711 THE ESTATES GAZETTE April 29, 1899. Mile End—84, Bridge-street, ut 75 years, GR £8. R £39 St. George’s East—56 anl 57, St. George’s-street, F, R £119 12s, Bethnal-green—196, Cambridge-road, nt 90 years, GR £10, R £60 STIMSU.N ana SONS, 8, Moorgate-street, E.C., and 2, New Kent-road, S.E. Bermondsey—42, Upper Grange-road, F, MT £38 8s.; 61, Ruey-street, F, WE £32 10s. St. Pancras—Euston-road, etc., FGE’s of £435 15s., reversions in 3 to 30 years South Kensington—46, Emperor’s-gate, F, P St. Leonards-on-Sea—East Ascent, FGE of £35, reversion in 10 years Fulham—Parsons-green-lane, etc., FGE of £15, reversion in 14 years Cold Norton, Essex—16 Plots of Land, F MANSBR1DGE and SAYAGfi, Staines. Staines—Leacrof t־road, Leacroft House, Torrisholme, Craigmar, Eversieigh House, Ingleside, and Plots of Land, F G. BILLINGS, 254, Mare-street, Hackney, and Hackney Station, N.E. Bethnal-green—10, Patriot-square, F, WE £41 12s. Highbury—162, Blackstock-road, ut 72 years, GE £12, EE £60 Hackney—57, Oakfield-road, ut 82 years, GE £7, YE £38; 11, 13 and 15, Chatsworth-road, F, E £169; 83, Clifden-road, F, E £30 Clapton—113 and 115, Clarence-road, ut 80 years, GE £12 12s., E £67 was earnin« the mangle used by the plaintiff Was privileged J FRIDAY, 5.-By Pattiek.and Simpson, at their rooms, 47, BATTAM and CO 17 Hart street BInnnishnrv and should not have been seized; but his Leicester-square, w.C.,at 10O'clock-Engravings, 1AM and CO., 17, Hart-street, Bloomsbury, By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their room*, 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at 1 o’clock— Books, etc., and following day. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189, Oxford-street, W.. at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Wreford and Harding, at their rooms, 44a. Wilton-road, Victoria Station, at 6 30 oclock-Furniture, etc. SATURDAY, 6.—By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s •square, at 1 o’clock—Pictures, etc. North Kensington—Blagrave-road, FGE’s of £499, reversion in 67 years St. Luke’s—Bastwick-street, Freehold Rentals of £270, reversion in 75 years ALDER and WRIGHT, 4, Church-road, Upper Norwood, S E. Norwood—28, Gipsy-hill, F, EE £45 NIGHTINGALE, PHILLIPS and PAGE, Eagle-chambers, Kingston-on-Thames, and Wey-bridge (at the Brown Bear Inn, Hanworth, at 5 o’clock). Hanworth—Freehold Building Land in the Twickenham and1 Sunbur.y ioads W. EYDMANN and SON, 225, High-street, Acton, W- (at the George Hotel, High-street, Acton, at 7 o’clock). Acton—1, Cumberland-park, R £48, F; and 28, Park-road North, L JAMES KELF, Edmonton (at the Swan Hotel, High-cross, Tottenham at 7 o’clock). Tottenham—10 Cottages in Union-row, E £118 10s., L; and 1 and 6, Henrietta-road, St. Ann’s-road, L Edmonton—Freehold Building Land situated in St. Malo-avenue, Town-road BLAKE and t*AttPEc(TER, 45, High-street, Croydon (*t the Greyhound Hotel, Croydon, at 6 o’clock) Mitcham Junction (near)—Freehold Building Estate, comprising about 37 acres, frontage 450ft. to BedUmgton-lane Croydon—Seven Plots of Freehold Building Land, fronting the London and Whitehall roads; 27 Plots of Freehold Building Land, frontage 920ft. to Morland-road; and Building Land situate on the north side of George-street Addiscombe—Evenlode Cottages, Dominion-road, E £135 4s., F FRIDAY 5th. At ONE o’clock. SALES and CLARKE, 11, John-street, Minories, E.C. Shares