Aîbil 29, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE, 706 ¿è aies t»B Auction. Sales î)g Auction. Sales hj? Auction. Sales ti? Auction. Re M. Med win, deceased.—Freeholds.—By order of the Trustees. on vVednesday, May 3, 1899, at Two o'clock: — * foOUTHGATE.—Tne eligible Building Estate, comprising about 7i acres of Freehold׳ Land, well situate on hign ground, having frontages of 400ft. to Chase-road ana 8001c. to Reservoir-road at tne rear; well adapted for the immediate erection of small villas and cottages, for which there is great demand; also a• ]Nursery, with cottages and greenhouses, in Reservoir-road, having an area of about one acre, now let to a yearly tenant at £15 per annum. HIGH BARNET.—A Piot of Bunding Land, having a frontage of 49ft. to Puller-road, Alston-road, ready for tne erection of two cottages. EDMONTON.—Freehold Dwelling House, known as HoJly Cottage, Hertford-road (close to the station), having a frontage to the High-road of 27ft., and large garden with separate entrance, the whole having an area of nearly half an acre; let on agreement to a laundryman at £26 per annum. THORNTON HEATH.—Villa Residences, with large gardens and without basements, situate within five minutes' walk of the station:— Rent. No. 38, Beulah-road. Let yearly .............£50 No. 42, Beulah-road. Let on agreement ....... 40 No. 44, Beulah-road. Let yearly ............. 40 No. 46, Beulah-road. Let yearly ............ 40 No. 48, Beulah-road. Let on agreement ....... 38 No. 50, Beulah-road. Let yeany ............. 36 No. 79, Parchmore-road. Let yearly ......... 40 No. 81, Parchmore-road. Let yearly ......... 36 Also Freehold! Ground Rents, amounting to £33 per annum, secured on three pairs of villas, Nos. 83 to 93, Parchmore-road, with reversions in 67 years to rentals now estimated at £180 per annum. Particulars, with plans and conditions, of Stephen A. Jones, Esq., solicitor, 19 to 23, Ludgate-hill; and of Messrs. Briant and Son's Auction Offices, 200, Kennington-park-road, S.E. On Wednesday, May 3, 1899, at Two o’clock. TV/rESSBS. BEJAHT and SON will Sell by ■ILL Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.: — CLAPHAM-ROAD.—Baker’s Shop, No. 20, Portland-place South, let on lease at £30; term 21 years, at £3 ground rent.—Messrs. Snell, Sons and Greenip, solicitors, 1 and 2, George-street, Mansion House, E.C. BRIXTON.—Long Leasehold Villa, No. 44, Pu.ross-road׳; six rooms and scullery; rental value £32; term 66 years, at £4 15s. ground rent.—Messrs. Coe, Robinson and Dennes, solicitors, 14, Hart-street, Bloomsbury, W.C. Particulars of above; and of the Auctioneers, 200, Kennington-park-road, S.E. 108, LANSDOWNE-ROAD, NOTTING-HILL.—Furniture and Effects.—On Thursday next. up her school, to Sell by Auction, on the Premises! as above, on Thursday, May 4, at One o’clock, the CONTENTS of the RESIDENCE, comprising iron bedsteads and bedding, the usual appointments of bed and dressing rooms, chimney glasses, girandoles, 6ft. 6in. mahogany sideboard, mahogany dining tables and chairs, school desks and books, antique carved oak furniture, ten pianofortes by well-known makers, few choice engravings, grandfather’s clock, carpets, china, glass, kitchen utensils, and general effects. May be viewed on Wednesday, May 3, and morning of sale. Catalogues of the Auctioneers, 112, Holland-park-avenue, W. ST. JOHN'S WOOD.—Excellent Investment. . ivLonday, May 15, 1899- at Two precisely, the most desirable semi-detached BIJOU PRIVATE RESIDENCE, situate and1 being No. 62, Wellmgion-road, St. John's Wood, N.W., containing four capital bed 100ms, dining and drawing rooms, breakfast room, and good servants’ offices. Held for 20¿ years, and xet at the rent of £65 per annum. May be viewed by permission of tenant. Particulars and conditions of sale had of Messrs. Nisb.it, Daw and Nisbet, solicitors, 35, Lmeoln’s-iun-fieids, W.C.; and at Auctioneer’s Offices, 37, Upper Berkeley-street, Portman-square, W. By order of Executors. TURNHAM-GREEN and Ealing-road, BRENTFORD. TV/TESSRS KING and SON will Sell by -ILL Auction, at the Star and Garter Hotel, Kew Bridge, on Wednesday, May 10, at