May 27, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 896 $t0tkes. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58, CHANOERY־LANE, LONDON, W.O. President:—EDWARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained: — (a) Under the Practice Qualification; (b) By Examination. THE EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Final) are held annually. EVENING MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lectures, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession, are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may be obtained upon application to— CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. _ Sharp, Harrington and Roberts, of 16. Ab-church-lane, City, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved by mutual consent, still continues to carry on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor, in his own name at the same address. T JiNIYEEiSITY AGRICULTURE COURSE U׳ —EDINBURGH.—For prospectus, including re-gulations for degree of B.Sc., apply to Clerk of Senatus. TOO LATE FOB CLASSIFICATION. mO YACHTSMEN and OTHERS.—For Sale a. an attractive MANSION, charmingly situated, facing Solent, extensive pleasure grounds, beautifully timbered; lodge; shady drive; conservatory, stabling; 13 acres; sanitation modern; first-class condition; prompt sale; remunerative price — “ W. D.,” 20, Cross-street, Ryde. _ office, a smart GENERAL CLERK, of good address, not under 25 years of age; must be a quick penman and neat draughtsman, and possess a knowledge of surveying and accounts.—Applications, with full particulars of qualifications, age, and salary required, to be addressed to “ Auctio ” (763), Estates Gazette office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. rapidly rising fashionable south coast town, over 60,000 inhabitants; suit young man with small capital; satisfactory reasons for selling; present owner willing to remain a few months to introduce.—1" L. R. C.790) ״), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. ¿èales¡ עס Auction, A RTICLED PUPIL required by a ־well-known -¿A firm of auctioneers, etc., on the Kent coast; premium 100 guineas, for articles of three years, partly returnable in salary; residence with principal if desired; special tuition by a member of the Surveyors' Institution.—Address “ Folkestone ” (789), ESTATES GAZETTE office, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. NÖTIGES. TO CORRESPONDENTS. The Editor will at all times be pleased to give careful consideration to any articles or correspondence on matters likely to be of interest to readers of the ESTATES GAZETTE, with a view to their insertion. All letters and communications intended for publication should be addressed to the Editor, ESTATES GAZETTE, No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.C., and to ensure insertion must reach the Office not later than midday on Thursday. No notice is taken of anonymous communications. No. 22, Draycottrplace, OADOGAN-GARDENS, S.W.— A choice red brick Residence of medium size, in a favourite and fashionable position on the Cadogan Estate, within a few minutes’ walk of Sloane-square Station, whence the City and all parts of London can readily be reached. The house is of recent design and construction, and contains seven bed and dressing rooms, fitted bath room, handsome drawing rooms, spacious entrance and inner halls, dining room, library, complete domestic offices and numerous cellars; the property is in good general and decorative repair, is fitted with electric light, speaking tubes, tiled fireplaces, panelled ceilings, and the walls of ! kitchen, scullery, and passages are white tiled; held direct from the freeholder for an unexpired term of 78h years from March 25 last, at a moderate ground rent; the Freehold could pos- j sibly be acquired.—Solicitor, Mr. Guy Ellis, 11, Lincoln’s-inn-fields!, W.C. At a low reserve. No. 5, TEDWORTH-SQUARE, S.W.—An excellent modern Family Residence in a quiet and healthy 1 situation, facing west and overlooking large ornamental garden, in close proximity to the Chelsea Embankment, and easily accessible from all quarters of town, being only a short distance from Sloane-square Station on the Underground Railway; the accommodation comprises nine bed and dressing rooms, fitted bath room, handsome large drawing and dining rooms, good smoking room, and specially complete servants’ offices. The property is in capital order throughout, and is wired for electric light; held for an unexpired term of | 54 years at a small ground rent.