,THE ESTATES GAZETTE 808 Mat 13, 1899. FAREBROTHER, ELLIS, EGERTON, BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO., 29, Fleet-street, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. Holloway—Hollo way *road, FGR of ¿610, reversion in 8^ years ...................... 1,620 Holloway-road, FGR of £5 10s., reversion in Ik years ............................... 710 539, 545 and 547, Hollo way-road', F, R £104 2,190 Holloway-road, FGR’s of £17, reversion m 5 years................................ 1,990 Holloway-road, FGR’s of ¿665, reversion in 5׳ years .............................. 3,300 Wedmore-street, FGR’s of £45, reversions in 5 to 8è years ......................... 1,350 18, Wedmore-street, area 19,100ft., F, R £57 1,700 Wedmore-street, FGR’s of £24, reversion in 8J years ............................. 1,790 Wedmore-street, FGR’s of £44, reversion in 11 years ׳......................8,750 Wedmore-street (The Black Horse B־h), FGR of £31, reversion in 11 years .........* 2,850 Wedmore-street, FGR of £6 6s., reversion in 9 years ................................. 605 5, 11 and 13, Wedmore-street. F, R £63 .. 1,050 7 and 9, Wedmore-street, area 9,600ft., F, E £80 ................................. 1,420 Blackheath—6, 8 and 12, Bennett-park, ut 52 years, GE £45, E £180 ................. 885 C. C. and T. MOORE, 142 and 144, Mile-end-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Mile-end—13, 15 and 27, Sceptre-street, F .. 1,230 South Woodford—3, Derby-villas, F, EE £28 ... 335 Dalston—13, Navarino-road, ut 54 years״ GE £6 17s. 6d., EE £55 ..................... 500 NEWBON, EDWARDS and SHEPHARD, 273, Upper-street, Islington, N. City-road—No. 310, ut 43 years, GE £8, E £50 580 Islington—5, Alien-street, ut 40 years, GE £6, E £30 ............................... 260 Hampstead—Solent-road, FGR of £19 10s., reversion in 88| years ..................... 565 G. PRATT, Railway-approach, Sydenham, S.E. Sydenham—145, Venner-road, F״ E £40........ 510 36 and 38, Coombe-road, F ............. 420 Coombe-road, a Plot of Building Land, F 95 Brockley—204, Brockley-road, ut 74'£ years, GE £4 10s., E £32 ....................... 400 FRIDAY 12th. JONES, LANG and CO., 3. King-street, Cheap-side, 95, Leadenhall-street, E.C., and Lons- dale-chambers. Chancery-lane, W.C. Sydenham—2 and 4, West-terrace, ut 62 years, GB £1 10s................................ 500 R. REID, 51, Great Marlborough-street, W. Soho—16 and17 ׳, Gerrard-street, F, B £260 __ 5,900 2 and 3, Dansey-yard, F, ER £200 ........ 2,870 Hammersmith—13 and 15, Girdler’s-road, ut 661 years, GB £4 .......................... 1,095 A. J. SHEFFIELD, 218, East India Dock-road, Poplar, E., and 35, Eastcheap, E.C. Sudbury—Wembley-park-road, The Woodlands, F, B £30 ................................ 500 Bethnal-green—11 to 15, Tuscan-street, and 11 to 14, Bonwell-street, ut 484 years, GB £60 ... 1,170 Limehouse—17, 19, 21 andj 23, Parnham-street, and 6 •and! 8, Carr-street, ut 131 years, GB £11 11s................................... 420 Bow—31, Merchant-street, ut 64 years, GB £6, EB £40 .................................. 310 C. P. WHITELEY, 82, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. ■Ealing—1, 2 and 3, Blandford-yillas, ut 69 years, GB £15 15s., B £75 ..................... 660 Bayswater—155, I.edbury-road, ut 60 years, GB £10, B £55 .............................. 