April 29, 1899. THE ESTATES GAZETTE 704 *ales fig Auction. Sales fig Auction. Sales fig auction. *ales fig auciton. On Wednesday next.—By order of tlie Trustees of the late Janies Wright, Esq.—To Land Speculators, Brickmakers, Manufacturers, Builders and others. —Valuable Freehold Building Land, known as the Brent Field Estate, comprising about 4a. lr. 28p., situated in Dog-lane, close to Craven and Stone-bridge Parks, Willesden, and within easy reach of the Neasden Station on the Metropolitan Bailway. It is well adapted for the erection of a factory, or of cottage property, while it is believed that the subsoil is a valuable bed! of brick-earth. Possession will be given on completion, which M־־ Wednesday, May 3, 1899, at Seven for 7.30 in the evening. It will be first offered in One Lot; if not sold then, in plots, as shown on plan, with almost free conveyances. Particulars, with plan, may be had at the place of sale; of E. Kemp Taylor, Esq., solicitor, Donning-ton House, Norfolk-street, Strand, W.C.; of T. F. Shaw, Esq.., surveyor, 60, Nicoll-road, Harlesden; or of the Auctioneer, 61, Station-road, Willesden Junction, N.W. By order of the Mortgagee. HARLESDEN.—11 excellent Besidences, offering a high-class and secure investment, while several may be had for occupation. "ly/TR.״ F. S. PRIEST is favoured with instruc-1YL tions to Offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, E.C., on Tuesday, May 16, 1899, at Two o’clock, in Lots, 10 semi-detached VILLA BESIDENCES, situated and being Nos. 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 26 and 32, Connaught-road, Harlesden ; also the commanding detaehed Besidence, known as Bagshot House, situate at the corner of Connaught-road and (Acton-lane; and a Ground Bent of £2 per annum, !secured׳ upon No. 47. Connaught-road, the whole being of the actual and estimated rental value of £522 per annum. Held by leases for about 77 years unexpired, at moderate ground rents. Possession will be given of Bagshot House, and Nos. 21, 23, 25 and 27. Connaught-road. on completion. Particulars may be had at the Mart, E.C. ; of G. M. Saunders, Esq., solicitor, Carlton-chambers, 8, Begent-street, E.C. ; or of the Auctioneer, 61. Station-road, Willesden Junction, N.W., and 21, Liverpool-street, E.C. BALHAM.—The attractive detached Family Besidence, with large garden, No. 131. Bedford-hill. Ba^am. It is of commanding appearance, with Corinthian Porch entrance, well screened from the road and arranged having regard to the comfort of a family, and contains six bed rooms, four reception rooms and offices, in splendid1 decorative condition, and ready for immediate occupation. Bental value £75 per annum. Long lease; moderate ground rent.—Which o’clock.—Solicitor, T. Harley Jones', Esq., 20, Fins-bury-pavement, and1 Harlesden. Particulars of the Auctioneer, as above. HABLESDEN and WESTBOURNE-PARK.—Suitable for occupation or investment. . 1899, at Two o’clock, the following valuable PRO-PEBTIES: — HABLESDEN.—The charming Bijou Besidence, No. 12, Nicoll-road, only six minutes from Willesden Junction Station, containing four bed rooms, bath, three reception rooms, conservatory and well-stocked garden; early possession; rental value £60 per annum: long lease; ground rent £8. WESTBOUBNE-PABK.—The capital Dwelling House No. 33, Great• Western-road, close to the railway station, let to an old tenant at £45 per annum: long lease at £7 per annum; splendid investment.