799 THE ESTATES GAZETTE May 13, 1899. Sales t>1? auction. OCKLEY, SURREY, about 2£ miles from Ockley Station, L.B. and S.C. Railway, eight miles from Dorking, and five miles from Horsham. lyTESSHS. WHITE and SONS are favoured dr , with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Red Lion Hotel, Dorking, on Thursday, May 25, 1899, in ^ne Lot- a most desirable small RESIDENTIAL and SPORTING FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as Oakdale, consisting of 131 acres of meadow arable and woodland. The house, which is well adapted for a hunting and shooting box, is situated in a high position, commanding very extensive •*s sur1rounded by a good garden, adjoining which is a three-stall stable, coach-house, and harness room, and the compact farm buildings. There is a second homestead, known as Littlebrooks, an old picturesque timbered farmhouse, now occupied a9 5wo niienements׳ also a yard, barn, and cattle sheds. The property for its size affords excellent snooting and is situated within easy reach of four packs of fox and stag hounds. The house and build״ mgs are supplied by gravitation with water from an excellent spring on the estate. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, may be obtained in due course at the place of sate ; at the hotels in the market towns of Horsham, Guildford, and Dorking; of G. W. Wesley, Esq solicitor to the vendor. West-street, Dorking; and ot Messrs. White and Sons, auctioneers, land agents and valuers, Dorking and Leatherhead, WESTCOTT, near Dorking, about 1 h miles from Dorking and Station on S.E. Railway. lyTESSRS. WHITE and SONS are favoured ¿7־1־ With instructions to Sell bv Auction, at the fooh + £ ?Wkm£־ on Thursday. May 25, Four o clock, m Three Lots, the FREEHOLD COTTAGE RESIDENCE, situated facing Westcott Common, standing in grounds of over two acres, known as Hill House containing three reception rooms, seven bed and dressing rooms and servants offices; stabling for four horses, coach-house, •+T?Se^c‘; &ardener’s and coachman’s cottages, with lawns, gardens and small paddock, and private approach from the main road. The houses, stabling, cottages and gardens are in the occupation of Lady Florence Blunt, a yearly tenant, under the terms of an expired agreement at a rental of £92 per lLttn!de? n°tice t0 *Wft at Michaelmas next. The paddock is let to Mr. Fred Dixon, who is under notice to quit at September 29. 1899, with 1fnd’+!,at a rental of £6, the apportioned rental for the purpose of this sale being £3 per annum, thus making a total rental of £95 per an-ni?mT ■An ״®nc^os"ure of Meadow Land, comprising about la. Or. Op., apportioned rental £3 per annum-possession at Michaelmas. 1899. And Five brick-bu!lt and slated Freehold Cottages (one used as wood houses for the other four cottages), situated 2S?ri\ to weekly tenants at rentals producing £43 11s. per annum. Particulars with conditions of sale mav be obtained m due course at the place of sale; of Messrs Francis and Crookenden. 3. New-souare. Lincoln's-mn, London, W.C.; and of Messrs. White and Sons auctioneers, land agents and valuers, Dorking and Leatherhead. Sales tg ftuetion. Sales ig Minium. Estates, Country and Suburban Residences, Town Houses, Flats, Shops, Business Premises, Investments, etc. lyf ESSRS. TROLLOPE’S Printed Register of ILL Properties for Sale by Private Contract and to be Let may be had on application at their Offices, 7. Hobart-place, Eaton-square, \ West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square, / T , 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, and { London 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. ) Special Lists or Marked Registers will be forwarded on receipt of particulars of requirements. AUCTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1899. Messrs. Trollope’s Sales of Freehold and Leasehold Estates, Houses, Ground Rents, etc., will take place at the Mart, near the Bank of England, as follows: — Thursday, October 