May 13, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 800 Sales bp aueiiott SOMERSETSHIRE. . Announcement of tlie Sale of a truly choice Freehold Residential Estate, distinguished as Hache Court, situate in the parish of Hatch Beauchamp, within seven minutes’ walk of the Railway Station, and six miles from the county town of Taunton on the G.W.R. main line (34 hours from London). The property lies in a ring fence, and extends over an area of about 310 acres, and comprises׳ a Family Mansion, occupying a commanding and well-elevated position, and surrounded by a deer park, extensive woods and pleasure grounds, studded with magnificent matured trees, and shrubbery walks, which open out to remarkable ftw-reaching views of the beautiful landscape for which South and West Somerset is so famous. The mansion, which was built from a masterly design in Italian style, with Ham and Portland worked stone, is rectangular, with towers at the angles, and the south facade, which is the principal front of the building, possesses a full length open arcade, with columns׳ and! moulded arches, forming a very striking elevation, and as regards architectural beauty and the admirable internal planning, it is justly distinguished as being one of the most perfect and attractive medium-sized country mansions in the kingdom. The home farm, with about 140 acres, is let. TY/T ESSES. C. B. MORRIS, SONS and 1YX PEARD will Sell the above by Auction, at Taunton, early in July next. . Particulars, with plans׳ and views, are being prepared. and may shortly be obtained of the Auctioneers, North Curry, near Taunton; or of Messrs. Sweet and Son, solicitors, Taunton. :rales t£ Auction. Whit-Monday Afternoon Sale. CLACTON-ON-SEA. The rapidly rising and favourite seaside resort on the East coast, 95 minutes by rail from Liverpool-street, and first-class steamboat communication with London, Harwich, Ipswich, and Yarmouth. Important Sale of Freehold Building Land and Marine Residences. ־O'DWTN‘ J. GILDERS lias been, favoured TJ with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Royal Hotel, Clacton-on-Sea, on Whit-Monday, May 22, 1899, at 2 30 for Three p.m. precisely:— 70 PLOTS of valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, situate in some of the best positions in the town, with uninterrupted sea views. Suitable for the erection of first-class private residences and hoarding establishments. w. . Also some very valuable SHOP PLOTS in High-street, ripe for the erection of business premises, for which there is a great demand. Also the following valuable FREEHOLD MARINE, RESIDENCES:—Holland Lodge, Eairview, and The Cedars, being detached marine residences, standing in their own grounds, with garden, coach-houses, ׳Stabling, etc. Ten semi-detached Villa Residences, well worth the attention of capitalists requiring safe investments, or gentlemen requiring seaside resi-dences Special cheap Saturday to Monday, also day tickets, for the day of sale, will he issued by the G.E.R. from London and provincial towns. Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale may be obtained from the Solicitors, Messrs. Ohamberlayne and Short, Donington House, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C., and Clacton-on-Sea; Savory and Stevens, 6, Fen-court, Fenchurch-street. E.C. ; C. H. Marshall, Esq., Colchester; Messrs. Wittey and Denton, Colchester; and from the Auctioneer’s Offices, 10, Union-court, London, E.C., and Station-road, Clacton-on-Sea. Secure Freehold Ground! Rente. Tl/TESSES. J- W. WEST and 00. will Sell by IVL Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesdav, May 17, 1899, at Two o’clock, important FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS of £30 10s. per annum (in two collections), amply secured upon well-let property in Mayviile-road, and Granleigh-road, Leytonstone, producing together rack rentals׳ of about £259 per annum. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained from Messrs. Pedley, May and Fletcher, solicitors, 23, Bush-lane, Cannon-street, E.C. ; at the Mart; and from! the Auctioneers’ Offices, 91a, Mortimer-street, Regent-street, London, W. Sales ti® Auction. Sales bp Auction. Sound׳ Freehold Investment. MESSRS. J. W. WEST and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.O., on Wednesday, May 17, 1899, at Two p.m., ׳lEN sub-stantiallv-buiit FREEHOLD HOUSES (each arranged as two flats), being Nos. 7 to 25 (odd numbers), Law-rence-avenue, Romford-road, Little Ilford. Let to respectable tenants at rentals amounting to about £380 per annum. Full particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Pedley, May and Fletcher, solicitors, 23, Bush-lane, Cannon-street, E.C.; at the Mart, E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, as above. Capital Leasehold Investments. TyrESSBS. J. W. WEST1 and GO. will Sell by 1Y_L Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Wednesday, May 17, 1899, at Two p.m., SIX well-built Long LEASEHOLD SHOPS and PREMISES, being Nos. 14 to 22, Commerce-road, and No. 400, Green-lanes, Wood-green, N. All let to sound tenants at rentals producing together about £185 per annum. Held on leases having an unexpired term of about 87 years to run at ground rents ■of £3 per annum on each house. Full particulars and conditions of sale may he obtained of Messrs. Snow, Snow and Fox, solicitors, 7, Great St. Thomas Apostle, Queen-street, E.C.; at the Mart; and of the Auctioneers, 91a, Mortimer-street, Regent-street, W. JA. and W. THARP respectfully announce • that they have arranged to hold Sales by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., in every Month of the year, in which may be included FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES, and also STOCKS, SHARES and DEBENTURES. Vendors are invited to send particulars at least 21 days prior to the date of sale. Inclusive terms on receiving instructions. ״ , Auction and Estate Offices, 9, Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. Telephone No. 170 Avenue. Sale Monday next. WESTBOURNE-PARK. ACTON. HAMMERSMITH. KENTISH TOWN and EDGWARE-ROAD. Sound Investments in Freehold Ground Rents. Freehold and Leasehold Shop and House Property. МШЫл ־ ^ . at Two o’clock: — FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. £124 per annum, secured on shop property and dwelling houses, known as Nos. 7, 9, 11. 13, 15 and 17. All Saints’-road. Nos. 25. 27, 29 and 31, Lancaster-road. and Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10, Lane aster-mews. West-bourne-park, with reversion in 80 years to the rack rentals of £862 per annum—Solicitors, Messrs. Davennort, Jones and Glenister, 263, Hammersmith-road, W., and Hastings. £90 oer annum, secured on 18 houses in Seymour and Wolseley roads, Acton-green, W. (close to Acton-green Railway Station), with reversion in 97 years to the rack rental of £709 ner annum. FREEHOLDS. No. 50, Crefeld-road, Hammersmith, W. Corner Shop Premises. Let at £45 ner annum.—'Solicitors, Messrs. Burns. Churchill and Co., 140, Strand. W.C. No. 41, Litcham-street, Kentish Town, N.W. Let at 19s. per week. LEASEHOLDS. Nos. 9 and 10. Litcham-street. Let at 19s. per week each. Lease about 55 years. Ground rent £6 each. Nos. 15 and 16. Hatton-street, Edgware-road, W. Let at 13s. and 15s. 6d. ner week respectively. Lease about 22 years. Ground rent £10 the two. Solicitor, S. T. Kingston. Esq . 41. Fitzroy-square. W. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the respective Solicitors; and of the Auctioneer. Mr. T. H. Currie, at his Broadway Auction and Estate Offices. 263. Hammersmith-road. W. (a few doors east of Hammersmith Railway Stations). Sales at. the Mart during 1899. lyfESSRS. HERRING, SON and DAW JALL (established' a century and1 twenty-two years) heg to give notice that they have fixed the following days for Sales at the Mart, of Freehold. Leasehold. Copyhold Estates and Residential PROPERTIES. Freehold and Leasehold Ground Rents, Shares. Annuities, etc.: — Thursday. May 25 Thursdav, .Tune 29 Thursday. July 27 I Thursday. Anernst 31 Thursday. Sentember 28 ^hursdav, October 26 Thur8day. November 30 Thursdav. December 21 Sales can be arranged to take place on other days than the above to suit the wish and requirements of clients. Owners and others desirous of including nroperties in the above sales should acquaint Messrs. Herring. Son and Daw at least one month previous to