500 Oanonbury—36, Alwyne-road, ut 46 years, GB £10, B £52 10s............................ 450 4 and 5, Alwyne-place, ut 46 years, GB £20, B £130 ................................. 1,300 85 ■and 87, Marciuess-road, ut 47 years, GB nil, R £120 ........................ 1,415 By Order of the Uommitted. Not sold under the Hammer. MAY. MONDAY 8th- BRODIE, TIMBS and CO., Weavers’ Hall, 22, Basinghall-street, E.C.. Hampstead and Highgate. Highgate—7. Wood-lane; 6, North-grove, L JONES, SON and DAY, 586, Commercial-road, Stepney, E. East Ham—Oreighton-avenue, a Plot of Building Hand, F Bowes-park—Goring-road, Three Plots of Building Land, F MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 40, Rossly -hill, Hampstead. Hampstead—8, 15 and 17, Hampstead’-hill-gardens, L NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS and PAGE, Kingston-on-Thames and Weybridge■ Kingston-hill, Surrey—15, 17, 21 and 23, Gloucester-road; also Mountiield and Combe Lea, L ROBSON and PERRIN, Station-road, Finsbury-park, and Stroud-green-stations, N. Oaledonian-road—2 and 4, Brewery-road, L Finsbury-park—11, Perth-road, ׳L FRANK SWAIN, 170, High-street, Notting-hill-gate, W. Kensington—31, Holland-park-gardens, F GREEN and SON, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C. Isleworth—The Spring Grove Estate, 124 acres, F HUMBERT and FLINT, 11, Serle-street, W.C. and Watford, Herts. Shelley, Essex—Two Enclosure¿ of Land, 9a. 2r. 28p.. F H. DONALDSON and SON, 58, Mildmay-park, N., and 242, Queen’s-road, N.E• Hackney—4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, Andrew's-road TUESDAY 9th. BROAD and WILTSHIRE, 7, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. Brentwood, Essex—5, 6, 7 and 8, Victoria-road, L Bow—64, Tredegar-road, area half an acre, F Surbiton, Surrey—11, Claremont-road, F BRADSHAW BROWN and CO., Billiter-square-buildings, E.C., and Millwall, E. Highbury—31, Lncerne-road, L Millwall—26, 28 and 30, Strafford'-street, L; 2, 4, 6 8. 12 and 14, Janet-street, L COCKETT and HENDERSON, 72, Bishopsgate-street Within, E.C., and at Woodford. Rayleigh, Essex—Fairview, and 21 acres, F Banstead—1, Westfield-villas, F W. HOUGHTON, 58, Old Broad-street, E.C and at Walthamstow. Walthamstow—98 to 104 (even), St. Andrew's-road, L WEDNESDAY 10th FULLER, MOON and FULLER (at Croydon). Croydon—Johnson-road, 20 Plots of Building Land, F ................................ 976 Mitcham—1, la, 2, and 3, Tramway-terrace, ut 81 years, GE £6 10s..................... 380 Croydon Gas—£175 Consolidated “ A ” Stock 605 32 £10 Shares, £6 paid (Carshalton capital) 492 Mitcham and Wimbledon Gas—24 £10 Shares, £7 paid ............................... 441 1,210 720 500 MESSRS. KEMSLEY (at Buckhurst-hill). Buckhurst-hill—High-road, Park House, andi la. Or. 16p., F, E £60 ................. High-road, Two Plots of Building Land, F Eppmg New-road, etc., Six Plots of Building Land, F .................................. N. EASTON and SON (at Hull). New Holland, Lines—Freehold׳ Brick and Tile Works, 21a. Ir. 28p., with Machinery, Plant, etc............................. 3,650 W. WESTON (at Harrow-road). Kilburn—29, Oxford-road, ut 594 years, GB £11, B £50 ................................... 480 17, 19, 23 and) 25, Percy-road, ut 65 years, GB £40, R £144 ........................ 