Mat 20, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 854 Driver Prize, probably the first time that one candidate has gained such a distinction. Mr. Smith has obtained experience at the Mart and in compensation cases, and is a frequent at- articles expired on April 3 in this year, or about a week after the announcement of his success in the Prof essional Associateship examination!. Me. GEORGE FREEMAN, of 44, Alexandra-road, Wimbledon!, the winner of the Driver Prize and Penfold Silver Medal, was born at Farnham, Sm׳rey, and educated at, Ryde House School, Ripley. For upwards of four years he was articled to a Farnham firm of tendant at the sessional meetings of the Institution, and at the junior meetings, where he is often among the speakers in the discussions. He was coached for the Fellowship examination by Mr. Richard Parry, of 27, Great George-street, S.W. ШЫ Дшйошга׳ litsüint¿ COUNCIL MEETING. A meeting of the Council was held on Friday last, the 12th instant, at the Institute, 57 and 58, Chancery-lane. There were present: —Mr. Edward Dobson, President, in the chair, Messrs. D. T. Alexander (Cardiff), Charles Appleton (Leeds), A. W. Brackett (Tunbridge Wells), B. M. Bradbeer (Lowestoft), R. Buckell (Oxford), A. A. Burnett (Southampton), W. Wilkinson Cox (Torquay), W. E. Cross (Macclesfield), A. G. Dilley (Huntingdon), Allen Drew (London), Frank Everill (Worcester), J. F. Field (London), J. J. Greaves (Sheffield), J. H. Townsend Green (London), G. J. Healy (Wigan), J. Hepper (Leeds), W. Roland Peck (London), E. W. Richardson (London), •T. Savill (Wakefield), A. Smith (London), W. Weatherhead (Keign-ley), and Douglas Young (London). Apologies for non-attendance were received from Messrs. G. Brinsley, J. Catling, W. A. Dew and W. B. Rogers. THE HEW PRESIDENT AND VICE-PEESIDE'VTS. Upon the motion of Mr. Frank Everill seconded by Mr. Allen Drew, Mr. W. Roland Peck was unanimously elected President for the ensuing year. Upon the motion of Mr. Field seconded by Mr. Young, a vote of thanks to the retiring President ■was carried with acclamation. Mr. David T. Alexander, Robert Buckell, William A. Dew, Allen Drew, J. H. Townsend Green, Geo. J. Healy, John Hepper, William Weatherhead and Douglas Young were elected Vice-presidents. The Finance, Examination, Management and Benevolent Fund Committees were appointed. RESULT OP THE 1899 EXAMINATIONS. The report of the Examination Committee upon the result of the examinations held in March last was received and adopted. For the Preliminary examination 13 candidates presented themselves, and the following seven satisfied the examiners and qualified for Studentship, namely : — Cooper, J., 22, Lordshin-park, Stoke Newington, N, *Edwardes, A., 30, Auckland-road, Upper Norwood, S.i•:. Healy, J., 12, Swinley-road, Wigan. Heath, J. L., Holt■ Manor Farm, Harmtead Marsha!!, Newbury. Taylor, W. H., Holly Villa, Cottingham, Yorks. Voisey, P. D., 22. Me!bourne-street, Exeter. Woods, L. S., Hurstleigh, Turie-rcad, Tollington-park, N. For the Intermediate examination! there were 29 candidates, of whom the following 25 satisfied the examiners and qualified for Associate-ship, namely : — Binns, H. W., Runnymede, Castelnau, Barnes, S.W. Blackman, E. W., 4, Redchffe-square, South Kensington, S.W. Boswell, G. W., Hill-street, Verulam-road, St. A bans. Boswell, J. V., Jasper Ноше, Dunstall-road, Wolverhampton. Bridgewater, C. J. B., 52, Portland-place, W. Burningham, A. W., 25, Baker-street, Reading *Cave, J. O.. 47. St. Paul's-road, Canonbury, N. Chorley, P. .1., Fore-street, Heavitree, Exeter. Clarke, C. W-, 13, Bowialley-lane, Hull. Cramphorn, С, H., 8, Cambridge-terrace, Chatham. Edwards, H. E. W. L.. 29, Blantyre-street, Chelsea, Heal, H. G.. Arnewood, 9. Nelson-road, Southsea. §Healy. C. W.. 12, Swinley-road, Wigan. Heath, H C., Kingsbridge House, Westcombe-pk., 3.E. Jeffries, H. C.. Oxford House, Marina, Lowestoft. Kelleway, H. D., 24, Bateman-street, Cambridge. Moore, F.. Swallowfield, Biekley, Ker, Murphy, H. J,, Clytha, Colum-plaee, Cardiff. Oakley, F. R., The Square, Bromyard. surveyors, and then he spent nine years with a firm of London contractors. At present ho is engaged with Messrs. Leslie and Co., Limited, Ivensington-square. He was coached by Mr. Richard Parry, F.S.I. Me. ARTHUR G. BRADSHAW, to whom the Special Prize has been awarded, resides at 7, Gage-street, Lancaster. He is 21 years of age, having been born in March, 1878, at Nantwich, Cheshire, and educated at the Friends’ School, at Lancaster, and Heversham Grammar School. Entering on his professional career, he became articled to Messrs. Lawson and Roper, surveyors and land agents, Lancaster, in September, 1894. At the present time * Institute Prizemen. § Passed with Honours. he is in the Borough Engineers’ Department, Lancaster, under Mr. John! Cook, A.M.I.C.E. Mr. Bradshaw was one of Mr. Richard Parry’s pupils. Mu. SYDNEY ARTHUR SMITH, of Headmaster’s House, Maitland-park, Haver-stock-hill, N.W., has been awarded the Penfold Gold Medal for obtaining the highest marks in the Fellowship examination!. He is the youngest son of