817 THE ESTATES GAZETTE May 13, 1899. Adderbury, etc.—Paxton and Holiday, of Banbury, at same, on June 1, Freehold farms and1 accommodation lands Woodcote—Walter Wilson, of Reading, at Wood-cote. on June 1, Freehold cottage Caversham—J. J. Cooper (J. Omer Cooper and Son), of Reading, at same, on June 8, Freehold estate Bloxham—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at Bloxham, on May 17, dwelling houses Banbury and Neithrop—Castle, Son and Booth, of Banbury, at same, on May 23, Freehold dwelling house and building land Rutlandshire. Mablethorpe—B. Simons, of Sutton-on־Sea, at Mable-thorpe, on May 27, dwelling house and building land Middlesex. Uxbridge and Iver—Willis and Crouch, of Uxbridge, at same, on May 25, Freehold building land and cottage Nortolk. Dover—Terson and Son, of Dover, at same, on May 18, Freehold dwelling houses, cottages and gardens Old and New Brompton and Gillingham—Kidwell and Son, of Rochester, at Chatham, on May 16. Freehold properties Thornham—R. Waterman and Sons, of Maidstone, at same, on June 15, Freehold fruit plantation Sandhurst—Winch and׳ Sons, of Cranbrook, at Hawkhurst, on May 27, Freehold properties Sandwich—Worsfold and Hayward, 80, Cannon-street, London, E.C., and Dover, at Sandwich, on June 14, Stonar Estate, F Kennington and Bilsington—A. J. Burrows, of Ashford, at same, on June 6, the Holmlea Estate, and Freehold dwelling houses and about 56 acres of land, and shares Belton, etc.—Frank Berry, of Market Harboro’, at Uppingham, on May 17, farmhouse, pasture land and nursery ground Shropshire. Weston Rhyn (near)—Churton, Elphick and Co., of Chester, at Chirk, on May 19, The Lodge Estate, Shrewsbury—William Hall, Wateridge and Owen, of Shrewsbury, at same, on May 23, Freehold licensed and other property Baschurch—William Hall, Wateridge and Owen, of Shrewsbury, at Baschurch, on May 19, Freehold buiiumg land, comprising about 14 acres Ludlow—William Norton, of Ludlow, at same, on May 17, Freehold business properties Broseley, etc.—Barber and Son, of Wellington, at Broseley, on May 29, Freehold property Worthen—Morris, Marshall and Poole, of Chirbury, at Shrewsbury, on May 30, Freehold property Somersetshire. Bath—Powell and Powell, of Bath, at same, on May 18, Leasehold and Freehold property and gas company stock Wedmore—Bennett, Millard and Lloyd, of Wedmore, at same, on May 30, Freehold dwelling house and 35 acres of pasture and orchard land Taunton—Wm. J. Villar, of Taunton, at same, on May 17, Freehold properties and building land Asliill—Williams and־ Shepperd, of Ottery St. Mary, at Ashill. on May 17, cottage property and land Portishead—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at Portishead, on May 16, Freehold dwelling houses and gardens Portishead—Alonzo Dawes, of Clevedon, at Portishead, on May 17, Freehold cottage property Congresbury—W. H. Shiner and Winter, of Yatton at Congresbury, on May 16, Freehold residential property and Leasehold cottages Curry Rivel—Messrs. Jeffery, of Ilminster, at Curry Rivel, on May 23, Freehold residential property Staffordshire. Audley, etc.—Pooler and Davies, of Newport, Salop, ^uc*ley» on May 15, Freehold property Bubrook Nock and Joseland, of Wolverhampton at same, on May 17, residence, cottages, building and accommodation land West Bromwich, etc.—E. Cox, of West Bromwich, at same, on May 16, Freehold dwelling- houses and business premises Wolverhampton—Thomas Skidmore and Son of Wolverhampton, at same, on May 15, Freehold licensed premises and other property King’s Lynn—Miles and Son, of King’s Lynn, at same, on May 18, Freehold house, shop and cottage property Norwich—Messrs. Spelman, of Norwich, at same, on May 17, dwelling houses and gardens Norwich—Browett and Taylor, 9, Warwick-court, High Holborn, London, W.C., at Norwich, on May 29, Freehold residence Norwich—B. Mealing Mills, of Norwich, at same, on May 19, Freehold dwelling houses, gardens and rent-charges Acle—Samuel Aldred and Son, of Yarmouth, at Acle, on June 1, Freehold licensed and other property Northamptonshire. Castor and Ailsworth—Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at Castor, on May 17, Freehold cottages Nottinghamshire. Nottingham—J. H. Brad well and Son, of Nottingham, at same, on June 14, Freehold licensed and other properties Retford—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at Retford, on May 15, Freehold mill property Nottingham—F. W. Kidd, of Nottingham, at same, on May 16, Freehold and Leasehold shops, dwelling houses and premises Nottii. gham—T. Neale, of Nottingham, at same, on May 30, Freehold and Leasehold properties Nottingham—Walker, Walton and Hanson, of Nottingham, at same, on May 17, Leasehold property Cropwell Bishop, etc.