Seven o’clock, the well-built FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, with garden, stabling, etc., very pleasantly situated opposite the church, and known as No. 13, Heathfieid-terraee, < Turnham-green. Also SIX Long LEASEHOLD HOUSES, known as Kemey-terraee, Ealing-road, Brentford, all let to good tenants. Particulars had of Messrs. King and Son, auctioneers, 239 and 240, High-road, Brentford, S.W. lyTESSKS. BAXTER, PAYNE and LEPPER ILL beg to announce that their Auction Sales of -¿states, Building Land,, Ground Rents, House Property, and all convertible Securities will be held at tne Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following days during the year 1899. Sales will also be held on special dates when required. Wednesday, August 23 Wednesday, September 13 Wednesday, September 20 Wednesday, October 11 Wednesday, November 15 Wednesday, December 6 Wednesday, May 3 Wednesday, May 24 Wednesday, June 14 Wednes lay, June 28 Wednesday, July 12 Wednesday, July 26 Wednesday, August 9 Auction Sales of Furniture, Farming Stock, Growing Crops, Timber, Underwood, etc. Terms on application. Property Register, together with a list of farms, published׳ monthly, and forwarded gratis on application to Messrs. Baxter, Payne and Lepper, land agents, surveyors, valuers and auctioneers, 69, King William-street, E.C., and Bromley and Beckenham, Kent. Dates of Sales for 1899. lyfESSRS. EDWIN FOX and BOUSFIELD •ILL announce for the convenience of their employers that their SALES by AUCTION of LANDED and HOUSE PROPERTY, Ground and Improved Rents, Reversions, Policies of Assurance, Shares, and other Securities will take place during the year 1899, at the Auction Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England, on the following Wednesday¿ in each month: — M.y 3 Tune 7 July 19 Oct. 11 N ov. 15 May 10 June 14 July 26 Oct. 18 Nov. 22 May 17 June 21 Aug. 2 Oct. 25 No\ .29 May 24 June 28 July 5 Nov. 1 Dec. 6 May 31 July 12 ¿ept 20 Nov. 8 Dec. 13 The prices realised at these auctions are not included in the official reports, such quotations being often prejudicial, and never beneficial, to the only parties concerned—buyer and seller. No. 99, Gresham-street, Bank, London, E.C. Telegrams, “ Fox, Bousfield, London.” Telephone | No. 118 Bank. Re Chas. Hopkinson and Sons. THE WO'TTON COURT ESTATE, GLOUCESTER, comprising the fine old Residence, known as Wotton Court, with enclosures of pasture orcharding adjoining, in the occupation of C. G. Clark, Esq.; the Family Residence, known as Hilldrop, in the occupation of Thos. Thorpe, Esq.; Elmbridge Field Farm, in the occupation of Mr. Henry Morgan; together with Enclosures of accommodation Pasture Land, and Six Cottages, the whole embracing an area of 208 acres, having extensive frontages to main roads, forming a most important building estate of rapidly increasing value, in or close to the city of Gloucester, and offering to Building Societies, Land Companies, and Investors, a rare opportunity for the profitable employment of capital, the greater portion of the estate being available for immediate development. MESSRS. BRUTON, KNOWLES and CO. are instructed by Mr. G. Sneath, F.C.A., the Trustee of the Estate of Messrs. Charles Hopkinson and Sons, to Sell by Auction, the above Estate, at the Bell Hotel, Gloucester, on Saturday, May 13, 1899, at Two for Three o’clock in the afternoon, in One or more Lots, as may be determined upon at the time of sale. Particulars and plans may be had of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse and Co., chartered •accountants, 44, Gresham-street, London, E.C.; Messrs. Jerome White-house and Co., solicitors, 32, Walbrook, London, E.C.; or of Messrs. Bruton, Knowles and Co., estate agents and auctioneers, Albion-chambers, Gloucester. Preliminary Announcement. To Capitalists, Land Syndicates, Investors, Speculators, and other®. MR. W. T. BALLS is favoured with instructions from the Representatives of the late James Peto, Esq., to Sell by Auction, at Lowestoft, in the month of July next, an exceedingly valuable and attractive AGRICULTURAL and BUILDING ESTATE, situate in the paris1 es