801 THE ESTATES GAZETTE M'at Ì3, 1899. palesi tg Euaton. To Trustees and others. HARROW-ON-THE-HILL, MIDDLESEX.—Valuable Freehold Investment. on Friday, May 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, tiie well-built semi-detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as Voewood, Gayton-road, Harrow-on-the-hili, most conveniently situate close to Harrow Station of the Metropolitan Railway. It contains three reception rooms, six bed rooms, bath room (h. and c.), and good domestic offices, conservatory, large well laid out gardens, with tennis lawn, comprising over quarter of an acre. Let on lease for seven years from Lady Day, 1897, at the low rental of £110 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Freeman and Son, solicitors, 7, Fosterlane, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. FOREST-GATE, ESSEX.—Long Leasehold Investments, producing £711 per annum. MESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by -lYX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, June 9, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in Eight Lots, 31 well-built DWELLING HOUSES, situate and being Nos. 24 to 32, 36 to 48, and 52 to 88 inclusive (even numbers), Trumpington-road, Forest-gate, conveniently situate close to Forest-gate Station of the G.E. Railway, all let at rents of about 9s. per week each, together amounting to about £711 per annum. Held on leases for unexpired terms of about 85 years at moderate ground rents. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Freeman and Son, solicitors, 7, Fosterlane., Cheapside, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. HIGHBURY NEW-PARK and FINSBURY-PARK.— High-class attractive Residences for occupation; one with stabling and billiard room. HIGHBURY NEW-PARK (No. 10).—Well-fitted semidetached Residence; five large bed rooms, bath (h. and c.), three handsome reception rooms, full-sized billiard room, ample offices, capital stabling, nice grounds. Lease 50 years at £15 15s.—Solicitors, Messrs. Dommett and Son, 46, Gresham-street, E.C. HIGHBURY NEW-PARK (No. 24).-Imposing semidetached Residence, with tower, commanding position, nine large bed rooms, bath (h. and c.), five reception rooms, conservatory and offices; large gardens. Term 50 years at £20.—Solicitors, Messrs. Horne and Birkett, 4. Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. FINSBURY-PARK.—No. 86, Queen’s-road. Charming detached double-fronted Residence, eight lofty bed rooms, bath and lavatory (h. and c.), three elegant reception rooms, conservatory, complete offices ; pleasant gardens. Term 77 years, at £10 lCs. —Solicitors, Messrs. Warrens, 99, Great Russell-street, W.C. HIGHBURY NEW-PARK (No. 67).—High-class detached Residence, six spacious bed rooms, bath (h. and c.), four noble entertaining rooms and offices, nice grounds. Term 50 years, at £15.—Solicitor, C. G. Algar, Esq., 17, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Auction Offices, Spencer House, Highbury-corner, N. Tel. 171 Dais. HIGHBURY.—Charming non-basement Modern Villas, with latest improvemenis, pleasant situations. For Occupation. ly/TB. FREDERICK WARMAN will Sell "־*־ at ihe Mart, E.C.. on May 29, at T wo. HIGH BUR Y-PARK.—No. 46, Northolcne-road, attractive Villa, six large bedrooms, bath, (b. and c.), two handsome reception rooms, kitchen, etc., good garden, term 89 years, at £8. Solicitor, M. H. Leverbon, Esq., 8. Duke3־treet. Aldgate. HIGHBURY, NORTHOLME ESTATE.-6, Sotheby-road, artistic Villas, six lofty bedrooms, bath (h. and c.), two elegant reception rooms kitchen, &c., and nice garden. Term 90 years at £8 jlOs. Solicitors, Mes-rs. Norris and Martin, 50, Bishopsgate-street vVithin, E.C. Auction Offices, Spencer House,Highbury-corner, N. CROUCH-HILL, N.—No. 23, Mount Pleasant-villas, Oharmin״ Villa. ME. FREDERICK WARMAN will Sell ■־*־׳־*־ at the Mart, E.C., on Monday, May 29, at Two the above superior RESIDENCE, six lofty bedrooms, bath (h. and c.), two noble reception rooms, ample offices, well-kept gardens. Rental £52 10s. Term 76 years at £10 10s. Particulars at Mart ; of Messrs. Hamlin and Co., solicitors, 9, Fleet-street, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneer, Spencer House, Highbury-corner, N. REGENT’S PARK and HIGHBURY VALE.