Supplement to the Estates Gazette. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS. Mat 20, 1899. ROCHESTER, STROOD AND CHATHAM. /CHARLES D. LEVY, Auctioneer, Hotel and \J General Trade Valuer, Estate and Commission Agent & Debt Collector, Strood Hall, Strood, Rochester, Kent. Distraints effected in any part of the country. Appointed Bailiff by Judge Cox. Periodical Sales of Furniture and every description of Miscellaneous Property in large :Hall. Valuations for Probate and other purposes. Estate Agent to most of the principal property owners in the district. Fire claims spea'nlly prepared. Telegraphic Address : “ Levy, Strood.״ ROTHERHAM. STYRING & TURNER, Auctioneers, Cattle Salesmen, Valuers and Estate Agents 20, MOORGATE STREET, ROTHERHAM. Sales of Farm Stock, Freehold and Leasehold Property* Household Furniture, &c., &c. Large Auction Mart for the Sale of Real Estate, Shares, and Miscellaneous Property. Valuations made for Probate and all purposes. Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings Act, 1883. ROYSTON, HERTS. Messrs. NASH, SON AND ROWLEY, Established 1779. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS¡ AND VALUERS, Wednesday Stock Sales—Royston Market. RYE. JAMES C. VIDLER, SON & CLEMENTS, AUCTIONEERS, LANE AND ESTATE AGENTS; LAND SURVEYORS, TIMBER, TENANT-RIGHT & GENERAL VALUERS, < RYE, SUSSEX, and ¡HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. V. 7;—Letters and Telegrams to Rye. Established oyer 60 years. Office»— SALISBURY. WATERS & RAWLENCE, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, CANAL, SALISBURY. SCARBOROUGH. ANDREW ORR, E.A.L (Late Pirie and Orr), ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, DEALER IN LOCAL SHARES, HUNTRISS ROW, SCARBOROUGH. SHEERNESS. HOUSE AND ESTATE 21, Edward Street, SHEERNESS-ON-SEA. AGENT SHEERNESS, ISLE OF SHEPPEY AND DISTRICT. JAMES S. BILLS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. ( 76, High Street, Queenboro . ) 4, edwahd street, sheerness. OFFICES SHEFFIELD. JOSEPH BRIGHT & CO., Estate, House & Land Agents, Valuers, Assessors of Fire Losses, 35, NORFOLK STREET. Tele. Address: “ Bright, Sheffield:' Telephone №.2015 SHEFFIELD. W. H. & J. A. EADON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS ETO.. 2, ST. JAMES’ STREET, SHEFFIELD, Sales and Valuations oi Freehold and Leasehold Estates in Town and Country, Hotels, Works, Machinery, Household Furniture, Pictures and Works of Art, Books, Wines Manufacturers’ and Merchants' Stocks of all kinds. Centrally situated Offlees and Salerooms. SHEFFIELD. A. E. LOCKWOOD, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT, ETC., Extensive Salerooms for the disposal of House and Landed Property, Shares, Household Furniture, Art and Li erary Property, Old China, Jewellery, Plate, etc. Sales conducted an Private Residences. Valuations for Probate, Division of Family Property, etc., etc. MEETING HOUSE LANE. SHEFFIELD AND DISTRICT. WILLIAM BUSH & SONS, THE SHEFFIELD ESTATE SALE ROOMS AND AUCTION MART. Weekly Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Property Shares, Reversions,etc., at the Estate Salerooms, Church-street, Sheffield. Sales of Furniture, WoT-ks of Art, Merchants and Manufacturers’ Stock. &c., &e., upon the premises or at the Mart, v aluations for Sale, Mortgage, Probate, Administration and other purposes. Hotel Valuers, &c. Valuers by appointment under the Finance ________________Act, 1894.____________ SHEFFIELD, CHESTERFIELD & DISTRICT. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER AND HASTINGS, F.A.I., Auctioneers, Estate Agents and Valuers, THE SHEFFIELD ESTATE AUCTION MART, HIGH STREET. Established 1775. The Large Sale Rooms are reserved for Property Stocks, Shares, Policies of Insurance, Reversionary Interests, &c., every Tuesday throughout the year. Careful attention is given to Sales and Valuations o every description. SPECIAL EXPERT BREWERY VALUERS. Also at The Sheffield Horse and Carriage Repository, Castle Hill. PRESTON, LANCASHIRE AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ARBITRATORS AND -rU 0& ÆsE Preston — Auction Mart, FISHERGATE, PRESTON. Telephone, 198. [Established 1830.] RAMSGATE & NEIGHBOURHOOD Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers, Land, House^-Al> Telephone No. 190.] OAKHAM. MESSRS. ROYCE, MJOTIONEEBS, TENANT-BIGHT VALUEBS AND ESTATE AGENTS, Offices: MARKET PLAGE. Agents to the Phosnix Fire Office. OLDHAM. HUGH SHAW AND SONS, AUOTIONEEBS AND VALUEBS OP MACHINEKY, PEOPEBTY, ETC., ETO. Fire Loss Assessors and Financial Agents. Manchester—11, CHAPEL WALKS. Blackpool—12, BIRLEY STREET