—Solicitors, Messrs. Woodbridge and Sons, Uxbridge, and 7, New-square, W.C. Particulars of the Auctioneer, as above. OCKLEY, SUBBEY, about 2£ miles from Ockley Station, L.B. and S.C. Bailway. eight miles from Dorking, and five miles from Horsham. IX/TESSRS. WHITE and SONS are favoured -IYJ_ with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Bed Lion Hotel, Dorking, on Thursday. May 25, 1899 at Four o’clock, in One Lot, a most desirable small RESIDENTIAL and SPORTING FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as Oakdale, consisting of 131 acres of meadow, arable and woodland. The house, which is well adapted for a hunting and shooting box, is situated in a high position, commanding very extensive views, is surrounded by a good garden, adjoining which is a three-stall stable, coach-house, and harness room, and the compact farm buildings. There is a second homestead, known as Littlebrooks, an old picturesque timbered farmhouse, now occupied as two tenements, also a yard, barn, and cattle sheds. The nroperty for its size affords excellent shooting, and is situated within easy reach of four uacks of fox and stag hounds. The house and buildings are supplied by gravitation with water from an excellent spring on the estate. Particulars, with plans and conditions of sale may be obtained in due course at the nlace of ?ale: at the hote^ in the market towns of Horsham. Guildford, and Dorking: of G. W. Weslev, Esq., solicitor to +lie vendor. West-street. Dorking; and of Messrs. White and Sons, auctioneers, land agents and valuers, Dorking and Leatherhead. WESTCOTT. near Dorking, about 1* miles from Dorking and Station on S.E. Bailway. lyTESSRS. WHITE and SONS are favoured i-T_L with instructions to Sell W Auction, at the Bed Lion Hotel. Dorking. on Thursday. Mav 25 1899. at Four o’clock, in Three Lots, the FBEEHOLD OOUNTBY COTTAGE BESIDENCE. situated facing Westcott Common, standing in grounds of over two acres, known as Hill House containing three reception rooms, seven bed and dressing rooms and servants’ offices; stabling for four horses, coach-house, lofts, etc.; gardener’s and coachman’s cottages, with lawn«, gardens and small paddock, and private approach from the main road. The houses, stabling, cottages and gardens are in the occupation of Lady Florence Blunt, a yearly tenant, under the term« of an exnired agreement at a rental of £92 oer annum, who is under notice to quit, at Michaelmas next. The paddock is let to Mr. Fred Dtoon, who is under notice to emit, at September 29. 1899. with other land, at a rental of £6. +he apportioned rental for the purpose of this sale "hetog £3 per annum, thus making a total rental of £95 per annum. An Enclosure of Meadow Land, comprising about la. Or. Op־, apportioned rental £3 p°r annum: possession at. Michaelmas. 1899. And Five brick-buil+ and slated Freehold Cottages (one used a° wood houses for the other four cottages). sPuaWl near• let to weekly tenants at rentals producing £^3 lls. per annum. Particulars with conditions of sale may he ob-toined in due course at the ptoce of sale; of Me°srs Francis and rvookenden. 3 New-?o״are Tjirc'rin’«-inn. London, W.C.: and of Messrs. White and Sons auctioneers land agents and valuers, Dorking and Leatherhead. Sales for the Year 1899.—Telephone No. 669 Bank-Telegraphic Address, “ Akaber, London.” lyTESSRS. BAKER and SONS beg to an-!.YA nounce that their Sales of LANDED ESTATES, Investments, Town, Suburban and Country Houses. Business Premises, Building Land, Ground Bents, Beversions, Shares and other Properties will be held at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on the following Fridays during the year 1899: — May 5. June 28. September 8. May 12. June 80. September 22. May 19. July 14. October 6. May 26. July 21. October 20. June 9. July 28. November 10. June 16. August 25. November 24. December 8. Auctions can be held on davs besides those above specified—11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. ST. ALBANS, HEBTS.—By order of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division.—Be Webster v. the Cox Thermo Electric Company (Limited).—Excellent Freehold Factory Premises.