May 20, 1899. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS Supplement to the Estates Gazette. DORCHESTER. HY. DUKE AND BON, F.8.I., LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. DORCHESTER & WIMBORNE. T. ENSOR (Late Baker and Ensor). Established over Eighty years, AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND LAND AGENT. Sales of Farm Stock held at Dorchester, Wimbome, Blandford and Wareham. DORKING, SURREY. WHITE & SONS, F.S.I., F.A.I., LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS Established 1817. On Fridays at Leatherhead. DOVER. FLASHMAN & 00., Upholsterers to the Queen, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. Proprietors ot the Castle Street Sale Rooms, which are always open for the reception of Household Furniture, Objets Id’Art, Vertu &e., &c. Offices : MARKET SQUARE, DOVER. DUNMOW AND DISTRICT. MR. J. M. WELCH, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT AND SURVEYOR, ־Weekly Sale of Stock. Twenty-two years’ practical experience in Agricultural Valuations and Surveys. DURHAM. Auctioneer and Valuer, Property and Estate Agent. 1, CLAYPATH. EALING, ACTON & HANWELL. Estate Agent, Auctioneer, Surveyor, dc. 49, BROADWAY, JV v Telephone, No. 74, Ealing. Estates managed. Valuations made. List of local properties free on application. EALING, W. oio EALING, CASTLE HILL AND EALING DEAN. W. E. READ, P.A.S.I. and Assoc. San. Inst, by Exams.. .UCTIONEER. SURVEYOR AND VALUER, LAND HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT. Estates managed. Mortgages arranged. i THE AVENUE, CASTLE HILL, EAIING, W., And at HAVEN GREEN, EALING (Between Broadway Stationsj. EASTBOURNE. JOHN C. TOWNER, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND COMMISSION AGENT, Valuations made for Probate and Succession Duty. Agent to the Imperial Fire Insurance Company. Auction Sales conducted in Town or Country. 57, TERMINUS ROAD. Telephone No. 73 EASTBOURNE & HAILSHAM. A. BURTENSHAW AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, LAND, TIMBER AND TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS & SURVEYORS. ״״״,״״. f HAILSHAM. Offices. j 122! TERMINUS ROAD, EASTBOURNE. EAST GRINSTEAD. E. G. ELLIS AND PALMER (Late G. Simmins and Ellis). AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUERS, Certificated Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings and Law of Distress Amendment Acts. Sales conducted personally, and Valuations for every purpose made with care and promptitude. Fire, Accidental and Live Stock Insurance Agents—Offices: EAST GRINSTEAD, & 41, BEDFORD ROW, W.C. Established 1674. CHESTER. CHURTON, ELPHICK, ROBERTS AND RICHARDSON, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, ARBITRATORS AND ESTATE AGENTS. Sales of Estates, Timber, House Property, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, Pictures, Works of Art, Libraries, &c. ; also of Building and Colliery Plant Machinery, | &c. Valuations made for the purpose of Sales, Mortgage, Probate, &c. Established nearly a Century. COVENTRY, BIRMINGHAM & NUNEATON. WHITTINDALE AND WATSON, F.AX, Auctioneers, valuers. land and Estate agents, 28, 29 & 30, HERTFORD STREET, COVENTRY. Branch Offices: 55, COLEMORE ROW, BIRMINGHAM; AND NUNEATON. Valuations of Estates, Tenant-right, Farming Stock, Ac. Monthly Sale of Shares, Landed Property, &e., at their Estate Rooms. Timber Valuations, Land Surveys. Register of Landed Properties for Sale or to Let. Weekly Cattle Sales. CHICHESTER. CHICHESTER AUCTION CO., LTD., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AND COMMISSION AGENTS. Agents to the Union Insurance Co., and the Employers Liability Assurance Co., Ltd. Directors :—O. Stride, Lavant, Chichester ; D. Wad-dington, F.A.I., Hereford-road, Southsea ; J. Rusbridger, Manor House, Aldingbourne. CRANLEIGH, SURREY. WELLER AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, TIMBER SURVEYORS, House, Estate and Tithe Agents. CROYDON. Printed Registers on application. Tty •i AUCTION OFFICES: OEOYDON • S^i^^oydon. Estd. 1834. ^ *Ivv> BRANCHES AT and BROMLEY. ^*־ —London Offices: 