851 THE ESTATES GAZETTE, jfales fis Auction, FINCHLEY, FT.—Freehold Building Estate.—To Land Companies, Capitalists, Building Speculators, etc. By order of Trustees and others. THE FINCHLEY MANOR ESTATE, comprising about 24 acres of valuable Freehold Building Land, absolutely ripe for immediate development or for resale in plots at a large protit, occupying a. choice position in this rapidly improving suburb; within six minutes’ walk of Finchley Station, G.N.R., with excellent service of trains to Broad-street, Moorgate-street, and King’smross; possessing frontages of over 3,250ft. to existing roads on the estate; land tax and tithe free; houses of the rental value of from £40 to £60 per annum are much sought after in the neighbourhood, and let or sell as soon as built, the demand for this class of property being greatly in excess of the Msupply. ־״ by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday, June z, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in One Lot. Plan and particulars of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Vaughan and Buss, solicitors, 17, South-ampt,on-street. W.; at the Queen’s Head Hotel, Finchley; at the !Mart, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 17, Southampton-street, W. Telephone 3942 Gerrard. REGENT-STREET. Direct Crown Leasehold. Profit Rental of £1,551 per annum. Nos. 210 and 210a, Regent-street, and 48, King-street, W., held direct from the Crown for nearly 20 years unexpiredi at a ground rent of £100 per annum, and payments׳ for land tax and insurance of £19 per annum. Let to Louise and Co., Ltd., for the whole term less 11 days at £1,670 per annum, a rental far below the present day value, the profit rental of £1,551 being abundantly secured and constituting an Investment of the highest class. MESSRS. ST. QUIXTIX and SOX will Pell 1VJ- by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, May 30, 1899, at Three o’clock, the valuable CROWN LEASEHOLD, as above. Particulars׳ and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart. E.O.; of Messrs. E. F. and H. Landon, solicitors, 53, New Broad-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 50, Threadneedle-strect. E.C.______ CITY FREEHOLD.—Close to Barbican. Factory, Warehouse, or Building Site, with vacant possession. MESSRS. TUCKETT and SOX will Sell 1YL by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 6, at One for Two o’clock, FREEHOLD PREMISES, in King’s Head-court, a thoroughfare close to Beech-street, Golden-lane, and Whitecross-street, having an area of about 800 square feet, and extremely well lighted. Particulars of Thomas Lupton, Esq., solicitor, 37. Essex-street, Strand, W.C.; or of Messrs. Tackett Sales fig Auction. Mr. C. W. DAVIES Auctioneer, Valuer, Estate Agent, &c., 15, UPPER STREET, ISLINGTON. Established 1837. ties can be included at moderate and fixed charges. SALES BY AUCTION AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc., of Furniture, Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Estates Managed and Rents Collected. Valuations for Probate, Transfer and Mortgage Purposes. Mr. C. W. Davies also undertakes SALES and LETTINGS by Private Treaty. Auction and Estate Offices. 15. Upper-st., Islington. UPPER-STREET,ISLINGTON—Valuable Site. _ PORTANT FREEHOLD BUILDING SITE, 21, Upper-street. N. (between the Angel and Agricultural Hall), suitable for the erection of commanding business premises, estimated to lot at £250 per annum. Messrs. Bone and Hepple. solicitors, 8, Frederick s-place.^E.C.; Auction Offices. 15, Upper-street, Islington. CLISSOLD-PARKLong Leasehold Investments. MK ־......................................