1,320 G, TINKER and SON (at Holmfirth). Anstonley, Yorks—A Freehold! House, and 2a. Or. 27p.................................. 130 Cartworth, Yorks—Five Enclosures of Land, 23a. Or. 13p., F........................ 690 Upperthong, Yorks—A Freehold! Allotment, 10a. Or. 30p.................................. 300 Two Freehold! Houses and Eight Cottages 1,286 Three Closes of Land, 5a. lr. 17p., F .... 220 Ohild-o’-th’-Edge Farm, 20a. lr. lip., F .. 410 Netherthong, Yorks—A Freehold Allotment, 2a. Or. 7p.................................. 74 BUTLER and HORDER, 9, Station-road, Finsbury-park, N. Tottenham—la and 5a, Woodlands-park-road, F, B £70 .............................. 940 ROBSON and CO., Finsbury-park Hall, Finsbury-park Station, and Barnet. Stroud-green—36, Lorne-road, ut 79 years, GB £7, EE £42 .............................. 430 WAGSTAFF and SONS, Highbury-corner, N. Islington—84, St. Peter's-street, P, R £65 .. 1,040 Highbury—42 and 44, Battledean-road, ut 94 years, GB £16 16s., B £84 .............. 790 Holloway—99, 301 and 103, Hornsey-road, ut 394 years, GB £18 18s., B £130 10s.......... 875 T. B. WESTACOTT, 74, Camden-road, N.W, Canning Town—4 to 20 (even), Boscoe-street, ut 51 years, GE £10 2s. 6d................. 810 Hornsey—9, Bffingham-road, F, E £28 ........ 440 MESSRS. WOODS, 13, Newgate-street, E.C. Cubitt Town—21 and22 ׳, St ration dale-street, ut 42i years, GB £10.................... 215 ROBINS, SNELL and GO., 22, Conduit-street, Bond-street, W״ and Marlborough-mansions, 95, Yictoria-street, W. Westminster—77 to 103 (odd), Victoria-street (Marlborough Mansions), nt 854 years, GE. £2,500, EB £8,448 .................... 15,000 A. SAYILL and SON, 39, New Broad-street, E.C. Woodford-green, Essex—Snake’s-lane, Bosebrae, and three-quarters of an acre, nt 804 years, GB £16, E £120 ....................... 1,510 DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., 51, Goleman-street, E.C., 213, Clapham-road, S.W., and Ilford. Ilford—Balfour-road, FGB of £37 16s., reversion in 97 years ..................... l.ooo Morland-road, EGB of £14, reversion in 97 years ................................... 370 Walthamstow—1, Fraser-road, F, EB £32 . . 465 Stepney—9, Bromley-street, nt 194 years, GB £3, R £36 .............................. 265 Croydon—69 and 71, Canterbury-road, ut 98 years, GB £10, E £67 12s................ 930 Harrogate Gas—£400 Five per Cent. Debenture Stock ................................. 64o THURSDAY Uth. LONG and FARLOW (at Gipsy-hill). Norwood—109, Belevedere-road, ut 219 years, GB £9, EB £50 ............................ 300 1 to 4, 6 and 7, Crown-villas, ut 70 years, GE £27 ................................... 840 Dulwich—25, Oroxted-road, ut 45 years, GB £5 5s., EB £45 ........................... 325 G. GOULDSMITH, SON and CO., 2, Pont-street, Belgravia, S.W. South Kensington—39, Lennox-gardens, and 45, Clabon-mews, nt 744 years, GB £20 ....... 9,750 MARK LIELL and SON, 94, Bow-road, 42, High-street, East Ham, E., and 11, London-street, Fenchurch-street, E.C. Ilford—Bessborough-road, FGE’s of £66 10s., reversion in 984 years ................... 1,646 Barking, Essex—39, The Broadway, with Slaughter House, etc., F, B £60 .............. 1,245 Bow—119, Malmesbury-road. ut 47 years, GB £4, B £28 .................................... 