Mat 20, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 838 Camjmtsatfott Casts. CLAIM AGAINST THE ADMIRALTY. WHARF PREMISES ON THE MEDWAT. LONDON AND BERKSHIRE. Wm. R. NICHOLAS & Co. Auctioneers & Estate Agents, Blagrave Street, Reading, & 60, Pall Mall, S.® Lord Ludlow was engaged as Umpire, at the Law Institution, on Wednesday, in the case of “ Little and other® v. Admiralty,” which was a claim for compensation in respect of the acquisition of a freehold wharf and premises at Up-nor, on the river Medway, for the purposes of constructing a Government powder magazine (Estates Gazette, May 13). Sir J. Whittaker Ellis, Bart., F.S.I. (Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co., 29, Fleet-street, E.C.), was arbitrator for the claimants, and Mr. Edwin Fox, E.S.I. (Messrs. Edwin Fox and Bousfield, 99, Greshannstreet, E.C.), for the Admiralty. Sir Edward Clarke, Q.C., M.P., and Mr. Danckwerts (instructed by Messrs. Prall, Son and Prall, of Rochester) were for the claimants ; the Attorney-General (Sir Richard Webster) and Mr. Acland for the Admiralty. The following evidence, in addition to that reported in the last issue of the Estates Gazette, was given! at the first hearing. Mr. W. E. Randall, auctioneer,- of Chatham, said that wharfage on the Medway was very difficult to obtain, and he knew of nothing which would be suitable for claimant. The wharf taken was an exceptionally good one, and he did not know of one as good except the Admiralty’s property. His valuation was : — --------------------—- . ™ T-gj properties by Auction (unless previously disposed oi PliV^^PINEWOOD,” FARNBOROUGH, HANTS, with, ground of six acres. Tlie residence contains five reception, nineteen bed rooms, two bath rooms, billiard room, etc., stabling. The above will be sold at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, 5th June, 1899, at Two o’clock. _ . Solicitor, Henry F. Kite, Esq., 11, Queen Victona-street, E.C. “ XJPPEP״ LINK FARM,” ST MARY BOURNE, HANTS, with 112 acres. The residence contains two reception, six bed rooms, hath room, etc.; fine stabling. The above will be Sold at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, June 5, 1899, at Two o’clock. Solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Son Andover. “HOLGATE HOUSE,” SUDBURY, SUFFOLK, with grounds of sixteen acres. The residence contains three reception, seven bed rooms׳, bath room, etc.; stabline, and two cottages. The above will be Sold at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday, June 6, 1899, at Two o’clock. Solicitors, Messrs. Ransom and Sons, Sudbury. “THE LINKS,” EASTBOURNE, with grounds of three acres. The residence contains four reception, fourteen bed rooms, billiard room, etc * stabling Tlie above will be Sold at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.O., on Friday, June 9, 1899, at Two o’clock. Solicitors, Messrs. Bramble, Watts and Go., 2, Bristol Chambers, JSTicholas-street, Bristol; and R. F Brunskill, Esq., Dyers’ Hall, Dowgate-hill, E.C. Wharf, 426ft. frontage, at 30s. per annum .. £639 At years’ purchase .. .. .. • • 30 19,170 lOpercent. .. .. .. .. 1.917 21,087 House, No. 1, £80, by 25 years’ purchase, plus 10 percent. .. .. .. .. .. 2,200 House, No. 2, £50, by 25 years’ purchase, plus 10 per cent. .. .. .. .. .. 1,375 Houses. Nos. 3 and 4, £40, by ¡20 years’ purchase, plus lOpercent. .. .. .. .. £880 He considered the buildings on the wharf, when the Admiralty took possession, were worth £800 to £1,000. Mr. Herbert Prall, F.S.I. (Prall and Prall), Rochester, said the wharf was an excellent one, and his valuation was as follows : — “GLENHATEN,” ELSTKBE, HERTS, with grounds of five acres. The residence contains three reception, seven bed rooms, bath room, etc.; stabling and cottage. The above will he Sold at the Mart, Tokenhouse• yard, E.C., on Friday, June 9, 1899, at Two o’clock. Solicitors, Messrs. Cooke and Son, Luton. ״ KNIVES FARM,” PRESTWOOD, BUCKS, with 100 acres. Capital house, homestead and two cottages; also some choice building sites. The above will be Sold at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, June 9, 1899, at Two o’clock. Solicitor, Edward Parker, Esq., Thame, Oxon. Particulars and Conditions of Sale of the above properties may be had on application to the Solicitors or to Messrs. Wm. R. Nicholas and Co., at their offices, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Telephone—Reading 221, London 5293 Gerrard. Wharf,£639 per annum, by 25 years’purchase .. £15,975 House, No. 1, £70 per annum, by 25 years’ purchase .