-Occupa-tion and Investment. REGENTS-PARK.— No. Ii6, Albany-street. desirable RESIDENCE, splendid position, 10 large rooms, offices and garden. Rental £70, with possession. Term 21 years aD £9 10s. REGENT’S-PARK.—No. 77, Little Albany-street, capital DWELLING HOUSE, three gooi rooms, let au 10s. w eekly. Term 24 years at £210s. Solicitors, Messrs. Chester, Broome and Griffithes, 36, Bedtord-Tow. W.C. HIGHBURY-VALE.—No. 236, Blackstock-road, commanding shop and dwelling house, seven large rooms, garden, side and back entrance, etc. Let at £48. Term b0 years at £10. Solicitois, Messrs.Naunton and Son, 49, Oxford-street, W. Auction Offiee3, Spencer House, Highbury corner, N. MESSRS. GREEN and SON, 1U AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS. 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, Beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION of FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions, take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY in the MONTH, arid on such other occasions a3 may be arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. "IX/TESSRS. GREEN and SON undertake i-U- SURVEYS and VALUATIONS of LAND and FOUSE PROPERTIES, as well as of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings, Compensations. Partnerships, Estate Duties, Dilapidations, Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receivership and other powers. “'flics bn auction. MESSRS. GREEK and SON invite the attention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain securities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, E.L. Sales for the Year 1899.—Telephone No. 669 Bank.— Telegraphic Address, “ Akaber, London.” Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses. Business׳ Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Reversions, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following Fridays during the year 1899: — May 19. I July 14. | September 22. May 26. July 21. October 6. June 9. | July 28. I October 20. June 16. | August 25. NovemberlO. June 23. September8 November 24. June 30. I I December 8. Auctions can be held on davs besides those above specified—11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. ST. ALBANS, HERTS—By order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division.—Re Webster v. the Cox Thermo Electric Company (Limited).—Excellent Freehold Factory Premises.—With possession. . I on Friday, May 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the well-placed and substantially modern-built FAC-| TORY PREMISES, known as the Cox Thermo Electric Co. (Limited), fronting on the main London road, and abutting on the Midland and Great Northern Saks tg saumon. Railways, and1 near to the 'stations thereon. The , premises comprise a detached brick building with MARGATE AND SOUTHEND KURSAALS (Ltd.).— ( large, well-lighted room, general and private offices The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to £5,200 invested on mortgage of a Freehold Estate at Dartford and Wilmington, Kent, also receivable on the decease of the life aged 72. An ANNUITY of £150, payable during the lifetime of a gentleman aged 68, together with covering Life Policies for £1,400. POLICIES OF ASSURANOE for— £3,000, with profits, effected with the Standard Life Assurance Company, on life aged 64; annual premium, £87 7s. 6d. £1,500, with profits, effected September, 1871, with the University Life Assurance Society, qn life aged1 58; annual premium, £38 18s. 9d.; bonus additions, 1895, £337. £1,000, with profits, effected m 1892 with the National Mutual Life Assurance Society, on life aged 64; annual premium, £32 7s. 8d. £500, with profits, effected in April, 1888, with the Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, on life aged 38; annual premium, £12 7s. 6d.; bonus additions to 1895, £52 10s. SIX SHARES of £100 each in the MUTUAL TONTINE WESTMINSTER CHAMBERS ASSOCIATION I (Limited), Tontine Class Sections P. Q. R. Z, and E B the Shares are each held for the life of a nominee, on whose death the owner ceases to have further interest, unless the nominee happens to survive the other nominees, in which case the owner becomes entitled to all the shares in that particular section. SHARES in— ug Euuion. MONTHLY EROPEETY AUCTIONS. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER, and CRANFIELD 1Y1 beg to announce that their MONTHLY PROPERTY AUCTIONS are held at the Mart, Token-house-yard, E.C., on the THIRD WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH throughout the year. The appointments fixed for 1899 are as follows: May 17 I August 16 I November !5 June 21 September 20 December 20 July 19 I October 18 I Vendors, solicitors and trustees having properties for sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the Auctioneers, at their Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Telephone No. 999 Bank. strong room, and large store room above. Brick-built and corrugated iron roofed factory, about 48ft. square, two drying rooms, and corrugated iron shed, about 36ft. by 20ft. on brick foundations, internally felted and match boarded. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Lawrance, Waldron and Webster, solicitors, 14, Old Jewry-ehambers, E C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. AOTON.—Excellent Investments, producing about £430 per annum. MESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by XVX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on !Friday, May 26, at Two o’clock precisely, in Five Lots, the capital INVESTMENTS, arising from 12 Villa Residences, Nos. 1 to 12, Malvern-villas, well situate in the main road to Willesden, close to Acton Station of the G.W׳. Railway, and only about 12 minutes from Acton Station of the North London Railway. They each conoain two reception rooms, four bed rooms, bath room, and domestic offices, and are all let to good tenants at rents together producing about £430 ner annum. Held on leases for unexpired terms of about 70 years at moderate ground rents. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Leslie Antill and' Arnold, solicitors, 1, Gres-ham-buildings, Basinghall-street, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. WEALDSTONE, HARROW, MIDDLESEX.—In the High Court of Justice—By order of Mr. Justice Byrne.—Re Young v. Chamberlain.—Capital Shops and Dwelling Houses. MESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by XtX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in Lots, 12 SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES, situate and being Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Jubilee-terrace, Peel-road, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Queen’s-terrace, s^Palmerston-road, Wealdstone, close to Harrow Station of the L. and N.W. Railway, all let, and together producing about £370 per annum. Leasehold for term of about 96 years unexpired, at low ground rents. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Rooke and Sons, solicitors, 45, Lincoln’s-inn-fields; of John Marshall, Esq., 62, St. Martin’s-lane, W.C.; of Aubrey Richardson, Esq., 49a, Lin-coln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street. E.C. WEALDSTONE, HARROW, MIDDLESEX.—Capital Freehold Investments. MESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by XtX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in Two Lots, the excellent FREEHOLD INVESTMENTS, producing about £426 per annum, arising from the seven dwelling houses, known as Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Cecil-villas, Cecil-road; Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Canning-villas, Canning-road; and a range of stabling, with tenements over, known as Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Canning-place, Canning-road, Wealdstone, conveniently situate a short distance of Harrow Station of the L. and N.W. Railway. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart, E.C.; of Messrs. Rooke and Sons, solicitors, 45, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. W.C.; of Messrs. Flad-gite and Co., solicitors, 2, Craig’s-court, Charing-cross; of Messrs. Clarke and Charles, estate agents, Peterborough-road, Harrow; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. 