881 THE ESTATES GAZETTE May 27, 1899. BA* CURTIS, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. ± rRRELL, A. w., Auctioneer, Surveyor and Land Agent. WALTHAM•—1GILBERT, WE, Architect, Surveyor, Auctioneer and Estate Agent. M ™ A• J" Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, wunu^p’ p ®P"® A M YATT, Auctioneers and Valuers, House and Estate Agents. Estab. 187S. WEBB, F. G., Auctioneer, Surveyor, Estate Agent, &c. 5S?.״OMBE & CHRISTCHURCH.—CHURCH L. RONALDSON, Auctioneer, Ac. imEMOUTH.—BISIKER A BISIKER, House, Estate and Land Agents, Auctioneers, Valuers, Old Post Office Chambers. ’ fP^ALL* COURTENAY, Land Surveyors, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents. H A5T^TATQ״VHi>Uo^Tn^State1 Agents, Auctioneers, 15, Holdenhurst Rd., A Poole Rd., Westbourne. TmitMi f Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Ac., Richmond Chambers, A at Boscombe. JOLLIFFE A FLINT, Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents. CANE & SMITH, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Ac., 81, Old Christchurch Road. cSrTli^i?ITiu^E’T??,ryey^r?’iIouse and Estate Agents, 124, Old Christchurch Road. BR®S., F.S.I., F.A.I., House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers. reS1ALL A. D., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, Commercial Road. STREET A CO., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, The Square WHEATLEY, F. G., Auctioneer, Valuer and Land Agent! 9 ££££££££££ ? »°^OMBE-־E2?E & PRATT! Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. ? RINGWOOD.—MOOREY, W. E., Auctioneer, Surveyor & Valuer, 15, Castle Street. WOOFF, H. A., Auctioneer, Land and Estate Agent. J®SHUA, Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent, and at Havant. FAREHAM—DREWITT, •J. H., Auctioneer, Valuer and Land Agent, 79, West Street PUTTOCK A *CO., F.A.I., Auctioneers, Valuers, Ac. HAYANT—WYATT A SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. * ®°B™S^aa’7־®ER^ARD, D., Real Estate Agent, Probate Valuer, 286, Fratton Road Auctioneer, Valuer, Surveyor and Estate Agent. UEWIS & BADCOCK, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents. PARKSTONE & BOURNEMOUTH,—ANDREW, WALTER, Auctioneer, House, Land and Estate Agent. Letters and Telegrams, Alton Office, Parkstone. PORT?mnif^i?‘~^4A״^wnp^LwSiI,iH:’*Auction?erS’ Estate Agents and General Valuers, Lavant St. PORTSMOUTH.—LANGFORD, W. J., Auctioneer, Ac., 318, Commercial Road. P0^ATP°tUu־TATri S°UTHSEA•.—HOWELL (J. S). A CO., Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Ac. Estd. 1876. KING A KING, Valuers, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Land Agents. PENNEY A CLARK, F.A.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers and Estate Agents King’s Road ROMSEY.—WOOLLEY, JOHN T., F.S.I., F.A.I., Auctioneer and Valuer? audit SalSbufy SOOraMPTOM•-BANCE, HUNT & CO., F.A.I., Auctioneers, Valuers,’ Ac., 67, Above iLr. kivrvo , y.'i’A• J-, Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, 10, Hanover Buildings. ,?,Y^?’,,A״S.tl0?eers’ Valuers and Estate Agents, 23, Portland Street. LUMBY (JAMES) A CO., Auctioneers, Ac., 70, High Street. PAUL, WILLIAM, Auctioneer, Surveyor, Valuer, Ac., 7, Sussex Place. SAWBRIDGE, S. H., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 1471, High Street WHITE A SON, Auctioneers and Valuers, 19, Above Bir. S S°UMSEA.—CHANDLSR, WM, A.A.I., Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Valuer, 14, Russell Street. EOVE & POORER, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors, Osborne Road. WOODWARD, G. J., Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Surveyor. Printed Register of Properties Free 5“* COSHAM. ■HALL, ERNEsi, F.S.I., Auctioneer and EsSS Agent SOUTHSEA, FRATTON & DISTRICT.