May 6, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 780 Sales i)g Euctton. BASCHUECH, SHROPSHIRE, on the Great Western Railway main line, with a good service oi trains to Shrewsbury, which is reached in about 15 minutes. WILLIAM HALL, WATERIDGE and OWEN are instructed to Sell by Auction, at the Boreatton Arms Hotel, Baschurch, in May, 1699, 60 PLOTS of important and most pleasantly situated FREEHOLD BUILDING־ LAND, in' convenient areas, suitable for the erection of both large and small houses and business premises. The land is close to the station, the locality is a proverbially healthy one,, the subsoil is believed! to be gravel, and the sites will be found to be well arranged with frontages to the main road and new road to be constructed. The total area comprises nearly 14 acres. There is a good demand for houses in this favoured situation, and the •attention of builders, architects, gentlemen and others desiring houses for occupation is directed to these profitable freehold investments. Further information will appear in future advertisements. Particulars and plans will be forwarded upon application to the Auctioneers; and to Messrs. Burges and Sloan, solicitors, St. Stephen-street, Bristol._______________________________________ Ford-end, Hartford-end and How-street, GREAT WALTHAM.—On Friday, May 19, !¿99 -DODD and MARTIN are instructed to Sell -L\j by Auction, at the Corn Exchange, Chelmsford, at Four o’clock, the following desirable PROPERTIES:— FREEHOLD COUNTRY DWELLING HOUSE, known as Little Appletrees, with stabling, farmyard. and buildings, garden, two orchards, Enclosure of Arable Land and Two Cottages. FIVE FREEHOLD COTTAGES, situate at Hart-ford'-end, now leased to Messrs. T D Ridley and Sons at £40 per annum. Enclosure of FREEHOLD PASTURE LAND, situate in rear of the above cottages. TWO FREEHOLD COTTAGES, situate at Ringtail-green, Ford-end. Piece of FREEHOLD MARKET GARDEN GROUND, abutting upon Palmer’s-road. Ford-end. TWO COPYHOLD ENCLOSURES of PASTURE LAND, abutting upon Chalk Farm-lane. THREE COPYHOLD COTTAGE TENEMENTS, situate in How-street. Particulars and conditions of sale •of Messrs. Meggy and Stunt, solicitors, Chelmsford, and 6o and 66. Chancery-lane, W.C.: and of tlie Auctioneers, 16■ Duke-street■, Chelmsford.__________________ HONNINGTON GRANGE, one mile from Dcnnington Station (I! and1 N.W. Railway), and six miles from Wellington (G.W. Railway). SEVENTH ANNUAL SALE OP GRAND PAT STOCK. Tl/IE.SSRS. BARBER and SON are instructed 1V1 by Mr. John Belcher to Sell by Auction, at the above Homestead, on Thursday next, May 11. 1899 , 207 extraordinary Summer and Stall-fed CATTLE viz.: — 80 Wonderfully Ripe SHORTHORN MAIDEN HEIFERS. 110 Grand HEREFORD, POLLED, SHORTHORN, and WELSH BULLOCKS, 12 Young COWS and Five beautiful SUCKERS, 383 Ripe SHROPSHIRE and OXFORD YEARLING SHEEP (mostly Wethers and all shorn), 80 Splendid FAT LAMBS, 6 Fat CALVES. , , . , A week’s keep will be given at purchaser s risk. Luncheon at 12.30; and, owing to the large number of Lots, the Sale will commence with the Sheep at Two o’clock prompt. Conveyances׳ will meet trains at Donnmgton and Wellington Stations. ״ , , ^ Auctioneers’ Offices. Wellington and Market Drayton. SOUTH DORSET.—In the beautiful and healthy Vale of Upwey, two miles from the sea, and four from either Dorchester or Weymouth, in the centre of a good social and sporting district. THE UPWEY MANOR ESTATE, of 300 acres, comprising a Quaint stone-built Manor House or moderate size, and in good structural repair, with stabling for four horses, small farmery, pretty gardens, and 10 acres of rich meadow land. The Bijou Residence, known as Stottingway House, with stabling, cottage, garden and paddock. Also the valuable mixed Farm of Stottingway. containing 284 acres, with farmhouse, two capital ranges of buildings, labourers’ cottages and dairy-house. The whole being estimated to produce £600 per annum. Possession of the Manor House can he given on completion. "A/T ESSES. HY. DUKE and SON will Offer 1YL for Sale by Auction, at their Property Sale Rooms, Dorchester, on Saturday Mav 13. 