May 27, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 890 teer Stores public-house (fully licensed), Union-street, with billiard room, two-stall stable and coach-house, held under a lease to Messrs. Bullard and Son at an annual rental of £70, a billiard table and all the trade fittings and utensils included, for £1,400. Messrs. Beloe and Beloe, and Messrs. Ooulton and Son were solicitors for the vendors. On the 17th instant, at the Royal Hotel, Norwich, Messrs. Spelman sold the following freehold houses in Gladstone-street, Norwich :—-Nc. 32, for £355; No. 34, let at £9, for £140 ; No. 36, let at £9, for £135 ; Nos. 38 and 40, let at £9 each, for £280 ; No. 42, let at £9, for £136; No. 44, let at £9, for £142 ; No. 45, let at £9, for £134; No. 48, let at £9, for £l32; and Nos. 50, 52 and 54, gross rental £27, for £134 each. The vendors’ solicitors were Messrs. Cozens-Hardy and Jewson, Norwich. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. On the 9th instant, at the Black Boy Hotel, Wood-hill, Northampton, Messrs. Alaequire and Merry sold the following debenture stock and shares :—£500 4 per cent, irredeemable debenture stock in P. Phipps and Co., Limited, at £115 per cent. ; 1,500 4 per cent, irredeemable debenture stock in the same company, at £115 per cent■• ; £680 4 per cent, irredeemable stock in the same company, at £115 10s. per cent. ; five £25 fully-paid ordinary shares in the same company, at £10 6s. lOd. per share ; 15 fully-paid ordinary shares in the same company, at £10 6s. per share ; five £10 fully-paid ordinary shares in the Northampton Brewery Company, Limited, at £19 2s. 6d. per share; 12 £30 (£10 paid) old shares in the Northampton Bank, Limited, at £29 per share ; 14 £10 fully-paid shares in the Northampton Street Tramways Company, at £11 per share ; six £10 fully-paid ordinary shares in the same company, at £11 2s. 6d. per share ; and £100 4 per cent, debenture stock in Ratcliffe and Jeffery, Limited, at £109. A freehold house, with outdoor beer license, Upper Heyford, let at £9, and two freehold cottages, let at £8, were disposed of for £410 ; a freehold cottage adjoining, let at £4, for £60 ; a freehold cottage, Upper Heyford, let at £2 12s., for £20 ; a freehold off licensed house, No. 2, Uppingham-street, Northampton, let at £23 8s., for £1,060 ; a freehold house, No. 25, Hood-street, Northampton, let at £18 4s., for £240 ; two houses, Nos. 38 and 40, Palmers-ton-road, gross rental £35 2s., for £440 ; and two plots with frontages of 17ft. to Clarence-avenue, Queen’s-park, for £50 each. The solicitors were Messrs. Boyes and Son, Barnet, Messrs. Darnell and Price, and Messrs. Morgan and Duke, Northampton. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At Mr. Buffs Auction Booms, Long Eaton, on the 16th instant, Messrs. Morris and Place sold seven pairs of freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 1 to 27, Bennett-street, Long Eaton, gross rental £195, for £2,585 ; a freehold house, No. 29, Bennett-street, gross rental £16 18s., for £255 ; a similar house, No. 31, BennetLstreet, gross rental £16 18s., for £250 ; nine pairs of freehold houses, Nos. 33 to 67, Bennett-street, gross rental £245 14s., for £3,160 ; and the premises occupied by the Long Eaton Conservative Club, Regent-street, Long Eaton, for £1,500. The solicitors were Messrs. Ashurst, Morris, Crisp and Co., 17, Throgmorton-street, E. C. At the Auction Booms, Exchange-walk, Nottingham, on the 17th instant, Messrs. Walker, Walton and Hansom sold a long leasehold house and shop, with beer off license, Bosworth-road, Nottingham, two houses, Nos. 6 and 8, Bosworth-road, and 30 long leasehold houses, Nos. 10 to 68, Frederiek-terrace, Nottingham, gross rental £535 19s., ground rent £35 11s. 4d., together, for £5,290. The solicitors were Messrs. Freeth, Bawson and Cartwright, Nottingham. At the Horse Shoe Inn, Irthlingborough, on the 15th instant, Messrs. Pendered and Son sold an indoor beerhouse, known as the British Aims, Baker-street, Irthlingborough, for £1,820 ; and an orchard adjoining, containing 5,677 square yards, for £440. The solicitors were Messrs. Sharman, Jackson and Archer, W ellingborough. SHROPSHIRE. Mr. H. Williams (of the firm of Hall, Wateridge and Owen) sold the following local properties at the County Mart, Shrewsbury, on the 12bh instant:—Broome Hall Farm sold for £1,100 ; Bowmanhill Hill Farm was withdrawn, but subsequently sold for £1,525 ; a cottage and garden for £66 ; the freehold premises, Nos18 .