899 THE ESTATES GAZETTE May 27, 1899. Sales fog auction. By order of Trustees. COVENT-GARDEN, SOHO, SOUTH BELGRAVIA, ISLINGTON, FINCHLEY, and a Perpetual Rent Charge.—Messrs. PIMLICO-ROAD, close to Sloane-square and Victoria Stations.—Three highly-commanding main road Shops, let on strict repairing leases to most substantial tenants: — 1 , , , ״Vr “m TX/TONTAGU and ROBINSON will Sell by No. 87 to Mr. Eventt, caterer, etc., at . £150 IVI . ti n thp Mirt F n Fridov Tutip q Q"i 1״ Unmo nnrl Hnlnninl St.orAS. at, . £1.35 .IT AUCtlOn, _at tUe M.Ut•, E.O., Oil *riClay, JUlie y, ‘©ales tg auction. Ib99, at Two o’clock, the following: — COVENT-GAEDEN.—Nos. 3, 4 and 6, New-street, with additional entrances at the rear to Goodwin’s-court.—Three valuable Freehold Shops, let on lease to responsible tenants of old standing, and producing rentals amounting to £355 per annum. SOHO.—No. 181, Wardour-street.—Large Freehold Shop and Premises, let in lease at a rental of £152 per annum. An investment of the soundest and most improving character. No. 5, WARWIOK-SQUARE, SOUTH BELGRAVIA. —A capital Leasehold Residence, let on lease to a most desirable tenant at £105 per annum. No. 239, VAUXHALL-BRIDGE-ROAD, at the corner of Gillingham •street, known as Alexander's Private Hotel, let on lease at £120 per annum. No. 42, ELIZABETH-STREET, EATON-SQUARE.— Capital Shop Premises, at the corner of Ebury-mews, with extensive yard and excellent upper part, let on lease at £200 per annum. ISLINGTON (opposite the Angel, and within a few doors of the City-road).—No. 192, St. John-street-road.—Attractive Freehold Shop Pr Arises, in a densely populated district, let on lease at £85 per annum. A PERPETUAL RENT-CHARGE of £35 16s. per annum, representing redeemed land tax, secured upon the tithe of the parish of Theydon Garnon, near Epping, Essex, and also upon glebe lands and, rectories. The soundest of investments. FINCHLEY, close to Station.—Nos. 41 and 43, Station-road, pair of long Leasehold Villas, let to good quarterly tenants-at £70 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of the above may be obtained of Messrs. Lowless and Co., solicitors, 26, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E C.: and of the Auctioneers, 36, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C. Telephone 5419 Bank. VOTES FOR THE COUNTY. THE LAND COMPANY having now concluded their Summer Sales wiU oiler by Private Treaty during the Winter, at exceedingly low prices, Choice Plots of Freehold Land on the following Estates : WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA, ESSEX. The new London suburb by the sea. Extraordinary and remarkable development in building now taking place. The Beach Estate adjoins the station, and faces the sex. Plots from £200. A few valuable shop plots. Holland House. £:280 Esplanade Estate, facing Westcliff Parade. £190 each Borough Estate, North Southend-on-Sea. Within ten minutes of four stations. Extensive building operations. £45 each. LEIGH-ON-SEA. ESSEX. The New Eldorado. Almost adjoins Westcliff-on■ Sea. Healthy and high situation. Good water supply. A few plots on the Great Leigh Hall Estate from £50 each. The Cliffs Estate is on the sea front Grand views. £100 each. RAYLEIGH, ESSEX. The most healthy and picturesque locality in the county. Magnificent situation. 4,000 plots sold. A few are left on the Rayleigh Park and Station Estates from £8 each. HERNE BAY, KENT. Known as “ the healthiest seaside resort ” in England. The Western Esplanade Estate adjoins the town, and faces the sea; unique position. Plots from £70 each. The Westward Ho Estate adjoining above. Plots from £40 each. Five charming bungalow sites. £120 each. Free deeds. Free abstracts. No fees or fines. Free tithe. Easy payments. Ten per cent, deposit. Balance 16 quarters. Immediate possession. No arbitrary restrictions. Also Plots at Tilbury, Norton Junction, Maldon, Rocliford, Eastwood, Laindon, Pitsea, Essex, Ropley, Hants, Wesiminster-on-Sea, Isle of Sheppey. Every information free. THE LAND COMPANY, 67 & 68, CHEÄPSIDE, E.C. AND AT HERNE BAT and SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. Established 1833. M■ E.C., and Studland Hall, King-street, Hammersmith, W., on the following dates: — June 8 and 27. September 26. July 18 and 25. Octobtr 21. Augu.t 29. November 28. December 19. Auctions can also be held on other days at the Mart, E.C., or in the Country, by arrangement. Auction, Estate, Valuation, Insurance and Rent Collecting Offices, 2, The Broadway, and 195 and 197, King-street, Hammersmith, W. Telephone No. 57 Hammersmith. Telegrams, “Platt, Auctioneer, Hammersmith.’’ . the late firm of Farebrother, Ellis, Clark and Co.), begs to announce that his auction sales for the year 1899 of country estates and residen .es, town houses, business premises, ground rents and other investments, will be held at the Auction Mart, Token-heuse-yard, E.C., periodically, and at other dates, both in London and1 in the provinces as may be advisable in the interests of his employers. Sales of furniture, farming stock and effects conducted, and valuations made of every description of property for sale, purchase, estate duty, compensation or other purposes.—43. Chancery-lane, London, W.C Telephone No.: 1,017 Holborn. 300 Clun Wethers for Private Sale, ALSO SEVERAL GOOD LOTS OF SHROPSHIRE AND CLUN EWES, AND HEREFORD BULLOCKS. CAN BE SEEN ON APPLICATION TO E. GOODWIN PREECE, LIVE STOCK AGENT, SHREWSBURY. £135 150 No. 93 to Home and Colonial Stores, at No. 97 to London and County Stores, at £435 Ground rent £20 each. Lease 87 years unexpired. ־MESSES. HARMAN BROS, will Sell ;he JAJL above, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, May 30, at Two, in Three Lots. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. Corsellis and Co., solicitors, East-hiil, Wandsworth; and the Auctioneers, 75, A.dermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. For occupation or investment. M 30, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the following: — STAMFORD-HILL.—Re C. Emery, deceased.—Nos. 45, 51, 53, 55 and 57, Hillside-road; five modern houses. Nos. 51 and 53 vacant. Estimated to produce £159 per annum. Lease 83 years, at £6 per house.—Solicitors, Messrs. Ledgard, Street and Co., 54, Fleet-street, E.C. CLAPTON.—By order of the Mortgagee.—1, Char-nock-road. Let yearly at £38,•worth £44 per annum. Lease 83 years, at £9.—Solicitor, C. I. Brayshaw, Esq., 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. STOKE NEWINGTON.—No. 46, Fountayne-road. Let yearly at £48, worth £55 per annum. Lease 77 years. Ground rent £9 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Crossfield, Cushing and Wheldon, 354, Hackney-road. N. STOKE NEWINGTON.—By order of Trustees—No. 37, Lordship-park. Seven bed rooms, bath room, three reception rooms. Let at £65 per annum. Lease 74 years, at £10 10s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Bad-ham and Williams, 3, Salter’s Hall-court, E.O. LIMEHOUSE.—Re R. H. Turner, deed.—Valuable Building Site, corner of Grenade-street (late 5, Gun-lane), and Salter-street. Frontage 56ft.; return frontage 73ft. Now let at £60 per annum. Copy-hold quit rent, 6d.; fine certain, 10s.—Solicitors Messrs. Young and Sons, 29, Mark-lan$, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the respective Solicitors, as above; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, next Stoke Newington and Rectory-road Stations, N.., and 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. jeales ts Auction. Mr. c. W. DAVIES Auctioneer, Yaluer, Estate Agent, &c , 15, UPPER STREET, ISLINGTON. Established 1837. SALES BY AUCTION are held periodically at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, in which Properties can be included at moderate and fixed charges. SALES BY AUCTION AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc.. of Furniture, Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Estates Managed and Rents Collected. Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Mortgage PlMr°SCS W. Davies also undertakes SALES and LETTINGS by Private Treaty. _ _ , Auction and Estate Offices. 15. Upper-st., Islington MESSRS. HARMAN BROS, will Sell In IVl Auction, at the Mart, E.O., on Wednesday, June 7, 1899. at Two o'clock, the following: — STOKE NEWINGTON.—Newlyn, 69. Lordship-road, —Eight bed rooms bath room, three reception rcoras; excellent stabling. Grounds about one acre. Conservatory, greenhouse, etc, Vacant. Lease 65 years. Ground rent £29 8s.—Solicitors, Messrs. G. B, Lawrence and Co., 19, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. DALSTON.—No. 67, Sandringham-road (facing St. Mark’s-sciuare;.