Mat 13, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE* 802 «ales i¿) auction. Sales is auction. Sales t>2 auction. I Sales tg auction. ]UTESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, WATERIDGE i-VX and OWEN are instructed by the Proprietor (in consequence of declining health) to Sell by Auction, at the George Hotel, Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, May 23, 1899, ■at Four o’clock precisely, in Lots, and subject to Conditions of Sale, the following most d'esirable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES: — The renowned Licensed Property, THE GEORGE HOTEL, Shrewsbury. This highly reputed and exceedingly valuable Freehold Licensed Property holds an unrivalled corner position, a very higii-class family and commercial connection, and a most profitable trade. The property has been held by the vendor’s family for a period of about 70 years, and1 will be submitted with the Goodwill of the Trade and possession upon completion of purchase. An Enclosure of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, with brick-built Stabling and convenient approach by the road leading from Shoplatch at the rear of the Theatre Royal and George Hotel. Also the very valuable Freehold Residential Property, AGLIONBY HOUSE, Shrewsbury, most pleasantly situated on the outskirts of the town, within seven minutes’ walk of the Shrewsbury Railway Station. The residence is of good elevation, most substantially erected, in good structural and decorative order, and is approached by a carriage sweep through a thriving plantation of firs. The Grounds of over three acres in extent are laid out in lawns, shaded walks, and productive kitchen gardens. The house contains spacious hall, three reception rooms, school room, 12 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, two staircases, excellent domestic offices on the ground floor, cellarage; well-built stabling. The property has a very extensive frontage to the Berwick-road', and also right of way to a road at the rear, and a considerable portion of the land is thus rendered available for building purposes. Possession upon completion of purchase. If not sold in One Lot, the Residence and over l¿ acres of gardens will then be submitted., and the remainder in Nine important Building Plots, containing areas of 750 to 1,055 square yards. An Enclosure of FREEHOLD LAND, with good frontage to Longnor-street, Meadow-place, Frank-well, well adapted for the erection of cottage property. Particulars and plans of the properties will be forwarded upon application to the Auctioneers, at High-street, Shrewsbury; 19, High-street, Wem; and 12, Bank-chambers, Oswestry; also of Messrs. Salt and Sons, solicitors, Belmont, Shrewsbury. Sale of a singularly charming old-fashioned Freehold Residential Property. YE OLDE HOUSE, DOGPOLE, SHREWSBURY, delightfully placed in a retired, healthy, and most convenient situation, close to the centre of the town Ye Olde House is a genuine Elizabethan structure, with many most interesting historical associations. It is massively built, oak timbered, and has handsome polished oak floors, panellings, and doors; also some elaborately carved chimney pieces supported by ornamental pillars. The principal reception rooms and halls are well lighted by large windows, many in stained glass with antique coats of arms and other devices. The house contains hall, inner hall, drawing room, dining room, study, and capital domestic offices cn the ground floor; nine bed and dressing rooms, large nursery, fitted bath room, and' four attic rooms; two staircases, the chief in oak with carved balusters and handrail. The gardens are of considerable area, well laid out in tennis lawns and terraced walks, shaded by fine acacia, plane, and other trees. Picturesque views are obtained over the river Severn extending to the Wrekin. This charming property, with all the additional interest of architectural antiquity, is yet in an excellent state of structural and decorative order, and has been in every way adapted to meet the most recent requirements of a modern family residence. Electric light, gas, hot and cold water to the upper floor, and improved sanitation. ־Jl/TESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, WATERIDGE i-YX and OWEN are instructed to Sell this desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY by Auction, at the George Hotel, Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, May 23, 1899, at Three for Four o’clock precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale to incorporate the Common Form Conditions of the Shropshire Law Society. Particulars are in course of preparation, and will be forwarded to applicants by the Auctioneers; and by Messrs. Peele and Peele, solicitors, Shrewsbury. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. THE HAWRIDGE COURT ESTATE, within easy distance of Chesham and Great Missenden, on the Metropolitan Railway, xnd Berkhamsted on the L. and N.W. Railway, about 30 miles from London. 1,588 acres of Freehold Pasture, Arable and Woodland, with well-arranged homesteads and cottages, in a capital state of repair, and occupied by substantial tenants, comprising six farms and smaller holdings, also the Manors of Hawridge and Cholesbury, and 155 acres of well-timbered beech woods.—Which will be Sold by Auction, by ]MESSRS. W. BROWN and CO. at XYA Chesham, on Wednesday, June 7, 1899, at Three o’clock, in 29 Lots, by direction of the Trustees acting under the will of the late Rev. John Jeffreys. May be viewed at any time by permission of the tenants. Particulars, plans and conditions of sale may be obtained at the principal hotels in the neighbourhood; at the Estate Exchange, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C.; of Messrs. Jull, Godfrey and Danvers, solicitors, 23, Queen Anne’s-gate, Westminster, S.W.; and of Messrs. Brown and Foulkes, land agents, surveyors and auctioneers, Tring, Herts, and Aylesbury, Bucks. Preliminary Notice. CHARLTON and GROVE, near WANTAGE. Valuable Freehold Estate of 333 acres. Wednesday, May 31, in 22 Lots, a very compact and highly productive PLEASURE and FRUIT FARM, known as Barnards, with substantial residence, extensive homestead, paddocks, orchards', and arable land, containing 52 acres; Cottage Residence with homestead and land, known as Truelocks; Four Homesteads and Arable Land and Paddocks, Six Parcels of fertile Arable Land of various sizes; Seven Cottages and gardens, all in or near the village of Charlton, in the parish of Wantage; also Five desirable Building Plots, with frontages to the Grove-road, and Parcel of Arable Land in the rear, and Two Pieces of Arable Land at West Hendred. Particulars of Messrs. E. and E. B. Ormond, solicitors; and Belcher, Adkin and Belcher, Wantage. GREEN & RICHARDSON, LAND ADENTS, SURVEYORS, AUCTIONEER«, COMPENSATION AND GENERAL VALUERS. 49, BEDFORD ROW, LONDON, W.C. Messrs. Green and Richardson make a special branch of the Sale and development of Building Estates. ־]MESSRS. BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER ItX beg to announce that their Auction Sales of Estates, Building Land,, Ground Rents, House Property, and all convertible Securities will be held at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following days during the year 1899. Sales will also be held on special dates when required. Wednesdav, August 23 Wednesday, September 13 Wednesday, September 20 Wednesday, October 11 Wednesday, November 15 Wednesday, December 6 Wednesday, May 24 Wednesday, June 14 Wednes lay, June 28 Wednesday, July 12 Wednesday, July 26 Wednesday, August 9 Auction Sales of Furniture, Farming Stock, Growing Crops, Timber, Underwood, etc. Terms on application. Property Register, together with a list of farms, published monthly, and forwarded gratis on application to Messrs. Baxter, Payne and Lepper, land agents, surveyors, valuers and auctioneers, 69, King William-street, E.C., and Bromley and Beckenham. Kent. SURREY, SUTTON.—Two desirable Residences, forming a sound investment, together with Six Plots of valuable Freehold Building Land, situate in a favourite position, and perfect^ ripe for the erection of medium-sized Residences; the railway station is well within ten minutes’ walk. MESSRS. B AXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, City, E.C., on Wednesday, May 24, at Two o’clock precisely, in Lots, the Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as Kenilworth and Rolyat, producing respectively £45 and £50 per annum, admirably placed, with good gardens, in the Sherwood-park-road; also Six Plots of valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND adjoining, beautifully timbered, and having frontages to the Sherwood-park-road of from 55ft. to 83ft., with depths averaging fully 210ft ; the land is perfectly ripe for building; houses very readily let, and the church, railway station, and shops are all within a short walk. May be viewed, and particulars with plan and conditions of sale obtained of Messrs. Linnett and Co., solicitors. 