׳, 19 and 20, Swan-hill, Shrewsbury, gross rental £32 8s., for £830 ; two farms at Oomley, known as Comley and Hollyhurst, freehold, and free of tithe charges, containing 73 acres and 30 acres for £2,000 and £1,250 respectively ; Hill House Farm for £790 ; an acre and a quarter of meadow land and garden for £60. The total realised being £7,621. The solicitors engaged were Messrs. Gust, Phillips, Walters and Williams, of London, and Messrs. Sanders and Parish, of Birmingham. On the 19th instant, at the Hand Hotel, Chirk, Messrs. Ohurton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, put up for sale by public auction the freehold property known as the Lodge Estate, situate near Preesgwynoe Station, on the bor- house and common pasture rights, realised £3,050 ; a building site of 2a. 2r. lip., £630 ; arable land, 2a. 2r., £330 ; a similar enclosure, 2a. 26p., £160 ; meadow land, three acres, £250. The vendors’ solicitors were Messrs. Risdon D. Sharp and Symonds, of Christchurch. KENT. On the 4th instant Messrs. R. Waterman and Sons sold at the Royal Star Hotel, Maidstone, freehold property at Bearsted, comprising dwelling house and two cottages, for £700 ; a £50 Maidstone Urban District Council Bond, bearing 3¿ per cent., for £50 ; two other £50 shares for £50 10s. each ; one £100 share, at 4 per cent., for £104 10si ; and five £10 7 per cent. share׳s in the Maidstone Waterworks Company, for £14 10s. each. Messrs. Monekton and Son, Maidstone, were the solicitors concerned. On the 17th instant, at the Clarendon Hotel, Folkestone, Mr. W. O. Newport sold No. 88, D over-street (freehold), for £455 ; and No. 86, in the same street was sold privately, having been withdrawn at £445 ; Nos. 47 and 49, North-street, freehold cottages, realised respectively, £225 and £210 ; No. 27, East-street, £240. Nos. 1, 3 and 5, Park-street, were then submitted ; the first-named was disposed of for £230, and the other two were sold privately. On the 18th instant Mr. Newport sold, at the Queen’s Hotel, Folkestone, No. 22, Clifton-crescent, let on lease at £155, ground rent £15, for £2,220 ; Nos. 23 and 24, Enbrook-terrace, Cheriton, freehold cottages, for £220 and £225 respectively ; No. 20, Christ Church-road, leasehold, let at £60, ground rent £9, for £1,000 ; No. 25, Victoria-road, for £580. Messrs. Harrison and Son and Messrs. Booty and Bayliffe were concerned as solicitors. At the Métropole Hotel, Dover, on the 18th instant, Messrs. Terson and Son sold the following local properties :—A freehold house, No. 24, De Burgh-street, Charlton, let at £17, for £265 ; No. 26, De Burgh-street, let at £17, for £255 ; No28 .׳, De Burgh-street, let at £16, for £270 ; the following long leasehold houses in Maison Dieu-road :—No. 37, let at £28, ground rent £4 10s., for £350; No. 38, let at. £25, ground rent £4 10s., for £360; No. 62, let at £22, ground rent £3 16s., for £300; No. 65, let at £20 5s., ground rent £3, for £390 ; the freehold steam saw mills, Charlton-green, with stabling, stores, etc., and house adjoining, for £770 ; and a freehold house, No. 8, Ohurehill-street, for £260. The solicitor was Mr. Eugène Carder, Dover. On the 16th instant, at the Sun Hotel, Chatham, Messrs. Kidwell and Son sold a freehold house, No. 24, Middle-street, Old Brompiton, let at £15, for £200 ; another ■freehold house. No. 3, Middle-street, let at £12 2s. 3d., for £130 ; a freehold shop, dwelling, house and premises, No. 23, Wood-street, Old Brompton, gross rental £44 17s., was withdrawn at £375 ; a freehold house, No. 16, Church-road, New