805 THE ESTATES GAZETTE Mat 13, 1899. £2,725, to Messrs. Watts, Ward and Anthony ; and the Whitchurch Inn, Whitchurch, held for a term of 14 years from Michaelmas, 1889, and let at £28, for £290. The solicitors for the vendors ־were Messrs. Pinsent ■and Co., Birmingham. NORFOLK. Messrs. Maddison, Miles and Maddison, of Yarmouth, sold recently by auction ten freehold residences, Nos. 12 to 19, 29 and 31, Princes-road, Yarmouth, subject to payments of £40 2s. per annum, and producing a yearly rental of £435, for £9,470. On the 5th instant Mr. S. Mealing Mills sold by auction, at the Boyal Hotel, Norwich, the following lots of local properties:—Freehold grocer’s comer shop and residence, No. 87, Prince of Wales-road, let at a rental of £50, for £1,170 ; freehold smal residence, No. 85, Prince of Wales-road, rental £19, for £570 ; freehold small residence, No. 83, Prince of Wales-road, ■let at £19 10s.., for £535 ; freehold corner ®hop and residence, now used as a commercial, boarding house and café, No. 6, East-bourne-place, Prince ■of Wales-road, rental £21, for £470 ; freehold small residence, No. 5, East-bourne-plaoe, Prince of Wales-road, let at a rental of £20, for £415 ; No. 4, Eastbourne-place, Prince of Wales-road, for £410 ; No. 80, Bose-lane, let at a rental of £18, for £325 ; No. 78, Bose-lane, let at a rental of £17, for £310 ; freehold shop and dwelling house known as Norgate’s Temperance Hotel, No. 27, the Cattle Market, let at £20, for £360 ; freehold shop and dwelling house, No. 28, the Cattle Market, let at £20, for £355 ; the freehold premises known as the Market Cafe, fronting the Upper Market, rental £30, for £1,040 ; dwelling house, No. 146, Waterloo-road, gross rental £10, for £75 ; dwelling house and gardens, No. 148, Waterloo-road, let at a gross rental of £10, for £62 10s. ; dwelling ■house and gardens, No. 150, Waterloo-road, let at a gross rental of £10, for £55 ; dwelling house and gardens, No. 152, Waterloo-road, let at a gross rental of £10, for £57 10s. ; and dwelling house and gardens, No. 154, Waterloo-road, rental £11, for £65. The vendors’ solicitor was Mr. Herbert Goodchild. LANCASHIRE. At the Saddle Hotel, Bradshaw-gate, Bolton, on the 27th ultimo, Messrs. John Thornby and Son sold the fully-licensed freehold public-house and premises, known as the Saddle Inn, Bradshaw-gate, Bolton, for £9,000; and sixteen dwelling houses, numbered 10 to 31, Major-street, Astley-bridge, term 980 years, ground rent £1 10s. each house, for £970. The solicitors were Messrs. B. and F. H. Taylor, Bolton. WORCESTERSHIRE. At their Mart, Worcester, on May 9, Messrs. F. Everill and Co., sold by auction the old-established fully-licensed premises, known as Mountford’s Bestaurant, No. 88, High-street, Worcester, for £5,850; the freehold shop, No. 78, High-street, for £2,500 ; and the freehold shop, No. 80, High-street, for £2,000. There was a crowded attendance, including representatives from the leading catering firms in the Midlands. The solicitors concerned were Mr. W. W. A. Tree, and Messrs. Hughes and Brown, of Worcester. YORKSHIRE. Messrs. Hepper and Sons sold, at Leeds recently, the Bardon Hill Estate, at Weetwood, comprising a little over seven acres, for £9,500. W. Arnold, of Eastbourne. NOTICE. We regret that owing to the pressure of important late matter and advertisements we are compelled to hold over several reports of provincial property sales, and other matter. ^nrnmarg of Contents. AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS ACT (p. 8U).-Appeal against an ■award. AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE (p. 797).—Annual meeting and dinner. BRIC-A-BRAO (p. 814). CITY TOPICS (p. 812). CLAIM AGAINST THE ADMIRALTY ip. 810). COMPENSATION CASES (p. 790). ESTATE BUILDINGS (p. 792).—A further excerpt from the new edition of “Land Agency” is given. FAMOUS CARLISLE HOTEL (p. 792).—Description of an historic old house to he offered! to ■auction by Messrs. R. Dalton and Son, of Carlisle. FARM AND FIELD (p. 810). FARM ACCOUNTS (p. 793).—■Summary of a paper read before the Bedford! Chamber of Agriculture by Mr. A. M. Brown, B.A., land1 agent. FORESTRY (p. 796). FURNITURE OLD AND NEW (p. 813). GOOD ■MEADOWS AND PASTURES (p. 813). LEGAL PROCEEDINGS (p. 794). LEGAL TOPICS (p. 810). LICENSED PROPERTY NOTES (p. 792). LONDON IMPROVEMENTS (p. 813). MEMS. FROM THE MART (p. 811). NOTES BY THE WAY (p. 796). ORGILL, THE LATE MR. j. A. (Portrait) (p. 794) PRIVATE TREATY SALES (p. 809). PROPERTIES IN THE MARKET (p. 813). PROVINCIAL PROPERTY SALES