—JURD & SMITH, Auctioneers, Architects and Surveyors. HEREFORDSHIRE. APPERLEY & BROWN, F.S.I., Land Agents and Surveyors, 21, East Street. WOOD, R., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent. Property List Free. HERTFORDSHIRE. BISHOPS STORTFORD.—SWORDER (G. E.) & SONS, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. CHESHUNT, "WALTHAM CROSS & HODDESDON.—BRIDGMAN & SON, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Estate Agents and Accountants, F.S.A.A. HEMEL HEMPSTED.—ORCHARD, WM. J., Auctioneer, (fee., and at 61, Cheapside, E.C. HERTFORD.—BENNINGFIELD, TIDY, NORRIS & DUVALL, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Land A.gents, &c. HITCHIN.—JACKSON (GEORGE) & SON, Auctioneers and Surveyors. PANGBOURNE, W. H., Auctioneer, Valuer, Land and Estate Agent. SHILCOCK, JAMES, F.S.I., Auctioneer and Land Agent. NEW BARNET.—CHILD, F., F.S.I., Surveyor, Land Agent, &c., 1, Station Road. RiGKMANSWORTH.—SWANNELL, W. H., Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Surveyor and Architect, High St. ROYSTON.—NASH, SON & ROWLEY, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Land Agents and Valuers. ST. ALBANS.—DORANT, WM. A. D., Auctioneer and Estate Agent. HARDING, LOW & HARDING, Auctioneers and Land Agents. RUMBALL & EDWARDS, Land Agents, Auctioneers and Surveyors. STEVENAGE.—GASKELL & CO., Auctioneers, Surveyors and Valuers. WARE. BENNINGh IELD, TIDY, NORRIS & DUVALL, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Land Agents & Surveyors. WATFORD.—BROAD, HERBERT, Auctioneer, Estate A^ent and Surveyor. * surveyors. —HALSEY, 0. H., Land Agent, Auctioneer, (fee., 52, High Street. SEDGWICK, SON & WEALL, Auctioneers, Land Agents and Surveyors. HUNTINGDON. HUNTINGDON.—DILLEY & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers, efec., Market Hill. ISLE OF MAN. DOUGLAS.—THOMSON, W., Auctioneer and Valuer, Upper Church Street. CRAIGE, W. J., Auctioneer, Valuer and Share Broker, 52, Athol Street. MALEY, C. F., Auctioneer, Stock and Share Broker, 29, Athol Street. ISLE OF WIGHT. (HENHY J.) & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. RYRR;—^RYIN (E.) & SONS, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers and Estate Agents, 76 Union Street. WALLIS, RIDDETT & CO., Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers. SANDOWN.—HIGGS, FRANK, House and Estate Agent, Broadway Offices. WITHERS, G. W. S., Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent. SHANKLIN & SANDOWN BAY.—MORRIS, W., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent. YENTNOR. BULL, ALBERT, Auctioneer, Valuer and House Agent, Belgrave Road. JOLLIFFE BROS., House, Estate and Insurance Agents. ^ SONS, Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers. Established 1875. P1TT1S (SIR FRANCIS) & SON, Auctioneers, Estate and House Agents and Valuers. KENT. ALFRED J., F.S.I., Land Agent, Surveyor, Auctioneer, &c. CHECKSblELD, A., Auctioneer and Valuer, High Street. BEGKENHAM.—BA^^R, PAYNE Estate Agents, Surveyors, &c., Radnor Chambers, Cheriton Place. wurnmArom CO., Auctioneers, House and Estate Agents and Surveyors, 82, Sandgate Road. BBWPOR1, W. O., House and Estate Agent Auctioneer and Valuer, cfec., 69, Sandgate Road. TEMPLE (F. WILSON) & CO.. F.S.I.. Auctioneers. Surveyors, Estate Agents, (fee., 29, Sandgate Road FOLKESTONE & DISTRICT.-SHERWOOD, JOHN, Estate A^ent, Valuer and Surveyor. g gr^ye®erb,Z^H^H^R & BRIDGLAND, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents. SPAIN (ALFRED) & SON, Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Surveyors. DEVONSHIRE. AXMINSTER.