (KENT).—Leasehold Dwelling House, known as Nos. 10, Bromley-road, let at £35 per annum; lease 65 years; ground rent £7 10s. FOREST-HILL.—Leasehold Dwelling House, known as No. 4, Rockbourne-road, let at £26 per annum. Lease 62 years. Ground rent £6 6s. Freehold Ground Rents. BROMLEY (KENT).—£5 per annum, on 34. Park-road; £9 per annum, on 30 and 32, Park-road: £5 10s. per annum, on 26 and 28, Park-road; £12 per annum, on 33 and 34, Widmore-road; £11 per annum, on 36. Widmore-road. PEGKHAM. S.E.—£8 8s. per annum, on 25 and 27, Kirkwood-road pointed by Mr. Justice Kekewich, will * Offer the above important PROPERTIES and FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS for Sale by Auction, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, May 29, 1899, at One o’clock precisely. Particulars of Messrs. James Mote and Son, solicitors, 29, Queen-street, London, E.C.; Messrs. Surman and Quekett, solicitors, 35, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; Messrs. Ranger, Burton and Frost, solicitors, 17, Fenchurch-street, E.C.; Messrs. W. and W. Stocken, solicitors, 48, Lime-street, E.C.; and of Messrs. Durrant and Lamperd, auctioneers and estate agents, 20. Ironmonger-lane, Cheapside, E.C.; Corn-hill, Ipswich; and 10. Hamilton-road, Felixstowe. SUSSEX, about ten minutes’ walk from the village of Wisborough-green, two miles from Billings-hurst Station on the main line of the L.B. and S.C.R., 70 minutes by rail from London.—A choice and compact Freehold Estate, known as Orfold Farm, in the centre of a good hunting district, with capital fishing in the river Arun, and comprising perhaps some of the most picturesque scenery in the Weald. The house, which is approached by carriage drive through park-like meadow land studded with ornamental timber, contains three reception, six bed rooms, etc., surrounded by gardens of nearly an acre; also three modern cottages, ample farm buildings, and Enclosures of grazing, meadow and arable land, extending to about 194 acres.—Which ___________ June 29, 1899, in One Lot, at Two o’clock. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained of the Auctioneer, Wisborough-green, Billingshurst, Sussex. SUSSEX.—Residential and Sporting Estate, with Farms, Cottages, and about 700 acres of land in the parishes of Brede, Ewhurst, Udimore, and Beckley, and! within easy access to Rye. Hastings, and Robertsbridge Stations. ־lyTESSRS. REEVE and FINN are instructed ׳*•LL by the Executors of the late Carlos Coleman. Esq., to Sell by Auction, at the Castle Hotel, Hastings, on Wednesday. May 31, 1899, at 2.30 o’clock, the above ESTATE, in Lots, as follows: — Lot la.—Chitcomb House, with Great and Little Chitcomb and Brede Green Farms and Austen’s Woods ........................ 314 Lot 2b.—Purster and Hole Farms, with Kicker Wood .................................. 153 (The above will be first offered as One Lot.) Lot 2.—Goatham Cottages (a compact little Holding) .............................. 6£ Lot 3.—Four Freehold Cottages at Beckley Lot 4.—Tibbs Farm, Udimore (noted for heavy crops of hops) ........................ 78 Lot 5,—Wick Farm, Udimore (about two miles from Rye) ............................. 145 Chitcomb House, containing five reception and eight bed rooms, is charmingly situated in beautifully laid out grounds planted with the choicest azaleas, magnolias, etc. It has gold fish ponds, range of vineries, well-stocked kitchen gardens, stabling and farm buildings. The woods contain s >me very fine oaks and afford excellent shooting. Hunting with the East Sussex Foxhounds and Harriers. A trout stream bounds part of the estate. Golf links at Rye and Hastings. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at place of sale; of Messrs. Philpott and Murton, solicitors, Cranbrook; and of the Auctioneers, Rye, Sussex, and at Lydd, Kent. . undertakes the develonment and Sale of Building Estates in all parts of the country, makes valuations of Landed Estates and House Property, prepares and negotiates Railway Claims, and obtains Mortgages. Building Land wanted to purchase, and advances made on Freeholds.—Address, 130, Strand, W.C., late of Moorgate-street. ¿éahs tg auction. HIGHBURY-GARDENS, N.—Close to Highbury Station on the North London Railway, and Holloway Station on the Great Northern Railway; near the Highbury Fields Recreation Grounds, and within easy access of the City and West-end by omnibus and tramway routes. , Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the Long LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, comprising 10 modern and convenient residences, known as 12, 14, and 37, Battledean-road, and 29. 