—With possession. "IX/TE'SSRS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by 1Y1 Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C.. on Friday, May 26, 1899, at Two o’clock precisely, the well-placed and substantially modern-built FAC-TOBY PBEMISES, known as the Cox Thermo Electric Co. (Limited), fronting on the main London road, and abutting on the Midland and Great Northern Bailways, and1 near to the "stations thereon. The premises comprise a detached brick building with large, well-lighted room, general and private offices, strong room, and large store room above. Brick-built and corrugated iron roofed factory, about 48ft. square, two drying rooms, and corrugated iron shed, about 36ft. by 20ft. on brick foundations, internally felted and match boarded. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Lawrance, Waldron and Webster, solicitors, 14, Old Jewry-chambers, E C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. ACTON.—Excellent Investments, producing about £430 per annum. ־lY/TESSRS. BAKER and SON'S will Sell by -1YJ- Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, at Two o’clock precisely, in Five Lots, the capital INVESTMENTS, arising from 12 Villa Besidences, Nos. 1 to 12, Malvern-villas, well situate in the main road to Willesden, close to Acton Station of the G.W. Bailway, and only about 12 minutes from Acton ;Station of the North London Bailway. They each contain two reception rooms, four bed rooms, bath room, and domestic offices, and are all let to good tenants at rents together producing about £430 per annum. Held on leases for unexpired terms of about 70 years at moderate ground rents. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Leslie An till and Arnold, solicitors, 1, Gres-ham-buildings, Basinghall-street, E.C. ; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. Preliminary.—WEALDSTONE. HABBOW. MIDDLESEX.—In the High Court of Justice.—By order of Mr. Justice Barnes.—Capital Shops and Dwelling Houses. ־]X/TESSRK BAKER and SONS will Sell by ■IYL Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday, May 26, 1899. at Two o’clock precisely, in Lots. 12 SHOPS and DWELLING HOUSES, situate and being Nos. 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6, Jubilee-terrace, Peal-road, and Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Queen’s-terrace, Palmerston-road. Wealdstone, close to Harrow Station of the L. and N.W. Bailway, all let. and together producing about £370 per annum. Leasehold for term of about 96 years unexpired1, at low ground rents. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Booke and Sons, solicitors. 45. Lincoln’s־ inn-fields: of John Marshall, Esq., 62. St. Martin’s־ lane. W.C.: of Aubrey Bichardson, Esq., 49a, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, W.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. WEALDSTONE. HABBOW, MIDDLESEX.—Capital Freehold Investments. Tl/TEBSItS. BAKER and SONS will Sell by LYA Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, E.C., on Friday May 26. 1899, at Two o’clock preciseV. in Three Lots, the excellent FBEEHOLD INVESTMENTS. producing about £240 per annum, arising from the 11 dwelling houses, known as Nos. 1, 2 and 3. Cecil-villas, Ceeil-road. Nos. 1, 2. 3 and 4, Canning-villas, Canning-road, and Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Canning-place, Canning-road. Wealdstone. conveniently situate a short distance of Harrow Station of the L. and N.W. Bailway. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had at the Mart, E C.; of Messrs. Booke and Sons, solicitors, 45, Lincoln’s-inn-fields. W.C.; of Messrs. Flad-gite and Co., solicitors, 2. Craig’s-court. Charing-mross: of Messrs. Clarke and Charles estate agents, Peterboroueh-road, Harrow; and of the Auctioneers, 11, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. Herefordshire. Valuable Freeh י׳ И H׳m Farm« in the parishes of Bos-״•יוויז. Tprrineton. Munsley, Pixley and Putley. To be Sold bv Auction bv May Here- ]УГЕ. EDWIN STOOKE on Wednesday, ־־‘-’-L 31. 