May 27, 1899. THE ESTATES ÜAZETTÈ, 904 DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row, E.C., and Blackheath, S.E. Lee—Belmont-park, IGLt of £12; 9, Church-terrace, L Blackheath—2, St. John’s-park, and a Set of Stabling, L H. J. BLISS and SONS, 106, Gheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal Green-road, E. Bethnal-green—16 and 18, Harold-street. and 11, Cranbrook-road; 6 and 7, Type-street; 16 and 18, Norton-street; 46, 48 and, 52, Usk-street; 5 to 8, Bullard’s-place, L Wood-green—Southgate-road, Fairview Villa Plaistow—207, Becton-road, F; New Barn-street, FGR of £12 G. F. HARRINGTON, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Brixton—76, New Park-road, L SEGRAYE, COLLIS and CO., 143 and 144, Hol-born, W.C. Horley, Surrey—The Salfords Mill, F HOSKINGand SON, 110 Strand, W.C., Hampton-hill and Twickenham-junction. Twickenham—Strawberry-hill-road, St. Cutlibert’s, F; St. Peter’s-road, Thames View House, F Hampton, Middlesex—Hill House, and seven acres, F NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 275, Upper-street, Islington, N. Crouch-end—17 to 23 (odd), New-road, area 12,450ft., F 77, Crouch-hill, F Stroud-green—125, Mount View-road; 10, Scar- borough-road, L STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Walworth—Beresford-street, FGR of £69 6s. Camberwell—63a, Picton-street, F; Waterloo-street, FGR of £6 6s.; 1 to 7 (odd), Buff-place, F J. A, and W. THARP, 9, Norton Folgate, E., and Leytonstone, E. Bethnal-green—Pearl-yard, a Block of Workshops, L Hounslow, Middlesex—Bath-road, Stanley House, L Clapton—24, Clapton-square, F FRIDAY 26th. BAKER and SONS, 11, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C. Harrow, Middlesex—1, 2 and 3, Cecil-villas; Gayton-road, Voewood, F St. Albans, Herts—London-road, Cox’s Labatory, and half an acre, F Acton—1 to 12, Malvern-villas, L DOWSETT, KNIGHT and CO., 3, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. Notting-hi 11—23, St. Ann’s-villas; 218 and 220, Wa-lmer-road; 93, Clarendon-road, L Acton—14 and 16, Shaftesbury-road, L Winchfield, Hants—Bears-green—The Sandhill Estate, 25 acres, F Hook, Hants—The Nateley Hill Estate (remainder), 43a. 2r. 32p., F FURBER, PRICE and FURBER, 2, Warwick court, W.C. Notting-hill—5, Kelfield-gardens, L W. HALL, 38, Chancery-lane, W.C. Clapton—Reighton-road, FGR of £36 J. H. LYNCH, 37, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C. Chelsea—147, 148, and 149, Sloane-street, L MAY and PHILPOr, 140, Brixton-hill, S.W. Brixton—64 and 66, Josephine-avenue; 23, Rumney-road; 17 and 19, Hayter-road; 14, St. John’s-road, L Herne-hill—42 and 44, Dulwich-road, L PROTHEROE and MORRIS, 67 and 68, Cheap-side, E.C.,and Leytonstone, E. Sewardstone—Sewardstone-road, The Woodlands, and 15* acres, F RIDER and SONS, 37, Bramley-road, Notting hill, W., and Notting-hill Station,Lxdbroke groye-road, W. Kensington—71, Wharton-road, L G. A. WILKINSON and SON, 7, Poultry, E.C. Barnes—Lonsdale-road, Hyacinthe Lodge, L Streatham—Gleneagle-road, Gleneagle House, F Swan and Edgar—50 £1 Five per cent. Preference Shares ........................... 75 Britannia Works Co—80 £1 Ordinary Shares 120 6.600 820 790 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. St. George’s East—72 to 82 (even), Grove-• 36 to 46 (even), Christian-street, F ... 48 and 50, Christian-street, F ....... 1 to 4, Matilda-place, F Lreet, 1 to 4, Matilda-street, F ........................ 1,070 UTlfl W Cl ' Vieil! n yl T7! f7rtP 54 and 56, Christian-street, F 58, 60 arid 62, Christian-street, F .......... 66, Christian-street, and 24 and 26, Fair- clough-street. F, R £87 .................... 1,500 28 and 30, Fairclough-street, F .............. 41 to 63 (odd), Christian-street, F .......... 