—Solicitors, Messrs. Foyer and Hordern, 26, Essex-street, Strand, W.C. MESSRS. ROBT. W. MANN and SON will Sell the above PROPERTIES by Auction, with Possession, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at One o’clock precisely (unless previously disposed of privately). Particulars, with conditions of sale, may be had at the Mart; of the respective Solicitors; and, with cards to view, of the Auctioneers, at their Offices, Lower Grosvenor-place (near Victoria Station), S. W. Brighton Building Estate.—Important Sale, at low reserve:prices, on easy terms of payment extending of 116 convenient plots of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, well known as the Tivoli Estate, on~L°£dVBri^hton’ Possessing altogether frontages of 3,928ft» to the Dyke-road, Matlock-road, Tivoli-crescent, and Maldon-road, occupying a delightful and extremely healthy situation, on high ground, commanding beautiful and extensive views over the well-wooded valley of Preston and of the Channel and coast as far as the Isle of Wight, within a quarter of a mile of Preston-park Station (main line L.B. and S.C.R.), whence there are numerous fast trains to London, 11 miles from Brighton Central Station, under one mile from Hove Station, within easy access of the seafront ar,u of 8׳h parts of the fashionable towns of Biighton and Hove, whilst electric trams are likely to be run under the Corporation of Brighton from tbe centre of the town along the Dyke-road, increasing the accessibility of this property. The lots are suitable for the immediate erection of numerous moderate-sized houses of modern and attractive design, and a limited number of large detached or semi-detached houses, with a few good corner plots suitable for shops, all of which would readily find tenants or purchasers. The roads are sewered and formed, a constant service of water is available, and electric light mains will be laid by the Corporation of Brighton when necessary, TyTESSRS. PARSONS and ׳SON will Sell the -1 ־*־ above by Auction, in Lots, at the Old Ship Hotel Brighton, on Wednesday, May 31,1899, at Three o’clock precisely. Particulars, estate plans, key plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Stevens, Son and Maynard, solicitors, 26, Marlborough-place, Brighton ; G. A. Flowers, Esq., solicitor, Steyning; Messrs. Loader and Long, architects and surveyors, 54, Old Steine, Brighton; and of Messrs. Parsons and Son. F.S.I., auctioneers, valuers, and estate agents, 163, North-street, and 61, Buckingham-place, Brighton, and 88, Church-road, Hove. ־[DEVELOPMENT of BUILDING ESTATES —Owners of large or small estates in any approved locality in England are invited to furnish particulars of their property to Messrs. G. A. and J. Hall, of Valkyrie, Colney Hatch-lane, Muswell- I .lull, N.. whose speciality is the development of binding estates, and who are prepared either to ; purchase outright or to arrange mutual terms for the successful development of the same. I HAMPSTEAD, SOUTH and WEST HAMPSTEAD REGENT’S-PARK, and KILBURN.-Excellent Long Leasehold Residences, for investment and occupation, near railway stations and omnibus routes. M B: LEOPOLD FARMER will Sell by Auc-־־.־־ tion, at the Mart, at Two, Monday next, the following: — HAMPSTEAD.—Nos. 42 and 46, Fellows-road.—Noble detached Family Residences, approached through front gardens, each having 10 bed and dressing rooms, bath room (h. and c.), three reception rooms on ground floor, breakfast room, good domestic offices; large garden. Lease over 60 years, direct from Eton College, at the nominal ground rent of £2 each. No. 46 is let at £125, and No. 42 with possession. | SOUTH HAMPSTEAD.—For Investment.—Nos. 46, 1 57, 59, 61, 69 and 71, Boundary-road, close to Loudoun-road.—Detached and semi-detached Residences, each having seven bed and dressing rooms, bath room (h. and c.), three reception rooms, usual domestic 1 offices; good gardens. Let, and producing, from actual and estimated rentals, £470 per annum. Nos!. 57 and 59 sold with possession. Solicitors, Messrs. Garrard, James and Wolfe, 13, Suffolk-street, S.W. WEST HAMPSTEAD.