1899 at 3 30 o’clock, the above valuable FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY and! Sound Investment. Particulars, plan, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Andrews, Son and Huxtable, solicitors, Dorchester and Weymouth; or ot the Auctioneers, Dorchester._______________________ By order of Trustees, Mortgagees and others.— Leaseholds, HORNSEY-ROAD and HIGHBURY-FIELDS.—Freehold Shop, St. Peter-street, ISLING-TON 10, at One o’clock precisely, as under: — HORNS'EY-ROAD— Nos. 99, 101, and 103,—By order of the Trustee.—Three well-built Residences; eight rooms and every convenience; drainage recently reconstructed; excellent gardens. Let at £3 12s. 6d. per month, or £43 10s. per annum each, landlord; paying taxes. Held at apportioned ground rents ot £6 6s. per annum. Term 40 years from la=t Christmas—In Three Lots.—Solicitors, Messrs. Paterson, Sons and Candler, 26, Bouverie-street, E.C. HIGHBURY-FIELDS.—Nos. 42 and! 44. Battledean-road. Excellent investments. Never empty. Let at £42 each. Held for 93 years unexnired at £8 8s. each. Must be sold.—Solicitor, Drury Freeman, Esq., 124, Chancery-lane. W.C. _ , ״ ,, ST. PETER’S-STREET.—No. 84.—By order of the Mortgagee.—Freehold Corner Shop, baker’s and confectioner’s for 40 years; elate glass front; bakehouse and oven; eight good rooms; populous neign-bourhood. Ijefc on lease at the low rent of £6э per annum.—Solicitors, Messrs. Mace and Sons, Tenter-den, Kent. . , .... ״ Mav be viewed, and particulars and conditions ot sale had at- the Mart: of the Solicitors; and of the Auctioneers. Highbury Lodge, Highbury-corner, N. 1\/TESSBS. JENKINS and SONS will Sell 1VL by Auction, at their Auction Mart, adjoining their. Offices, on Tuesday evening, May 9, 1899, at Ssven o’clock, in separate Lots: — DEPTFORD —Nos. 2 to ¿0. Berthon-street, Church-street. 20 well-built Long Leasehold Dwelling Houses, let at rentals of 12s. and 12s. 6d. per week; leases 76 vears; ground rents £4 Юз. each. Also DEPTFORD.—Nos. 34 to 68 (even numbers! Milton-court-road. 18 well-built Long Leasehold Dwelling Houses, let at 10s. per week. Lease3 76 years; ground rents £4 each . The properties may be viewed. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Henry Gover and Son, solicitors, 3, Adelaide-place, London Bridge, E C.: and of the Auctioneers, 171, Lewisham ! High-road. New Cross. Sales bg faction, CARDINGTON, SHROPSHIRE, about four miles from Leebotwood Station, six from Church Stret-ton and Much Wenlock. and 12 from Shrewsbury. TWO valuable FARMS, known •as Broome Hall and Bowman Hill Farms, situated in the parishes of Cardington and Church Preen, on the road from Church Stretton and Leebotwood to Much Wen-lock, with convenient farmhouses and outbuildings, of -the respective areas of about 46a. 2r. 17p. and 62a. Or. 6p. of well-proportioned fertile arable and pasture, clean, in good heart, and well-watered, in the occupation of Mr. William Jervis and Mr. Richard Jervis; also a well-built Cottage and Enclosure of Land. SHREWSBURY.—The desirable Freehold Property, comprising Three Dwelling Houses, known as Nos 18, 19, and 20, Swan-hill, with good frontage, and at the rear an Enclosure of Land of considerable dimensions. 1Y/TESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, WATERIDGE ILL and OWEN are instructed by the Executors of the late Mr. Samuel Gittens to Sell by Auction, at the County Mart. Shrewsbury, on Friday. May 12. 