the date of sale, to allow of full publicity being given, and the requisite announcements being made. —Offices• 6. Ironmonger-lane. E.C and 308. Brixton-bill. S W. Telegraphic address: “Oldest.” London. F.atablished 1773. T A. and W. THARP will Sell by Auction, ti ■ at the Mart, E.O., on Thursday, May 25, at Two o’clock, in Lots : — CLAPTON—Freehold double-fronted Family Residence, Penrice House, No. 26, Clapton-square, containing nine bed rooms, four reception rooms; stabling and outbuildings, large garden; about 150ft., depth about 139ft., the greater part of which is available for building purposes1; producing £100 Freehold and Leasehold Investments. IVfESSRS. BELTON and SONS will offer for i-YX Sale by Auction, at the Horse Shoe Hotel, Tottenham-court-road, on Wednesday, May 17, at One o’clock, in Two Lots: — A FREEHOLD RENTAL of £63 per annum, derived from the Woodman Public-house, King George-street, close to Greenwich-park, amply secured and with valuable reversion to possession in 20 years•, or an increased rental and premium at an earlier date—Solicitors, Messrs. Hughes, Hooker and Co., 26, Budge-row, E.O. An IMPROVED RENTAL of £30 per annum, arising from The Crown Public-house, Mayfield-road, Hag-gerston, for a term of 37 years., with reversion; the lessees being one of the soundest brewery companies, this investment may be considered a gilt-edged security for the term of the lease—Solicitors, Messrs. Withalls and Belton, 18, Bedford-row. Particulars may be had at the Auction Offices, 12, Hatton-garden. Forthcoming Sales, Thursday, May 25. "[WTESSRS. J. J. HILL and WEAVEB will lYx Sell by Auction, at Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basinghall-street, City, on Thursday, May 25, 1899, at One o’clock, the following capital PROPERTIES, viz.: — The ALDGATE DISTILLERY, EAST ALDGATE STATION, at the corner of Goulston-street, directly opposite the important tramway terminus. Lease 45 3rears. Rent £85 per annum. The WASHINGTON HOTEL, ENGLAND’S-LANE, HAVERSTOCK-HILL.—Free Lease 64 years, at £100. Very attractive premises in this favourite locality. For sale by order of mortgagees. The TOTTENHAM DISTILLERY, 101, TOTTENHAM-COURT-ROAD.—Famous Business House, held by free lease for about 81 years, at a moderate rent. For sale by order of mortgagees. J. J. HILL and WEAVER are ]V/rESSRS. LYl urepare -—, —-— ; - , i — prepared to Treat Privately for a short time employes to the neighbourhood daily, thus denving for the undermentioned capital PROPERTIES, viz.: ־TV/TESSKS. FLEURET, SONS and ADAMS 1Y1 beg to announce that they will Sell by Public Auction, the following valuable PROPERTIES, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Masons’-avenue, Basing-hall-street, E.C., on Tuesday, May 16, at One o’clock precisely * - The FEATHERS, otherwise known as the TEMPLE RESTAURANT. TUDOR-STREET, WHITEFRIARS. Exceedingly Valuable Free Lease for about 76 years, at a moderate rental, together with Good-will and Possession. This property is in posses-si on of an extensive and exceedingly profitable business, conducted during short hours, the pre-mises, although licensed for seven days, closing on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Exceeding valuable FREEHOLD RENTAL of £85 per annum, together with Reversion to Possession of that well-known licensed wine and spirit estab-lishment, the WINCHESTER ARMS, occupying a most prominent corner position, and being No. 63, SOUTHWARK-STREET, BOROUGH, S.E. The rental is thoroughly well secured, and the rever-sion to possession at the expiration of the existing lease is of great value. The ALEXANDRA, at the corner of Loudoun-road and Alexandra-road. ST. JOHN’S WOOD (opposite the Loudoun-road Railway Station).—Exceedingly valuable Free Lease for over 58 years at the low rental of £80 per annum (which could be more than covered by the receipts from the well-appointed billiard saloon), together with Goodwill and Possession. To be Sold solely in consequence of the death of the Proprietor after a successful occupation of nearly ten years. The RED LION, No. 130, ALDERSGATE-STREET, E.C. Very valuable Free Lease for a term of about 38 vears, at the very low rental of £125 per annum, together with possession. This property adjoins the Aldersgate-street Railway Station, and occupies a position of very great importance in the very best part of this thoroughfare, and is surrounded by many great business houses and factories, which bring an enormous number of _ ו ־ j. ״ ״ .11 ״."U1.