31, 33, 35, 37 and 39, Melgard-road, Highbury, N.; they are held for terms of 99 years from March 25, 1886, at moderate ground rents; the whole of the properties are let, and produce a rental of £408 per annum. Particulars and conditions may be had of A. W. Pearce, Esq., 21, John-street, Adelphi, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand. W.C. HOLBORN, W.C.—To Capitalists, Investors, and others. . Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at Two p.m., the very valuable FREEHOLD PREMISES, known as No. 3. Warwick-court, Holborn, W.C. ; the offices are all let to long-standing tenants, and produce £120 per annum. Particulars, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Rivington and Co., solicitors, Fenchurch-buildings, Fenchurch-street, E.C. ; and of the Auc- tioneer, 263, Strand, W.C.________________________ Cadogan Estate, Feltham-mews, Green-street, CHELSEA, within three minutes of Cadogan-souare. . Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7, 1899. at Two p.m. precisely, all these splendidly situated Short LEASEHOLD M£WS, producing £193 9s. per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of Geo. Tilling, Esq., solicitor, Devonshire-chambers, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C. SURBITON.—On the main road to Ewell, and about 12 minutes’ walk of Surbiton Station, L. and S.W. Railway, with splendid train service. yard, E.C., on Wednesday. June 7, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. TWO FREEHOLD detached VILLAS, known as Bon Couer and The Thorn, Douglas-road, Surbiton; they have a frontage of 30ft. each and depth of about 150ft.; let on agreements, and producing £50 per annum. Particulars and conditions of A. W. Pearce, Esq., solicitor. 21, John-street, Adelphi, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C.___________________ KINGSTON-ON-THAMES —Facing and with frontages to the river: 10 minutes from the station, L. and SW. Railway. . the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7. 1899, at Two o’clock preciselv, THREE valuable well-built detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as Helmsdale, Courtenay, and Elm Bank Place. Thames Bankside. Kingston-on-Thames: producing an income (one unlet) of £195 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs Pollock and Co., solicitors, 6. Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C. Seaside and other Land Sales. LAND on the following Estates: — June 6. TANKERTON-ON-SEA (near Whitstable), the new Watering Place.—Beautifully situate on the open sea; only 1| hours from London.—About 100 Plots. Return tickets, 5s. June 8. TOOTING.—The Devonshire-road Estate, within a few minuses of Tooting Junction and Merton Abbev Railway Stations, suitable for the erection of small villas and shops.—100 Plots, in a Marquee, on the Estate. June 13. CHURCH STRETTON. Shropshire.—The Highlands of England. Renowned for its bracing air and lovely scenery. Good golf links. About 50 Plots. June 20. SALCOMBE, S. Devon (between Torquay and Plymouth).—Renowned among the seaside watering-places of England for the loveliest scenery and warmest winter climate. About 50 plots. Free deeds June 22. WOKING, Surrev.—Within a few minutes of railway station. 50 plots, •n a Marquee on the Estate, vith excellent frontages to the Queen’s, North, and Boundary roads. June 29. RYDE, Isle of Wight.—Preston Park Estate, commanding magn-ficent views of Solent and surrounding country, within a short distance of rail and pier. 60 Plots, in a Marquee on the Estate. Suitable for the erection of good class residences. Free deeds. Luncheon provided at above sales. Purchase money may be paid by instalments if desired. Plans, tickets, etc., of the Auctioneer, 263, Strand, W.C. 3aks ta Auction. List of Sale Dates for 1899. lY/TESSRS. HUMBERT and FLINT, land IVi. agents, surveyors and auctioneers, U. Serle-street, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C., and at Watford. Herts, will hold Sales of Landed Estates Building Land, Town and Country Houses, Ground Rents, Reversions, Life Policies. Stocks and Shares, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard (near the Bank of England), E.C., on the following Wednesdays during 1899, viz.: — August 28 Tunf1 7 September 20 June 28 | October 18 July 5 November 15 July 26 ' December 13 And other dates by arrangement. Terms may be had on application.^^ ^ Nat. Tel. Nos.: London (Holborn), 348.__________ ESSEX.—A valuable Freehold Estate, known as Graveleys, situate at Great Waltham, about midway between Chelmsford and1 Dunmow. It comprises an old-fashioned (Residence, buildings, and about 246 acres of land. The whole is m first-class heart and condition, !laying been highly farmed by the present proprietor for many years past, and will be Sold with possession.—Messrs. HUMBERT and FLINT (in conjunction with Messrs. G. B. BILLIARD and SON) are ins‘ruct.ed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7. 