65, 65a, 65b, 67, 69, 69a, Christian-street, 24, Fairclough-street, and 31, 32 and 33, Bruns- wick-street, area 6,400ft., F .............. 6,000 19 to 30, Brunswick-street, F ................ 4,370 75, 77 and 79, Ellen-street, F ............... 1,105 795 3,620 800 6,870 FRIDAY 26th. FURBER, PRICE and FURBER, 2, Warwick court, W.C. St. Albans, Herts—Watford-road, St. Stephen's House, and la. Zr. 20p., E £75 ...... 2,250 Clapham—19, Cavendish-road, ut 85i years, GR £12 ................................ 5go PROTHEROE and MORRIS, 67 and 68, Cheap side. E.C., and Leytonstone, E. Leyton—Grange-road, a Block of Building Land, F ............................... 300 Shaftesbury-road, a Block of Building Land, F ................................. 140 Stondon Massey, Essex—Stock’s Cottages, and 10a. Or. 16p., F ...................... 540 RIDER and SONS, 37, Bramley-road, Notting-hill, W.,and Notting-hill Station,Ladbroke-groYe-road, W. Notting-hill—64 and 66, Walmer-road, and 2, Silchester-mews, ut 64 years, GE £22 2s. 6d. 50, Golborne-road, ut 67 years, GE £10, EE 50, with Goodwill ............... Shepherd's Bush—19, Caxton-road, F, E £28 ... DOWSETT, KNIGHT and CO., 3, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W,C. Notting-hill—91, Clarendon-road, ut 40 years. GE £10, EE £55 ...................... 355 W. HALL, 38, Chancery-lane, W.C. Canning Town—Victoria Dock-road, the Windsor Castle P-h, FGE of £110, reversion in 95i years ........................... 2,635 Clapham—12, Mayflower-road, ut 83 years, GE £10, E £50 ............................ 500 29, Severus-road, ut 85 years, GE £8 8s., E £42 ................................. 4co G. A. WILKINSON and SON, 7, Poultry, E.C. 715 Curtis’s and Harvey—10,000 £1 Ordinary Shares 7,249 City of London—120 to 123, Fenchurch-street, and 8, Billiter-square, area 8,200ft., Let on Building Lease for 80 years at per annum ........................................... 2,200 BAKER and SONS, 11, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C. Harrow, Middlesex—Peterborough-road, The Harrow Cycle Depot, P, E £90 ............. 1,330 1 to 5, Cambridge-villas, E £119; Wellington-road, Bright view, Waterloo Villa, and Aston Villa, E £85 16s., P............... 1,190 1, 2, and 3, Jubilee-terrace, ut 97 years, GE £7 10s., E £115 .................... 1,320 4, 5 and 6, Jubilee-terrace, ut 97 years, GE £6 ................................... 80S 1 to 6, Queen’s-terrace, ut 97 years, GE £10 10s................................... 1,555 1 to 4, Canning-villas, P................... 2.000 Not sold under the Hammer. MAY. LONDON AND SUBURBAN RESULTS. The Editor will be glad to receive from Auctioneers Marked Copies of Particulars of Suburban Sales, with a view to the insertion of results in this column. They must, however, reach the office by nit later than the firstpist on Friday. MAY. FRIDAY 12th. P. W. TALBOT and CO., 289 and 289a, Regent-street, W. (on the Premises). Portm m-square-17, Kmg-street, ut 6} years, GE £35, EE £100...................... 270 MONDAY 15th. PROTHEROE and MORRIS, 67 and 68, Cheap-side, E.C. (at the Assembly Rooms, adjoining the King’s Head Hotel, Harrow). Harrow-on-the-Hill—134 plot« of F. building land on the Welldon Park Estate..£8,2il 10s. WEDNESDAY 17th- CHADWICK and SONS, 34 and 3S, St, Martin’s-lane, W.C. (on the Premises). Hyde-park—13, Hyde-park-square, and 15, Hyde-pa>-k-square-mews, ut 35J years. GE £49 7s״ KR £285 ......................... 2,300 NOTICE. The ESTATES GAZETTE should be delivered the first thing on Saturday morning. If difficulty occurs in obtaining copies from local newsagents, order direct from the office, No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, or any of Messrs. W. H. SMITH and SONS’ Bookstalls. TUESDAY 23rd. CHANCELLOR and SONS, 81, Pall Mall, S.W., King-street, Richmond, Sunningdale and Ascot. Eichmond-hill, Surrey—22, Montague-road, L E. and H. LUMLEY, 22 and 35, St. James’s-street, S.W. Kensington—15, Palace-gate, L Hvde-park—58, Lancaster-gate, L OSBORN snd MERCER. 