־־־׳ THREE modern RESIDENCES. Nos. 3, 5 and II. uarys-fort-road. Albion-road. let. and producing £180 per annum. Te ־ m 80 years at £8 each. Messrs. Finch a nd Turner, solicitors, 81. Cannon-street, E.C.; Auction Offices, 15, Upper-street,Islington. Sales bp SHttctimt. T A. and W. THARP respectfully announce U • that they have arranged! to hold! Sales by Auction. at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., m every Month of the year, in which may be included FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES and also STOCKS, SHARES and DEBENTURES. Vendors are invited to send! particulars at least 21 days prior to the date of sale. Inclusive terms on receiving m- StAuctk>nS' and׳ Estate Offices, 9׳ Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. Telephone No. 170 Avenue. Закя fcg Euciton. WEST-GREEN, N.-Fieehold Ground Rents. HOLD GROUND RENTS of £18 18s. per annum, amply secured on three modern residences, 55, 57 and 59, Don-gola-road, Philip-lane. West-green, N, N. Noel Stansburv. Esq., solicitor, 89, Chancery-lane Auction Offices, 15, Upper-stieet, Islington. HORNSEY-RISE.—Occupation or Investment. M ״ ״׳ ~ ־־־־־־............................. boilt FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, No. 23. Lambton-roaa R m ta 1 value £05• „ Messrs. Stanley Evans and Co., so’ieitors, 20, Theobald s-road. W.C. ; Auction Office.-15 ,־, Upper- Jtieet, Islington. By order of the Executors of Mr. J. H. Longhand deceased.—7, 8, 9 and 7a, Stacey-street, CHARING CROSS-ROAD. 'MESSRS. STOKES and PIXDER will Sell JXL by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday. May 30, 1899, at Twelve o’clock, a remunerative and , ---- ׳--------׳״־ / ,, . , n , , -״ n well-secured INVESTMENT, comprising substantial | and Son, surveyors, eoc., 2, Basinghall-street, E.C and extensive Stabling, with a Block of Artisans’ 1 Dwellings, covering an area of about 3,30Qft., and producing a gross rental of £446 per annum; held on a long lease at a very low ground rent. Particulars of the Solicitors, Messrs. Clarkson; Greenwells and Co.. 36, Lime-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 49. Upper Baker-street, N.W. Telephone No. 988 Paddington. T A and W. THARP will Sell by Auction, J . at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 25, at Two o’clock, in Lots:— , , _ .. .״ . CLAPTON—Freehold double-fronted Family Residence Penrice House, No 26, Clapton-square, containing nine bed rooms, four reception rooms; stabling and outbuildings, large garden ; frontage abmit 150ft., depth about 139ft., the greater part of which is available for building purposes■; producing £100 16CLoVPTON.—Freehold Terrace House, 24, Clapton-square; 10 good rooms, garden, and back entrance ; producing £38 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Cook and Ellis, 7. Mark-lane, E.C. HOUNSLOW.—Double-fronted Residence, eminently suited for a medical man; Stanley House, Bath-road, containing 10 bed rooms, bath room, tiled hall, three large reception rooms׳, conservatory, stabling, loft, and dwelling rooms; lease 76 ^years at £22 per annum: possession at completion.—Solicitor. S. K. Scott, Esq., 66, Basinghall-street. E.C. BETHNAL-GREEN.—Compact Block of 27 Workshops and large yard, situate Pearl-yard, Pollard-street, producing £328 18s. per annum; lease 80 years at £130—Solicitor, E. Betteley, Esq., 23, Surrey-street, Victoria Embankment, W.C. TOTTENHAM.—Detached Freehold Residence, Park Cottage, 41, Snell’s-park. Contains five bed rooms, two sitting rooms, conservatory, kitchen, scullery, etc.; large garden. 211ft, deep, with building frontage at rear of 50ft, Possession at completion.— Solicitor, Cecil J. Rawlinson, Esq., 47, New Broad-street, E.C. _ . , , Auction Offices, 9, Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. CRANFORD, MIDDLESEX.