763 THE ESTATES GAZETTE, May 6, 1899. of £90, and producing £105 per annum, for £720 ; a shop and house, No. 100, Bolsover-street, leased for 40 years unexpired at a ground rent of £84, and let at £104 a year, for £800; a house and shop, No. 31, Hiding House-street, Great Portland-street, 24J years unexpired, ground rent £28, rental £85, for £625 ; and two dwelling houses in Brecknock-road, Holloway, terms 69 and 70 years unexpired, ground rents 612 10s., rental £96, for £890. Other prices brought Mr. Holmes’ total to £4,705. At a sale by Messrs. Prickett and Venables there was an excellent competition for the Ashtead Brick Works, a freehold estate consisting of about 10 acres of brick earth, buildings and machinery. In the result Mr. Venables was able to declare the property sold at £5,600. About 15^ acres of freehold building land adjoining realised £2,175 ; but two or three family residences in the same locality had to be withdrawn. Freehold building plots and leasehold properties in Hornsey were disposed of by Mr. Alex. Phillips. Tuesday. The supply was a little bet-“f ter to-day, and a fair amount Rents. business was transacted, particularly in regard to freehold ground rents, a large number of these securities being placed under the hammer by Messrs. Debenham, Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater, and other auctioneers. Mr. Edward Tewson when offering a City ground rent seldom fails to sell—in fact, I believe that he has not taken back a ground rent during the last two years—but there was disappointment awaiting him to-day, an undivided third share of a freehold ground rent of £450 per annum, secured upon business premises, No. 14, Grace-church-street, failing to attract a purchaser. The property is let on building lease for a term of 80 years from March, 1895, at the expiration of which lease the purchaser will become entitled to a third of the rack rents, now estimated at £900 per annum. Mr. Tewson thought it was worth at least 30 years’ purchase, and bought it in at £4,500, when the bidding had reached £4,200. This was the only lot left unsold, other properties being knocked down by Mr. Tewson with very little ceremony at prices which were in every way satisfactory. A parcel of freehold ground rents, amounting to £253 8s., secured on property in Portland-road, Not-ting-hill, with reversion in 50 years, realised £8,395, or over 33 years’ purchase. The freehold business premises, No. 69, Great Peter-street, Westminster, let on lease at £119 per annum, were purchased for £2,300 ; and two freehold sites in Bull’s Head-court, Westminster, having a frontage of 88ft., and an area of 1,970 square feet,for £1,180. Freehold ground rents, arising out of shops and dwelling houses at North Kensington, were sold by Mr. F. T. Battam (Messrs. Battam and Co.) for a total of £6,895. Mr. W. G. Kimpton was successful in regard to long-leasehold residences at Crouch-end; nine houses in Palace-road, Middle-lane, each let at £40 a year, and held for an unexpired term of 59f years, at a ground rent of £8, being sold for a total of £2,985 ; two residences in Aubert-park, Drayton-park, Highbury, also let at £40, and held on lease for 77 years unexpirtd, each at a ground rent of £8, fetched £800 ; whilst 51, Defoe-road, Tooting Graveney, let at £26 a year, and held on underlease for 79J years unexpired at a ground rent of £5, was disposed of for £175. Other lots in Mr. Kimpton’s particular had been disposed of by private treaty. Other transactions included the sale of 10 freehold houses in Bommany-road, West Norwood, each let at £22 2s. per annum, by Messrs. Mansell and Rowe, for £2,545 ; of a long-leasehold residence, No. 33, Charleville-road, West Kensington, 77 years unexpired,ground rent £10, by Mr. Ernest Swain (Messrs. E. and A. Swain) for £575, and a number of freehold and leasehold properties at Clapton, Mile-end and Stepney, by Mr. Frank Jolly, for a total of £2,505. The total amount realised during the day was £31,815. Wednesday. Land speculators and build-Land at 6rs were much jn evidence at 111hi™016 Tokenhouse-yard this afternoon. They had come to attend a sale by Mr. Alfred Richards—not JVIems from the |\lapt Monday. There were only five Freeholds auctioneers engaged at Token-Chelsea. house-yard on the opening day of the week, and the list was by no means heavy, but notwithstanding this fact, no less a total than £62,200 was realised. A little more than half this amount was contributed at one auction, that conducted by Mr. Edward Millard, of Finsbury-circus, who was entrusted with the sale of some valuable freehold