28b, Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, W. Brandon, Suffolk—The Brandon Park Estate, 2,788 acres, P High Bickington, Devon—Little Silver, and 56 acres, P RUTLEY, SON and YINE, 6, George-street Euston-road, N.W. Kentish Town—1, Jeffreys-street, L WEDNESDAY 24th-ALDRIDGE, DOUGLAS and CO., 37, Walbrook, E.C., and at Croydon and Caterham. Croydon—Penn-road, Bellevue, P Camberwell—14 to 20 (even), Buff-place, L (Jpton-park—1 and 2, New-road, and 6, Samson-street, L Winch more-hill—The Woodlands, and one acre, P Caterham, Surrey—Addison-road, etc., Three Plots of Land, P BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER, 69, King William street, E.C., Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Eltham, Kent—20, West Chislehurst-park, L Bromley, Kent—1, 2 and 3, Hayes-lane, F; Elmfield-road, Colina, F Sutton, Surrey—Sherwood-park-road, Kenilworth and Itolyat, L; also Five Plots of Land, F Cudham, Kent—Horn’s-green, a Freehold Shop and Five Cottages Shortlands, Kent—Mayes-hill, Fairbank, F HOBSON, RICHARDS and CO., 79, Coleman-street, E.C. Blackheath—46 and 48, St. John’s-park, F EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON, 90, Fins-bury-square, E.C. Wood-green—1 and 2, Eldon-villas, L D. SMITH, SON and OAKLEY, 10, Waterloo-place, S W. Chislehurst, Kent—Summer-hill, Cromlix, and four acres, F City of London—48, Upper Thames-street, F THURSDAY 25th. CHESTERTON and SONS, 22, Lower Phillimore-place, Kensington, W., and 51, Cheapside. Fulham—27 and 29, Archel-road, L s Eltham, Kent—18, West Chislehurst-park, ut 86 years, GR £10, R £55 ................... 385 Sutton, Surrey—Sherwood-park-road, a Plot of Building Land, F......................... 210 BROWETT and TAYLOR, 9, Warwick-court W.C., and New Beckenham. Banstead, Surrey—Reigate-road, The Gables, and 1J acres, P ........................ l.loo Pinsbury-park—44, Osbome-road, ut 79 years, GR £7, ER £40 ........................... 430 Islington—11, Canonbury-road, ut 19i years, GR £6, R £40 ............................ 220 Beckenham—23, Clock House-road, ut 90 years, GR £7, R £34 ........................... 330 G, E• CURTIS and SHARP, 51, The Broadway, Plaistow, E. Barking—18, 20 and 22, Broadway, P .......... 1,235 32, Broadway, P, R £35 ................. 1,000 5, 6 and 7, Back-lane, P ................. 315 1, Tanner-street, P ,R £50 ............ 1150 Mover’s-lane, Two Parcels of Land, six acres, P ................................ 780 Plaistow—19 and 27, Stock-street, ut״67״years! GR £8 ................................... 310 2, 4, 6 and 8, Maud-road, ut 70 years, GR £16 540 90 and 92, Chesterton-road, ut 83 years, OR £9 .................................... 300 EDMUND W. RICHARDSON and SON, 50, Fins bury-square, E.C. Kingsland—36, 38 and 40, Boleyn-road, P 960 Wood-green—Eldon-road, FGR of £18 18s , reversion in 98 years ............... 460 MusweU-hill—Coppett's-road, Six Plots of Build■ mg Land, P .............................. 330 Finchley—5, 6 and 7, Brownlow-road, ut 81 years, GR £15 ........................... 405 New Southgate—la, Palace-terrace, P ....... 240 J. S. RICHARDSON, 50, Finsbury■ square, E.C. Walthamstow—85, 87, 89 and 91, St. Andrew’s- road, ut 78 years, GR £26 .......... 370 1 and 2, Hope-villas, ut 83 years, GR £11 ... 280 C. C. and T. MOORE, 144, Mile End-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Poplar—Naval-row, the Prince of Wales P-h. F, R £100 ............................. 3,200 St. George’s East—Grove-street, the Joilv Sailors B-h, F, R £38 ............... l 000 Christian-street, the Black Horse B-h F. ER £50 .............................’