715 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 29, 1899. Tuesday. _ .. ,. , Those in search of country Properties, residences within easy distance of London were afforded an excellent opportunity to meet their ri-quirements by a sale by Messrs. Hampton and Sons this afternoon. About a dozen first-class freehold houses, situate in various parts of the country, came under the hammer of Mr. W. Roland Peck, who, as usual, officiated in the rostrum on behalf of his firm. A good start was effected by the sale of LiDgwood, a freehold modern residence standing on Hill Brow, East Lias, Hants, with grounds of about eleven acres, for £6,000. Then came the offer of Scot’s Hill, Rickmansworth, which, with two acres, fetched £3,000. But, unfortunately for the auctioneer, this early success was not continued ; lot after lot was offered and withdrawn, the absence of competitition in some instances being quite unaccountable. Among the most important properties left unsold were a house and 25 acres, distinguished as Stoney Ware, Bisham, Bucks, which was bought in at £18,000 ; and the Firs, Frimley, Surrey, 43 acres, bought in at £17,000 when the bidding had reached £14,000. Much success attended the efforts of Mr. Frederick Harman (Messrs. Harman Bros.), who sold, amongst numerous other lots, three freehold shops, Nos. 1, 2 and 8, Wealdstone-terrace, Harrow, together producing £117, in separate lots, for £2,680. A batch of good letting properties, both freehold and leasehold, in Islington, Highbury, Dalston and King’s-cross, was dealt with by Mr. C. W. Davies, of Islington, who was able to transact a large amount of business. It may be mentioned that the Broad ward Hall Estate, Clungunford, Salop, 125 acres, freehold, which was in the hands of Messrs. E. and H. Lumley, attracted only a small company. There was no offer, and the auctioneer, Mr. Cook, bought the property in at £10,000. Wednesday. The demand for properties DUEstateh1״ Was 110^ 80 ver^ Srea^ to-day. Willesden. Chief in importance of those brought forward was a freehold building estate of 50 acres offered by Mr. Frederick Hobson (Messrs. Hobson, Richards and Co.), and described as the Dudding-hill Estate, Willesden. There can be no doubt that this estate is ripe for immediate development, as the large audience sufficiently testified, and as the pleasant character of the district and the unique travelling facilities enjoyed by residents on this estate and in this locality also show. Mr. Walter Hall and Mr. Edwin Evans were among those present. Mr. Hobson called attention to the fact that the vendors were precluded from dealing with the land with a free hand as any surveyor would advise, and thus purchasers were given an opportunity for a profitable resale in plots. The auctioneer considered Willesden one of the most rapidly developing localities around London, land there increasing in value almost daily, whilst the estate was easily reached from both the City and West-end. Houses in the vicinity were let as soon as built. Mentioning the proposed acquisition of Dollis-hill Estite as a public park, Mr. Hobson said it practically overlooked the Dudding-hill Estate, and besides improving its value, would remove from competition a good area of land in the market “The purchaser of this estate to-day,” added the auctioneer, “ will have sufficient margin to give a subscription to the fund,” to which Mr. Evans replied, “ If you will sell it cheap enough we might give the £5,000 required.” There is a frontage of 3.620ft. to Dudding-hill-lane and Station-road, and other existing roads on the estate. A first bid of £20,000 was made, and the property was well competed for up to £29,950, when it was withdrawn. Mr. Hobson, however, sold two freehold cottages and some land in Green-street, Brimsdown, near Enfield, for £200. A capital sale was conducted by Mr. H. Cuthbert Williams (Messrs. Ellis Morris and Co.), who disposed of several well-selected freehold ground rents secured on properties in Fmsbury-park, Upper Holloway and Harringay. Those ground rents, amounting to £104 6s. per annum, on Nos. 293 to 315, Hornsey-road, were sold for £2 820 ; others of £56 per annum on Nos. 323 to 337a, Hornsey-road, for £1,565; JVIems from the ]Wart Monday. Licensed properties, when B-weries offered under the hammer, in-Sale. variably attract a good crowd ; and there was no exception to the rule this afternoon when, at one o’clock, Mr. Peyer, of the firm of Thomas, Peyer and Miles, opened the week’s proceedings by submitting two small and compact brewery properties, such as would