1899, at the Law Institution. Ea«t-streef,. ford, at Three o’clock punctually, »ubject to conditions Of «al°. LOT 1.—Paun^etord Court, with nine cottages and woodland, containing about 276 acres of which 58 statute 1׳״les are nlanted with h־׳>ps to the oeeunqfi^n of Mr. Thomas Hawkins, at the annual rent of £430. The woodland icj in hand. LOT 2.— Oourt-v-Park Farm, with four good cottages, situate close to Ashnerton Bailwav Station, containing about 201n. 2r. 30p.. of which about 85 statute acros aro ■planted with boos. This is in hand and has been farmed for the owners hv Mr. Hall, of Dormington Court who is one of the urinciual hon growers in the county. The land ia in ftost-cla8s condition. LOT 3.—A Piece of Woodland in the parish of Putley, numbered 22 on •־be Ordnance Map. containing lr. S6p. adjoining the main road from Putlev to Ledbury, and bounded bv lands belonging to Lady Emily Eolev. For r-articuiars and ^lans apply to Mecsrs. McDiarmid and Hill, solicitors, 5. Newman’s-court, Cornhill London, Fi.O,: W. H. C-ater, E«q.. solicitor. Bisbons Waltham, Hants : or to Mr. Stooke, 2, Palace-yard, Hereford. STOCKWELL, BEGENT’S-PABK and BALHAM. pLIMPSON and JOHNSON will Sell by vJ An obi on. at the Mart. E.C... Mav 5. at Two: — STOCKWELL —Improved Ground Bents £17 13«. 4d net per annum, arising from Nos. 22 to 36. Binfield-road. 23 to 41. Lansdown e-road, and 324 to 328, South Lambetb-road. with reversion to a portion of the rook rent«׳. e«timated at £830 per annum. BEGENT’S-PAFK.—No. 73, Upper Gloucester-place -Eight-roomed Hou«e. with «tabling, producing £116 per annum. Ground rent £21. BALHAM.—Nos. 113 and 115. Bvrne-road׳. Eight-roomed Leasehold Villas. Producing £64 per annum. No. 26. Streathbourne-road. Niue-roomed modern Be«idence. Bental value £55. With possession. Particulars of the Auctioneers, 59, Bedford-hill, Balham. CITY OF LONDON (on the borders of), and BBIXTON. MR. PHILIP STOCK has been favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, Bank of England, City, on Tuesday, May 16, 1899, at One o’clock precisely, the following valuable FBEEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PBOPEBTIES: — CLERKENWELL, E.C.—Close to Central Meat Markets, Snow-hill, and Farringdon-street Stations.— Freehold Business Premises, situate and being Nos. 3 and 4, St. John’s-lane, St. John-street, Clerkenwell, E.C.; each let on repairing lease, together producing £90 per annum. The property has a frontage of 30ft. and an average depth of 75ft.; the area therefore comprises about 2,250ft. super., and! at the expiration of the leases affords an exceptional opportunity for the erection of a magnificent freehold building site—E. H. Peach, Esq., solicitor, 10, Bedford-row. By order of the Administratrix of the Estate of Edwin Foster, Esq., deceased. BBIXTON, S.W.—Leasehold Corner Business Premises, occupying a commanding position in good business thoroughfare, and being No. 57, Bailton-road, Brixton, S.W.; estimated rental of £60 per annum; lease 99 years from September 29, 1869, at a ground rent of £8 per annum.—Charles Beatty, Esq., solicitor, 56, Gresham-street, E.C. By order of the Mortgagees. BBIXTON -HILL, S.W.—1Two commodious Leasehold Besidences, standing well hack from the main road, with ornamental lawn in front, and being Nos. 81 and 85, Brixton-hill, S.W., containing four reception rooms, nine bed rooms, and usual offices; let to first-class tenants, and of the estimated׳ rental of £200 per annum, tenants paying rates and taxes: lease 90 years from September 29, 1875, at a ground rent of £25 per annum each.