—Excellent Freehold Residence, with stabling, standing in its own grounds of nearly two acres. With vacant possession. ־I\/TB0SRS. TUCKETT and :SON will Sell 1V.L by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 6, at• One for Two o’clock, the FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, called Cranford Cottage, containing three reception rooms and six bed rooms; with stabling, lawns, pleasure and1 kitchen gardens, the whole containing an area of about la. 2r. 33p. About li miles from Hounslow Barrack Station, and two mile3 from Southall Station. Particulars of Messrs. Notcutt and Son, solicitors, Ipswich; or of Messrs. Tuckett and Son, surveyors, etc., 2, Basinghall-street, E.C. To Licensed Victuallers, Brewers, Property Buyers, and others.—By order of Executors.—Re I. Bethsll, deceased.—40 Freehold and Leasehold Shops and Private Houses, together with a Freehold Public-house and׳ a Leasehold Beerhouse, situate at Notting-hill and Shepherd’s Bush; also Freehold Plots of Buiiuing Land at Wimbledon and Gun-nersbury, the whole producing a rental of £1,530 per annum. YATOOTTON and• GREEN will offer the w'm le VV of the above for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, May 29, at Two o’clock precisely. Particulars may he had of Messrs. Baker and Francis, solicitors, Court-chambers, 173, Marylebone-road, N.W.; and of the Auctioneers, 36, Gracechurch-street, E.C. VOTES FOR THE COUNTY. THE LAND COMPANY having now concluded their Summer Sales will offer by Private Treaty during the Winter, at exceedingly low prices, Choice Plots of Freehold Land on the following Estates : WESTCLIFF-ON-SEA, ESSEX. The new London suburb by the sea. Extraordinary and remarkable development in building now taking place. The Beach Estate adjoins the station, and faces the sex. Plots from £200. A few valuable shop plots. Holland House. £280 Esplanade Estate, facing Westcliff Parade. £190 each. Borough Estate, North Southend-on-Sea. Within ten minutes of four stations. Extensive building operations. £45 each. LEIGH-ON-SEA. ESSEX. The New Eldorado. Almost adjoins Westcliff-on• Sea. Healthy and high situation. Good water supply. A few plots on the Great Leigh Hall Estate from £50 each. The CLiffs Estate is on the sea front. Grand views. £100 each. RAYLEIGH, ESSEX. The most healthy and picturesque locality in the. county. Magnificent situation. 4,000 plots sold. A few are left on the Rayleigh Park and Station Estates from £8 each. HERNE BAY, KENT. Known as “ the healthiest seaside resort ” England. The Western Esplanade Estate adjoins tlie town, and faces the sea; unique position. Plots from £70 each. The Westward Ho Estate adjoining above. Plots from £40 each. Five charming bungalow sites. £120 each. Free deeds. Free abstracts. No fee3 or fine3. Free tithe. Easy payments. Ten per cent, deposit. Balance 16 quarters. Immediate possession. No arbitrary restrictions. _r Also Plots at Tilbury, Norton Junction, Maldon, Rochford, Eastwood, Laindon, Pitsea. Essex, Ropley. Hants, Westminster-on-Sea, Isle of Sheppey. Every information free. WILLESDEN, N.W.—Early possession. MESSRS. STOKES and PIXDER will Sell It1. by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, May 30, 1899, at Twelve o’clock, a convenient detached FREEHOLD ¡FAMILY RESIDENCE, containing 10 rooms, and offices, known as Donnington, with a frontage of upwards of 150ft. to the Donning-ton-road. midway between and within 10 minutes of the Willesden-green (Met. Railway) and Junction Stations. The residence stands upon about one acre of land, comprising tennis lawn, shrubberies, etc., greenhouses, kitchen garden well planted with fruit and other trees; coach-house, stabling, etc. Estimated value £100 per annum. Particulars of the Solicitors. Messrs. Hickson and Moir, 52, New Broad-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers. 49. Upper Baker-street, N.W. Telephone No. 988 Paddington. Forthcoming Sales for the Year 1899. MESSRS. E- and H• RUMLEY (Lumle/s, of lVi. St, James’s House. 22, St. James’s-street, London, S.W.) beg to announce the following days of SALE by AUCTION for the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.; but, in addition, other dates can be arranged for special sales.