suit any private buyer. These were the Fenny Stratford Brewery, Bucks, and the Henlow Brewery, Beds. The former is fitted with 6-quarter steam plant; included in the sale were a 16-quarter freehold malt-house, and nine public and beerhouses, all but one being of freehold tenure. It was stated that the sales exceed £4,500 per annum. At the outset of the competition bids came freely from many guarters. The first offer was £10,000, and at £13,000 the property was in the open market; but the struggle for possession between two intending buyers enabled Mr. Peyer to declare the brewery sold at £14,550. The Henlow concern, which comprises a 5-quarter plant, residence, stabling and grounds, and nine public-houses, with a goodwill represented by beer sales of £3,200 per annum, was bought in in the absence of genuine competition at £15,000. Brewery stocks and shares were also dealt with at this auction. The large company which Land at filled the room occupied by Rcmfcrd. Mr_ j w Kemgley bTd free]j; for a few enclosures of freehold accommodation or building land, situate midway between Romford and Chadwell Heath. £2,200 was given for two plots on the north side of Crow-lane, backing on to the G.E.R. line, and comprising 9a. 2r. 19p., frontage about 1,080ft. ; £2,900 for two enclosures on the south side of Crow-lane, covering 12a. 3r. 37p., and having 1,290ft. frontage ; and £1,000 for an enclosure of meadow or grass land, with a frontage of 50ft., and comprising about 5J acres. Dealing with the estate of the late Miss M. A. Taylor, in the parishes of Stapleford Abbots, Dagenham, and Chigwell, Mr. Kemsley succeeded in realising some excellent prices ; Grove House, Stapleford Abbots, a country residence with farmyard, cottage, and 22a. Or. 20p., let at £50 per annum, fetching £1,350. A freehold residence, known as Red Oaks, with grounds of about two acres, overlooking Theydon Bois village, was sold for £1,600. A number of long-leasehold Bo״MLea־e- y9mi-detaehed residences in Wimbledon. Stanley-road and South park-road, Wimbledon, held for terms of which 84 years are unexpired, each at a ground rent of £10 10s. per annum, and let at £32, were included in a list of very substantial properties dealt with by Mr. C. W. Driver (Messrs. Driver and Co.); offered in pairs they were bought in at £700. Fairmile-park, Cobham, a freehold property of nearly 40 acres, including several villa and other residences, and a beer-house, was withdrawn at £12,000 ; whilst a freehold building site of nearly nine acres, comprising part of Eaton-park, was bought in at £1,600. Mr. J. C. Platt, of Hammersmith, sold two freehold shops and dwelling houses, in Lowfield-street, Dartford, each let on lease at £42 per annum, for £1,930 ; a long-leasehold residence in Lancaster-road, Westbourne-park, let at £60 a year, ground rent £10, for £455 ; two long-leasehold dwelling houses in Ricbford-street, Gold-hawk-road, Hammersmith, together producing £80 12s., ground rent £13, for £410 ; and a freehold house in Savona-street, Battersea-park, let at £28 12s., for £270. Messrs. May and Philpot, who had sold a long-leasehold residence in Gleneagle-road, Streatham, by private treaty, sold a long-leasehold house in Leander-road, Brixton, let at £60 a year, ground rent £10, for f £575 ; but were obliged to withdraw other houses in the same locality. Mr. J. G. Perry, of Brighton, was able to dispose of numerous loDg-leasehold shop and house properties, comprising the second portion of the estate of the late Mrs. M. S. Curtis, at Clapham. The prices realised will be found elsewhere. residence, with stabling, etc., for £760 ; four freehold cottages, Nos. 6, 8, 10 and 12, Hill-street, gross rental £37 14s., for £300 ; a piece of freehold land, Stock Green, containing about two acres, let at £4 4s., for £50 ; a freehold cottage, with orchard adjoining, let at £5, for £125 ; a shop and dwelling house, Inkberrow, let at £36 10s., for £720 ; a field of freehold land, Inkberrow, containing about an acre, for £100 ; and a freehold dwelling house and garden, Dagbail, Astwood Bank, for £185. The solicitor was Mr. Alfred Kerwood, Redditch. YORKSHIRE. On the 18th inst., Messrs. Geo. Tinker and Son offered several lots of local property for sale by auction, at their Mart, Huddersfield. A dwelling house in Oleveland-road, Marsh, No. 31, site containing 434 square yards, and held on lease for 999 years, from May 1, 1836, ground rent £2 15s., sold for £400; another dwelling house, No. 9, St. Andrew’s-road׳, srte containing 284 square yards, held on lease for 999 years, ground