May 20, 1899'. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 864 GOOD PASTURES AND MEADOWS. BY E. BRAND. (Continued from Rage 813.) There appeared to he considerable variation of opinion as to the preference for hay containing more or less clover. Eor horse feeding purposes the fashion appeared to be tending in favour of less clover in hay, as then the latter ehafis better and forms less dust. Briefly it might be stated that the manure which most increased the percentage of white clover was basic slag, and, to a less degree, superphosphate. This had been shown to a marked degree upon the Agricultural College Farm at Uckfield, where it had been the subject of much remark. Lime also had a marked effect upon the clovers, but more particularly upon one plant, called “ lotus corniculatus ” (or birdsfoot trefoil). From the foregoing conclusions it would be seen that the nearest approach to the production of luxuriant grass, consisting of a few species, chiefly grass, but with a moderate proportion of clover, such as constituted the herbage of their best old grass lands, was to be obtained by a judicious use of combined nitrogenous and mineral manures only, or farmyard manure supplemented by the same. That was well as far as it went, and they might eventually arrive at some approximation to the truth as to which manure would produce the best kinds and the best species in point of both quantity and quality. Ho said approximately, because they had yet to consider which kinds were most acceptable to stock as hay or grass, in addition to which the chemical composition might differ. In place of that roundabout way of arriving at the ultimate productive capacity of a manure, the most excellent method was now being carried out of finding the actual live weight gain of animals fed solely upon a manured plot of ground. Such an ■experiment was now being carried out under the direction of Dr. Somerville, for the Northumberland County Council, at Cockle Park, and he had pleasure in placing before them a ¿hort summary of tire results which had so far been obtained. The results of these experiments showed that, in order to judge of the effect of a manure, it was of little use to study the quality of hay or green produce alone. Having described the nature of the experiments, Mr. Brand went on to state that the unmanured land produced 35®cwt. of hay and 901bs. live weight increase per acre BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd. MANUFACTURERS, NORWICH. CONTINUOUS WROUGHT IRON FENCING SPECIAL OFFERS.—1,000 Yards CONTINUOUS BAR FENCING, 3ft. 9in. high, 5 horizontal bars, top one fin. round, others lin. by £in. flat, standards 3ft. apart ; price 2 5i per yard. Carriage paid. GAME NETTING. Guaranteed Quality. Offered at very advantageous prices for Cash. All oi ders amounting to 40s. \ alue carriage paid to the principal railway stations in England and Wales. Send for Illustrated Catalogue Free. BOULTON & PAUL, Ltd ,NORWICH THE “FINANCIER” (Established 1870. Enlarged 1897). A BUSINESS PAPER FOR BUSINESS MEN. ONE PENNY. Telegraphic Address : “ SHRUNK, LONDON.’׳ Published every morning. Puce, unstamped, Id., or £1 6s. per annum ; tree by post lid., or £119s. annually Advertisers should address the Manager, at the Offices, 2, ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. LONDON, E.C. THE LAW RELATING TO LANDED ESTATES.— Land, Manor, Farm, Field, Crops, Stock, Labour, etc. This work contains a resume of the law upon the most important matters connected: with the Sale, Purchase and Possession of Landed Property; with an Appendix containing the Customs of the Country and the most important statutes connected with the subject.—By Sidney Wright, M.A., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at־Law. Price 12s. 6d. (for oash. 10s. 6d.).