״,.•»,V» ״״Л Ло,1 !ז +V1n о: ri וידттт ס רז• The LORD PALMERSTON Wine and Spirit Establishment, corner of LUCEY-ROAD and LINSEY• STREET, BERMONDSEY, close to Spa-road Station Good premises and large business. The DUKE OP CAMBRIDGE, THORNE-ROAD, SOUTH LAMBETH.—Free Lease 47 years, at £120, reducible by underletting capital stabling adjoining. For sale by order of the first mortgagees. Cards and particulars at the Auction Offices, No 28, Theobald’s-road, W.C. per annum. CLAPTON—Freehold Terrace House, 24, Clapton's/., ״Mrr-sTr•^, rtifKYrnsjmirv square; 10 good rooms, garden, and back entrance; and 76, CoSmXial-ioad, PortZoSth. producing£38 ׳ per ammm.-Solicitors, Messrs. Cook and Ellis, 7, Mark-lane, E.C. HOUNSLOW—Double-fronted Residence, eminently Stanley House, Bath suited for a medical man; __ .. road, containing 10 bed rooms, bath room, tiled hall, three large reception rooms׳, conservatory, stabling, loft, and dwelling rooms; lease 76 years at £22 per annum ; possession at completion.—Solicitor, S. K. Scott, Esq., 66, Basinghall-street, E.C. BETHNAL-GREEN.—Compact Block of 27 Workshops and large yard, situate Pearl-yard, Pollard-street, producing £323 18s. per annum; lease 80 years at £130.—Solicitor, E. Betteley, Esq., 23, Surrey-street, Victoria Embankment, W.C. TOTTENHAM.—Detached Freehold Residence, Park Cottage, 41, Snell’s-park. Contains five bed rooms, two sitting rooms, conservatory, kitchen, scullery, etc.; large garden, 211ft. deep, with building frontage at rear of 50ft. Possession at Completion-Solicitor, Cecil J. Rawlinson, Esq., 47, New Broad-street, E.C. Auction Offices, 9. Norton Folgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. SHARE SALE. T A. and W. THABP will Sell, at the Mart, G « E.C., on Thursday, May 25, at 2.30, SHARES and DEBENTURES in the following dividend-paying Companies: — The Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Light and Coke Co. The Lea Bridge, Leyton and Walthamstow Tramways Co. The Patent Victoria Stone Co., Ltd. Swan and Edgar, Ltd. (Preference Shares). The Britannia Works Co., Ltd., etc. Auction Offices, 9, Norton Eolgate, Bishopsgate-street, E. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO., AUCTIONEERS AND SURVEYORS, 51. COLEMAN-STREET, BANK, E.C., i, new« i2^ CLAPHAM-ROAD. S.W. Branch Offlcea ( 1׳ CRANBROOK-ROAD. ILFORD, E. Telephone Nos.: City 45 Bank; Ilford. 28 Barking. A private wire connects the offices Telegraphic address—“ Douglas Young, London.” TV/TESSBS. DOUGLAS YOUNG and CO.’S XYX AUCTION ARRANGEMENTS for 1899. PROPERTY SALES will be held at the Mart, E.C., on the following dates throughout the ensuing year. October 25 November 8 November 22 December 6 December 13 August 16 August 23 September 13 September 27 October 11 May 24 June 7 June 14 July 12 July 26 Auction Offices: 51, Ooleman-street, Bank, E.C.; 213, Clapham-road, S.W. ; and Ilford, E. 1899. Sales bv Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, E.C.. will he held! by Messrs. rjHESTEBTON and SONS, on the following dates: — Thursday, Mav 25 I rrhursday. Nov. 2 Thursday, June 45 Thursday, Dec. 14. Thursday. Julv 13 I And on other days by arrangement. Particulars and terms for inclusion of freehold and leasehold estates, ground rents, shops, houses and land mav be had on application to the Auctioneers, at their Offices. 