Mat 6, 1899. GAZETTE, Jfarnt attir Jwltr. BY A LAND AGENT. [SPECIALLY CONTRIBUTED.] The merrie month of May has not opened in a much more genial manner than April closed. We experienced a slight frost on Wednesday morning, and the day reminded one of January more than May, with a keen dry east wind blowing, and fires ■and winter clothing still much in evidence. The trade for store cattle is still very quiet, warm showery weather being required to make it move off a bit. Beef is in better demand. At this season of the year the thoughts of many of our farmers are turning to their in-foal mares, and the question of foaling is a very interesting one in horse breeding districts, and even in localities which do not quite come under this term, for most farmers generally manage to put a mare or two to horse each year. The best months for foaling are March, April and May, and of these the present month especially, as now the youngsters are most likely to have warm genial weather. And nothing in the shape of food is comparable with the green herbage of spring and early summer for milk production in the dams. Early foaling only too frequently means debility, untbriftimess_ and stunted growth in the foals, unless artificial treatment is adopted ; and even hay and oats do not fully compensate for the absence of grass—the natural animal food. When foals miss a good start at the commencement of their life, and sustain a Check to their growth, it generally requires much time and nursing to repair the damage, indeed, sometimes the effect is so serious that their vigour and full development are permanently arrested. LONDON AND BERKSHIRE. Wm. R. NICHOLiB 4 Co. Auctioneers 4 Estate Agents, Blagrave Street, Reading, & 60, Pall Mall, S.W GLENHAVEN, ELSTREE, HERTS. Within three minutes of Elstree Station on Midlan line. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. -LTJL will Sell hy Auction (unless previously sold privately), at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., Prirfav .Tnne 9. 1899, at Two o clock, m One or more Lots' that delightful old-fashioned PEPPEE^• ’ “pajrticVare'o®* be obtained of the Auctioneers, Blagrave-street, Beading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. Foaling late in the year is also objectionable as the young animals have then not sufficient time to gain strength before ׳the advent of winter. The season of the year and the state of the weather will determine the propriety of turning the dam ■and foal out to grass after foaling, if the mare is kept in house for the operation, but the sooner this can■ safely be done the better for both, as the genial rays of the sun have a most exhilarating influence on the foal. Exposure to rain must be avoided if possible, as the woolly texture of the foal’s coat retains the wet for a long time, and is very likely to give rise to catarrh or some bowel affection. Sometimes mares, and most frequently those with their first foal, do not secrete a sufficient quantity ■of milk to nourish their offspring. Gentle rubbing of the udder with new milk and allowing the foal to go to the teat as■ often as he will, stimulates the gland ; while soft succulent food, such as grass, sloppy mashes, boiled barley or oats, with a little treacle added, assists in exciting the secretion. When the mare chances to be ill, or dies, or does not give ■milk, then the foal must be nursed by a foster mother, or fed artificially with cow’s milk and water in the proportion of two of the former to one of the latter, sweetened with a little sugar. In those instances in which this food does not prove suitable, less of it may be given, and a preparation of husked beans, boiled to a pulp and squeezed through a hair sieve, when it forms a thick fluid-like cream, has been recommended as an excellent substitute. A dose of castor oil to the amount of one or two ■ounces may be required by the foal so fed, as constipation is not unfrequent ; and, indeed, this should always be given when the young creature does not obtain the first milk of its dam, ■and also when it is being suckled by the mare