Mat 6, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE* Yateley—'Wetherall and Sons, oi Winchfield, at Yateley, on May 16, building land Hambledon—Ernest Hall, of Portsmouth, at Ham• bledon, on May 16, residence, cottages and outbuildings ^ ,, Bournemouth—Fox and Son, of Bournemouth, at same, on May 19, residence and villas Christchurch (near)-H. A. Wooff, of Christchurch (in conjunction with W. J. Villar, of Taunton), at same, on May 16, the Wick Estate, 1 Bournemouth—Bone and Pratt, of Bournemouth (m conjunction with L. Ronaldson Church, of Bos-combe), at !Bournemouth, on May 16, dwelling houses Herefordshire. Munsley, Bosbury, etc.—E. Stooke, of Hereford, at same, on May 31, Freehold hop farms Hereford—G. W. Meats, of Hereford, at same, on May 9, Freehold shop and dwelling house Whitcliurch-on-Wye—W. K Nicholas and Co., of Reading, at Hereford, on May 24, residence Yarkhill—J. Neale Baker, of Hereford’, at Tarring• ton, on May 11, Freehold cottage, bunding, and 1,1 an\varne —11 oo tes and Wintle. of Ross, at same, on May 18, Freehold property Hertfordshire. Stanstead—R. and A. G. Thorowgood. of Ware (in conjunction with E. Jackson, 11, Queen Victoria-street, London, E.C.), at Hertford, on May 13, Freehold residential property Hitchin—James Shilcock, of Hitchm, at same, on May 9, Freehold cottage property Tring—W Brown and Co., of Trmg, at same, on May 15, Freehold residence Huntingdonshire. Woodstone and Yaxley-Fox and Vergette, of Peterborough, at same, on May 10, residence, malting buildings and arable land St. Ives, etc.—Cyril Watts, of St. Ives, at same, on May 8, Freehold cottages, residences and land Isle of Wight. Ventnor—Wallis, Kiddett and Co., of Ryde, at Vent-nor, on May 11, building land, business premises and Freehold ground rent . West Cowes—H. J, Way and Son, of Newport, at Cowes, on May 9, Freehold business premises and dwelling house , . Northwood—H. J. Way and Son, of Newport, at same, on May 10. Freehold business premises Ventnor—Francis Pittis and Son, of Ventnor, at same, on May 23, residential property Kent. West Mailing—Wickenden and Sons, of Tunbridge Wells, at Maidstone, on May 11, Freehold shop property and dwelling house Hythe—W. and B. Hobbs, of Ashford, at same, on May 16, Freehold estate Cranbrook, Goudhurst, etc.—A Burtenshaw and Son. of Eastbourne and Hailsham, at Tonbridge, on June 13, farms, cottages and lands WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH OUR SONS P Farm & Colonization Company, Ltd. DIRECTORS - William Weight, Esq., J.P., Wollaton, Nottingham. Haeold J. Reckitt, Esc!., M.P., Wmestead Hall, ^ Yorks. •John Bbook Bbay, Esq., Clapham, Polegate, Sussex. Benjamin Glasgow, Esq., 77, Oxford Gardens, W. The Company locates, under supervision, a limited number of Gentlemen’s Sons on Cattle, Sheep or Mixed Ranches. ,, ״ For Pamphlet and particulars address or call upon the Secretary, V.M. HOLLINSWOBTH, 11, Charing Cross, Whitehall, S.W. GARDENING. LANDSCAPE W. INNES STUCKEY, Landscape Gardener, 46, Dyne-road, Brondesbury, N.W. 13 Years with Mr. H. E. MILNER. T1 ESTATE SALES. The best County Medium for advertising Sales of Estates is HE WORCESTER HERALD. Established 1794. Thfl leading County Paper. Extensive circulation among the upper and middle classes in Worcestershire and adjoining counties. Advertisers would do well to forward for reference and distribution plans and particulars of Estates, Catalogues of Machinery. Furniture, Books and other property advertised in the columns of the “ HERALD.” „—״™,a SALES OF STOCK AND AGRICULTURAL EFFECTS. The “ WORCESTER HERALD ” is the most effective organ for giving publicity to announcements of this class. It is the leading agricultural paper in the county, and circulates most extensively among agriculturists in and around Worcestershire. FARMS TO LET. Land agents, estate managers, and all having farms to let would do well to advertise m the ” WORCESTER HERALD,” the leading county paper. Specially adapted for bringing such notices before tenant farmers. Large circulation. Moderate charge. SITUATIONS VACANT AND WANTED. For producing results the “WORCESTER HERALD is recognised as a specially good medium. Cheap rates. Apply for terms. Specimen.Free, Price 2d. Published Friday for Saturday.