305 J. W. NEIGHBOUR, 93, Old-street, E.C. Oanonbury—29, St. Paul’s-road, ut 47 years, GB £7, EB £55 ........................... 480 HARDS and BRADLY, 158, Fenchurch-street, E.C., and 82, Church-street, Greenwich, S.E Norwood—45 and 47, Percy-road, ut 78 years, GB £7 .................................... 160 2, Sldney-road, ut 78 years, GB £3 10s.... 210 H. J. BLISS and SONS, 106, Cheapside, E.C., and 164, Bethnal-green-road, E. Victoria-park—18, Approach-road, nt 54 years, GB £6, EB £40 ........................... 400 Bethnal-green—43, 45 and 47, Patriot-square, and LGR of £3, ut 584 years, GB £11..... 855 44 and 46, Old Ford-road, nt 21 years, GB £6 40 Hackney—68, 70 and 72, Minerva-street, ut 6 years, GB nil ........................... 175 Harringay—83 to 95 (odd), Beresford-road, ut 97 years, GB £45 10s., B £236 .......... 2,355 STIMSON and SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Balls Pond—Balls Pond-road, FGB’s of £49 10s., reversion in 52 years................... 1,710 Balls Pond-road, The Marquis of Salisbury P-h, FGB of £30, reversion in 52 years 1,560 Balls Pond-road, FGB’s of £44 10s., reversion in 52 years ........................ 1,555 Stanley-road, FGB’s of £232 5s., reversion in 52 years ............................ 7,245 Canterbury-road, FGB’s of £232 10s., reversion in 52 years.................... 7,120 Kingsb^ry-road, FGB’s of £128, reversion in 52 years ........................... 4,020 Canterbury-terrace, FGB of £3, reversion in 52 years ............................... 95 Hackney—Ui'swick-road, FGB of £15, reversion in 294 years ............................. 640 ITrswick-rcad, FGB of £15, reversion in 50 years .................................... 600 Sntton-place, FGB of £18 18s., reversion in 294 years .............................. 740 Sutton-place, FGE of £21 10s., reversion in 294 years ............................ 1,350 17, 18: 20 and 21, Sutton-place, F, B £156 2,820 Homerton—18, Brooksby’s-walk, O .......... 1,200 ROBSON and PERRIN, Station-road, Finsbury- park, and Stroud-green-stations, N. Kilburn—158, Glengall-road, nt 89 years, GB £6 330 Kensal-gresa—18, Bavensworth-road, ut 85 years, GB £5 ........................... 270 Harlesden—35, Burns-road, ut 91 years, GB £5 10s., B £30 ......................... 335 Kill urn—29, Kingsley-road, nt 864 years, GB £6, E £32 ................................... 305 Finsbury-park—3, 5, 7 and 9, Perth-road, ut 68 years, GB £25 4s.................. .... 1.300 NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS and PAGE, Kings- ton-on-Thames and Weybridge. Malden, Surrey—Chesnut-grove, Devonshire House, F .............................. 1,430 Byfleet, Surrey—Chertsey-road, The Ferns, and la, lr. 29p., F ....................... 1,500 Kingston-hill, Surrey—3, 13 and 19, Gloucester- road, at 68 years, GB £20, B £155 ...... 1,500 GREEN and SON, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C. Hackney—27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Church-crescent, ut 34 years, GB £9 .................... 1,035 Wanstead—Cambridge-road, Cromer Lodge, F 1,780 HUMBERT and FLINT, 11, Serle-street, W.C., and Watford, Herts. Bloomsbury—10, Great St. Andrew’s-street, area 1,040ft., F ............................ 1310. Shelley, Essex—The Shelley Hall Estate, with Cottages, area 222 aeres, F ............ 