if its bowels are torpid. THE UPPER LINK ESTATE, HURSTBOURNE, HANTS situate in a favourite district between Basingstoke and Andover, and comprising a very choice farm of some 345 acres. A/TESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and OO. i-VL (in conjunction with Messrs. FREDERICK ELLEN and SON, of Andover) will Sell the .above bv Auction (unless previously sold privately), m One or more Lots, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard. London, E.C., on June 5, at Two o clock precisely. Particulars may be obtained of the Auc-tioneers, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, London, S.W. BIRMINGHAM. GRIMLEY & SON, F.S.I., Surveyors and Estate Agents. Auctioneers. PRESTWOOD, BUCKS, Within two miles of Great Missenden Station, and four of High Wycombe, 600ft. above sea level. IX/TESSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. will 1V-L Sell by Auction, at the Auction Mart, EC on June 5, the FREEHOLD PROPERTY, known as Knives Farm, comprising about 100 acres (including a valuable ־wood of beech and oak, about 25 acres). Capital house, homestead and two cottages, also some choice Building Sites. Particulars and conditions may be obtained of Edward Parker, Esq., solicitor. Thame. Oxon; and of the Auctioneers. Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, S.W. CHADLINGTON, OXFORDSHIRE, situate three miles from Charlbury and four miles from Chipping Norton Stations. lyTBSSRS. WM. R. NICHOLAS and CO. -LV_L have received instructions to Sell by Auction (unless previously disposed of privately), at Oxford, early in June, the delightful FREEHOLD PROPERTY known as The Cottage Chadlington It contains eight bed and dressing rooms, bath room, three reception rooms, large hall, and good domestic offices, etc.; capital stabling; the grounds are exceedingly picturesque, and include tennis lawn, well-stocked kitchen garden, with range of glasshouses, etc. Seven Cottages, small farmery, and paddocks, in all about 6J acres. Further particulars will appear in due course, and may meanwhile be obtained of the Auctioneers, Blagrave-street, Reading, and 60, Pall Mall, S.W. Leaflets have recently been issued by the Royal Agricultural Society of England dealing with “quarter evil,” and the "prevention of epizootic abortion in cows.” The remarks on the former ■disease are collated from the article on the subject by Professor McFadyean in the Journal of the Society. The malady is known by various names, such as black leg, black quarter, strike, puck, ■etc., and is caused by a germ which grows in the ׳tissues of the part, affected, usually the muscular tissue of one of the fore or hind limbs. The disease is not infectious or contagious in the ordinary sense of the word, but when an animal has died from it, it is advisable to take certain precautions with regard to the disposal of the carcase, which should not be skinned or opened, and, if possible, should be buried deeply in some place to which cattle and sheep will not afterwards have access. If the animal has died in a building all dung and litter should be removed and burnt, and a strong solution of carbolic applied to the floor and lower part of walls and woodwork. Quarter evil is confined to cattle ■and sheep, and is not communicable to human beings, in which it differs from anthrax. Anthrax in cattle and sheep is very rarely attended with the development of a swelling about any part of DEVONSHIRE. MESSRS. HUSSEY & SON (Established over a Century), Auctioneers, Estate Agents, Agricultural, Tenant-Right, Timber and other Valuers, EXETER, DEVON. Stock, Timber, and all Classes of Sales and Valuations undertaken on Moderate Terms. Telephone : No. 21, Exeter. A/VOODBURY, DEVON.—Close to the rail- VV way station.