Supplement to the Estates Gazette, CARD ADVERTISEMENTS, ÂPBIL 29, 1899. EIGHT VALUERS. HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. KETTERING. AUCnONEEES, PROBATE, HOTEL AND TENANT ***** LYNN. KING’S Auctioneers, Valuers Estate Agents CBUSO, LYNN.״ Telegrams: KING’S LYNN, TILNEY ALL SAINTS & WHITTLESEY IN THE ISLE OF ELY. STEPHEN GREGORY (F.A.I.) & SON, AUCTIONEEBS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, LAND AGENTS AND SURVEYORS, Certificated Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings Act. Secretary to Wisbech District Tenant-Right Valuers Association. Surveyor and Expenditor to Norfolk Court of Sewers. Letters and Telegrams to Tilney. ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY. KINGSTON-ON-THAMES. NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS & PAGE, LAND AGENTS, SURVEYORS AND AUCTIONEERS, EAGLE CHAMBERS, KINGSTON-ON-THAMES, Branch Office:—WEYBRIDGE, SURREY. Established 1825. Estates, Country Mansions, Residences, Farms, and Shootings to be Let or Sold. Valuations of Timber and Tenant-Right ___________ Dilapidations. LANCASTER. J. P. BAINES, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, ESTATE AND GENERAL PROPERTY AGENT, Sea. CERTIFIED BAILIFF. 20, MARKET STREET. Lancaster! AUCTIONEER, VALUER, AND ,.J., ACCOUNTANT, PROPERTY INSURANCE AGENT, 10, THE ARCADE. Telephone No. 74. LEAMINGTON SPA. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENTS, Established 1820. ^* cqo* -38- THE PARADE, LEAMINGTON SPA LEEDS. ״ Yorkshire Estates Gazette.” List of Private Sales and Lettings Published month-^-־־׳׳■־■־^ iy graft■. ^ ¿iS®5 ESTABLISHED 1844, Land and Estate Agents, INFIRMARY STREET, LEEDS. LEEDS. HEPPER AND SONS, ESTATE AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, EAST PARADE, LEEDS. Established 1830. LEEDS. HOLLIS & WEBB, ESTATE, ART AND GENERAL AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS. Sales and Valuations of Freehold and Leasehold Landed Estates, Stocks and Shares, High-class Wines, Pictures Silver, Old China. Books and Art Furniture, Arbitrations undertaken on behalf of Railway Companies, Corporations and other public bodies. Mortgages arranged. Old-established and centrally situated Estate and General Sale Rooms, 26, PARK ROW, LEEDS. LEEDS. W. B. HINDLE & SON, LAND, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, 10, PARK ROW. Telephone 374. Telegraphic Address “ Estates," Leeds LEEDS. J. & J. WATSON, ESTATE AND INSURANCE OFFICES, MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. 14, PARK LANE (Near the Bank of England), Tele. Add. “ Policy, Leeds.” Telephone No. 347. GREAT MARLOW. LAWRENCE AND SON, LAND AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS AND VALUERS, GREAT MARLOW. HORSHAM & BURGESS HILL. J. R. THORNTON, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND TIMBER SURVEYOR. LAND AND HOUSE AGENT AND VALUER. Sales by Auction of Farming Stock, Estates, Timber Furniture, &c. Valuations of Tenant-Right, and for Probite, Mortgage, &c. Surveys. Plans and Reports made. Rents collected and Estates managed. And 14, VICTORIA STREET, S.W. GUILDFORD. HEWETT AND LEE, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE AGENTS, AND VALUERS FOR TENANT-RIGHT. Rents collected. Property managed and Valuations made for all purposes. Weekly Sales of Stock are held in the Market every Tuesday. Firm (W. LEE, F.S I. rlrm (Geo. T. Hewett, P.a.S.I. HOUNSLOW and 20 Miles Round« 1 and 5, CHURCH PARÄDE, ^ 194,196 and 241, *UGH STREET ÄLYERST0NE HOUSE, HOUNSLOW. Survey, Auction, Land, Estate ,^<0:Bouse and Valuation Offices. Established in Hounslow over TO years. Local Representative of the Norwich Union Fire and Life and London and Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Go’s, Telegraphic Address—“ WOODS, HOUNSLOW.