—Estates gazette office. mansion, occupying a delightful situation on a well-sheltered platean, in the midst of naturally beautiful pleasure grounds, with well-tim bered park lands beyond. The sale will also include a singularly productive agricultural holding, known as Priesthams, with dwelling house and farm buildings, etc. There is good fishing, and capital hunting, with four well-known packs of hounds, while golf links and excellent sei bathing are available within easy distance Caistor Hall, which stands adjacent to the castle, built in the 15th century by Sir John Falstolf, the capturer of John II. of France, and two miles or thereabouts from the busy east coast town of Yarmouth, is for sale, and will be offered to auction by Messrs. Spelman, at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, on July 15 next. Lying on the Bure River, and beiDg in communication with the rivers and broads of Norfolk and Suffolk, this property, which comprises 310 acres, is excellently suited to the requirements of a gentleman with sporting proclivities, or any one desiring a quiet countrv life amid delightful surroundings. ^ The old hall is cicely placed amid pretty, •well-matured grounds *, on the estate are excellent farm premises, together with a steam drainage mill, cottages, etc. About 10 minutes’ walk from the village of Wisborough-green, Sussex, which is in the centre of a good hunting district, is situated the choice and compact freehold estate, known as Orfold Farm, which Mr. John Napper will offer for sale at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on June 29. The property includes a good country house, approached by carriage drive through park-like meadow land, studded with ornamental timber, and surrounded by pleasure and productive kitchen gardens of nearly an acre. There are also three capital modern cottages, conveniently arranged,and commodious agricultural buildings, with orchards and enclosures of first rate grazing, meadow and arable land, the total area being about 193 acres, the greater portion of which is grass land. The ESTATES GAZETTE can be obtained of our City Agents, Messrs. POTTLE and SON, Royal Exchange. Preston's riches and commercial success. Lancashire has long been famous for its mediæval houses, and boasts the possession of many fine examples of these interesting structures. Preston has an enormous population, and is, as all the world knows, one of the principal centres of the cotton industry. The estate of Barton Hall, which lies adjacent to the outer boundary of the busy town, is to be offered to auction at the Bull and Rojal Hotel, Preston, on three successive days in J une, by Messrs. Thomas Dewhurst and Son. Owing to its proximity to Preston, and the excellent situation of the land to be offered for building purposes, this is likely to excite eorsiderable competition. The old mansior), delightfully seated in its own beautiful park and grounds, will not be at all interfered with by the development, and is admirably suited for the residence of a gentleman’s family. In addition there are several farms, cottages, water corn mill, and two fully-licensed houses to be offered. As there are in all 72 lots, the sale will be one of the most important that have taken in Preston. The picturesque town of Marlow, Buck!׳, has always enjoyed a high reputation as a holiday resort, its beautiful surroundings beiDg particularly attractive to the artist, angler, oarsman and tourist. Near to the river, and enjoying a full view of the beautiful Quarry Woods, is situated the well-built brick and slate residence, known as Quarry Wood House, which Messrs. Lawrence and Son will offer for sale at the Crown Hotel, Marlow, on the 25th iDst. The rooms throughout the house are handsome and conveniently arranged. The property ioeludes a corset vatory, well matured garden, stabliDg for two horses, coach-house, and harness-room. The house is in close proximity to the railway statioD,and altogether is admirably suited for anyone requiring a riverside house, situated on one of the most picturesque reaches of the Thames. Within five miles of Eastbourne, which has been properly designated one of the most fashionable and favourite sea-side resorts on the south coast, is the charming residential and sporting estate known as Glenleigb, which Messrs. Walton and Lee, in conjunction with Messrs. Woodbams aud Son, will offer for sale at the Gilridge Hotel, Eastbourne, on June 29 The estate embraces an area of about 687 acres, and comprises a