in various companies At TWO o’clock. TOPLIS and HARDING, 66. Cannon-street, E.C. Esher, Surrey—West End Common, Freehold Farm Buudmgs, cottages, and 6¿ acres Sutton, Surrey—Sherwood-park-road, Camden House, and 3a. 3r. 20p.; also Plot of Land, la. lr. 35p., F MAY and ROWDKN, aa, Maddox-street, Regent-street, W. Ham^tead—4. Strathray-gardens, ut 81 years, GR CLIMESUNand JOHNSON, 59, Bedford-hill, S.W Stockwell—Binfield-road, etc., x«.. s of £17 13s. 4d. Regent’s-park—73, Upper Gloucester-place, GR £21, E £116 Balham—113 and 115, Byrne-road, L, E £64; 26, Streathbourne-road, L MONTAGUE and ROBINSON, 36, Colemm-street, E.C. Southwark—67, 69 and 71, Southwark-bridge-road, F, E £460; and 56 and 58, Southwark-street, F, E £650 Norwood—2, Knight's-hill-road, F, R £100; 220, Nor-wood-road, E, R £70; 3 and 4, Bloom-grove, F, R £28; Station-road', Freehold Building Site, about one acre Croydon—Glouaester-road, PGR of £14 5s., reversion m 69 years High Wycombe, Bucks—Hughenden-road, PGR of £9 reversion in 38 years E. EYANS, 253, Lavender-hill, Clapham-junc- tion, and Earlsfield and Putney, S.W. Putney—41, 43 and 45, Bective-road, F, R 11־ and 13, Bective-road, F, ¥E £ ; 139, Disraeli-road, F; Werter-road, Werter Lodge, R £50; also Norfolk Yilla, Leigham House, 16 and 18, werter-road, GR £7 10s. each, R £45 each Bermondsey—2, Dobb’s-cross-street, and 3 to 5, Upper Mill-court, F Southwark—1 to 8, Lant-place; 1 to 9, 17, 18 and 19. tt ,, Grotto-place; and 1 to 5, Lower Grotto-place, L Holloway—4, Charles-street, L, GR £6, WR £36 8s Lambeth—Lambeth-road1, Freehold Building Site area 2,150ft,., F Leyton—1 to 5, Morley-terrace; and 13 to 25, Bed-ford-terrace, L F. J. BISLEY and SONS, 68 and 80, Union-road, Rotherhithe, S.E., and 63, King William-street, E.C. Bermondsey—151 and 153, Southwark-park-road, ut 25 years, GR £11, R £86 880 ;.־, Rouel-road, ut 35 years, GR £4, WR £29 16s. Rotherhithe—77, 79, 85, 91 and 93, Union-road ut 62 years, GR £52, R £223 10s.; 62, Cranham-road, ut 58 years, GR £8, R £38 WEDNESDAY 3rd. At TWO o’clock. HOBSON, RICHARDS and CO., 79, Ccliman-street, E.C. Holloway—Whistler-street, FGR’s of £191 10s., rerer-sion in 81 years Clapham—174, Clapham-road, ut 44 years; 6, Albert-mews, ut 48 years, GE nil J. BAKER and SON, 4, Quex-road, High-road, Kilburn. N.W. Mile End—Devonshire-street, FGR of £17 10s., rever-sion in ll years BRIANT and *SON, 200, Kennington-park-road, S.E. Southgate—Chase-road, Freehold Building Land1, 7h acres High Barnet—Puller-road, a Plot of Land, frontage 40ft., F Edmonton—Hertford-road, Holly Cottage, F, E £26 Thornton Heath—38, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, Beulah-road, F, E £244; 79 and 81, Parchmore-road, F, E £76; and FGE’s of £33, reversion in 67 years Clapham—20, Portland-place South, ut 21 years, GE £3, E £30 Brixton—44, Pulross-road, ut 66 years, GE £4 15s., EE £32 ALFRED ¿UCHARDS, 18, Finsbury-circus, E.C. and Tottenham, N. Colney Hatch—2 to 7, Dunger-place, F, WR £70 4s. Tottenham—Philip-lane, The Orchard, F, E £68; Ciyde-road, Clyde Lodge, F, P Winchmore-hill—Hoppers-road, Freehold Building Estate, 13J acres Tottenham—412, 414 and 416, High-road, F, WE £98 16s.; also Asplins, Farmliouse and Enclosures, 20a. Or. 32p., E ELLIS and PALMER, 41, Bedford-row, W.C. and East Grinstead. Harlesden—189, High-street, F, EE £70 BAXTER, PAYNE and LfiPPER, 69, King