6,805 H. DONALDSON and SON, 58,Mildmay-park, N.. and 242, Queen’s-road, N.E. Hackney—28 and 29, Warburton-road, ut 47 years, GB £5 ............................. 265 25 and 27, Holcroft-road, nt 27 years, GE £6 255 34 to 60 (even), Ash-grove, ut 68 years, GB £91 4s.................................. 3,575 45 and 47, Ash-groye, ut 27 years, GB. £8 ... 410 6. Andrew’s-road, ut 27 years, GB £8 ..... 385 112 to 120 (even), Mare-street, 1, Tudor-road, and 3 to 9 (odd), Tryon’s-court, ut 34 years, GB £75............................. 170 1 to 17, Ion-square, ut 36 years, GB £100 . 2,830 TUESDAY 9th. HENRY HENDRIKS (at Birmingham). Handsworth, Staffs—31, Villa-road, ut 47 years, GB £8 7s. 6d., B £38 .................... 500 3 and 5, Salisbury-road, ut 79 years, GB 435, B £52 .................................... 745 Birmingham—1, Oozells-street, nt 344 yearn,'■GE £8 17s. 6d., B £30 ..................... 200 62 and 63, Broad'-street, and 2, Cumber] ami-street, ut 341 years, GB £13 10s., B £140 6s. 1,360 232, 234 and 235, Broad'-street, with the Granville Bar B-li, also 6 to 12 (even), Granville-street, and IGB of £10 4s., ut 34! and oil years, GB £26 17s. 6d................... 3,760 Sparkhill, Worcester — Greswolde-road, Five Freehold Houses ...................... . 785 Northfield. Worcester—Maas-road, Two Freehold Building Plots .......................... 199 ALFRED RICHARDS (at Tottenham). Tottenham—White Hart-lane, 18 Plots of Building Land, F .................................. 963 JENKINS and SONS (at New Gross). Deptford—2 to 40 (even), Berthon-street, ut 754 years, GB £90.......................... 3,610 34 to 68 (even), Milton-court-road, ut 484 years, GB £72 ......................... 3,800 BROAD and WILTSHIRE, 7, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. Maida-vale—2. Clifton-gardens, ut 494 years, ■GE £20, EB £90 ......................... 610 Brentwood—9 to 12, Viotoria-road, ut 804 years, GE £12 .......................... ......i 630 BRADSHAW BROWN and CO., Bllliter-square-buildings, E.C., and Millwall, E. Millwall—Chevall-street, a Range of Stabling, ut 284 years, GB £1 7s. 6d.............. 160 Barnsbury—89, Westbourne-road, nt 604 years, GB £7 10s., B £42 ....................... 380 P. H. CLARKE, 2, Laneaster-place, Strand, W.C. Strand—5, Exeter-street, ut 13 years, GE £16 400 Kennington—98 and 100, Kennington-road, and 39, Eichmond-street, ut 19 years, GB £15 ... 500 Battersea—28, Lindore-road, ut 226 years, GB £6 6s., B £28 .......................... 440 Pimlico—6, Denbigh-place, ut 28 years, GB £9, ׳EB £65 .................................. 540 Camberwell—19, Br omar-road, ut 77 years, GB £6 10s................................... 310 COCKETT and HENDERSON, 72, Bishopsgate-street Within, E.C., and at Woodford. Peckliam—64, 66 and 68, Azenby-square, ut 68 years, GE £13 10s........................ 690 G. HEAD and CO., 7, Upper Baker-street, N.W., and 17, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C. Westbourne-park—1, Lancaster-road, ut 64i years, GE £10, EB £60 ................... 450 28 and 29, St. Luke’s-mews, ut 644 years, GB £5 ................................... 485 St. John’s Wood—19, Belgrave-road, ut 51 years, GB £10 10s., B £40 ...................... 