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the above valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE. Particulars mav be obtained from Messrs, water-house, Winterbotham, Harrison and Harper, solicitors, 1, New-court, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C•; and with orders to view, from Messrs. G. B. Hilliard and Son, auctioneers, etc., Chelmsford, and Messrs. Humbert and Flint, 11. Serle-street, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C., and Watford, Herts. _________________________________ Bv order of Mortgagees, with possession—No. 50, LOWER SLOANE-STREET, S.W.—A conveniently airanged Willett-built modern Town Residence, overlooking Sloane-gardens, containing drawing and dining rooms, boudoir, library, six bed rooms, box room, bath room, and capital domestic offices. Lease 74§ years unexpired, at a ground rent of £60 per annum and garden rate at £3 3s. a year.— Messrs. , TTUMBERT and FLINT will Sell by Auction, XX at the Mart, E.C.. on Wednesday, June 7. 1899. at Two o’clock precisely, the above desirable RESIDENCE. Particulars of Messrs. Hasties. solicitors, 65. Lincoln’s-inn-fields. W.C.: and of the Auctioneers, 11, Serle-streot, Lincoln’s-inn, W.C. Saks tg auction. Sound and Lucrative Investments. CRICKLEWOOD. N.W.—Sixteen excellent semidetached brick-built Private Houses, known as f Avenue-villas, Childs-hill, Cricklevvood. The houses have good gardens in front and rear, and contain two reception and five bed rooms, hath room, etc., all let to good tenants at low rents, amounting to £637 per annum, capable of being greatly increased. Leases 80 years. Moderate ground rents.—Messrs. TTUMBKRT and FLINT will Sell the above XX attractive VILLAS by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at 2 p.m., in lots to suit, small investors. Particulars may be obtained from Messrs. Berne-lev-Calcott and Co., solicitors, 52, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; or from Messrs. Humbert and Flint, 11, Serle-street, Lincoln’s־inn, W.C. and Watford, Herts. Small Investment, equal in security to Freehold Gr>una Rents, showing a good and profitable return. —Messrs. TTUMBERT and FLINT will Sell by Auction, XX at the Mart, E.C.. on Wednesday, July 5. 1899, at Two p.m., a parcel of extremely well-secured RENT CHARGES, amounting to £17 3*. 2d. a year, issuing out of several freehold properties at Bushey, Herts, of the gross annual rental value of £240. Particulars of Messrs. Smith and Rydon, solicitors, 52. Lincoln’s-inn־fields, W.C.; and from the Auctioneers, as above.______________________________________ MESSRS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS lYX beg to announce that they will Sell hy Public Auction, the following valuable PROPERTIES, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hall-street, E.C., on Tuesday, June 20, at One o clock TheC1HANO־VER ARMS, RYE-LANE. PECKHAM (at the junction of Eye ■lane and Hanover-streer).— Lease for about 43 years, at the very low reduced rent of £60 per annum, together with the most valuable goodwill and possession. One of the best-known and most profitable houses m the southern suburbs of the Metropolis, possessing an exceedingly large and independent trade, the property having changed hands once only during half a century, and being for sale solely in consequence of the protracted ill-health of the proprietor, who is ordered to relinquish business. The PRINCESS OF WALES, ABBEY-ROAD, ST. JOHN’S WOOD—Valuable Long Free Lease at a low rent, together with the Goodwill and Possession.—A thoroughly undeveloped licensed property, which has changed hands only once m 24 years, and is held under a long Free Lease lor 55 years at the low rent of £76 per annum, situate within a short remove of the Kilburn-road and Railway Station, and upon the mam route from Kilburn to Hampstead Heath. A BUILDING LEASE for about 60 years at^l^per annum rent of YE OLD SWAN. N OTTIN G-HILL-GATE—A thoroughly untried situation in tne Bayswater-road. One of the oldesu licensed properties in the Metropolis to he pulled down m order to widen the thoroughfare, and to be reerected upon a new site, which will afford a magnificent corner position upon this large thoroughfare and׳ on the newly-widened thoroughfare from the Bayswater-road to High-street Kensington. On Tuesday, June 27 LORD STANLEY, HINTON-ROAD. LOUGHBORO’ JUNCTION —Exceedingly valuable Lease, together with the Goodwill־in־trade and Possession. An absolutely untried property, occupying a most prominent position at the junction of four thoroughfares, with a constantly increasing traffic. This property undoubtedly affords a unique opportunity for investment to a business man. For sale after 23 years’ occupation in consequence of the proprietress retiring entirely from business. The SPENCER ARMS. LOWER RICHMOND-ROAD. PUTNEY-COMMON.