5,500 fully-paid Preference Shares of £1 each, and 10,493 fully paid Ordinary Shares of £1 each. BRIGHTON DYKE STEEP GRADE RAILWAY (Ltd.).—123 First Mortgage Debenture Bonds of £10 each. LONDON AND PROVINCIAL DAIRY COMPANY (Ltd.).—50 Ordinary Shares and 50 Six per Cent. Preference Shares of £1 each, fully paid. Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. ROVAL ALBERT HALL. £500 Box on Second Tier (to seat five) and ei״ht £100 Amphitheatre Stalls in Blocks G H and K—In Three Lots. KENTISH TOWN. No. 38, Leighton-grove.—A convenient 10-rootned House, with possession. Lease 42 years unexpired. Ground rent £6 6s.. subject to an existing mortgage to a building society.—Vendors’ Solicitors, Messrs. Speedily, Mumford.and Rodgers. 1, New-inn, Strand, W.C. SHEPBERD’S-BUSH. A commodious House and Shop, N \ 143, Askew-road, in a good business position. Let on agreement at £60. Lease 67 years unexpired. Ground rent £12.—Vendors’ Solicitors, ׳Messrs. Parson, Lee and Co., Abchurch House, Sherborne-lane, E.C. PADDINGTON. Good letting Shop Property in the vicinity of Harrow-road. Periodical Sales—Established 1843. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD (successors to Marsh, Milner and Co.) conduct PERIODICAL SALES of , REVERSIONS (absolute and contingent), Life Interests and Annuities, Life Policies, Shares and Debentures, Mortgage Debts and Bonds, and Kindred Interests, ___ . . on the FIRST and THIRD THURSDAYS m each month throughout the year, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C. . . ״ , * .onn The following are the appointments fixed for 1699: October 191 November 2 November 16 December 7 December 21 May 18 I August 3 June 1 August 17 June 15 I September? July 6 September 21 July 20 I October 5 Offices, 6, Poultry, London, E.C. Telephone No. 999 Bank. __________________ Notice of Withdrawal.—WOOD-GHEEN.—Seven Freehold Houses, Nos. 32 to 42 (even), Niglitmgale-road. H/TESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD 1VX beg to announce that the above Property, advertised for Sale by Auction on Wednesday next, May 17, is WITHDRAWN for the present. Auction Offices, 6, Poultry, E.C. Situation. Rent *Unexpired term of lease. Ground rent. Let. No. 29, Kilburn-lane (corner) ., £80 84 £12 10 0 On lease No. 2, Woodfield-cre=>cent .. 60 64 £7 ׳On lease No. 4, Woodfield-crescent .. 60 64 £7 On lease No. 28, Kensal-road 69 67 £8 Weekly Vendors’ Solicitor, Henry Kerby, Esq., 4, Lancaster-plaee. Strand, W.C. MESSRS. WRIFOR1) and DIXONS will ־,-YX Offer the above at the Mart, E.C., on Thursday next, Mav 18,1899, at One p.m. Particulars of the respective Solicitors ; or of the Auctioneers. 4, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, W.C. Tel. No. 5,148 Gerrard. -Local Evening Sale.—Bromley Free- Wednes lay next.-holds. HARROW and WEALDSTONE. MIDDLESEX.—Excellent Freehold Shops, Freehold and Leasehold Dwelling Houses. MESSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by XVX Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, in Five Lots, the commanding FREEHOLD SHOPS and PREMISES, known as the Harrow Cycle Depot, Peterborough-road. Harrow, close to Harrow Metropolitan Railway Station; Three Freehold Houses, situate in Wellington-road, Wealdstone, let at 11s. per week each; and Five IJouses, Nos. 15 to 19 (inclusive), Melton-road, Wealdstone, let on yearly tenancies at £24 per annum each; held on leases for long terms at moderate ground rents. Particulars and conditions may be had of Philip Thornton, Esq., solicitor, 4, Great James-street, Bedford-row. W.C.; Messrs. Clarke and Charles, Peterborough-road, Harrow; and of the Auctioneers, 11. Queen Victoria-street, E.C._____________ Sale Days for the Year 1899. Messrs. T7LVR E B RO THE R, ELLIS, EGERTON, X BREACH, GALSWORTHY and CO. beg to announce that the undermentioned dates have been fixed for their AUCTIONS of FREEHOLD. Copyhold, and Leasehold ESTATES, Reversions, Shares, Life Interests, etc., at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.: — Thursday, July so Thursday, July 27 Thursday, Aug. 3 Thursday, Aug. 10 Thursday, Sept. 21 Thursday, Oct. 12 Thursday, Oct. 26 Thursday, Nov. 16 Thursday, Nov. 23 Thursday, Dec. 7 Thursday, Dee. 14 Sales will Thursday, May 18 Thursday, June 8 Thursday, June 22 Thursday. June 29 Thursday, July 6 Thursday July 13 Other appointments for intermediate also be arranged. Messrs. Farebrother, Ellis and Co. publish in the advertisement columns of “ The Times,” “ Standard ” and “Morning Post” every Saturday a list of tneir forthcoming Sales by Auction. They also issue on the first of every month a schedule of properties to be Let or Sold, comprising landed and residential estates, freehold and leasehold houses, City offices and warehouses, ground rents, and investments generally, which will be forwarded free of charge on application.