Mr. William Smith, headmaster of the Orphan School at Maitland-park. In 1897 he was the winner of the Penfold Silver Medal, taking first place and the Driver Prize (15 guineas) for conspicuous merit at the Professional Associate examinations. His professional career commenced in the office of Messrs. Ernest■ George and Yeates, architects and surveyors, 18, Maddox-street, W., but he served his articles with Mr. J. R. Thornton, of Westminster, and Burgess-hill, Sussex, remaining as his assistant until he obtained an appointment with Messrs. Weatherall and Green, 22, Chancery-lane, which he still holds. Mr. Smith was born in December, 1875, and consequently is amongst the youngest of the Fellowship candidates. He has achieved a noteworthy success in gaining both the Gold and Silver Medals, in addition to the SURVEYORS' INSTITUTION PRIZEMEN. Mr. JOHN F. BOWDEN. This year’s winner of the Crawter Prize in the Fellowship examination is Mr. John F. Bowden, of Park View, Barnstaple, Devon, who was awarded the honour for the best paper on the principles and practice of valuations. He was born at Huish, North Devon, and received his education chiefly at the Devon County School, where he had a successful career. He assisted his father (who held the post of sub-agent on Lord Clinton’s estate for 30 years) in estate work, and eventually became a pupil under Mr. R. D. Gould, architect and surveyor, Barnstaple. His first appointment was as assistant to the late Mr. Edward Ellis, F.S.I., C.E., Exeter, and while in that office he won the Institution Prize in the Associateship examination. For the last 7¿- years he has acted as assistant to Mr. G. C. Smyth-Richards, F.S.I. (diocesan surveyor, Board of Trade valuer, and surveyor to Lynton! and Barnstaple Railway), and has gained great experience in the management of estates covering some 70,000 acres, besides being favoured with considerable practice in the architectural department. He has also been engaged in the development of building ■estates in North Devon, laying out over five miles of new roads near Wooda Bay and Lynton, among other extensive works. Mr. Philip E. Pilditch, F.S.I., was his ״ coach ” for this occasion. Mr. H. A. ARMYTAGE GATE, of 20, Mecklenburg-square, W.C., who has been awarded the Institution Prize, was not quite 21 years of age when he passed the examination, being born on April 3, 1878. Through delicate health when young he was sent to Margate with a view to gaining strength, and was educated at Dr. Head’s East-cliff Grammar School there. In April, 1894, he was articled to his father, and these articles were duly registered at the Sur- veyors’ Institution. In the first three years of this period he obtained three building construction and two geometry certificates under the Science and Art Department, and one for practical carpentry from the City and Guilds’ Institute. He passed the Students’ examination in January, 1897, being coached by Mr. Cecil G. Sanders, and thereafter attended Mr. Richard Parry’s classes, entering for the P.A.S.I. examination last March. ׳Somewhat■ curiously his AUCTIONEERS' INSTITUTE PRIZEMEN. Mr. JOHN OTWAY CAVE. The Institute Prizeman (Intermediate examination) this year is Mr. J. O. Cave, of 47, St. Paul’s-road, Canonbury, who was born at Leicester, in! 1873, and is the son of Mr. John O. Cave, hosiery manufacturer there. After being educated at the Trinity Boys’ School, Leicester, lie was articled to Mr. Tom Watchorn, auctioneer, of 4, Market-place, Leicester, with whom he remained 6¿ years. Then he left Leicester to take up an appointment with Messrs. William Abbott and Co., surveyors and auctioneers, 24, Cole-man-street, City, where he is at present engaged. Mr. Cave, who was prepared for the examination by Mr. George Higgins, F.S.I., of Finchley-road, N.W., is also a good shorthand writer, holding a certificate from the Society of Arts. Mr. ARNOLD EDWARDES. In the Preliminary examination the prizeman is Mr. Arnold Edwardes, of Danehurst, 30, Auckland-road, Upper Norwood, who was born at■ Hounslow and is 16¿ years of age. For the benefit of his health he lived at Cheltenham, on the Cotswold Hills, for some time, otherwise he lias resided always at Norwood, being educated at private schools, and for the last two years by a private tutor. In 1897 he passed the College of Preceptors examination in the second class, second division, and last year he passed the Society of Arts book-keeping examination in the second class. A New East Coast Resort.—Recently a party of inspection gathered at Walcot-on-Sea, on the Norfolk coast, near North Walsham, to view the sea wall erected under the direction of Messrs. George Fitt and Co., of Norwich, who held a successful land sale there last July. The cliffs at Walcot are 25ft. high, and so level along the top as to suggest an esplanade. The length of the work when complete will be 1,500ft. A new hotel is to be built in the place, the license being already obtained. Luncheon was served at Mr. George Fit-t’s pretty bungalow on the sea front. Walcot is likely to become a very popular place of resort in the near future.