4, BIRCHIN LANE, CORNHILL, E.C. CHICHESTER. H0BGEN BROTHERS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND SURVEYORS. The appointed Auctioneers to the Southdown Sheep Breeder’s Association. . (F. N. HOBGEN, F.S.L * irm . ¡ij. c. HOEGEN, F.S.L Offices :—EAST STREET, CHICHESTER. CROYDON. GENDLE & CO., AUCTIONEERS. VALUERS. SURVEYORS. LAND HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, Opposite East and New Croydon Railway Stations, Croydon, Surrey. Telephone No, 49, Croydon, CHIPPENHAM AND DISTRICT. WILLIAM BURB1DGE, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER, AGRICULTURAL, HOTEL AND PUBLIC HOUSE VALUER AND LAND AGENT. Telegrams: “Burbidge, Chippenham.” CUMBERLAND, EGREMONT, AND DISTRICT. AUCTIONEER, VALUER AND "tl ESTATE AGENT, ■ * 1־ CHRISTCHURCH & RINGWOOD HANTS. Auctioneer, Valuer, -ml oOY * LaBd Jk• and Estate Agent. Bar Letters and Telegrams“ Christchurch." Established 1878. ^.^-0^־־ TOWN HALL, ^—־ EGREMONT. DARTFORD. AUOTIONHBB, VALUER, AND Z ESTATE AGENT, ■־־ ' - - 5 - SPITAL STREET, J ^ DARTFORD MARKET EVERY TUESDAY. COAST OF SUSSEX. ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA, HASTINGS, BEXHILL AND EASTBOURNE. JOHN & A. BRAY. JOHN BRAY & PROCTER. AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENTS. Offices :—28, White Roek. Hastings ; 13, South Colonnade, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; 5, Devonshire-terraee, Bexhill; 93, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Large Auction Room : 12, CLAREMONT (Ground Floor), HASTINGS. Yaluationa for Estate Duty, Mortgage, &c. DARTFORD & BEXLEY, KENT. DANN AND LUCAS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS & ESTATE AGENTS, DARTFORD AND BEXLEY, KENT, And at 123, CANNON STREET, LONDON, E.C. i irm. J w_ E- LDCASi p.8x COLCHESTER. ERNEST S. BEARD, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, LAND SURVEYOR, HEAD GATE, COLCHESTER, HIGH STREET. BRIGHTLINGSEA. DARTFORD & ROCHESTER. PRALL & PRALL, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS & LAND AGENTS. „„ „ ( MARTIN’S BANK, DARTFORD, KENT, Offices: j And 150, EASTGATE, ROCHESTER. „ (HERBERT E. PRALL, F.S.L r irm . j g ALEXANDER PRALL, F.S.L COLCHESTER, ESSEX. SEXTON & GRIMWADE, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND LAND SURVEYORS. Branch Offices— MARKET PLACE, HADLEIGH. Weekly Sales at Colchester and Hadleigh. Monthly Horse Sales at Colchester and Ipswich. DERBY. J. & W. HEATHCOTE, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT, PROBATE, HOTEL AND GENERAL VALUERS, LAND & ESTATE AGENTS. Members of the Firm : { k pSdgT Established 1869. COVENTRY & DISTRICT. BURTON AND GRIMES, Auctioneers and Valuers, Land and Estate Agents, Stock and Share Brokers, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Agents. In direct communication with the London, Dublin and Birmingham Stock Exchanges. 54, HERTFORD STREET, COVENTRY, and BUBBENHALL, near KENILWORTH. f Telephone No. 20. DERBYSHIRE. WILLIAM WATSON & SON, AUCTIONEERS. LAND & ESTATE AGENTS, AGRICULTURAL & GENERAL VALUERS. Sales of Estates, Timber, House Property, Farming Stock, Household Furniture, Pictures, Works of Art, &c.; also of Building and Colliery Plant. Valuations for Probate, Succession Duty, Transfer, Mortgage, &c. Rents collected and Estates managed. ( Victoria Buildings 1 Oxford Street Offices: \ ALFRETON. | RIPLEY. ( And at ILKESTON. Established 1869.] COVENTRY & DISTRICT. GEORGE LOVEITT & SON, F.A.I., (Late Clabke & Cope—Established 1843), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, STOOK AND SHARE. BROKERS. THE MART, EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Telegrams—“Presto, Coventry.” Telephone 130. Auctions of every description of real and personal property conducted on reasonable terms, and valuations thereof for mortgage, probate, transfer, &c., carefully made. Estates managed. Rents and Tithes collected. N.B.