—Offices, 72, High-street, Worcester. Maldon—Protheroe and Morris, 67 and 68, Cheap-side, London, E.O. (in conjunction with Spurgeon and Son, of Maldon), at Maldon, on May 8, Freehold building land Tilbury Docks—A. Prevost. and Son, 176, Mue-end-road, London, E., and Southend, at Tilbury, on May 10, Leasehold shops and dwelling houses and Freehold building land Southend-on-Sea—A. Prevost and Son, 176, Mile-end-road, E., and Southend, at Southend, on May 27, residential property and Freehold shop property and building laud Braintree (near)—T. II. Newman, of Braintree, at same, on May 17, Freehold residential property, cottages and lands Gloucestershire. Gloucester—Bruton, Knowles and Co., of Gloucester, at same, on May 13, the Etloe Estate, comprising about 294 acres Henbury—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol (in conjunction with Hampton and Sons, 1, Cock-spur-street, London, S.W.), at Bristol, on May 18, Freehold residential property Henbury—George Nichols, Smith and Alder, of Bristol, at same, on May 25, Freehold property Bristol—Geo. Nichols, Smith and Alder,, of Bristol, at same, on May 11, licensed property Bristol—Charles A. Tricks and Son, of Bristol, at same, on May 15, Leasehold properties Alveston—Luce, Young and Luce, of Thornbury, at Alveston, on May 9, Freehold estate Cheltenham—Engall, Cox and Co., of Cheltenham, at same, on May 18, residences Leigh—Moore and Sons, of Tewkesbury, at same, on May 17, Freehold properties , „ . Berkeley—H. W. Bruton (Bruton, Knowles and Co.), of Gloucester, at same, on May 13, Freehold estate and premises Bristol—Fred. H. Jullion, of Bristol, at same, on May 10, Freehold properties Rockhampton—Luce, Young and Luce, of Thornbury, at same, on May 24, Freehold farm Warm ley—Young and Howes (in conjunction with Nichols, Matthews and Co.), of Bristol, at Warm-ley, on May 9, Freehold’ cottages, Bristol—C. H. Tucker and Co., of Bristol, at same. on May 10, Freehold licensed property Arlington—A. F. Hobbs, of Cirencester, at• same, on May 15, Freehold licensed premises, cottages and gardens , . .,, ״ Bridge Yate—Geo. Nichols, Smith and Alder, ot Bristol, at Bridge Yate, on May 29, Freehold residence, farm, accommodation land and cot- Totterdown—Alexander, Daniel and Co., of Bristol, at Totterdown, on May 9, Freehold properties Cheltenham—Engall. Cox and Co., of Cheltenham, at same on June 1, residential properties, stocks and shares , „ _A . Cheltenham—W. H. Horsley, of Cheltenham, at same, on Ma19 ״, Freehold property Exeter—A. Bromley Sanders, of Exeter, at same, on May 9, Freehold shop and business premises Broadhempstone—Rendell and Symons, of Newton Abbot, at same, on May 10, Freehold estate Plymouth—R. Rugg Monk, of Plymouth, at same, on May 9, Freehold dwelling houses Plymouth—Woolland and Son, of Plymouth, at same, on May 9, Freehold dwelling house Barnstaple, etc.—Leibrandt and Cox, of Exeter, at Barnstaple, on May 12, Freehold properties Northtawton—Pyke, Horne and Powlesland, of North-tawton, at same, on May18 ־, grazing estate Exeter, etc.