—1Terms! on application. Tuesday, May 23! Tuesday, July 4 Tuesday, Oct. 17 Tuesday June ft Tuesday, July 18 Tuesday, Nov. 14 Tuesday, June 20 Tuesday, Aug. 15 Tuesday, Nov. 28 1 Tuesday. Sep. 12 Tuesday, Dee. 12 Messrs. E. and H. Lumley announce in the advertisement columns of “The Times” on Saturdays a complete list of their sales, which will include estates in England, Ireland and Scotland, town and country properties, ground rents, reversions, gas and water shares, stocks, etc. In cases where property is to be included ample notice should be given in order to insure due publicity. St. James’s House, No. 22. St. James’s-street. S.W. SHARE SALE. T A. and W. THARP will Sell, at the Mart, U « E.C.. on Thursday, May 25, at 2.30, SHARES and DEBENTURES in the following dividend-paying Companies:— , The Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Light and Coke Co. _ The Lea Bridge, Leyton and Walthamstow Tram-wavs Co. _ _ The Patent Victoria Stone Co., Ltd. Swan and Edgar, Ltd. (Preference Shares). The Britannia Works Co., Ltd., etc. Auction Offices, 9, Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. ____ _________ Freehold and Long-Leasehold Investments to be offered for S׳>le bv Auction by MR. GEO. FUTVOYE FRA.NOT«, at, the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, June 1, at Two o’clock, in lh Tj״t<»: — WIMBLED ON-PARK. S W.—Nos. land 5, PeTnbr'dsre-villas. Southiields. Two semi detached Refudenc s. with large gardens, producing £98 per annum. Term b7 years, at ]0 guiue>s emb groundrent. * WANDSWORTH. S.W.—Leasehold Ground Rent of £7 ■per annum secured upon Nos. 4, 6, and 8, Tonsley-road, Eaet-Vii'l. T ״׳n 65 v^ars. SOUTH WOODFORD. ESSEX.—Freehold, attractive, detached Villa, known as Durham Cottage, corner of Chelmsford-road, and five picturesque Cottage Residences Nos. 1 to 5. ChevDe-row. Grove-road. Let aj rental־־ amounting to £147 ’8s. ner annum. HIGH HALDEN. KENT.—Two enclosures of Iree-h־׳dd Land, comprising 7a. lr. 33p., with a fron<־a.ge of 117ft. to main road from Tenterden to Ashford. Eligible building site for residence or manufactory. Let at nominal annual rent■ of £8 for grazing purposes. Early vacant possession may be bad ot any ot tne properties, which, are all now let on short tenancies and below rental values. , , „ .... Particulars from Messrs. Mead aud Sms, solicitors, No. 0. Arundell-street, Piccadillv-cireus, W. ; and at the Auctioneer’s Offices, Eaton-chamber?, Buckingham-xalace-road, S.W. THE CONDUIT STREET AUCTION GALLERIES MAY BE HIRED FOR loupe siim SPECIAL TERMS TO THE PROFESSION. Small or large consignments of Furniture, Pictures, Plate and Jewels, &c., can be included at short notice. APPLY TO KNIGHT, FRANK & RUTLEY, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. 9 & 10, Conduit Street, & 23a, Maddox Street, W. Telephone 1942 Gerrard. Telegrams " Galleries, London.” FINSBURY-PARK and HORNSEY RISE.—Freehold Ground Rents and long Leasehold Investments.—Го Tiustees, Investors and others. MESSRS. GILBERT and HOW will Sell by Auction at. the Mart, T׳Vkenhous?-vard, E.C., on Moudav, June 5. 1899. atOne ׳',dock precise^. Valuable FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS amounting to £57 15s per annum, amply secured upon a block of 1L capital private Residence1 .״ to 11 (inclusive), Moreland-Pt>e?t, Lennox-road, Fiusbury-park, close to station and S׳roud-green-road. with reversion in 65¿ years to the rack rents estimated at £300 per annum. Held on separate leases for 99 years from Christma0, 1865, at a ground rent, of £5 5s. per annum each. FINSBURY-PARK—The desirable long Leasehold House and Shop, situate. No. 53, Poole’s-park, Ssven S sters-road, comprising good shop, parlour. scuil°ry, and bakehouse, and six rooms over. Let to a baker at the moderate rental of £39 per annum. Held on lease for about 60 Year» nn°xpired, at aground rent of £7. HORNSEY-RISE.