719 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 29, 1899. Plymouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on May 11, Freehold) residence Tiverton—Greenslade and Kidner, of Taunton, at Tiverton, on May 10, Freehold property Exeter—S. R. Force and Son, of Exeter, at same, on May 3, Exeter gas shares Diptford—Bourne and Son, of Totnes, at same, on May 6, Freehold estates Ivybridge (near)—J. C. Revell, of Plymouth, at Ivy-bridge, on May 9, Freehold cottages and gardens Kingskerwell—James Stooke, of Newton Abbot, at Kingskerwell, on May 11, Leasehold property Plymouth—Skardon, Sons and Hosking. of Plymouth, at same, on May 4, Freehold residence Exeter—A. Bromley Sanders, of Exeter, at same, on May 9, Freehold shop and business premises Broadhempstone—Rendell and Symons, of Newton Abbot, at same, on May 10, Freehold estate Plymouth—R. Rugg Monk, of Plymouth, at same, on May 9, Freehold dwelling houses Paignton—R. Waycott, of Paignton, at same, on May 3. Freehold residence and' about seven acres of land Plymouth—Woolland and Son, of Plymouth, at same, on May 9, Freehold dwelling house Barnstaple, etc.—Leibrandt and Cox, of Exeter, at Barnstaple, on May 12, Freehold properties Northtawton—Pyke, Horne andPowlesland, of North-tawton, at same, on May 18, grazing estate Devonport, etc.—W. J. Lamb, of Devonport, at same, on May 4, Freehold and Leasehold property and gas shares Exeter, etc.—Thompson. Whitton and Laing, of Exeter, at same, on May 19, Freehold shop, dwelling house, business premises, orchards, meadows and cottages Exeter—Churcher and Gale, of Exeter, at same, on May 3, Freehold properties Dorsetshire. Weymouth—Milledge and Son, of Weymouth, at same, on May 2, Freehold and Leasehold properties Dorchester (near)—Hy. Duke and Son, of Dorchester, at same, on May 13, residential property Dorchester (near)—A. C. Higgs, of Weymouth, at Dorchester, on May 3, Freehold agricultural and sporting property Poole—Curtis and Son, of Poole, at same, on May 4, Freehold properties Weymouth—Milledge and Son, of Weymouth, at same, on May 5, residence, building land and shares Weymouth—Milledge and Son, of Weymouth, at same, on May 9, residence Durham. Darlington—Henry Cooper, 25, Moorgate-street, London, E.C., on the Greenbank House Estate, on May 4, Freehold building land Essex. Chelmsford—Fred Taylor, of Chelmsford, at same, on May 4, Freehold shop, building land and cottages Buckhurst• Hill—J. W. Kemsley, of Romford, at Buckhurst-hill, on May 10, Freehold' building land and residence Southminster—Protheroe and Morris, 67 and 68, Cheapside, London, E.C. (in conjunction with James Rogers, of Maldon), on the Hillside Estate, on May 6, Freehold building land High Wycombe—Vernon and1 Son, of High Wycombe, at same, on May 12, Freehold property Cambridgeshire. Histon, etc.—Wright and Scruby, of Cambridge, at same, on May 6, Freehold estates Moulton Paddocks—J. Carter Jonas and! Son, of Cambridge (in^ conjunction with Griffiths and Chennell, of Newmarket), at Moulton Paddocks, on May 1, 2 and 3, Furniture, etc. Stapleford, etc.—Catling and Son, of Cambridge, at same, on May 27, Freehold and Copyhold estates Waterbeach—Wright and Scruby, of Cambridge, at same, on May 17, Freehold properties Cambridge—Wright and Scruby, of Cambridge, at same, on May 26, Freehold' residences, gardens and dwelling houses Cheshire. Lymm—C. W. Provis and Son, of Manchester, at same, on May 9, Freehold estate, pasture land, dwelling house and cottage Handforth—George H. Larmuth and Co., of Manchester, at Wilmslow, on May 4, dwelling houses Macclesfield—Turner and Son, of Macclesfield, at same, on May 16, licensed property Handforth—Brady and Son, of Stockport and Manchester, at Manchester, on May 16, residential property Cornwall. Penzance—G. E. Jenkin, of Penzance, at same, on May 3, stores, workshop and1 stable Cumberland. Briggle—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at same, on May 2, Freehold estate Low Murrah—Thornborrow and Co., of Penrith, at Mungrisdale, on May 3, estate Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on