—Thompson, Whitton and Laing, of Exeter, at same, on May 19, Freehold shop, dwelling house, business premises, orchards, meadows and cottages „ „ , Ivybridge—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on June 8, Freehold estate Devonport—W. J. Lamb, of Devonport, at same, on׳ May 18, Leasehold duelling houses Exeter and Heavitree—T. Martin, of Exeter, at same, on May 18, Freehold residences, shop, dwelling house and premises Heavitree and Exeter—Scott-Smith and Co., ot Exeter, at same, on May 12, Freehold residence and accommodation land Crediton—Scott-Smith and Co., of Exeter, at same, on June 2, Freehold farms and lands Exeter—Thompson, Whitton and Laing, of Exeter, at same, on May 9, 10 and 11, furniture, etc. Exeter—T. Martin, of Exeter, at same, on May 9, residence „ Plymouth—Peter Hamley, of Plymouth, at same, on May 30, Freehold properties Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at same, on May 30, Freehold residential properties , „ „ . Yelverton—Elliott, Ellis and Oo - of Plymouth, at same on May 9, Freehold building land and residence „ ״ . , Ivybridge—Elliott, Ellis and1 Go., of Plymouth, at same, on May 18. Freehold estate Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on May 25, Freehold licensed property Teignmouth—Scott-Smith and Co., of Exeter, at same, on June 9, Freehold house, gardens and lands Dorsetshire. Cheshire. Lvrnm—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on May 9, Freehold estate, pasture land, dwelling house and cottage Macclesfield—Turner and Son, of Macclesfield, at same, on May 16, licensed property ,, Handforth—Brady and Son, of Stockport and Manchester. at Manchester, on May 16, residential Bowdorr—James Percival, of Altrincham, at same, on May 10, Freehold dwelling houses Bowdon—Henry Balshaw, of Altrincham, at same, on May 9, Freehold dwelling houses Brooklandte—William Hall, of Manchester, at Sale, on May 11, dwelling houses Cornwall. St. Dominick—W. J. May and Son, of Liskeard, at Callington, on May 9, Freehold property Menheniot—W. J. May and Son, of Liskeard, at same, on May 12, Freehold estate Saltash—Skardon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at Saltash, on May 10, Freehold cottage pro- L0(fe™ia;arilon, Sons and Hosking, of Plymouth, at Looe, on May 24, Freehold dwelling houses Cumberland. Dorchester (near)—Hy. Duke and Son, of Dorchester, at same, on May 13, residential property Weymouth—Milledge and Son, of Weymouth, at same, on May 9, residence . Charmouth—R, and 0. Snell, of Axmmster, at Char-mcuth, on May 18, cottage property Leigh—Hy. Duke and Son, of Dorchester, at Yet-minster, on May 29, Freehold grass farm Durham. Hants. Ropley—James Harris, of Winchester, at Ropley, on May 17, residence and cottage property Bournemouth—Lane and Smith, of Bournemouth, at same, on May 11, Freehold and Leasehold properties , Fareham, etc.—King and King, of Portsmouth, at same, on May 12, Freehold1 licensed and other property Southsea—Ernest Hall, of Portsmouth, at same, on May 18, Freehold properties Hayling—H. Fred. Trigg, of South Hayling, at same, on May 16. Leasehold dwelling house and Freehold building land Southsea, etc.—Field and Palmer, of Southsea, at same, on May 15, dwelling houses REVERSIONS & LIFE INTERESTS in Landed or Funded Property or other Securities and Annuities Purchased, or Loans or Annuities thereon granted, by the EQUITABLE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY (Limited), 10, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, Established 1835. Capital, ¡8500,000. interest on Loans may be capitalised. C. H. Clayton, I Joint F. H. Clayton, j Secretaries. Sunderland—Ernest A. Crow (A. T. and E. A. Crow), of Sunderland, at same, on May 8, licensed pro- Sunderland—Ernest A. Crow (A. T. and E. A. Crow), of Sunderland, at same, on May 16, business premises Essex. NO CURE ! NO PAY! ! G. F. DAWES’ Is the only Guaranteed Cure for Lame Sheeo, leaves the hoof and foot soft and healthy. Prices 3/- and 1/6. In Brown Pots only, sufficient to dress 80 Sheep and 40 Sheep. Trial Pot free from the Manufactory. SCAB IN SHEEP CURED IN ONE DIPPING. NO CURE, NO PAY. G. F. DAWES, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. BOBY’S SIMPLEX HAND SEED DRILLSy THOUSANDS IN USE. *־ ' Caebiage Paid fob P.O.O. 10/6 ־ Write for list of other sizes ; Full Illustrated Catalogue on application. ADDRESSR. BOBY, Ltd., ־St. Andrew’s Works, BURY St. EDMUNDS. Buckhurst Hill—J W. Kemsley, of Romford at Buckliurst-hill, on May 10, Freehold building land and residence ,, ,. _ , Great Waltham, etc.