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,750 House, No. 2, £50 per annum, by 20 years’ purchase .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,000 Houses, Nos. 3 and 4, £36 per annum, by 20 years’ purchase .. .. .. .. .. 720 Buildings on wharf .. .. .. .. 1,600 £21,045 lOpercent. .. .. .. .. .. 2,105 £23,105 Mr. James Green, F.S.I. (Messrs. Weatherall and Green, 32, Ohancery-lane), said that he had had great experience in compensation cases of all kinds, and was well acquainted with the value of property on the Medway. The wharf taken by the Admiralty was an exceptionally good one, with a fine river frontage, and a good road on the land side. From his inquiries it appeared that there were no wharves available in the neighbourhood. He valued the wharf in its entirety, including the houses and all its amenities, at. £2 per foot river frontage, or, say, Per annum .. .. .. .. .. £850 At years’ purchase .. .. .. .. 25 £21,250 Plus 10 percent. .. .. .. .. .. 2,125 £23,375 In reply to Lord Ludlow, Mr. Green said he had not dealt separately with the houses, but had treated the wharf and its adjuncts as a whole, and on this he thought 25 years’ purchase was the proper multiplier. He should not put it at 30 years’ purchase. Mr. Wingent, J.P., of Rochester, said there was no wharf on the Medway equal to Little’s except the Government property. Wharves were not obtainable on the Medway. The river wall of Little’s Wharf would be most expensive to construct, as it was very substantially built in stone. Witness owned a wharf which was protected by wooden piles, and this piling had cost him £10 per foot run 23 years ago. On Wednesday Mr. Carroll, accountant, was examined as to the profits of the claimants’ business׳. On the Umpire desiring other information, witness promised to supply other figures and a complete copy of the accounts at the next hearing. Mr. C. D. Levy, surveyor and valuer, of Strood, was re-called, and denied that he ever offered to sell the property to the Admiralty for £8,000; there was a written offer once of £20,000. Mr. James F. Field, F.S.I. (of Messrs. Field and Sons, 54, Borough High-street, and Chancery-lane), was introduced by Mr. Danckwerts as a member of the Committee of the Stock Exchange (laughter). Mr. Field : Of the Estate Exchange. He said that the wharf was a very fine one, containing DEVONSHIRE. MESSRS. HUSSEY & SON (Established over a Century), Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Agricultural, Tenant-Right, Timber and other Valuers, EXETER, DEVON. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone : No. 21, Exeter. WOODBURY, DEVON.—Close to the rail-VY way station.—A well-situated Freehold Farm, known as Exton, comprising an excellent farmhouse and suitable premises, barn, stabling, cow houses, piggery, garden, and about 80 acres of pasture, orchard and arable land, the greater portion of which is well suited for building purposes, and has many eligible sites thereon. Freehold price £3,500. —For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, auctioneers, etc., 14, Queen-street. Exeter. T?XETER.—Desirable Freehold Residence, -Ci known as No. 28, West Southernhay, Exeter, until recently in the occupation of Dr. L. H. Tosswill, containing, on the top floor, two attic bed rooms, box room; on the second floor, two bed rooms, dressing room, w.c., and hot and cold water supply; on the first floor, drawing room, with balcony, bed room; on the ground floor, entrance hall, dining room, morning room, lavatory, and w.c. In the basement schoolroom, kitchen, housemaid’s pantry, scullery, wine, coal, and wood cellars. Outdoors, larder and servants’ w.c. Gas and water are laid on and electric light. In the rear is a garden with a back entrance, and the occupier has the joint right of using the pleasure ground in front of the houses. Rent £63. Price £1,100.