1899, at Four o’clock precisely, in Lots, and subject to Conditions of Sale, the above-described important PROPERTIES. Particulars of sale and plans will be forwarded upon application to the Auctioneers; or Messrs. Gush. Phillips. Walters and Williams, solicitors, 3, Finsbury-circus, London, E.C. COMLEY, CARDINGTON. SHROPSHIRE, about one mile from Leebotwood Station, three miles from Church Stretton, and 10 from Shrewsbury. THREE desirable FREEHOLD FARMS, known as Comley, Hollyhurst and Hill House, all situated in the parish of Cardington, and on. or adjacent to. the main road from Leebotwood! to Cardington, with excellent houses, buildings, and cottages. The properties comprise a total area of 130 acres (73. 27 and 30 acres, or thereabouts), and are divided into useful crofts of sound pasture and arable land, well watered, and lying conveniently together, in the re^ective occupations of Messrs. Thomas Ar+hur Rudge. Thomas Jones, and John Lewis, or their under-tenants.׳ ־|\/TESSRS. WILLIAM HALL, MATE RIDGE -i-il- and OWEN are instructed! by the Devise0« under the will of the late Mr. Geors-e Plant to Sell by Auction, at the County Mart. Shrewsbury, on Friday. Mav 12. 1899, at Four o’clock, in Lots, and «ubiect to Conditions of Sale, the above-described important PROPERTIES. Particulars of sale, with plans, may be ob+ained from, the Anct-irmeers. at High-street, Shrewsbury• Mr. George W. Waring, surveyor. Dudlev; or from Me«sr«. Sanders and Parish, solicitors, 67, Co’morc-row, Birmingham. Saks fm Auction. MW₪₪₪₪M _ (in consequence of declining health) to Sell by Auction, at the George Hotel, Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, May 23, 1899, at Four o’clock precisely, in Lots, and subject to Conditions of Sale, the following most desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES: — The renowned Licensed Property, THE GEORGE HOTEL, Shrewsbury. This highly reputed and exceedingly valuable Freehold Licensed Property holds an unrivalled corner position, ■a very high-class familj7 and commercial connection, and a most profitable trade. The property has been held by the vendor’s family for a period of about 70 years, ana! will be submitted with the Goodwill of the Trade and possession upon completion of purchase. An Enclosure of FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, with brick-built Stabling and convenient approach by the road leading from Shoplatch at the rear of the Theatre Royal and George Hotel. Also the very valuable Freehold Residential Property, AGLIONBY HOUSE, Shrewsbury, most pleasantly situated on the outskirts of the town, within seven minutes’ walk of the Shrewsbury Railway Station. The residence is of good! elevation, most substantially erected, in good structural and decorative order, and is approached by a carriage sweep through a thriving plantation of firs. The Grounds of over three acres in extent are laid out in lawns, shaded walks, and productive kitchen gardens. The house contains spacious hall, three reception rooms, school room, 12 bed and dressing rooms, bath room, two staircases, excellent domestic offices on the ground floor, cellarage; well-built stabling. The property has a very extensive frontage to the Eerwick-road1, and also right of way to a road1 at the rear, and a considerable portion of the land is thus rendered available for building purposes. Possession upon completion of purchase. If not sold in One Lot, the Residence and over 1 h. acres of gardens will then be submitted., and the remainder in Nine important Building Plots, containing areas of 753 to 1.055 square yard's. An Enclosure of FREEHOLD LAND, with good frontage to Longnor-street, Meadow-place, Frank-well, well adapted for the erection of cottage property. . Particulars and plans of the properties will be forwarded upon application to the Auctioneers, at High-street, Shrewsbury; 19, High-street, ¥em; and 12, Bank-chambers, Oswestry; also of Messrs. Salt and Sons, solicitors, Belmont, Shrewsbury. Sale of a singularly charming old-fashioned׳ Freehold Residential Property. YE OLDE