May 9, Leasehold dwelling houses, shop and bakehouse Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on May 8, Freehold dwelling houses Carlisle—Robert Dalton and Son, of Carlisle, at same, on May 30, Freehold property Derbyshire. Chesterfield (near)—Nicholson, Greaves, Barber and Hastings, of Sheffield, at same, on May 16, Freehold estate Ilkeston—Peel and Richardson, of Ilkeston, at same, on May 1, Freehold and Copyhold properties Derby—J. and W. Heathcote, of Derby, at same, on May 19, Freehold residence and' building estate Devonshire. Plymouth—Elliott, El-lis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on May 4, Freehold property Exeter (near)—T. Martin, of Exeter, at same, on May 12, Whimple Stud Farm, land and cottages Pl3rmouth—Elliott, Ellis and Co., of Plymouth, at same, on May 2, Freehold building land Arrivals of beef included 120 tons Scotch, 235 Liver- ! pool sides, 283 Danish, 1,700 hindquarters, and 650 forequarters American refrigerated. Quotations: — Beef—Scotch short sides, 4s. to 4s. 4d.; long ditto, 3s 8d. to 3s. lOd.; English, 3s. lOd. to 4s.; American Deptford killed, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 8d.; Liverpool, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 8d.; Danish, 2s. 6d. to 3s.: American refrigerated hindquarters best, 3s. 6d. to 4s.; average, 3s. 9d.; second ditto., 3s. 4d. to 3s. lOd.; forequarters, 2s. 4d. to 2s. 6d. Mutton—Scotch, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 8d.; Er.glish wethers, 4s. to 4s. 4d.; ewes, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 8d.; English lamb, 5s. 4d. to 6s. Veal—English, 4s. 8d. to 5s.; Dutch, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 8d. Pork—Dutch, 3s. 2d. to 3s. 4d.; and Irish, 3s. to 3s. 2d. per 81b. POULTRY AND PROVISION. SMITHFIELD, April 24.—There was a short supply and little or no demand. Prices:—Surrey capons, 5s. to 6s.; Surrey fowls, 3s. 9d!. to 4s. 6d.; Boston fowls, 3s. 6d. to 4s.; Essex fowls, 2s. 9d. to 3s. ; Irish fowls, 2s. 6d. to 3s. 6d.; Russian fowl, Is. 4d. to Is. lOd.; Russian ducks,; 2s. 6d.; goslings, 6s. to 7s. 6d.; English ducks, 4s. to 5s.; black game, 2s.; ptarmigan, Is. 3d.; guinea fowls, 4s.; cock capercailzie, 2s 3d.; hen ditto, Is. 9d.; wild ducks. 2s. 3d!.; feathered pigeons. lOd. to Is.; Bordeaux pigeons, lOd. to Is. 4d.; Russian brown hares, 2s.; Russian white ditto, Is.; tame rabbits, Is. 4d. to 2s.; wild rabbits, lOd. to Is. Id.; Australian rabbits, lOd. to Is.; live hens, 2s. to 3s. 3d. each; large pigs, 3s. 4d. to 3s. 6d.; small pigs, 4s. to 4s. 2d. per 81b. HOPS. BOROUGH, April 24.—A fair demand has been experienced from consumers, but bids made have been generally under sellers’ ideas, who still request full rates, and in the result only a small business has been done. Continental markets quiet, but firm. FORTHCOMING SALES BY AUCTION IN THE COUNTRY■ London Forthcoming Sales are given elsewhere' All announcements of sales should reach our Office by the first post on Thursday morning, or they cannot appear in the paver of the Saturday following. Bedfordshire. Bedford!—G. C Walker, of Bedford, at same, on May 9, Freehold dwelling houses and stabling Berkshire. Reading—Uaslam and Son, of Reading, at same, on May 16, Freehold building land, comprising about 18 acres Reading—A. H. Turner and Co. of Reading, at same, on May 15, Freehold residence Buckinghamshire. High Wycombe—Raffety and Son, of High Wycombe, at same, on May 19, Freehold estate lltarkits. CORN. MARK-LANE, April 24.—Only a moderate attendance of buyers was present to-day, and business progressed quietly, but the tone in regard to value was firm. English wheat was in moderate supply and quiet request at dearer prices on the week, foreign sorts being generally higher than on Monday last. Flour evidenced a slow demand at late currencies. Grinding barley, although quiet, was steady, oats ruling slow, while maize was firmly supported. Beans and peas quiet. The wheat cargo market has been dull and lower. Late Saturday 28s. 4£d. was paid for the Falls of Afton, containing 12,990 qrs. Walla Walla arrived off coast. 