—Valuable Lease for 39 years at a low rental, which could be greatly reduced by underletting the stabling. Occupying a hold corner position on this busy thoroughfare, with an immense hack neighbourhood, now in course of development, of which it has the entire control, thus affording all the elements of a high-class and rapidly growing trade, done at the best prohts, y combined with a comfortable home in the most pleasantly situate suburbs of the Metropolis. The BULL TAVERN. WOOLWICH.—Valuable Free Lease direct from ohe Burrage Estate for about 32 vears at a nominal rental, together with the Goodwill. This property occupies an־ unopposed nrsition immediately facing the Woolwich Arsenal Station on the South Eastern Railway, and is in the enjoyment of an enormous and spontaneous business of the most profitable character, and done entirely over the counter. The premises possess every convenience as a family residence, together with a large garden and stabling. To be Sold, after a. most successful ouuunation. The NEW INN HOTEL, MAIDSTONE.—Freehold with possession. An undoubtellv fine Licensee Property. The premises occupv an imoortnn* corner position upon the main thoroughfare, and not• onlv have the benefit derived from the large rvedectrian traffic, hut are close to the L.C. and D. Railway Station and Assize Courts, with an important surrounding neighbourhood. From these and other sources this property enjoys a large and snontaneous business, which, being done entirelv over the counter, yields large profit«. The property has changed hands once only in 31 years. __ _ Auction Offices, 23. Southampton-row, W.C. lyTESSRS. ABERCROMBIE and EDMUNDS ivL will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. E.C., on Tuesday, Mav 30, at One o’clock: — WILLESDEN-GREEN. — With possession. — The attractive corner Villa Residence, Beausite, 89. Walm-lane. Estimated rental value £65. Lease 91 years. Ground rent £10 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Stone and Co., Leicester. CRICKLEWOOD.—With possession.—Just off main road.—Detached double-fronted Residence, well-arranged on two floors only, known as Elmwood, Walm-lane. Lease 96 years. Ground rent £13 13s.— Solicitors, Messrs. Pumfrey and Son, 14, Paternoster-row, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale of the Solicitors; and, with cards to view, of the Auctioneers, 340, High-road. Kilburn; Billiter House, Billiter-street, E.C.; Willesden-green; and Hendon._ CAMBERWELL.—By order of Executors.—Weekly Freeholds. ly/TR. WALTER SIMMONDS will Sell by 1V1 Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank, E.C., on Tuesday, May 30, 1899, at One o’clock, NINE FREEHOLD HOUSES, Nos. 92 to 108, Westma-cott-street, George-street, Camberwell; let and producing £200 4s. per annum. Also a Plot of Freehold Land, with a frontage to Caspian-street of about 27ft. 6in. Six Freehold House3, Nos. 35 to 45, Water-loo-street, Camberwell-green, let and producing £111 16s. per annum. These six houses possess a total frontage of about 72ft and a depth of about 90ft. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart; of Messrs. Drake. Son and Parton, solicitors, 24, Rood-lane, E.C. ; or of the Auctioneer, 58, Camberwell-road, S.E. By Order of Trustees. SUSSEX—In the beautiful neighbourhood between Midhurst and Petersfield. An imoortant Freehold Estate, situate in the parish of Harting, adjacent to Rogate Station on the Midhurst branch of the L. and S.-W. Railway, by which London is reached in about two hours and Portsmouth in an hour. It comprises a picturesque old-fashioned Residence, known as Marden House with gardens, grounds, stabling, and meadow land, together with Tie Oak Wood House, Cherry Tree, and Hollist Farms, with farm houses, buildings, cottages, and accommodation holdings, embracing in all a total area of 438 acres the who’e being let to an old-fashioned and responsible tenantry at greatly reduced rents now amounting to■ about £650 per annum. The estate is of a most picturesque, undulating character, intersected hy good roads, is easily accessible, and being of an ornamental character and easily subdivided, it affords some beautiful sites for the erection of residences, which will command views of a most extensive and p'c'uresque nature.—Messrs. HUMBERT and FLINT are instructed to - Bell the above valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE bv Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wedne-dav, Julv 5, 1899, at Two p.m. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may he obtained (when ready) from Messrs. Alber.v and Lucas, Solicitors. Midhurst. Sussex; and from Messrs. Humbert and Flint. Auctioneers and Surveyors. 