51. OHFAPSIDE. E.C., and KENSINGTON HIGH-STREET, W. Telephone No. 5466 Bank. PERIODICAL SALES for 1899 of Estates, House Property. Building Land, Ground Rents, Shares, etc., by MESSRS. PBOTHEBOE and MORRIS will take place at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, the LAST WEDNESDAY in EVERY MONTH. Sales for other dates may also be arranged. Special attention given to the Sale of Estates in Building Plots. Railway and other Compensation Claims adjusted, as well as negotiations for the Sale and Purchase of Properties, Valuations for Probate, Mortgages, and other purposes. Protheroe and Morris’s Register furnishes Particulars of Residences, Investments, Land, and other Properties to be Sold or Let. Partners: ^ Auction and G. F. Mouris / Es'ate Offices, w. H. Protheroe H. G, Morris >67 A- 68, Cheapside J. B. Slade V London, T. A. Morris j E.C. TOTTERDELL’S HOTEL. PORTSMOUTH. Long Free Lease, Goodwill, and Possession. MESSRS. JOHN HART BRIDGES and SONS will Sell by Auction, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern, Basinghall-street, London, on Tuesday June 6, at One o’clock, the VALUABLE LEASE AND GOODWILL of that old-established FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, known as TOTTERDELL’S, prominently situate at the corner of St. George’s-square, close to the Harbour Station and Dockyard. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Becke and Green, solicitors, Market-square, Northampton, and of the Auctioneers, 20, Hart-street, Bloomsbury-square, W.C E. EXMOUTH, DEVON. W. TUPMAN has been instructed to Sell by Auction, at the London Hotel, Exmouth, on Tuesday, May 30, at Six p.m., all those valuable FREEHOLD FULLY-LICENSED PREMISES, known as the South Western Hotel, adjoining the Railway Station, together with the extensive stabling, occupying the best position in the town. Printed particulars, plan, and conditions of sale of the Auctioneer, Exeter and Exmouth; or of the Solicitor, Mr. E. J. Vine, Exmouth. Sale of a CELEBRATED FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTY at LONDON-FIELDS. ־]y/TESSRS. THORNTON and NEWMAN beg JY1 to announce receipt of instructions from tlie Proprietor to Submit to Public Auction, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern. Masons’-avenue, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C., on Tuesday, May 16, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, (unless an acceptable offer be previously made), the VALUABLE LONG LEASE, at a nominal rental, together with the GOODWILL AND POSSESSION, of that RENOWNED PROPERTY, licensed as THE CAT AND MUTTON, prominently placed at LONDON-FIELDS, N.E. This celebrated house occupies a bold corner position in this MAIN THOROUGHFARE, and is immediately facing the popular RECREATION GROUNDS of the neighbourhood, and being in close proximity to the London-fields RAILWAY STATION, the Cat and Mutton occupies the UNIQUE POSITION of being the first and' last licensed property upon the DIRECT LINE OF PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC to and from the above important railway service. It is also worthy of note that, owing to the expiration of leases, MODEL DWELLINGS capable of accommodating thousands of families, are to be erected almost adjoining these premises, when it will be reasonable to predict an IMMENSE INCREASE to the present turnover, which exceeds £550 PER MONTH. Particulars may be had of Messrs. Young. Jones and Co., solicitors, 2, St. Mildred’s-court, Poultry, E.C.; and, with orders to view, at the Auction Offices, 14 and 15, Coleman-street, Bank, E.C. a very extensive, profitable and independent trade On Tuesday, June 2C. The HANOVER ARMS, RYE-LANE. FEOKHAM (at the junction of Rye-lane and Hanover-street).— Lease for about 43 years, at the very low reduced rent of £60 per annum, together with the most valuable goodwill and possession. One of the best-known and most profitable houses in the southern suburbs of the Metropolis, possessing an exceedingly large and independent trade, the pro-nertj' having changed hands once only during half a century, and being for sale solely in consequence of the protra.cted ill-health of the proprietor. who is ordered to relinquish business. The PRINCESS OF WALES, ABBEY-ROAD, ST. JOHN’S WOOD —Valuable Long Free Lease at a low rent, together with the Goodwill and Possession.