1, Quality-court, Chancery-lane, W.C.; at the Mart, E.C.; and' of Baxter, Payne and Lepper, auctioneers and! land agents, 69, King William-street, E.C., and Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. KENT, BROMLEY and SHORTHANDS, near to the South Eastern and London. Chatham and Dover Stations, the following Freehold Properties for Investment and Occupation. The detached Residence, placed in a well-matured garden, and affording eight bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, three reception looms, and׳ capital offices, etc., known as Kintore, Hayes-lane, Bromley-common: lately let at £115 per annum, now with possession; the two similar Residences known as Luss and Elmcroft, Nos. 2 and 3, Hayes-lane, both let at £110 per annum; the very charming detached Residence known as Fairbank, Mays-hill, Short-lands, let at the very low rental of £90, but well worth £120. ]MESSRS. BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER XtX will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Wednesday, May 24, at One for Two precisely, the above FREEHOLDS, which offer exceptionally good investments, and for occupation possession of Kintore can be had. The houses are well placed and possess nu׳ny advantages and attractions. May be viewed! by permission of the respective ter ants, and printed particulars, with conditions, can be had at the Mart; of Messrs. Garrard, James and Wolfe, solicitors, 13, Suffolk-street, Pall Mall East, S.W.; and of Baxter, Payne and Lepper, 69, King William-street, E.C., and Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. ., By order of the Trustees.—NEW BARNET, HERTS, within ten minutes’ walk of Barnet and High Barnet Stations (G.N.R.), with fast service of trains to the City.—Important Sale of a charming Freehold Property, with vacant possession at Michaelmas next, known as West Barnet Lodge, comprising a substantially-built and well-arranged Residence, well placed back from the road, approached by a carriage drive, and surrounded by tastefully arranged grounds, which afford complete retirement and are beautifully disposed in lawns, flower beds, paddock, and orchards, kitchen gardens, greenhouses, etc.; detached' stabling for three horses, coachman’s cottage, and numerous outbuildings, embracing an area of nearly 3i acres, with extensive frontages׳ to two important roads, a large portion of which is available for development as building land, without interference ■or impairment to the residence, which will be Submitted to Public Competition, by MR. E. FERGUSSON TAYLOR, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.., on Tuesday, May 16, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely. May be viewed, and particulars and conditions of sale, with plan, of Messrs. Crawford and1 Chester, solicitors, 90, Cannon-street. E.C.; and the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. • and of the Auctioneer, New Barnet, Herts, and 70 to 72, Chancery-lane, W.C. KENT.—KENNINGTON, within l¿ miles of Ashford, the important junction with its׳ excellent railway facilities, 1J hours from London. Excellent hunting, shooting, fishing and golfing. MR. ALFRED J. BURROWS will Sell by Auction, at the Saracen’s Head Hotel, Ashford, on Tuesday, June 6, at Three o’clock, the HOLMLEA ESTATE, a compact Freehold Residential Pnoperty, comprising modern residence, on gravel soil, containing three lofty reception and nine bed rooms, bath room, capital offices and cellarage; grounds, tennis lawn, walled gardens, greenhouses; stabling for several horses; two excellent cottages, an extensive model farm homestead and lands, extending in all to 56a. Or. 9p., nearly all pasture of excellent quality, forming an estate eminently adapted for agreeable occupation, combined with the breeding and keeping of a stud, higli-class live stock, dairying, or poultry farming. With possession. Particulars, with views and plan, of Messrs. Satchell and Chappie, solicitors, 6, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C.; and of Alfred J. Burrows, F.S I., land agent and auctioneer, Ashford. Pursuant to the Order of the High Court of Justice (Chancery Division).—“ Young v. Garnett,” with the approbation of Mr. Justice Kekewioh.