- Capital Business Premises situate No. 79, Hazellville-road, Ilornsey-rise, comprising large shop, parlour and six room־־. Let to a draper at the low-rental of £45 per annum. Lease neatly 9j years unexpired. Ground rent £8. May be viewed, and particulars and conditions of sale obtained of J. France Collins, Esq., Donington House, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.<\: Messrs. Ma«on. Soper and Wood, 18. John-street, Bedi>rd-row. W.C.; Messrs. Simuel Price and Son, Worcester House, 7 and 8. Wal-brook, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers, Messrs. Gilbert and How. 5, Crouch-hill, N., also at Finsbury-paik and Stioud-^reen Stations. On Thursday, June 1, 1899, at One o’clock precisely. "MESSRS. JA׳S. HOOD and SOXS will Sell 1VJL by Auction, at tlie Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., eligible INVESTMENTS, as under, by order o f the Trustees: — STEPNEY, SHADWELL. and ST. GEORGE’S-IN-THE-EAST. LEASEHOLDS. Nos. 2 and 10, Belgrave-street, let to quarterly tenants. Held on lease, which expires Michaelmas, 1908, and producing £60 per annum. . Nos. 86 and 88, Hardinge-street, Commercial-road, E. Let. to weekly tenants at 8s. 6d. each. Held on lease, expiring at Christmas, 1908, at a ground rent of £7 per annum, and producing £44 4s. per annum. . , . Nos. 19 and 20, Taylor’s-place, Benjohnson-road, Stepney. Held on lease, which expires Christmas, 1922, at a ground rent of £5. Let to weekly tenants at 8s. 6d. each, and producing £44 4s. per annum. FREEHOLDS. Nos. 20, 22. New Gravel-lane, High-street, Shadwell. Let to weekly tenants at 9s. and 8s. respectively, and producing £44 4?. per annum. No. 84, Wap-ping Wall. Shadwell. Let to weekly tenant at 16s. 6d., and producing £42 18s. per annum. _ , Nos. 25 . 27, 29, Morris-street, St. George’s East. Let to weekly tenants at 11s. 6d.. 10s., and 9s. 6d. respectively. and producing £80 12s. per annum. May be viewed, and particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained of the Solicitor?, J. E. Waters, Esq., 16 and 17, East Arthur-street, E.; Messrs. Stones, Morris and Stone, 5. Finsbury-circus. E.C.; and of Jas. Hood and Sons, F.S.I., auctioneers, surveyors and valuers. 318. Commercial-road. E.; 342, Romford-road, Forest-gate, E.; and 37, Walbrook, E.C. Telephone 5550 Bank. CAMBERWELL.—By order of Executors.—Weekly Freeholds. MR. WALTER SIMMONDS will Sell by Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, Bank, EC., on Tuesday, May 30, 1899, at One o’clock, NINE FREEHOLD HOUSES, Nos. 92 to 108, Westma-cott-street, George-street, Camberwell; let and producing £200 4s. per annum. Also a Plot of Freehold Land, with a frontage to Caspian-street of about 27ft. 6in. Six Freehold Houses. Nos. 35 to 45, Water-loo-street, Camberwell-green, let and producing £111 16s. per annum. These six houses possess a total frontage of about 72ft and a depth of about 90ft. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart: of Messrs. Drake, Son and Parton, solid tors. 24, Rood-lane. E.C.; or of the Auctioneer, 58, Camberwell-road, S.E. Date־־ of Sales for 1899. MESSRS. EDWIX FOX and BOUSFIELD J.T_L announce for tlie convenience of their employers that their SALES by AUCTION of LANDED and HOUSE PROPERTY, Ground and Improved Rents, Reversions, Policies of Assurance. Shares, and other Securities will take place during the vear 1899 at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. Bank of En; land, on the following Wednesdays in each month: Nov. 15 Nov. 22 Nov .29 Dec. 6 Dec. 18 June 14 ! July 19 Oct. 11 June 21 July 26 Oct,. 