Brompton, let at £11, sold for £205 ; a similar freehold house, No. 18, Church-road, let at £11, for £200 ; a freehold house, No. 15, Pier-road, Gillingham, let at £12, for £185 ; a similar freehold house, No. 16, Pier-road, let at £11, for £195 ; a freehold residence, No. 266, St. MargaretVbanks, Rochester, estimated rental £25, was withdrawn at £350 ; a freehold residence, biown as Horsley House, No. 12, Hoers-lev-road, Rochester, let “at £20, sold for £350 ; a freehold house, No. 5, Roohester-avenue, Rochester, let at £23 8s , for £290 ; and two freehold cottages, Nos. 5 and 7, Barton’s-alley, Strood, gross rental £16 18s., for £117 10s. The solicitors, were Messrs. Waterhouse and Co., 1, New-court, LincolnVinn, W.C. ; Messrs. M. R Stephens and Son, Chatham ; and Messrs. Winch, Son and Allen, New Brompton. LINCOLNSHIRE. At the Red Lion Hotel, Boston, on the 18th instant, Messrs. Saul disposed of the following local properties by auction:—Three dwelling houses, shops and premises, Market-place, for £1,650 ; a wme and beerhouse, known as the Globe, Petticoat-lane, for £1,300 ; a dwelling house, Petticoat-lane, was withdrawn at £4501 a cottage, Petticoat-lane, with yard, buildings, etc., sold for £100 ; a dwelling house and shop, Main Ridge, for £190 ; three houses, with ware•* house adjoining, Skirbeck Quarter, were withdrawn at £850 ; and a close ot arable land with frontage to Sleaforl-road, Skirbeck Quarter Fen, containing about seven acres, sold for £460. The soh'cHors were Messrs. Millington and 'imrson, Boston. NORFOLK. One the 11th instant, at the Globe Hotel, King’s׳ Lynn, Messrs. Miles and Son sold the following local properties:—A public-house, known as the Rose, and brewery premises, together with two cottages in South-street, for £860 ; house, No. 25, South-street, rent £8, for £140 ; No. 26, South-street, rent £9, for £145 ; No. 22, rent £7 12s., for £115 ; No. 21, rent £6 10s., for £110 ; the Fountain Inn (fully licensed) in Blackfriars-street, for £840 (with £38 12s. for fittings) ; house, No. 18, Union-street, rent £12, for £225 ; house, No. 28, Checker-street, rent £8, for £150 ; No. 30, Checker-street, rent £8, for £165 ; house, No. 7, Bentinck-street, rent £7, for £70 ; *he Volun- Messrs. Bulteel, Rowe and Munday, and Messrs. Adams and Croft were the solicitors. | At the Union Hotel, Torquay, on the 18th J instant, Mr. A. •T. Davy held an auction for the sale of 107 £10 shares in the Torquay Gas Com- j pany, bearing a dividend not exceeding 7 per cent, per annum, and 98 £10 shares, bearing a j dividend not exceeding 10 per cent. The 7 per j cent, shares sold at from £16 10s. to £17 per share, the hulk realising £16 15s. per share ; whilst •the whole of the 10 per cent, shares realised £24 each. ESSEX. At the Horn Hotel, Braintree, on the 17th instant, Mr. T. H. Newman sold the following local properties :—A freehold residence known as Hill House, Black Notley, let at £16, for £270 ; a freehold field of arable land, containing about one acre, for £55 ; two freehold cottages, gross rental £5 4s., for £160 ; a freehold field of arable land, containing about five acres, for £180 ; and a freehold field of arable land, with two cottages, etc., containing about three acres, for £200. The solicitors were Messrs. Cunnington, Son and Orfeur, Braintree. showed interviews with Mr. North upon dates when Mr. North was actually in America. Clearly Mr. Julian had a memory which could not be relied upon, and he submitted that Mr. Sampson’s version was the true one. Mr. Jones, in reply, commented on the fact that defendants had not placed Mr. North in the box. His Honour said plaintiff had entirely failed to make out any retainer on the part of Mr. Carlyon. Plaintiff bad said he did not know of a letter written in regard to the visit to London, but he (the judge) believed he did, and as to the London visit plaintiff went upon the chance of getting the order for the furniture. Until Mr. North wrote plaintiff that he could not incur charges, plaintiff evidently had