CARD ADVERTISEMENTS, Mat 13, 1899. O-A-IRJD ^ID'VEi^TISEIs.dlElSrTS OIF1 land agents, surveyors, auctioneers, valuers, and house and estate agents, I IN" LONDON &G T ZEE IE PROVINCES. _____Tlle charge for announcements under this heading will be forwarded on application to the Advertising Department, 6, St. Bride-street, E.C. N.W. BRONDESBURY, KILBORN and WEST HAMPSTEAD. „CP* Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents. Bailiffs. Auction Rooms for Eurni- tnro , Stocks, Ac. Also Local Property Mart. Kents Collected. SO and 52, Willesden Lane, Kilburn. >00* «SÜ5» Established over 50 years MESSES. P. J. DIXON AND SON, auctioneers, estate agents and valuers. 16, KING STREET, CHEAPSIDE, E.C And 263, BETHNAL GREEN ROAD, N.E. ,, ,VsiateH managed. Valuations for all purposes. Compensation cases conducted. Dilapidations assessed Mortgages negotiated. J. H. MELLENFIELD, F.S.I., SUKVEYOK, AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, - 517, HACKNEY ROAD, LONDON, N.E. s.w. PARSON’S GREEN, FULHAM, & CHELSEA. Auctioneers, Surveyors, House & Ground Rent c°• & The Parson’s Green Auction & Agency Offices. PARSON’S GREEN RAILWAY STATION, S,W PROPERTIES IN STREATHAM, STREATHAM COMMON AND CLAPHAM. BURTON, SMITH & CO., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. tWA large selection of Freehold and Leasehold Properties to he let or Sold. STREATHAM AND STREATHAM COMMON (Facing Railway Stations). ALSO AT CLAPHAM AND FULHAM. Agents to the Sun Fire Office. publish monthly a list of Estates, Residences, Huntin'¿ and Shooting Quarters, Building Land, &c., to be Let or Sold, in the Home C > - nties and elsewhere Also a separate LIST OF FARMS to be LET, in Kent, Surrey Sussex, &c. Obtainable gratis on application Free to’ any address on receipt of two stamps. Offices • 12 Pall Mall, London, S.W., and Sevenoaks, Kent. Particulars inserted free of charge. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. St- Valuations of Property and Effects. Receivers. Mortgages negotiated. No. 47, LOWER BELGRAYE STREET, EATON SQUARE, S.W. MESSRS. GLASIER & SONS, Land, Estate and House Agents, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Valuers, 7, ST. JAMES’S STREET, S .W. (late of 6, Spring Gardens). Branch Office. HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS. HAMPTON AND SONS, ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS A AUCTIONEERS. A list of Country Houses to be let furnished and unfurnished, and Estates for sale. Shooting and Hunting Boxes, eto., is published on the first of each month, and can be had gratis on application or by post three stamps.—Hampton and Sons (Ltd.) Offloes 1. Cockspnr-street, Pall Mall, S.W. ED. HUGH HENRY, Auctioneer, Surveyor, Valuer, Estate and House Agent, 83 HIGH-STREET, CLAPHAM, S.W. Valuations made for Estate Duties, Mortgages, Transfer Dilapidations or other purposes. Local Agent for the leading Fire and Life Insurance Offices: Imperial, Sun, County, Guardian, Phcenix, etc. National Provincial Plate Glass and The Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation. Telegrams: “Henry.” Telephone: “Clapham 60” CO• AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS , y¿׳ & ^ Z- “ De Vere House,” 2, Southampton Street, Strand. /״IHISLEHURST, BICKLEY PARK, 'D surrounding districts.—Apply to Mr. DAV , _______________________, and - surrounding districts.—Apply to Mr. DAVID J. CHATTELL (for more than 30 years the resident local agent), who ha« for disposal nearly all the available houses and building sites. A personal interview saves trouble to all parties and greatly facilitates business.—29a (corner of), Lincoln’s-inn-fields, and Lower Camden, Ohislehurst (close to the railway station). MORTGAGES ---- INVESTMENTS. WM. N. GALE, LAND & ESTATE AGENT, SURVEYOR, VALUER, Ac. Savoy Mansions, Savoy Street, Strand. Town or Country Properties, Houses, Business Premises, Shops, Offices, Flats. Chambers, Ac., in all the best parts of the West End and City, to let Furnished or Unfurnished, or for Sale. Several good Building Sites for Disposal or to Let. Freehold and Leasehold Investments. River Houses, House Boats, etc. Full particulars on application. GROUND RENTS. MORTGAGES. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, Valuers and Estate __—ZA-rJ{-6ÏÀ **״-• &í,í>g¿c0№ Woburn Chambers, 22, Henrietta Street, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. HUSSEY AND WALCOTT, LAND AGENTS AND SURVEYORS, 1, GRAY’S INN PLAGE, GRAY’S INN, W.C. A. PERCY OSBORNE, 38. SOUTHAMPTON ROW, $ BLOOMSBURY. %. V* Rent■ collected. <"» % ^.......'. HOUSE AGENT. VALUER, AND CERTIFICATED BAILIFF. ALLAN BOOTH, For many years manager for the late Mr. A. Booth, AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT, 284, CAMDEN ROAD (Opposite the Brecknock Arms). Telephone (King’s Cross) 312. EDMONTON (LOWER). AUCTIONEER, HOUSE AGENT.______V AND VALUER. ....... -i ־t4 V* *" Estates managed ... — vT Va “ ׳ Bailiff._ — -׳׳׳׳^ OFFICES & AUCTION ROOMS, The GREEN, LOWER EDMONTON Rents Collected. ,0%־ ^511־ E. J. LANE, 122, 8T. ANN’S ROAD, STAMFORD HILL. Certificated Bailiff, Auctioneer. Valuer, and Broker. Districts embraced o h narf Court8 at Edmonton and Enfield. Arrears collected. , , TXT 1״rS^m and surrounding neighbour- hood Weekly Sales ol Furniture. Rents collected AUCTIONEER AND CERTIFICATED BAILIFF, 1,2, 3& 4, STATIONED., FINSBURY .._.rt V *־ Adjoining the G.N.R. Stn. Valuations made for Probate and other purposes. Sales by Auction held at the Rooms as above every Thursday evening throughout the year at Six o’clock. PARK. RANDALL, COX & BAKER, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, Park Hall Estate Offices, East Finchley, N.. Railway Approach, Woodside Park, North Finchley, N. City Address—62, Coleman Street, E.C. LONDON MR. WILLIAM HOUGHTON’S REGISTER of LANDED ESTATES. Farms Town, Country and Suiburban Residences, Building Land. Investments, House Property, Office and Business Premises, will be forwarded, post free, on application. Particulars intended for insertion in the next issue should be forwarded as soon as possible. No charge or fee will be made unless a purchaser or tenant be found, when the usual commission will then become payable. Auction and Estate Agency Offices, 58, Old Broad-street, E.C. NOTE.—Special List of Properties in the district of Epping Forest. E.C. THE IMPERIAL PROPERTY INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED, BEVOIS HOUSE, 27 and 28, BASINGHALL STREET, E.C. Issues a Printed Register of Leasehold Houses and Shops in the neighbourhood of Crouch End, Muswell Hill, Highgate, Chiswick, and Willesden Green, at rents varying from £35 to £80, prices £425 to £1,450. FREEHOLD LAND FOR SALK. Particulars on application to Henry Munro, Secretary NOKES AND NOKES, AUCTIONEERS A SURVEYORS, 20, IRONMONGER LANE, E.C., and at 67, CALEDONIAN ROAD, N. Firm ! w■ F■ NOKES, F.A.I. i G. A. NOKES, A.A.I. MESSRS. NOTLEY & CO., SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS, 80, CORNHILL, E.C. F- j Richard A. Notley, F.S.I. (P. Dempster Ash. Monthly List of City Property. DRAPERY & OUTFITTING SPECIALIST. AA7TLLIAM POPE and SON, Auctioneers, V > Valuers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, 20, Bury-street, St. Mary Axe. Sales conducted in i own or Country. Thirty years' practical experience in all branches of the Drapery, Outfitting and Furnishing Trade. Assessors for Fire Claims. Large Auction Rooms Special Accountancy Department. Telegraphic Address “Papal, London.” MESSRS. RICHARDSON & BARTON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT& 3, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON. I\/rESSRS. RUTTER, F.A.I., Auctioneers LTJL Agricultural Valuers and Land Agents, 5, New Bridge-street, E.C. List of Farms and Landed Estates post free two stamps. ’ Messrs. BRADSHAW BROWN & CO., BILLITER SQUARE BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEERS, PLANT, MACHINERY AND GENERAL VALUERS. Fire and Compensation Claims arranged. A Register of waterside and manufacturing