—A well-situated Freehold Farm, known as Exton, comprising an excellent farmhouse and suitable premises, barn, stabling, cow bouses, nigsery garden, and about 80 acres of pasture, Srihard and arable land, the greater portion of which is well suited for building purposes, and has many eligible sites thereon. Freehold price £3,500. __For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, auctioneers, etc., 14, Queen-street, Exeter. SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES AND FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS. BY MESSRS. GRIMLEY and SON, on Thurs-. day. May 11, 1899, at the Grand׳ Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham at Seven o’clock to the minu״e: — RUNCORN-ROAD (formerly St. John’s-road), MOSELEY-BOAD Lot 1.—An exceptionally well-built FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Nos. 35, 36, 37 and 38, Runcorn road, Hcseley, consisting of Four front Dwelling Houses (one being a Retail Shop), with the outbui]dings, private yards, and large gardens thereto; in the occupation of weekly tenants, at rents amounting 1״The8 p?o?lrtyanwhTch has a frontage of 23 yards to the road, and contains an area of 983 square yards, was built for the present vendor as a permanent investment, and has not changed hands1 for upwards of 30 years. By direction of Trustees. BEAUFORT-ROAD, EDGBASTON. Lot 2.—A detached, well-built RESIDENCE, No. 41, Beaufort-road, near Duchess-road, m the occupation of Mr. Ingledon, at the yearly rent of £50, the tenant paying all rates. The house contains entrance hall, large dining room, drawing^ room (with bay window), kitchen, scullery, two pantries, cellar, seven bed rooms, dressing room, bath room, ana w.c., with lawn and garden in the rear Leasehold for a term of 84 years from March, 1869. Ground rent £9 10s. 9d'. COX-STREET WEST, BALSALL HEATH. Lot 3.—A well-situated LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising the commodious Dwelling House, with builder’s yard, stabling, and other buildings, having gateway entrance, occupied for 13 years at fhe yearly rent of £40, the tenant paying all rates and water rent, and doing all repairs; and Three Dwelling Houses in the rear, known as׳ Prospect Place, let to weekly tenants, at rents amounting to £37 is. rvpr annum. Total rental £77 Is. Leasehold, for 99 years from March 25, 1880. Ground rent £27 3s. per annum. Estate of Mrs. Em’ly Coward, deceased. ARTHUR-PLACE, OAMDEN-STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Lot 4 —An important LEASEHOLD PROPERTY, comprising Six commodious front Dwelling Houses, Nos. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Arthur-place, Camden-street, each containing parlour, kitchen, scullery, cellar, and three bed rooms; with private yards and out-offices thereto, let at weekly i־ents amounting to £124 16s. per annum; and the v.ell-arranged MANUFACTURING PREMISES in the rear known as Clyde Works, comprising ranges of well-lighted shopping, machine shops, engine house and stabling. the greater portion being in the occupation of the Executors and Mr. J. A. Field, engineers and cvcle accessories manufacturers, at the yearly rent of £50. the tenants paying all rates and taxes; and Four Workshops, now or recently m the occupation of Messrs. Berry and Son. and others, at weekly rents amounting to £44 4s. per annum. Total ^asehol^firliTunexpired term of 80 years from September 29, 1898. Ground rent £47 5s. lOd. per bnnum. CUCKOO-ROAD (near Lichfield-road), ASTON. Lot 5.—Two substantially built front DWELLING HOUSES, known as Wroxhall-place, Nos. 35 and 35, Cuckoo-road, Aston, each containing parlour, kitchen scullery, cellar, and three bed rooms, with outbuildings, paved yard, and long gardens m the rear, let to weekly tenants at rents amounting to £33 16s. per annum. , . 0a Term unexpired about 73 years. Ground rent £8 8s. PLot^-T^o similar DWELLING HOUSES, adjoining the last Lot, known as Cowes-place, Nos. 37 and 38 Cuckoo־road>. Rental £33 16s. Term unexpired about 73 years. Ground rent £8 8s. The above Lots are in thorough order and repair. SHEFFIELD, YORKSHIRE and DERBYSHIRE. NICHOLSON, GREAYES, BARBER, and HASTINGS, Estates General Auction Mart, 2, HIGH STREET. Rev. Henry Barlow, deceased. now MOUTH FARM, DERBYSHIRE • \J LANE, SHEFFIELD, containing about 44 acres. To Land Speculators. Syndicates ап^ттН"1Д?