only one idea, and that was that he was acting for Mr. North. He must give judgment for defendant with costs. PROYINCIAL PROPERTY SALES GLOUCESTERSHIRE. At the Bell Hotel, Gloucester, on the 13th instant, Messrs. Bruton׳, Knowles and Co. offered for sale by auction the Wotton Court Estate, Gloucester, and the Etloe Estate, Awre. The first-named property comprised the fine old residence known as Wotton Court, with its stabling, farm buildings, lawns, gardens and enclosures of pasture orcharding, let at £80 a year ; a detached family residence known as Hilldrop, yearly rent £60 ; and Elmbridge Field Farm, together with enclosures of accommodation pasture land and six cottages, the whole embracing an area of 208a. 20p. In submitting the property Mr. H. W. Bruton referred to the unfortunate circumstances which had rendered the disposal of the estate necessary. Proceeding, he said it was practically the only residential building site left in or on the immediate outskirts of Gloucester, in connection with which its enormous proportion of frontage was an important feature. He never remembered an estate brought into the market where, with such an area, there was a frontage of over 3,000 yards, or If miles. In connection with its value for building purposes, Mr. Brut-on asked them to take into consideration the prosperity of Gloucester. The outlook was never more encouraging, and trade was never more sound and healthy. In accordance with a ׳general wish the property, which was divided into six lots, was offered as a whole, when as the result■ of a sustained competition, it was ultimately secured by Mr. Fream for £29,000. Messrs. Jerome, Whitehouse and Co., of London, were the solicitors concerned. Two freehold dwelling houses (one !the Wotton Post Office) adjoining the entrance to Wotton Court, let at £16 each, sold for £840 ; the Bell Inn, Berkeley Heath, Berkeley, rendered famous by Charles Dickens in the “ Pickwick Papers,” together with Folly Farm adjoining, was sold for £3,500. The following lots of property forming part of the Etloe Estate, Awre, were also disposed of. Etloe House and buildings and about 122 acres of land was withdrawn, as was also Shaw’s farmhouse and buildings and .about 85 acres o!f pasture and arable land, orcharding and woodland ; five enclosures of pasture land, about 21 acres, sold for £610 ; two cottages, gardens and orchard, gross rental £10, for £145 ; and a pasture orchard, containing lr. 21p., for £25. Five pieces of meadow land an׳d orcharding, containing about 28 acres, was׳ sold for £1,070 ; a plot of building land or garden ground, about 27 perches, for £25 ; 3r. 32p. of building or accommodation land for £50 ; a piece of pasture orcharding and three cottages, containing together la. 3r. 22p., for £130 ; a cottage and garden, let at £7 a year, for £120 ; a garden and orchard called Forest Orchard, 2r. 15p. in extent, rental £3, for £15. The total of the day’s sale was £35,587. Messrs. James Wirntle and Son, Newniham-ou-Sev׳ern, were the solicitors. At the King’s Head Hotel, Cirencester, on the 15th instant׳, Mr. A. F. Hobbs׳ sold a freehold beerhouse, known as the Catherine Wheel Inn׳, Arlington, let at £18, for £1,555 ; a dwelling house, with workshop, etc., Arlington, for £205 ; and a cottage at Arlington, weekly rental Is. 6d., for £75. The solicitors were Messrs. Mullmgs, Ellett and Co., Cirencester. At the New Inn Hotel, Gloucester, on the 19th instant, Mr. William Dancey sold a freehold house, No. 34, Stratton-road, Gloucester, for £215 ; a freehold villa, No. 15, Rectory-road, let at £25, for £390 ; a freehold house, in Honyatt-road, Gloucester, for £400 ; and a freehold house, known ■as Ravensbourne, Sey? mour-road, Gloucester, for £400. The solicitors were Messrs. Hatchett, Jones and Co., 47, Mark-lane, E.C. ; Messrs. Farrar and Porter, 2, Wardrobe-place, Doctor’s-commons, E.C. ; and Mr. Granville Clutterbuck, Gloucester. HAMPSHIRE. At the King’s Arms Hotel, Christchurch, on May 16, Mr. Herbert A. Wooff offered to auction, in