—The very handsome block of Long Leasehold, self-contained Flats (known as Beacon House, Hemstall-road), and producing £576 per annum. The property is held on a long lease, at a ground rent, comprising on five floors (always let) 20 suites.—Solicitor, Geo. B. W. Digby, Esq., 69, Coleman-street, E.C. ’ ! WEST HAMPSTEAD.—By order of the Executors of the late Rev. H. M. Clifford.—Semi-detached Residence, 35, St. George’s-road, having seven bed and dressing rooms, bath (hot and cold), three reception rooms, breakfast room, and offices. Garden. Let at £65 per annum. Long lease, at £10.—Solicitors, Messrs. Field, Roscoe and Co., 36, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. , REGENT’S-PARK.—Leasehold 10-roomed Residence, without basement, held at a peppercorn, known as No. 55, Park-road, corner of Upper Gloucester-place. I Let at £60 per annum, with early possession.— I Solicitors, Messrs. J. C. and W. W. Isaacsoa, 11, New-inn, W.C. KILBURN.—Detached corner Residence, 12. Cam-bridge-gardens, facing the gardens, having seven bed 1 and dressing rooms, bath room, four reception rooms, housekeeper’s room, and offices. Garden in 1 rear. Rental value £65. Long lease, at £12 10s.— Solicitors, Messrs. Merrick and Co.. 67, Broad-street-avenue, E.C. Particulars and conditions of sale at the Mart־ I the Solicitors; and the Auctioneer, 46. Gresham-street, E.C., and Kilburn. T.N. 298 London-wall. CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY.—SHEPHERD’S BUSH. NOTTING HILL, WEST KENSINGTON PARK AND DISTRICT, ALSO EALING, HANWELL AND SOUTHALL. Owners wishing to Sell or Let Property in these districts! should send to | 0. HAWLEY CROSS and CO., j Who have more applications than they can suit. ! Particulars inserted in their ־Western Suburbs Regis- I ter Free. Rent Collections undertaken (large or j small), and Property of all kinds managed on in- i elusive terms; punctual payments guaranteed. References to clients of 20 years' standing. Offices: I Ilchester House ” (facing), Uxbridge-road Station, W. (Established 1877); and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone No. 108 Hammersmith, and 63 Ealing. Salts t£ fttuium. NOTICE OF SALE. IV/rESSRS1. J. J. HILL and WEAVER beg i־YL to announce that the TOTTENHAM DISTILLERY, 101, TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD, submitted to Auction on the 25th inst., WAS SOLD. Auction Offices.. No. 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. NOTICE. ־jX/TESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER beg JXL to announce that the WASHINGTON HOTEL, ENGLAND’S-LANE, HAVERSTOCK-HILL, submitted to Auction on the 25th inst., WAS SOLD. Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. PRINCE OF WALES, GREENWICH. IVfESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER beg ir.L to announce that this valuable Freehold and Possession, recently submitted to Auction, is SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY. Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE. THORNE-ROAD, SOUTH LAMBETH. IX/TESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER beg -ItA to announce that this capital Property IS NOW DISPOSED OF. Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. ESSEX. IN WORTH and GREAT BRAXTED, three miles from Kelvedon Station.—Valuable Freehold Residential Estate, known as Inworth Grange, comprising Family Residence, in well-timbered grounds, modern agricultural premises, and 241a. lr. 3p. of rich, fertile, arable and pasture land. rj M. STANFORD has received instructions VA to Sell the above by Auction, at the Board Room, Corn Exchange, Colchester, on Saturday, June 10, 1899, at Four p.m. Solicitors, Messrs. Josselyn and Sons, Ipswich. GREEN & RICHARDSON, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, COMPENSATION AND GENERAL VALUERS. 49, BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W.C. Messrs. Green and Richardson make a special branch of the sale and development of Building Estates. FORTHCOMING SALES. IX/TESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER are LY-L instructed to Sell by Auction shortly, the following first-class Properties, viz.: — THE ALDGATE DISTILLERY, East Aldgate Station, at the corner of Goulston-street, directly opposite the important tramway terminus. Lease 45 years. Rent £85 per annum. THE OASSLAND HOTEL, Victoria-park-road. Lease 28 years, at a rent reduced by underletting to about £27 per annum. Directly facing Victoria-park, close to ’bus terminus, and not far from Victoria-park railway station. Cards and particulars at the Auction Offices, No. 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. ־]X/TEBSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVER have i-M- for disposal by Private Treaty the following WINE and SPIRIT ESTABLISHMENTS: — Country HOTEL, close to railway station, with valuable ferry rights—trade undeveloped, and affording firs1>class opportunity to business man. CASH £1,500.—Fine Corner PRDPERTY, with good home and large trade—long lease at low rent— within twenty minutes’ of City. CASH £1,500.—Excellent CORNER, in main road, close to important London railway terminus—large counter trade, of easy management. CASH £1,000.—Compact PROPERTY, in ׳best and busiest part of West-end—capital^ placed in theatrical world. CASH £1,500.—First-class West-end PROPERTV, just off Regent-street—profitable business of large extent. CASH £500.—Small Suburban PROPERTY, in excellent repair—business undeveloped—good lease, at very low rent. CASH £400.—Tenancy in good main road Property; must have first-class references. Auction Offices, No28 .׳, Theobald’s-road, W.C. ! -------------------------------------------------! Estates, Country and Suburban Residences, Town ' Houses, Flats, Shops, Business Premises, Investments, etc. lyTESSRS. TROLLOPE’S Printed Register of iLL Properties for Sale by Private Contract and to be Let may be had on application at their Offices, 7. Hobart-place, Eaton-square, ) West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square, / _ , 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, and ( London 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. ) Special Lists or Marked Registers will be forwarded on receipt of particulars of requirements. ! AUCTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1899. Messrs. Trollope’s Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Houses, Ground Rents, etc., will take place at the Mart, near the Bank of England, as foHows: — Thursday, June 8th. j Thursday, October 19t.h. Thursday, July 13th. j Thursday ,November 23rd Thurscay, August 3rd. | Thursday, December 14th Sales will be held on other dates as required. In all cases Messrs. Trollope will be glad to have as long notice as possible respecting any property they may be instructed to Offer by Auction. DEMY 8vo. 420pp. CLOTH, PRICE 6s. Itor (jash 1vitfo Order, 5s. vost ree. NEW (FIFTH) EDITION. THE AUCTIOITEERS’ HVC A. 1STTJPLI_! For the use of Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents. Thoroughly revised and brought up to date. By W. F. NOKES. the work of the profession, and whilst being particularly useful to those already in practice, it is also designed to meet the requirements of the pupil or student. This forms a valuable guide to PRINCIPAL CONTENTS. wifhExarnplof Paiticilar?^1״^״ “d fState ?^Ho#us a Agen* ; the Q?Talificationf־ and requirements of the law in relation thereto ; the Preparation for a Sale¿ Apprai^mTiRs6^^ Vahiation^scaleq ZVLlf ,? Pf6’ °f Acc°™ts■ etc ;House and Estate Agency Work; Commission and Remuneration ? Bills of Sale, etc. 1895• Ejectments and Notice« f״ t d״ITP A Professional Charges; Recovery of Rent by Distress, with the text of the Law of Distress Amendment Acts, 1888 and ,“l־, iiC r/AaSel™״, C T /Z?1 V “lw״>' ,?“J. 0•’1‘״“v ־״״« B»* Ch»g., ״ith the text «1 th. Tithe Aet.’xs®, “d Tithe Act, 1891; Notices Warrant« etc undor f n׳ t ־r acd ,®eddug a^ lvlnds of Property, Notices to Quit and Ejectment Notices; forms for use under the ’ ’ 68־ oflhstress; Building and other Contracts, etc., etc. Together with numerous Examples of Conditions of Sale and Specimen Title Pages of Catalogues for the sale of the many and various articles commonly sold under the hammer. FRANK P. WILSON, “Estates Gazette‘׳ Office, 6, St. Bride Street, London, E.C.