rent £4 14s. 8d., for £215. At the Queen Hotel, Huddersfield, on Tuesday, Mr. Booth (Messrs. Eddison, Taylor and Booth) offered for sale by auction the business of Messrs. George Netherwood and Sons, brewers and wine and spirit merchants, Bindley, comprising ■the valuable freehold brewery, with the bottling stores¡, offices, stables, sheds, brewing plant and dwelling houses, at Lindley, together with the freehold beerhouse, Olive Branch, at Lindley ; the Star Inn, Moldgreen (leasehold) ; Waggon and Horses Inn, Bnadford-road (leasehold) ; Butchers’ Arms Inn, Sheep-ridge (leasehold) ; Bridge Inn, Oolne-road (leasehold) ; Smith’s Arms Inn, Castlegate (leasehold) ; a leasehold grocer’s shop with off beer license, 97, Bradford-road ; the interest in a lease for 12¿ years of the Thornhill Arms, Lindley ; and certain dwelling house property in Bradford-road, Bradford-road North, Sheep-ridge, etc. The whole was offered in one lot, and was withdrawn after the bidding had reached £21,750. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. Layoock, Dyson and Laycock. On the 25th instant, at their Salerooms, St. James’s-street, Sheffield, Messrs. W. H. and J. A. Eadon sold a pair of stone-built semidetached residences, with gardens, lawns, etc., Nos. 5 and 7, Victoria-road, held on an 800 years’ lease from 1859, ground rent £19 10s., for £1,820 ; a detached residence, with gardens, etc., 148, Burngreave-road, held on a 99 years’ lease at an annual ground rent of £6 6s., for £540 ; the freehold residence known as the Grange, Sandygate, situated on the main road leading from Sheffield to Redmires, with a garden and four closes of grass land adjoining, for £3,000 ; the freehold residence, with garden and conveniences, No. 160, Duneombe-street, Walkley, let at £16 5s., for £335 ; a freehold dwelling house, with stable, outhouse, paddock and gardens, Yarncliffe, Fulwood Head, containing about an acre, for £230 ; four leasehold dwelling houses, with workshops, etc., Bright-more-street, off St. Philip’s-road, let at a rental of £45 18s. 8d., the ground plot containing 310 square yards, held on an 800 years¡’ lease, ground rent £3 17s. 6d., for £530. The solicitors were Messrs. Bramley and Son, Mr. J. E. Gilson, Messrs. Younge, Wilson and Co., and Messrs. W. Smith and Sons, all of Sheffield. On the 19th instant, at !the Mart, Imperial Chambers, Bowlalley-lane, Hull, Messrs. N. Easton and Son sold a plot of building land m Reynoldson-street, Hull, containing an area of 2,998 square yards, at 5s. 6d. per yard ; a plot of building land in Marshall-street, containing 3,137 square yards, at 5s. Id. per yard : a close of grass land containing about 23,301 square yards, at Is. öjd. per yard; twelve plots of building land in Albert-avenue, each containing about 469g square yards, at 3s. per yard; a detached residence with garden, An-laby, for £470; four cottages, North-street, Anlaby, for £250 ; five cottages, Nos. 1 to 5, Dawson-walk, Anlaby, for £75 ; a freehold house, No. 61, Paisley-street, Walton-atreet, for £200 ; and four houses, Nos. 253, 255, 257 and 259, Waterloo-street, Hull, let at £42, for £705. The solicitors were Messrs. Middlemis and Pearce, Messrs. Crust, Todd, Mills, and Sons, and Mr. Thomas Hart, all of Hull. At the auction mart, No. 2, High-street, Sheffield, on the 25th instant, Messrs. Nicholson, Greaves, Barber, and Hastings sold four freehold houses, Nos. 10, 12, 14 and 16, Marples• street. Heeley, gross rentals £46 16s., for £740 ; and four similar freehold houses, Nos. 18, 20, 22 and 24, Marples-street, gross rentals £46 16s., for £740. The solicitor was Mr. Arthur Neal, Sheffield. On the 24th instant Mr. Charles H. Wardill sold at the Central Auction Mart, Bridlington Quay, two freehold bouses! in St John’s-walk, Bridlington, rental £11 each, for £400. Mr. G. G. O. Sutcliffe was the solicitor. SCOTLAND. At his rooms in George-street, Edinburgh, Mr. A. Dowell lately sold the estate ■of Cardney, about four miles from Dunkeld, Perthshire, comprising a mansion house, with stabling, four lodges, gardens and farm, for £15,050. STAFFORDSHIRE. Messrs. Belcher and Son, of Darlaston and Wednesbury, ׳at the Union Inn, Darlaston, on Monday, sold the manufactory and dwelling house adjoining, No. 126, Mill-street, King’s-hill, Wednesbury, for £550. The biddings for the business premises and bakery in Blockall, Darlaston, failed to reach the reserve fixed, and the property was withdrawn. Mr. Joseph Corbett ¡and Messrs. Slater and Co., of Darlaston, and Mr. Rowland Tildesley, of Willenhall, were the solicitors