—Special attention given to the sale of estates, residences, town properties and local shares, and the frequent periodical sales in the above Mart are always well attended, and an acknowledged medium for the disposal thereof. DEVONSHIRE. MESSES. HUSSEY AND SON (Established over a century), AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, AGRICULTUR 4L, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND OTHER VALUERS, EXETER, DEY0N. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone : No. 21, Exeter. COVENTRY & WARWICKSHIRE CLEMENTS, SON AND HUGHES, LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, &o. STOOK AND SHAKE BKOKEKS AND INSURANCE AGENTS. VALUATIONS OF ESTATES, TIMBER, DILAPIDATIONS AND TENANT RIGHT A SPECIALITY. 58 and 53, HERTFORD STREET, COVENTRY. Telephone No, 82, DONCASTER. ״ - Auct ioneers. Surveyors, Tenant-right a Hotel and General Valuers, c*0>V^ St. GEORGE GATE, _ Si ' DONCASTER _ CO 1־ - DETAILS -—־״' rt ]4 yt — given in all . ..•*A V ־*־ Tenant-right Valuations. - U References to J landowners,land agents and farmers, who have tried and approve of the system BROMSGROVE & DROITWICH. COTTON AND CHAPPELL, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND GENERAL AGRICULTURAL AND PROPERTY VALUERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. (established half a century). Letters and Telegrams: “ Cotton, Bromsgrove.” Also at 27, Temple Court, Temple Row, Birmingham. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. BUCKINGHAM AND DISTRICT. GEO. BENNETT & SONS, ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS. uuKutao mut, suascA Auctioneer, Hau»e, Land and Estate Agent. .....Valuations made for Mortgage and Prohate. Insurance Agent. BUXTON. HAMPSON BROS., ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS HOUSE, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 20, SPRING GARDENS. Nat. Telephone, No. 38. CARDIFF. STEPHENSON & ALEXANDER, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS AND VALUERS, Offices: 5, HIGH STREET. CARDIFF. GOTTWALTZ, BOWRING & PERRY Auctioneers, Valuers, Estate Agents, dc., Extensive and well lighted rooms for the Sale of all classes of Property. Lewis Gottwaltz, R. A. BOWKING, F. L. PERRY. Office : 11, HIGH STREET, CARDIFF. CARDIFF. OFFICE FOR WELSH ESTATES AND RESIDENCES. S. HERN & PERTWEE, F.S.L (by exam.), F.A.I., (Proprietors of “ South Wales Property Gazette ”), ESTATE, HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, 94, ST. MARY STREET, CARDIFF. Established 1849. CARMARTHEN. JOHN FRANCIS, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR, VALUER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, Offices: NOTT SQUARE, CARMARTHEN. CHATHAM. W. E. R. RANDALL, AUCTIONEER, VALUER. AND APPRAISER TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. BOROUGH AUCTION MART, 171, HIGH STREET. Dealer in Local Stocks and Shares. CHELMSFORD. G. B. HILLIARD & SON, F.S.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS. ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Weekly Sales of Stock. Established over a Quarter of a Century. CHELMSFORD. RODD & MARTIN (SIDNEY RODD & ALFRED J. MARTIN, F.S.I.) Auctioneers, Yaluera, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 16, DUKE STREET, CHELMSFORD. CHELTENHAM. BAYLEY AND ADAMS, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENTS, VALUERS AND SURVEYORS. Publishers of the Cheltenham and District Illustrated Property Register, with descriptive sketch and map of the town, free on application. OFFICES :—4, PROMENADE, and THE CLARENCE AUCTION MART, CLARENCE STREET. Telephone 102. CHESHUNT, WALTHAM CROSS AND HODDESDON (HERTFORDSHIRE). MESSRS. BRIDGMAN & SON, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, LAND SURVEYORS, VALUERS & ACCOUNTANTS, F.S.A.A. Clerk to the Trustees of the Common Rights of Cheshunt. Clerk and Receiver to the Dewhurst and Beaumont Charities ; and Agents to the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company. Auction Sales of Fat and Store Stock at HoddesdenMaiket on Wednesdays. Business promptly transacted in all details of the above branches; and also in the neighbouring districts of Broxbourne, Enfield Lock, Enfield Highway, Ponders End, and Enfield Town. Postal and Telegraphic Address : “Cheshunt, Waltham cross.”