—Walker, Walton and Hanson, of Nottingham, ׳at Bingham, on May 30, Freehold farm Nottingham—J. H. Bradwell and Son, of Nottingham, at same, on June 5, Freehold dwelling house and building land Bramcote and Stapleford—Morris and Place, of Nottingham, at Stapleford, on May 15, Freehold shops, cottages and dwelling houses Newark-upon-Trent—Sheppard and Pink, of Newark, at same, on May 17, Freehold properties Nottingham—Walker, Walton and Hanson, of Nottingham, at same, on June 5, Freehold property Oxfordshire. Caversham-on-Thames—Simmons and Sons, of Reading, at same, on May 16, Freehold residential property Henley-on-Thames—Simmons and Sons, of Henley-on-Thames, at same, on May 25, Freehold residential property and building land Lancashire. Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on May 16, Freehold works and premises Preston—T. Dewhurst and Son, of Preston, at same, on May 15, Freehold licensed premises and residence Poulton-!e-Fylde, etc.—Robert Cross, of Kirkham, at Poulton-le-Fylde, on May 17, Freehold1 properties Pendleton—W. H. Robinson, of Manchester, at same, on May 16, dwelling houses Preston—John Rawcliffe, of Preston, at same, on May 17, dwelling houses Lancaster—G. H. Petty, of Lancaster, at same, on May 25, Freehold dwelling houses and business premises Lancaster—G. H. Petty, of Lancaster, at same, on May 17, The Greaves Estate Manchester—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on May 17, licensed׳ premises and other property St. Anne’s-on-the-Sea—W. H. Hughes and Sons, of St. Anne’s-on-the-Sea, at same, on May 17, dwelling houses Southport—J. Hatch, of Southport, at same, on May 17, Leasehold dwelling houses and licensed premises Liverpool—Branche and Leete, of Liverpool, at same, on May 17, licensed and other property Leicestershire. Leicester—Warner, Sheppard and Wade, of Leicester, at same, on May 16, Freehold property Hallaton and Llaniston—Frank Berry, of Market Harboro’, at Hallaton, on May 17, Freehold pasture land Belgrave, etc.—John King and Son, of Leicester, at same, on May 15, Freehold properties Leicester and Wigston Magna—Arthur Andrew, of Leicester, at same, on May 18, business premises, residence, and building land Lincolnshire. Boston—Messrs. Saul, of Wrangle, at Boston, on May 18, Freehold business and licensed premises Stamford—Messrs. Richardson, of Stamford, at same, on May 16, Freehold properties and shares Whaplode—S. and G. Kingston, of Holbeaeh, at same, on May 18, estates Whaplode—S. and G. Kingston, of Holbeaeh, at Spalding, on May 30, Freehold׳ estate comprising abcut 77 acres Bourne—F. G. Shilcock, of Bourne, at same, on May 18, building land׳ Christchurch (near)—H. A. Wooff, of Christchurch (in conjunction with W. J. Villar, of Taunton), at same, on May 16, the Wick Estate, F Bournemouth—Bone and Pratt, of Bournemouth (in conjunction with L. Ronaldson Church, of Bos-combe), at Bournemouth, on May 16, dwelling houses Winchester and Sparsholt—G. Smith and Son, of Winchester, at same, on May 19, Freehold׳ cottage property Cove—Nash and Son, of Farnham, at Farnborough, on May 26, Freehold property Greatham—Messrs. Mellersh, of Godaiming, at Petersfield, on June 7, Freehold meadow land and cottage property Havant—Wyatt and Son, of Havant, at same, on May 23, Freehold property Landport-^Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on May 29, dwelling houses and business premises Herefordshire. Munsley, Bosbury, etc.—E. Stooke, of Hereford, at same, on May 31, Freehold hop farms Whitcburch-on-Wye—W. R Nicholas and Co., of Reading, at Hereford, on Majr 24, residence Llanwarne—Rootes and Wintle, of Ross, at same, on May 18. Freehold property Kington—C. F. Blakely, of Kington, at same, on May 31, Freehold residential property Hereford—J. Neale Baker, of Hereford, at same, on May 24, Freehold and Copyhold properties Hertfordshire. Tring—W. Brown and! Co., of Tring, at same, on May 15, Freehold residence Chorleywood—W. H. Swannell, of Rickmansworth, on the Chorleywood Station Estate, on May 18, Freehold building land Watford—Gerard D. Morrison, of Reigate, at Watford, on May 16, Freehold residence Kimpton—James Shilcock, of Hitchin, at Kimpton, on May 26, Freehold cottages and shop Isle of Wight. Ventnor—Francis Pittis and Son, of Ventnor, at same, on May 23, residential property Kent. Hytlie—W. and B. Hobbs, of Ashford, at same, on May 16, Freehold estate Cranbrook, Goudhurst, etc.—A Burtenshaw and' Son. of Eastbourne and Hailsham, at Tonbridge, on June 13, farms, cottages and lands Crowborough Cross—C. J. Parris, of Tunbridge Wells, at same, on May 19, Freehold property Folkestone—W. O. Newport, of Folkestone, at same, on May 17, Freehold properties Folkestone—W. O. Newport, of Folkestone, at same, on May 18, Freehold1 and Leasehold properties Marden—Winch and Sons, of Cranbrook, at Maidstone, on May 18, Freehold grain and fruit farm of about 125 acres Herne Bay—A. Prevost and Son, 176, Mile-end-road, E., and1 Southend, at Herne Bay, on May 15, Freehold building land MERRYWEATHERS. “WE DO THE WHOLE THING.