1May 6, 1899. Founded 1807. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, COUNTY FIRE OFFICE. !lottos. UCKFIELD AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AND TRAINING FARM, UCKFIELD, SUSSEX. SALES BY AUCTION. 50, Regent Street,W. AND 14, Corrhill, E.C., London. The Premium Income of this Office is derived irom Home business only, Uo foreign risks being undertaken. . , , , , , , The Return System which has been adopted by this Office since its foundation offers an exceptional advantage. The Rates of Premium are the same as those charged by other leading Companies. Applications for Agencies invited. Joint (G. W. STEVENS. Secretaries i B. E. UATLIFEE. Principal: W. J. MALDEN, Associate of the Subveyoks’ Institution. POE HOME AND COLONIAL FARMING AND ESTATE MANAGEMENT. Successful preparation for Exams, of the Royal Agricultural Society and the Surveyors’ T—*-*-*•— MODERATE INCLUSIVE FEES. Institution. THE Shipwrecked Fishermen & Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society (Short Title, ‘ The Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society’), With nearly 1,000 Agencies, annually relieves over 10,000 persons. INSTITUTED 1839. The rescued sailor, fisherman, &c., is instantly cared for on the spot and sent home. The widow, orphan, &c.. of the drowned immediately sought out and succoured. The distressed seafarer of every grade at once charitably assisted. ________________ Patron-HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN. Secretary—GEKALD E. MAUDE, Esq., 26, Suffolk Street, Pall Mall S.W m H E ROYAL HORSE SHOW, _L RICHMOND, SURREY. (Under the Management of the Richmond (Surrey) Horse Show Society (Limited). EIGHTH ANNUAL HORSE SHOW, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 9 and 10, 1899. £1,200 IN PRIZES. Glasses for Hunters, Hacks, Harness׳ Horses, Polo Ponies, Tandems, Four-in-hands, Suffolk Stallions, Mares, and Geldings. Entries close Saturday, May 20; with double fees Monday, May 22. Schedules, etc., from Captain GERALD FITZGERALD (The Secretary), 1, The Little Green, Richmond, Surrey. SURVEYORS’ INSTITUTION EXAMINATIONS. The Thirteenth Annual Courses of Lectures. ' " ' ־ ־־ Fellowship, Special Sanitary Soienoe and Preliminary Examinations can obtain SYLLABUSES with list of prize winners, 22 out of the 36 whioh have been given sinoe 1888 (including all the Fellowship prizes and gold medals yet given). Particulars as to the very successful results at the last and previous Examinations and terms on application to tne Secretary, Surveyors’ Leotures, 2, Pall Mall East, Charing Gross, S.W■_______ PHCENIX FIRE OFFICE. 9 LOMBARD-STREET & 57, GHARING-GROSS, LONDON. Established 1682. Lowest current rates. LIBERAL AND PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. ASSURED FREE OF ALL LIABILITY. ELECTRIC LIGHTING RULES SUPPLIED. William c. Macdonald i Joint FRANCIS B. MACDONALD i Secretaries. MR. GEORGE F. HARRINGTON, E.S.I., late senior partner in the firm of Inman Sharp, Harrington and Roberts, of 16. Ab-church-lane, City, and whose partnership with Mr. Henry Croydon Roberts, of that firm, has been dissolved1 by mutual consent, still continues to carry on business as Auctioneer and Surveyor., in his own name at the same address. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). Founded 1886. 57 and 58, GHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, W.C. President : —EDWARD DOBSON. ADMISSION to MEMBERSHIP may be obtained: — (a) Under the Practice Qualification; (b) By Examination. THE EXAMINATIONS (Preliminary, Intermediate and Pinal) are held annually. Next Examinat.on, March, 1899. EVENING MEETINGS for the Delivery of Lectures, the Reading of Papers and for the discussion of subjects of interest to the Profession, are held at the Institute monthly during the Winter. Forms of application, Syllabus of the Examinations, Examination Questions, 1898, and all further particulars, may be obtained upon application to— CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. THE AUCTIONEERS’ INSTITUTE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (Incorporated). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Members of the Auctioneers’ Institute of the United Kingdom will be held in the LECTURE HALL of the Institute, at 57 and 58, CHANCERY-LANE, LONDON, on THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1899, at 2.30 p.m., to receive the Annual Report and Accounts, to elect Members of Council, Committee of Benevolent Fund, and Auditors. LEYTON and WALTHAMSTOW. LEYTON (within a few yards of the High-road and Town Hall, Library, and Technical Institute, and about four minutes’ walk from G.E.R. station).