—For sale, with possession. Rental value £75. Capital corner position, six miuutes from Dalston Junction and Hackney Downs. Six bed rooms, three reception rooms, etc. Lease 67 years. Ground rent £9—Solicitors, Messrs. Talbot and Co., 47, Bedford-row, W.C. Particulars, etc., may be had of the respective Solicitors, as above; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, next Stoke Newington, and Rectory-road Stations, and 75, Aldermanbury, Guildhall, E.C. Auction Sales, 1899. _ .................. house-yard, E.C., for the year 1899, on the following days: — Wednesday, June 21st. Wednesday, July 19 h. Wednesday, August 23rd. Wednesday, Sfpt. 20th. Wednesday, October 18th. Wednesday, Nov. 15th. Wednesday. Dec. 13th. Landed Estates. Town and Suburban Houses, Building Land, Ground Rents, Business Premises, Reversions, Shares and other Properties for absolute sale will be included in these sales on reasonable terms, which can be fixed beforehand if so desired. Auction and Survey Offices. 30 and 31, New Bridge-street, Ludgate-circus, London, E.C. Established 1852. Telephone Number 661 Bank. Telegrams, “ Bridging, London.’’ MESSRS. WARE AND CARPMAEL, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS & LAND AGENTS 30a, Lincoln’s Inn Fields (corner of Serle-street) Firm: A. W. WARE, H. CARPMAEL, F.S.I. Sales by Auction of Landed Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Property, Ground Rents, Reversions Stocks and Shares, and other securities held periodically at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard (also by private treaty), at moderate and fixed charges. Valuation•? for Probate, Mortgage, Compensation, and other purposes. Surveys of Building Estates, Dilapidations and Sanitation. Special attention given to Rent Collection and Estate Management. Telegraphic Address, “ Demur. London.’׳ REVERSIONS, LUE INTERESTS, POLICIES, ETC. MESSRS. !■AIN G WATERS and CO. hold 1Y_L PERIODICAL SALES of REVERSIONS, Life Interests, Life Policies, Annuities, Mortgage Debts, Stocks, and Shares; also of Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold Properties, Ground Rents, etc. Terms quoted on application. Solicitors, trustees and others having properties such as described above are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 244, High Holborn, W.C. NOTE.—Particulars of lots intended for inclusion in these periodical sales must be received at least 12 days prior to advertised date of sale. AUCTION TLTESSRS. FIELD and SONS’ A ii-L take place MONTHLY at the Mart, SALES. AUCTIONS and include every description of House Property. Printed terms can be had on application at their offices. Messrs. Field and Sons undertake surveys of all kinds, and give special attention to Rating and Compensation Claims.—Offices, 54. Borough High-street, and 52, Chancery-lane, W.C. Telegraphic address—“ Federalist, London.’’ 0E8ENHAM, STORR AND SONS, LTD. PUBLIC SALES almost daily throughout the year in two spacious rooms, of diamonds, ornaments, rubies, pearls, expensive watches, old family plate, miniatures, medals, pictures, lace, sables, etc. Special attention given to the sale of jewellers’, pawnbrokers’. and other businesses in all parts of the country. Valuations of trade stocks for probate or division. Arbitrations. Auction sales of landed property. House agency and compensation cases. 6. KING STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. UPPER-STREET,ISLINGTON—Valuable Site. MR. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auc tion. at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 30, the IMPORTANT FBEEHOLD BUILDING SITE, 21, Upper-street, N. (between the Angel and Agricultural Hall) suitable for the erection of commanding business pie-mises, estimated to let at £250 per annum. Messrs. Bone and Hepple, solicitor«8 ,׳, Fredericks place,¡;E.C•.; Auction Offices. 15, Upper-street, Islington. CLISSOLD-PARK— Long Leasehold Investments. MB. O. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 30, in Separate Lots THBEE modem RESIDENCES, Nos. 3, Bandll.Oarys fort-road. Albion-road, let and producing £130 per annum. TeT m 80 years at £8 each. Messrs. Finch and Turner, solicitors, 8t. Cannon-street, E.C.; Auction Offices, 15, Upper-street,Islington. WEST-GREEN, N.-Fieehold Ground Rents. MR. O. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, May 30, FREE-EOID GROUND BENTS of £18 18s. per annum, tnnplj -ecured cn three modern residences, 55, 57 and 59, Don-gola-road, Philip-lane. West-green,N, N. Neel Stansbuiv, Esq., solicitor, 80, Chancery-lane : Auction Offices, 15, Upper-street, Islington. HORNSEY-RISE.