April 29, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 714 and dwelling house, with ofi-license for beer, at Oakfield, Cwmbran, ground rent £2, which was withdrawn at £900 ; the freehold farm and gardens, known ׳as the Grove Farm, Llantamam, with several fields, gardens and orchards!, containing in all about 18 acres, sold for £2,010 ; and the long leasehold premises adjoining the Police Station, Cwmbran, comprising a restaurant-, let at £20, a boot shop, let at £13, and a dwelling house let at £18, with adjoining building site, ground rent £7, for £645. The solicitors were Messrs. Morgan, Francis, Stanton and Pain-all, Newport, and Mr. Lewis E. Webb, Pontypool. NORFOLK. At the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, on the 15th inst., Messrs. Spelman sold an occupation farm, Wramplingham, with farmhouse, farm premises, garden, orchard and several enclosures of arable and pasture land, containing in all about 46 acres, quit rents 3s., tithe £12 7s. 6d., land tax £2 18s. 3d., for £1,000; a freehold residence, Roydon, with mill house, stables and other buildings, and a cottage and garden, let at £24 10s., for £415; two freehold cottages, with gardens, Roydon, gross rental £10 8s., for £100; two freehold1 cottages, with gardens, Roydon, gross rental £10 4s., for £90 ; a small farm, known as the Low Farm, Lim-penhoe, with about 43 acres, let at £30, tithe £5 13s. 4d., for £685 ; a freehold dwelling house, Reedham, let at £16, and a double cottage, Jet at £10, for £400 ; and a freehold residence and garden, No. 6, Surrey-street, Norwich, let at £70, and a dwelling house adjoining, let at £10 6s., for £1,810. The solicitors were Mr. W. E. Ripley, Norwich, and Messrs. Long and Gardiner, 8, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.O. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. On the 19th instant, at their Mart, Nottingham, Messrs. Morris and Place sold a freehold residence, called Flora Cottage, Sherwin-road, New Lemton, for £2,425 ; a -fully-licensed freehold inn, known as the Albion, Sherwin-road, New Lenton, ■and three houses adjoining, let at £50, for £3,725 ; two residences, known as Eaton-villas, Nos. 68 and 70. Robin Hood-cha-se, Nottingham, let at £39 9s., for £435 ; two residences, known as Grosvenor-villas, Nos. 72 and 74, Robin- Hood-chase, let at £39 18s., for £430 ; and long leasehold houses, known a.s Rothley-cottages, Nos. 211 and 211a, Wilford-road, Nottingham, gross rental £37 14s., ground rent £9 6s. 8d., for £360. The solicitors were Messrs. Roth era and Sons, -and Messrs. Hunt, Williams and Dickins, Nottingham. SOMERSETSHIRE. At the George Hotel, Chard, on the 25th instant, Messrs׳. W. C. Warren and Son- sold a cottage, orchard ■and garden, Chardleigh-green, Chard, let at £14, -for £175 ; -and two cottages and gardens, known as Crowell, Chard, gross rental £15 12s., for £96. The -solicitors were Messrs. Canning and Kyrke, Chard, and Messrs. Reid and Co., Taunton. At the Clevedon Auction Mart, on the 19th instant, Messrs. James Hoddell and Co. sold No. 7, Herbert-road, Clevedon, a private freehold dwelling house, for £425. SURREY. At the Duke’s Head Hotel, W<on-on-Thames, on the 25th instant, Messrs. Nightingale, Phillips -and Page sold a corner plot of freehold building land, Terrace-road there, with -an area of la. lr., for £305 ; another freehold plot in the same road, with an area of la. 3r. 15p., for £400 ; and a freehold corner site in the same road, with an area of la. 3r. 15p., for £555. The solicitors were Messrs. Murray, Hutchings, Stirling and Murray, London. An interesting sale of gas and water stocks and shares took place at the Cock Hotel, Sutton, on Monday, when Messrs. G. W. Dixon and Co. submitted to auction a portion of the estate of the late Mr. Charles Norringto-n, of Cheam. It is many years -since any shares or stocks in either of the companies named were in the market, and there was a large and influential company present, and -after very s-pirited bidding high prices were realised. £350 Original