— In Three Lots.—The complete Terrace of Twelve Freehold Houses, known as Nos. 1 to 12, Carlton-villas, St. Mary’s-road, Leyton, each containing three bed rooms, two parlours, kitchen, and scullery. All the houses are let to capital weekly tenants, and produce £328 18s. per annum, landlord paying outgoings.—Solicitor, R. W. Regge, Esq., 14, Finsbury-circus, E.C. LEYTON (within a short distance of Leyton and St. James-street Stations on the G.E.R., and׳ Leyton on the Midland Railway) —Seven well-built Freehold Houses, being Nos. 2 to 14 (even numbers), Radlix-road, Church-road, Leyton, containing three bed rooms, two good parlours, kitchen, and scullery; good gardens. Rental 10s. 6d. per week each, or £191 2s. per annum, landlord paying outgoings.—Solicitor, W. H. Cowl, Esq., 14, Fenchurch-street, E.C. . WALTHAMSTOW (close to High-street, and within ten minutes’ walk of Hoe-street Station on the G.E.R.).—The Two desirable Freehold Houses, being Nos. 40 and! 42, Brookdale-road, Walthamstow. Each house contains three bed rooms, two parlours, kitchen, and scullery, and is let to a good tenant at the low rental of 10s per week, the two thus producing £52 per annum, landlord paying outgoings. Also that capital Freehold Shop Plot adjoining No. 72, St. John’s-road, having a frontage of 17ft. or thereabouts to St. John s-road, Forest-road, Walthamstow, a depth therefrom of 98ft., and width in rear of 37ft.—Solicitors, Messrs. Harris and Chetham, 35, Finsbury-circus, E 0 ME. W. G. SHAD BAKE will Sell the above PROPERTY by Auction, at the Town Hall. Leyton, on Friday, May 12, 1899, at Eight o’clock in the evening. May he viewed by permission of the tenants. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained of the respective Solicitors; and of W. G. Shadrake, auctioneer and estate agent, 184, High-road, Leyton SALES BY AUCTION. and Sales by Auction for the Year 1899,—Messrs. ■nEBEYHAM, TEWSON, FARMER, U BRIDGEWATER T beg to announce that their SALES of ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses. Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Rents, Advowsons Reversions, Stocks, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, in the City of London, as follows Tuesday, July 2o. Tuesday, August 1. Tuesday, August 15, Tuesday, October 10. Tuesday, October 24. Tuesday, October 31. Tuesday, November 14. Tuesday, November 21. Tuesday, December 5. ־lyrESISRS. TABERNACLE and SON beg t H-L announce that they will submit to Auction shortly at the HORSE-SHOE HOTEL. Tottenhom court-road, W. 1—THE PRINCE OF WALES, East-road. City-road. A lease of 60 years will be granted direct from the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers at a moderate rent. Two shops adioininsr can be let off. 2.—THE FALCON, 57, Knightrider-street, City. Free lease 45 years, at an adequate rent. Very genuine property. Returns extremely profitable. Further particulars on application to the Auctioneers, 15. Hart-street, Bloomsbury־, W.O. Crown Svo. Price 6s. For Cash with Order Ss. net. THE VALUATION OF LAND AND HOUSE PEOPEETT, BY CHARLES E. CURTIS, F.S.I., Professor of Forestry, Field Eagineering and Surveying and General Estate Management at the College of Agriculture, Downton ; Consulting Forester to the Right Hon. Lord O’Neill. Shane's Castle, Antrim ; Author of “ Estate Management ” (Fourth Edition) ; “Practical Forestry ” (Second 1 Edition), etc., etc.; with VALUATION EXAMPLES BY D. THOS. DAVIES, F.S.I, AND IVOR CURTIS, B.A. (Cantab.). The THIRTEENTH ANNUAL DINNER will take place at the CANNON-STREET HOTEL the same evening at 6.30 p.m. Applications for tickets to be made to CHARLES HARRIS, Secretary. 57 and 58, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. ANK P. WILSON, ־ Estates Gazette" O file, 6. St. Bride-street, London, E.O. SUN INSURANCE OFFICE. f'RE o* . ׳#*O voeo HEAD OFFICE- Threadneedle Street, London, E.C. Branch Offices in London. 60, Charing Cross, S.W. 332, Oxford Street, W. 40, Chancery Lane, W.C. 42, Mincing Lane, E.C. BIRMINGHAM.............10, BENNET'S HILL BRISTOL....................CORN STREET LEEDS........SUN BUILDINGS, 15, PARK ROW LIVERPOOL....SUN BUILDINGS, 6, O IAPEL ST MANCHESTER...............71, KING STREET NEWCASTLE.......19, COLLINGWOOD STREET EDINBURGH.............40, PRINCES STREET GLASGOW.............