—NEW \ BOND-STREET, W. MR. ALFRED SAVILL, of the firm of ALFRED SAVILL and SON, the person appointed by the said Judge, will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Monday, June 5, 1899, at Two o’clock, in One Lot: — A High-class Investment in tenure equal almost to FREEHOLD. A CORPORATION LEASE of the Business Premises, Nos. 157a, 157b, and 158, NEW BOND-STREET, on the west side of this important thoroughfare, between Grafton-street and Bruton-street, having a frontage of about 36ft., and a total area of about 3,480ft.; held from the Corporation of the City of London for a term of 40 years from Lady Day, 1894, at the nominal rent of £25 per annum, perpetually renewable every 14 years, upon payment of a fine of £125. The property is let on lease expiring December 25, 1904, at a rental of £1,000 per annum, and sublet to various tenants at rentals amounting to an estimate of £1,730 per annum, more or less, showing an early reversion to a greatly increased income. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Baker and Nairne, solicitors, 3, Crosby-square, E.C.; Messrs. Fladgate and Co., solicitors, Craig’s-court, Charing-cross; Messrs. Smiles and Co., solicitors. 15, Bedford-row, W.C.; Mr. A. Herbelet, solicitor, 5, Chancery-lane, W.C.; at the place of sale; and at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 39, New Broad-street, London, E.C. ST. ALBANS, HERTS.—Comfortable old-fashioned Freehold House, with stabling, garden and pad-dock. ־]MESSRS. FURBER, PRICE and FURBER J_T_L will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, at Two precisely, the FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as St. Stephen’s House, with kitchen garden, stabling, and paddock, having an extensive frontage to the main Watford road, available for development as a building site, and with an area of about la. 2r. 20p. Particulars may be obtained׳ of Messrs. Letts Brothers, solicitors, 8, Bartlett’s-buiidings, Holborn-circus; at the Mart; and at the Auction and Estate Offices, Warwick-court, Gray’s-mn. By direction of Executors—NORTH KENSINGTON. Desirable Leasehold Residence, with possession. MESSRS. FURBER, PRICE and FURBER are instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokqnhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, at Two precisely, the RESIDENCE, No. 5, KeJtield-gardens, St. Quintin’s-park, an exceptionally comfortable house, in excellent order, and with immediate possession. Held for an unexpired term of 87 years, at a ground rent of £12 per annum. Particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Letts Brothers, solicitors. 8, Bartiett’s-buildings, Holborn-circus; also at the Mart; and at the Auction and Estate Offices, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, W.C. CLAjciIAM-COMMON.—Desirable Long Leasehold Resi d e< c e ־]MESSRS. FURBER, PRICE and FURBER _LYX will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, on Friday, May 26, at Two, the double-fronted HOUSE, No. 19, Cavendish-road, Clapham-eommon, containing three reception rooms, four bed rooms, fitted bath room, box room, offices, and garden. Held for 85 years at a ground rent of £12 per annum. It is in the occupation of the owner, but possession will be given on completion. Particulars, etc., may be had at the Mart; of Messrs. Belfrage and Co., solicitors, 35, John-street, Bedford-row, W.C.; Messrs. Darley and Cumberland, solicitors, 36, John-street, Bedford-row, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 2, Warwick-court, Gray’s-inn, London, W.C. Final portion of Highfield Estate, Byfleet, on high ground, almost adjoining the station. Boating, golfing, fishing. Between Weybridge and Woking. ]MESSRS. PHILIP and GEORGE GEEN J_YX will Sell by Auction, on Wednesday, May 24 next, at the Station Hotel, Byfleet, at 6.45 p.m. precisely, excellent FREEHOLD BUILDING PLOTS, on Highfield Estate, Byfleet (a short distance from New Zealand Club Golf Links), occupying a delightful position in the notedly heallliy pine district, affording excellent sites for the erection of bungalows and good class villas. Free land tax, free conveyance, easy payments. Plan and conditions of sale can be had of the Solicitor, W. B. Styer, Esq., 2, Tlireadneedle-Mreet, E.C.; or at the Offices of the Auctioneers, 55, Waterloo-road, S.E. Telephone 7 Hop. BRIXTON-HILL.—With possession.