HOUSE, DOGPOLE. SHREWSBURY, delightfully placed in a retired, healthy, and most convenient situation, close to the centre of the town Ye Olde House is a genuine Elizabethan structure, with many most interesting historical associa-tic ns. It is massively built, oak timber ed, and has handsome polished oak floors, panellings, and doors; also some elaborately carved chimney pieces supported by ornamental pillars. The principal reception rooms and halls are well lighted by large windows, ־many in stained glass with antique coats of arms and other devices. The house contains hall, inner hall, drawing room, dining room, study, and canital domestic offices on the ground floor; nine bed and dressing rooms, large nursery, fitted bath room, and1 four attic rooms; two staircases, the chief in oak with carved balusters and handrail. The gardens are of considerable area, well laid out in tennis lawns and terraced walks, shaded by fine acacia, plane, and other trees. Picturesque views are obtained over the river Severn extending to the Wrekin. This charming property, with all the additional interest of architectural antiquity, is yet in an excellent state of structural and d'ecorative order, and has been in every way adapted to meet the most recent requirements of a modern familv residence. Electric light, gas, hot and cold water to the unper floor, and improved sanitation. 1\/TESSES. WILLIAM HALL, WATEREDGE i-VJL and OWEN are instructed to Sell this desirable FREEHOLD PROPERTY by Auction, at the George Hotel, Shrewsbury, on Tuesday, May 23, 1899. at Three for Four o’clock precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale to incorporate the Common Form Conditions of the Shropshire Law Society. Particulars are in course of preparation, and will be forwarded to applicants by the Auctioneers; and | by Messrs. Peele and Peele, solicitors, Shrewsbury. BLACKHEATH and GREENWICH. FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. To Trustees, Investors, and others. A Portion of the Est ites׳ of the late William Anger-stein, Esq., comprising important and valuable Freehold׳ Ground Rents, amounting to £418 per annum, and peppercorn rents, arising from and most amply secured upon about 140 shops and terrace houses, situate at Westcombe-park and Woolwich-road, together with the reversions to the rack rents! on the expiration of the existing leases in from 72 to 88 years. The property will he divided into numerous Lots, comprising parcels of ground rents varying in amount from £4 to £24, offering to investors securities of a safe and imnroving character. MESSRS. BEADEL. WOOD and CO. will ilA Soil by Auction, at the MaH. Tokenhouse-yard. London, E.C.. on Tuesday. May 16. 1899 at One o’clock orecisely. in 45 Lots, the above FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS, secured upon the following properties:— Nos. 1 to 4, Station-villas, Westcombe-hill, and factory in rear. Nos. 1 to 21, 25 to 29, Bridare-terrace. Woolwich-road. Nos. 2 to 9. Horn-lane. Woolwicli-road. Nos. 1 to 39 (odd), and 10 to 28 (even), Aldeburgh-street, Woolwich-road. Nos. 1 to 24 and■ 26, Fearon-street, Woolwich-road. Nos. 30 to 48, Aldeburgh-street North, do. Nos. 1 to 22, Edith-terrace, do. Nos. 1 to 18, The Pavement, do. Gordon-villa, and4 ,1 ׳, and 5, Belle Vue-terrace, Charlton-road. Particulars, with nlan and conditions of sale, mav be obtained of W. T. Hartcur». Esq., solicitor. Norwich: at the Mart: and of Messrs. Beadel, Wood and Co.. 97. Gresham-street, London, E.C. Saks f>2 &uctton. Between BLACKHEATH and CHART ׳TON. Important FREEHOLD BUILDING ESTATE. To Land Companies, Capitalists, and Building Speculators. The choice Freehold Building Estate, known as Eastcombe, a portion of the estates1 of the late William Angerstein. Esq., on the main road from Blackheath to Charlton, about half a viile from Westcombe-park and Charlton Stations, from