19th. Thursday,November 23rd Thursday, December 14th Thursday, May 18th. Thursday, June 8th. Thursday, July 13th. Thursc ay, August 3rd. Sales will be held on other dates as required. In all cases Messrs. Trollope will be glad to have as long notice as possible respecting any property they may be instructed to Offer by Auction. By direction of the Representatives of the late G. A. Spottiswoode, Esq. O CADOGAN SQUARE, S.W. A very attractive Long LEASEHOLD TOWN HOUSE, most eligibly situate at the corner of the East-terrace, and having stabling at rear. Held direct from Earl Cadogan for an unexpired term of 74 years from Lady Day, 1899, at the nominal ground rent of £30. The accommodation is in every way suitable for a large establishment, and the reception rooms are particularly fine. There is a spacious vestibule, staircase and gallery in oak to first floor, service lift to second floor, also a capital secondary staircase, two fitted bath rooms, etc. The premises generally are in excellent condition and replete with modern conveniences. Use of private garden at side in addition to the ornamental square garden. To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, On Thursday next, May 18, at Two (unless an acceptable offer be previously made privately). With possession. Particulars of Messrs. Williams and James, solicitors, Norfolk House, Thames Embankment, W.C.; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, West Halkin-street, Belgrave-square; 7, Hobart-place, Eaton-square, S.W.; 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, W.; and 5, Victoria-street, Westminster. SUSSEX.—Residential and Sporting Estate wit' Farms. Cottages, and about 700 acres of land ii the Parishes of Brede. Ewhurst, Udimore, an׳ Beekiev. and) within easv access to Rye. Hasting־ and Rohertsbridsre Stations. "|yrESSRS. REEVE and FINN are instructee iln hLl 1¿e11Ex,ecut?r3.?f the late Carlos Coleman Esq to Sell bv Auction, at the Castle Hotel Hastings on Wednesday. May 31, 1899. at 2 3 o clock, the above ESTATE, in Lots, as follows L°t la.—Chitcomb House, with Great and Littl^°reS Chitcomb and Brede Green Farms and Austen s Woods ........................ t-m Lot 2h—Burster and Hole Farms, with Kicker Wood ................................. 153 wil1 be first offered ag One Lot.) L0t ^־Goatham Cottages (a compact little Holding) ................................ g T Freehold Cottages'' at Bccitiev. Lot 4,—Tibbs Farm, TJdimore (noted for hea-v crons of hops) ........................( jo Lot 5. tVick Farm, Udimore (about two miles from Bve) ............................. 145 ־;S,\itv°jilb House.׳ containing five reception am eigtit bed rooms, is charmingly situated in beauti fully laid out grounds planted with the choices azaleas, magnolias, etc. It has gold fisli ponds well-stocked kitcben gardens, sta bang and farm buildings. The woods contain s nr>< very fin0 oaks and afford excellent shooting S״“tlns.w]th East Sussex Foxhounds and Har Coif Tinv־tr.UpStreanJ ^unds bart of the estate U(uf links at Rye and Hastings. Particulars and conditions of sale mav be had at place of sale; of Messrs. Philpott and Murton solicitors. Cranbrook; and of the Auctioneers, Eye Sussex, and at Lydd, Kent. y By direction of Trustees. A JAMES - STREET, WESTBOURNE- T: TERRACE.—Capital LEASEHOLD HOUSE, well situate, within a few minutes of Hyde-park, and close to Paddington Station and the omnibus routes. It contains five bed rooms, drawing room, dining room, kitchen, and other conveniences Direct lease for 39£ years to run, at the nominal ground׳ rent of £9. With possession. To be Sold by Auction, at the Mart, On Thursday, May 18, at Two. Particulars of Messrs. Stephens and Son, solicitors, 4, Orchard-street, Portman-square, W.; and, with orders to view, of Messrs. TROLLOPE, estate agents, surveyors and auctioneers, 14, Mount-street, Grosvenor-square, W.; and as above. BECKENHAM.—Sound Freehold and Leasehold ~ Investments. lyTR. THOMAS WRIGHT is instructed to Yr