concerned. WARWICKSHIRE. At his Property Mart, No. 47, The Parade, Leamington Spa, Mr. Walter Collins offered the following freehold properties for sale, on Monday:—A dwelling house, New-street, Kenilworth, ¡sold for £410 ; the residence Ferndale, Adelaide-road, Leamington Spa, withdrawn at £850, was afterwards sold at an increased figure ; a cottage, No. 14, Windsor-place, Leamington Spa, sold for £150 ; and two dwelling houses, Nos. 17 and 19, Newbold-street, Leamington Spa, for £775. At the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, on the 20th instant, Mr. Prank Hadley (of the firm of Hadley and Amphlet) sold a piece of land, West Heath, Northfield, containing about seven acres, for £990 ; a villa residence, known ■as! Perm Bank, Northfield, with adjoining cottage, and about seven acres of turf land, let with the foregoing ¡lot at £42, for £675 : a piece of freehold land, West Heath. Northfield, containing about two acres, let at £5, for £330 ; a freehold ground rent of £4 per annum, secured on shop and dwelling house, Green-lanes, Small Heath, estimated rental £25, for £115 ; and a similar freehold ground rent of £4 per annum, ■on shop and dwelling house adjoining the foregoing, estimated rental £25, for £116. The solicitors were Messrs. Beale and Co., and Mr. Jacob Rowlands, of Birmingham. At the Grand Hotel, Colmore-row, Birmingham, on the 20th instant, Messrs. Grimley and Sons sold a family residence, known as Lauris-dale, Wellington-road, Edgbaston, with stabling. garden, etc., lease 39 years, ground rent £1 13s. 7d.. for £1,150: a freehold residence known as Inglewood, Shirley-road, Blossom-field. with stabling, garden, paddock, etc., for £1,450 ; seven long leasehold houses, Nos. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25, Ellis-street. and No. 31, Gough-street, gross rentals £115 14s., ground rent £15 3s. 4d., for £980 ; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 4 and 6, Port׳ Hope-road, Sparkbrook, gross rentals £39 13s., ground rent £5 10s.. for £455; seven long leasehold houses, No. 2, Port Hope-road, and Nos. 26, 28, 30, 32. 34 and 36, Henley-street, gross rentals £149 10s., ground rent £17 10s., for £1,375 ; five long leasehold houses, Nos. 38, 40. 42. 44, and 46, Henley-street, gross rentals £106 12s., ground rent £12 10s., for £930 ; a long leasehold house, No. 3, Grafton-road‘, Sparkbrook, let at £20 3s., ground rent £3, for £170 ; two long leasehold houses, Nos. 5 and 7, Grafton-road, gross rentals £39 13s., ground rent £5 10s׳., for £400 : a freehold family residence, known as the Elms, Warwick-road, Acock’s-green, for £970; a plot of freehold building land. Warwick-road, Acock’s-green, containing 1,342 square yards, at 3s. Id. per yard; another plot, containing 940 square yards, at 2s. 7d. per yard ; and a plot of freehold building land in St. Bernard’s - road, Olton, containing an area of 1,883 square yards, for £423 13s. 6d. The sale realised a total of £8,631 19s. 8d. The solicitors were Messrs. Johnson and CO., Mr. Alfred Gough, Messrs. Lord and Parker, Messrs. Hargreaves and Heaton, Mr. A. Hodges, Messrs. Ansell and Ashford, and Mr. Edward Westwood, all of Birmingham. WORCESTERSHIRE. Messrs. Frank Everill and Co. held their usual monthly property sale at the Mart, Worcester, on Wednesday evening, when there was a large and representative attendance. A valuable freehold sibop, No. 1, Broad-street, found a ready purchaser at the■ sum of £2,250 ; two villa residences in Somers^road, namely Fern Villa and Northfield Cottage, were quickly disposed ■of for £265 and £267 10s. respectively ; five well-built cottages, Nos. 62 to 66, Moor-street, were sold for £570 ; No. 1, Clevedon-villas, Northwick-road, for £260 ; three cottages in Foundry-alley, for £235 ; two cottages in Crown-street, Droitwich-road, for £245 ; and a piece of building ■land adjoining was sold for £40. Albany Lodge and Paradise House, which were withdrawn at the last sale, have since been disposed of privately. On the 26th instant at the Unicorn Hotel, Redditch, Messrs. Neasom and White sold two enclosures of freehold land, with cottage and garden ■adjoining, Bromsgrove-road, Redditch, containing an area of about six acres, gross rental £32, for £1,170 ; a fully-licensed freehold property, known as the Fleece Inn, Redditch, let at £51, for £2,700 ; five freehold houses, Nos. 47, 49, 51, 53 and 55, Evesham-street, Redditch, gross rental £132, with a piece of freehold building land and a cottage, for £3,550 ; a freehold house, No. 57, Evesham-street, let at £23, for £770 ; a freehold family