whence London is reached by South Eastern Railway in 20 minutes, about a mile from Blackheath. and in the midst of a tealthv and highly nopular district, comprising a commodious family res;-dence. with two lodge entrances, stabling, charming pleasure grounds, and well-timbered miniature park, let on yearly tenancy at £280 per annum: together with beautiful undulating nasture land extending from the Charlton-road with long frontage thereto, to Victoria and Invicta roads, W°st-comhe-hill. the whole comprising 38 acres. Th*3 estate is immediately rine for develooment. and offers exceptional facilities to capitalists for the creation of ground! rents, and the demand for middle-clas•! bouses in this favourite locality р^пгр« successful Boldin °״"־«־׳ ־rations. MESSRS. BEADEL. WOOD and CO. win Sell by Auction, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yar'1 London, E.C., on Tuesday, Mav 16. at One o’clock ureeiselv. the above valuable BUILDING ESTATE in One Lot. Particulars, with plan and1 conditions °f sale, тал7 be obtained as in the preceding advertisement. BLACKHEATH and GREENWICH. Valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND. To Builders, Land Companies, and Speculators. A Plot of valuable Freehold Building Land, ripe for the immediate erection of villa residences situate in and having an important frontage of 172ft. to Westcombe-hill, within five minutes' walk of Westcombe-park Station on the South Eastern Railway, and only 20 minutes’ ride from London Bridge, and containing about half an acre. With possession. A valuable Freehold Building Site, known as Combe Farm, available for the erection of first-class villa« and shops, situate in and having a frontage of 300ft. to Westcombe-hill and 200ft. to Milton-road, adjacent to Westcombe-park Station, and' containing about two acres. Let on a yearly tenancy A Block of Freehold Building Land of about six acres, with a frontage of 1.100ft. to Horn-lane, near the Woolwich-road, and let on a year'y tenancy. Suitable for the erection of manufacturing premises. An important area of Freehold Building Land situate adjacent to the Woolwich-road, ready for the immediate erec+ion of houses and busines« premises, and containing about 26 acres. Let on a• 0 '־arlv tenancy. 1\/TESSRS. BEADED. WOOD and CO. will 1Y1. Sell by Auction, at fhe Mart, Tokenhouse-yard London, E.C., on Tuesday, May 16. 1899, at One o’cioek precisely, in Four Lots, the above valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTIES, being a portion of the estate of the late William Angerstein. Esq. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale, mav be obtained as above. By order of Executors and' others.—Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Properties at Stonebridge Park (WILLESUFN), BOWES-PA.RK. BRIXTON. ELSTRFE (HERTS), NORTH KENSINGTON, and KILBURN. which ־l\/TEiS'SRS. BEALE׳ and CAPPS will Sell by -It L A uction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Monday. May 15, 1899, at Two o’clock.— STONEBRIDGE-P ARK.—Detached double-fronted Freehold Residence, known as Highfield, situate just off main Harrow-road. Contains well-arranged domestic accommodation, conservatory, and well-stocked garden. With possession.—Solicitors. Messrs. Perkins and Weston, 9. Gray’s-inn-square. W C. BOWES-PARK, N.—Three compact Residences, Nos. 7, 19, and 21. Whittington-road, close to the station on Great Northern Railway. Two are let, and one will be sold with vacant possession. Solicitors, Messrs. Welman and Sons, 76b, Westbourne-grove. W. BRIXTON—Short Leaseholds. Shops and Business Premises, etc., Nos. 321. 323. 325, 327, and 329, Cold-harbour-lane : Four Cottages, known as Mavn- cottages; and1 Four Dwelling Houses, 2. 4, 6 and 8 Sussex-road. Let to most responsible lessees, and produce £342 10s. per annum. Held׳ for a term of 70 years, from March 1834. at a ground rent of enlv £20 a year on the whole.