е״гД(чт To be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES. BARBER and HASTINGS, at the Sheffield Estate Auction Mart. No. 2, High-street Sheffield, on Tuesday, May 9, 1899, at Half-past Four o’clock precisely, subject to Conditions of Sale to bTheeva?uab?eaeFRi!EHOLD BUILDING ESTATE and Farm Land's, with Farmstead, known as Cow Mouth Farm, in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Carr. The estate is very suitable for building purposes, and could be readily laid out to advantage at small expense, and it is anticipated that a ready market for building plots would quickly arise. Plans are in course of preparation, and1 will shortly be circulated. ... л״ For further particulars application may be maae to the Auctioneers, 2, High-street; to Messrs. Dixon and Sandford, surveyors!, St. James s-row■: or to Messrs. Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford, solicitors, Bank-street, Sheffield. _________ RETFORD. у AT,!TABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. GOODBODY’S MILL, with the Costly FIXED PLANT and! MACHINERY. . To be ׳Sold by Auction, m One Lot, by -Messrs. NICHOLSON, GREAVES. BARBER and HASTINGS, at the White Hart Hotel, Retford¡, _ on Monday. May 15, 1899, at Three for 3.30 precisely, subject to common form Conditions of Sale of tlmNottmg-ham Incorporated Law Society, and to such ■Special Conditions as shall he then produced; — All that valuable PLOT of FREEHOLD LANHJ, containing 3,214 square yards, or thereaoouts, with excellent frontages to Albert-road, Beehive-street. Mill-street, and Thrumpton-lane. m the centre of Retford, together with the valuable Brick Erections thereon, comprising the Main Mill, which is a substantial five-story building. Dwelling House, in Albert-road, Two Chimney Stacks, Engine and Boiler Houses, large open shed, and a three-story Warehouse connected with Mill, a four-story Л\ are-house, Stabling, Cart Sheds, and) Workshops. . Also the costlv modern MACHINERY, comprising Horizontal Tandem Compound Condensing Steam Engine, 168 indicated horse power, Double 1‘iue Boiler. 28ft. long by 7ft. 6in. diameter, 72 pipe economizer, with gear complete, Aaftmg with bevel mortice wheels, pulleys, etc.. Horizontal Steam Engine six horse power״ four complete sets hurstmg for mill stones, rotary sieves, reel scalpers' and. centrifugals, metal wheat worms and boxes, roller mills flour posser, stoner, wheat scourers, oust collectors, purifiers, improved coc^ separator brandusters, aspirators, mixers, flour dhsters, wheat garners, friction hoists, elevators, etc. The Buildings -were erected regardless of cost, and could be easily converted for almost any trade where substantial buildings are required. The Land1 could readily be cut up into smaller Lots, leaving the buildings standing״ each plot having an excellent frontage and! entrance to good tblTthehPropertv is not soldi as a whole it will be cut up and sold in separate plots, after the machinery has been realised, of which due notice Further" particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneers. 2 .High-street. Sheffield; or from Messrs. Mee and1 Co., solicitors, Retford, FEEEHOLD GROUND RENTS. TJXETER—Desirable Freehold Residence, JJJ known as No. 28, West Southernhay, Exeter, until recently in the occupation of Dr. L. H. Tosswill, containing, on the top floor, two attic bed rooms, box room; on the second floor, two bed rooms, dressing room, w.c., and hot and cold water supply; on the first floor, drawing room, with balcony, bed room; on the ground floor, entrance hall, dming room, morning room, lavatory, and w.c. In the basement schoolroom, kitchen, housemaid s pantry, scullery, wine, coal, and wood cellars. Outdoors, larder and servants’ w.c. Gas and water are laid on and electric light. In the rear is a garden with a back entrance, and the occupier has the joint right of using the pleasure ground in front of the houses. Rent £63. Price £1,100.—For further particulars apply to Messrs. Hussey and Son, as above. ANDERTON-PARK-ROAD and WOODSTOOK-ROAD, MOSELEY. Lot 7,—A valuable Freehold Ground׳ Rent of £6 per annum, secured by a well-built detached Resi-denoe, known as St. Hilda’s, Woodstock-road. Moseley, with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land, 355 square yards. Lot 8.