Ь85 THE ESTATES GAZETTE May 27, 18Э9. HORSHAM, SU8SEX. MESSRS. KING & CHASEMORE, Land and Timber Surveyors. SUSSEX, In a most delightful residential district, in the parish of Steep, between Haslemere and Midhurst. A truly desirable small FREEHOLD ESTATE, equally well adapted for residential, sporting and agricultural purposes, advantageously situated on high ground, in close proximity to the picturesque and well-known Bexley-hill and Common, commanding extensive and charming views over the surrounding finely timbered country, known as Gunter's Farm, comprising about 86 acres of undulating park-like meadows and- woodlands, ornamented with finely grown oak trees, and abundantly watered by a good trout stream, together with a comfortable farmhouse and agricultural buildings. Also, in a separate Lot. a detached Enclosure of Woodland, known as West Copse, comprising an area of nearly eight acres, which will be Sold by Auction, by l\/TESSItS. KING and CHASEMORE, at the -1nJL Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, June 26, 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Rose and Johnson, 13, Delahay-street, Westminster, London, S.W.; of Matthew Taylor, Esq., Northchapel, Petworth; and of Messrs. King and Chasemore, laud and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. SUSSEX, In a favourite and fertile part of the county, in the parish of Pulborough, within a short distance of the Railway Station and Town. Desirable small FREEHOLD ESTATES, comprising Stallhouse Farm, situated at North Heath, about 2h miles from Pulborough, extending to an area of 113 acres, with farmhouse, cottage־, and agricultural buildings. Moon’s Farm, situate close to the above, consisting of about 32 acres, with small house and excellent farm buildings. And Brook House, delightfully situate at Broomer’s-hill. about l\ miles from Pulborough, consisting, of 21 acres of rich land, on high ground, with farmhouse and agricultural buildings.—Which ־jl/TESSRS. KING and CHASEMORE have 1Y1 received instructions from the owner to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, June 26. 1899, at Two o’clock in the afternoon, in Three Lots. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Mant and Mant, solicitors, Pet-worth and Storrington, Sussex; and of Messrs. King and Chasemore, land and timber surveyors, Hcr-ham, Sussex. ^1 _ turesque Residence, homestead, and agricultural buildings. Hunting. The estate forms a first-class sporting or residential estate.—Plans and particulars of the sole agents, King and Chasemore, land agents, Horsham. CROYDON. 8 U RREY. HOOKER & WEBB, Surveyors; Yaluers, Auctioneers, &c., 4, HIGH STREET, CROYDON. 8U88EX. Eastbourne and Hailsham. A. BURTENSHAW & SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, TIMBER AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS. ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. A. BURIEKEHAW, F.S.T. A. K. BURTEStHAW, P.A.S.I. NORTH WALE8. LEWES and HAILSHAM:, SUSSEX. Sale of valuable Freehold Accommodation Brook-land, for occupation or investment. 1\/[־ESSRS. A. BURTENSHAW and SON will LU- Offer for Sale by Auction, at the White Hart Hotel, Lewes, on Tuesday, May 30, 1899, at 3.30 p.m., m Three Lots, the under-mentioned parcels of valuable LAND ! — In the parish of Southover, Lewes. Lot 1—The River Brooks and Woodman’s Brooks. Two Pieces (formerly four) of excellent Land, situated close to the junction of the Cockshut Stream with the River Ouse, and joining lands of the late Mr. F. billet and others; now in hand, but recently let at £20 per annum ............7 o 29 Lot 2.—The Reed Brooks, situated near Lot 1, and south of Boat House Corner, let to Mr. Hyland at £10 per annum. The adjoining landowners are the Marquis of Abergavenny and Mrs. Rigden ............... 3 3 7 In the parish of Hailsham. Lot 3.—Two Pieces of valuable Grazing Land, abutting on the south side of the road from Saltmarsh to Downash, let to Mr. Herbert Piper at £9 per annum. This Lot adjoins lands of Mr. George Gosden, Mrs. McQueen, and the Rev. W. C. Sayer Milward ............................... 