... 90Q Berner-street, FGR of £63, reversion in 20 years .................................. 3 050 Providence-street, etc., FGR of £78 15s.” reversion in 20 years............... 3 600 140, Cable-street, F, R £40 ......... 365׳ Grove-street, a• Freehold Factory ...... 2,750 44 to 70 (even), and 64*, Grove-street, F (in Lots) .............................. 5390 83, 87 to 97 (odd), Grove-street, F (in Lots) 2,480 THURSDAY 25th. CHARLES HAWKINS (at Stoke Ferry). Stoke Ferry, etc., Norfolk—A Freehold Farm, 53a. 3r. l6p............................ 1 525 Methwold, Norfolk—The Mundford Field, 97a. 2r. 38p., F ............................. 600 The Swan Closes, 11a. 3r. 30p., F .....400 BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER (at Bromley), Downe, Kent—Pour Freehold Cottages,‘R £36 14s. 400 CHESTERTON and SONS, 22, Lower Phillimore-plaee, Kensington, W., and 51, Cheapside, Harringay—Harringay-road, 20 Plots of Build- ing Land, F ............................ i si0 DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Bndge-row, E.C., and Blackheath, S E. Forest-hill—Lowther-hill, Two Plots of Building Land, P ............................. !53 Brockley-park, a Plot of Building Land,' P ״״״ Blackheath—8, Aberdeen-terrace, ut 53 years, GR £16 ......................... Lee—Eltham-road, Pendennis, ut 61 years, GR £18, ER £80 ............................ 380 H. J. BLISS and SONS, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, E. Bethnal-green—16 a^»d 18, Wennington-road, ut 58 years, GR £5 ......................... 6!o and 19, Ashwell-road, ut 58 years, GR £6 6 s. 580 Mile-end—39 and 43, Bloomfield-road, also LGR t, .v of, £10> at 67 V«arS, GR £20 ........... 575 Bethnal-green—2, 4 and 6, Ames-street, P .. 1,885 Leytonstone—17, 19 and 21, Acacia-road, P .... 730 St. George’s East—43 to 51 (odd), Berner-street, ut 16 years, GR £15 15s................. 705 Plaistow—209 to 215 (odd), Beckton-road, F ... 1,050 G. F. HARRINGTON, 16. Abchurch-lane, E.C. Finchley—15, Alexandra-grove, F, ER £65 ...... 850 J.and R. KEMP and CO.. 27, Albany-street, N.W. Camden Town—219, Camden-road, ut 36| years, GR £10 .................................. 610 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD. 275, Upper-street, N. Crouch-end—68, Palace-road, ut 781 years, GR £10, R £42 ........................... 420 5 Sn GR £20 ... 105 Walworth—23, Alsace-street, ut 10* years, GR £3 15s.................................... 90 J. A. and W. THARP, 9, Norton Folgate, E. and Leytonstone. Clapton—26, Clapton-square, P, R £100 ....... 3 050 Edmonton—41, Snell’s-park, P, ER £42 700 Tottenham and Edmonton Gas—£160 Pour per Cent. Debenture Stock ................... !98 Lea Bridge, Leyton and Walthamstow Tram’s —84 £10 Shares .......................... !08 Patent Victoria Stone—110 £5 Registered Shares 1,031 50 £5 Shares, £2 paid ..................... 250 620 KNIGHT, FRANK and RUTLEY, 9, Conduit-street, W. Long Stanton, Herts—Brookfield House, and two acres, P Holborn—13, Bartlett’s-buildings, P, R £200 Hampstead—25, Steele’s-road, ut 65 years, GR £10, ER £75 M. HUBBARD, 7, Leighton-road, Kentish Town, N.W. Kentish Town—5 and 7, Lawford-road, ut 62 years, GR £5 8s. each, R £52 10s. each; 35, Willes-road, ut 22 years, GR £3, R £40 Camden Town—52, 66 and 68, Torriano-avenue, ut 45 years, GR £16 5s., R £122; 1 and 3, Torriano-gardens, ut 45 years, GR £4 10s. each, R £76; 38 and 39, Rochester-road, ut 45 years, GR £10, R £74; 36, 38, 47 and 48, Castle-road, ut 36 years, GR £20 10s., R £148 CHARLES HALL, 85, High-street, Clapham. Herne Bay—Beacon-road, etc., Freehold Building Sites Clapham—9, Victoria-road, P, ER £100; King's-road, Haselmere, ut 82 years, GR £10, P RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at th- Mart, London, except where otherwise stated^____ MAY, TUESDAY 16th. H. A. WOOFF (at Christchurch). Christchurch, Hants—Wick Dairy Farm, 69a. 3r. 6p., F .............................. 