William-street, E.C., Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Bickley—Clarence-coal, Ashgate, and Buckingham, ut 69 years Bromley, Ken1>-Pixfield, and 7£ acres, F Orpington, Kent—North Holme, and 2¿ acres. F St. Mary’s Cray, Kent—Anglesea House, F M. FARADA7 and RODGERS, 77, Chancery-lane, W.C. Enfield—36 and 37, Queen Anne’s-place, F, R £100 each Penge—15, Avington-grove, ut 63 years, GR £8, P G. JACKSON and SON, Hitchin, Baldock and Koyston, Herts- New Barnet—Margaieh-road, Bentinck Lodge, F FORTHCOMING SALES. Sales at the Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. Country Forthcoming Saxes are given else-ABBEEVIATIONS.—F—Freehold. C—Copynoid. L— Leasehold. GE—Ground Rent. IGE—Improved Ground Rent. WR^Weekiy Rent. YE-Yearly Rent. MT—Monthly Tenancy. QT—Quarterly Tenancy. P—Possession. PA—Per Annum. E— Estimated. MAY Honour held that it was, as she her livelihood by means of it. Mr. Davies went on to say that a collier’s mandril was not a privileged implement, where upon his Honour warmly remarked, “ I don’t RESULTS OF AUCTION SALES. Estate Exchange Copyright Report. Results of Sales at tu - Mart, London, except where otherwise stated. 1BBREVIATIONS.—FGR—Freehold Ground Rent. OGR—Copyhold Ground Rent. LGR—Leasehold Ground Rent. IGR—Improved Ground Rent. GR—Ground Rent. R—Rent. F—Freehold. C— Copyhold. ER—Estimated Rental. L—Leasehold, ut—Unexpired Term. pa—Per Annum. ph— Public-house. bh—Beer-house. Shares—Fully paid, unless otherwise stated. MONDAY 1st. At TTVO o’clock. MESSRS. KEMSLEY, Woodford-green, andRom-lora, Essex. Dagenham, Essex—High-road, Home Farm, 62a. 2r. zip., F, it £180: and a mock of Buuaing Land, la. zr. Op., F Rainham, Essex—The South Hall Estate, 167 acres; ujso Biue House Farm, Z2a. 2r. up., F Romford, Essex—Mam-road, f reehold Bunding Land, 7J acres E. JUnhAtvil, 47, Finsbury-circus, E.C. Chelsea—29, Smith-street, F, R £40; 76 to 92 (even), iviariuoroagn-road; 2 to zu (even), Ives-street; 1 to 16 (oaa), 13a and 15a, Green-street, witn u\5 Rose ana Crown, B-h, etc., F, K £593 lzs.; and Jt GE’s ot £60, reversions in 94 and 114 years A. PHlLLlrS, 64, mgh-roau, Kilburn, Hornsey—106, 108 and 110, Inderwick-road, ut 96 years, GR £8 each, E’s £62 eaen; also night mots of Land adjoining, f H. HoLmeo ana oO., 0, moitimer-street, W. maryieDone—102, Bolsoversstreet, ut 31 years, GR £2u; lou, Bolsover-Street, ut 4j years, Gtt £34, , R *.104; 4, Boisover-street, ut 4! years, GR £16, lit £/0; 31, Ridingnouse-street, ut 24 years, GR nzd, r £80; 21, JNoctingnam-street, ut 0 years, GR £20, R £85; 2 ana 3, Upper Maryieoone-street, ut 21 years, Gr £9j, R jj16o; 8, Raradise-piace, ut 60 years, GR £10, R £140 Paddington—14, Unuwortn-street, ut 39 years, GR £lo, ER £90 Clerkenweu—4, Tysoe-street, nt 26 years, GR £35, R £7u King’s-cross—25. Tonbridge-street, ut 7i years, GR £16 16s., R £38 Tottenham-court-road—4, Whitfie'.d-street, F, R £263 10s. Holloway—212 and 221, Brecknock-road, ut 65 years, GR £12 10s., R £96 PRlCKETT and Venables, 7, Bedford-row, W.C. A.htead, Surrey—The Ashtead Brickworks, 10 acres; also The Laurels, Aviemore, and Holmwood, and Bunding Land, about 20 acres, F believe you. The defendant Wilberforee in his evidence denied being the owner of the house which plaintiff had occupied, stating that it belonged to his wife. The other defendant corroborated this, and said that she had not signed any paper authorising him to