of Kirkley, Pake-field, Carlton Colville, and Gisleham, comprising most compact Farms, with Farmhouses, Agricultural Buildings and Cottages, and about 410 acres, chiefly in hand, of arable and grass land, having highly important building frontages of about 4,000ft. to main roads, and offering, from its proximitj־׳ to Lowestoft, an exceptional opportunity for profitable builc-ing development; also Garden Land, adjoining Kirkley Cemetery, having a building frontage of about 690ft; valuable Grazing Marshes, in the parish of Oulton, containing 119a. 2r. 24p., in hand. The charming Residence, 17, Esplanade, Lowestoft, and the Stabling and Coach-house, at the corner of Victoria-road and Parade-road, South Lowestoft. Particulars and conditions• of sale may be obtained in due course of Messrs. Ellen and Holt, Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth, Vendors'׳ Solicitors; or of the Auctioneer, Lowestoft. MAIDA-VALE, W.—For Occupation or Investment.— A most desirable Leasehold Family Residence, of the estimated value of £90 per annum—With possession. TV/TESSRS. BROAD and WILTSHIRE will ■ILL Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, near the Bank of England, on Tuesday, May 9, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, a LEASEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as 2, (Jlif ton-gar dens, Maida-vale, containing eight bed and dressing rooms, four reception rooms, bath room, and offices. Private grounds in the rear. Term about 50 years. Ground rent £20. Particulars at the Mart; of Messrs. .King, Wigg and Co., solicitors, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 7, Queen-st., Cheapside, E.C. By order of Mortgagee.—BRENTWOOD, ESSEX.— Eight Long Leasehold Houses, clos9 to railway station, all let, and producing at present very inadequate rentals, £166 14s. per annum. Long terms, low ground rents.—In Two Lots. 1WT ESSRS. BROAD and WILTSHIRE will -ILL Beil by Auction, at the Mart., Tokenhouse-yard, ji.u., on Tuesday, May 9, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, Nos. 5 to 12, inclusive, VICTORIA-ROAD, Brentwood, each containing eight rooms and garden. Let to quarterly and weekly tenants at total rentals of £166 14s. per annum, which are open to considerable improvement. Separate leases. Terms 99 years, from 1889. Ground rent only £2 10s. and £3 per house. Particulars at the Mart; at the Essex Arms Hotel, Brentwood; of Messrs. Carter and Bell, solicitors, 6, Ictoi-lane, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 7, Queen-street, Cheapside., E.C. BOW, E.—Close to Coborn-road Station.—Exceptionally weil-built Freehold Manufacturing Premises, with manager’s house and vacant land. Total area over half an acre, of the estimated value of £300 per annum. Witii possession. ־M־EIS!SRS. BROAD and WILTSHIRE will -ILL Bell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, iv.u., on Tuesday, May 9, 1899, at One o’c.ock precisely, those va.uable FREEHOLD MANUFACTURING PRMMIofS, No. 64, Treaegar-road, Bow, comprising a iigiit, lofty factory of three floors, 55׳ft. by 34ft., warehouse and offices, engine and boiler houses and appurtenances, six-roomed׳ detached manager’s nouse, together with vacant land sufficient for large extension or building speculation, the whole containing a total area of 0a. 2r. 14p. Estimated valus £300 per annum. May be viewed. Particulars, plan and conditions of Messrs. Shepheards and Walters, solicitors, 31 and 32, Fmsbury-circus, E.C. ; of Messrs. Shepheards and Bird, solicitors, 23, Young-street, Kensington; at the Mart; or of the Auctioneers, 7, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C. SOUTH DORSET—In the beautiful and healthy Vale of Upwey, two miles from the sea, and four from either Dorchester or Weymouth, in the centre of a good social and sporting district. THE UPWEY MANOR ESTATE, of 300 acres, comprising a quaint stone-bunt Manor House of moderate size, and: in good structural repair, with stabling for four horses, small farmery, pretty gardens, and 10 acres of rich meadow land. The Bijou Residence״ known as Stottingway House., with stabling, cottage, garden and