May '13, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 804 INSURE YOUR GLASS. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 66, Ludgate Hill, London. ESTABLISHED 1891. Capital, £90,000. Invested Funds £10,000. Applications for Agency invited from House Agents or others in a position to influence busi ness. Liberal Commission allowed. All information on application to J. H. Brown, Secretary. Please mention thi« Pane*־ SURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINATIONS. The Thirteenth Annual Courses of Lectures. C־ _ Fellowship, Special Sanitary Soienoe and Preliminary Examinations can obtain SYLLABUSES with list of prize winners, 22 out of the 36 which have been given since 1888 (including all the Fellowship prizes and gold medals yet given). Particulars as to the very successful results at the last and previous Examinations and terms on application to the Secretary, Surveyors’ Leotures, 2, Pall Mall East, Charing Cross, S.W.__________________________________ LEGAL AND GENERAL .Life Assurance Society. Established 1836. Funds ..............£3,000,000 Income.................... £373,000 Yearly Business..........£1,000,000 THE PEEFECTED SYSTEM of Life Assurance is peculiar to this Society and embraces every modern advantage. PERFECTED MAXIMUM POLICIES. The rates for these Whole Life Policies are very moderate. Age Piemium Age Premium Age Premium 20..£1 7 8 °/0 30. £1 16 °/6 40. ״/0 10 £2 £1,000 Policy with Bonuses According to last results. Valuation p.c.:—Hm, Table of Mortality, 4U yrs £ 2,065 10 yrs. 2U yrs. 30 yrs. £ £ £ 1,199 1,438 1,724 Duration Amount of Policy Next Bonus as at 31st December, 1901. Offices : 10, Fleet St., London. (Il}£ ®stata ®a$üU A JOURNAL Devoted to Land, House Property and Agriculture. The Oldest Paper Published in the Landed Interests. LONDON, MAY 13, 1899. TWO INTERESTING FUNCTIONS. This week has witnessed two remarkably pleasant functions, the one being the annual dinner of the Surveyors’ Institution, and the other being a similar gathering in connection with the Auctioneers’ Institute. The former was this year even more than usually brilliant, as befits the eminence of the Institution’s removal into the new building. In addition to a very large gathering of Fellows and Associates, there were many distinguished guests, first among them being the Speakeb of the House of Commons. In the circumstances it would have been impossible that the speeches should have been other than of a complacent order. The Institution has, indeed, everything upon which to congratulate itself. From very small beginnings it has grown up to an exceedingly vigorous maturity, and has in a generation reached a position which most professional societies attain only after a very long and arduous probation. Mr. Vigers, the President, was fully justified in everything that he said on this topic in replying to the toast of the evening. An increase in membership from 200 to 8,000, and the migration from premises, which, although not exactly small, were utterly inadequate to the growing needs of the Institution—these are great things to have accomplished in a relatively short life. And the satisfaction which the members must feel is necessarily increased Jiatt££3. MR GEORGE F. HARRINGTON, F.S.I., late senior partner in the firm of Inman Sharp, Harrington and Roberts, of 16. Ab-church-lane, Oity, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved by mutual consent, still continues to carrj^ on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor, in his own name at the same address. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58, CHANCERY -LANE, LONDON, W.C. President:—EDWARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained: — (a) Under the Practice Qualification; (b) By Examination. THE EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Final) are held annually. EVENING MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lectures, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession, are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may b9 obtained upon application to— CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. THE GENERAL LAND DRAINAGE AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1849. Directors— Charles G. Bolam, Esq.. Chairman. E. P. Monckton, Esq., M.P. | The