April 29, 1899. CARD ADVERTISEMENTS* Supplement to the Estates Gazette. MIDDLESBROUGH. Established 1869. WILLMAN AND DOUGLAS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS SpecialitiesIronworks, Collieries, &c. 26, ALBERT ROAD, MIDDLESBROUGH. National Telephone No. 5142. Telegrams, “ Willman, Middlesbro’.” MORECAMBE. Telegrams: “ Gough, Auctioneer, Morecambe.” PROPERTY, ART, & GENERAL AUCTIONEER AND ll , VALUER. ........... O "O ** ^ 3 ' C ------ MHLJE ■HHHNHBPI SHAREBROKER, etc. Auction & Estate Offices! Kensington Chambers. Telephone No. 381. NEATH. Including VALE OF NEATH, PORT TALBOT, BRIDGEND SWANSEA VALLEY AND WEST GLAMORGAN. W. HARRY REES & SON, (Wm. Harry Rees—W. H. S. Rees;. Established 1867. AUCTIONEERS, LIND AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. Valuers under the Finance Act, 1894, appointed by the County Council, of Glamorgan. Estates, Works, Collieries, Business Premises, &c. Confidential Reports, Valuations and Surveys. NEWCASTLE. R. & T. HINDMARSH & HEPPELL, (Successors to JAMES HINDMARSH), ESTATE & HOUSE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, 6 1, WESTGATE ROAD. NEWCASTLE AND DISTRICT. R. & W. & 0. MACK, ESTATE & GENERAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS, Fire Assessors to the Principal Offices, 73, PILGRIM STREET, NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS, ESTATE ÎcrôW'J- agents and ''removal contractors. 71, PILGRIM STREET. NEWMARKET, SUFFOLK AND CAMBS. MESSRS. GRIFFITHS & CHENNELL, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, ROTHSAY HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, HIGH STREET, NEWMARKET. NEWPORT, MON. Nat.Tel. 213. AUCTIONEERS, Land Agents and Surveyors, Tenant-right & Timber Valuers, _ __ MOMTHLY PROPERTY REGISTER. Stock Sale Fixtures — Weekly, Newport Market; Fortnightly *־''-- ־'^Chepstow and Severn Tunnel Markets ; Monthly Lydney Market. And at CHEPSTOW—Nat. Tele. 5. NEWPORT, MONMOUTHSHIRE. THOMAS PARRY, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT, AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL VALUER, Established 1873. Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages, for the District of Newport, Mon. NEWPORT (MON.) FRED. J. ROBERTS, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, RENT COLLECTOR, BAILIFF, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, Distraints made in Town or Country. offices : WESTGATE CHAMBEB8, COMMERCIAL ST. NEWTON ABBOT. JAMES STOOKE, F.S.I., Auctioneer, Tenant-Bight Valuer, Land Agent & Surveyor, NEWTON ABBOT, DEVON. Established 1870. NEWTON ABBOT & TOTNES. RENDELL & SYMONS, F.S.I., AUCTIONEEBS, TENANT-RIGHT VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Established 1816. NORFOLK & SUFFOLK. ^ HARLESTQN, BEGGLES & BUNGAY. _ aQW3 VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. HARLESTON. AUCTIONEERS. MACHYNLLETH & TOWYN. R. GILLART & SONS (David Gillart, F.S.I), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Offices: Machynlleth, Montgomery and Iowyn MERIONETHSHIRE. Information given as to properties in these and ad-joining Counties._________________ MAIDSTONE. SEYMOUR & WARING, F.S.I., Land Agents, Surveyors and Auctioneers, 46, EARL STREET, MAIDSTONE. MAIDSTONE. MESSRS. TOOTELL & SONS, F.S.I., Auctioneers, Surveyors, Valuers and Estate Agents, Offices: 18, KING STREET. MANCHESTER.^ Auctioneer•, Valuer», -д Surveyor», C,0^— und , Land Agent». 78, GROSS STREET, — And at STOCKPORT. MANCHESTER. CHAS. F. BRIERLEY (Secretary to the Manchester Society of Estate Agents), ESTATE AGENT AND VALUER, 41, JOHN DALTON STREET. Rents collected and Estates managed c aref ully under personal supervision. References to clients and bankers. Mortgages negotiated—large sums awaiting investment. Telegraphic Address : FINANCE, MANCHESTER. MANCHESTER. AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. CLARENCE STREET. Telephone No. 3095. AGENTS. MANCHESTER. ................. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS , ^ AND ESTATE ־״ ״ )u '—^Valuations for Probate and Transfers• Lincoln’s Chambers, 18. SOUTH KING STREET, Telephone No. 3945 MANCHESTER. AUCTIONEER AND VALUER ^ . OF REAL ESTATE, .1 __ oland and << ESTATE AGENT ■rtj t >*־‘ AND SURVEYOR, 75, BRIDGE STREET. MANCHESTER. Telephone No. 2547. AUCTIONEERS VALUERS. J>^^^SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS INSURANCE BROKERS. (Publishers of the Manchester and District Register). 9. GHAPEL WALKS. MANCHISTS R. WILLIAM WILSON & SON, AUCTIONEERS,VALUERS & LAND AGENTS 29, FOUNTAIN STREET. MARGATE. JESSE HOLNESS, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, Offices : 120, HIGH STREET. MARGATE. A. B. PILCHER, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOTEL BROKER, LAND HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENT, Auction and Estate Office : GROSVENOR PLACE, MARGATE. Valuations for Probate. Agents to the Royal Fire and Life Insurance Company. MARKET DRAYTON. GREEN AND PEARCE, (Estd. over 60 years), AUCTIONEERS, STOCK SALESMEN, ARBITRATORS. VALUERS, ESTATE & I INSURANCE AGENTS, &c. Bailiffs under the Law of Distress Amendment Act. Offices: CHESHIRE ST., MARKET DRAYTON, SALOP. MARLBOROUGH. T. LAVINGTON, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, LAND and ESTATE AGENT. Offlce»:-HIGH STREET, MARLBOROUGH, WILTS, Attendance at Devizes Office on Thursdays. LIVERPOOL. WILLIAM THOMSON, F.A.I., ESTATE AGENT, SURVEYOR, VALUER AND PROPERTY AUCTIONEER, Offices :—7, COOK STREEK___ LIVERPOOL. GEORGE TURNER AND SONS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, &c., The Old Liverpool Firm. Originators of Weekly Furniture Sales 50 years ago. Miscellaneous goods received from all parts of the Kingdom. Head Office, 44, CHURCH STREET, LIVERPOOL, Telephone 1897. ____ LIVERPOOL AND BIRKENHEAD. JOHN R. JONES and CO., (W. H. James and Geo. R. Holmes) ESTATE AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, ( CENTRAL BUILDINGS, NORTH JOHN-Offloes \ STREET, LIVERPOOL, and T^TTrT,iT^ 120, HAMILTON SQUARE, BIRKENHEAD. ____________Established 1845.______ LIVERPOOL & BIRKENHEAD. SMITH, SONS »nd WALTHEW, Auctioneers, Valuers, Surveyors, Land and Estate Agents, COMMERCE COURT, 11, LORD STREET, and 14, HARRINGTON STREET, LIVERPOOL: and 35, HAMILTON SQUARE, BIRKENHEAD. Telephone Numbers: — Liverpool, 2077. Birkenhead, 24. Established 1B40. D? LIVERPOOL & BOOTLE, MORTGAGE, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENT, ־” ■ - 81a, - vjJOV׳״ BEDFORD RD., BOOTLE. fC, Rents Collected. All properties carefully and economically managed under personal supervision. LIVERPOOL, SEACOMBE AND NEW BRIGHTOfL^Y^ HOUSE and ESTATE iGMls׳ Bents Collected. Properties carefully managed. Telephone No. 1605■ LLANDUDNO, N.W. W. DEW AND SON, TRINITY SQUARE, LLANDUDNO, And at Wellfleld, Bangor. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS & SURVEYORS. Mr W A Dew Fellow of the Auctioneers’ Institute of the United Kingdom (Incorporated), Fellow of the Sur-vevors Institution, and Editor and Honorary Secretary to the “North Wales Black Cattle society,” etc. Information given as to Welsh Properties._ LOWESTOFT. W. T. BALLS, Auctioneer, Valuer, House and Estate Agent. Offices: 167, LONDON ROAD. LOWESTOFT. A. G. & A. NOTLEY, Auctioneers, Valuers, House and Estate Agents ROYAL THOROUGHFARE, SOUTH LOWESTOFT. Telegraphic Address : NOTLEY, LOWESTOFT. Tel. No. 24 LOWESTOFT. Freehold Land and Residences on main sea front, and all parts of the borough Telegrams: fJW, •ÿ.o: Auctioneers, ־ Valuers, House and Energetic Estate Agents, Insurance ______Lowestoft, | and Financial Brokers. Telephone No. 60. PIER TERRACE, LOWESTOFTc London Offlce : 10.Union Court, Old Broad Street, E.C LOWESTOFT. Auctioneer, Valuer, Hou»e and Estate ARen’ Marine, *Jl Fire an<^־ Insurance Agent. Offices: Baltic-chambers, Waveney-road Telegraphic Address. “ Bradbeer.” LUTON. J. CUMBERLAND & SONS, Land Agents, Atctioneeks, Surveyors and Valuers, LUTON, BEDS. MACCLESFIELD. MELLOR AND ALLEN, Land, House and Estate Agents and Valuers, 2a, KING EDWARD STREET, MACCLESFIELD. Mortgages Effected and Property Bought and Sold on Commission. LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT. AUCTIONEER, if%• VALUER, . AGENT HOUSE, LAND, ESTATE AND SURVEYOR. LEICESTER. H. & F. TARRATT & SONS, A.