3,050 Enclosures of Building Land, 2a. 2r. lip., F 630 Enclosures of Land, 7a. 2r. 26p., F ...... 740 WEDNESDAY 17th NOCK and JOSELAND (at Wolverhampton). Bilbrook, Staffs—Two Enclosures, 13a. Ir. 17p., F ........................ 630 Enclosure of Building Land, 7a. Ir. Op., F 405 A Freehold Cottage, and 15a. Or. 3p.. 450 THURSDAY 18th. ELLIOT, ELLIS and CO. (at Plymouth). Harford, Devon—Mead’s Farm, 24a, Or. 22p., P 1,220 DYER, SON and HILTON (at Bromley). West Chislehurst, Kent—Grove-park-road, Two Freehold Building Plots ............. 234 WINCH and SONS (at Maidstone). Harden, Kent—Gravel Pit Farm, 107a. 2r. 13p., P ................................. 4,000 Enclosures of Meadow, 17a. Ir. 27p., P . 610 Horlands Wood, 10a. 3r. 17p., P ....... 220 T. WALKER and SONS (at York). Tollerton, Yorks—Various Enclosures of Land, 94a. Ir. 25p., P .................. 3,325 Alne, Yorks—Enclosures of Land, 21a. Ir. 27p., F ................................... 920 THOMAS MARTIN (at Exeter). Exeter, Devon—4, Richmond-grove, P ....... 300 96, Pore-street, P, ER £60 ............ 500 FRIDAY 19th. G. B. SMALLPEICE (at Woking). Woking, Surrey—Mount Hermon-road, a Plot of Building Land, F ................... 180 York-road, Two Plots of Building Land, F 245 CHURTON, ELPHICK and CO. (at Chirk). Weston Rhyn׳, Salop—Weston Farm, 38a. 2r. 15p., F ............................... 1,900 Enclosures of Land, 9a. 3r. 38p., F .... 1,110 Cae Meddyg Cottages, and 0a. 2r. 8p., F ... 270 Weston Cottage, and 9a. Ir. 6p., F ..... 900 Wern-y-Groes House, and 14a. 2r. 22p., F ... 880 The Plough Inn, and la. Ir. 35p., F .... 1,600 Glendrid Cottages, and 0a. 2r. Ip., F .. 520 Chirk, Denbigh— Croggen Iddon Farm, 206a. Ir. 38p., F ............................... 3,400 SATURDAY 20th. MOORE, GARRARD and SON (at Framlingham). Wilby, Suffolk—The Lane Farm, 44a. Ir. 4p., F450 ׳ Norwich Union—Policy for £300 and Profits, life aged 56 ...........................( 140 C. M. STANFORD (at Clacton-on Sea). Little Clacton, Essex—Swain’s Farm, 7oa. 2r. 32p., P ................................. 2,200 Enclosures of Land, 20a. 3r. 6p., P ...... 500 MONDAY 22nd■ WHIT MONDAY. TUESDAY 23rd- ~~ WYATT and SON (at Havant). Havant, Hants—50, West-street, P ........ 500 2, 3, 4 and 5, Staunton-road, P ..... 565 THORN BORROW and CO. (at Penrith). Penrith, Cumberland—The Stoneybeck Estate, 79a. Or. 12p., P .................. 2,325 CHANCELLOR and SONS, 51, Pall Mall, S.W., King-street, Richmond, Sunningdale and Ascot. Bagshot, Surrey—Lightwater-road, Belle Vue, and seven acres, P ...................... 2,200 RUTLEY, SON and YINE, 6, George-street’ Euston-road, N.W. Islington—249 and 251, Liverpool-road, P, R £80 1 210 Haverstock-hill—46, 47 and 48, Maitland-park- road, ut 53 years, GR £12, R £118 ....... 1,345 WEDNESDAY 24th. J. MARGETTS and SONS (at Banbury). Farnborough, etc„ Warwick—A Freehold Farm, 64a. 2r. 9p...................... 1,575 Fenny Compton, Warwick—A Close of Turf Land, one acre, ut 897 years, GR nil . 95 Two Freehold Cottage Tenements ...... 170 Standard Life—Policy for £1,000 and Profits, life aged 73 ........................ 750 RICHARDSON and PEARCE-BROWN (at Goole). Swinefieet, etc,, Yorks—Various Enclosures, 75a. 3r 26p., P .... ................. 4,283 Enclosures, with Cottage, etc., thereon*■, 28a. 3r. 6p., F ................. 3,200 ALDRIDGE, DOUGLAS and CO., S7, Walbrook, E.C., and at Croydon and Caterham. Croydon—Penn-road, Conishead, P, R £75 . 1,250 BAXTER. PAYNE and LEPPER, 69, King-William street, E.C., Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Bromley, Kent—Elmfield-road, Oakdene, P, R ............................... 1,000