—Messrs. Metcalfe, Birkett and Bowlatt. solicitors, 4, Baymond-build-ings, Gray’s-inn, W.C. By order of the Mortgagees. BBIXTON, S.W.—'Two Leasehold Besidences, situate and being Nos. 33 and 39, Villa-road, just off the main Brixton-road, let to good tenants, producing £85 per annum, tenant paying rates and taxes; lease 95f vears from September 29. 1875, at a ground rent of £10 per annum each.—Solicitors as in preceding advertisement. Plans, particulars and conditions of sale may he obtained of the respective Solicitors; ״at• the Mart; or, with cards to view, of the Auctioneer, at his Auction, Land and Survey Offices, 349. Coldharbour-lane, Brixton, S.W. Telephone No. 395 Hop. Without reserve. IMPORTANT FURNITURE SALE. No.«. 68 to 80, OXFORD-STREET, W.—Six Davs’ Sale of choice antique and modern Furniture, Oriental carpets and rugs, silks, brocatelle, tapestries, lace, etc., in consequence of the business of Messrs. Collinson and! Lock (late Jackson and Graham) having been transferred to Messrs. Gillow and Co. MESSRS. MARLED and MARLED will IVI Sell by Auction, on the Premises, as above, on Monday, May 1, the Four following Days, and on Monday, May 8, 1899, at One o’clock precisely each day, the magnificent collection of ARTISTIC ANTIQUE and MODERN FURNITURE, which includes ash, satin, and Italian walnut, satinwood, oak, rosewood, mahogany, •and enamelled bed chamber suites, an Adams St. Domingo satin and tulipwood bed room suite, an elegant Bachelor’s suite in mahogany, a unique specimen of a Jacobean bog oak four-poster bedstead with canopy, massive brass and other bedsteads, kerb and rail fenders, choice sets of toilet fittings, elegant reception room appointments, including some exceptionally fine examples in show cabinets, bookcases, bureaus, escritoires, pedestal and writing tables׳ of the Chippendale, Sheraton, Louis XIV., XV., XVI., Renaissance, and Empire styles, a fine old Flemish cabinet, inlaid marqueterie and ebonised Portuguese cabinet, with handpainted panels, a Vernis Martin commode chest, occasional tables and chairs, a Louis XVI. carved gilt chaise longue, settees, Louis XIII. open armchair, Hamlet frame ditto, with ram’s head mounts, screens, cheval glasses, two state chairs, two fine cloisonné panels, pair of fine old' cloisonné vases, several old French timepieces, a fine specimen of red deei head! and antlers, a set of Burroughes and Watts’s ivory billiard balls, cues, etc., a few small engravings, etchings, and water colours, fireplace fitments, mantels and overmantels, a massive oak Elizabethan fireplace fitment (12ft. 6in. high by 17ft. 6in. wide), carved oak, walnut, and mahogany sideboards and dinner waggons, a handsome walnut hall settle with arcade canopy, a splendid selection of Turkey, Persian, and other Oriental, also Wilton, Axminster, and Brussels carpets and rugs, fine silks, brocatelles, sUk damask and tapestry, cretonnes, chintzes. Genoa and Utrecht velvets, velveteens, Brussels, Swiss, and other laces, artistic wallpapers, etc., small collection of decorative china, glass, bronzes, and metal ornaments. On view this dav. the 29th inst., and mornings of «ale. Catalogues (6d. each) of the Auctioneers, 176, Sloane-street, Belgravia, S.W. MESSRS. MARLED and MARLER Leg to draw special attention to the very fine SATIN-WOOD EED BOOM and DRAWING BOOM FURNITURE; a Louis XV. kingwood medaille commode chest, a Louis XV. escritoire de roi, a Louis XVI. screen with Vernis Martin panels, a state chair of William IV., a few nieces of handsome old oak nar.elling with caryatid figures in bold relief, the lengths of verv choice silks, brocatelles. tapestries, laoe, etc., which are included in the above sale Auctioneers’ Offices, 176, Sloane-st., Belgravia, S.W. ■MESSRS. JENKINS and SONS will Sell 1Y_L ־bv Auction, at their Auction Mart, adjoining their Offices on Tuesday evening, May 9, 1899, at Seven o’clock, in separate Lots: — DEPTFORD—Nos. 2 to ¿0. Berthou-street, Church-street. 