—A thoroughly undeveloued1 licensed property, which has changed hands only once in 24 years, and is held under a long Free Lease for 55 years at the low rent of £76 per annum, situate within a short remove of the Kilburn-road and Railwaj’־ Station, and unon the main route from Kilburn to Hampstead Heath. A BUILDING LEASE for about 69 years at £150 per annum rent of YE OLD SWAN, NOTTING-HILL-GATE—A thoroughly untried situation in the Bays water-road. One of the oldest licensed properties in the Metrooolis to be pulled down in order to widen the thoroughfare, and to be reerected upon a new site, which will afford a magnificent corner position unon this large thoroughfare and on the newly-widened thoroughfare from the Bayswater-road to High-street, Kensington. SHORTLY. LORD STANLEY. HINTON-ROAD. LOUGHBORO’ JUNCTION —Exceedingly valuable Lease, together with the Goodwill-in-trade and Possession. An absolutely untried property, occupying a most prominent position at the junction of four thoroughfares, with a constantly increasing traffic. This property undoubtedly affords a unique opportunity for investment to a business man. For sale after 23 years' occupation in consequence of the proprietress retiring entirely from business. The SPENCER ARM«. Wine and Spirit Establishment, LOWER RICHMOND-ROAD. PUTNEY-COMMON.—Valuable Lease for 39 vears at a low rental, which could he greatly reduced bv underletting the stabling. Occupying a hold corner position on this busy thoroughfare, with an immense hack neighbourhood, now in course of development, of which it has the entire control, thus affording all the elements of a high-class and rapidly growing trade, done at the best profits, combined with a comfortable home in the most pleasantly situate «nhurbs of the Metropolis. Auction Offices, 23. Southampton-row, W.C. PROTHEROE AND MORRIS. HEWETS ©NS, AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, 211 to 215, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, W. Auction Sales of all kinds! of property, valuations for transfer, mortgage or probate. Entire contents of residences purchased fer cash. Register of very large number of town and country houses and pro perties to be let or sold free by post. Ж F. H. B. BIDDLE, E.S.I., AUCTIONEER. SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT. 72, PABK-ST, GBOS VENOB-SQUABE, W. By order of the Mortgagees. DORKING, SURREY. A well-known Hotel, prominently situate in the main High-street. A favourite resort of the riding, driving, and cycling public. M־ESSBS. WALTEB KNIGHT and BB ANG A-L WIN are instructed by the Mortgagees, with the concurrence of the Receiver appointed by the Court of Bankruptcy, to Sell by Auction, at the Masons’ Hall Tavern. Masons’-avenue, City, E.C., on Tuesday, May 16, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the FREE LEASE AND GOODWILL, with Possession, of the RED LION HOTEL, prominently situate in the HIGH-STREET, in the centre of the MARKET-PLACE, DORKING. The property is well placed on the main roads from LONDON TO HORSHAM. and from Guildford to Reigate. Redhill. and Seven oaks, roads well patronised by the driving and cycling uublic, securing to this Hotel a lucrative trade. The canacious TAP FITTED IN LONDON STYLE, also the extensive range of STABLING, WITH CO \ OH -HOUSES, ETC., AND GARDENS. are attractive, while the well-arranged suites of rooms, hotel-bar, oak dining room, ball room, and billiard room (two tables) offer every entertain ment and comfort to visitors. The surroundings of Dorking and the beauties of this part of the delight ful county of Surrey are too well known to need descrietion here; the close proximity to the celebrated1 Box Hills induce large numbers of visitors to the town. The Red Lion Hotel is within a few minutes of DORKING AND BOX-HILL STATIONS ON S.E. RAILWAY AND L.B. and S.C. RAILWAY. The local trade attaching to this house should prove a profitable source of income to the proprietor. The local auctions are held at the hotel, and the handsome assembly room should (judiciously managed) prove a great feature of attraction. The premises mav he viewed by cards to be oh- Late and for many years with Messrs. Trollope as tained of the Auctioneers. Particulars and cmidi- Auctioneer, and Manager of their West Halkin-street tions of sale mav be had of Messrs. Loxley, Elam I Agency Department. and Gardner, solicitors. 80. Cheapside. E.C.: at the T All matters of business with which Mr. Riddle may niace of sale; and at the Auction Offices, 100, Great l be favoured will receive his careful personal atten-Ru?sen־street, Bloomsbury-square, W.C. tion.