29s. was asked for January Australian. American parcels easier. 29s. 9d. was accepted for No. 1 Northern spring on sample shipment within 14 days. Indian parcels firm but quiet. No. 2 Club Calcutta, April to London, sold at 28s. 6d. Maize quiet and rather easier. 10,000 qrs. Danubian May 15 to June 15 sold on cable order at 17s. 4£d. 16s. 7§d. was paid for a parcel of old crop maize American April to London. Barley steady. Penpol, containing 13,000 qrs. Ghenighesk prompt shipment., sold at 17s. l§d. Oats quiet sale. London Produce Clearing House quotations of American wheat—May, 6s. 3|d.; June, 6s. l^d.; August, 6s. lgd.; October, 6s. lid. per cental. Sales registered, 91,200 centals. Maize—June, 3s. 6fd.; September, 3s. 7§d. per cental. Sales registered, 9,600 centals. Arrivals last week: —English and Scotch: Wheat, 3,863 qrs.; barley, 613 qrs.; malt, 25,953 qrs.; oats, 2,599 qrs.; beans, 657 qrs.; peas, 184 qrs.; maize, 1,136 qrs.; flour, 22,437 sack?. Foreign: Wheat, 32,396 qrs.; barley, 4,579 qrs.; oats. 37,676 qrs.; beans, 61 qrs.; peas, 1,129 qrs.; maize, 24,630 qrs.; flour, 23,845 sacks. CATTLE. ISLINGTON, April 24.—Beast entries this morning were not so heavy as on Monday last, and included 45 Scotch, 602 Eastern Counties, and 120 Irish stores. A moderate inquiry prevailed for both prime and second qualities, and the turn in prices was favourable to holders. Fat cows were quieter. Scotch beasts quoted 4s. 6d. to 4s. 8d.; Devons, 4s. 5d. to 4s. 6d.; Norfolks, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 5d.; Lincoln shorthorns, 4s. to 4s. 4d.; and fat cows, 3s. 8d. to 3s. lOd. per 81b. Irish stores three years old, £14 10s. to £15 10s.; and two years, £12 10s. to £13 10s. per head. Sheep supplies were heavier than on last Monday, and for wethers trade remained about the same, the demand being moderate; but ewes were slow, and prices 2d. per 81b. lower. 7J to 8- stone Down wethers unclipped, 5s. lOd. to 6s.; 9- stone clipped, '5s. 2d. to 5s. 4d.; 10-stone half-bred ditto, 5s. to 5s. 2d.; 12-stone Lincolns, 4s. 8d. to 5s.; 10-stone Down ewes unclipped, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 6d.; and 11-stone half-bred ditto, 3s. lOd׳. to 4s. Lambs were slow, and values in buyers’ favour. 5-stone Downs., 7s. to 7s. 2d.; and 6-stone half-bred ditto, 6s. 6d. to 6s. 8d. per 81b., sinking the offal. Calf trade nominal. Milch cows, £16 to £22 per head. Total supplies—Beasts, 1,310; sheep and lambs, 9,770; calves, 15; milch cows, 30. DEPTFORD, April 24.—Beasts on offer to-day comprised 2,274 head, of which 783 were from the United States, and 1,491 Argentine, which is an increase of 832 on comparison with last Monday’s figures. A fair demand prevailed, and trade ruled steady. United States, 3s. lid. to 4s. Id.; exceptionally, 4s. 2d.; and 1.491 Argentine, 3s. 6d. to 3s. 9d׳. Sheep arrivals totalled 6,665, and again consisted of shipments from South America, this being 3,287 more than was shown on Monday last. Trade ruled slow. Clipped, 3s. 6d.; and in the wool, 3s. 8d. per 81b., sinking the offal. MEAT. SMITHFIELD, April 24.—A slow demand prevailed this morning for the moderate supplies on offer. MERRYWEATHERS. “WE DO THE WHOLE THING.׳ Bore Wells, Construct Reservoirs, Elevated Water Towers, and Filters. Pro ־ Fix Pumping to be driven by Wind, Water, or other power. vide and Machinery Gas, Oil, Electricity, WATER Horse, Donkey or Bullock Pump,׳ Experienced Engineers sent to all parts of the Kingdom to report and give advice as to the most suitable scheme to adopt. Write for Illustrated Pamphlet, “Water Supply to Mansions’ Just Published. Windmill Pump, Supplying Water to Elevated Tank. SUPPLIES. MERRYWEATHERS, 63, Long Acre, W.C. 100,000 ASPARAGUS This delicious vegetable can be grown by anyone if planted right time of the year, from now till the end of April will ensure success. I hold the finest stock in England. Illustrated Price List, “HOW TO GROW AND CULTIVATE,” Post Free. W. HORNE, Cliffe, Rochester, Kent. THE “ FINANCIER ״ (Established 1870. Enlarged 1897). A BUSINESS PAPER FOR BUSINESS MEN. ONE PENNY. Telegraphic Address : “ SHRUNK, LONDON.” 