premises to be let or sold issued free on application. DUNCAN (J. M.) AND KIMPTON, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS OF RAILWAY COMPENSATION AND OTHER CLAIMS, AUCTIONEERS LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, 40 & 42, Queen Victoria-st., Mansion House, E.C., And at 5, Station Parade, Westeliff-on-Sea, Essex. EDRIDGE A JACKSON, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS & TRADE VALUERS 50, KING WILLIAM STREET, London Bridge, E.C. Monthly List of Businesses and Investments gratis on application. Specially retained by the Grocery, Provision, Wine, Spirit, and Allied Trades. MESSRS. ELLIS & SON, At' CTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS,and SURVEYORS TSSUE a MONTHLY LIST of OFFICES J. SHOW ROOMS, SHOPS, CELLARAGE, WAREHOUSES, WHARVES, and Business Premises generally, in the City of London, which may he had on application at the Offices— 45, FENOHURCH STREET, E.C. STEPHEN FORTESCUE & SONS, Auctioneers, Surveyors and General Agents, VULCAN HOUSE, 56, LUDGATE HILL, E.C. RENTS COLLECTED. STIMSON AND SON’S LIST OF PROPERTIES FOE SALE FOE THE PRESENT MONTH Contains 3,000 investments, and can be had free on appli-cation, or by post for Id. stamp. Particulars inserted without charge. It is the recognised medium for selling or purchasing house property by private contract. Messrs. Stimson and Sons. Auctioneers and Surveyors 8, Moorgate-street, Bank, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road' !London, S E. C)T. QUINTIN and SON’S CITY LIST L-׳ Issued Monthly, contains particulars of BANKING and INSURANCE BUILDINGS, Offices, Warehouses, Manufactories, Shops, Waterside Premises IN THE CITY AND METROPOLITAN DISTRICT-also of BUILDING SITES, FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES FOE INVESTMENT.—May be bad on application at their Auction and Estate Agency Offices, 50, Threadneedle-street, Royal Ex-change. Established 1793. MESSRS. TOPLIS AND HARDING, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS, AND VALUERS, 66, CANNON STREET, E.C., Estates managed, Valuations for Probate, Mortgage and Partition. Compensation eases conducted Dilapidations assessed. Sales by Auction or by Private Treaty. W.C. FULLEE AND FULLEE, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS OF RAILWAY COMPENSATION AND OTHER CLAIMS, (Telephone No. 1662), 70, QUEEN STREET, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. (One door from Cannon Street). DAVID L. GOOCH, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND GROUND RENT AGENT, 54, GRESHAM STREET, BANK, E.C. List Published Monthly of Freehold and Leasehold Ground Rents suitable for investment of Trust Money or otherwise. Messrs. ALEXANDER GREEN & CO. (Late Green and Pilditch), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS. ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUERS, COLONIAL HOUSE, 155, FENCHURCH STREET, E.C. Valuations for Mortgage, Compensation, Probate, Rating, Transfer, etc. !surveys for Dilapidations, Sanitation and Repairs. Register of City Offices and Warehouses, also of Country Residences Estates and Investments kept. GEO. HEAD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, Etc., J. Geo. Head, F.S.I. Robt. H. Head, Mem. San. Inst. Addresses— 17, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. ; and 7, UPPER BAKER ! STREET, N.W. Established 1820. W. G. ALCE AND CO., AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS, VALUERS, 69, CHANCERY LANE, W.C., AND AT BEDFORD PARK AND HANWELL. ARTHUR BLACKFORD, SURVEYOR AND AUCTIONEER 61 & 62, CHANCERY LANE, W.C. CITY RENT RECOVERY OFFICE. Established 1826. HEAPS, SON & REEVE (WALTER REEVE), AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, & ESTATE AGENTS, 4, OLD JEWRY, CHEAPSIDE, E.C. Special faeilities for negotiating Mortgages. Estates managed and developed. - . Surveyor, Auctioneer, and A T? ,§•*־’ Land and — /׳Vti . * —-—־־" SO^■ Estate Agent. Valuer of Railway Compensations and other Claims• 48, FINSBURY PAVEMENT, E.C. •־£