1Я June 28 Aug. 2 Oct. 25 July 12 Julv 5 Nov. 1 1 Sept. 20 Nov. 8 May 17 May 24 May 31 June 7 The prices realised at these auctions are not in ■eluded in the official reports, such quotations being often prejudicial, and never beneficial, to the only parties concerned—buyar and seller. No. 99. Gresham-street, Bank, London• E.C. Telegrams. “ Fox, Bousfield, Londor ’ Telephone No. 118 Bank. Sales at the Mart during 1899. ־MESSRS. HERRING, SON and DAW Jj- (established a century and twenty-two vears) beg to give notice that they have fixed the following days for Sales at tne Mart, of Freehold. Leasehold. Copyhold Estates and Residential PROPERTIES Freehold and Leasehold Annuities, etc. : — Thursday. May 25 Thursday, J line 29 Thursday. July 27 I Thursday, August 81 THE LAND COMPANY, 67 & 68, CHEÄPSIDE, E.C. AND AT HERXE BAY and SOUTHEND OX-SEA. 300 Clan Wethers for Private Sale, ALSO SEVERAL GOOD LOTS OF SHROPSHIRE AND CLUN EWES, AND HEREFORD BULLOCKS. CAN BE SEEN ON APPLICATION TO E. GOODWIN PREECE, UYE STOCK AGENT, SHREWSBURY. REVERSIONS. LIFE INTERESTS, POLI CIES, ETC. MESSRS. LAING ־WATERS and CO. hold 1V1 PBKIODIOAL SALES of REVERSIONS, Life■ Interests, Life Policies, Annuities, Mortgage Debts, Stocks, and Shares; also of Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold Properties, Ground Rents, etc. Termsi quoted on application. Solicitors, trustees and! others having properties such as described above! are respectfullv invited to communicate with the! Auctioneers, at their Offices, 244, High Holborn„ W.C. NOTE —Particulars of lots intended, for inclusion in these periodical sales must be received• at least 12 days prior to advertised¡ date of sale. Portman Chapel Building Society, 109, CRAWFORD STREET, LONDON, W. Advances in any District. Terms of repayment per £100 including principal and interest.. For fiye years £118s. 8d. Ten years £1 la. 8d. Fifteen years 16s. Id. W. SUTHERLAND. Sec. Ground Rents, Shares Thursday. РеЫетЬн*28 ־ rrhnri*dav\ October 26 Thu’sriav. November 33 ______ Tliurarlav, December 21 Sales can be arranged to take place on other days than the above to suit the wish and requirements of clients. Owners and others desirous of including properties in the above sales should acquaint Messrs. Herring. Son and Daw at least one month previous to the date of sale, to allow of full publicity being given, and the requisite announcements beine made. —Offices: 6. Ironmonger-lane. E.C. and 308. Brixton-hill. S.W. Telegraphic address: “Oldest,” London. Established 1773. MESSRS. NEWBON, EDWARDS AND SHEPHARD, (NEWBON AND CO.). AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS. ETC.. 275, Upper Street, ISLINGTON. SALES by AUCTION, at the Mart. Tokenliouse-yard, nearly every Thursday throughout the vear, in which they can advantageously inch!de Freehold. Copyhold, and Leasehold Properties, Ground Rents, Reversions, etc,., at moderate fi'־ed charges. SALES by AUCTION, on the Premises, of Furniture. Shocks, etc. PRINTED REGISTER of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses, Business Premises, and Building Land, in which tliev insert particulars of properties to be Let or Sold free of charge, may be had gratis upm! apnlication. or by post. ESTATES managed1 and rents collected. *VALUATIONS for probate, legacy, and mortgage /jrposes. COMPENSATION CASES arranged. Telephone No. 300 King’s Cross. Auction Offices, 275, Upper-street. N. (next the Yestrv Hall). DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS. 51. COLEMAN-STREET. BANK, E.C., , (213 CLAPHAM-ROAD. S.W. Branch Offices ^ j CRANBROOK-BOAD. ILFORD. E Telephone No?.: Citv 45 Bank: Ilford. 28 Barking. A private wire connects the office? Telegraphic address—“Douglas Young, London.” TV/TESSRS. 1t_L auotto DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C on the following dates throughout the ensuing >ear May 24 I August. ]6 I October 25 ! June 7 I August. 28 I November 8 June 14 September 13 I November 22 Julrl2 September 27 December 6 July 26 I October 11 I December 13 Auction Offices: 51. Coleman-street, Bank, E.C.; 213, Clapham-road. S.W.; and Ilford, E.