paddock. Also the valuable mixed Farm of Stottingway, containing 284 acres, with farmhouse, two capital ranges of buildings, labourers’ cottages and dairy-house. The whoie being estimated to produce £600 per annum. Possession of the Manor House can be given on completion. MESSRS. -HY. DUKE and SON will Offer for Bale by Auction, at their Property Sale ivooms, Dorchester, on Saturday, May 13, 1899, at 3.30 o'clock, the above valuable FREEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY and Sound Investment. Farticuiars, pian, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Andrews, Son and Huxtable, solicitors״ Dorchester and Weymouth; or of the Auctioneers, Dorchester. EASTBOURNE.—Important Sale of Freehold and Leasehold Properties. MR. J. C. TOW±nER will Sell by Public Auction, at the Auction Mart, 57, Terminus-l oad, Eastbourne, on Thursd'aj7׳, May 4, 1899, at Tnre3 o ciock m tne afternoon, m Lois, the following valuable PROPERTIES : — The Freehold Business! Premises, known as No. 2, Termmus-road, Eastbourne, now used as a high-ciass confectioner's and dining saloons, and having license for wine and beer. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Neve and Beck, solicitors, 21, Lime-street, London, E.C.,; and of the Auctioneer. Tne detached• Residence, known as Buildwas, Hart-fie.d-square, five minutes’ walk from t׳he station. The uetacned Residence, adjoining, known as Court Lodge, Hartfield-square, Eastbourne, to be Sold with possession at Midsummer. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Lee and Pembertons, solicitors, 44, Linco*n’s-inn-field¿, London; and of the Auctioneer. The Long Leasehold Business Premises, known as No. 5, Cornfie:d-road, Eastbourne, let to a high-class florist and fruiterer. Also The Freehold Nursery Garden, known as St. John’s Nursery, Poiegate, four miles׳ from Eastbourne, with certain vineries and buildings thereon, and situate close to the railway station. Plans, particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs. Raper and Ellman, solicitor:, Battle; and of the Auctioneer, 57, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. Auction Sales, 1899. MR. GEORGE BRINSLEY will hold his Monthly AUCTION SALES at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., for the year 1899, on the following days: — Wednesday, Sept. 20th. Wednesday, October 18th. Wedaesday, Nov. 15th. Wednesday, Dee. 13th. Wednesday, M »y 17th. Wednesday, June 21st. Wednesday, July 19 h. Wednesday, August 23rd. Landed Estates, Town and Suburban Houses, Building Land, Ground Rents, Business Premises, Reversions, Shares and other Properties for absolute sale will be included in these sales on reasonable terms, which can be fixed beforehand if so desired. Auction and Survey Offices, 30 and 31, New Bridge-street, Ludgate-circus, London, E.C. Established 1852. Telephone Number 661• Bank. Telegrams, “ Bridging, London.” iyrESSRS. BOYTON, PEGRAM and BUCK- -ILL MASTER, Auctioneers, Surveyors and Estate Agents, of Broadway, Walham-green. SALES BY AUCTION at the Mart•, Tokenhouse-yard, E.O., every month; also local sales, in which all classes of Property can be advantageously included. Also Ground Rents, Reversions, etc., at moderate charges. SALES BY AUCTION of Stocks, Furniture, Shares, etc. ESTATES MANAGED, Rents Collected. VALUATIONS of all kinds Compensation Claims adjusted. BUILDING LAND to Let and advances arranged. \ Mortgages negotiated. Auction Offices as above. SURBITON, SURREY, near the rail and river.—A most comfortable old-fashioned! Freehold semidetached Residence, let at £80 per annum, containing four good reception rooms, all on ground floor, seven bed and dressing rooms, bath room, and excellent roomy domestic offices. Garden in front and rear. A capital investment. TWTEiS'SRS. BROAD and WILTSHIRE will -ILL Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.U., on Tuesday, May 9, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the FREEHOLD RESIDENCE, known as St. Gabriel’s, 11, Claremont-road, Surbiton. Let to a tenant of the highest standing, at £80 per annum. Particulars and) conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart; of