5 2 30 16 2 26 Particulars, plans and’ conditions of sale may be obtained at the White Hart Hotel, Lewes; of W. G. Synnot, Esq., solicitor, Manningtree; or of the Auctioneers, at Hailsham and Eastbourne. Preliminary Notice. KENT and SUSSEX. In the parishes of Goudhurst. Cranbrook, Rolvenden. Wittersham and Peasmarsh. CURTISDEN GREEN FARM, Goudhurst and Cran brook, a Grass Farm, about 72a. 3r. 20p. in extent, with good house, buildings and cottages. TWO COTTAGES at Golford. Cranbrook. A PAIR of brick-built COTTAGES at Rolveden. TWO COTTAGES and Four Pieces of Accommodation Land in the parishes of Peasmarsh and Witter sham. IWrESSRS. A. BURTENSHAW and SON TtA will Offer the above PROPERTY by Auction, at the Rose and Crown Hotel, Tonbridge, on Tuesday. June 13. 1899, in Lots. Vendor’s Solicitor, Thomas Buss, Esq., Tunbridge Wells. Auction Offices. Hailsham and Eastbourne. BANGOR. Messrs. W. DEW and SON, Auctioneers, Yaluers, Estate Agents, Land Surveyors, &c., WELLFIELD, BANGOR, and Trinity Square Llandudno. CITY OF BANGOR.—Friars Building Land Estate. MESSRS. W. DEW and SON beg n anrounce thatihesecond Sale by Public Au!-tfon of this Land will take place on Wednesday, June 21, 1899. CITY OF BANGOR, High-streei. SALE of a most valuable Building Site. adjoining the Museum, and immediately opposite the old Vaynol Arms, with a frontage of about 43ft., an an area of 416 squaie yard« or therea« out״. Sale to take place on Wednesday, June 21, 1899, immediately after the Sale of the Fiiars Estate. HOLYHEAD, ANGLESEY. Important to Biewers, Wine and Spiiit Merchants and othe.s. SALE of Desirable Licensed Prem’ses, known as the Albert Vaults, situate in Stanlev-street. having a full six da> s' license. License, goodwill, and fixtures n! luded in the sale. Tenure leaseh Id for a lerm of 90 years commencing from Mav 12,1847 subject, to an annual g: ound rent of £8. Sale will take pla< e oi June !0,1699, at the George Hotel, Ho’ybead, at Two o clock. NORTH WALES, OLD COLWYN.-Min-y-Don Estate. SALE of the whole ״f that exceedingly choice Estate, in eluding tbe Resi donee. Grounds, etc., now being divided into Very Valuable Building Sues. MESSRS. W. DEW and SON »re> instruct*d to offer the ־whole of ttie above RESIDEVfiE and I AND. by public auction at the Que■ ns Hotel, Old Colwyn, on Monday, July 3 next, at 2.L0 p m. Plans, particulars and conditions of sale are in course of preparation,and can be obtained of Mr. Herbert Jones, solicitor, Colwyn Bay ; Mr. J. M. Porier. sutveyor, Colwyn Bay ; or of the Auctioneers, Wellfkld, Banger, and Trinity-!, quarc, Llandudno. TjLAST SUSSEX. — Within half a mile of a station, If hours from London.—To be Sold by Private Treaty, a very desirable small Holding, comprising a substantial house, building, •and about 47 acres of excellent land. BAYSWATER, GAMPDEN HILL, N0TTING HILL AND DISTRICT. Messrs. E. & A. SWAIN, Auctioneers, Valuers, Rouse and Estate Agents (Established 1849). 26, HIGH STREET, NOTTING HILL GATE, W., ISSUE A MONTHLY LIST OF PROPERTIES TO BE LET AND SOLD. To small investors.—PIMLICO, within a few minutes’ walk of Victoria Station. June 9, at One o’clock, in Two Lots, the sound LEASEHOLD INVESTMENTS— No. 31, CLARENDON-STREET, an attractive double-fronted dwarf Residence, let to a substantial tenant at £32 per annum. And No. 8, WARWICK-PLAOE WEST, a capital small House, let to a good tenant at £33 per annum. Both held on leases having about 31 years unexpired at ground rents of £10 and £10 10s. respectively. Both houses were resanitated last year. Particulars and conditions of Hastings C. Draper, Esq., solicitor, 83, Vincent-square, Westminster; and of Messrs. E. and A, Swain, 26, High-street, Notting-hill-gate, W. HARROW-ROAD and STAMFORD-HILL.—Small Investment, in N.W. and N. London. ־]V/pSSRS. E. and A. SWAIN will include i-Y_L in the above Sale on June 9, the following: — FREEHOLD.—Grape Vine Cottage, Harrow-road, almost opposite the entrance to Kensal-green Cemetery, let at 10s. per week, but ripe for conversion to a shop; frontage about 13ft., depth about 110ft. LEASEHOLDS.—Term 99 years from 1877; ground rent £3 10s. each house. Nos. 96, 98, 100, Templeton-road. Just out of the Seven Sisters-road, close tc St. Ann’s Station (Midland Railway). Three small houses, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £58 10s. per annum. And Nos. 102, 104, 106, 108, Templeton-road; four similar houses, let at rents amounting to £78 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of the Auctioneers, 26, High-street, Notting-hill-gate, W. NOTTING-HILL, W.—A turning out of the main road, Holland-park-avenue, on an omnibus route, near Latimer-road Station, and within an easy walk of Addison-road Station. ־]YLESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN are instructed IVL to Sell bv Auction, at the Mart. E.C.. on Friday. June 9. 