Stock in׳ the Sutton Water Company, was sold for £930 ; £600 4¿ per cent. Preference Stock, £840 ; 37 Original Shares in the Sutton Gas Company, £906 10s. ; and 20 Additional £10 Share® (7 per cent, maximum), £336. Two small villas and two cottages at Cheam were sold for £960 ; and several plots of land at Worcester Park fetched satisfactory prices. Every lot was sold, the total of the ■sale being over £4,000. SUSSEX. At the Old• Ship Hotel, Brighton, on the 20th instant, Mr. J. G. Perry offered the following local properties-: —The freehold of Nos. 12, 13, 16 and 17, Kingsbury-street, realised £1,525 ; No. 8, Howard-s-treet, freehold, £360 ; No. 58, Preston-street, freehold, let at £71 per annum, £1,570 ; No. 52, Oompto-n-avenue, freehold, rental £48, £740 ; Nos. 8, 9 and 10, Baker-street, held for 55 years at £15 ground rent, and producing £73 4s. a year, £955 ; the leasehold mansion, No. 40, Marine-parade, having 14 years to run at a ground rent of £65, together with the freehold of No. 1, New Steine, £1,115 ; and Nos. 42 to 45, William-street, leasehold for 20J; years, subject to £12 16s. ground rent, £415. gross rental £42, for £675. The solicitors were Messrs. Broad and Rigga-11, and Messrs. Camp an׳d Ellis, Watford. KENT. On the 20th instant, at No36 .׳, High-street, Ramsgate, Messrs. Scarlett and Goldsack s-old the following local properties: —A freehold building site in St. Luke’s-avenue, having a frontage of 83ft., for £160 ; another freehold building -site in St. Luke’s-avenue, with a frontage of 73ft., for £190 ; corner business premises No. 39, Brunswick-street, let at £30, for £440 ; a dwelling house, No. 13, Oamden-square, let at £18, for £300 ; corner freehold business premises, No. 24, Southwo-od-terrace, let at £22, for £300 ; and £100 Consolidated Ordinary Stock of the Isle -of Thanet Gas Company, for £140. The -solicitors were Messrs. O. A. and K. Daniel, Mr. W. A. Hubbard, and Mr. A. B. Burrows, all of Ramsgate. LANCASHIRE. At -the Royal Oak Hotel, Chorley, on the 25th instant, Messrs. Henry Bradley and Son sold the freehold fully-licensed public-house called the Springfield Hotel, Chorley, with dwelling house and cottage adjoining, fox £5,060 ; a fully-licensed public-house known as the Brown Cow Inn, Eccleston, near Chorley, and cottage adjoining, ground rent £2 10s., long leasehold, for £4,000 ; and a farm known -a-s Cockers, with two cottages, Limbrick, near Chorley, for £2,000. The solicitors were Messrs. Stanton and Sons, Chorl-ey. On the 12th instant, a-t his Sale Rooms, No. 47, Fishergate, Preston, Mr. E. J. Reed sold a freehold shop, No. 152, Church-street, Preston, together with the warehouse over and outbuildings -at the rear thereof, for £4,300. At the same place, on the 18th instant, Mr. Reed sold a freehold house, No. 67, Fre-nchwood-sitreet, Preston, ground rent £2 10s,, let at £15 12s., the freehold house and shop, No. 28, Avenham-lane, and the adjoining house, No. 29, Avenham-lane, ground rent £4, let at £39 19s., for £850 ; a freehold house, N-o. 25, Avenh׳am-ro׳ad, Preston, rental £13, for £245 ; three freehold houses, Nos. 5, 6 and 7, Princess-street, ground rent 18s., let at 3s, 9d. per week ■each, for £275 ; a freehold house, N-o. 9, Stanley-street, Preston, let at £14 6s., for £250 ; a freehold house, No. 8, King-street, ground rent £1 9s. 4d., let at £11 4s., for £150 ; two freehold houses and shops, Nos. 10 and 11, and the dwelling house, No. 12, King-street, ground rent £4 8s.., let at £39, for £450 ; -a freehold house, No. 18, La-n-caster-road, let at £13, for £245 ; two freehold houses. Nos. 18 and 19, Oxford-street-, Preston, let at £11 14s. each, for £295 ; a freehold house and sh-op, No. 78, Park-road, ground rent £1 10-s., let at £13, for £195 ; two long -leasehold houses, Nos. 38 and 39, Chaddock-s-treet, Preston, wit-h plot of land, ground -rent- £9 5s.. let at £53, fo-r £1.165 ; seven long leasehold houses, Nos. 18 -to 24, Albert-street, ground rent £4 11s., let at 2s. 8d. per week ea-ch, for £210 ; and an