—Occupation or Investment. MR. C. W. DAVIES will Sell by Auction, at the Mart. on Tuesday, May 30, the well-built FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 23, Lambton-road. Rental value £55. Messrs. Stanley Evans and Co., so lcitors,20,Theobald s-road, W.C.; Auction Offlco־, IF, Upper-street, Islington. "MESSRS. GREEN and SON, 1Y1 AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS. 28 and 29, St. Swithin's-lane, London. Beg to announce■ that their SALES by AUCTION ol FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions, take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY in the MONTH, ar.d on such other occasions as may be arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. Sales auction. MESSRS• GREEN and SON undertake IVl SURVEYS and VALUATIONS of LAND and HOUSE PROPERTIES, as well a.s of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings, Compensations Partnerships. Estate Duties. Dilapidations. Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receivership and other powers. TV/T ESSES. GREEN and SON invite tne XVL attention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain securities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane. London. E.< •. MESSRS. GILLOW AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS (Established over 100 years), 406, Oxford Street, W. (Telephone 30 Padd.). l\/r E'SSRS. GILLOW and CO. beg to an-1Y_L noucce that their Sales by Auction of Freehold¡ and Leasehold Properties, Ground Rents, and other securities are held! periodically at the Mart. Properties can be included at moderato and fixed charges. VALUATIONS of all kinds. ESTATES managed and rents collected. SALES BY AUCTION of Furniture, Stock, etc. Messrs. Gillow and1 Co. also undertake the Sales and Lettings of town and country properties by private treaty. Office: 406, OXFORD-STREET, W. PERIODICAL SALES for 1899 of Estates, House Property. Building Land. Ground Rents, Shares, etc., by MESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. London, the LAST WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH. Sales for other dates may also be arranged. Special attention given to the Sale of Estates in Building Plots. Railway and other Compensation Claims adjusted, as well as negotiations for the Sale and Purchase of Properties, Valuations for Probate, Mortgages, and other purposes. Protheroe and Morris’s Register furnishes Particulars of Residences, Investments, Land, and other Properties to be Sold or Let. PROTHEROE \ G. F. MORRIS . ) w. H. Protheroe AlsD \ H. G, Morris MORRIS. / J. B. SLADE ׳ T. A. Morris \ Auction and ‘ Es* ate Offices, >67 & 68, Che apside ! London, ) E.C. MUSWFLL Bil l .—Freehold Land, nearly 300ft. frontage to Pembroke-road, which has been made up and taken over by the local authority.—CATBRHAM, SURREY —Four plots of Freehold Building Land. "MESSRS. KOINES and NOKES will Sell by J_YX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard Loth burv, E.C., on Mondav, June 5, 1899. at Twflve for One o’clock, the above FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, in Particulars of Messrs. Stanley Evans and Co., solicitors, 20, Theobald’s-road, Bedford-row, W.C. : and of the Auctioneers, 20, Ironmonger-lane, E.O., and b7, Caledonian-road, N._________________________ _ CHESHUNT, BERTS.-Gentleman’s Freehold Residence, containing eight bed rooms, three reception rooms, kitchen, and offices, coach-house and stables, conservatory. Situaied in midst of delightful ground», in which is a picturesque lake with rustic bridge. With possession. Of the rental value of £70 per annum. MESSRS. NOKES and NOKES will also IVl include in the above Sale, the PREMISES known as Pengelly Houee, Lot dship road, Cheshunt (close to the Parish church and the college). Pariiculars as above._________________________ MILE-END.—Freehold Weekly Property. MESSRS. NOKES and NOKES will also include Nos. 7, 9 and 21, KING-sTREET, Dove-ton-street, Cambric!ge-road, Mile-end, producing £8118■. 56Particulars of G. L. Matthews, Esq.. 26, Cannon-street. E.O.. and of the Auctioneers.___________________ GBAY’S-INN-ROAD.—Two Leasehold Houses. "MESSRS. NOKES and NOKES will also IVl Sell Nos. 11 and 12, WELLS■ STREET, Gray’s-inn road, W.C., producing £97 per annum. Lease 43 year udexpired, at £5 each ground rent. Partit ulars of the Solicitor (as above), and of the Auctioneers, 20, Ironmonger-lane, E.C., and 67, Caledonian- road. N.________________________________________ FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS.—To Investors, Builders, Creators of Ground Rents, and others.— Close to the Castle-hill Station, on the G.W. Railway, and within easy distance of the District Railway Station, Ealing.—Elevated position, lovely views.—St. Stephen’s Park Estate, Ealing. Iree conveyances. Payments by easy instalments. "|\/| R. ALEX. PHILLIPS will Sell JjJL by Auction, at the Feathers Hotel, Broadway, Ealing, on Monday Evening, June 5. 1899, at Seven for 7.30 o’clock, 61 valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS, possessing important frontages of 20ft. ana 30ft., and excellent depths, admirably adapted for the erection of detached! and semi-detached residences, for which there is a great demand. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Henry Gover and Son, Solicitors, 3, Adelaide-place, London Bridge, E.C. ; A. Morton Smith, Eisq.., 3, Quieenrstreet-place, E.C.; at the place of sale; and of the Auctioneer, 332, High-road, Kilburn, N.W. GODWIN, VT beg to a Sales for the year 1899. Messrs BASLEY and ELDRIDGE beg to announce that their Periodical Sales by Auction, held for nearly 60 years, will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on the last Thursday in each month, viz.: — J une 29 July 27 August 31 September 28 October 26 November 30 December 28 Landed Estates, Freehold and Leasehold Proper-tie? and Investments of every description, may be included in these Sa^es at fixed and inclusive charges, particulars of which may be had on application. Messrs. Godwin, Basley and Eldridge also undertake the Valuation and Sale by Auction of every description of Household Furniture and Effects, Farming Stock, Trade Fittings, etc. Separate Regi-s ters of Furnished and' Unfurnished Town Houses, Country Residences and Landed Estates are published on the first of each month. Established 1840. Auction and Estate Offices— 28, Martin’s-lane, Cannon-street, E.C., and at 28, Cadogan-place, Belgrave-square, S.W. Forthcoming Saies for the Year 1899. MESSRS. E. and H. LUMLEY (Lumley’s, of St. James’s House. 22, St, James’s-street, London, S.W.) beg to announce the following days of SALE by AUCTION for the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.; but, in addition, other date:-can be arranged for special sales.—Terms! on application. Tuesday, July 18 Tuesday, Aug. 15 Tuesday, Sep. 12 Tuesday June 6 Tuesday, June 20 Tuesday, July 4 Tuesday, Oct. 17 Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, Nov. 28 Tuesday. Dec. 12 Messrs. E. and H. Lumley announce in the advertisement columns of “The Times” on Saturdays a complete list of their sales, which will include estates in England, Ireland and Scotland, town and country properties, ground rents, reversions, gas and water shares, stocks, etc. In cases where property is to be included ample notice should be given in order to insure due publicity. St. James’s House. No. 22, St. James’s-street, S.W. THE CONDUIT STREET AUCTION GALLERIES MAY BE HIRED FOR HOLDING SALES. SPECIAL TERMS TO THE PROFESSION. Small or large consignments of Furniture, Pictures, Plate and Jewels, &c., can be included at short notice. APPLY TO KNIGHT, FRANK & RUTLEY, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. 9 & 10, Conduit Street, & 23a, Maddox Street, W. Telephone 1942 Gerrard. Telegrams “ Galleries, London." MESSRS. NEWBON, EDWARDS AND SHEPHARD, (NEWBON AND CO.), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ETC., 275, Upper1 Street, ISLINGTON. SALES by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, nearly every Thursday throughout the year, in which they can advantageously include Freehold, Copyhold, and Leasehold Properties, Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate fixed charges. SALES by AUCTION, on the Premises, of Furniture. Stocks, etc. PRINTED REGISTER of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses, Business Premises, and Building Land, in which they insert particulars of properties to be Let or Sold free of charge, may be had gratis ;pon application, or by post. ESTATES managed and rents collected. VALUATIONS for probate, legacy, and mortgage ar poses. COMPENSATION CASES arranged. Telephone No. 300 King’s Cross. Auction Offices, 275, Upper-street, N. (next the Vestry Hall). ________________ Portman Chapel Building Society, 109, CRAWFORD STREET, LONDON, W. Advances in any District. Terms of repayment per £100 including principal and interest. For five years £118s. 8d. Ten years £1 Is. 8d. Fifteen years 16s. Id. W. SUTHERLAND, Sec,