410 W. HOUGHTON, 58, Old Broad-street, E.C., and at Walthamstow. Woodford—22, 23 and 24, Chase-road, ut 71 years, GB £7 10s......................... 370 East Molesey, Surrey—Manor-road, Cromwell Cottage, ut 67 years, GE £5 13s. 9d..... 270 Walthamstow—90, St. Andrew’s-road, ut 61 years, GB £3 3s., B £39 ................ 320 Kentish Town—81, Chetwynd-road, F, B £36 ... 655 OSBORN and MERCER, 28b, Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, W. Stoke Poges, Bucks—Carton Tower, and four acres, F ............................... 4.225 ROGERS, CHAPMAN and THOMAS, 50, Bel-gra,Ye-road, and 78, Gloucester-road, S.W. Belgravia—15, Wilton-crescent, and 28, Kinner- ton-street, ut 25 years, GB £31, B £320 ... 3,350 H. DONALDSON and SON, 58, Mildmay-park, N., and 212, Queen’s-road, N.E. Hackney—79 to 99 (odd), Sheep-lane, nt 68 years, GB nil .......................... 1,400 1 to 6, Elm-terrace, ut 27 years, GB £45 ... 1,100 14 to 17, Urban-place, nt 37 years, GB £14 10s. ................................ 620 Clerkenwell—8. Coldbath-square, P, B £48 ..... 660 Homerton—120, 120a, and 120b, High-street, F, .B £86 ................................. 1,130 Fortis-green—Eastern-road, Clifton Villa, and Shanklin Villa, ut 81 years, GB £8 10s., B £74 ................................... 845 1 to 4, Lansdowne-villas, ut 79 years, GB £18 16s., B £116 ...................... 1,015 WATERER and SONS, Chertsey and Weybridge. London Joint Stock Bank—Five £100 Shares. £15 paid' ............................. 180 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Fulham—Hngon-road, FGB of £20, reversion in 794 years ............................... 520 Breer-street, FGB of £24, reversion in 794 years .................................... 64o Wandsworth-bridge-road, 27 Plots of Building Land, F......................... 4,395 Breer-street, 12 Plots of Building Land, F 1,245 DYER, SON and HILTON, 30, Budge-row. E.C., and Blackheath (at the Royal Bell Hotel, Bromley. Kent, at 7 o’clock). West Chislehurst—60 Plots of Freehold Building Land on the West Chislehurst Park Estate HOOKER and WEBB, i, High-street, Croydon (at the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 6 o’clock). Croydon—94, Church-road, B £45, E; 1 to 6, Marl-borough-road, B £252, F; Stabling and Yard, in Duppas'-lliii-lane, ut 65 years, GB £20, B £72 10s.; Freehold Building Land, frontages to the north side of St. ■ Augustine’s-avenue; a FGB of £42, secured upon 13, High-street, and 15 to 18, Park-street; FGB’s, amounting to £4l per annum, secured on 1 to 6, and 19 to 22, Park-sVeet, and 16, Park-lane; and 10, 12 and 14, Park-lane Kenley—Two Plots of Freehold Building Land in Little Roke-avenue Caterham—FGB of £18 per annum, secured upon the block of seven cottages situate at Holliday’s Bottom FRIDAY 19th At TWO o’clock. COOPER and GOULDING, 41, Moorgate street, E.C. Stoke Newington—29, Mildmay-park, F, EE £55 Chancery*lane—17, Took’s-court, ut 98 years, GB £65, EB £300 E. WOOD, 4, Ludgate-hill, E.C. Leyton—1, Thornton-road, nt 97 years, GE £4 10s., E £24 Paddington—133, Herries-street, nt 84 vears, GB £7 10s., B £39 Herne-hill—129, Baiiton-road, ut 70 years, GB £9, B £42 Anerley—4, Weighton-road, ut 66 years, GE £15, R £o0 Forest-hill—13, Wood-vale, ut 61 years, GE £8, R £50 Merton—Baynes-park-road, Randall Lodge, ut 96 years, GB £10, B £45 Putney—6, Oxford-road, ut 78 years, GE £9, E £50 Old Kent-road—9 to 15, Devonshire-street, ut 104 years, GB £17 10s., B £148 4s. New Cross—27, 29 , 31 and 33, Baildon-street, ut 27 years, GE £18, B £80 13s. 6d. T, WRIGHT, Kent House, Beckenham, and Beckenham-road, Penge, S.E. Anerley—1, Maple-road, ut 41 years, GE. £12, EE £80 t.A Älci/Ihnrn-elrnM• ROBINS, GORE and MERCER, 205, Wardour-street, W. Homerton—Daubeney-road, a Plot of Freehold Land Bournemouth—8, Albert-road, F Ilford—13, Northbrook-road, ut 993 years; 12, West-bury-road, tat 993 years E. and S. SMITH, 54, Amwell street, Penton-ville, E.C. Crouch-end—31, Cecile-park, nt 84 years, GB £9 1Muswell-hill—Sydney-road, etc„ Plots of Building Land, F RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at the! Mart, London, except where otherwise stated._ MAY. WEDNESDAY 3rd■ LANCASTER and SON (at Barnsley). Thurgoland, Yorks—Highfield Farm, 78a. 3r. 38p., F ............................. 2,700 A Freehold House, also Four Closes, 6a. 2r. 7p.................................. 426 Crane Moor, Yorks—Highfold Farm, 13a. Or. 18p., F .............................. 720 A. C. HIGGS (at Dorchester). Buckland Newton, Dorset—The Plush Manor Estate, 911a. 2r. 29p., F ............ 8,300 THURSDAY 4th- BLAKE and CARPENTER (at Croydon). Beddington, Surey—A Freehold Building Estate, 36a, 2r. 3Sp.................... 4.700 MILLER and ABBOTTS (at Banbury). Shutford, Oxon—A Freehold Estate, 93a. Or. 31p. 1,900 Range of Farm Buildings, and Two Enclosures, 5a. lr. 26p., F............ 161 Epwell, Oxon—A Freehold Estate, 50a. 2r. 38p. 1,450 4,500 1,950 .SATURDAY 6th. BOURNE and SON (at Totnes). Diptford, Devon—Farleigh Farm, 193a. 2r. 27p., F ......... Cleave Farm, 101a. 3r. l'5p., F . MONDAY 8th. NORMAN and SON (at Stratford). Stratford—32 and 47, Cullum-street, ut 774 years, GE £10 10s................................ 235 West Ham—West Ham-lane, a Freehold Bui№ ing Site ................................. 310 Canning Town—103 and 105, Malmesbury-road, F ........................................ 640 83, Liverpool-road, F, R £40 .............. 590 40, Ordnance-road, F, B £30 ............... 450 Ascot-street, a Plot of Building Land, F... 140 Victoria Docks—18 to 26 (even), Lansdowne-road, ut 784 years, GB £15 ..................... 755 Upton Manor—43, Terrace-road, F, EB £42 ...... 570 BRODIE, TIMBS and CO., Weaver’s Hall, 22, Basinghall-street, EC., Hampstead ’and Highgate. Brixton—11 and 13, Overton-road, nt 63 years, <3rR £21, R £90 ....................... 835 33, Wiltshire-road, ut 63 years, GR £13, R £55 440 JONES, SON and DAY, 586, Commercial-road, Stepney, E. Plaistow—24, Beaconsfield'-road, F, ER £30 . 240 East Ham—^Oreighton-avenue, a Corner House and Shop, F, ER £40 ................... 280 Barking-road, Five Building Plots, F ... 730 ivatharine-road, Two Building Plots, F . 130 MIDDLETON and CRACKNELL, 50, Rosslyn hill. Hampstead. Hampstead—6, Hampstead-hill-gardens, nt 85 years, GE £22 10s., B. £180 ........... 2,200 ALFRED RICHARDS, 18, Finsbury-eircus, E.C. and Tottenham. N. Lowestoft Water and1 Gas—£5,200 Four per Cent. Debenture Stock ...................... 6,341 132 Additional Ordinary Shares of £10 . 1,944 Eastbourne Gas—51 £10 “ B ” Shares ......... 1,354 Enfield Gas — £3,500 Consolidated׳ Ordinary Stock................................. 3,775 £13 Consolidated Preference Stock ........ 17 Southend Water—500 £10 Shares ............. 7,795