Hon. Cecil T. Parker Surveyor, Mr. George North. This Company Advances Monev for all purposes of Agricultural improvement, including the Erection of Labourers’ Cottages and Farm Buildings, Reclamation of Waste Land, Construction of Reservoirs, or other Works of a permanent.,character for the supply of water to farms, villages, &c or, if preferred, executes Improvements for Landowners by its own staff. The outlay and attendant expenses may be charged upon the estate for a period of thirty-one years OR LESS IF DESIRED. No investigation of title necessary, no legal expenses incurred, and no notice required to be given either by advertisement or otherwise. Offices of the Company : Palace chambers, 9, Bridge-street, Westminster, London, S.W. R. E. HEBBLETHWAITE, Secretary. Founded 1807. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE־ 50, Regent Street,®. AND 14, Comhill, E.C., London. The . Premium Income of this Office is derive¿ from Home business only, no foreign risks being undertaken. The Return System which has been adopted by this Office since its foundation offers an exceptional advantage The Rates of Premium are the same as those charged by other leading Companies. , Applications for Agencies invited. Joint JG. W. STEVENS. Secretaries 1B. B. RATLIFFB. NATIVE GUANO Best and Cheapest Manure for Farm and Garden, £3 10s. PER TON IN BAGS, 2-Ton Lots, Carriage Paid 100 Miles. A Sample Bag, 1 cwt., Carriage Paid (England) for 5s. Testimonials and all Particulars on Application NATIVE GUANO CO, LTD, 29, New Bridge Street, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS WANTED THE Shipwrecked Fishermea k Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society (Short Title, ‘ The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society’), With nearly 1,000 Agencies, annually relieves over 10,000 persons. INSTITUTED 1839. The rescued sailor, fisherman, &c., is instantly cared for on the spot and sent home. The widow, orphan, &c.. of the drowned immediately sought out and succoured. The distressed seafarer of every grade at once charitably assisted. Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Secretary—GERALD E. MAUDE, Esq., 26, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall S.W LOANS. MR. ALFRED RAPHAEL, 5, Whittington-avenue, Leadenhall-street, London, E C., has FUNDS for INVESTMENTS On LOANS upon LANDED ESTATES, FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or LICENSED PROPERTIES, GROUND RENTS, RATES, REVERSIONS, and LIFE INTERESTS, FOR A PERMANENCY AND ON FAVOURABLE TERMS Amounts not under £5,000 ■preferred. Sales tg Auction. Dates of Sales for 1899. IX/TESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD i-LL announce for the convenience of their employers that their SALES by AUCTION of LANDED and HOUSE PROPERTY, Ground and Improved Rents, Reversions, Policies of Assurance, Shares, and other Securities will take place during the year i899, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England, on the following Wednesdays in each, month: — May 17 May 24 May 31 June 7 The prices realised! at these auctions are not included in the official reports, such quotations being often prejudicial, and never beneficial, to the only parties concerned—buyer and seller. No. 99, Gresham-street, Bank, London. E.C. Telegrams, “ Fox, Bousfield, Londor Telephone No. 118 Bank. June 14 July 19 Oct. 11 Nov. 15 June 21 July 26 Oct. 18 Nov. 22 June 28 Aug. 2 Oct. 25 Nov .29 July 12 July 5 Nov. 1 Dec. 6 Sept. 20 Nov. 8 Dec. 13 Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. A/TESSRS. JONES, LANG and CO. beg to 1VJL state that their Sales of ESTATES, Town and Country Residences, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, Building Land, and other Properties, will be held at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, City, in EACH MONTH of 1899 Particulars of properties intended for disposal should be sent at least three weeks previous to date of sale. Messrs. JONES, LANG and! GO. also undertake sales of household) furniture, farming stock, and general personal effects in town or country. Messrs. JONES. LANG and CO.’s printed Tabulated List of warehouses, offices, and general business premises to be Let or Sold, in the City of London and neighbourhood, can be had free on application. Auction, Survey and Estate Offices, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Branch Offices, 95, Leaden-hall-street, E.C., and1 Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. Tel. Add.