fine old Elizabethan PROPERTIES IN THE MARKET. Situated in a delightful part of a county which is appropriately designated “ the garden of England,” is the Holmlea Estate, Kerming-ton, near Ashford, Kent, which will be offered for sale by Mr. Alfred J. Burrows, F.S.I., at the Saracen's Head Hotel, Ashford, on June 6. The estate comprises a conveniently planned and commodious modern residence, placed in tastefully laid out grounds, two excellent cottages, a model farm homestead, affording accommodation for the keeping and breeding of high-class horses or other live stock ; and the lands extending in all to about 56 acres. The gardens and grounds are well laid out and planted with choice shrubs, trees, and roses, and include tennis lawn, kitchen garden, vinery, greenhouse, etc. There are many opportunities for sport in the locality. The East Kent and Tickham foxhounds, the Mid-Kent Staghounds, ar d the Ashfr r J Valley barriers hunt t he district. Good shooting is obtainable, and fishing may be had in the river Stour, which runs adjacent to the property. In the centre of a capital hunting district in East Yorkshire is the fine estate, known as Aston Hall, North Ferriby, which Messrs. W. N. Lewendon and Son will shortly sell by auction. The estate comprises a mansion, with every modern convenience, greenhouses, conservatory, vineries, extensive stabliDg, coachhouses. cottages, and other buildings. The grounds are of an ornamental character, and well planted with shrubs, forest and fruit trees. The estate also possesses a good vege-tible ga'den and grass paddock ; also a grass field with shrubberies and gardener’s cottage thereon. Ferriby is said to be the best residential lccalily in the vicinity of the city of King׳ton-upon-Hull. from which it is distant about eight miles. Railway access is very convenient. there being a station at Ferriby, with an excellent service of tiains. Aston Hall was lately occupied by Sir Talbot Constable, Bart., deceased. The historic Lancashire town of Preston, which, by the way, is said to derive its appellation from having once been the settlement of a number of priests, thus becoming priest-town occupits an elevated and beautiful position on the northern side of and contiguous to the river Bibble, which has largely been the means of WHEN REQU1RINU Livt COMMUNICATE WITH ALFRED MANSELL & CO. OLD-ESTABLISHED Live Stock Agents, Shrewsbury. NOTE.—Having UNRIVALLED opportunities for buying to advantage, Breeders and Feeders would CONSULT THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND SAVE MANY POUNDS by placing commissions with WINTERING CATTLE & FEEDING SHEEP. Hereford, Shoi thorn, Polled Angus, and Welsh Bullocks (Pure or Crosses) supplied at LOWEST MARKET RATES. SHROPSHIRE and Clun Wethers supplied in truck loads on FAVOURABLE TERMS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telegrams:—“ Pedigree,” Shrewsbury. ESTABLISHED 1861. BIRKBECK BANK Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Invested Funds .. •• £10,000,000■ Number of Accounts, 85,094. TWO-AND-A-HALF per CENT. INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS, repayable on demand. TWO per CENT, on CURRENT ACCOUNTS, on the minimum monthly balances, when not drawn below £l(№. STOCKS, SHARES, and ANNUITIES purchased and sold for customers. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Small deposits received, and Interest allowed monthly on each completed £1, The BIRKBECK ALMANACK, with particulars, post FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT, Manager. Telephone No. 5 Holborn. Telegraphic Address: “ BIRKBECK, LONDON.” _ G. NORMAN, SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL DENTIST. Established 1863. Personal Examination when charges can be agreed upon. HOURS OF ATTENDANCE : | gaturday, 2 o’clock. Address: 25, THE GROYE, HAMMERSMITH. There is easy access from any Railway Station. Tl/T AIDSTONE and KENTISH JOURNAL 1VX and SOUTH EASTERN ADVERTISER, MAIDSTONE. Established 1876, the Largest Circulation m the County of Kent and neighbouring Counties, circulated extensively and most exclusively amongst the higher and middle classes; forms an excellent