properties adjoining Lord Cadogan’s Chelsea estate. Mr. Millard’s list was in every way attractive to theinvestor, and a crowded attendance could only have been anticipated when the character of the investments was considered. It often happens that when a sale of special interest takes place the accommodation is found to be insufficient. In this particular instance the crush was so great that many buyers were unable even to approach the doorway, and it seemed a pity that one of the large rooms available had not been chartered for the occasion. In accordance with general expectation the prices realised were high. The first lot in Mr. Millard’s particulars comprised a freehold ground rent of £10, secured upon the Queen’s Head public-house, Marlborougb-road, with cottage, and a house and shop, reversion in 9J years from June next to the rack rents, now estimated at £280 per annum. It fetched £6,700. Interest was principally centred in the offer of the Rose and Crown public-house, in the same thoroughfare, together with seven shops, a slaughter house, cab proprietor’s yard, and 17 dwelling houses in Green-street, the whole possessing frontages of about 134ft. to Marlborough-road, 169ft. to Ives-street, and 167ft. to Green-street, covering a superficial area of 24,150 squarefeet, andletpartly at ground rents and partly at rack rents amounting to £595 12s. per annum. It was pointed out that this sum was likely to be considerably increased when the ground leases expired in from 9J to 11 years, when the purchaser will be entitled to the rack rents, now estimated at £958 per annum ; but having regard to the improvements that are likely to have taken place before that time on Lord Cadogan’s estate, the auctioneers specially recommended the property as a site for the erection of high-class shops and flats. An excellent competiti >n resulted in the lot being disposed of for £17,000. Several well-known City surveyors were among the intending purchasers. The price given for a ground rent of £40, arising out of the Admiral Codring-ton public-house, Green-street, with reversion to the rack rents, estimated at £175 per annum, in 11J years, was equally satisfactory, the competition continuing until the bidding had reached £6 000. The result of this auction must have been altogether gratifying to the parties concerned. Another sale of exceptional Land interest was that conducted by Essex. Mr. J. W. Kemsley, of Romford, by whom the freehold estate known as South Hall, situate close to Rain-ham, on the main road to Grays and Southend, to which it has frontages of 3,650ft., and comprising about 167 acres of market garden and grass land, was sold in two lots for £11,800. A part of the land was described as being ripe for building; the whole is let until September, 1903, at £626 per annum. Mr. Kemsley also submitted about 7J acres of freehold building land at Romford, possessing a main road frontage of about 375ft., with an average depth of about 800ft., and backing on to the G. E. R. in the rear ; it fetched £3,200, an excellent price. Quite a choice selection of leasehold properties in the Marylebone district, was dealt with by Mr. Henry Holmes (Messrs. Henry Holmes and Co.), with a satisfactory result. A leasehold block of dwellings, No. 8, Paradise-place, High-street, held direct from the trustees of the Portland Estate for an unexpired term of 80 years from January 1881, at a ground rent of £10 per annum, and let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £140 per annum, was disposed of for £1,050 ; two shops and houses in Upper Maryleb׳״ne-street, leased for an unexpired term of 20 years at a ground rent 13, Friar-lane, Nottingham, let at £100, with a building known as Friar-lane Ohapel, were withdrawn at £7,400. The solicitors were Mr. A. E, Morton, Mr. Richard Marriott, and Messrs. Wells and Hind, all of Nottingham. SOMERSETSHIRE. At the White Hart Hotel, Wells, on the 24th ultimo, Messrs. Benneitt, Millard and Lloyd sold a freehold' dwelling house, No. 7, St. Thomas-street, Wells, with garden, greenhouse, etc., for £500; and a freehold house, No. 6, Bove-town, Glastonbury, weekly rental 4s., for £125. The solicitor was Mr. O. MeC. Wilson, Wells. WARWICKSHIRE. Messrs. George Loveitt and Son, of Coventry, at their mart there, on Tuesday, sold by auction, the freehold fully-licensed public-house, with an adjoining tenement in Bond-street, Coventry, for £2,700. The same firm recently sold a freehold house, with large garden, in Ived lane, rental value £25, for £500; six freehold tenements in South-sitreet, gross rental £43 19s. 8d.. for £500; and four Coventry Canal shares ( £100 each fully paid), for £918 ex. div. On the 27th ultimo, at the Grand Hotel, Col■ ir.ore-row, Birmingham, Messrs. Grimley and Son sold a freehold house, known as Canterbury Villa, No. 516, Coventry-road, let at £35, with garden, stabling, etc., ■for £980 ; a free hold house, known as Whitby Villa, No. 518. Coventry-road, let at £28, for £715 ; a freehold bouse, known as Denmark Villa, No. 520, Coventry-road, let at £26, for £750 ; a freehold house, No. 522, Coventry-road, let at £40, and a piece of freehold building land, having a frontage of about seven yards to Wright-streei, for £1,210; a double-fronted freehold residence, known as Arden House:, No. 256, Covemtry-road, let at £50. with large garden, out-buildings, etc., for £1,360; a long leasehold dwelling house, No. 37, Loveday-street, let at £52, ground rent £8 2s., for £390 ; and three long leasehold shops and dwelling houses, !mown as Tower-buildings, Alcester-road, King’s-heath, gross rental £125, ground rent £18, for £1,850. The sale realised a total of £7,255. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. Buller and Cross, and Mr. A. Pointon, Birmingham. WILTSHIRE, On April 24 and 25 at the Bear Hotel, Devizes, Mr. George T. Smith submitted the whole of Mr. Sotheron Esteourt’s Wiltshire estate to public competition. There was a large attendance of buyers each day. The property offered the first day consisted principally of small freehold building plots, 28 lots being submitted, and fetching an aggregate of £2,608. On the second day, some important properties were offered, and the competition was brisk. Southleigh, a pleasant little homestead, with farm buildings and 18 acres, 2 roods, 32 poles of arable and pasture land, close to Devizes, was bought by Mr. Charles Wills, of Sneyd Park, Bristol, for £1,800. The same gentleman bought the old toll-house, adjoining, for £145 ; also 15 acres, 1 rood, 13 poles of accommodation arable land, not far off the other two lots, for £920. Mr. P. H. Oaird bought three lots adjoining his estate, at £550, £950 and £635 respectively. Four closes of pasture land in the Stert Valley, 15 acres, 1 rood, 2 poles, were sold for £1,000. A free fully-licensed public-house at Nursteed, called die Fox and Hounds, was sold for £1,330 ; two pieces of accommodation pasture land, containing 14 acres, 3 roods, 23 poles, for £1,200; a farmhouse and buildings and 34 acres, 0 roods, 3 poles of productive accommodation land, for £1,590 ; and three closes of pasture land, 23 acres,_ 0 roods, 19 poles, for £1,110. £1,890 was given for 35 acres, 2 roods, 31 poles of land at dayhole. The largest lot of the sale was Nursteed Farm, consisting of farmhouse, three cottages, buildings, etc., and 188 acres, 0 roods, 10 poles of land, let at an aggregate of £247 17s. 6d. per annum, a portion being let to the Roundway Parisii Council as allotments. This was sold for £6,100. A yearly rent-charge of £40 7s. 5d., payable in perpetuity by the Great Western Railway Company, realised £1,629. The Devizes Green, with the Crammer Pond and the fair tofls, was bought privately by the Devizes Town Council for £1,200. The total amount of the sale, exclusive of timber, etc., was £15,988. Mr. M. H. Gray, of Tetbury, was the estate agent, and Messrs. Jackson and Jackson, of Devizes, were the solicitors. WALES. On the 21st instant, at the Royal Hotel, High-street, Swansea, Mr. R. G. Roberts (of the firm of EdWard Roberts and Son) sold a dwelling house and premises, No. 79, Argyle-st.reet, Swansea, gross rental £27 6s., unexpired term of 49 years, ground rent £2 19s. 6d., for £237. The solicitors were Messrs. Moy, Evans and Thomas, Swansea. At the Bear Hotel, Cowbridge, on the 2nd instant, Air. D. T. Alexander (of the firm of Stephenson and Alexander, Cardiff) sold ■the ancient freehold property, known as Penllme Court, Penlline, with about 32 acres of land, mostly gardens and orchards, for £3,060, the purchase including timber valued at £400. The solicitors were Messrs. Richard Smith and Sons, 26, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C. LANCASHIRE. At the public sale rooms, Bolton, on the 27th ultimo, Messrs. Lomax, Sons and Mills sold a’ detached residence, known as the Withins, Breightmet, near Bolton, with stabling, coach-house, conservatory, etc., ground rent £14 9s. 9d., long leasehold, for £1,000; four houses, Nos. 7, 9, 11 and 13, Leachfield-place, Halliwell, gross rental £39, for £340 ; four houses, Nos. 15, 17, 19 and 21, Leachfield-place, gross rental £39, for £405 ; four houses, Nos. 23, 25, 27 and 29, Leachfield-place, gross rental £39, for £400 ; four houses, Nos. 31, 33, 35 and 37, Leachfield-place, gross rental £39, for £400 ; five long leasehold houses, Nos. 52 to 58, Castle-street, and 2, Court-street, Haulgh, ground rent. £17 10s., gross rental £83, for £1,230, and the long leasehold villa residence known as׳ Overdale, Radcliffe-road, Haulgh, ground rent £14 3s., was withdrawn at £950. The solicitors were Messrs. Farrar and Co., Aianchester; and Messrs. Greenhalgh and Cannon, Messrs. Balshaw and Ohallinor, and Messrs Holden and Holden, of Bolton. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Mr. T. H. Tomkins, of Abergavenny, sold, at the Lion Hotel, Blaenavon, on the 24th ultimo, four leasehold cottages in Woodland-terrace, Blaenavon, for £255 ; and on the 26th ultimo, at the Bear Hotel, Crick-howell, the same gentleman sold a villa residence, known as Tyronen for £730 ; and three lots of property in Standard-street realised satisfactory prices ; six life policies, assuring in the aggregate £2,600 with profits, all changed hands at prices considerably in excess of the surrender values. The solicitors concerned were Messrs. R. H. A. Davies, of Crickhowell; Air. Luther Davies, Abergavenny ; and Air. T. G. Powell, Brynmawr. NORFOLK. At the Anchor Hotel, Thetford, on the 27th ultimo, Mr. S. Oldman, jun. (of the firm of Oldman and ׳Sons), sold a freehold dwelling house, No. 25, Pike-lane, Thetford, let at £9 12s., land tax Is. lid., for £150; a freehold cottage, No. 22, Bury-road, Thetford, let at £5 5s., land tax 2s. 9d.. for £80 ; a freehold cottage. No. 17. Alelford-common, Thetford, let at £4 10s., land tax Is. 2d., for £87 10s. : eight freehold cottages. Nos. 6 to 20. Pike-lane, Thetford, gross rental £23 8s.. land tax 7s. 6d.. for £225 ; and two (fully paid up) £10 shares in the Thetford Gas Company at £15 each share. The solicitors were Messrs. Houchen and Houchen, Thetford. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. At the Angel Hotel. Northampton, on the 26th ultimo, Messrs. Macquire and Merry sold a freehold residence, No. 19, Langham-place. Northampton, let at £30. for £490, a freehold residence. No. 20. Langham-place, for £500: three freehold dwelling houses. Nos. 52, 54 and 60. Moore-street, Northampton, gross rental £43 8s.. for £500; three freehold dwelling houses, Nos. 33, 34 and 35, York-road, North amnion, gross rental £54, for £755 ; three freehold houses. Nos. 2, 4 and 6. Russell-terrace. Northampton, gross rental £29 9s. 10־d., and three freehold houses, Nos. 8. 10 and 12, Russell-terrace, gross rental £28 12s., for £650 ; and three freehold cottages, Baseley’s-lane, Floore, gross rental £12 15s., for £105. The solicitors were Messrs. Browne and Haviland, Messrs. Beeke and Green, and Messrs. Hens-n an, Jackson and Chamberlain, all of Northampton. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. At the Red Lion Inn, Bottesford, on the 1st instant, Messrs. Escritt and Barrell sold a freehold double-fronted residence, known as Arnold Lodge, Bottesford. with garden, stabling, pad-dock. etc., containing in all about three acres, for £1.100. The solicitors were Messrs. Larkin, Toynbee and Huskinson, Newark-on-TVent. On the 25th ultimo, at No. 27, Bridlesmith-gate, Nottingham, Messrs. Morris and Place offered for sale a freehold factory, known as Pegg’s Factory, Nottingham, with engine, boiler, shafting, etc., which was withdrawn at £1.500 : four freehold houses, Nos. 12, 14, 16 and 18, Castleiton-street, Nottingham, gross rental £63 14s.. sold for £710 : seven freehold houses, Nos. 34 to 44, Castleton-street, gross rental £89 9s. 8d., for £940; and a freehold residence. No. 8, Second-avenue. Sherwood-rise, Nottingham, for £2.200. The solicitors were Messrs. Ashurst, Morris, Crisp and Co., 17, Throgmorton-avenue, F.C. ; and Messrs. Watson. Wadsworth and Ward, Nottingham. On the following day the same firm sold a freehold factory, Radford Boulevard, Nottingham, with piece of land adjoining, also twelve freehold cottages, Nos. 38 to 48, Prospect-strcef, and Nos. 1 to 6, Wafer-place, and plot of freehold land adjoining, gross rental of cottages £101 8s., for £2,950 ; a freehold dwelling house, No. 5, Notinfone-pla'ce, Nottrp1״iam, for £400; a plot of freehold building land, containing about 1,442 square yards, Sherwood-rise. Nottingham, at 12s. 6d. per yard ; a plot of freehold land having a frontage to Fleeman-grove, West Bridgeford, containing about 648 •square yards, at 3s. per yard ; a plot adjoining, containing 552 square yards, at 2s. lOd. per yard ; and two shops and dwelling houses, Nos. 11 and