undivided moiety of a freehold plot of land, Back-lane, Preston, for £15. The solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. W. and R. Ascroft, Preston. At a sale recently conducted in Liverpool, Mr. John Hatch offered the Hotel Victoria, Victoria-road, New Brighton, with furniture and appointments, -and land adjoining, making in all an area of 2,190g -square yards, which was withdrawn at 19,600 guineas ; a couple of freehold dwelling houses, N-os. 62 and 64, Victoriar road, Tranmere, let at £39 per year each, were sold for £580. On the 18th instant, at the Albany Galleries, Southport, Mr. John Hatch offered for s-ale the following local properties:—Two dwelling houses, Nos. 28, Bel-mont-street, and 72, T-al-bot-s-t-reet, let at £35 e-ach, ground rent £4 4s. 8d., which were -sold for £820 ; two semi-detached dwelling houses known as! Brampton Villa and Merlin Villa, Nos. 74 and 76, Talbot-street, rent £30 each, ground rent £2 10s. Id., for £685 ; ■two semi-detached dwelling houses, known as Blyt-h-villas, Nos. 78 and 80, Talbot-street, rented at £25 each, for £655 ; -the Hogh-ton Arms Hotel, 90 years’ lease from 1834, apportioned ground rent 16s. 3d., with stabling, workshop, etc., let at £100, was withdrawn at £19,100. Messrs-. Welsby and Smallshaw were the vendor’s solicitors. LEICESTERSHIRE. At the Midland Auction Mart, Leicester, on the 26th instant, Messrs. H. and F. Tarratt and Sons sold two dwelling houses, Nos. 142 and 144, Wh-eat-street, Leicester, gross rental £24 14s., for £315 ; a double-fronted house, No. 52, St. Steph-en’s-road, Leicester, for £350 ; a villa residence, No. 54, St. St-ephenVroad, for £440 ; a double-fronted house, No. 1, Cedar-road, for £320 ; -and ten freehold houses, No. 24, Jo-hn-son-stree-t-, and Noe. 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 23, Hardin-g-street, Leicester, gross rental £120 5s,, for £1,675. The solicitors were Messrs. J. Arnall and Son, Messrs. _ Clarke and Walker, and Messrs. Parsons, Davis -and Bar-low, all of Leicester. MONMOUTHSHIRE. At the King’s Head Hotel, Newport, on the 19th instant, Messrs, Newland, Davis -and Hunt offered for sale -the long leasehold grocery stores area of 4a. 3r. 7p., was withdrawn at £175, but afterwards sold privately for £225 ; freehold meadow and pasture fields, known as Similes- and Long Shinies, Colaton Raleigh, and containing 4a. 2r. lip. and 3r. 37p. respectively, were put up together and withdrawn at £180 ; Clay Park, Colaton Raleigh, a pasture field of 3r. 4p., wa׳s put up at £30 and withdrawn at £50, but wa-s afterwards, together with the 3r. 37p. of pasture, disposed of privately for £110 ; Water Park, a meadow of la. Or. 27p., in Colaton Raleigh Parish, was sold for £70 ; two brick and slated cottages, with gardens, situate at Woodbury, Salterton, were sold for £67 10s-. ; Higher Greendale Farm, Woodbury S־alterto-n, with dwelling house, etc., and 12 acres of land, after very brisk competition, was disno-sed of for £925. Messrs. Daw and Son, Exeter, were the solicitors concerned. At the Half-Moon Hotel, Exeter, on the 7th inst., Messrs. ChuTcher and Gale sold a freehold estate known as Common Moor, Bow, North Devon, with farmhouse and outbuildings, together with about 77 acres of pasture, orchard, and arable land, for £785. ESSEX. At the Horn Hotel, Braintree, on the 19th instant-, Mr. T. H. Newman sold two freehold cottages, Churches-end, Shalford, gross rental £6, for £110 ; two corwhold cottages, gross rental £6, quit rent 8d., fo-r £55 ; -two- cottages, Water Hall-lane, Shalford, gross rental £5 4s., for £50 ; a freehold double tenement, with gardens and bakehouse, next to Hull’s Farm, gros-s rental £5 4s., for £51 ; and a copyhold farm, known as Hull’s, Shalford, with outbuildings, -etc., containing in ■all about 15 acres, quit rent 6s., le-t at £20, for £375. The solicitor was Mr, E. Holmes, Booking. HAMPSHIRE. On April 18, at the Star Chambers, Gosport, Messrs. Llewellyn Puttock and Co. sold N-os. 47, 49 and 51, Melville-road, Forton, let at 3s. 6d. each