1899. at One o’clock the capital LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 81, Portland-road, containing six rooms, front and׳ back kitchens, ete. Let on three years’ agreement from Michaelmas, 1856, at £36 per annum. Held on lease having about 50 years unexpired at a ground rent of £7 per annum. Particulars and conditions will shortly be obtainable of the Auctioneers. Messrs. E. and A. Swain, 26, High-street, Notting-hill-gate, W. MESSRS. E. and A. SWAIN, 26, High Street, Notting Hill Gate.W. DEVON, SOMERSET & WEST OF ENGLAND W. J. WINSLEY & CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, TENANT-RIGHT HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, MORTGAGE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. City and County Auction and Estate Agency Offices: 6, SOUTH STREET, EXETER, and HIGH STREET, HONITON. 1 elegraphic Addresses: “ Estates, Exeter“ Winsley, Honiton,” Nat. Telephone No. 203 (.Exeter). Auction Sales at Honiton Horae and Carriage Repository the first Saturday in every month. Gentlemen and others requiring Carriage Horses of every description can generally suit themselves at these sales, when the animals for the most part come direct from the breeders. TXEVON (near Axminster).—Fine old Man-JL>' sion, built red brick with stone dressings, standing in park of about 40 acres, within five miles of coast, two miles two railway stations on the main line (L. and S.W.), about 3£ hours’ journey from London, parish church within ten minutes’ walk, and containing dining room, 39ft. by 26ft., drawing room, 32ft. by 26ft., morning room, library, billiard room, 12 best bed and dressing rooms, and! seven other bed rooms, etc.,, etc.; excellent stabling. To Let, unfurnished, for a term or otherwise. Rent £250 per annum, including 800 acres of shooting, and three miles of trout and salmon fishing. Folio A 263 TXEVON, one mile from railway station.— JL/ Poultry Farm of 12 acres, and right of common 10 acres; newly-built Dwelling House and suitable out-houses. Price £500, Freehold. Well let to pay fivb per cent. PjEYONSHIRE.—In a most picturesque and AJ healthy part of the county, with every sporting advantage—a capital trout stream flows through the property—and1 within 1£ miles of a railway station, five miles from G.W.R., and eight miles of L. and S.W.R. main line stations.—A choice Freehold Estate of about 555 acres, comprising a modern residence, home farmhouse and model outbuildings, four excellent farms, dairy factory, cottages, rich watered meadows, park-like pasture, orcharding, plantations, and' a very small portion of arable land. The farms are well let, and always readily command good tenants. The estate is for sale consequent on the owner having acquired a property in another county, and will be sold at a price affording an investment of a highly desirable character, with possession of the residence and home farm at Michaelmas, 1899, if desired.—For plans, photographs, all further particulars, and cards to view, apply W. J. Winsley and Co., as above. Parties seeking Farms, Residential Properties, Country and Town Residences (furnished or unfurnished). and investments of any description in the West of England should send particulars of their requirements to W. J. Winsley and Co., who will be happy to furnish details of likely properties on their extensive registers. WEST KENT DARTFORD DISTRICT Messrs DAHN and LUCAS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents Dartford and Bexley, Kent, and 123, Cannon Street, E.C. TYEXLEY, KENT.—To! be ;Sold.—An attrac-_D tive Family Residence, known as Fairlawn. situate on high ground, about ten minutes’ walk from the railway station. The house is of pleasing elevation, well built, and contains the following accommodation: T1 ree reception rooms, well- arranged domestic offices, six bed rooms, bath room, etc.: stabling for two, coach-house, and man’s room; good garden. Or will he Let. Dartford. — freehold building LAND to bo Sold, in Lots, to suit large or small purchasers, with frontages to Highfield-road and four other roads. Prices from £2 per foot. FATILMINGTON, KENT.—To be Sold.—The V V Lease of a charming Family Residence, con-taining three reception rooms, billiard room, good offices and 10 bed rooms; stabling for four horses, coachman’s cottage, gardens and grounds of about seven acres. TTENT, NEAR ST. MARY CRAY.