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, as above. BIRMINGHAM. GRIMLEY & SON, F.S.I., Auctioneers- Surveyors and Estate Agents. WORCESTERSHIRE. Important Sale of a FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE known as “ROBIN HOOD,” HALL GREEN, In the Parish of Tardley (ahout four miles from the City of Birmingham), BY MESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON, on Thursday, June 8, 1899, at the Grand Hotel, Col-more-row, Birmingham, at Seven o’clock to the minute (unless an acceptable offer for the property be made in the meantime), comprising an Attractive d amijj i RESIDENCE, in good order and repair, placed a convenient distance from the main road leading to Stratford-on-Avon, and approached by a carriage drive bordered by fine shrubs, having a pretty mdgt at entrance gates; with spacious lawns, large gardens, and beautiful pleasure grounds, the whole containing an area of 9a. Ir. 35p. or thereabouts. THE MANSION overlooks its own park-like lands, and has for many years been in the occupation of Samuel Walker, Esq., the owner. It was erected regardless of cost, in a most superior manner, by the late Gilbert Wilkes, Esq., and contains ample accommodation for the comfort and convenience of a family. I״ is most substantially constructed of red brick, with stone facings, and has a pleasing elevation. In an enclosed court yard are two carnage houses, excellent stabling (with loft and clock tower) for five horses, and two loose boxes, etc. There are excellent glass houses, an efficient gas plant, with gas holder, containing all modern appliances for supplying the residence and buildings with gas. _ . ... The pleasure grounds and lodge are laid out with considerable care and taste, and planted with choice evergreen shrubs of mature growth, which present a charming appearance from the house; and a luxuriant plantation of ornamental trees forms a belted screen to the road, with a shrubbery walk therein. The walled kitchen gardens are productive, and contain abundant fruit trees. There is also an extensive field of fine old turf. This property is situated in a lovely locality, and surrounded by delightful rural scenery. The railway stations (G.W.R.) at Acock’s Green, Olton, anu Solihull are respectively about two miles distant. I״ is seldom that an opportunity occurs to acquire an improving Residential Estate possessing such undoubted advantages, both present and prospective. 7!he land has long frontages both to the main road a,nd also to another road leading to Hall Green. Plans and particulars are in course of preparation, and mav be had when ready of Messrs. Rowlands and Co., Solicitors, Temple-row; or Messrs. Grimley and Son, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 39 and 40, Temple-street, Birmingham. (By direction of the Owner, F. Sanders, Esq., who is leaving on account of ill-health.) “THE TERRACE,” OAKEN. NEAR CODSALL, STAFFORDSHIRE. A beautiful and Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, with the SUPERIOR FAMILY RESIDENCE, known as “ The Terrace.” Delightfully situated in its own undulating and well-timbered grounds of nearly 42 acres, with the extensive vineries and other glasshouses, and well-stocked gardens, stabling, and out-buildings; together with the commodious Residence, called “ The Lodge,” and Four Excellent Substantially-built Cottages—To be Sold by Auction, BY MESSRS. GRIMLEY and !SON, on Wednesday, June 14, 1899, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Wolverhampton, at Four for Five o’clock precisely, subject to conditions. For particulars, with plan and cards to view, and further information, apply to Messrs. Neve, Cress-well and Sparrow, Solicitors, 88, Darlington-street, Wolverhampton; Messrs. Sanders and Parish, Solicitors, Colmore-row, Birmingham; or to׳ Messrs. Grimley and Son, Auctioneers and Surveyors, 39 and 40, Temple-street, Birmingham. By direction of Sir James