conjunction with Mr. W. J. Villar, the freehold properety known as the Wick Estate, near Christchurch. The dairy farm of Wick, comprising 69a. 3r. 6p., with commodious farm- The Editor will feel obliged if Auctioneers and Agents will forward a copy of the particulars of sales in which they are interested MARKED with the prices realised, in order that an accurate record of dealings in Land and House Property may appear in this department. These must reach us by THURSDAY to ensure insertion in the current issue. BEDFORDSHIRE. Air. Harry Ball sold by auction, on the IS tl! instant, at the Bell Inn, Marston, the following freehold properties in Marston : —House and shop, let at £7 16s., for £160; two cottages, rent £9, for £150 ; cottage, let at- £3, for £65 ; and two cottages, for £75. The solicitors were Messrs. Hamley and Stimson, Bedford. CUMBERLAND At the Greyhound Inn, Thurstonfield, Carlisle, on the 17th instant, Messrs. Thornborrow and Co. sold two fields called Ear Close and Meadow, Thurstonfield, containing about seven acres, and a close of land called Arkriggs, Thurstonfield, for £240. On the 18th. instant, at the Court Buildings, Keswick, the same firm sold a dwelling house and shop, Market-place, Keswick, for £2,080 ; and on the 19th instant, at ■the Dockray Hall Hotel, Penrith, Messrs. Thornborrow sold a freehold dwelling house, Nos. 20 and 21, Howard-sitreet, Penrith, let at £32, for £660 ; a freehold house, No. 18, Howard-street, was withdrawn at £400 ; a plot of freehold land, Howard-street, containing 525 square yards, sold at 3s. 4d. per yard ; and three freehold houses, Nos. 5, 6 and 7, Union-street׳, Penrith, for £900. Tiie solicitors were Messrs. Broatch, Son and Gandy, Keswick, and Messrs. Cotman and Son, Preston. DEVONSHIRE. At the Palmerston Hotel, Tiverton, on the 10th instant, Messrs. Greenslade and Kidner, of Taunton, offered for sale the following lots of freehold and long leasehold property situated at Tiverton :—A piece of garden land situate near the railway station, containing about 3r. 21p., soM for £200 ; a piece of land adjoining, containing 2a. lr. 24p., for £375 ; a piece of land adjoining, containing about lg acres, for £265 ; a family residence known as Gothair House, Tiverton, partly freehold and long leasehold, and let at £75, together with a warehouse and yard adjoining, for £1,875 ; five cottages, let at £28 8s., for £400 ; a freehold walled garden, containing about 11 perches, for £105 ; a vegetable and fruit garden, containing lr. 21p., for £190 ; a piece of land, upon which a portion of the brewery premises stands, with water rights on the Lowman, six cottages and gardens adjoining, and a piece of meadow land, containing la. lr. 19p., was bought in at £2,000. Messrs. Wansbrough, Dickenson and Co., solicitors, Bristol, and Messrs. Easton, Son and Goddard, land agents, Tauniton, represented the vendors. On the 18th instant Mr. Thomas Martin sold at the Half Moon Hotel. Exeter, 4, Richmond-grove, Heavitree, together with garden, stable and carriage house, for £300 ; a double-fronted shop^and dwelling house, No. 96, Fore-street, for £500. The solicitors concerned were Messrs. Dunn and Baker, Exeter, and Messrs. Tanner and Clarke, Bristol. Oil Ala,15, at the New Inn Hotel, Bideford, Air. A. W. Cock sold the following properties situated at Bideford and "Westward Ho! :—A shop and dwelling house situated in High-street, for £830 ; a house, with garden and stables attached, at Westcroft, for £650 ; a villa residence in Abbotsham-road, known as Enderleigli, for £600 ; a villa residence in Abbotsham-road, for £575 ; a piece of ground at. the rear of the above properties, about 150ft. by 85ft., for £101. Messrs. Toller, Sons and Oerton were solicitors for the vendors. Messrs. Elliott, Ellis and Co., at their Auction Alart, Plymouth, last week, sold the freehold estate of 25 acres known as Meads, in the parish of Harford, near Ivybridge, let at £45, for £1,220 ; and the freehold property, No. 3, Tracey-street, Plymouth, let at £40, for £640.