—Solicitors Messrs. Welman and Sons, 76b. Westbourne-grove, W. ELSTREE (Herts).—Four Plots of valuable Freehold Building Land on the Station Estate. Boreham Wood. Free of tithe and land tax.—Solicitors, Messrs. Toddj, Demies! and !Lamb, 22, Chancery-lane. WC. NORTH KENSINGTON —Two Long Leasehold Shops, Nos. 1 and 2, St. Helen’s-terrace, St. Quintin-avenue. Let and1 producing £130 per annum. Leases 84 years. Ground rents £8 10s. each—Solicitors. Messrs. Hatchett-Jones and Co.. 47, Mark-lane, E.C. KILBURN.—Freehold Dwelling House, No. 220. Kilburn-park-road. Let in tenements, and producing £52 ner annum.—Solicitors. Messrs. Welman and Sons 76b. Westbourne-grove, W. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the respective Solicitors; at the Auction Mart, E C. : and of +he Auctioneers, 126, Ladbroke-grove, Notting-hill, W I Gentleman’s Cottage., containing drawing and dining rooms, four bed rooms, bath room, kitchen, etc. It has about an acre of ground and an outbuilding. TV/TESSHS. DOWSETT, KNIGHT and CO. 1YJ- will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, City, on Friday, May 26, at Two, the BUNGALOW, Nateley-hill, Hook, Hants.—Particulars of the Auctioneers. 3, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London. NATELEY HILL ESTATE, HOOK, between Winch-field and Basingstoke. Most favourite residential district of historic houses and lands. Views embrace grand nature pictures, horizon upon horizon. Estate commences a mile from Hook Station. Frontages to main county road' backing on to picturesque woods. Close to the extensive Hook Golf Common. Hunting, shooting, fishing, polo, golf, football, cricket. As sunlight is certain to follow moonlight, so is this land certain to yield purchasers a brilliant future profit. An immediate offer for all or any of tlie Lots would be considered. IDTESSRiS. DOWSETT, KNIGHT and CO. 1Y1 will Offer the above by Auction, at the Mart, City, London, on Friday, May 26, unless previously disposed of. Lot 1—Gentleman’s Cottage with nearly one acre of land. Lots 2 to 7.—Six very attractive Sites for Houses or Villa Farms, varying in size from 2a. Or. 34p. to 13a. lr. 30p. each.—Particulars, plan, views, and conditions, when ready, may he obtained of Messrs. Dowsett, Knight and Co., auctioneers, 3 Lincoln’s-inn-fields, London. THE SANDHILL ESTATE, WINCHFIELD, next to Fleet and Farnborough, Hants, where land a few vears ago sold at per acre, now sells at per foot. The Sandhill Estate of about 25 acres is now offered at per acre and will soon be sold at per foot. Exceptional opportunity for making money The Sandhill Estate is one mile from Winchfield Station, near village, commons, woods, etc. High elevation. Pleasant views. The Sandhill Estate is suitable for residences, villas, cottages: also for game, poultry, or fruit farms, rabbit warren, market gardens, etc. Very valuable sand deposits. An immediate offer for the whole bv private contract, free from all restrictions, would be considered. TV/TESSKIS. DOWSETT, KNIGHT and CO. _LV_l. will Offer tile above bv Auction, at tile Mart. City, London, on Friday. May 26. unless previously disuosed of, first in One Lot, and, if not sold, then in Lots, varying from about an acre to live acres each.—Particulars, plan and conditions, when ready may be obtained of Messrs. Dowsett, Knight and Co., auctioneers, 3, Lincoln’s-inn-fieldB, London. By order of Executors.—To small׳ capitalists, members of building societies, builders, and others.— NOTTING-HILL and ACTON.—Long and Short: Leasehold Investments, in good letting neighbourhoods. MESSRS. DOWSETT, KNIGHT and CO. will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C. on Friday, May 26, 1899. at Two o’clock precisely, the following desirable INVESTMENTS:— Lot 1.