״ Bore Wells, Construct Reservoirs, Elevated Water Towers, and Filters. Provide and Fix Pumping Machinery to be driven by Gas, Oil, Wind, Water, Electricity, or other power. Horse, Donkey or Bullock Pump. WATER Experienced Engineers sent to all parts of the Kingdom to report and give advice as to the most suitable scheme to adopt. Write for Illustrated Pamphlet, “Water Supply to Mansions’ Just Published. Windmill Pump, SupDlying Water to Elevated Tank. SUPPLIES. MERRYWEATHERS, 63, Long Acre,W.C. THE “ FINANCIER ” (Established 1870. Enlarged 1897). A BUSINESS PAPER FOR BUSINESS MEN. ONE PENNY. Telegraphic Address: “SHRUNK, LONDON.” Published every morning. Price, unstamped, Id., or £1 6s per annum ; free by post l^d., or £119s. annually Advertisers should address the Manager, at the Offices, 2. ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. LONDON, E.C. THE LAW RELATING TO LANDED ESTATES.— Land, Manor. Farm, Field, Crops, Stock, Labour etc. This work contains a resume of the law upon the most important matters connected1 with the Sale, Purchase and Possession of Landed Property; with an Appendix containing the Customs of the Country and the most important statutes connected with the subject.—By Sidney Wright. M.A., of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. Price 12s. 6d. (for cash 10s. 6d.).—Estates Gazette office. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OlD ESTABLISHED Notice, Sign & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary ixe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. N.B.—Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining good Boards at the shortest notice, and at low prices. WHEN REQUIRING LIVE STOCK COMMUNICATE WITH ALFRED MANSELL & CO. OLD-ESTABLISHED Live Stock Agents, Shrewsbury. Note.—Having UNRIVALLED opportunities for buying to advantage. Breeders and Feeders would CONSULT THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND SAVE MANY POUNDS by placing commissions with the firm. WINTERING CATTLE & FEEDING SHEEP. Hereford, Shorthorn, Polled Angus, and Welsh Bullocks (Pure or Crosses) supplied at LOWEST market rates. SHROPSHIRE and Clun Wethers supplied in truck loads on FAVOURABLE TERMS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Telegrams" Pedigree,” ShreWsBU uy. REVERSIONS & LIFE INTERESTS in Landed or Funded Property or other Securities and Annuities Purchased, or Loans or Annuities thereon granted, by the EQUITABLE BEYERSION ARY INTEREST SOCIETY (Limited), 10, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, Established 1835. Capital, £500,000. interest on Loans may be capitalised. C. H. Clayton, ) Joint F. H. Clayton,} Secretaries. CARSON’S PAINTS. Specially manufactured for all kinds of Outdoor Work on Estates & Residential Property Sent out in Dry Powder, with Oil Mixture Separate. I • Easily Mixed and: Applied. UQUID FAINTS For all Purposes in 40 Colours. Patterns and Prices Free on Application PROPERTIES WITH FISHINGS. WALTER CARSON & SONS, Grove Works, LOMBARD ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON. AND BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. Estate Agents and others who may be interested in the Sale of Properties including salmon, trout and other fishings, should advertise the same in ®Ijt jfisljim} U, Established 1876. Entirely devoted to Angling. The Leading Angling Paper. Address the Proprietors:— SAMPSON, LOW, MARSTON and 00., Limited, St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, London. SPRINGS! WATER! SPRINGS! Those in need of Water should apply to LEICESTER GATAKER, Expert Water Finder, and Waterworks Contractor, WESTON-SUPER-MARE, And BATH. Highest Testimonials on application. Supplies discovered at home and abroad. ESTATE SALES. The best County Medium for advertising Sales of Estates is THE WORCESTER HERALD. Established 1794. The leading County Paper. Extensive circulation among the upper and middle classes in Worcestershire and adjoining counties. Advertisers would do well to forward for reference and distribution plans and particulars of Estates, Catalogues of Machinery, Furniture, Books and other property advertised in the columns of the “ HERALD.” SALES OF STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EFFECTS. The “WORCESTER HERALD” is the most effective organ for giving publicity to announcements of this class. It is the leading agricultural paper in the county, and circulates most extensively among agriculturists in and around Worcestershire. FARMS TO LET. Land agents, estate managers, and all having .cip¿-״do wel1 to advertise in the WORCESTER HERALD,” the leading county paper. Specially adapted for bringing such notices before tenant farmers. Large circulation. Moderate charge. SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED. For producing results the “WORCESTER HERALD” is recognised1 as a specially good medium. Cheap rates. Apply for terms. Specimen Free. Price 2d Published Friday for Saturday.—Offices, 72. High-street, Worcester.