0ublished every morning. Pi ice, unstamped, Id., or ¿1 6s per annum ; free by post l£d., or £119s. annually. Advertisers should address the Manager, at the Offices, 2, ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C. AUCTIONEERS, SURVEYORS, LAND COMPANIES AND OTHERS REQUIRING BOARDS — Should apply to — GEO. BROWN, THE OLD ESTABLISHED Notice, Sign & Bill Board Contractor, WRITER, &c., Bury Street, St. Mary ixe, City, Corner of Heneage Lane. N.B.—Country firms will find this an unequalled opportunity for obtaining good Boards at the shortest notice, and at low prices. WHEN REQUIRING LIVE STOCK COMMUNICATE WITH ALFRED MANSELL & CO. OLD-ESTABLISHED Live Stock Agents, Shrewsbury. NOTE.—Having UNRIVALLED opportunities for buying to advantage, Breeders and Feeders would CON- , SULT THEIR OWN INTERESTS AND SAVE MANY POUNDS by placing commissions with : the firm. WINTERING CATTLE & FEEDING SHEEP. Hereford, Shorthorn, Polled Angus, and Welsh Bullocks 1 (Pure or Crosses) supplied at lowest market rates. SHROPSHIRE and Olun Wethers supplied in truck loads on favourable terms. Satisfaction Guaranteed. TelegramsPedigree,” Shrewsbury. REVERSIONS & LIFE INTERESTS in Landed or Funded Property or other Securities and Annuities Purchased, or Loans or Annuities thereon granted, by the EQUITABLE REVERSIONARY INTEREST SOCIETY (Limited), 10, Lancaster Place, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, Established 1835. Capital, £500,000. interest on Loans may be capitalised. C. H. Clayton,) Joint F. H. Clayton, / Secretaries. MANGEL SEED. STOCKS. Per cwt. Per lb. SWED FROM THE FINEST Selected Golden Tankard - ) Selected Yellow Intermediate [ _ . . , Selected Yellow Globe - - J 34s. 4d. Goods to the value of 20s. anfl upwards will be sent carriage paid for cash with order. Z. COLEMAN, Seed Merchant & Grower, High Street, Sandwich, Kent. (Smgtars & Irnitfmtnita. Hay-Barns, Roofs, Buildings, CARSON’S ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF FENCING, GATES, AND GALVANIZED SHEETING, ETC. CONTRACTORS TO H.M. AND FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. PAINTS. Specially manufactured for all kinds of Outdoor Work on Estates & Residential Property Sent out in Dry Powder, with Oil Mixture Separate. Easily Mixed and Applied. LIQUID PAINTS For all Purposes in 40 Colours. Patterns and Prices Free on Application WALTER CARSON & SONS, Grove Works, LOMBARD ROAD, BATTERSEA, LONDON. AND BACHELOR’S WALK, DUBLIN. CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. HAMILTON IRON WORKS, GÄRST0N 17, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W. Just published, Crown 8yo, 221 pp. Price 6s. 6d. DILAPIDATIONS : A TEXT BOOK IN TABULATED FORM, BY Pbopessor BANISTER FLETCHER, F.R.I.B.A. Author of “ The London Building Act, 1894 ”; “ Light and Air,” <£c. FIFTH EDITION, Revised and enlarged with all the most recent cases and additional questions and answers on points of practice, including a chapter on Ecclesiastical Dilapidations, and the Conveyancing Act, 1892. THE BURY and NORWICH POST, published every Monday night for Tuesday morning. Price One Penny. For more than 100 Years the High-class County Newspaper. The BURY and NORWICH POST is the only weekly paper published on Tuesdays circulating in the Agricultural Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, and the Isle of Ely. The BURY and NORWICH POST is published in time for the important markets of Bury St. Edmunds, Ipswich. Norwich, Stowmarket. Sudbury, Halesworth and Harleston, and has a larger postal circulation among , farmers and the capitalist classes than any other weekly ! newspaper in the Eastern Counties. Offices : 19, Abbeygate-street, BURY ST EDMUNDS. B. T. BÄTSF0RD, 94, High Holborn, London. BOBY’S “SIMPLEX HAND SEED DRILLS THOUSAND3 IN USE. Carriage Paid for P.O.O. 10/6 ־ Write for list of other sizes ; Full Ulus-trated Catalogue on application. ADDRESS :— R. BOBY, Ltd., St. Andrew’s Works, BURY St. EDMUNDS.