—WILLMOTT, G. T. H., Auctioneer, Estate Agent, Hotel and General Valuer. BIDEFORD.—COCK, A. W., Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent, and Valuer, Grenville Street. DYMOND, SON & BLACKMORE, Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers. BRIXHAM & DARTMOUTH.—LOVELL, J. W., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent. DEYONPORT.—WARD, JOHN, Auctioneer, Land Agent and Surveyor, St. Aubyn Street. EXETER.—FORCE & SON, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. Established 1822. HUSSEY & SON, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, Bailiffs, &c. Established over a Century. MARTIN, THOMAS, Auctioneer, Valuer and Estate Agent, 16, Bedford Circus. ROWE (MARK) & SONS, House and Estate Agents, Auctioneers and Valuers, High Street. EXETER, CREDITON, ETC.—CHCJRCHER & GALE, Auctioneers, Valuers and Land Agents. EXETER & EXMOUTH.—TUPMAN, E. W., Auctioneer, House, Estate Agent and Hotel Valuer. EXETER & HONITON.—WINSLEY (W. J.) & CO., Auctioneers, Agricultural and General Valuers. EXMOUTH.—CREWS & SON, Auctioneers, House Agents and Furnishers, Strand and Rolle Street. HOLS WORTHY.—KIVELL, W. T., Auctioneer, Surveyor, Land and Estate Agent. ILFRACOMBE & DISTRICT.—BRAUND, H., Auctioneer, Land, House and Estate Agent, 112, High St. NEWTON ABBOT & TOTNES.—RENDELL & SYMONS, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Valuers, &c. Est. 1816. STOOKE, JAMES, F.S.I.. Auctioneer, Land Agent and Valuer. PAIGNTON.—PUDDICOMBE, F. W., F.A.I., Auctioneer, House and Estate Agent. PLYMOUTH & COUNTY OF CORN WALL.—ELLIOTT, ELLIS & CO., F.A.I., Auctioneers,Valuers, ER1'ORCE, BULLIVANT A CO., Auctioneers, Ac., 30, Alexandra Street. WILLSON & PHILLIPS, Auctioneers, Valuers and Surveyors. WALTHAMSTOW & EPPING FOREST DISTRICTS.—HOUGHTON, WM., Auctioneer Surveyor and Estate Agent; and at 58. Old Broad Street, London, E.C. J WALTON-ON-THE-NAZE.—NUNN (FRED. J.) A CO., Auctioneers, Ac., and at Clacton-on-Sea A London WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA.—DUNCAN A KIMPTON,Auctioneers, Surveyors, Ac. 5, Station Parade. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. BRISTOL & DISTRICT.—SELFE, BALL, SMITH A CO., Auctioneers, Ac.; and 34, Old Jewrv E C BRISTOL —HOLE (C. L) A SON, Estate Agents, Surveyors and Valuers, Park St.; and St. Stephen’s Av. SHINER (W. HJ A WINTER, Auctioneers, Land Stewards and Surveyors; and at Yatton Som CHELTENHAM.-BAYLEY a ADAMS, Auctioneers, Surveyors, House and Estate Agents CORNELIUS, S. M., Auctioneer, Surveyor, House and Estate Agent, 26a, Promenade ENGALL, COX, GREGORY A PURNELL, Auctioneers, Ac., 1, Promenade. YOUNG A GILLING, Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents, Promenade. CIRENCESTER.—HOBBS, A. F., Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent, Corn Hall Buildings GLOUCESTER—BRUTON, KNOWLES A CO., Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers. g Hoiel and Business Valuers, and Corporate Accountants. Estd. 1846 DANCEY, WILLIAM, Auctioneer, Land Agent, Ac., 84, Barton Street. LECHLADE.—INNOCENT (M. C.) A SON, Auctioneers, General Valuers and Land Agents MORETON-IN-THE-MARSH.—PARSONS, FRANK S., Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate A Insurance Agent STROUD—DAVIS A CHAMPION, Estate Agents, Land Surveyors, Auctioneers, Ac gent' TEWKESBURY.—MOORE A SONS, Estate and House Agents, Surveyors, Auctioneers, Ac. Estd. 1751. HAMPSHIRE. ALDERSHOT.—CLINTON, MESSRS., Auctioneers, Valuers, Ac., and at Woking Surrev KINGHAM A KINGHAM.-Auctioneers, Ac., 6, Wellington Buildings ® Y־ ALDERSHOT & DISTRICT.—JOHNSON (JOHN F.) A CO., Estate Agents, Architects and Surveyors ALTON.—YOUNG, CHARLES, F.S.I., Auctioneer, Estate Agent and Valuer. ^