—At a very low reserve. MR. GEORGE F. HARRINGTON will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 25, at One, the attractive, well-built detached RESIDENCE, Hurstleigh, 76, New-park-road, containing five bed rooms, bath room, box rooms, dining, drawing, and ante rooms, large conservatory, and good domestic offices. Large well-stocked garden with tennis lawn. About 26 years unexpired, at a moderate ground rent. Particulars of Messrs. Downey and Linnell, solicitors, 58, Conduit-street, W. ; and of the Auctioneer, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.C. By order of Executors.—NORTH FINCHLEY.—With possession.—Attractive Freehold, semi-detached Residence, Oakfield, 15, Alexandra-grove, situate in a pleasant and retired position overlooking private grounds, and being close to Woodside-park Station. The house contains six bed rooms, dressing and bath rooms, four reception rooms, convenient domestic offices Large garden and greenhouse. Rental value about £65. ]MR. GEORGE F. HARRINGTON will -JX offer the above to Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 25, at One, at a low reserve. Particulars of Messrs. Alfred Cox and Son, solicitors, 10, St. Swithin’s-lane, E.C.; and of the Auctioneer, 16, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Tel. No. 5698 Bank. Important to Speculators, Land Companies and others. SOUTH HANTS, between Christchurch and South-bourne-on-Sea, four miles from Bournemouth, and about one mile from Christchurch Station, L. and S.W.R. ]MR. H. A. WOOFF (in conjunction with LtX Mr. W. J. VTLLAR) is favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the King’s Arms Hotel, Christchurch, on Tuesday, May 16, 1899, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, the valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as the Wick Estate, comprising an area of 123a. 2r. 33p., or thereabouts, together with comfoi table farmhouse, suitable buildings and cottages, at present in the occupation of Mr. Chas. Dowden, whose tenancy expires at Michaelmas, 1899. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained of Messrs. Risdon D. Sharp and Symonds, solicitors, Christchurch and Bournemouth; Mr. W. J. Villar, auctioneer, 10, Hammet-street, Taunton; and of the Auctioneer, Christchurch and Ringwodd. REGENT-STREET. Direct Crown Leasehold. Profit Rental of £1,551 per annum. Nos. 210 and 210a, Regent-street, and 48, King-street, W., held direct from the Crown for nearly 20 years unexpired at a ground rent of £100 per annum, and payments• for land׳ tax and insurance of £19 per annum. •Let to Louise and Co., Ltd., for the whole term less 11 days at £1,670 per annum, a rental far below the present day value, the profit rental of £1,551 being abundant^ secured and constituting an Investment of the highest class. ]MESSRS. ST. QUINTIN and SON will Sell 1YX by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, May 30, 1899, at Three o’clock, the valuable CROWN LEASEHOLD, as above. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. E. F. and H. Landon, solicitors, 53, New Broad-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 50, Threadneedle-street. E.C. CENTRAL LONDON RAILWAY-SHEPHERD’S BUSH. NOTTING HILL, WEST KENSINGTON PARK AND DISTRICT, also eaung, hanwell and southall. Owners wishing to Sell ov Let Property in these districts׳ should send to C. RAWLEY CROSS and CO., Who have more applications than they can suit. Particulars inserted in their Western Suburbs Register Free. Rent Collections undertaken (large or small), and Property of all kinds managed on inclusive terms; punctual payments guaranteed. References to clients of 20 years’ standing. Offices: ‘‘Ilchester House” (facing), Uxbridge-road Station, W. (Established 1877); and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone No. 108 Hammersmith, and 63 Ealing. To Trustees and others. Important Sale of Freeholds and Leaseholds, p RAWLEY CROSS and CO. will Sell by VJ. Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday, May 17, the following: — Rentals. Lease. Gr’nd rent. £300 net. Free hold. £207 95 years. £8 10s. each £135 £45 Vacant. 94 years. 75 years. £8 each £12 £83 4s. Long. £5 each. Address. 