735 THE ESTATES GA7F.WP. May 6, 1899. CHES^ETO^&^biis* 1501:411 Audley Street, Grosvenor Sq., and 16, Eldon St Finsbury WM$^S^~¥^tS±!2cSs&* DAVIS a1 V CO T M A t eers aDd,®?4a4e Agents, 5, Mount Street, Grosvenor Square FISHEK G OAKI FY Allpi???ers’ ^ j’’q4’ ^ount Street (one door from South Audley Street) FLINT (G Gli pTTT iuctloneer aild Surveyor, 105, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square ’’ FORTESCUF V ׳TrVand Auctioneers, 18, Duke Street, Manchester Square. GARLAND-SMITH (W.) & DRAKE11 Auctioneers'llbMe ABUSt Station, and at 56, Rylett Road. GASKELL & CO., Aiictiineers SurtyoL an^faWs «1 ctt 4?־ Favles Street- Berkeley Square. GRANT WTTTET/nfVNr * rn a “ V-y ana valuers, 81, Church Street. Kensington. gf^W iWdg& fuV’ G™~ ®9uare• HAIAFTT *mATtl0»ee™ and Estate Agents, 406, Oxford Street. HEiS kK “oo“״;;»״• ?rr K'V:“«"'״ 11״־■ E״i״Sl״.ll St к®®pa!6í»5?г^^^^^к^^^^гsaJassrs1гfe5Seí,,*****־“* KNIGHT FRANK TmTT^v^1?116?8’ ^a^uers> &c-> 6. Mortimer Street. Tel. No 1893 Gerrard LESLIE MARSH ^CrP A J’ Auctioneers, *?- The Conduit Street Auction Galleries KenSingt°n• ' SI^ng street’ 1iammersmi411• and ? Bright011 and Eastbourne. (opposite AddlS0״ Road station)• MARTTN WMEHE & C9.-, Estate Agents, Ac„ 9, Maddox Street, Regent Street MILLAR׳ SON'bHcnSefnd/?ia.tetA?eIlt’ *0•’ 20׳ Seymour Street, Portman Square Sore!׳SAMUELg P H™seE&t Tt Auctionefs- 14- «»״ Street, Bond Street. rtffiSsSSWIttttsaste RAVENSHEAR GEO Fs?nte A2’ ?he Br0SdwaL Hammersmith. Telephone No 7357 READ W H P a Q T A ? Age o*’ Auctioneer, Surveyor and Valuer, 49, Broadway Eal ns SiDDL^F H R,| s ^!”¿erTcey 72 Cas41e Hl11־ * Hav“ Gloeu>' Ealing. RTDFP * cinwQ t■ ' 0״־“־S0¡1®9®׳ Sloane Square. BROWN C H; Au“ifn?ei, S^ey™’ wtuTuTstfeet ‘T”®8' Broadway. Walham Green. CROSW rf?8^4 Estate Agents, 12, Pall Mall. HRJVER & CO Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 23, Pall Mall ELSWORTH & KNIUHTnNTY• “d Bstat? Agen4' 17(5' BromP4°״ Eoad. KW“,ngtoB* ״SSKSi‘! j״D.״־afSt,״u.i;’;S6ik™,“;riLi?;:'s”‘* “*• c,‘r,“m °״״• FR ANCTS T cnSBAS'’ Auc4l0nee/S■ Valuers and Agents, 54, Pall Mall. 7 j FRFYRFRCCO-> Auctioneers, Ac.,195, Bnxton Road. Sale Rooms: 426, Coldharbour Lane GARVFY^i cnbK^’־t־TVf'°IS; V.1UTS’ &C•’ 24’ Cromwell Place, South KenringtoY. HARPE^RNWAT TOnI cn Aerstand Esta4e Agents, 1, Cockspur Street, Charing Cross ^ court HFRON’f kFRgTtlTeT and EsQtate Agent> 63' HiSh Street, Clapham. ’ ’ g E°Ur‘• sfISisI »v“״*s•■׳ ׳—■ ^™a^^^^-^^sss־fisS£2S־is7aE gSiSarkfe־״ c,^~■ MAEffitOTiaETatkm).<^ Teffip^ng: ’wYtmffistF^^™7™^8"^42’ L°W®r Grosy®-» Bla00 (near MARLFR & MARTFR0nAe״S H°U8e T?d ®state Agents, 95a, Gloucester Road, South Kensington MATCH icnArLfR’ AuCtlo?e®rf’ House and Estate Agents, 176, Sloane Stieet ^6113111g4011• saa «psa^pj aas,ii B״׳ ׳4‘״“ BSSr I id <:'״'£iri,(StJ־SL:sI;Sr "a T“,i"8׳ iissaa ־-”• ־״>• SAUNDERS (JAMES) & SON, Land Agents and SmvTors 21GreaI fYhiiTi a4 EamPs4?aa. SeeN.W. LaH.d Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 14, Cockspur Street AYLOR ?g¥FciUntTTrcn aTerV-&C•’ 349’ Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, Teffi Hop 395 APP & JONES, Land and Mk/intY^yTrsand^E°T'P Tolepbone 8805. WirSs^Bva^®3852־* E<^nitSSEs^^^,Mss^S^£?<^^E^?square;west URTLE & APPLETON, Auctioneers Estate Aglnte anTvaffiL^Yl ¿1^ T T Y1¿84,™״-,.Westminster. ALLER & CO., Auctioneers, Valuers and Estotf Agents 1* pi J hYS ®111¿Clapham Junction. Lyall Street, Belgrave Square, S.W. Telephone No 592 Wm,t” ?T?6’ Eaa*0n S3na^ S'W- and 4 wb&3bs^s& w. DRIDGE ^^(ARTH’UR1)CA0COe!’!Anrtioiie^^Sn^^rf %^k St *GrT EaiIw^ Station’ and Hanwell. PKes^ffife״־* *־ ‘־* 9^Sms^t^W^Kimmeramith Road/W.6184®^®1®6’43™®^0^3® 3"^18™1^ ׳reet,1Kensington. Auction .ALE & CAPPS, Auctioneers, Ac., 126, Ladbroke Grove, Notting Hill. Tel. 527 Paddington.