Estates Gazette, May 13, 1899. ESTABLISHED 1858, ־ItiDfsîmfnî Rfforô Z,‘LThiCh iS ine0rp0rated the ESTATES JOURNAL, and the AUCTIONEER. Begistebed as a PRICE 3d. ־[)EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and XJ BRIDGEWATER’S ______________LIST OP SALES. OHISLEHURST, KENT.—By order of the Executors 9* Andrew Duncan, Esq.—An excellent Freehold Country :Residence, affording an excep-| tionai opportunity for securing a perfectly rural nome m one of the most beautiful districts, within 20 minutes rail of London; stabling, two cottages, small farmery, etc., in all about 11a. lr. 22p. With possession.—Messrs. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and ~ ״ ,, , BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 20, at Two. the comfortahle old-fashioned FAMILY RESIDENCE, Hotorook, St. Paul’s Cray-common, approached across the common by a fine avenue of trees, and containing 12 bed rooms, two dressing rooms, bath room (hot and cold), dining room, about 26ft. by .it-, ante room, drawing room, 30ft. by 18ft״ morning room, library, entrance and’ inner halis, prin-cipal and secondary staircases, ample offices, in-eluding butler s pantry an^. bed room, strong room, servants hall dairy and laundry with rooms over. The outbuildings include three-stall stable, two loose boxes, coach-house for five carriages, harness room, cowhouses granary, etc., also two cottages for coachman and gardener. The grounds are inexpensive and m the old style, including fine wide-spreading lawns, with ample space for three or four cou?■?’ and adorned with a grand specimen of cedar of Lebanon, shady walks, summer house; prolific walled kitchen garden of upwards of an acre, with vineries, greenhouse, and orchard house, and enclosures of rich meadow land. Gas and water are laid on, and there is also an excellent supply of spring water. The property possesses all the charms of perfect seclusion, and is well protected from building operations, as it abuts on a beautiful common and adjoins the estate of Lord Sydney, but at the same time it possesses extensive frontages which cannot be lost sight of in any future development. Particulars of Messrs. LOWLESS and 00״ solicitors, 26, Martin s-lane, Cannon-street; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGEWATER’S LIST OF SALES, HEREFORDSHIRE, in a capital Residential and Hunting District.—The Rowden House Estate, close to Rowden Mill Station on the Great Western Railway (Bromyard and Leominster Branch), about three miles from Bromyard, 10 from Leominster, 17 from Hereford, the same from Worcester, and about four hours’ journey from London—Messrs. [')EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and '־Uk , , BRIDGEWATER will bell, at the Mart, on Tuesday. June 13, at Two, this valuable FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL ESTATE with possession. It comprises a capital modern stone-built Residence of good elevation, command-mg fine views, extending to the Welsh Hills■ and Black Mountain, and containing 16 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, school room, two staircases, morning room, about 18ft. square, drawing room, 30ft. by 18ft., with deep bay and two other windows, dining: room about 27ft. by 18ft., with large bay window, library butler’s pantry and suitable domestic offices and׳ cellarage, with out-offices, magistrate’s room; stabling for six horses, coach-house, harness room, and hay store. Lawns and pleasure gardens well displayed and shrubbed, large kitchen garden walled on two sides, greenhouse, etc.; two verv good modern stone and tiled cottages for coachman andi gardener, excellent farm buildings (stone and־ tiled;, and enclosures of pasture and arable land, m all about 147a. 3r. 6p.; also a small farmhouse and buildings, and about 6a. 2r. Op. of land, let to tenant. The property adjoins Rowden Abbey, the residence of Henry Bailey, Esq., and is within reach of six packs of hounds. Particulars of Messrs. H. BEDDOE and SON solicitors, 37, Bridge-street, Hereford; of Mr. Ralph C. Knight, land agent, Bromyard; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and ^ BRIDGEWATER’S _____________LIST OF SALES. C?Mi?G־CR0SS’ CITY OF LONDON, CLAPHAM-ROAD and PADDINGTON.