distrain. He was acting as a rent ^ collector for her. The distraint paper was issued in the name of the defendant Wil-berforce, but that was a mistake which he (Thomas) had made. The distraint was effected by him on the 23rd, a date before all the rent claimed for was actually due. That, he admitted, was also an error on his part. His Honour observed that it was a monstrous thing that such persons should seize the goods of poor, ■wretched people and sell them for such small sums. The whole of the goods of the plaintiff, who appeared to be an industrious woman, had been sold for a trivial sum. The goods had been illegally distrained. Judgment would be given against the defendant Thomas for £10. There was no corroborative evidence to show that Wilberforee was the owner or that he was in collusion with his wife. The action against him therefore failed, but he would not be allowed' costs. Mr. Davies was about to cite some cases when his Honour remarked that he had not been sitting at the Courts in a judicial capacity for so long without knowing what the cases were. If a man had a rusty tool which had been put on one side that could be taken by a bailiff. But an implement not actually in use was not, lie regarded, legally a disused one• The mangle might not have been revolving at the time the bailiff entered, but it had been recently used or used within a reasonable time. His Honour thought the bailiff’s certificate should be cancelled. DEYERELL and HILL, 159, High-road■ Kilburn and Grickiewood (at the Volunteer Hotel High road, Kilburn, at 8 o’clock). ! Kilburn—36, Kenihvorth-road; 42, Kingsley-road; 38, Giengall-road, F; 91 and' 93, Priory-park־ road; and 59, Victoria-road, L Cricklewood—23, 25 and 27, Ash-grove, L F. S. PRIEST, 61, Station road, Miilie3den-junction. and 21■ Liyerpool-street, E.C. (at the Court House. Harlesden. at 7 30 o’clock) , Willesdeu—Freehold Building La-nd, known as the Brent Field Estate, comprising about 41 acres FURNITURE, PICTURES, BOOKS, ETC. MAY. MONDAY, L—By TUESDAY 2nd■ At ONE o’clock. THURSDAY 4th. At ONE o’clock. APRIL. WEDNESDAY 19th- R. and A. G. THOROWGOOD (at New Barnet). New Barnet, Herts—Lancaster-road, Two Plots of Building Land', F .......... 417 J. G. DEAN and CO., 196, High-road, Balham, and Wandsworth-common, S.W. Balham—65 and 67, Sarsfeld-road, F, R £86 Wandsworth—66, Nightingale-lane, ut 82 years, GR £11, R £65; 14, Dorlcate-road, ut 80 years, GR £9, ER £52 At TWO o’clock. A. ALDRIDGE and CO., 79, Park-street, Gros-venor-square, W. Bethnal-green—177, 179, 181 and 183, Brick-lane, and 11, Peter-street, F, WR £345 16s. Finsbury-park—56 to 62 (even), Campbell-road, ut 57 and1 75 years, GR £20, WR £146 5s. Croydon—35 to 45 (odd), Quadrant-road, F, R £186 Norwood—27 to 45 (odd), Whiteley-road, ut 67 years, GR £35, R £350 H. E. FOSTER and CRANFIELD, 6, Poultry, E.C Reversions, Policies, etc. A. PREYOST and SON, 176, Mile End-road, E., ana at Southend. Southend, Essex—The Eastwood Lodge Estate 42 acres, F Mile End—39 to 51 (odd). Carter-street, ut 47 years, GR £21, ER £158; 1 to 3, Morgan-terrace, and 41a, Morgan-street, ut 73 years, GR £12, ER £180; 13, White Horse-lane, F, R £41 12s Rotherhithe—27, 31 and 33, Slough-road, ut 52 years, GR £15, R £90 Old Ford—127a and 129, Parnell-road, F, ER £85 16s Bow—34, Coborn-road, ut 18 years, GR £3, ER £3? Leigh-on-Sea, Essex--Yictoria-road, etc., Three P,o‘s of