Smith, who is removing. “ THE DINGLE,” WAKE GREEN-ROAD, MOSELEY. To be Sold by Auction, T3Y MESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON, on ־L2 Thursday. June 22, 1899, at the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, at Seven o’clock to the minute— An Exceedingly Attractive and Charming FAMILY RESIDENCE, In Wake Green-road, Moseley, the property of Sir James Smith (who is removing to another residence), with the carriage house, stabling, glasshouses, and beautifully-timbered and well-shrubbed pleasure grounds thereto. The House is most substantially built, and has a unique elevation, which presents a pleasing appearance. It was constructed with all modern appointments and conveniences by Mr. John Bowen, builder, uader the superintendence of Mr. F. B. Osborn, architect, and is in first-class order and repair. The Auctioneers have every confidence in calling attention to this very desirable property, which forms one of the most complete and delightful abodes in this much-admired suburb of Birmingham. The Sub-soil is gravel, and the locality is renowned for the purity of the atmosphere and its undoubted healthiness. Further particulars will appear in future advertisements; in the meantime, apply to Messrs. Johnson and Co., Solicitors, 36, Waterloo-street; or to Messrs Grimley and Son, Auctioneer and Surveyors, 39 and 40, Temple-street, Birmingham; from whom cards to view may be obtained._______________________ To be Sold by Private Treaty, BY MESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON—the Sub stantiallv-built Superior Family Residence, known as “Hill Crest,” Richmond Hill-road, Edgbas-ton Gate in the occupation of William Ehrhardt. Esq., deceased), pleasantly placed in its own charming grounds, with lawns and gardens thereto, well-arranged glasshouses, stabling, in enclosed yard, carriage house, harness room, and accessories. The property contains an area of 6,505 square yards, and is leasehold for an unexpired term of seventy-seven years from Michaelmas. 1898. Ground rent £30 14s. For further particulars and cards to view, apply at the Auction and Estate Agency Offices, 39 and 40, Temple-street, Birmingham. rpO be Sold by Private Treaty, the highly--1• desirable Family Residence, known as “ The My the,” Edgbaston, formerly the residence of the late James Barwell, Esq., with the carriage house, stabling, glasshouses, and pleasure grounds, containing 3,910 square yards. The House contains three spacious reception rooms, nine chambers, two dressing rooms, bath room, w.c., and good domestic offices. The property is leasehold as to 2,880 square yards for 99 years from 25th March, 1853, ground rent £24 ;and as to 1,030 sauare yards of land at back for a term of 21 years from 25th March, 1898, ground rent £2 3s. For particulars, plans, and card® to view, apply to Messrs. Grimley and Son, Estate Agents and Auctioneers 39 and 40 Temple-street, Birmingham. SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE and DERBYSHIRE. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER, and HASTINGS, Estate it General Auction Mart, 2, HIGH STREET. Thomas Smith, Deceased. STATION-ROAD, OUGHTIBRIDGE. ELIGIBLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. J-J To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday, the 30th day of May, 1899, at Four o’clock for half-past Four precisely, subject to conditions of the Sheffield Law Society and special conditions: — A Stone-built Detached DWELLING-HOUSE, with garden at front, two stall stable, carriage house, joiner’s shop, and outbuildings at the back, in the occupation of Mr. James, at an annual rent of £21. Also the block of THREE Excellent Stone-Built DWELLING-HOUSES, with gardens at front and separate yards and outbuildings at the back, in the occupation of Messrs. King, James and Jenkinson, as monthly tenants, at rents amounting to £47 4s. 8d. per annum. The property is extremely well-built, and situate near to Clifton House, in Station-road, Oughtibridge. The site is held on lease for 98 years from 1876 at an annual ground rent of £7 12s. Anv