—Important Freehold Properties and Ground Rents, producing £1,692 2s. per annum, the later with valuable reversions.— By order of Trustees.—Messrs. TA EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and , BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 6, at Two, m 13 Lots, the following valuable INVESTMENTS: — FREEHOLDS. | and HEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER BRIDGEWATER’S LIST OF SALES. Sales by Auction for the Year 1>$9.—Messrs. FJEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, and J־/ BRIDGEWATER beg to announce that their SALES of ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses, Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons Reversions, Stocks, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows :— £420 445 335 90 €5 75 45 40 STAINES, MIDDLESEX.—KNOWLES GREEN HOUSE. —A choice Freehold Property, situate within a few minutes walk of the railway station (which is httie more than half an hour’s journey from Waterloo), and close to the golf links, comprising a capital well-appointed family residence, approached from the road by a long carriage drive through a fine avenue of beech trees, and containing 13 bed rooms, dressing room, bath room, two staircases, spacious entrance and inner halls, and£l r°°™ •(about mt• b^ 14ft.). library (17ft 8m. by 14ft.), dining room (34ft. by 18ft. 3in.), a lofty billiard room (28ft. 4in. by 20ft.), conservatory, housekeeper’s room, pantry, and good domestic offices and cellarage; stabling for eight norses, two coach-houses, harness room, washing room, and lofts, coachman’s cottage, dog kennels and ample outbuildings and premises. The beauti-tully timbered and exceeding!¡’ pretty grounds, skirted by extensive shady avenue walks, are a charming feature of the property; there are tennis ar>d other lawns, Italian flower gardens, a, large ornamental sheet of water, with timbered island, productive well-stocked fruit and vegetable gardens, peach houses, vineries, and an excellent grass orchard. The property has a long frontage to the Kingston road, and abuts in the rear upon Shortwood-common; the total area is about six acres. The neighbourhood׳ affords facilities for Messrs8 °n the Th־ames> flshing and hunting.— tS EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and “ ״ , ״ ״ , BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 20, at Two, R®ID^NTmT'PROpS attractiTe FREEHOLD tn?sa ™0«nr? 0f Messrs- DRDCES and ATLEE, solici-80 Ohe'apside QUare’ E'&: and oi the Auctioneers, f^hEET-STRE’ET, CITY.—By order of the Governors oi bt. Bartholomew’s Hospital.—A fine command-ing Building Site, occupying an area of about ■I3 8■Ware feet on the south side and newly-widened part of this great main thoroughfare, within about 40 yards of Ludgate-circus, having fynntages of about 55ft. 6in. to Fleet-street, and 5in. t° St. Bride’s-avenue in tbe rear (facing St. Bride s Church); remarkably well lighted back and front, and suitable for the erection of first-class shops and business premises—a bank, newspaper or publishing offices, or other important buildings adapted to the position.—Messrs. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and , BRIDGEWATER are instructed tor Let by Auction, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 13, at Two, on a Building Lease, for a term of 80 years direct from the Freeholders, the I compact and valuable SITE of Nos. 90, 91 and Fleet-street, and 2 and 3, St. Bride’s-avenue, in the City of London. I with Plans, of Messrs. WILDE, MOORE a,nd WIGSTON, solicitors, 21, College-hill, Cannon-I street; of Messrs. E. l’Anson and Son, architects and I surveyors 7a, Laurence Pountney-hili, E.C.; at the Clerks Office, St. Bartholomew's Hospital; and of the Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. No. 31, Cockspur-street, shop and premises, et on lease for 21 years from Christmas, 1892, at ,. ,. No. 10, Gresham-street, City, the ground floor and basement in hand, remainder let al £195 per annum. Total rental value Nos. 6 and 7, Aldgate, City, two shops and r™״se9i.1SL?n leasea expiring M’chaelmas, I9U9, at £250, and Warehouse Premises in the rear in Saracen’s Head-yard, let at a ground rent of £85, until Lady-day, 1955. Estimated rack rental £300 No. 296, Clapham-road, a corner shop and house, let yeaily at No. 298, Clapham-road, dwelling house and photographic studio and works, let on lease until Midsummer, 1911, at .. No. 300, Clapham-road, dwelling house, with !