«, RENFIELD STREET DUBLIN..........11 and 12, TRINITY STREET Sum insured in 1897 exceeds £425,000,000 Applications for Agencies addressed to any one of the above offices will be promptly attended to. NATIYE GUANO Best and Cheapest Manure for Farm and Garden, £3 10s. PER TON IN BAGS, 2-Ton Lots, Carriage Paid 100 Miles. A Sample Bag, 1 cwt., Carriage Paid (England) for 5s. Testimonials and all Particulars on Application NATIYE GUANO CO, LTD, 29, New Bridge Street, LONDON, E.C. AGENTS WANTED INSURE YOUR GLASS. NATIONAL PROVINCIAL PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD. 66, Ludgate Hill, London. ESTABLISHED 1854. Capital, £50,000. InYested Funds £40.000. Applications for Agenoy invited from House Agents or others in a position to influence busi ness. Liberal Commission allowed. All information on application to J, H. Brown, Secretary. Please mention tliis Paner 5, Whittington• London, E.C., baa LOANS. FUNDS for INVESTMENTS On LOANS upon LANDED ESTATES, FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, or LICENSED PROPERTIES, GROUND RENTS, RATES, REVERSIONS, and LIFE INTERESTS, FOR A PERMANENCY AND ON FAVOURABLE TERMS Amounts not under £5,000 preferred. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. Tl/TESSRS. JONES, LANG and CO. beg to JA_L state that their Sales of ESTATES, Town and Country Residences, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, Building Land, and other Properties, will be held at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, City, in EACH MONTH of 1899 Particulars of properties intended for disposal should be sent at least three weeks previous to date of sale. Messrs. JONES, LANG and CO. also undertake sales of household furniture, farming stock, and general personal effects in town or country. Messrs. JONES. LANG and OO.’s printed Tabulated List of warehouses, offices, and general business premises to be Let or Sold, in the City of London and neighbourhood, can be had free on application. Auction, Survey and Estate Offices, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Branch Offices, 95, Leaden-hall-street, E.C., and Lonsdale-chambers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. Tel. Add.—“ Wonderment, London.” Tuesday. May 9 Tuesday Mayl6. Tuesday May 30. Tuesday, June 6. Tuesday, June 13. Tuesday June 20. Tuesday, June 27. Tuesday, July 4. Tuesday, July 11. Tuesday, July 18. By arrangement, auctions can also be held on other days in town or country. Messrs. Debenham, Tewson Farmer and Bridgewater undertake Sales and Valuations for Probate and other purposes of Furniture, Pici-ures, Farming Stock, Timber, &c. ^ ; x „ Detailed Lists of Investments, Estates. Sporting Quarters, Residences, Shops and Business Premises to be Let or Sold bv private contract are published on the 1st oi each month, and can be obtained of Messrs. Debenham Tewson, Farmer and Bridgewater, estate agents, surveyors and valuers, 80, Cheapside, London, E.C. telephone 503, Bank. ___________________ Dates of Sales for 1899. TX/TESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD iVl announce for the convenience of their employers that their SALES by AUCTION of LANDED and HOUSE PROPERTY, Grcundi and Improved Rents, Reversions, Policies of Assurance, Shares, and other Securities will take place during the year 1899, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank ot England, on the following Wednesdays m each month: Nov. 15 Nov. 22 JNo\ .29 Dec. 6 Dee. 13 June 7 , July 19 Oct. 11 June 14 July 26 Oct. 18 June 21 Aug. 2 Oct. 25 June 28 July 5 Nov. 1 July 12 1 Sept. 20 Nov. 8 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 eluded in the official reports, such quotations being often prejudicial, and never beneficial, to the only parties concerned—buyer and seller. No. 99, Gresham-street, Bank, London. E.C. Telegrams, “Fox, Bousfield, Londor Telephone No. 118 Bank. _____________ By EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, At the Auction Mart, On WEDNESDAY next, May 10, at Two. in one Lot. MILL-HILL, Hendon. — Valuable FREE׳-HOLD ESTATE, well situate, opposite the Mill-hill Station, on the Great Northern Railway with its capital service of trains to King’s-cross, Moorgate street, and Broad-street, and within eight miles by road ot Regent-street. The property comprises nearly one hundred acres of ornamentally timbered pasture land, with a gentle warm southern slope, almost entirely surrounded by parish roads to which there is about a mile and a half of existing frontage, and great scope for creating other leading thoroughfares. There is a substantial house known as Bittacy Farm, with a capital range of outbui dings. The estate in its present form commands a rental of £300 a year, and is capable of development by judicious building operations or the creation of freehold ground rents. The land is exceedingly well circumstauced for the formation oi througn roads, and the creation of new frontages in addition to those it already possesses. , Particulars at the Mart; at