11. Serle-street, Lincoln’s-inn, London, W.C., and Watford. Herts._____________________________________ By order of the Executors of Mr. J. H. Longhand, deceased.—7. 8, 9 and 7a, Stacey-stre3t. CHARING-CROSS-ROAD. ־lyTESSRS. STOKES and PINDER will Sell 1Y.L by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday. May 30, 1899. at Twelve o'clock, a remunerative and well-secured INVESTMENT, comprising substantial and extensive Stabling, with a Block of Artisans’ Dwellings, covering an area of about 3.30Qft., and oroducing a gross rental of £446 per annum; held on a long lease at a very low ground rent. Particulars of the Solicitors, Messrs. Clarkson, Greenwells and Co.. 36. Lime-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 49. Upper Baker-street, N.W. Telephony No. 988 Paddingtoy_________________________ WILLESDF/N. N.W.—Early possession. MESSRS. STOKES and PINDER will Sell by Auction, at the Mart. E.C., on Tuesday, May 30, 1899. at Twelve o'clock, a convenient detached FREEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE, containing 10 rooms, and offices, known as Donnington, with a frontage of upwards of 150ft. to the Donning-ton-road. midway between and within 10 minutes of the Willesden-green (Met. Railway) and Junction Stations. The residence stands upon about one acre of land, comnrising tennis lawn, shrubberies, etc., greenhouses, kitchen garden wed planted with fruit and other trees; coach-house, stabling, etc. Estimated value £!00 per annum. Particulars of the Solicitors. Messrs. Hickson and Moir, 52, New Broad-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 49. Upper Baker-street, N.W. Telephone No. 988 Paddington. To Brewers. Wine and Snint Merchants. Hotel Proorietors, Capitalists, and others. Highly Important Announcement of Sale by Auction of FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTIES ?t BODMIN. CORNWALL. A LFRED W. DANDO has received instrue-tions to Sell by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Plymouth, on Thursday, July 6, 1899, at Four o’clock in the afternoon precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale, as follows : — , ,, ״ ״ Lot 1,—The far-famed, Freehold, Fully-licensed Property, known as The ROYAL HOTEL, BODMIN, occupying the most prominent position in the principal thoroughfare, and containing about 34 bed rooms, suites of public and private rooms, billiard and assembly rooms, and ample servants’ offices, together with the extensive Stabling and Carriage Houses for about 60 horses and carriages, with the requisite harness rooms, lofts and granary. Also the admirably fitted Wine and Spirit Stores immediately adjoining the hotel, from which a first-class family and retail business is being done. The Auctioneer has the utmost confidence in calling the attention of the trade to the sale of the above most important licensed properties (the hotel only having changed hands twice during the last 60 years), than which there are few (if any) more valuable in the West, of England. The hotel has for many years enjoyed a high-class, profitable and extensive family and commercial trade, which, under capable management, could be very considerably increased. An extensive Posting Business is carried on, and the wine and spirit trade, which is well established, affords ample scope for great development. The north coast of Cornwall is becoming increasingly popular as a health resort, and Bodmin, as the county town, possesses attractions beyond all other nlaces. , ״ Lot 2,—The old-established double-fronted Freehold Fullv-licensed Property, known as The CORNISH ARMS, Crockwell-s4reet, Bodmin, let at the clear annual rental of £42. Lot 3.—All that Leasehold. Fully-licensed Property. known as The BOROUGH ARMS, at Dunmeer near Bodmin, together with the Plot of Land adjoining, held for a term of seven years from September 29. 1898. and sublet upon an annual tenancy. The properties may he viewed hy appointment and the fullest particulars, plans, and conditions of sale obtained of Messrs. Jobson. Lewis and Ensu.r solicitors. Temnle-courts Birmingham, and Dudley: of J. Herbert Pameson E=q , solicitor, Bodmin; or the Auctioneer.. Dudley. To Small Property Buyers and Others.—Hornsey. MESSRS. ROUCH, PARKHOUSE and LUCK will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C״ on Tuesday, June 6. 1899. at Two o’clock, in one lot, Nos. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, LIGHTFOOT-ROAD, Hornsey*. Seven ]rooms, long leases, round rents £6 10s. each, semi-detached. All let. producing £184 per annum—Particulars from Gilbert Robins. Esq., Solicitor, 11, Pancras-lane, E.C.. and from the Auctioneers, adjoining Crouch-end Station. G.N.R. Printed and Published by the Proprietor. FRANK P. WILSON, at the Estates GAZETTE Printing Works, No. 6, St. Bride-street. Fleet-street, London, E.C,