׳־wo-stall stable, two-story hay shed, and entrance from Paradise-road, let on lease until Midsummer, 1911, at .. No. la, Paradise-road, Clapham-road, a builder’s office, workshop, stable and yard let on lease until Christmas, 1907, at Nos. 1,3, 5 and 7, Paradise-road, four houses and shops, and two stables adjoining, let on lease until Midsummer, 1911, at the low net rents amounting to Present gross rack rental about £174. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. Tuesday, July 25. Tuesday, August 1. Tuesday, August 15. Tuesday, October 10. Tuesday, October 24. Tuesday, October 31. Tuesday, November 14. Tuesday, November 21. Tuesday, December 5. Tuesday May 16. Tuesday May 30. Tuesday, June 6. Tuesday, June 13. Tuesday June 20. Tuesday, June 27. Tuesday, July 4. Tuesday, July 11. Tuesday, July 18. Estimated Rack Rents £330 230 180 170 270 Lot Premises. Lease Expiies. Gr'und Rents. 9 Nos. 222, 224 and 226, Harrow-road, Pad- 10 dington Nos. 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. Wesfbury - road. Midsr., 1950 £30 0 11 Paddiagton Nos. 26, 28 and 30 Westbourne - ter ־ ditto 32 10 12 race, N Nos. 32, 34 and 36. Westbourne ־ ter ditto 31 10 13 race, N Nos. 39, 41, 43 and 45, Westbourne - ter- ditto 28 10 race, N ditto 54 12 Particulars (in due course) of Messrs. MONTAGU, MILEHAM and MONTAGU, solicitors5 ,׳ and 6 Bucklersbury, Cheapside; and of the Auctioneers! 80, Cheapside. REGENCY MANSIONS. SHAFTESBURY-A VENUE — ,imP°rt™t Block of Shops and Resffientiai Chambers, occupying a prominent and central position at the corner of Rupert-opposite the Lyric Theatre, and about 150 j ards from Piccadilly-circus. having frontages of ab^ 59ft and 68ft. respectively to Shaftesbury-âveriue and Rupert-street, and covering an area •2’89° F: Tbe premises hive a fine r,ec* brick with stone dressings, are hy£raullc Passenger lift, and comprise ground floor, basement, and five upper floors. On 44 6JT2Î!î?d4file ?fe HSeven capital sb°PS. Nos. 42, 4446 ׳ and 48, Shaftesbury-avenue, and Nos. 45 46 ־f¡5% ״47*״??'Jtreet• The first, second, third, fourth and fifth floors are divided to form 21 suites of chambers, specially planned to meet the require-ments of the neighbourhood, besides steward’s accommodation, servants’ rooms, lavatories, etc Thejross rentals of the shops (which are all let on leases) and chambers together, including the estimated rentals of two suites at present in hand amount to upwards of £2.500 per annum. Som¿ of the shops are let at inadequate rentals, and an in+the income may be expected in future. The property is held for a term having about 71J years to run at a moderate ground rent.—Messrs. TA EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER- and ־% D ^ BRIDGEWATER wii feeii the above-described important PROPERTY at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 27, at Two. 3xr?TaitroUlar״• ״f M(iîsrs- THORNEYCROFT WILLIS, solicitors. 59, Chancery-lane Auctioneers, No. 80, Cheapside. and of the CHIGWELL, ESSEX.—A very attractive Queen Anne Country House and about 55 acres, in a charming position on the main road from London to Ono,ar near the 11th mile stone, about half a mile from the picturesque village of Ohigwell, about a mile from Chigwell-lane Station, and two miles from Buckhurst-hill Station, on the Great Eastern Railway, whence there are capital services of trains to Liverpool-street and Fenchurch-street (facilities of access which are likely to be materially increased by the new loop line now in course of construction.—Messrs. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGEWATER Will sell at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 20, at Two. to I wo Lots, with possession, the valuable FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY (laud taxKredeem.«!), known as Taylors, formerly called Walnut tree House, comprising a nice old-fashioned Country House, in the Queen Anne style (partly covered with ivy. etc.) commanding delightful views over the as?־ of the Rodmg, extending to Bpping Forest, High Beech, and the adjoining range of hills, the house containing nine bed rooms, a dressing room, ali• * joom, dining room about 22ft. 4in by 14it. 6m drawing room about 21ft. by 16ft. loin., small library, and. ample domestic offices, and cellarage, with stabling for five horses, harness room, large coach-house and lofts. The choice old pleasure grounds are beautifully shrubbed and timbered, there are very handsome lawns, gravelled walks, an ornamental piece of water, greenhouse and, vinery (about 50ft, long), tool and potting sheds, a large productive kitchen garden well-stoc.ked with fruit trees, a good grass orchard, capital meadow lands, and two arable fields, cot-faf?rbuI״ldlIiIs’ and 5rard- Tlle total quantity timbered dr* and the whole is pleasingly Lot 1 will comprise the residence and about 45a. Or. 7p having a long frontage to the main Lot 2i 10a■ °^’ 20p■ on the opposite side of the road (with gravel subsoil), lying high commanding fine views, and offering an excellent if desiredn0tber h°USe °r for furt5ler development Sk Mefsrs VANDEROOM, doulton and BUCKLAND, solicicors, 23, Bush-lane, Cannon-street; and of tbe Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside, No. 12, PARKsPLAOE, ST. JAMES’S, held for 1,000 years, from 1742, at the low ground rent of £13,— A capital Residence, within a few doors of St James’s-street, and in the midst of Clubland. It has a frontage of about 24ft. 6in., with a depth of about 51ft. 9in„ comprises four doors and base-ment, and is let on lease for 21 years from Lady Day, 1889, at the moderate rent of £255 per annum By order of Trustees.—Messrs. TAEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and -L״ ״ ׳ BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 6, at Two the above briefly described excellent INVESTMENT’ Messrs-T CLOWES, HICKLEY and STEWARD, solicitors. 10, King’s Bench-walk, Temple• and of tlie Auctioneers, 80, Cheapside. SYDENHAM-HILL.—A capital detached Family Residence with, stabling and exceptionally charming grounds of about four acres. With possession.—By order of the Executors of William Paterson, Esq deceased.—Messrs. EBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and “a״ , BRIDGEWATER will Sell, at the Mart, on Tuesday, June 13, at Two, the superior detached RESIDENCE, known as Beech Grove, occupying one of the choicest positions on the western slope of Sydenham-hill, about five minutes walk from Lordship-lane Station, and about a mile from the Crystal Palace. The house stands on a terrace well away from the road, from which it is approached by a pretty carriage drive, and contains ten bed and dressing rooms, two bath 07fím!• b<íx 0harming drawing room about í'ií111'׳, dining room about 23ft. loin. Sun.1¿• 6in:׳ hilhard room about 27ft. loin, by lott. 6m., entrance and inner halls, morning room library, and ample domestic offices and cellarage; excellent stabling for five horses, with coach-house harness room, coachman’s house, and groom’s room. The gardens were laid out by a well-known landscape gardener, are of an exceedingly attractive character, and handsomely timbered, the upper part being arranged in terraces, sloping to a charming piece of woodland (covering about two acres), intersected by gravelled walks, flanked by clumps of rhododendrons. There are tennis and other ffiwns, three summer houses, two productive kitchen and fruit gardens, numerous glasshouses, fowl-house, and piggeries, the whole covering an area of about four acres. Held direct from Dulwich College for 44 years unexpired. Particulars of Messrs. MINOHIN and 00״ solid-22 *an