863 THE ESTATES GAZETTE May 20, 1899. Batley—W. Coates, of Batley, at same, on May 29, residential property and tramway shares Sheffield'—W. Bush and Sons, of Sheffield, at same, on June 13. Halstead Hall Estate, F Fishlake—J. W. Shearman, of Doncaster, at Fish-lake, on June 1, Freehold dwelling house, orchard, garden and lands Wales. Cardiff, etc—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at same, on May 30, Freehold and Leasehold properties Holyhead—W. Dew and Son, of Bangor, at Holy-head״ on June 10, licensed property Old Colwyn—W. Dew and Son, of Bangor, at Old Colwyn, on July 3, Min-y-don Estate Grangetown—W. Sanders and Sons, of Cardiff, at same, on May 26, Leasehold' properties Llanblethian—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at Cowbridge, on June 6, Freehold properties Llandaff—Stephenson and Alexander, of Cardiff, at Llandaff, on June 15, Freehold licensed property j Westmorland. _______ י Kirkby Lonsdale (near)—Walton and Lee, 10, Mount-street, London, W., at Kirkby Lonsdale, on June 15, residential property Kendal—M. Derome and Son, of Kendal, at same, on May 31, Freehold properties Wiltshire. Salisbury—Waters and Rawlence, of Canal, Salisbury, at same, on May 25, Freehold dwelling house and cottages Salisbury—Waters and Rawlence, of Salisbury, at same, on June 8, the Fisherton Mills Worcestershire. Scotland, Menstrie—G. Tinker and Sons, of Huddersfield, at Menstrie, on May 31, The Elmbank mills and machinery FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS, ETC. MAY. WEDNESDAY, 24.—By Mansell and Rowe, 47,Chui׳eh-road. Norwood, S.E., at Ribblesdale, 106, Church-road Upper Norwood, at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. THURSDAY, 25.—By Messrs. ׳Foster, at their gallery 54, Pall Mall, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Pictures, drawings etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms, 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at 1 o’clock— Engravings, etc. By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. Jamess-squarc, at 1 o’clock— Objects of art, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-street St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Pictures, etc. By Jno. W. Morley and Leets. 185. Earl’s-court-road, S.W. (in conjunction with W. C. Elms, 132, Kensington Higb-street, W.), at 95, Finborough-road, Earl’s-court, S.W.,atl o’clock—Furniture, etc. FRIDAY, 26.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock— Old English silver, etc. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery, 54, Pall-mall, S.W., at 1 o’clock—Decorative furniture, etc. By Tootb and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W., at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Wreford and Harding, at their rooms, 44a, Wilton-road, Victoria Station, at 6.30 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square, at 1 o’clock—Engravings, etc. SATURDAY, 27.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-square. at 1 o’clock—Pictures, drawings, etc. A GREEMENTS for LETTING HOUSES.— Five kinds. Three Forms, A, B, C. Unfurnished Houses, Form E, Public-houses, and Form D, Furnished Houses, with endorsement, 3s. per quire, or 2d. each. AGREEMENTS stamped at Somerset House, Is. each document.—STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, “Estates Gazette” office, 6, St. Bride-street, London, E.C. Worcester—F. Everill and! Co., of Worcester, at same, on May 31, Freehold villa residences, shops and cottages Yardley—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on June 8, Freehold residential estate comprising about nine acres Wythall Heath—Thompson and Cooper, of Birmingham, at same, on June 1, Freehold residential estate Fladbury—E. G. Righton, of Evesham, at Fladbury, on May 30, Freehold licensed property Malvern—W. Manton, of Malvern, at same, on June 6, Freehold property Yorkshire, Sheffield (near)—W. Bush and Sons, of Sheffield, at same, on June 13, Hazlehead Hall estate Harrogate—Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at Harro-gate, on May 31, the Belton House Estate Castleford—Hollis and1 Webb, of Leeds, at same, on May 30, Freehold licensed property Scarborough—Richardson and Trotter, of York, at Scarborough, on May 25, Freehold residential property York—Richardson and Trotter, of York, at same, on May 30, residential property Sheffield, etc.