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE & ESTATE AGENTS, “ Midland Auction Mart,” MARKET STREET, LEICESTER. PERIODICAL Sales of Properties and Shares. Sales of Furniture, Works of Art, Trade Stocks, Machinery, &c., at their old-established and spacious Mart, and on the vendors’ premises, Valuations for Transfer of Hotels, Inns, &c., also for Probate, Administration & Mortgages. A Register kept of Licensed Houses and Businesses for Disposal. LEICESTER. WARNER, SHEPPARD & WADE, AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. THE AUCTION MART, HALFORD STREET, LEICESTER. Valuations for Probate, Tenant-rights, Mortgages, Timber, Hotels, Inns, &c. Bailiffs by appointment under the Agricultural holdings Act. Secretaries to the Midland Counties Tenant Right Valuers’ Association. Agents for the Sun Fire & Life Office. LEICESTERSHIRE & NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. MARKET HARBOROUGH. HOLLOWAY, PRICE & SON, F.S.I., Established 1810. Auctioneers, Timber, Tenant-Right and Probate VALUERS, LAND AND HOUSE AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND ACCOUNTANTS. (MARKET HARBOROUGH. Offices. j LEICESTER, CORN EXCHANGE (Saturdays). LEICESTERSHIRE AND WAR-WICK SHIRE, LEICESTER, NUNEATON AND HINCKLEY. THOMAS MARSON, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT AND VALUER, Sales of landed estates and real property, farm stock, timber furniture, Ac. Valuations and Reports for all purposes connected with land and property. Enfranchisement and Rating Valuations and Surveys, Postal address: Higham, Nuneaton. Telegrams : “ Marson, Stoke Golding Station. LEICESTERSHIRE.—LEICESTER, MELTON MOWBRAY & SYSTON WHITTLE & ATTENBOROUGH, Late Williamson & Whittle, 4. UCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, 6, FRIAR LANE, LEICESTER. Sales of Stock held at Melton Mowbray on Tuesdays. Fat Stock at Leicester on Wednesdays, and Store Stock on Saturdays.____________________ TeIGH, ATHERTON AND TYLDESLEY. R. GREENOUGH AND SON, F.A.L, Auctioneers and Vgluers Of Mills, Mining Plant, Farm Stock, and Estate Duty. ESTABLISHED 1*41. LEIGHTON BUZZARD, Yale of Aylesbury and Bedfordshire District. A. W. MERRY, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, LAND AGENT, AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL VALUER: LAND AND RATING SURVEYOR. x . Register of Estates, Residences and Hunting Boxes to be Let or Sold. LEOMINSTER & HEREFORD. MESSRS. A. & D. EDWARDS, Tenant-Right, Timber & General Agricultural Valuers, Auctioneers, Surveyors, Estate Agents & Arbitrators. „._( ALFRED EDWARDS. r irm. I dearman Edwards. j Chief Office : LEOMINSTER. } Telegrams: “ EDWARDS, LEOMINSTER. LEWES, SUSSEX. HERBERT MORRIS (F.S.I.) AND SON AUCTIONEEBS, 8UBVEYOBS, VALUES«, LAND AGENTS, TTMBEE VALUEBS, ETC., HIGH STREET, LEWES, SUSSEX. LEWES AND DISTRICT. POWELL & 00., LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS, VALUERS, *c. !R. H. POWELL, F.S.I. H. J, POWELL, F.SJ. W. LINTOTT. Telegrams, “ Powells, Lewes LIVERPOOL. Luctioneer and Yaluer. -c ^ Largest py. ^ and best sale- ^ ^..rooms in Liverpool ; all kinds of goods sold, or warehoused with advances if required 202, LONDON-ROAD. LIVERPOOL. LANGFORD & NEWLING, (J. L. Langford, A. Nogl Newling), ¡STATE AGENTS AND VALUERS, LAND, RAILWAY & ENGINEERING SURVEYORS, ___PROPERTY AUCTIONEERS, 3, UNION CT., CASTLE ST., LIVERPOOL, telephone No. 2169. Telegram a, “ Newling,” Liverpool.