CARD ADVERTISEMENTS* Mat 6, 1899. c** Tele. Add. : CEAIGE, DOUGLAS, MAN.*״ DOUGLAS. AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND SHAKE BROKER, Agent for Lloyds. PERTH. ^4• Offices: 52, ATHOL STREET. DOUGLAS. OHAS. E. MALEY, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, STOCK AND SHapb BEOKEB ־“ ESTATE, INSTTBANCE AND COMMISSION ASENT 29, ATHOL STREET, DOUGLAS ISLE OP MAN. Telegram* : “Maley, Auctioneer, Douglai ״ Established 1858. ISLE OP WIGHT. NEWPORT. HENRY J. WAY AND SON, SURVEYORS, AGRICULTURAL AND 1IMBEK VALUEFS, ESTATE AGENTS Firm: { Henry J. Way, F.S.I., F,A.I. ( Edward w. Way. Branch Offices.—Freshwater. ______Letters and 'Telegrams.—Newport. RYDE. E. MARVIN & 8 ON B, ADOTIONEEES^SDEVETOR^VALDEBS and 7 6, UNION STREET. _____Telegraphic Address ; “Marvins, Kyde. RYDE. WALLIB, RIDDETT * 00., P.B.I., AUOTTONEEB8, ESTATE AGENTS AND VALUEBS. Letters and Telegrama, RYDE, Begd. Telegraphlc Addre»«, “ KtddeH*, Byd*. «y0 BROADWAY OFFICES (Top op Station Road). Telegraphic Address : —“ Estate, Sandown.’ SANDOWN. Estate and House 1^• . * *V Ÿ XaL- VENTNOR. Land and Estate Agent. Auctioneer, Valuer, House, VENTNOR. SIR FRANGIS PITTIS & SON, iUCHONBEBa, EsiATB AND HOOSB AQBHjg AHD ValUHBB; MARLBORO’ HOUSE, HIGH STHET, VENTNOR, And at NEWPORT, SANDOWN AND 8HANKL1N Telegrams—“Pitti*, Ventnor.” CHANNEL ISLANDS. GUERNSEY W. W. FUZZEY, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, SURVEYOR AND HOUSE AGENT, Offices and Residenoe : La Gbavehs. Auction Rooms: Bethelot Street, St. Pethb Post, Guernsey. All available residences (furnished and unfurnished) and other information with reference to the Island free on application. BILLPOSTERS ADDRESSES• SOUTH LONDON. BALDWIN, W., “ Clapham Observer, ” 65, High Street, Clapham. Established over 30 years. BOLTON. GRKENHALGH & BLEAKLEY, 113, Black- horse Street. BURNLEY. BURNLEY BILL POSTING CO., Ltd., 4, Bull Street. CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE BILL POSTING CO., Ltd. Regent Street. JARROW-ON-TYNE. BILLPOSTING & ADVERTISING Co., Ltd., Branoh Office: Station Approach. T. Lawson' gen. man. LIVERPOOL St DISTRICT. JACKSON, R. A., 19, Islington. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. RICHEY & Co., Clayton Street West. Tel. Add, “ Publicity.” Tele. Nos. G.P.O. 676, Nat. 1954 OLDHAM. WILD and CO., 18, Yorkshire-street. PRESiON. CORPORATION BILL POSTING & ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, 11, Market Street PLYMOUTH. LIDSTONE (T. H.), 65, Union St. Estab 1857 SUNDERLAND. BILLPOSTING & ADVERTISING Co., Lta, Chief Offices, Toward Road; also at Jarrow.’ T. Lawson, gen. man. YORK. YORK BILLPOSTING CO., Pavement. A. FOEEESTEE, (.Successor to P. IURIE & SONS), House Agent and Factor, Licensed Valuator, Appraiser, and Insurance Agent. 66, GEORGE STREET, PERTH. Shooting Lodge Inventories receive careful personal attention. IRELAND. BELFAST. b. .j. McConnell and co., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS & ESTATE AGENTS, Have always Pee Farm Rents and House Property for Sale, the former extra well secured to pay from 4* to 5* per cent,, and the latter from 8 to 10 per cent. Telegraphic Address:— “Property,” Belfast. _ v J£Lad 0fflee8 :—87, ROYAL AVENUE, Branch Offices •—Mountpollinger Junction, and 152, ______________Shankhill Road. BELFAST. McKELVEY AND McCOMBE, House and Estate Agents, PROPERTY AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Auditors and Acoountants. 85, ROYAL AVENUE. Agents for the London Assurance (Fire), A.D. 1726. CORK. E. K. KEARNEY, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, HOUSE, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT MUNSTER AUCTION MART, 37, MARLBOROUGH STREET, CORK. The MOST CENTRAL MART IN THE CITY for sales or all description! of property, furniture, pictures, a , , jewellery