49,51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 10 n and 107, Sulgiave- [ road, West Kensing- [ ton-park, W........J 72, 74, 78, 80, Addison-gardens, Kensington, W................... 61, 63, 65, Bolingbroke-roaa. Kensington, W.. 14, Fielding-! oad, V\ est i Kensington-park, W.) 38 and 40, Blomfontein avenue, Shepherd's-bush, W............... Particulars and conditions of sale of T. H. Hiscott, Esq., solicitor, 5, New-inn, W.C.; Messrs. Whitfield and Harrison, solicitors, 22, Surrey-street, W.C. ; Messrs. Merriman, Pike and Merriman, solicitors, 25, Austin-friars, E.C. ; or of the Auctioneers, Ilchester House, Uxbrid'ge-road Station, W., ■and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone 108 Hammersmith. RAYENiSCOURT-PARK, W.—For occupation. CRAWLEY CROSS and CO. will include ״ in tne above Saie at the Mart, E.C.״ on Wednesday, May 17, the charming detacned double-fronted VJLLLA, with coacn-house and stables, known as Hurstborne Lodge, 1, Aschurcii-park-viiias, liavens-couri-park, W., containing live bed rooms, bath (h. and c.), two reception rooms, conservatory, kitchen and offices; no basement; capital garden and greenhouse. Rental vaiue £70. Lease 64 years. Ground rent £15. Vacant possession. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. F. C. Kilsby and Son, solicitors, 21, Coliege-hiii, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, licliester House, Uxbridge-road Station, W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, on May 29, By order of Executors. IMPROVED LEASEHOLD GROUND- X itJbiiNLS of £90 per annum net, secured on Six ii.0uses in Aiexandra-road, boutii Hampstead. Held tor 57^ years unexpireoJ at a peppercorn. And the PAP1TAL LEASEHOLD RE SIDE N CE, 65, LANARK- V ILL AS, M AIDA-VALE, iieid for 42 years unexpirea,. at a ground rent of £5, and let at L40 on yearly tenancy. Particulars of F. W. PAuLKNiMi, Esq., 7, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square; or of the Auctioneers, 6, ־VERE-STREET, W. By ELLIOTT, SON and BOYTON, At the Mart, on May 29, in Two Lots. By order of Executors. ¡VfEWBURY ARMS, MalDEN-ROAD, Ln HjtLNiioH TOWN.—An Improved Leasehold Ground Rent of £yz per annum, arising from important f uuy-iicensed ¿׳remises, occupying a prominent corner position. He!d for 41¿ years unexpired at £12, and sub-ieased for the wnole term (less 21 days) at £84. Also MPRO V ED LEASEHOLD GROUND- X itFiiN TS ef £30 per annum, secured upon Five »Hops and Dwelling Houses, Nos. 67 to 75 (odd), Nevili-road, Stoke Newington. Held for 65 years unexpired at £10, arid sub-leased for the whole term (less 21 days) at £40. Particulars from Messrs. STILEMAN, NEATE and TuiNa>EFi, 16, Soutliampton-street, W.C.; or at the Auctioneers’ Offices, 6, VERE-STREET, CAVENDISH^SQUARE, W. ISLE OF WIGHT. Almost adjoining the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, close to the pier, with uninterrupted views of the Solent and coast opposite.—For occupation or investment. INMAN and CO. will offer by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Friday, June 2, 1899, at Two o’clock (unless disposed of in the interim), a stone-built detached MARINE RESIDENCE, with well laid out and pretty garden in front, large lawns with landing steps for boats, and large greenhouse, known as Shaftesbury, St. Tnomas-street, Ryde, having a frontage of 70ft. 6in., and a depth of about 198ft. Term 999 years from March, 1862, at the very low ground rent of £19 per annum. Particulars at the Mart; the principal hotels at Ryde; of J. A. Parlett, Fsq., solicitor, 191, Edgware-road, London, W.; and at the Auction, Valuation and Survey Qffices, 126, Maida-vale, London, W. Established 1849. By order of the Mortgagees—STREATHAM-HILL — Four modern Family Residences, 41, 43, 49 and 51, Knollys-road, Leigham-court-road. Each contains six bed rooms, bath (hot and cold), three reception rooms, large gardens, together producing £222 10s. per annum. Long leaseholds.—To be Sold by Auction, by MR. W. N. WILLOUGHBY, at the Mart, E.C., May 16, at Two. May be viewed by permission of tenants, and particulars had of the Solicitors, Messrs. Barnard and Taylor, 47, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; or from the Auctioneer, 399 and 363d, Norwood-road. ]MESSRS. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCK- -HA MASTER, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., every month; also local sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges. SALES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares, etc. ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged. Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices as above.