medium for advertising every description of property, and for making every kind of public announce-ment. Published every Thursday and¡ Saturday, price Id., unstamped. The “ journal " is the most influential newspaper in the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and the South Eastern District, in which it is the recognised Conservative organ, and is extensively circulateo among the Nobility, Clergy, Gentry, and the Commercial Classes. It therefore offers to Solicitors. Auctioneers, Estate and Land Agents, Public Companies, and every class of trades a valuable opportunity of laying their proposals before the public. The “ Journal ’ contains full reports of the Provincial and County Markets, and during the season ipeoiai reports of th• Foreign and Home Hop markets WATER! WATER! ______ FOUND. Wo STONE, BOLINGBROKE HALL, SPILSBY The most Successful Water Finder living. Under the distinguished patronage of: Her Most Gracious Majesty The Queen, and Their Graces The Duke of Northumberland, Grafton, Buccleuch, and all the leading Nobility. WATER AND SANITARY ENGINEER. Contractor for, Tube, and ether Wells, and all kinds of Water Supplies, Lard Drainage, and Sanitary Work, Low charges for advising as to best sites for sinking, &c. Water Supplies laid on by Natural Gravitation. ESTIMATES FREE. Competent and Reliable Men sent to all parts of the World. -Write at once for large Illustrated Book, Post free, Is. 6d. N.B. Clips' Constitution Balls Horses For Grease, Swelled Legs, Cracked Heels, Cough, Colds, Sore Throats, Disordered Liver, Broken Wind, Influenza, Loss of Appetite, &c., &c. Testimonial. Cattle Kerse, Johnstone, Lockerbie,N.B. June 12th, 1890. I have used your Cupiss’ Constitution Balls for both Horses, Cattle and Sheep for upwards of 30 years, and was always highly pleased with the results. You are quite at liberty to use mv name —Robert McGregor. Prepared upwards of 50 yeabs by the late FEANCIS CUPISS, M.R.C.V.S•, DISS, NORFOLK. SoldinpacketR l 9and 3/6 each, 7 small packets for 10 6, or 7 large 21׳-, by Chemists and Medicine Vendors, or from Proprietor, Wilderness, Diss, on receipt of amount. For Hide-bound, Staring Coat, Hove or Blown, Distemper,Epidemic, Surfeit, Conditioning. Preserving Health, Scouring in Calves, &c. For Rot or Fluke, and for keeping in Health, Assisting to get into Condition, Scouring in Sheep Lambs, &c. COLEMAN’S WINCARNIS Is a delicious beverage and tonic made from Port Wine, Liebig’s Extract of Meat, and Extract of Malt. OVER FIVE THOUSAND Unsolicited Testimonials have been received from Medical Men. The following Important Testimonial has been received from Dr. FLETCHER. Applecross, Rosshire, N.B., July 2nd, 1897. Dear Sirs,—Please forward quarter-of-a-dozen “ Win- 1 earnis ” immediately as my patient’s supply is about done. | I trust there will be no delay, as he takes no other nourishment, and has been sustained and gained strength by “ Wincarnis ” for twelve weeks. Yours faithfufly, DUNCAN FLETCHER, L.R.C.P. \A/1 M P A D M I Q i*» sold by all Druggists, Wine VV I IN UnR IN I 0 Merchants, and Patent Medicine Vendors. Ask for Coleman’s “ Wincarnis,” and see that the word “ Wincarnis ’’ is on the shoulder of the bottle. Sold in Bottles, 2s. 9d. and 4s. 6d. everywhere. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of the above, COLEMAN & CO., Limited, NORWICH & LONDON. N.B—Sample Bottle sent free by post on receipt of Full Postal Address. NOTICE BOARDS. Guaranteed the cheapest factory in England for all kinds of NOTICE AND SIGN BOARDS. Lists and Estimates Free. S. WATERS & SONS (Established 1831), Wood Letter Manufacturers, Swing Sign & Sky Sign Fitters, Writing Advertisement Contractors, TONBRIDGE WELLS, KENT. Established 1774. THE “CUMBERLAND PACQUET” AND WARE’S WHITEHAVEN ADVERTISER (Published every Thursday Morning), TS the Oldest Newspaper in either Cumber■ 4. land, Westmorland, or Durham. The organ of the Conservative Party in West Cumberland. Full reports of all local events. Having an extensive and influential circulation throughout the county, the “ Cumberland Racquet furnishes one of the best mediums for advertising. PRIOl ONE PENNY.