Land, F Walthamstow—1 to 12, Bishopsgate-cottages, and 4, 6 and 8, Hill-cottages, F, R £290 Stratford—27, 43 and 45, Cullum-street, L C. C. and T. MOORE, 142 and 144, Mile-end-road, E., and 7, Leadenhall-street, E.C. Snaresbrook—Hermon-hill, Ryton House, F, ER £70 Bow—55 and 57, Tredegar-road, E, ER £74■ 129 131 and 133, Fairfoot-road, ut 64 years, GR £3 10s. each, WR £33 16s. each Limehouse—51, Locksley-street, ut 62 years, GR £5. ER £100 Bromley-by-Bow—236 and 238, St. Leonard’s-road, ut 66 years, GR £9, ER £70 Stepney—54, 56 and 58, Cadiz-street, ut 99 years, GR £7 10s., WR £42 18s. E. and A. SWAIM, 26, High-street, Notting-hill, W. West Kensington—33, Charleville-road, ut 77 years, GR £10, P Bayswater—z4, Ladbroke-gardens, P MANSELL and ROWE, 47, Church-road, Upper Norwood, S.E. Norwood—9, 11, 17 and 19, Gipsy-hill, ut 56 years, GR £o9 2s., R £310; 57 to 75 (odd), Rommany-road, F, Wr £22 2s. each At TWO o’clock. J. M. DUNCAN and KIMPTON, 40 and 42, Queen Yictoria-street, E.C., and Westelilf-ou-sea, Essex. Clapton—5, Laura-place, F, ER £60 snepnera's Bush—50, Devonport-roud, ut 54 years, Gi£ £10, Jti! £36 Hackney—7, 8 and 9, New-street, and 6a, Blancliard-street, ut 77 years, GR £20, R £156 10s. Forest-gate—70 and 72, Disrae;i-road, ut 94 years, GR £15, R £94 4s. Brockxey—91 and 93, Brockley-road, ut 32 years Highbury—39 to 45 (odd), Aubert-park, ut 77 years, GR £8 each, R’s £36 to £40 each Grouch End—12, 14, 16, 20 to 30 (even), Palace-road, ut 59 years, GR £8, each, R’s■ £34 and £36 each Tooting—46, 48 and 51, Defoe-road, ut 79 years, GR £15, R £72 16s. F. JOLLY and CO., 66, Leadenhall-street, E.C., and Lower Clapton, N.E. Hackney Downs—172, Amhurst-road, ut 69 years, GR Mile End—129 and 131, Redmans-road, F, R £61 4s.; and 60, Gold-street, F, WR £28 12s.; 21, Copley-street, ut 43 years, GR £4, R £32 10s. Lc-ytonstone—415, High-road, ut 83 years, GR £5 5s., WR £36 8s. D. J. CHATTELL, 29a, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C., and Chistehurst, Kent. Edgware, Middlesex—Whitchurch-lane, a Plot of Land, 3a. Or. 32p., F Peekham—124, Meeting House-lane, ut 77 years, GR £10 10s., R £50 DEBENHAM, TEWSON, FARMER and BRIDGE-WATER, 80, Cheapside, E.C. Marylebone—49 to 55, Union-street, ut 8 years. GR £34 3s. 9d., WT £312 Lower Clapton—London-road, FGR of £15 15s., reversion m 63 years Stoke Newington—Victoria-grove West, IGR of £5 10s.. ut 45 years, GR nil City—Gracechurch-stre’et, One-third Share of a FGR of £450, reversion in 76 years South Kensington—6, Gioucester-terrace, ut 20 years, Gh £5, R £60; 4, Thistle-grove-lane, ut 19* years GR £20, R £34 Westminster—20, Caxton-street, ut 6 years, GR 10s., R £20; 22 and 24, Strutton-ground, ut 7 years’ GR £1, R £120; 69, Great Peter-street, F, R £119; -׳an's Head-court, Two Freehold Building Sites; 2 and 3, Little College-street, ut 4 vears, GR £3, R £60 Notting-hill—Portland-road, FGR’s of £253 8s., reversion in 50 years t? n ' Yf nCiiailes Williams, 16, Philpot-lane, L.G״at 47, HolUnd-road, Kensington, at 1 o’clock — Furniture, etc. Hy Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at th־nr rooms 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at lo’clock-Manu scripts, etc. Hy Phillips, Son and Neale, at their rooms, 73, New Bond-street, W., at 1 o’clock—Bronzes, oil paintings, etc. B7 ־¥narAer*and Marler> 176, Sloane-s*־reet, S.W., at 68 to 80, Oxford-street, W., at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. * By J. C. Stevens, at his rooms, 38, King-street, Coyent-garden, at 12,30 o’clock—Bronzes, coins, etc. ■By,**■ K Hawkings, at his rooms, 30. Lisson-grove, at 2 o clock—Furniture, etc. Hy__ Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms, King-street, St. James’s-squaie, at 1 o’clock— Pictures, drawings, etc. TUESDAY, 2.