Messrs. Boniwell and Co., Estate Offices, Surbiton; of Messrs. Shepheards and Walters, solicitors, 31 and 32, Finsbury-circus, E.C.; of Messrs. Shepheards and Bird, 23. Young-street, Kensington; or of the Auctioneers, 7, Queen-street, Cheapside, E.C SYDENHAM and BROCKLEY. Freehold' and Leasehold Properties. MR. GEORGE PRATT will Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, London, E.C., on Thursday, May 11, at One o’clock, tne following PROPERTIES: — A FREEHOLD GROUND RENT of £33 per annum, secured׳ on The Laurels, Woodside, and Melrose, Mayow-road, Sydenham. THREE FREEHOLD SHOPS, being Nos. 13, 21 and 23, Sydenham-road. Sydenham. Ail let on lease, and producing together £280 per annum. EIGHT FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, being Villa Austria, Travena. Grosvenor Lodge, and Wellesley Lodge, Mayow-road; Elmcroft, Lynton, and Giynde-c-roft, Recreation-road, and Dunolly, 145. Venner-road, Sydenham. All let, and producing together £445 per annum. THREE LEASEHOLD RESIDENCES, being The Laurels, and Melrose, Mayow-road, Sydenham. Both let, and together producing £110 per annum ; ground rent £22 per annum the two. And 204, Brockley-road, Brockley; let at £32 per annum; ground rent £4 ¿0s. TWO FREEHOLD COTTAGES, being Nos. 36 and 38, Coombe-road, Wells-road, Upper Sydenham. Let and producing together £42 18s. per annum. FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND in Tredown-road, and Coombe-road, Sydenham. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of the Auctioneer, Railway-approach, Sydenham. MR. JOSEPH STOWER, Member of the Surveyors’ Institution (for nearly 20 years with the late firm of Farebrother, Ellis, Clark and Go.), begs to announce that his auction sales for the year 1899 of country estates and residences, town houses, business premises, ground rents and other investments, will be held at the Auction Mart, Token-house-yard, E.C., periodically, and at other dates, both in London and1 in the provinces as may be advisable in the interests of his employers. Sales of furniture, farming stock and effects conducted, and) valuations made of every description of property for sale, purchase, estate duty, compensation or other purposes.—43, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. Telephone No.: 1,017 Holborn. BUILDING ESTATE SPECIALIST. MR• W. A. FISHER, 16, Finsbury-circus, E.C., is open to purchase or arrange terms for the development and improvement of land and buildings, and invites correspondence from owners and' others on matters arising out of the sale and purchase of properties. No commission or fees are claimed for work until an exchange of agreements has been effected. MR, F. H. B. RIDDLE, F.S.I., AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR AND ESTATE AGENT 72, PARK-ST, GROSVENOR-SQUARE, W. Late and for many years with Messrs. Trollope as Auctioneer, and Manager of their West Halkin-street Agency Department. All matters of business with which Mr. Riddle may be favoured will receive his careful personal attention. lyTESSRS. GREEN and SON, ILL AUCTIONEERS and SURVEYORS. 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, Beg to announce that their SALES by AUCTION of FREEHOLD, LEASEHOLD, and COPYHOLD PROPERTIES, Ground Rents, Life Policies, and Reversions, take place at the MART on the LAST FRIDAY in the MONTH, ar.d on such other occasions a3 may be arranged.—Particulars are invited 21 days prior. MESSRS. GREEN and SON undertake SURVEYS and VALUATIONS of LAND and FOUSE PROPERTIES, as well as of Machinery and Plant, for Ratings, Compensations Partnerships, Estate Duties, Dilapidations, Assessment Appeals, Fire Losses, Mortgages, and other purposes. Estates managed and rents collected under Receivership and other powers. "TL/T ESSRS. GREEN and Son invite the •ILL attention of persons requiring money on mortgage to their MORTGAGE LIST, founded in the year 1853 (entered at Stationers’ Hall), which contains particulars of sums of money in the hands of trustees and solicitors by whom they are instructed to obtain securities. Auction, Land and Estate Offices, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, E.