—23, S’t. Ann’s-villas, Darnley-road, Notting-hill. Let at £50 per annum. Lease 45 years unexpired. Ground rent £10 per annum. Lot 2—218 and 220, Walmer-road, and 18, 20 and 22, Tobin-street, Notting-hill, and stabling. Producing together £153 6«. per annum. Lease 29i years. Ground rent• £9 15s. per annum. Lot 3.—91. Clarendon-road. Rental value £55 per annum. Lease 40 years. Ground rent• £10 per annum. Possession on completion. L0t 4.-93, Clarendon-road. Let at £45 per annum. Lease 40 years. Ground rent of £10 per annum. Lot 5.—The Laundry Premises, 14 and16 ׳, Shaftes-bury-road’, Bollo-bridge-road, Acton, W. Let on lease at £90 per annum. Leases 79 years. Ground rent of £20 3s. per annum.—Particulars of Messrs. Timbrell and Deigbton. solicitors, 44. King William-street, London-bridge, E.C.; and of Messrs. Dowsett, Knight and Co., auctioneers and surveyors, 3, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. EAST DULWICH.—Sound Leasehold Properties.— ^ Ripe Freehold Building Land close to East Dulwich Station, L.B. and' S.O. Railway. W MARTIN and CO. will Sell by Auction, • at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Wednesday, May 17, 1899, at One o’clock, the following sound INVESTMENTS: — EAST DULWICH.—Hillsboro’ Villa, Elsie-road.—A convenient detached Residence of seven rooms, on two floors, with bath (h. and c.), good domestic offices, and garden with side entrance. Lease 73 years. Ground rent £8 10s. Let at £45.—Solicitors, Messrs. Stevens, Bawtree and Stevens, 73a, Queen Victoria-street. E.C. EAST DULWICH.—Glenmore Lodge. Elsie-road.— An attractive detached Residence of similar description to above, but• with enlarged drawing room and beautifully laid out garden.—Solicitors, Messrs. Phillips, Son and Vallings. 27, Nicholas-lane, E.C. EAST DULWICH.—The Plot of Freehold Building Land now occupied as additional garden to, and immediately in rear of Glenmore Lodge aforesaid, measuring about 70ft. by 88ft., with frontage sufficient for carriage gates to Zenoria-road.—Solicitors Messrs. Phillips, Son and Vallings, 27, Nicholas-lane, E.C. . _ EAST DULWICH.—The Plot of ripe Freehold Building Land adjoining the above, and having a frontage to Zenoria-road of about 58ft. by 70ft. depth. Suitable for the erection of three good class villas.—Solicitors, Messrs. Baker, Blaker and Hawes, 117. Cannon-street, E.C. Particulars and conditions, with plan, at the Mart; of the respective Solicitors: and of ti e Auctioneers, Messrs. W. Martin and Co., East Dulwich. FELTHAM, MIDDLESEX, occupying an exceptionally choice position on the main road, and within two minute«’ walk of Feltham Station (London and South Western Railway). whence there is an excelled service of express trains to and from Waterloo and City. ־]Y/TESSRS. BARBER, BELLAMY and 1YL LORANGE are favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Railway Hotel, Feltham, on Monday, May 8, 1899, at Seven o’clock in the evening, in Lots (unless previously disposed of by private treaty). 44 PLOTS of excellent valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND..known as The Cardinal Estate, Feltham, having excellent frontages to the Twickenham High-road and to the Cardinal and Florence roads. The land is fully ripe and immediately available for building operations, thus affording an excellent opportunity for the creation of ground rents and the erection of detached and semi-detached residences. Particulars, plan and conditions of sale mav be obtained at the place of sale; of Messrs. Sloper, Potter and Gosden. solicitors. 152. High-street, Putney. S.W.: Messrs. Hatfield and Hawes, architects and surveyors. Bank-chambers, Putnev. S.W.; Messrs. Barber. Bellamy and Lorange, auctioneers, 158 High-street, Putney, and Railway-approach, Feltham. Printed and Publishea by the Proprietor. FRANK P. WILSON, at the ESTATES GAZETTE Printing Works. No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street, London, E.C.