—No. 29, Fleet-street■, Temple-bar, and 18, Old Broad-street, E.C. MR. J. S. RICHARDSON will Sell by Auc- i tion, at the Royal Bell Hotel. Bromley, on Thursday evening next, May 18, at Seven for Eight o’clock precisely, in separate Lots, Two convenient FREEHOLD HOUSES, 30 and 32, Havelock-road, Homesdale-road. Bromley, occupying a good letting position, and containing each six rooms, wash-house, etc., with gardens in rear. Let to good weekly tenants and producing together £46 163. per annum. Particulars at the place of sale, of Messrs. J. and M. Solomon, solicitors,58. Finsburv-pavement, E.O., and at the City Survey and Estate Offices, 50, Finsbury-square, E.C. Wold by Private Treaty .-No. 175, BROMPTON-ROAD. Long Leasehold Business Premises, producing £224 per annum. Tt/TESSRS. H. E. POSTER and CRANFIELD 111 peg to announce that the above Property, having been SOLD by Private Treaty, will not be offered at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday next, May 18, as advertised. Auction Offices, 6, Poultry, E.C. ___________ Wednesday next.—WOODHOUSE ESTATE, CUSTOM HOUSE, E. A valuable Freehold Property, comprising about 9| acres of Freehold Building Land, having about 1,900ft. frontage to Freemason’s-road, Prince Regent’s-road, Saxelby-road, and Janet-road; fully ripe for the erection of small residences, which are greatly in demand in this populous district. Also Ten Freehold Shops in Freemason’s-road, which, when fully let, are estimated to produce upwards of £450 per annum. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD lVX will Sell the above by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday next, May 17, at Two o’clock.— Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. May 24.—WALTHAMSTOW.—At Low Reserves. MR. J. S. RICHARDSON will Sell, afc the ^ Mart, City, on Wednesday, Mav 24, at Two o’clock, in Two Lots, TWO SHOPS AND HOUSES, and TWO PRIVATE HOUSES, Nos. 85, 87, 89 and 91, St. Andrew’s-road, Higham-hill, a good :letting district near three stations, let weekly and monthly and producing £8310s. per annum. Also in One Lot, an attractive Pair of SEMI-DETACHED VILLAS, Nos. 1 and 2, Hope-villas, Cottenham-road, near Hoe street Station at prejent producing from good weekly tenants £63 per annum, but worth more. Held for long terms at low ground rents. Particulars of Messrs, J. and M. Solomon, solicitors, 58, Finsbury-pavement, E.C.; and at the City Survey and Estate Offices, 50, Finsbury-square, E,C. By MUILET, BOOKER and CO.. At the Auction Mart, E.C., Monday, May 29, at Two TJ YD E-PARK. —N o. 29, Craven-hill-gardens. 4--L -The long LEASEHOLD FAMILY RESIDENCE, enjoying a southern aspect, recently repaired and decorated, electric light, and modern drainage, consisting of 11 bed and dressing rooms, batb ditto, conservatory, five handsome reception rooms, and light offices. Term about 65 years, at a low ground rent, with possession. —Solicitors, Messrs. Hewlett. Preston and Co., 2, Ray-mond-buildings, Gray’s-inn, W.C. HYDE-PARK.—No. 2, Craven-hill.—A semidetached long LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, containing eight bed and dressing rooms, batb ditto, three eception rooms, and billiard ditto. Lease about 49 years, at a moderate rent. Vacant possession.—Solicitors, Messrs. Emanuel and Simmonds. 36, Finsbury-cir-eus, E C. ATO. 2, GLOÜCESTER-MEWS, Hyde-Park. X t —Investment or deferred occupation.