—By Phillips, Son and Neale, at their rooms, 73. New Bond-street,W., at 1 o’clock—Decorative china, etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms 13, Wellington-street Strand, W.C.. at 1 o’clock— Coins, etc., and following day. By Tooth and Tooth, at their rooms, 187 and 189 Oxford-street, W„ at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc ’ By Messrs. Foster, 51, Pall Mall, S.W.. at 103, Adeliide-road. South Hampstead, N.W. at 1 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Reynolds and Eason, 43, Bishopsgate-street, Without, E.C., at Brenthurst, Tenterden-grove, Finch ley-lane, at 12 o'clock—Furniture, etc. By Christie, Manson and Woods, at their rooms King-street, St. James s-square, at 1 o’clock— Objects of art and decoration, etc. By hdwari H־igh Henry, 63. Higd-street, ClaDham at 380 Kennington road. ,S.E, at 1 o’clock-Furniture. etc., and following day. By Knight and Co., 1, Sussex-place, S.W., at 19 Collingham-place, South Kensington, at 1 o’clock— Furniture, etc. By Rogers chapman and Thomas 78, Gloucester-road, S. W., and 50, Belgrave-road, South Belgravia, S.W.. at 76, Wei beck •street, Oxford-street, W., at 1 0 clock—Furniture, etc. By J. Odell and Co., 6, Gray’s-inn-place, Holborn W.C., at 13, Huron road, Balham, S. W., at 12 o’clock Furniture, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-strtet, St J arums’ s-square, at 1 o’clock—Furniture etc., and foliowing day. WEDNESDAY, 3.—By Tooth and Tooth, 187 and 189 Oxford-s reet, W., at 50 Lower Sbane-street, S.W.’ —Furniture, etc., and following day. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery, 54, Pall-mall, S.W. at 2.30 o'clock—Pictures, drawings, etc. By Chas. Saunders and Sm, 40, Gloucester-road South Kensington, and 150, Fioch ley-road’ Hampstead at 14, South well-gardens, South Kensington, at 2 o’cl ^ck—Furniture, etc., and following day. By Climpson and Johnson 122, High-road. Balham. S. W., at 26, Streathbourne-road, Upper Tooting, at 1 o'clock - Furniture, etc. By W. and F. C. Bonham, 65, Oxford-street, W., and 11,12 and 13. Leicester-street, W.C., at 165, Ken-nington-park-road, S.E, at 1 o’clock-Furniture etc. By Blows and Maltby, Albert - gate - mansions Knightsbr dge, S.W., at 17, Montpelier-square, S.W.! at 2 o’clock—Furniture, etc. THURSDAY", 4— By Grant, Whieldon and Co., 112 Holland-park-avenue, W.. at 108, Lansdowne-road’ Notting-hi 1. at 1 o’clock—t^urnioure, etc. By Sotheby, Wilkinson and Hodge, at their rooms 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C., at 1 o’clock— Books, etc. By Matthews and Matthews, at their rooms, 1, Al-bany-strect, N.W.,at 12 o’clock—Furniture, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, at their rooms, King-stree1׳, St. James s-square, at 1 o’clock—Pictures, etc. By Robinson and Fisher, King-street, Sfc. James’s-square, at 10, Ennismore-gardens, S. W., at 1 o’clock —Furniture, etc , and following day. By Messrs. Foster, at their gallery. 54, Pall Mall, S.W.’ at 1 o’clock—Decorative furniture, etc.