—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Has-tings, of Sheffield, at same, on May 30, Leasehold dwelling houses, and Freehold business premises and ground rents Swinefleet and Reedness—Richardson and Pearce-Brown, of Selby, at Goole, on May 24, Freehold property Wakefieid—Howgate, Chapman and King, of Wake-־ חfi same, 011 26, Freehold building land Bradford—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at Bradford , on June 1, Freehold property Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on May 31. Freehold dwelling houSes Huddersfield—Eddison, Taylor and Booth, of Hud-dersfield, at same, on May 30, Leasehold dwelling houses Leeds-Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on May 29, dwelling houses Leeds—Hollis and Webb, of Leeds, at same, on June 14״ the Queson House and Ireland Wood Estates, F Leeds-Hepper and Sons, of Leeds, at same, on June 7, the Ivy Lodge Estate. F Le€1.(is—and Appleton, of Leeds, at same!, on May 29, Freehold cottages LeeSs~°.iiv?.r a?d Appleton, of Leeds, at same on May 30, Freehold residence Ipswich—George Turner, of Ipswich, at same, on May 25, Freehold property Great Yarmouth (near)—Messrs. Spelman, of Norwich and Great Yarmouth, at Norwich, on July 15, the Caistor Hall Estate, 310 acres Lowestoft—Salter, Simpson and Sons, of Attleborough, at Lowestoft, on May 24, Freehold property Brockley—■Lacy Scott and Son, of Bury St. Edmunds, at same, on May 31, Freehold licensed property and brewery Surrey. Westcott, etc.—White and Sons, of Dorking, at same, on May 25, Freehold sporting estate, cottage property and building land Worplesdon—Hewett and Lee, of Guildford, at Worplesdon, on May 23, cottages Godaiming, etc.—Messrs. Mellersh, of Godaiming, at same, on May 26, Freehold residence and cottage property Haslemere—Messrs. Mellersh, of Godaiming, at Haslemere, on June 2, Leasehold residences and cottages Guildford—W. G. Heath, of Guildford, at same, on June 3, Freehold properties Addlestone, etc.—J. Bower Binns, of Addlestone, at same, on May 24, Freehold property Addlestone—Waterer and Sons, of Ohertsey״ at Addlestone, on May 26, Freehold cottage Byfleet—Philip and George Geen, 55, Waterloo-road, S.E., at Byfleet, on May 24, Freehold building land Sussex. Hove—Wilkinson, Son and Welch, of Brighton, at same, on May 29, Freehold ground rent Horsham—King and Chasemore, of Horsham, at same, on May 24, Freehold properties Seaford—Maple and Co., of Brighton, at Seaford, on May 25, Freehold building land Brighton—Kirkham and Dover, of Brighton, at same, on June 1, dwelling houses Chichester—D. Waddington, of Chichester, at same, on May 25, Freehold building land St. Leonards-on-Sea—L. F. St. John, of Hastings, at same, on May 29, residences Brighton and Worthing—J. G. Perry, of Brighton, at same, on May 31, Freehold properties Lewes—A. Burtenshaw and Son, of Eastbourne and Hailsham, at Lewes, on May 30, Freehold land Copthorne—F. W. Stokes, of Crawley, at East Grin-stead, on June 22, Freehold property Petworth—Death, Son and Tompkins, of Petworth, at same, on June 10, Freehold property Hurstpierpoint—Drawbridge and Ansell, of Haywards Heath, at Hurstpierpoint, on June 7, shop, house and landed properties Bexhill-on־Sea—J. and E. Thomas, of B exhill, at same, on May 25, Freehold dwelling houses Brighton—Parsons and Son, of Brighton, at same, on May 31, Freehold building land Brighton—Jenner and Deli, of Brighton, at same, on June 7, Freehold property Hastings—J. and A. Bray, of Hastings¡, at same, on June 15, Freehold residence, workshops׳ and warehouse Horsham—King and Chasemore, of Horsham, at same, on June 14, Freehold properties Worthing—Courtenay, Wells and Co., of Croydon, at Worthing, on May 24, Freehold cottages and shops Lewes and Hailsham—A. Burtenshaw and Son, of Hailsham, at Lewes, on May 30, Freehold accommodation land Brighton—J. C. Towner, of Eastbourne, at Brighton, on May 24, Leasehold licensed property Warwickshire. ELECTRIC LIGHTING. Town Houses Lighted from Street . . . Mains. ежэ M / m m m / Complete Plants fon Country Houses, with Steam, Gas, or Oil Engines, or utilizing water power where available. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, 102, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. Telegrams, “ DIFFUSEB, LONDON.” Telephone No. 3973 GEBBABD. THE “ 1899 ” MODEL HAMMOND TYPEWRITER. Perfect Alignment. Uniform Impression. Any Width of Paper 32 styles of Type More New Features. A Back-space Key. Interchangeable Type. Work in Sight. Send for Catalogue to the ZEÏJt-IbÆIMIOIISriD TYPJEWRITER GO., 50, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET. LONDON, E.C Birmingham—W. J. Beal, of Birmingham, at same, on June 6, Leasehold1 licensed and other properties Fenny Compton and Farnborough—John Margetts, of Banbury, at 6ame, on May 24, Freehold farm, comprising about 64 acres Knowle—Walter Ludlow and Briscoe, of Birmingham, at same, on May 29, Freehold׳ estate Birmingham—Grimley and Son, of Birmingham, at same, on June 1, Freehold¡ and Leasehold property Hockley—Grove and Baker, of Birmingham, at same, on June 2, Freehold properties Bidford—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on June 6, Freehold licensed hotel Birmingham—W. J. Seal, of Birmingham, at same, on May 29, Freehold and Leasehold ground rents and properties Birmingham—Edwards, Son and Bigwood. of Birmingham. at same, on May 31, Leasehold restaurant and residences Nuneaton—Tit comb and Few, of Lowestoft, at Nuneaton, on May 24, Freehold shops Birmingham—Frank Smith and Wilson, of Birmingham, at same, on May 30, Leasehold property Solihull (near)—Walter Ludlow and Briscoe, of Bir- j mingham, at same, on June 1, Freehold׳ properties Birmingham—W. H. Smith, of Birmingham, at same, on May 31, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—William Fowler, Pemberton and Bew-lay, of Birmingham, at same, on May 30, Freehold manufacturing premises, building land, and residence Leamington Spa and Kenilworth—J. Anthony Locke, of Leamih&ton Spa, at same, on May 29, Freehold properties Nuneaton—Sands and Son, of Nuneaton, at same, on May 24, Freehold lice used׳ premises Birmingham (near)—Thomas and Bettridge, of Birmingham, at same, on May 29, Freehold building land and residence Pailton—Horton Bros., of Kibworth, near Leicester, at Monks Kirby, on May 26, Freehold estate comprising about 59 acres Birmingham—Edwards, Son and׳ Bigwood, of Birmingham, at same, on June 9, residence, buildings, gardens and land Birmingham—William Fowler, Pemberton and Bew-lay, of Birmingham, at same, on May 31, Freehold ground rents and Leasehold property Bubbenhall—Chesshire, Gibson, and Fowler, of Birmingham, at Leamington, on June 6, Freehold farm, dwelling and accommodation land Leamington Spa—J. Hawkes, of Leamington Spa, at same, on May 25, Freehold' residence Birmingham—J. W. Florance, of Birmingham, at same, on June 13, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—A. W. Kemp, of Birmingham, at same, on June 7, Freehold and Leasehold properties Birmingham—Frank Smith and Wilson, of Birmingham, at same, on June 22, Freehold and Leasehold¡ property Solihull—F. Pepper and Sharp, of Birmingham, at same, on May 30, Freehold building estate, containing about six acres Birmingham—Shread and White, of Birmingham, at same, on June 6, Leasehold properties Norfolk. Norwich—Browett and Taylor, 9, Warwick-court, High Holborn, London, W.C., at Norwich, on May 29, Freehold residence Acle—Samuel Aldred ■and Son, of Yarmouth, at Acle, on June 1, Freehold licensed and other property Kenninghall—Salter, Simpson and Sons, of Attleborough, at Norwich, on June 10, Freehold estate and pasture land Caister-on-Sea—Thurgood and Martin, 27, Chancery-lane, London, W.C., at Caister, on June 8, Freehold building land Sheringham—Thurgood and׳ Martin, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C., at Sheringham, on June 9, Freehold׳ building land Methwold, etc—C. Hawkins, of Downham Market, at Stoke Ferry, on May 25, Freehold׳ property Fakenham, etc.