per week, for £110, £115 and £115 ; and No. 14, Bemister-lane, for £85. Shares in Charles Mumby and Co. fetched 26s. -and 28s. per share ; Old Steam Launch Shares, 84s. and 85s׳. per share; Portsmouth Empire Palace Shares, 55s. 6d. ; and Mora-nt Preference, £5 12s. 6d. On -the 17th instant, at their Sale Rooms, No. 261, Lord-street, 'Southport, Messrs. Bentinck Saul and Co. -sold two ■long leasehold houses. Salford-road, A-insdale, gross rental £39, ground rent £3. for £520 ; a dwelling house, known as Sunn-vside. Salford-roa-d, ״round rent £3 Is. 3d., for £327 10s. ; two long leasehold houses-, Nos. 23 and 25, Lancaster road, Ain-sdale, gross rental £27 6s., ground rent £2, for £320 ; a detached long leasehold residence, known ■as Ellesmere, Grosvenor-road, Birkdale-nark, wa-s- withdrawn at £2,100 ; and a detached long leasehold residence. known- as Beaconsfield. No. 9, Regent-road. Birkda-le. ground rent £10 17s. 2d., was withdrawn -at £800. The- solicitors for the vendors were Messrs. Buck, Dicksons and Cock-shott, Southport, and Mr. J. Labron Johnson, Liverpool. On the 20t.h instant, at the sale rooms, Hanover-buildings, Southampton, Mr. Thomas Miell, inn., sold the following local properties : A dwelling house and business premises. No. 101, Bevois-street, with stabling, etc, for £660 ; a freehold residence known as Wilton House, difford'-streefc, for £41-ci : the adjoining freehold house, known as Tower House, Clifford street, let at £22, for £400 ; a piece of freehold building land, with a frontage of 16ft. to Olifford-street, for £185; a freehold dwelling house. No. 14, Floating-bridge-road, let at £19, for £365 ; three long leasehold houses, known as Linda, St. Hilda, and St. Clives, Lower Lvon-st-reet, Newtown, weeklv rentals 7s. 6d. each, ground rent £12. for £600 ; a long leasehold house, No. 2, Victoria-street, Northam. ground rent £2 5s.. let- at £16 7s., for £160 : four long leasehold houses, Nos. 8. 9, 10 and 11, Victoria-street, Northam. weekly rentals 6s. 3d. each, ground rent £2 5s., for £450: two long leasehold houses, Nos. 12 and 13, Victoria-street, Northam, weekly rentals 6s. 3d. each, ground rent £2 5s., for £290 : a freehold house, No. 1, ■Southsea-villas, Wilton-street. let at £19 10s., for £360; the adjoining freehold house. No. 2, Southsea-villas. let at £19 10s., for £310 : two plots of freehold building land, Wilton-street, for £235 ; four freehold houses. Nos. 26, 27. 28 and 29, York-street, Bevois Town, monthly rentals £1 3s. lOd. each, for £890 ; and a freehold ground rent of £4 15s., secured on the premises known as Nos. 5 and 7, Middle-street, Bevois Town, term 1,000 vears, rack rentals £31 14s., for £127 10s. The solicitor was Mr. R. C. W.i Dixon, Southampton. HERTFORDSHIRE. At the Rose а-nd Crown Hotel, Watford, on the 25t-h instant, Me-s-srs. Humbert and Flint staid tw-o villa residences, Nos. 35 and 37, Regent-street, Callow-land, Watford, gross rental £31 4s., two adjoining freehold residences, Nos. 39 and 41, Regent-street, gross rental £29 18s., and two adjoining freehold residences, Nos. 43 and 45, Regent-street, gross rental £28 12s., for £1,040 ; and two freehold houses, Nos. 16 and 18, Sutton-road, Watford, PRO YIN CIAL PROPERTY SALES. The Editor will feel obliged if Auctioneers and Agents will forward a copy of the particulars of sales in which they are interested MARKED with the prices realised, in order that an accurate record of dealings in Land and House Property may appear in this department. These must reach us by THURSDAY to ensure insertion in the current issue. BEDFORDSHIRE. At the Sugar Loaf Hotel, Dunstable, on the 19th instant, Mr. W. H. Derbyshire (of the firm of J. Cumberland and Sons), in conjunction -with Messrs. J. Hibbard and Sons, of London, offered for sale three freehold plots of building land, each with frontages of 21ft. 2in. to High-street North, Dunstable, which were withdrawn at £295 ; nine freehold cottages, Kensworth, sold for £150 ; and six freehold houses, Cross^-street, Dunstable, gross