< ׳. In consequence of a death. SPRING GROVE, ISLEWORTH, MIDDLESEX.— Within nine miles of Hyde-park-corner, and four from Richmond-park and lvew-gardens. The remaining portions of the well-known SPRING GROVE ESTATE. The major part of the property having been covered and occupied by residences of a good character for many years past, leaving these lands, surrounding Osterley-park Station and adjacent to Spring Grove and Isleworth Station, giving access by the District and L. and S. W. Railways, and Waterloo and City Electric Railway by many trains to the City and all parts, and now immediately ripe for the continuation and final development of the Estate. lyTESSRS. GREEN and SON ־will Sell by J-LL Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E C., on Monday, May 8, 1899, at One for Two o’clock precisely, in Lots (unless previously sold as a whole): — 120 ACRES of valuable FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND, being the remaining portions of the well-known Spring Grove Estate. Beautifully situate overlooking Osterley-park (the seat of the Earl of Jersey), with very extensive and VALUABLE BUILDING FRONTAGES to roads drained and sewered, and immediately ripe for the erection of Villa Residences, for which this bracing and healths’־ suburb is eminently suitable. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained of Messrs. Harries, Wilkinson and Raikes, solicitors, 38. Nicholas־]ane, Lombard-street; and of Messrs. Green and Son, auctioneers and surveyors, 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-lane, London, E.C. By order of the Trustees of Mr. Henry Dawkes, deceased.—SOUTH HACKNEY, within five minutes of London-fields. 1yfESSRS. GREEN and SON will Sell by -ILL Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on Monday, May 8, at Two, the FIVE LEASEHOLD HOUSES, Nos. 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Church-crescent, Lauriston-road, South Hackney. Nos. 27, 28, 29 and 30, let to weekly tenants at ...................................£131 6 0 No. 31, let quarterly (tenant paying rates) 20 0 0 £151 6 0 Held for 81 years from 1852 at £9 per annum. Particulars of John Hayward, Esq., solicitor, 57a, Coleman-street; and of the Auctioneers, 28 and 29, St Swithin’s-lane, E.C. In the High Court of Justice.—Chancery Division.— Mr. Justice Kekewich.—Re George Marshall, deed. CAMBRIDGE-PARK, WANSTEAD. Freehold Detached Residence, with Possession. ־M־ ESSRS. GREEN and SON will Sell by -ILL Auction, at the Mart, E.G., on Monday, May 8, at• Two o’clock, the FREEHOLD detached RESIDENCE, known as Cromer Lodge, Oambridge-park, Wamstead, occupying an attractive position in this desirable residential dislrict, situate within ten mnntes’ walk of Leytonstone and Snaresbrook Stations on the Great Eastern Railway, and close to Wanstead Park and golf links. The residence is of substantial construction, and comprises four bed rooms and bath room, front dining room, and drawing room, kitchen, scullery, outside yard, andJ w.o., with coal shed, etc.; also stable with one stall with coach-house; good garden. Particulars! and conditions of sale of Howard C. Morris, Esq., solicitor, 2, Walbrook, E.C.; and of Messrs. Green and Son, auctioneers and surveyors״ 28 and 29, St. Swithin’s-iane, E.C. At the Mart, E.C., on Thursday, May 4, 1899, at One o’clock. lyTE'SSRS. JOHN G. DEAN and CO. will -ILL Sell by Auction, the fo-lowing PROPERTIES: — FREEHOLDS. BALHAM.—65 and 67, Sarsfeld-road. Rental value £50 and &6o respectively. Vacant possession. HOMERTON.—Rock-road. Three valuable Plots of Building Land. To be Sold practically without reserve. LEASEHOLDS. WANDSWORTH COMMON.—66, Nightingale-lane. Rental value £65. Lease 82 years. Ground rent £11. With possession. Also No. 14, Dorlcote-road, facing best part of Common. Rental value £52. Lease 80 years. Ground rent £9. Particulars and conditions of sale from the Solicitors; or from Messrs. John G. Dean and Co., 196, High-road, Baihara, S.W., and 139, St. James’s-road, Wandsworth Common, S.W. (opposite both Stations). Telephone Nos : 33 and' 41 Balham.