—Messrs. Spelman, of Norwich, at same, on July 1, residential estate and farms King’s Lynn—Miles and Son, of King’s Lynn, at same, on May 25, building land Hunstanton—Miles and Son, of King’s Lynn, at Hunstanton, on May 25, villa residence King’s Lynn and South Wootton—Miles and Son, of King’s Lynn, at same, on June 1, Freehold׳ shops, cottages, dwelling houses and land Northamptonshire. Peterborough—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on June 14, Freehold building and accommodation pasture lands Northampton—Macquire and׳ Merry, of Northampton, at same, on June 8, Freehold dwelling houses, business premises and! building land Nottinghamshire. Nottingham—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at same, on June 14, Freehold licensed and other properties NottiLgham—T. Neale, of Nottingham, at same, on May 30, Freehold and Leasehold properties Crop well Bishop, etc.—Walker, Walton and Hanson, of Nottingham, ׳at Bingham, on May 30, Freehold farm Nottingham—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at same, on June 5, Freehold dwelling house and building landi Nottingham—Walker, Walton and Hanson, of Nottingham, at same, on June 5, Freehold property Dorlton—E. Bailey and Son, of Newark, at East Retford, on May 27, Freehold property Nottingham—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at same, on May 30, Freehold business׳ premises and building land Mapperley—G. J. Coombs, of Nottingham, at same, on May 30, Freehold dwelling house and garden Oxfordshire. Henley-on-Thames—Simmons andi Sons, of Henley-on-Thames, at same, on May 25, Freehold) residential property and building land Adderbury, etc.—Paxton and Holiday, of Banbury, at same, on June 1, Freehold farms and accom* modation lands Woodcote—Walter Wilson, of Reading, at Wood-cote, on June 1, Freehold cottage Caversham—J. J. Cooper (J. Omer Cooper and Son), of Reading, at same, on June 8, Freehold estate Banbury and Neithrop—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at same, on May 23, Freehold dwelling house and building land Fencott—Franklin and Jones, of Oxford, at same, on June 3, Freehold estate Shropshire. Shrewsbury—William Hall, Wateridge and Owen, of Shrewsbury, at same, on May 23, Freehold licensed and other property Broseley, etc.—Barber and: Son, of Wellington, at Broseley, on May 29, Freehold property Worthen—Morris, Marshall and Poole, of Chirbury, at Shrewsbury, on May 30, Freehold property Shrewsbury—Wm. Hall, Wateridge and Owen, of Shrewsbury, at same, on May 26, Freehold dwelling house, cottages, building and pasture land Somersetshire. Wedmore—Bennett, Millard and Lloyd, of Wedmore, at same, on May 30, Freehold dwelling house and 35 acres of pasture and orchard land Curry Rivel—Messrs. Jeffery, of Ilminster, ■at Curry Rivel, on May 23, Freehold residential property Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on June 5, residence Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on May 29, Leasehold business properties Street—W. H. Shiner and' Winter, of Yatton, at Street, on May 26, Freehold orchards and lands Yatton, etc—W. H. Shiner and Winter, of Yatton, at same, on May 30, Freehold farms, dwelling house and building and' pasture lands Southstoke, etc.—H. Allen and Sons, of Bath, at same, on June 12, Freehold residences, cottages, building land, quarry and farms׳ Trull—W. J. Villar, of Taunton, at same, on May 31, Freehold residences, grounds and stabling Staffordshire. Horton—Fergyson and Son, of Leek, at Stoke-on-Trent, on May 25, Freehold estate Stone—T. H. Griffiths, of Longton, at Stone, on May 30, Freehold licensed and- residential property West Bromwich—Belcher and Son, of Wednesbury and Darlaston, at West Bromwich, on May 29, Freehold malt house and building land Suffolk. Lowestoft and Kessingland—A. G. and A. Notley, of Lowestoft, at same, on June 8, Freehold dwelling houses, shop, cottages, and farm containing about 296 acres of land Lavenham—Biddell and Blencowe, of Bury St. Edmunds, at same, on June 7, Freehold farms, comprising about 438 acres