rentals £50 15s. 8d., for £510. Messrs. Stafford and Rogers held a sale of properties at the Swan Hotel, Bedford, on the 21st instant, with the following results:—-Six houses in Chandos-street and Sadle-rVoourt, producing rentals amounting to £62 16s. 9d., sold for £705 ; four houses in Gladstone-s-treet, producing rentals amounting to £46 10s., for £640 ; two houses in Lit-tledale-st-reet, Kemps-ton, let at £22 2s., for £300 ; -and two similar houses adjoining were -sold at a like price ; a lot adjoining the river -and Holme-street, sold for £580 ; a smal-1 field of pasture land in the parish of Eastcotts, adjoining the Borough Boundary on the Oardington-raad, at 2^d. a foot; two stacks of hay standing on ■the last named lot were sold at £197 10s. The solicitors engaged were Messrs. Jess-opp -and Son, St. PauT-s-square ; Mr. Mark Whyl-ey, Dame Alice-street; and Messrs. Conquest and Clare, Mill-street. At the George Hotel, Bedford, on -the 25th in-stant, Mr. G. C. Walker sold a freehold residence known as Avondale, No. 22, Rothsay-road, Bedford, for £760 ; two freehold residences, Nos. 49 -and 51, Ashbumham-road, for £1,000 ; a plot of freehold land, College-street, Kempst-on, was withdrawn at £350 ; and a freehold residence, No. 13, Alexandra-road, Bedford, was withdrawn at £350. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. On Tuesday Messrs. Harrison and Sons offered to auction on -the premises the well-known licensed house, called the White Hart Hotel, Buckingham, the property of the late Mr Gough, who- acquired it five ye-ars ago for about £3,500. The -house, which occupies a fine central position in the county ■town, was sold to Messrs. J. Hart Bridges and Sons, London, for a client, for £5,125. On the 20th instant, at the Buckingham Arms■, Great Mis-senden, Messrs. Brown an׳d Co. sold a piece of freehold arable land at Pre-st-wood, containing about 58 acres, with farm buildings, etc., for £1,900. The solicitor was Mr. Edward B. Wannop, Chichester. CHESHIRE. Messrs. Brady and Son, -of Manchester and Stockport, at their rooms, Stockport, sold the Bowling Green Inn, M׳arpl׳e, with outbuildings, yard and bow-ling green, and with three cottages adjoining, le-t -at £93 16s., leasehold for 999 years unexpired, ground rent £14 17s. 8d., for £4,420, this being 56 years’ purchase of the rental. DERBYSHIRE. At the mart, Derby, on the 14th inst., Messrs. J and W. Heathcote offered for sale two villa residences, Nos. 29 and 31, North-street, Derby, let at £39 9s., which were withdrawn at £690; Nos. 33 and 35, North-street, rental £39 9s., at £690; three freehold houses, Nos. 26, 27 and 28, Moore-street, Derby, gross rental £42 18s., sold for £665 ; five freehold cottages, Nos. 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Carrington-square, Derby, gross rental £39, were withdrawn at £360; three freehold houses, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Clumber-terrace, Derby, rental £39, sold for £460 ; five freehold houses, Nos. 4 to 8, Clumber-street, rental £65, for £760; five freehold houses, Nos. 9 to 13, Clumber-street, rental £65, for £740; and five freehold houses, Nos. 14 to 18, Clumher-street, rental £65, for £730. On the 14th inst., at the Swan Inn, Idridge-hay, Messrs׳. Peel and Richardson sold three fields of pasture land’, containing in all about seven acres, Maglane, Ireton Wood, Idridge■ hay, let at £16, for £400; and a piece of pasture land, containing about two acres, Ireton Wood, Idridgehay, let at £4 10s., for £133. DEVONSHIRE. Mr. W. S. P. Force, of the firm of S. R. Force and Son, sold by auction, recently, the freehold modern brick-built and slated residence, with gardens, situate and being No. 15, Haldon-road, in the parish of St. David’s, Exeter, for £470. Mr. Percy Whitton, of the firm of Thompson and Whitton, Exeter, conducted an auction at the Half Moon Hotel, on April 14, for the sale of several lots of freehold and long leasehold property. The first lot, a freehold grass field, known as the Lawn, Colaton Raleigh, having an