—To be ±Y Let, an attractive old-fashioned Residence, containing 10 bed rooms, three reception rooms, usual offices; stabling for five; large garden and 27 acres of pasture land. PRAYFORD, KENT.—To be Let, a noble lj XVI. century Country Mansion, formerly the seat of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, standing in a finely timbered park of over 76 acres, about three-quarters of a mile from Crayford Station, S.B.R., 13 miles from London. The accommodation includes, on the ground floor, three reception rooms, billiard room and good servants’ offices; on the first floor, morning room, eight bed rooms, three dressing rooms; on the upper floor, 11 bed rooms, three box room?; laundry; gas and water laid on throughout; stabling for six horses; four acres of kitchen garden, three vineries, etc. The park affords a very good site for making a golf course, and there is an excellent cricket ground.—For further particulars, as to rent, etc., and for orders to view, apply to the Estate Agents, as above. Tl/rÉSSRS.■ DANN and LUCAS will bold a! IVI Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E C., on Wednesday, July 5, 1399, of FREEHOLD PROPERTIES in Dartford and locality, particulars of which will appear in future advertisements. ESTABLISHED 1852. LONDON & SOUTHEND ON SEA. A. PREVOST AND SON, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Land and Estate Agents, 176, MILE END ROAD, LONDON, E., AND 102, HIGH STREET, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. (Opposite Middleton Hotel). SALES BY AUCTION AND PRIVATE TREATY. Surveys and Reports, Valuations for Probate and other Purposes ; Mortgages negotiated at reduced rates ; Compensation Cases prepared and conducted; Estates managed and Rents oollected. Insurances of every description effected. Telegraphic Address; “ Notedness,” London. Telephones; London, No. 31 Eastern; Southend-on-Sea, No. 31. This day.—Important Sale.—SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.— Choicest Residential Estate, valuable Shop Property and Building Sites, at low reserves. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auction, l\ . at the Institute, Southend, this day, Saturday, at 3.39 p.m., the choice FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE, Florence Villa, Cliff-parade, with lovely grounds over half acre, with possession; Freehold Residence (with possession), Calderwood, Avenue-terrace; Freehold Shop Property, with stabling, coach-house, workshops, etc., 81 and 83, Queen’s-road (best position); and 11 grand Freehold Building Sites, Milton-avenue, The Hamlet, continuation of West Cliff Parade, close to sea and station. Monday next.—HERNE BAY.—The grandest position at this beautiful and healthy resort. A rare opportunity. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auction, at the Public Hall, Sea-street, Herne Bay, on Monday, May 29, at 1.30, 89 exceedingly choice valuable FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL and SHOP SITES (thoroughly ripe), on Western Esplanade Estate; town portion; close to sea and station; very small portion of this fine estate now remains; roads wel made and kerbed free; free deeds; no tithe or land tax; only 10 per cent, deposit; remainder by 16 quarterly payments. Special train from Holborn Viaduct morning of sale, 10.55; return tickets 4s., including lunch. Plans, tickets, etc., of Land Company, 67, Cheap-side; and of the Auctioneers. Wednesday next.—TILBURY PARK ESTATE, adjoin-ing Tilbury Docks Station, at extremely low reserves.—50 superior built Houses and- Shops, all let, of greatly increasinj value; and 109 valuable Freehold Plots. A PREVOST and SON will Sell by Auction, ZA. in a Marquee adjoining Tilbury Docks Station, on Wednesday next, Mav 31, at 1.30, 109 choice FREEHOLD SHOP and VILLA SITES, in grand position, immediately opposite the Docks and few yards from Station; roads made and kerbed free; free deeds no tithe or land tax; only 10 per cent, deposit, the remainder bv 16 quarterly payments; also 50 expensively built Long Leasehold Shops and Houses, all let. must vastly improve, offering a splendid lucrative investment. Special train from Fenchurch-street morning of sale, 10.45; tickets, including lunch, Is. 6d. Plans, tickets, etc., of Land Oomuany. 67, Cheap-side; and of the Auctioneers, 176, Mile-end-road, E., and 102, High-street, Southend.