20 well-built Long Leasehold Dwelling Houses, let at rentals of 12s. and 12s. 6d. per week; leases 76 vears: around rents £4 10«. each. Also DEPTFORD —No«. 34 to 68 (even numbers) Milton-court-road. 18 well-built Long Leasehold Dwelling House«, let at 10s. per week. Leases 76 years; ground rents £4 each The nropertle«׳ may be viewed. Particular« and conditions of sale mav be obtained of Messrs. Henrv Gover and1 Son. solicitors. 3. Adelaide־nlac°, London Bridge. F C. ־ and of the Auctioneers, 171, Lewisham High-road, New Cross. ____________ _MrT C7w7 DAVIES Auctioneer, Valuer. Estate Agent, Sc., IS, UPPER STREET. ISLINGTON. Established 1837. SALES BY AUCTION are held periodically at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard. in which Proner-ties can be included at moderate and fived charges. SALES BY AUCTION AT PRIVATE HOUSES, etc., of Fnrniture. Stock, and Miscellaneous Effects. Fstates Manaered and Bents Collected. Valuations for Probate. Transfer and Mortgage Pnrnoses. Mr O W. Davies r]«o undertakes SALES and LFTTTNGS bv Private Treatv. Auction and Estate Offices, 15, Upper-st., Islington. Sales by Auction for the Year 1899. ■jl/TESSRS. JONES, LANG and CO. beg to !Y_L state that their Sales of ESTATES. Town and Country Residences, Freehold and Leasehold Investments, Building Land, and other Properties, will be held at the AUCTION MART, Tokenhouse-yard, City in EACH MONTH of 1899 Particulars of properties intended for disposal should be sent at least three weeks previous to date of sale. Messrs. JONES, LANG and! CO. also undertake sales of household furniture, farming stock, and general personal effects in town or country. Messrs. JONES. LANG and OO.’s printed Tabulated List• of warehouses, offices, and¡ general business premises׳ to be Let or Sold, in the City of London and neighbourhood, can he had free on application. Auction, Survey and Estate Offices, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Branch Offices, 95. Leaden-hall-street, E.O., and1 Lonsdale-chamhers, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. Tel. Add.—“ Wonderment, London.” By order of the Bridge House Estates Committee of the Corporation of the City of London.—To R.ailway Companies, Carriers, Delivery Agents, and others.—Notice of Letting by Auction, for 21 years, of the very commodious Premises, Nos. 25 and 26. Wood-street, occupying a grand position at the junction of that thoroughfare with Gresham-street, and for many years used! for the business of a carrier and forwarding agent, for which they are well adapted. The ground area is very extensive, comprising nearly 4,425ft super. ־MESSES. JONES, LANG and CO. are in-lYl structed by the Bridge House Estates Committee to Offer the above PROPERTY to he Let on Lease for 21 years, at the Mart, E.C., on Friday. May 12, at Two. Particulars, with conditions of letting, can be had at the Mart. E.C.; of E. A. Bayliss, Esq.. Comptroller. Guildhall, E.C.; or of the Auctioneers, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Bv order of the Executors of the late Mrs. Wheeler. — A very excellent Town Mansion, with vacant possession, No. 32. Hvde-park-gardens. occupying an unrivalled position, overlooking Hyde-park. and containing every convenience ?nd accommodation for a family of distinction. There is a capital range of stabling. with coach-house and rooms over, situate in Hyde-park-mews. 1\/TESSRS. JONES, DANG and CO. (in con-1Y1 junction with Messrs. MULLETT. BOOKER and CO ) will Sell by Auction, at• the Mart, E.C.. on Friday. May 12 next, at• Two o’clock, the above most attractive LEASEHOLD TOWN RESIDENCE. Particulars, with