further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; or from Newman and Bond, Solicitors, 8, Regent-street, Barnsley. Bodmin-street, Attercliffe. On the Huntsman Estate. WELL-BUILT dwelling-house in- > > VESTMENTS. To be Sold by Auction by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday, the 30th day of May 1899, at Four o’clock for half-past four precisely, subject to conditions of the Sheffield Law Society and special conditions. Lot I. FIVE Excellent Bay-windowed DWELLING-HOUSES, each containing dining and drawing rooms, kitchen, and three bed rooms, with outside coal place and w.c., and being Nos. 62, 64, 66, 68 and 70, Bodmin-street., on the Huntsman Estate at Attercliffe, and near to the station on the G.C. Railway, as at present in the occupation of Messrs. Finder,, Booth, Allcock and Tetley, at rents amounting to £85 16s. per annum. The Site is held on lease for 800 years at an annual ground rent of £8 15s. There are gardens and palisades at the front, and the yards and passages are asphalted. Lot 2. FOUR Similar HOUSES, Nos. 72, 74, 76 and 78, Bodmin-street. Rent £68 18s. Ground rent £7. Lot 3. FOUR Similar HOUSES, Nos. 80, 82, 84 and 86, Bodmin-street. Rent, £68 18s. Ground rent, £7. Lot 4. FOUR Similar HOUSES, Nos. 88, 90, 92 and 94, Bodmin-street. Rent, £68 18s. Ground rent, £7. Lot 5. FIVE Similar HOUSES, Nos. 96, 98, 100, 102 and 104, Bodmin-street. Rent, £85 16s. Ground rent, £8 15s. Lot 6. FOUR Similar HOUSES, Nos, 99, 101, 103 and 105, Bodmin-street. Rent, £68 18s. Ground rent, £7. Lot 7. FOUR Similar HOUSES, Nos. 91, 93, 95 and 97, Bodmin-street. Rent, £68 18s. Ground rent, £7. Lot 8. FOUR Similar HOUSES, Nos. 83, 85, 87 and 89, Bodmin-street. Rent, £68 18s. Ground rent, £7. Lot 9. FIVE Similar HOUSES, rather larger, four with cellars, Nos. 73, 75, 77, 79 and 81, Bodmin-street. Rent, £92 6s. Ground rent, £8 15s. Lot 10. EIGHT Excellent Bay-windowed, HOUSES, ־with gardens and palisades at front, excellent yards and outbuildings at back, being Nos. 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161 and 163, Ohippingham-street, in the occupation of Messrs. Hill, Banshaw, Stocks, and others at an annual rental of £119 12s. The tenants paying their own rates. Each house contains entrance hall, three rooms downstairs, with pantry, and four bed rooms. The Site is held on lease for 800 years at an annual ground rent of £14. All the properties are well and substantially built, with all modern requirements, and let to most respectable tenants, who pay their rents with perfect regularity. The roads, sewers, and footpaths are made, and the sale offers a most exceptional opportunity for small investors, as two-thirds of the purchase money can be had at 4 per cent, interest. Any further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; Mr. T. H. Johnson, Land Agent and Surveyor, Doncaster; or from Messrs. Watscn, Son and Smith, Solicitors, Cheap-side, Bradford. Peremptory Sale (by Mortgagees. Daisy Walk. Works and Machinery. Near to St. Philip’s-Road. To be Sold by Auction, by IVT^SRB. NICHOLSON, GREAVES, BAR- HL BER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart, No. 2, High-street, on Tuesday, the 30th day of May, 1899, at Four o’clock for half-nast four precisely, subject to conditions of the Sheffield Law Society and special conditions: — The Extensive WORKS, known as “ Daisy Works,” together with the FIXED MACHINERY, and being No. 50, Daisy-walk, St. Philip’s-road, Sheffield. ׳!he works comprise two three-storied buildings, two two-storied buildings, engine house, chimney stack, and other erections. The Machinery includes 28 h.p. beam engine, steam boiler, two water tanks, steam, water and gas piping, grinders’ troughs, shafting, drums and pulleys, benching, etc. The site, 709 square yards or thereabouts, has a frontage of ahout 65 yards, and is held on lease for 1,000 years at nominal ground rents amounting to £3 18s. 6d. per annum. Vacant possession will be given on completion. Any further information may be obtained from the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; or from Clegg and Sons, Solicitors, Figtree-lane, Sheffield.