״ HALIFAX & BRIGHOU3E. DAVIS, SON AND SUNDERLAND, ESTATE & GENERAL AUCTIONEERS & VALUERS, HALIFAX SALE BOOMS, 12, CROSSBY STREET, HALIFAX, AND BOROUGH SALE ROOMS, BRIGHOUSE. HOUNSLOW, ISLEWORTH, TWICKENHAM & FELTHAM. EDMUND HORNE, F.S.I., F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE AGENT AND SURVEYOR, (Successor to John Peisley), Established 1803. Letters and Telegrams to HOUNSLOW. HARROW. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, architects and ESTATE AGENTS, — ^ The Harrow Estate Offices, 0*׳^Peterborough Road, Harrow. Two minutes to the left of the Met. Station, HUDDERSFIELD. j^DDISON, TAYLOR AND BOOTH, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, AND ESTATE AGENTS. Established 1852. OFFICES, GALLERY, SALE ROOM, AND SALE YARD, 4 & 6, HIGH STREET, HUDDERSFIELD. (Telephone No. 172). HARROW. ^ - Auctioneers, Valuers, House 0^* and Insurance Agents. Estd. 1845 Bent collected. *^J^^Auctions of all descriptions. Valuations for aU purposes. —"^Auction Offices: GBEENHILL, HABBOW. HUDDERSFIELD. GEO. TINKER AND SON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, Ac.. Established 1843. OFFIOES, MART AND REPOSITORY, 23, MARKET STREET, HUDDERSFIELD. HARTLEPOOL. JOHN HUNTER, F.A.I., AUCTION EEB AND VALUER, HOUSE, LAND, SHIPPING AND ESTATE AGENT AND SURVEYOR Telegraphic Address: ״ Nimrod.” Letters and Telegrams, 4, Town Wall, Hartlepool. HUNTINGDON. DILLEY AND SON, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS, MARKET HILL, HUNTINGDON. On Mondays, Auction Yards, St. Ives, Hunts. Telegrams * Dilley, Huntingdon.” HASLEMERE & DISTRICT. C. BRIDGEK & SON, AUCTIONEERS, TENANT-RIGHT AND GENERAL VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS, AND SURVEYORS. The Haslemere, Hindhead, and General Property Register free by post on application. No charge made for Registration unless business results from our introduction. Established over 40 years. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. PERCIYAL L. ROGERS, LAND AGENT AND VALUER, RAMSEY, HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Estates inspected and Valuations or Beporcs made upon same for Investments, Loans, Mortgages, Sales Exchanges, or other purposes. HASTINGS. MESSRS. T. H. WOODHAMS & SON, (Jas. Woodhams, F.S.I.) HAVELOCK ROAD, HASTINGS, And Stonehouse Farm, Hollington, St. Leonards. Auctioneers, Land and Estate Agents, Timber Valuers, Surveyors and General Agricultural and Town Valuers. ILFRACOMBE AND DISTRICT. H. BRAUND, AUCTIONEER, VALUER, LAND, HOUSE A ESTATE AGENT A AUDITOR, Offices and Property Sale Room : 112, HIGH STREET, ILFRACOMBE. Register of Properties free on application. HAYWARD’S HEATH, SUSSEX. T. BANNISTER, F.S.L, LAND AGENT AND TIMBER SURVEYOR, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER. Sales of Fat and Store Stock every Tuesday at two o’clock. IPSWICH & DISTRICT. GARROD, TURNER & SON, Land Agents and Auctioneers, Offices :—1, OLD BUTTER MARKE T. Established 1820. HAYWARDS HEATH, SUSSEX. ^ -jj VL , Auctioneer, House, Land and Estate Aijent^^-^^T^^ ^Agricultural and General Valuer, Land and Timber Surveyor. KENDAL & LAKE DISTRICT. . AUCTIONEER, VALUER, HOUSE , ' * \. AND ESTATE AGENT. *C tPW,V Certified Bailiff under the Agricultural Holdings Act. Street, Kendal. Next door to the Town Hall. HITCHIN. GEORGE JACKSON AND SON, HITCHIN, BALDOCK, AND ROYSTON, HERTS, AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, ESTATE & HOUSE AGENTS, FARM AND TIMBER VALUERS, Hold weekly sales of Fat and Store Stock and Horses at their Sale Yard, Hitchin. Agents for the County Fire and Provident Life Office. KESWICK & LAKE DISTRICT. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, LAND ctOi* & S HOUSE -o, tAy ): & ESTATE AGENTS, and at COCKERMOUTH HORLEY & REDHILL (SURREY). (On the Borders of Sussex.) BAKER AND BAKER, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AGENTS. AGRICULTURAL AND GENERAL VALUERS. LAND AND TIMBER SURVEYORS. Letters and Telegrams, Horley, Surrey. Established 1874. London Offices:—19, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. KETTERING. BEEEY BEOS, and BAG SHAW, AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENTS. EAST GRINSTEAD. E. G. ELLIS AND PALMER (Late G. Simmins and Ellis). AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND AGENTS, TENANT-RIGHT, TIMBER AND GENERAL VALUERS, Certificated Bailiffs under the Agricultural Holdings and Law of Distress Amendment Acts. Sales conducted personally, and Valuations for every purpose made with care and promptitude. Fire, Accidental and Live Sdock Insurance Aerents.—Offices: EAST GRINSTEAD, & 41, BEDFORD ROW, W.C. Established 1874. EAST GRINSTEAD, SUSSEX. TURNER, RUDGE & TURNER, F.S I. (Established over two centuries), AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS AND ESTATE AGENTS. Land, Timber, and Tenant-Right Valuations undertaken in any part of the country. EAST KENT, SITTINGBOURNE. JACKSON AND SON, F.8.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, ESTATE AGENTS AND SURVEYORS. Offices: 117, HIGH STREET, SITTINGBOURNE. EGHAM, SURREY. J. WALKER, F.A.I., AUCTIONEER, ESTATE AGENT, SURVEYOR, AND VALUER, HIGH STREET, EGHAM, Undertakes Sales of Landed and Building Estates, Residences, Business Premises, Furniture, Timber, Live and Dead Stock, Growing Crops, &c.; Valuations for Probate and Transfer ; Estates managed ; Rents and Tithes collected ; Surveys of Property and Dilipidations. Established 60 Yeahs. EMSWORTH & HAVANT. Auctioneer, Valuer, __ îipSp’ Land and Estate Agent. Offioes I The Square, Ems worth. (North Street, Havant. EPSOM, ASHTEAD & LEATHER-HEAD. LANGLANDS AND SON, F.A.I., AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS, SURVEYORS AND LAND AGENTS, HIGH STREET, EPSOM, AND AT LEATHERHEAD. [Established 1798. EPWORTH, GAINSBOROUGH AND DONCASTER. WM. STANDRING, F.A.I., Auctioneer, Valuer, and Estate Agent. President of the Derbyshire, Yorkshire, and Nottinghamshire Tenant-right Valuers' Association. Bailiff under the Law of Distress Amendment Act, 1888. EXETER. RIPPON, SON & CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. COMMERCIAL CHAMBERS, GANDY STREET. Telephone No. 204. FARNHAM, SURREY. J. ALFRED EGGAR, F.S.I., Auctioneer, Yaluer, Estate Agent, Architect and Surveyor. Branch Office :—ALTON, HANTS. FELIXSTOWE. Established over Half a Century. AUCTIONEERS, VALUERS,^^^"'''{* O' HOUSE AND ^ St " - «3L'״"BANK CORNER, VICTORIA PARADE ESTATE AGENTS. FROME. CHARLES COOPER, AUCTIONEER AND VALUER, Estate, Land, Agricultural and General Agency Offices, Comity Valuer by appointment. 14, NORTH PARADE. AND THE MART, FROME. Periodical Sales at the Mart. Advances may be obtained npon Consignments for absolute sale. Agricultural Repository in the Market Yard. GLOUCESTER. BRUTON, KNOWLES AND CO., ESTATE AND HOUSE AGENTS. LAND SURVEYORS, AGRICULTURAL AND TIMBER VALUERS, AND VALUERS FOR PROBATE & SUCCESSION DUTY. /־H. W. Bruton, F.Si, ) Valuer appointed by the Gloucestershire 1 irm < County Council under the Finance Act, 1894. I H. KNOWLES, F.S.L i.H. T. Bruton.