conditions of sale, can he had at the Mart, E.C. ; of Messrs. Bundle and Hobrow, solicitors, Portland House, Basinghall-street, E.C. ; of Messrs. MuHett. Booker and Co., estate agents, ATbion-street. Hvde-uark: or of the Auctioneers, 3. King-street, Cheapside, E.C. Sale of a highly valuable Freehold City Ground' Rent of £320 17s. 6dl. per annum, secured upon a Large Block of Property, No. 21. Farringdon-avenue, Farringdon-street. City, covering the extensive area of about 2,250ft. super., and let at rents amounting to about £750 per annum; well ad anted for trust-e.es. MESSRS. JONES, LANG and 00. will Sell 1V1 the above high-class FREEHOLD SECURITY־ at. the Mart, E.C., on Friday, May 12 next, at Two О с.шии.. Particulars of sale can be had of Mes«rs. Kirig and Jenkins, solicitors. 16. Abchurch-lane. E.C.; and of the Auctioneers, 3, King-street, Cheapside, London. E.C. Sale of Three very excellent Leasehold Properties. Farringdon-street. CITY OF LONDON. lyfESSHS. JONES, LANG and CO. will Offer iVJ- for Sale by Auction, on Friday, Mav 12 next, at Two o’clock, at the Mart. E.C.. the THREE following hieh-class Long LEASEHOLD INVESTMENTS. No. 19. Farringdon-avenue. Farringdon-street, Citv. —A modern Block of Warehouse and! Office Property let. and producing £620 per annum. Held for about 74 vears. at a ground rent of £236 4s. No. 21. Farringdon-avenue.—A similar Property, nroducing about £745 uer annum, and held for about 74 vears. at a ground rent of £320 17s. 6d. No. 23. Farringdon-avenue.—A similar Property producing about £527 10s.. and' held for about 74 years, at a ground re^t, of £223 19s. 6d. Particulars, with conditions of sale, can be had׳ at the Mart. EC.: of Messrs. King and Jenkins, solicitor« 16. Abchureh-lane E C : and of the Auctioneers, 3. King-street, Cheapside, E.C. HARROW-ON-THE-FILL.—Last portion of the Bess-borough Estate.—Sale of 36 valuable Freehold Building Plots, within three minutes’ walk of the Metronolitan Station <20 minutes of Baker-street), including nine shon nlots. MESSRS. CLARKE and CHARLES will 1V1 Sell by Auction, at the Boxborougli Hotel. Harrow, on Monday. May 8. 1899. at Sevpn o’clock in the evening. NINE valuable FREEHOLD SHOP PLOTS, being the only available shop plots on the estate, and 25 plots offering grand sites for the erection of private houses, to let at from £30 to £40 per annum, which are in great demand: in this singularly healthy and popular suburb. The plots have a frontage of 20ft. each, or thereabout«, to Vaughan-road, with ample denths. Tithe and land tax free. Free conveyances. Purchase money pav-able bv easy instalments. Unwards of 266 plots have been readily sold on this estate during the la«+, 18 months. , ״ . Plans and narticulars of Messrs. Fi«hers, solicitors Q New-inn. S+rand, W.C.: and of the A^ctiריסeers. ׳p־he Harrow Estate Office- Farrow, and the Weald-stone Estate Offices, Wealdstone. MR. EDWARD WOOD will offer for Sale by Auction, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-vard, E.C., on Friday. Mav 19. at Two o’clock precisely, the following PROPERTIES: — . un-pired. Ground rent. Rental. p. d. £ s. d 97 4 10 0 24 0 0 84 10 ד 0 39 0 0 70 9 0 0 42 0 0 66 15 n 0 50 0 0 61 8 0 0 50 0 0 96 10 0 0 45 0 0 78 9 0 0 50 0 0 10i L7 10 0 148 4 0 27 18 0 0 80 13 6 Situation. 1. Th ornton-road. Levton .. 183. Herries-street, Harrow- road .................... 129. Bailton-road. Herne-hill 4. Wei eh ton-road, Anerley.. 13, Woodvale, Forest-bill .. Randall Lodge. Raynes-park-road. Merton .. 6, Oxford-road, Putney- bridge-road.............. 9 to 15, Dcvonshire-street 01׳i K°nt-road 27, 29. 31 and 33, Bailion-street, New-cross-road .. Particulars and conditions of sale may be had of Messrs. Shaen and Co., 8, Bedford-row; at the Auction Mart•; or of the Auctioneer, at 4, Ludgate-hill, E.C.