—A Capital STABLE. Lease 38 years. Ground Rent £2. Let at £35 per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Rooper and Whately, 17, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. Particulars and cards to view of Mullet, Booker and Co., Albion House, Hyde-park-square (corner of Albion-street). BUILDING ESTATE SPECIALIST. MR. W. A. FISHER, 16, Finsbury-circus, E.C., is open to purchase or arrange terms for the development and improvement of land and buildings, and invites correspondence from owners and others on matters arising out of the sale and purchase of properties. No commission or fees are claimed for work until an exchange of agreements has been effected. Wednesday next.—HACKNEY.—No. 254, Riclimond-road, a semi-detached six-roomed׳ residence with nice garden; lease 46 years; ground rent £4; let to old tenant at £33 per annum. 1\/TESSRS. H. E. FOSTER aaid CRANFIELD XVX will include the above in their Auction, at the Mart, E.C.. on Wednesday next, May 17, at Two o’clock.—Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. ___________________________ Wednesday next.—By order of the Trustee in Bankruptcy.—To close estate.—BEDFORD HOUSE, No. 70, Windmill-street, GRAVESEND.—A well built Freehold Residence, containing four reception rooms, seven bed rooms, etc., with good garden, stabling, and coach-house. Rental value £60 per annum. Vacant possession. ]V/TESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD XVX will include the above in their Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday next, May 17, at Two o’clock.—Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, KC._________________________________________ Wednesday next.—No. 5, OLD BOND-STREET, PICCADILLY.—Short Leasehold Property. Let for the whole term, less a few days, to Messrs. Smithers and Co., booksellers and publishers, at the moderate rental of £800 per annum. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD XVX will include the above in their Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday next, May 17, at Two o’clock—Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. Wednesday next—KENTISH TOWN—Two Leasehold Residences, producing £68 per annum, in Two Lots. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C. on Wednesday next, May 17, at Two o’clock, the well-built RESIDENCES, Nos. 25 and 29, Quadrant-grove, Maiden-road, each containing eight rooms and offices, having front and back gardens; let at low rents of £34 each; lease 51 years unexpired; ground rents £8 each; offering secure investments.—Particulars of the Auctioneers, 6, Poultry, E.C. Thursday next.—Periodical Sale No. 643.—Absolute Reversions, Life Policies, and' Shares. MESSRS. H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD will Sell by Auction, at the ,Mart, E.CJ., on Thursday next, May 18, at Two o’clock, in Lots: — The REVERSION to One-fourth of a Trust Fund, now represented by India and Railway Stock and on Mortgage, of the present estimated value of £7,370, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 56. The REVERSION to One-fourth of a Trust Estate of the present estimated value of £3,198, now represented by Railway Stocks, Life Policy, etc., receivable on the decease of the survivor of a gentleman aged 48, and a lady aged49. The ABSOLUTE. REVERSION to £500, charged upon a Trust Estate of ample value, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 65 in July next. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-fourth Share of a Trust Estate of about £50,000, receivable cn decease or marriage of a lady aged 57. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to £5,000, receivable on the decease of the survivor of a gentleman aged 67, and a lady aged 65; also The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to £2,000, receivable on the decease of the above-mentioned lady aged 65. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to One-twentieth of a Trust Fund', now represented by Railway, Dock, and Steamship Stocks, and a Leasehold Residence, the whole being of the present estimated value of £24,050, receivable on the decease of a lady aged 72. The ABSOLUTE REVERSION to a moiety of £26,666 13s. 4d. India Three per Cent. Stock, receivable on the decease of the survivor of two lives, aged 75 and 72 respectively; also to £2,874 standing in Court, receivable on the decease of the life aged 72; also