—“ Wonderment, London.” TO TRUSTEES & INVESTORS. The Principal and Interest of Money Lent on Mortgage can be insured with THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LTD. The Paid-up Capital of the Corporation, founded in 1871, is £132,1 - •eserves at December 31,1897, amounted to £327,477. Write for Prospectus to RICHARD J. PAULL, General Manager and Secretary, 40 to 44, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. NORTHERN ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Established 1882. £100,000. £44,000. £45,612. Capital (fully subscribed) Paid-up Capital and Reserves Annual Income - This Company has introduced a Special Scheme of Indemnity Insurance for Property Owners and Estate Agents, and also transacts Personal Accident, Sieknes3 and Pension, Workmen’s Compensation, Employers’ Liability, Third Party (vehicle, &c,) Fidelity Guarantee, and Chemists’ and Druggists’ Indemnity Insurance. Plate Glass Insurance at Special Rates. Estate Agents and others interested in the above scheme are invited to apply for particulars as to rates, &c., to C. H. PARKER, Resident Secretary 23, Coleman Street, E.C. Applications for Agencies invited. Over £240,000 paid in claims THE №4׳ Y Ost 1 ypewriter. Light carriage, Infallible pointer, Three line spacings, Beautiful characters, Perfect adjustment, Learnt more quickly. Prints better. Writes faster. Lasts longer. Needs less repairs than any other Typewriter on the market. Any width of margin, and AN INK SUPPLY GUARANTEED TO LAST SIX MONTHS. The YOST Typewriter Co., Ltd., 50, HOLBORN VIADUCT, LONDON, E.C. Salts t»s Auction. FELIXSTOWE, MARTELLO-PLACE. 1\/r ESSRS. DRIVED, and CO. (in conjunction J-YJL with Messrs. S. DOWNING and CO., Felixstowe) will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Lotbfeury, on Tuesday, June lò, at Two o’clock precisely (unless previously sold by private contract), the above FREEHOLD MARINE RESIDENCE, with attractive pleasure grounds, the whole containing about 14■ acres, situate about three-quarters of a mile from Felixstowe Station, and about one mile from the golf links. The residence is desirably situate in the best part of Felixstowe, and about 60ft. above the level of the sea. It is approached by a carriage drive, and extends to the shore in front, and possesses extensive views over -he German Ocean, reaching from Bawdsey Haven and Orford׳ Ness on the north to Landguard Fort and Walton-on-the-Naze on the south. The house comprises entrance hall, inner hall (used as a sitting room), dining and drawing rooms with French casements opening on to verandah, breakfast room, capital servants’ offices, 11 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, etc. Around the south-west front of the house on the ground and first floor, is a wide balcony communicating with the principal rooms, which, with the sheltered and shady garden, forms a distinct feature in the property. The grounds comprise undulating lawn, terrace walks, ornamental summer house, and productive and well-stocked kitchen garden. There is a flight of steps down the cliff to the sea shore, with bathing house. Possession on completion of the purchase. Printed particulars may he had of Messrs. Templeton and1 Cox, solicitors, 9, King’s Bench-walk, Temple, E.C. ; of Messrs. Shuckforth, Downing and Co., Felixstowe; and of Messrs. Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mall, S.W. LINSLADE, adjoining LEIGHTON BUZZARD STATION. MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. will offer to Auction, at the Elephant and Castle Hotel, Leighton Buzzard, on Tuesday, June 20, 1899, at Four o’clock precisely, in 13 Lots, a valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE of 4§ acres, adjoining the Leighton Buzzard Station, one hour from Euston, and being the only uncovered land between the town and station. Ripe for immediate development. Also 12 Plots of Freehold Building Land on the down side of the station, on the road to Surcott and Wing, suitable for the erection of residential and business premises. Printed particulars, with plans, can be obtained when ready at the Elephant and Castle Hotel, Leighton Buzzard; of Messrs. Paines, Blyth and Huxtable, the vendors’ solicitors, 14, St. Helen’s-place, London, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, Messrs. Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mali, London, S.W. PADDINGTON.—Improved Leasehold Ground Rents, Freehold Ground Rents, and Two Wharves, etc., on the Grand Junction Canal. TWYFORD, MIDDLESEX—35| acres of Freehold Tip Land adjoining the Grand Junction Canal. MESSRS. DRIVER and CO. are instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Lothbury, on Tuesday, June 13, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the above PROPERTY in the following Lots, unless previously sold by private contract: — Lot 1.—Improved Leasehold Ground Rents of £72 10s. a year, secured upon Nos. 22 and 24, Macroom-road, St. Peter’s-park, Paddington, being a pair of double-fronted houses, containing ground and two floors over. Also a Builder’s Yard with two-storied Workshop at rear, and another Builder’s Yard in Croxley-road with Workshops. These premises are all of the estimated rental value of £280 a year. They are let at rents together producing £74 10s. a year for a term of 944 years from Midsummer, 1894, less three days, and are held for 944 years from Midsummer, 1894, expiring Michaelmas, 1988, at the rent of £2. Lot 2.—Freehold Ground Rents of £28 a year secured upon Nos. 42, 44, 46 and 48, Hormead-road, with stable adjoining. These houses comprise ground and two floors over, and together are of the estimated annual rental value of £185. Lot 3.—Freehold Building Land, containing an area of about 3,000 superficial feet, fronting the Canal Bank and Hormead-road. Let to Messrs. Ballard, Limited, at £40 a year. Adjoining is a strip of land 273ft. long, with wall and gates thereon, between Hormead-road and the Canal Company’s Bank. Lot 4—No. 2, Wharf, Fermoy-road, with extensive frontage to the Canal, caretaker’s house, stable and yard, let to Messrs. Ballard’s, Ltd., on repairing lease for 21 years from Christmas, 1883, at £120 a year, and held by two leases, one from the Canal Company, and the other from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, at ground rents of £15, expiring at Michaelmas, 1981. Lot 5.—No. 1 Wharf, Fermoy-road, with extensive frontage to the Canal, comprising staging for tips, crane, caretaker’s house, workshops, offices, two pairs of double gates from the Fermoy-road, weighbridge, and machine house, two covered tipping slopes with long platforms, and five tip machines. This is in hand, and possession can be had on completion of the purchase. Adjoining is a brick-built three-storied Warehouse, let on repairing lease to the Westminster Press at £60 a year. Also adjoining is a building, comprising ground and one floor over, being a portion of the show rooms of Mr. E. Wheatland, and forming part of No. 413, Harrow-road. Let at a ground rent of £1. These premises are held by two leases, one from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the other from the Canal Company, at ground rents of £26 a year, expiring at Michaelmas, 1981. Lot 6—A Freehold1 Property, situate at Twyford, containing about 354 acres, fronting the Grand Junction Canal Bank for a distance of about 360 yards, and bounded on the north-west side by the River Brent, and on the north-east by the L. and N.W.Ry. This property is let on a yearly tenancy, with a right to resume possession of parts, and one-eleventh only of its capacity is covered with tip; and the remainder is capable of holding about one million tons of material up to towing path level. Particulars are preparing, and, when ready, may be had׳ of Messrs. Beale and Co., solicitors, 28. Great George-street, Westminster; of Mr. Edward Vigers, architect and surveyor, 9, Bridge-street, Westminster; and of Messrs. Driver and Co., 23, Pall Mall, London, S.W. AUCTION SALES. TVTESSES. FIELD and SONS’ AUCTIONS •lU. take place MONTHLY at the Mart, and include every description of House Property. Printed terms can be lxad on application at their offices. Messrs. Field and Sons undertake surveys of all kinds, and: give special attention to Eating and Compensation Claims.—Offices, 64, Borough High-street, and 52, Chancery-lane, W.C. Telegraphic address—“ Federalist, London.”