—Rodd and Martm, of Chelmsford, at same, on May 19, Freehold dwelling houses, cottages and Copyhold pasture land Southend-on-Sea (near)—lies, Son and Co., of Southend-on-Sea, on the Prittlewell Crescent Estate, on May 15, Freehold building estate CARSON’S PAINTS. Specially manufactured for all kinds of Outdoor Work on Estates & Residential Property Sent out in Dry Powder, with Oil Mixture Separate. Easily Mixed and Applied. LIQVIS fAIRfI For all Purposes in 40 Colours. Patterns and Prices Free on Application Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on May 8, Freehold dwelling houses Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on May 30, Freehold property Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, ot Carlisle, at same, on May 23, Leasehold dwelling houses and she־*־) Egremor.t—John Smith, of Egremont, at same, on " May 9, shop, dwelling house and garden Whitehaven—Dickinson׳ and Son, of Whitehaven, at same, on May 8, Freehold dwelling houses, shop and building land . . Wigton—Castigiione and Gibbmgs, of Carlisle, at same, on June 5, The Wigton Brewery and 18 licensed properties Derbyshire. Chesterfield (near)—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on May 16, Freehold estate _ , Derby—J. and W. Heathcote, of Derby, at same, on May 19, Freehold residence and building estate Derby—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at same, on May 12, Freehold1 dwelling houses and building land , . - f, tv t, r, 4־ Osliston, etc—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at Sutton-on-the-Hill, on May 15, Freehold farmhouse, outbuildings, orchard and pasture land׳ Elvaston—Cumberland and Sons, of Derby, at Thulston, on May 16, Freehold land’ Devonshire. Exeter (near)—T. Martin, of Exeter, at same, on Mav 12, Whimple Stud Farm, land and cottages Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on May 11, Freehold residence Tiverton—Greens lade and Kidner, of Taunton, at Tiverton, on May 10, Freehold property Ivybridge (near)—J. C. Revel!, of Plymouth, at Ivybridge, on May 9, Freehold cottages and gardens Kingskerwell—James Stooke, of Newton Abbot, at Kingskerwell, on May 11, Leasehold property HILL & SMITH ORIGINAL PATENTEES AND MANUFACTURERS OF CONTINUOUS IRON FENCING. WALTER CARSON & SONS, Grove Works, LOMBARD ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON. AND BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. SECOND EDITION, PRICE 3s. 6d. By POST 2d. extra. “NASH’S” HAY & STRAW TABLES These Tables have been compiled expressly For the use of Auctioneers, Yaluers, Hay and Straw Dealers, Farmers, and other persons connected with Agriculture, And ,will be found invaluable for arriving at the Contents, Weight and Price of Oblong or Circular Stacks of Hay and Straw, By H. F. NASH A.A.I. London :—Estates Gazette office, No. 6, St. Bride-street, Fleet-street. E.C. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED notice, Sign & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary Zxe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. NB— Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining good Boards at the shortest notice, and at low prices. y fi ■g I Iron Hurdles and Fie^d ant Entrance Gates,, Wire Fencing, Tree Guards Stable and Cowhouse Fittings, Piggeries, Netting, Black Varnish. PARK AND FIELD GATES. I— 3 g» SPECIAL DESIGNS AND PRICES To Customers requirements. SURVEYING BOOKS, ruled and bound, leather backs, Is. each (by post Is. Id.).— STATIONERY DEPARTMENT, " Estates Gazette ” Office, 6. St. Bride-street, London, E.O. was______ SHED & FARM BUILDINGS, &c. of every description. Catalogues free on application to Brierley Hill Ironworks, Staffs, OR 118, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, E.C. AND 47, DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN. Please mention this paper.