Messrs. Edwin Fox an I Bousfield’s office, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C.; and ot the Vendors’ Solicitors, Messrs. SOAMES and THOMPSON, 12, Coleman-street, E.C. INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1824. HEAD OFFICE: YORK Accumulated Funds, £1,149,216. Annual Income, £237,006, FIRE. - LIFE. ־ ANNUITIES. Special Schemes and Minimum Bates. Reversions and Life Interest purchased or advances made upon them. LEASEHOLD POLICIES ISSUED. Applications for Agencies invited. Liberal Terms West End Office:—19, St. James’ Steebt, S.W. London Office: 82, Old Broad St-, E.i NATIONAL PROVIDENT Etaj INSTITUTION 11835 FOR MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE. All the Profits are Divided amongst the Assured; already divided, £5,400,000. Invested Funds exceed £5,250,000. Paid in Claims nearly £10,500,000. Endowment Assurance Policies are issued, combining Life Assurance at minimum cost, with provision for old age The practical effect of these Policies in the National Provident Institution is that the Member s life is assured until he reaches the age agreed upon, and on his reaching that age the whole of the Premiums paid are returned to him, aDd a considerable sum in addition, representing a by no means insignificant rate of interest on his payments. 48. Gracechurch Street. ARTHUR SMTTHER, London, E.C. Actuary and Secretary. Applications for Agencies invited. Bv EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD, At the Auction Mart, On WEDNESDAY next, May 10, at Two. CTTY-ROAD.—A Sound and Improving In- I vestment, comprising one undivided Moiety of the important Freehold Property, known as the Imperial Mills, well situate for trading purposes in Wenlock-road, just off the City-road, having a road frontage of over 200 feet, and a water frontage of similar extent to Wenlock Basin, the total area being about 20,000 superficial feet, principally covered with ranges oi substantial buildings, and admirably adapted for a variety of commercial purposes; the existing buildings on the land, though substantial, do not fully utilise the site to its adequate capacity ; it is specially suitable for a brewery, range of warehouses, cold storage premises, etc.; the property is let at the low rent of £350 per annum till Midsummer next, and lenaut is ־willing to renew at a rent of £400 per annum. . Particulars at the Mart; at Messrs. Edwin Fox and Bousfleld’s office, 99, Gresham-street, Bank, E.C.; and of the Vendor’s Solicitors, Messrs. BOULTON, SONS, and SANDEMAN, 2lA, Northampton-square, E.C. To Trustees and others. Important Sale of Freeholds and Leaseholds, c. 17, the following: HAWLEY CROSS and CO. will Sell by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Wednesday. May Rentals. Lease. Gr’nd rent* £300 net. Free hold. £207 95 years. £8 10s. each £135 £45 Vacant. 94 years. 75 years. £8 each £12 £83 4s. Long. £5 each. 49,51, 53, 55, ;57, 59, 101 and 107, Sulgrave-road, West Kensing- ton-park, W......... 72, 74, 78, 80, Addison-gardens, Kensington, W.................... 61, 63, 65, Bolin gbroke-road. Kensington, W.. 14, Fielding-road, West) Kensington-park, W.) 38 and 40, Blomfontein-avenue. Shepherd’s- bush, W......... Particulars and condition of sale of T. H. Hiscott, Esq., solicitor, 5, New-inn, W.C.; Messrs. Whitfield and Harrison, solicitois,22, Surrey-street, W.C. ;Messi-3. Merriman, Pike and Merriman, solicitors, 25, Austin-friars. E.C, ; or of the Auctioneers, Ilehester House, Uxbridge-road Station, W., and 37, Broadway, Ealing. Telephone 108 Hammersmith. Address. c. TO TRUSTEES & INVESTORS. The Principal and Interest of Money Lent on Mortgage can be insured with THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, LT0. The Paid-up Capital of the Corporation, founded in 1871, is £132,1 ׳ ,eserves at December 31,1897, amounted to £327,477. Write for Prospectus to RICHARD J. PAULL, General Manager and Secretary, 40 to 44, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. RAVENSOOURT-PARK, W —For Occupation. RAWLEY CROSS and CO. will include in the above Sale at the Marf, E.C., on Wednesday, May 1/, the charming detached double-fronted VILLA, with coach-house and stables, known as Hurst-borne Lodüe, 1, Aschureh-park villas, Ravenscourt p.-»rk, W., containing five bedrooms, bath (b. and c.), two reception looms, conservatory, kitchen and offices. No basement. Capital gaiden and greenhouse. Rental value £70. Lease 64 years. Ground rent £15. Vacant possession. Particulars, etc., of Messrs. F. C. Kilsby and Son, solicitors, 21, College-hill, E.C. ; or of the Auctioneers. Ilehester House, Uxbridge-road Station, W., and 37, Broadway Ealing.