—A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by a detached Residence known as Raven-snur Woodstock-road, with the Reversion-in-I ee on March 25, 1992. Area of land 347 square yards. Lot 9._A Freehold Ground: Rent of £o per annum. secured1 bv a detached׳ Residence, known as Ihe Hollies, Woodstock-road, Moseley, with the Rever-sion-in-Fee in 1992. Area• of land^ 350 square yards. Lot 10.—A well-secured Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured! by the Residence known as Yaynol, Cad'burv-road, with the Reversaon-m-Fee m 1992. Area of land 283 square yards. Lot 11 —A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 per annum, secured by the Residence known as Clarence House. An der ton-park-road, with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land 237 square yards. Lot 12.—A Freehold Ground Rent of £6 eer annum, secured by the Residence known as Glendalough״ Anderton-park-road׳ (corner of Uadbury-road). with the Reversion-in-Fee in 1992. Area of land 345 square 'if3desired: the six Ground Rents will he Sold in 0Solicitors; Lots 1 and 3. Messrs. Arnold and Son. 3. Waterloo-street; Lot 2. Messrs. Hunt, Williams and Dickens, Thirlend-street. Nottmgnam; Lot, 4. Mr Stephen Gatelev. 73. Oolmore-row; and Mr. George Hoggins. Union-chambers, Temple-row; Lots 5 and 6 Messrs. Jaques and Son. 102. Colmore-row; Lots 7 to 12, Mr. Arthur Turner, Victoria-chamoers, ^Auctioneers׳׳ Offices. 39 and 40. Temple-street. Bir-mingham. Thomas Worthington, deceased. Tj'REEHOLDS at wether edge; awd J: LEASEHOLDS IN SHEFFIELD PARK To be Sold! by Auction, by Messrs NICHOLSON, GREAVES. BARBER and¡ HASTINGS, at their Saleroom, High-street, Sheffield, on Tuesday, May 9, 1899 at 4.30 p.m., subject to the Conditions of Sale of the Sheffield Law׳ Society and to Special Con- dlLotnT.-All that FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE situate and numbered 15, Ashland-road, Nethei Ed״e with the yard and1 outbuildings, now m the occupation of Mr. G. H. Tasker, on a yearly tenancy at a low rental of £35. . The Freehold Site contains 715 superficial square yLot ”-All 6that*PLOT of FREEHOLD LAND adjoining Lot 1, containing 720 superficial square yards or thereabouts, now used as a garden. ׳Phii! nlot is suitable for a villa residence. Lot 3^—FOUR LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES, Nos. 173, 175, 177 and 179, South-street, Park, producing a gross annual rental of £64. ___ The ground! plot contains 920 superficial square vards or thereabouts, and is held, under a lease for a term of 99 years from March 25, 1837, at tne annual ground rent of £6 6s. The landlord pays water rate. Lot 4.—FIVE LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSES. Nos 5 7, 9 and 11, Henry-street, Park, and HOUSE in the yard at the back, producing a gross annual 1,6The1 ground piot contains 268 superficial square yards or thereabouts, and is held under a lease for a term of 99 years from March 25, 1833, at the annual ground rent of £2 4s. Lof 5—FOUR SkSoMD™™, Nos 62 and 64, Rhodes-stret, and 139 and 141, L^d-street, Park, together wit lithe stable adjoining, producing a gross annual rental of £56 №. The ground plot contains 217 superficial square yards or thereabouts, andis held under a lease for a term of 90 years from September 29, 1854, at the annual ground rent of £1 16s. The landlord pays water ^dffirtrict rates. Lot 6.—FOUR LEASEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE’S, Nos. 154 and 156, Lord-street, and 91 and 93, Hague-iane. Park, producing a gross annual rental of £45 12s The ground plot contains 330 superficial square yards or thereabouts, and is held under a lease for a term of 95 vears from September 29. 1851, at the animal ground rent of £2 8=. . The lai -dlord pays water and1 district rates. The above properties let well to respectable tenants, and are in good repair. For further narticulars anply to the Auctioneers : or to R. G. Thompson, iolicitor, Hartshead, Sheffield.